Full length pencil drawing of a walking man. How to draw a full-length woman with a pencil? How to draw a woman's body in clothes with a pencil

This method is by no means the best, much less the fastest, but from the point of view of most artists it is correct. He slowly but surely helps you draw a person with a pencil step by step.
At the end of the article you can watch the video About,
This method of drawing is aimed at stimulating the imagination and forming an idea of ​​the human body in three-dimensional space; it is well suited for beginners and for people who are diligent and patient.
Almost all beginning draftsmen begin drawing a human figure from the head, thereby making a serious mistake. And they are quite surprised when, as a result, it turns out that there is no room left on the paper for the feet - this method will save you from such an unpleasant situation.

Let's consider perfect proportions human body:

So head in people tall fits along the length of the body 8 times, in people of average height – 7.5 times, in people of short stature - 6-7 times.
Head fits 2.5 times the length of the body, in leg length – 3-4 times.
Stretched along the body hand should concern mid thigh.
Shoulder width in an adult male it is usually equal two head lengths and more than hip width.
Thigh length corresponds length of the lower leg with the foot, A lower leg - two foot lengths.
Female figure unlike men's, it has a lower average height and shorter limbs.
Hip Width women usually have more shoulder width.
A woman's head is relatively and absolutely smaller than a man's.

Schematic representation of a person:

Every child knows the song from the cartoon "Octopussy": "Stick, stick, cucumber, it turned out to be a little man..."
And don't underestimate this phrase.
Schematic people display very important characteristic- proportions of body parts. And in order to avoid logical discord in our stick-shaped men, it is necessary to comply with the so-called “artistic canon”.
Now let's take a closer look at our sketchy people:

Sketchy Man No. 1
Everyone has drawn such a man at least once in their life.
This is the so-called basic man.
But there's not much you can do about it.
Just practice maintaining the proportions of the head, torso, arms and legs.

Schematic Man No. 2

Here the proportions of the forearm, thigh, lower leg and foot are additionally outlined.

Schematic man No. 3

The perfect stick man!
I'm sure you've hardly seen any child draw a little man exactly like that.
The shoulders and pelvis of this figure already have a certain width.

In order to understand how accurately you observe proportions in your works, draw a few schematic people.
Thus, simply and quickly, without being distracted by details (clothes, hair, etc.), you can assess how well you know the proportions of the human body.
In addition, you can immediately determine whether the figure will fit on the sheet.

I think now you understand how important it is to master proportions. And what an important role in future picture played by sketchy men.

Human Pose:

It's time to revive and make our hero do something. So, before you start working on a character, with the help of schematic drawings you can try out many poses and choose one.
Below are some examples of the stick figures in action.

The picture shows a man walking.
Notice the movement of the hip joints. Typically, the shoulders move in the opposite direction.

A person lies on his side with support on one arm. Thus, the chest “hangs” on the shoulder and the spine, bending, draws a curved line.

In order to draw the human body, you need to know the features of its structure.

The skeleton is the basis

rib cage


Notice the curve of the spine
(to make it easier to see, we won’t draw the hand).

The skeleton can be drawn in a simplified form:

Having an idea about the structural features of the skeleton, moving on to muscle and/or fat , if we get lucky…).
We will use all sorts of shapes to display body parts: cylinders, ellipses, etc.

Now you can clearly evaluate

The whole process from sketching (creating a schematic man) to three-dimensional drawing based on a schematic drawing:

This method will also help you work with details. For example, in drawing the hands and feet:

That's all!
main idea this lesson - the correct foundation is important for drawing.
And to achieve this goal, it is necessary to discard everything unnecessary and present it in schematic form.
And the sketchy people will help you with this!
The main advantage of this method is that you can easily and quickly try on many poses for your character.
Choose the most suitable pose and decide on the composition at the first stage.
This article suitable for those who want to learn how to draw a person in full height or even how to draw with a pencil step by step
Thank you for your attention.

In this article, UchiEto offers to learn how to draw a full-length person with a pencil step by step. The most difficult thing in depicting a person is his face. A real portrait can only be made by real artists who have studied this art for many years. This drawing lesson is intended for beginners, which is why the facial features of a person are drawn schematically, without drawing details.

First, we'll give you a couple of tips. Some people have the habit of drawing with broken lines and then tracing them. Such people need to try to draw lines in one motion and do not need to be afraid that you will make a mistake. When you depict a person on paper, especially if he is in motion, then you must fully see future image, contours of all lines. And yet, the most important thing is not the accuracy of the lines and proportions of the drawing, but the image of the most important, main thing in the image. It is necessary to convey the character of a person, his mood, the expression of his eyes and other features that characterize him.

