Drawings with gel pens. How to draw a temporary tattoo with a gel pen, step-by-step tips for beginners, safety precautions, how to do it yourself

Tattoos are a great way to highlight your individuality. In ancient times, people painted colorful designs on themselves to emphasize their importance.

Now the images are on the skin they don’t talk about wildness and many resort to such decorations.

Not everyone has the determination to leave a drawing for a long time. Some consider this step too responsible, for some their official position does not allow this, for others they are afraid of pain.

In addition, removing such a tattoo is quite problematic and expensive. A possible solution is to apply temporary tattoos.

Imaging technology blue or black gel pen allows you to create a design that is as similar as possible to a real tattoo.

At the same time avoiding dangers and providing for the possibility of quick removal.

Compliance with safety precautions, can a tattoo with a pen cause allergies?

With this method of application, the design is simply applied to the skin, it can also be fixed with minor punctures with a thin needle.

Do not be afraid of this, because the shallow depth of impact does not pose a serious danger. Some risks still exist.

To ensure safety rules when performing such a tattoo, the following is required:

  • Shave place of drawing.
  • Process thoroughly area of ​​skin with a disinfectant.
  • Pick up as thin a needle as possible and disinfect it.
  • Use funds personal protection(sterile cotton wool, gloves, etc.).

Regarding a possible allergic reaction, then it is very unlikely, because the needle pierces the skin to a very insignificant depth.

To ensure normal ink transferability, a small area in an inconspicuous place is processed.

If after a while itching appears and the skin turns red, it means that your body does not tolerate this particular paint well and you need to choose other materials, or abandon the idea altogether.

Which design to choose: mini tattoos, images, inscriptions, hieroglyphs. Simple sketches for DIY

Most simple pictures, available for beginners, look like mini tattoos:

  • Hieroglyphs.
  • Small birds.
  • Texts.
  • Ornaments.
  • Simple natural components (leaves, branches).

The tattoo can be a ring on a finger - it looks very interesting.

For simple tattoo application you can use a template. It is first applied to the skin, after which the design is embossed.

Let's look at how to draw a tattoo with a pen. In this case you need to use:

  • Black gel ballpoint pen.
  • Finely sharpened simple pencil.
  • Parchment, tracing paper.
  • Vatu.
  • Scissors.
  • Wet wipes or cloth.
  • Gel or mousse to fix hairstyle.
  • Alcohol-containing liquid.
  • Disinfectant.

First you need to choose or come up with a drawing. For teenagers it could be skulls, cars, cool patterns.

For girls, you can get a tattoo on your arm in the form of small birds, beautiful flowers, or intricate figures. For more respectable men or women, this may be some kind of memorial inscription.

Drawings should be easy to implement. They are designed to reflect the character and emotions of the owner.

If you don’t have enough imagination for the image, you can copy it from the Internet or any magazine.

The picture is selected. Now you should put his sketches on tracing paper or parchment using a sharpened pencil.

Use a gel pen to carefully paint the patterns inside. This must be done very carefully so that the paint does not go beyond the boundaries.

Now the most important thing is to determine the location of the tattoo. If you do it to yourself, it should be in an accessible place, for example, on your leg or wrist. If you have help, you can experiment.

The selected area must be thoroughly treated with alcohol. Now all that’s left to do is take a damp napkin or cloth soaked in heated water and spread it over the tracing paper with the layout.

The fabric is then pressed firmly against the body and held for at least a minute without moving. After this time, a small piece of tracing paper is carefully removed to check whether the drawing has been transferred.

If this does not happen, the cloth must be kept for some more time. If the image brightness is insufficient, you need to apply the top layer with a gel pen.

To make the tattoo last longer and not wear off, it can be fixed using a spray to fix the hairstyle, having previously disinfected the skin. Temporary tattoo is ready.

To apply a long-term tattoo you will need:

  1. Black gel pen.
  2. Needle.
  3. Cotton swabs.
  4. Disinfectant.
  5. Alcohol solution.

Let's look at the order of execution step by step:

  1. A drawing is selected. The place where it is applied is processed.
  2. Image is superimposed in the form of an outline. To do this, you can use tracing paper or a black cosmetic pencil.
  3. The contours must be applied very carefully: In case of any inaccuracies, the edges are erased.
  4. Not everyone can intentionally hurt themselves. For this procedure, you can ask a friend with strong nerves for help.

