Drawings for Valentine's Day for beginners. A bright collection of congratulations in pictures for Valentine's Day

Children's drawing on Valentine's Day will always be a wonderful surprise for loved one. It can be used as a separate keepsake, to decorate a card, or even to wrap another gift if you apply the design to wrapping paper.

When thinking about what to draw for Valentine's Day, you need to keep in mind that the drawing should be interesting, but not very complex. Therefore, it is better to take a simple element as its basis - for example, a child’s handprint, and with its help create a complete image.

How to draw a beautiful heart with wings (video)

Applique “butterfly with wings”

For example, it’s easy to turn such a print into funny bees and butterflies by gluing hearts made of colored paper or foam cardboard to it.

If the child already owns scissors, he can cut out the hearts himself; if not, help him by making the blanks in advance. Toy eyes add a special charm to this picture.

You can print a whole picture - for example, a charming heart-shaped flower with graceful leaves, a symbol of growing love.

Painting "swans in love" for Valentine's Day

Or swans in love - a symbol of eternal fidelity and devotion to each other. You can give this drawing to your grandparents or parents for Valentine's Day.

Card with heart

It is interesting to make prints not with the whole palm, but with the fingers. The kids really enjoy this process. Simply outline the outline of a design, such as a heart, and paint it with bright, colorful prints.

It is convenient to make prints using pre-prepared stamps. They are easy to make from potatoes or foam rubber.

You can even use a heart-shaped mold as a stamp.

Paper heart for Valentine's Day

It’s even easier to make a stamp from a cardboard insoluble toilet paper roll or paper kitchen towels. Just fold it in half and you’ll get a beautiful heart. These prints can be used to decorate any craft - for example, a large cardboard Valentine.

Drawings for Valentine's Day with an angel

The first option is a cute childish angel. It can be depicted on a greeting card. Let's do pencil sketch according to the sample.

We color the drawing with paints.

The second version of the drawing is more complicated. It is more suitable for a painting or wall hanging. First we make a pencil sketch.

We paint the picture with paints.

Painting "angel"

Even the simplest drawing can lift your spirits, and then an ordinary day will turn into a real holiday.

“Valentine's Day” or “Valentine's Day” has been considered for many years one of the main holidays for those who are in love. Celebrated on February 14th. It takes place in many countries around the world, including Russia. In our country, the holiday is considered one of those that is celebrated by almost everyone. Moreover, this holiday has long had its own traditions, for example, the same Valentines. Also on this day, it is customary to confess your love, give gifts to your significant other, organize feasts, holidays, parties, and so on.

The Valentine's Day holiday is just around the corner. If you want to please the person for whom you have warm feelings, then you should take care of this in advance. Come up with original congratulations, an unusual declaration of love, think about what gift you can buy to please the person for whom your heart has special feelings. Also, do not forget that today almost everyone uses the Internet and social media for communication. A person’s virtual life is just as important as the ordinary one, so if you congratulate a person on Valentine’s Day using the Internet, then, without a doubt, this will count towards you.

To make your congratulations even more beautiful and original, use colorful ones. With such pictures, your words about love will be even more noticeable and memorable. Next you can see a selection of postcards for February 14, which can be used for congratulations and recognition.

Mice are one of the most popular cartoon characters. Remember at least the most popular little mouse in the world - Mickey Mouse and his friend Mini, or mischievous little mouse Jerry, tirelessly tormenting Tom the cat. Drawing a mouse is very easy if you do it in stages.

You will need

  • - pencil;
  • - album sheet.


The ancestor is an ordinary field mouse. To do this, draw two ovals - one in the middle and a small one crossing it to the right and above. The large oval is the body, and the small one is its head. Since the mouse has an elongated muzzle, draw a triangle to the small oval. Overlapping the oval below, draw a circle on the left - this is the rear paw of the mouse visible to us. Draw an arc from this circle through a large oval to a small one, slightly concave where the mouse has a tummy and a more curved, voluminous one where the mouse has a chest.

In this place, draw two unfinished ovals - one large one - this is the base of the front leg, which we can see if we look at it. Draw the mouse's ears on the head. The rear ear will also be visible to us, but only slightly. Draw legs coming from the bases you outlined. Remember that the joints of the mouse are located like those of many that walk on 4 legs - they bend in reverse side. Draw a ponytail; it will be long, slightly wider at the base and very thin towards the end.

Now draw the details - the bases and inner surface of the ears, toes, tail. Draw the eye. It is slightly elongated, the outer corner of the eye is higher, and the lower one is slightly lowered towards the nose. Mark the nose with a small triangle. Draw the mouse's antennae. Erase extra lines

    I think that on a valentine it is best to draw what you feel. Your love for the person to whom the valentine will belong. Everything that is connected with love. Cupid, hearts, bunnies, bears, cats, etc.

    You can draw literally anything on a Valentine's card.

    Depends on who exactly you are going to give it to (boyfriend, girlfriend, sister, brother, parents, teachers, etc.).

    The most popular nowadays, of course, are valentines for your beloved other half. The holiday is Valentine's Day)

    The very first thing you can decorate valentines with is a heart.