You can draw a person step by step with a pencil in different ways.

Now let's find out a couple of main stages. Often, when you draw a person, you can see the distortion of his figure. Legs and arms are drawn long or too short, the body is too large, etc. To avoid this, it is necessary to break the entire drawing into sections.

The whole person can be divided into 7 parts. But we do not describe this technique in this article, we will use a different method, but you can try to make such markings so that the person appears proportional.

Initial outlines

So, let's start by drawing a quadrilateral with side proportions of three to four.

Draw a straight line in the center, slightly longer than the longitudinal side of the rectangle. At the top, draw an oval line for the shoulders. And at the bottom of the quadrangle is the outline of the clothing.

We continue to depict a person. We make markings using the circumferences of the knees, collarbone, shoulders, neck and head. First, draw an oval for the head, then an oval for the shoulders and then circles for the knees.

Even a child can do this; do not forget that it is not necessary to observe the exact geometric shapes of the circles, except for the head. The neck and head need to be drawn as accurately as possible.

You can see that most of the lines are drawn rather carelessly. We deliberately did not try to draw them carefully, because we will remove these outlines in the future, and they only serve as temporary guidelines.

We begin to draw the outline of a human figure

At first you will not understand what is required of you. But you need to take a closer look, you only need to draw two circles for the feet and elbows and 2 more lines on the sides of the torso, and then connect them with the outlines of the knees.

We depict arms and legs

Using the circles for the elbows and shoulders that we already have, draw the arms. The hands in this photo are not fully depicted, but you can also add palms. Or you want to have some object in your hands, this is your personal choice. Now let's move on to the legs, the only thing worth paying attention to is the feet. Socks are turned in different directions. At this stage, it is necessary to check the proportions of the torso, legs and arms. If you don't do this, it will be difficult to correct errors in the next steps.

We remove unnecessary contours and the person “comes to life”

To begin with, use an eraser to carefully remove all unnecessary lines; if you hit any necessary line, restore it immediately. This step is the simplest and most interesting, since you don’t need to draw anything, and the person seems to “come to life.” It remains to draw 3 simple details. This is the bottom line of the trousers, the line of the sleeves of the T-shirt and the neckline.

We complete the drawing of a person. Face and clothes

Now draw the clothes along the contours and it is important to depict the head and face in as much detail as possible. When drawing clothes, do not forget that for greater realism the folds on it should be visible. Be sure to create shadows on the clothes in the direction of the light; if the light falls from the right, then you need to draw a shadow on the left.

This drawing of a person is approximate and is intended more for studying his proportions. In this process, it is important to make preliminary markings of the position of the legs, arms, shoulders and head. And then add the remaining details step by step. TeachIt hopes this article helped you.

Video lessons

Hello, dear friends!

Today we will continue the topic of drawing the human figure, and in this lesson we will study proportions. In this lesson we will learn how to learn to draw a person step by step with a full-length pencil. In order for the following information to really be useful to you, I suggest you prepare a sheet of paper and a pencil and immediately draw with me.

First of all, it is necessary to clarify: we will consider, and also learn how to build and draw a figure tall man with ideal academic proportions. The figures of most people have their own characteristics, sometimes very far from the standard ones, nevertheless, they are all interesting and beautiful in their own way. In order to learn how to correctly display in a drawing characteristic features each person's figure is individual, first you need to remember the ratios and proportions in their ideal version.

If you've never drawn full-length people, start simple:

  • First, try to build several proportional skeletons, so that the arms, legs, palms, pelvis, knees and other parts are in place.
  • Next, put the human body on these frames, perhaps in a very simplified version, without muscle relief. You can dress your character in simple clothes.
  • From such a skeleton you can make a man or a woman, a fat or thin person, everything will be in place. Train!
  • If everything works out well, try showing the muscles of your arms, legs, and torso.

The height from the top of the head to the line of the nose is equal to the size of the palm. This is a very important measurement, mark it for yourself, it will come in handy more than once today.

Torso and pelvis

In order to find important key points of the chest and pelvis, we need to note the size of the palm height somewhere in the corner of the drawing; now we especially need it.


In order to correctly draw the human figure, it is important to understand the proportions of the arms, elbows, forearm, collarbone and hand.

These are guidelines that almost always coincide with everyone.


If it is still too difficult to cope with these measurements and proportions, try printing this image with ready-made markings and practice drawing a person according to this scheme.

I hope this makes things easier and helps you.