    The needle is treated with alcohol, then carefully, making small shallow holes, the image is applied step by step. For this purpose, you can use a special machine.

  5. If the procedure is performed for the first time, It is advisable to choose the easiest pattern.
  6. The filled dots are painted over with a gel pen. Wait a couple of minutes and carefully remove excess paint.
  7. The resulting wound is well disinfected. To be sure, you can treat the tattoo with a fixing spray, but this is not necessary. The work is ready.

Important! You should wait several hours: do not wet or rub the treated area.

Over a period of time, a crust may form - do not tear it off under any circumstances, let the wound heal! It’s still better for girls to limit themselves to temporary tattoos.

How long does a drawn tattoo last?

The shelf life of a tattoo depends on the technique used to apply it:

A drawing applied with high-quality paint, in compliance with all requirements, will remain unchanged for a long time.

At what age can children get tattoos with a pen?

According to legislative norms, it is allowed to apply tattoos on the body to children at least 14 years old, and only with the written permission of their parents. This requirement also applies to temporary tattoos.

At the age of 10, you can make small temporary drawings without leaving home.

Federal Guardianship Service pays great attention to the moral character of children, therefore responsibility for breaking the rules rests with the parents.

Useful video

Drawing with gel pens – interesting activity. It does not require any special artistic talents or skills; only perseverance and precision of movements are important. And the drawings turn out interesting.

Drawing theme: “Cat under the stars.” Were planning a simple cat, but looking at the result, they concluded: the cat, of course, is not simple, but fabulous. This drawing is even for a preschooler preparatory group Can't handle it alone. Our cat under the stars was drawn by an adult and a 6.5 year old child. And for schoolchildren, the picture, if performed independently, is quite within their capabilities.

How and on what to draw with gel pens, where to start, you can read in detail in this article. So…

Drawing of a cat with black gel pen

The cat will be black and white, but if desired, it can be easily colored with colored pens or markers.

Sequence of work

1. Draw a simple sketch hard pencil in a thin line, without pressing or leaving a groove on the paper. The pencil is erased after drawing is completed. The sketch shows the main details of the drawing: a sleeping cat, a bird, a tree sprout, the sun and the moon. We'll add stars later. As you can see, all the figures are stylized. Anyone can portray any of them.

2. Outline the main details of the drawing with a black gel pen. The usual sequence is from top to bottom, so as not to smudge undried lines. In our drawing it is broken, since we really wanted to decorate the cat first. This is not important for those who draw in the right-hemisphere way. We simply turned the picture upside down and continued working. The muzzle and paws with claws are drawn. You can come up with whatever patterns you want. The question arose: why are the moon and the sun present at the same time? This is understandable: the country is fabulous. We wanted to draw a tree, but it turned out to be a sprout to reduce the amount of work for the child.

3. We continue to decorate the cat and the tree. The tree will look better if you draw circles instead of dots. Our leaf circles turned out to be small, more like dots, which is what we turned them into.

4. The painting must be limited in space by a frame. We took the simplest zigzag, supplemented with dots inside and outside. We close the corners of the picture with arcs. The artist Dmitry Rybin, who is engaged in “energy” drawing, claims that energy leaves the picture through the corners. Let's draw starry sky. The stars are large, 6-7 rays.

5. In the real sky there are stars of different sizes. We do the same, so we add small stars like snowflakes from three crossed lines. Even smaller stars can be scattered throughout the remaining unoccupied surface. Draw them with dots. Our picture is quite light and transparent. And if you put star dots with a black gel pen, then it will be night without any coloring.

The picture is ready. When drawing with gel pens, you must ensure that even the most small dots and the details did not overlap each other and did not merge. All the irregularities, mistakes that make children's drawing(and not only for children) are less important. They somehow hide behind the quantity small parts. From what seems to be crooked and lopsided, something very cute turns out.