    Different sizes, colors and shapes.

    You can also draw a beautiful prankster Cupid with arrows :)

    I previously answered questions about how to draw it:

    1. How to draw a small cupid with a pencil step by step?
    2. How to draw Cupid with arrows of love for Valentine's Day?


    There good examples and photo diagrams :)

    In general, draw whatever your heart desires and whatever your imagination is capable of :)

    Happy belated everyone!

    It’s very easy to draw a Valentine’s card, I asked a similar question here.

    The main attributes are all possible and impossible hearts, Cupid Angels, red-pink flowers and animals with hearts.

    You can color the card with paints, felt-tip pens and crayons; techniques such as quilling, embling and scrapbooking will help to add more volume.

    Go for it and you will succeed ;)

    On Valentine's Day, it is better and customary to draw hearts, doves, and balls on a Valentine's card; all drawings must be in red.

    For any holiday, you can draw flowers on cards (Valentines), but for Valentine's Day you need to draw red roses, a symbol of love.

    Since we do Valentine's Day yourself, besides same, individually for a certain person, then you shouldn’t limit your imagination, because random people are unlikely to see this masterpiece and then will look at you askance)

    You need to start from your relationship (how far it has gone).

    You can draw a bunny with a signature to my Bunny

    You can draw Cupid (Cupid) with the caption I was hit by an arrow

    You can draw your common cartoon, where you are happy lovers with a heart:

    The most commonplace option is a heart:

    Hearts for Valentine's Day are, of course, a hit. To them you can add love birds, fluttering butterflies, a loving couple, a heart with an arrow, kisses. Love gives you wings - so give your Heart wings on Valentine's Day. You don’t have to bother and buy a ready-made Valentine’s card with the design you like.

    On a Valentine's card for Valentine's Day, you can draw pictures symbolizing love. For example, these could be hearts, or angels (cupids), a couple of doves.

    Hearts can be drawn as shown in the picture:

    Here is an example of how to draw a cupid

    You can also draw two cats in love

    Valentine's card expresses tender feelings and declaration of love. It is often made in red and pink colors on a white background.

    It is important to draw roses and hearts, various animals, for example, bear cubs with flowers and a heart in their hands, as well as angels and cupids.

    Let's draw a rose step by step:

    You can do some abstract drawing:

    And here are these cute little animals:

    Drawing depends entirely on imagination, the ability to draw and the desire to convey something along with the drawing. The drawing expresses a message for Valentine's Day.

    In addition to the drawing, a romantic inscription is made.

    Someone will be very pleased to receive a gift in the form of a valentine with a drawing made by themselves. In addition to the drawing, you can also make an application:

    On a Valentine's Day card, in my opinion, it is best to draw some of the symbols of this holiday of all lovers.

    And these are hearts, flowers (roses in particular), doves, cupids with wings and their weapons - bows and arrows, cheerful butterflies, maybe lovers themselves, as well as various cute little animals.

Pictures and postcards named a beautiful word It is customary to give a “Valentine” to your significant other on Valentine’s Day.

It has long become a symbol of the holiday, but few people know that this tradition began back in 1415. It was then that Duke Charles of Orleans sent a note to his beloved wife from captivity. And she began to be considered in all countries of the world as the first real Valentine.

IN modern world couples never cease to please each other with this sweet sign of attention. They put heartfelt congratulations on Valentine's Day and declarations of their feelings in the cards. And a wide variety of types, shapes and colors allows you to choose pictures for Valentine’s Day that most fully reveal and convey the heartfelt feelings of a lover.

Valentines cards with hearts

The heart is the main attribute of holiday gifts for Valentine's Day. After all, it plays an important role in love. Cards are made in the shape of a heart, drawings beautiful pictures with his image. Therefore, it is in incredible demand among almost everyone as a congratulation on Valentine's Day.

Such valentines can not only be given to your loved one, but also installed on your computer as a screensaver. The path on this day is surrounded everywhere by love and festive mood! A bright collection of presented hearts will help you save time looking for a gift.

Cards with wishes

Not everyone can speak beautifully. Sometimes it's hard to choose suitable words to wish something extraordinary for your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband or just a person you feel sympathy for on Valentine's Day.

Therefore, many resort to ready-made pictures, in which poems or prose are already written, making the heart rejoice and beat faster. Beautiful congratulations For Valentine's Day it will be a wonderful addition to any gift.

Pictures with confessions

On Valentine's Day, it is customary not only to congratulate your soul mate, but also to confess your feelings to your loved one. A worthy option for conveying what is hidden in the soul - beautiful pictures with important words.

Such a sign of attention will say everything without words and even over a long distance it is not a hindrance. Valentine cards with warm lines of recognition will once again prove the existence of respect, warmth, care and, of course, love between two loved ones.

Congratulations on the animation

Animated valentines, these are the most beautiful gifts among other Valentine's Day cards. Such pictures always seem alive and pleasantly pleasing to the eye. Everything in them is in motion - cute angels are fussing, hearts are beating in unison, doves are kissing.
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