In this lesson we have dealt with the basic proportions of the human body and after some training you will be able to draw a full-length human figure without preliminary markings, marking only the main landmarks.

How to draw a person? Of course you'll think that's enough difficult task for both beginners and experienced artist, but in fact there is nothing difficult if you do. What is more important is your desire and love for creativity.

Even a child can draw a person. It's quite simple, believe me. If you want to draw not just a person, but a fairy tale hero, you can. Thanks to the method step by step drawing You can easily learn how to draw and.

There are many on the Internet various lessons drawing a person and, of course, everyone chooses what is simpler and clearer to them. Maybe, to the young artist It will be easier to learn how to draw using lines.

But it is best to depict people from life, since in this case it is much easier to maintain all the proportions. But, even if there is no sitter, you can draw a person, if you follow some simple rules.

To draw a person you will need:
1). Paper;
2). Set of colored pencils;
3). Gel pen;
4). Pencil;
5). Eraser.

If everything you need has already been prepared, then you can start depicting a person:
1. Draw vertical line and divide it into eight equal parts. The height of one part is equal to the size of a person’s head;
2. Draw the head and neck;
3. At the level of the fourth segment, draw a horizontal line, the length of which is approximately twice as long as the length of the head. This line represents the widest part of the pelvis. At the top, where the neck ends, draw another horizontal line the same length as the bottom one;
4. Draw two triangles as shown in the figure. Thanks to this, you can determine the waist line;
5. Draw the contours of the body;
6. Draw the arms to the body. In one hand, draw a ball;
7. Draw the legs. The knee joint should be located at the junction of segments 6 and 7;
8. Draw fluffy hair on the girl’s head. Draw the eyes, nose and mouth;
9. Draw clothes, draw details and grass;
10. Trace the outlines with a pen;
11. Remove the sketch with an eraser;
12. Start coloring. First, color the girl's face using nude and pink pencils. Paint your eyes blue, and eyebrows and hair brown and yellow;
13. Color the girl’s arms, legs and clothes, as well as the ball and grass;
14. Shade the background with a blue pencil.
The girl's drawing is completely ready. Using these rules, you can draw a male figure. To color the finished image, you can use not only pencils, but also paints, for example, gouache or watercolor.

I hope the lesson was not difficult for you. Now you probably know.

Draw with pleasure and joy!

See you in the next drawing lessons!

Drawing a full-length person is not so difficult if you do it step by step. main feature here is to respect the proportions of the human body. Now let's move on to the actual drawing steps.

Step 1. Draw the outline of the human body. To do this, draw a rectangle where the aspect ratio is 3:4. Draw a straight line through the center of the figure. The length of the line is slightly more than twice the height of the rectangle. We draw an arc at the top - these will be the human shoulders. We also draw an arc at the bottom of the rectangle - this will be the outline of the future clothing (T-shirt).

Step 2. We mark the remaining parts of the body. We take into account that we are drawing a person in full growth.
First, draw an oval of the head and neck with a pencil. We mark future shoulders and knees in small circles. Don't be overzealous when drawing on at this stage, since we will erase all auxiliary contours in further stages.

Step 3. We continue to draw a person step by step. At this stage we add the contours of the figure, but first we highlight the location of the elbows and feet with circles. Now let's draw sinuous lines along the body with a pencil and smoothly bring them to the knees.

Step 4. In this step we will draw the arms and legs. This process is not complicated, since you just need to draw lines between the corresponding circles. For simplicity, we depict the hands tucked behind the back. The feet are turned in different directions, pay attention to this. Now make sure that the person's body parts look proportional and move on to the next step.

Step 5. Now we remove all unnecessary contours from the sketch. And the drawing of a person is already acquiring more correct features. You should erase extra lines carefully, but there is nothing to worry about if any of the main contours are erased. It can be easily drawn with a pencil again.

To make the stage more complete, we will also draw the neck of the T-shirt, sleeves and part of the trousers at the bottom.

Step 6. Let's move on to the final drawing steps. Now we draw the face and clothes. We talk about how to draw a person’s face in another lesson, so we won’t focus on that here.

For greater realism, you should draw folds on the clothes and add shadows.

Step 7. Add minor details into the drawing and you're done. As you can see, if you draw a person step by step, even a child can do it. Of course, not everything will turn out perfect the first time, but over time the drawings will turn out better and better.

Watch a few more videos with video lessons that show how to draw a person on paper step by step with a pencil. Now you will definitely be able to draw everything.

After reading the lesson, you can try to draw your own person and be sure to write down in the comments what results you achieved.

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