Zentangle, Doodling and Zendoodling drawing techniques.

Let's get acquainted with drawing techniques like Zentangle, Doodling and Zendoodling

I really liked the drawing technique; it is especially good (in my opinion) for those creative people who want to express themselves in drawing, but do not have classical skills.

Here, to achieve success, you need a lot of imagination and creativity and a minimum of drawing techniques, although spatial imagination will still be useful to us. The pictures are unusual and exciting; you can look at them and study them for a long time.

Unfortunately, I didn’t find information about these techniques in Russian, so I translated it from English sources (don’t judge my translation too harshly).

Zentangle small piece art made with a fine-tipped pen and graphite to highlight light and shadow. It is compiled in a certain order. Take a square of watercolor paper and use a pencil to place 4 dots in each corner about half an inch from the border of the paper. Connect these points with a pencil border, which can be either smooth or curved (irregular). Inside the resulting frame, “lines” are drawn with a pencil, the so-called crazy lines. This divides the drawing area into sectors of different sizes and specific profiles. Take a fine fountain pen and fill the shape with a variety of repeating patterns. Once you've filled in the gaps, the pencil lines are erased and then shading is added to give the Zentangle shape.

If your drawing doesn't follow these guidelines, then it's not a Zentangle. Zentangle is an abstract design and can be viewed from any angle. If it has a recognizable image, such as a face or eyes or an animal, it is not Zentangle. However, it may well be stylized Zentangle or ZIA.

Doodle (translated as scribble) is a focused drawing made while a person's attention is occupied with something else. Doodles - simple drawings, which may have concrete representational meanings or may simply be abstract forms.

Stereotypical examples of drawing are found in school notebooks, often in the margins, made by students when they are daydreaming or losing interest during class. Other common examples of painting done over long periods of time telephone conversations, if you have a pen and paper at hand.

Popular types include cartoon versions, images of teachers or schoolmates, famous television or comic characters, fictional creatures, landscapes, geometric figures and patterns, textures, banners with legends and animation scenes made in sequence on various pages of a book or laptop.

Zendoodling is a hybrid of Zentangle art with Doodling. Zendoodles often free form and has an abstract look sometimes with splashes of color.

It is not strictly called Zentangling because it does not use the "line" method, nor does it require black and white execution.
Zendoodles are created using black ink on any type of colored background, not necessarily white paper. The use of watercolors, pencils, chalk, markers, etc. is also allowed. at your discretion.

Remember school years Well, who hasn’t sinned by sketching something arbitrary on the back page of a notebook during a boring lesson. And if available artistic abilities, this activity fascinated me and was expressed in sketches of reality, caricatures and caricatures of my friends or teachers, funny pictures and so on. Funny, but nothing more.

If we turn to classical methods drawing, the ballpoint pen has never been considered a tool for creating drawings. And as it turned out, it was in vain. Contemporary artists who freed their consciousness from stereotypes, using ballpoint pens, achieve amazing effects. The pictures come out rich in color, volume, living texture. Some of them resemble photographs when executed, others are similar to computer graphics highest quality, there are also those that look like an engraving.

Of course, to get such images you need to have talent and skills in working with a ballpoint pen. But you always need to start somewhere and try. Moreover, ballpoint pens in modern office supplies have acquired many new properties, you can choose pens with different thicknesses of the drawn line, various color shades have appeared in a fairly rich palette, the quality of the ballpoints in the refills allows you to draw without blots and unmarked areas.

To draw, you need to choose a good ballpoint pen that will not stain, that is, will release ink evenly from the refill. If the desired drawing should consist of lines of equal brightness and almost indistinguishable width, then use a gel pen. If you need halftones and the ability to vary the color intensity, then it is better to choose a ballpoint pen with regular ink.

When using a self-writing pen (that’s what a ballpoint pen was called when it was first invented) for drawing, keep in mind that ink consumption will be more intense than when writing, which means you need to prepare extra pens. One painting can use 3 to 4 standard ink refills.

And the most important thing. An ink pen, unlike a pencil, does not allow mistakes; all strokes, lines and dots must be applied confidently and accurately, because the ink on the paper remains forever and cannot be corrected.

In addition, when using a ballpoint pen for drawing, you need to be extremely careful: the ink does not dry immediately, so if you accidentally press your palm or finger into fresh lines, it is easy to smudge them or leave your mark. Not such a simple technology as it seemed in school lessons.

Now let’s look at the masterpieces produced by masters who are fluent in this technique.

English artist Andrea Joseph draws directly on notebook sheets, which is very reminiscent of school creativity and sketches for cartoons or children's books.

Lucas Salgado from the Argentine city of Santa Fe draws his girls with a ballpoint pen without any special art education. This is what talent means, which can manifest itself even from simple ink lines.

Samuel Silva, a lawyer from Portugal, draws colorful ballon pictures of incredible realism and vividness that reflect not only all the shades of nature, light and shadow, the entire universe, but also all shades of emotion, volume and shape as if they were bright, accurate color photographs.

Abadidabou Sarah Esteje, a French artist who is a designer by profession and enjoys photography, creates stunningly realistic animal pictures using a blue ballpoint pen. Portraits also appeared among her works.

Juan Francisco Casas Ruiz spanish artist Born in La Carolina, Juan has a professional art education. One day he took an ordinary blue ballpoint pen and sketched a comic portrait in ink. This activity fascinated the young Spaniard so much that he created dozens of sketches of people in shades of blue ink, which in terms of the accuracy of their depiction of nature cannot be distinguished from photographs. Among these sketches there are many sensual and even erotic images of girls who happily become models for the original artist.

Chinese artist Zhuge Qingjia also draws only with a ballpoint pen, carefully drawing even the smallest details.

Tim Jeffs, a remarkable animal artist from the United States of America, depicts portraits of animals on paper, painted in the finest detail, and uses a ballpoint pen and black ink.

Extraordinary creativity, which can be classified as graphic realism, has enough followers and admirers and cannot but attract attention.

We are used to painting in black and white... Perhaps that is why white drawing on black or colored paper it looks especially impressive: breaking patterns and impressing. Although the same drawing, in black and white, will not seem as striking.

I fell in love with painting with white paints on a black background as a child. And thus she “hacked” a couple of drawing competitions - this decision was so unexpected for the audience. And now - when I got carried away - I prefer unusual combinations when choosing colors :)

Mandala gold on black:

Doodling silver on red

Zentangle white and black on orange:

But the most impressive thing still remains White color on a black background - regardless of whether you draw mandalas, zentangles or are just learning:

Today I have 4 white pens in my “arsenal”. They are different and appearance, and a line that can be left on paper. This:

In Minsk you can more or less easily buy Crown Hi-Jell Roller is a familiar gel pen, but with white ink.

Handles production Sakura are rightfully considered one of (if not the) best white pens for drawing on black paper. Masters all over the world, from the USA to New Zealand, draw mandalas and zentangles with their pens. For some time now, Sakura pens can be found in Belarusian stores. And once upon a time Gelly Roll I brought from Ukraine and Russia, Decorese They actually sent it to me from the USA...

Uni-Ball They are famous for their wide range of pens and liners, but I haven’t seen them in Belarus either. But with some luck, you can find them on AliExpress (if it’s difficult to bring from other countries).

Crown and Gelly Roll have a thinner line (meaning you can draw more graceful mandalas or zentangles):
But thanks to the thickness of the line, Uni-Ball and Decorese produce a more saturated and bright color. There is no need, for example, to draw a pen twice along the same line. Moreover, you can draw with them almost anywhere. For example, on stones:

Now you have a better understanding of white pens for drawing on black paper, which means you can already navigate a little in the range of these products yourself. Of course, there is much more choice on the same AliExpress: a simple search reveals dozens of types of white gel pens for drawing, in different price categories, individually or in sets. Choose, order - and draw!

If you have questions, feel free to ask in the comments or send by email.

If you are interested in what I am drawing with all this, you can look in my Instagram @bygirl, and if you want to quickly learn yourself, I collect pictures on Pinterest, and on Youtube videos with lessons and examples.

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