Drawing a male eye with a pencil step by step for beginners. How to draw eyes with a pencil

What You'll Be Creating

Eyes are great topic for the image, they combine a lot different materials and they look like gems, hidden in our body. They are also quite difficult to draw, but that doesn't mean you can't do it! In this tutorial I'll show you how to draw a beautiful, realistic eye without a reference image.

What you will need

  • Paper
  • Pencil HB
  • Pencil 2B
  • Pencil 4B
  • Pencil 5B
  • Pencil 7B or 8B
  • Shading
  • Eraser (preferably soft)
  • Pencil sharpener

1. Start Drawing the Eye

Step 1

Take a pencil HB, roughly draw a very light oval. The line should be subtle.

Step 2

Draw two curves intersecting the oval that will create the eyelids.

Step 3

The eyelids need to have a certain thickness, so add an edge to them.

Step 4

Draw a round iris, a pupil in the middle, a reflection of the highlight, and also the corners of the eyes.

Step 5

The eyebrow is the frame for the eyes, so don't forget about it! Draw your brow using straight lines to recreate a natural shape.

Step 6

Before we start shading the eye, we need to understand its 3D shape. You can solve this by drawing guide lines. I described this technique in my lesson

2. Draw a Realistic Iris

Step 1

Take the most soft pencil(a 7B or 8B pencil works best) and then fill in the pupil, leaving an area for a reflective highlight. The darkness of the pupil will determine the contrast for the rest of the drawing.

Step 2

Take a pencil 2B, and then draw the suspensory ligaments extending from the center of the iris. Go around the glare area. Angle the pencil slightly so that the lines are soft.

Step 3

Darken the edge of the iris and also draw a “ring” around the pupil.

Step 4

Take a pencil 2B, and then darken the edges even more. Shade the iris by adding more supporting ligaments or fibers, some fibers should be darker than others.

Step 5

Use the same pencil to shade the entire iris. Draw a penumbra around the ring, as well as small shadows between the fibers.

Step 6

Take a pencil 4B, make sure it is well sharpened. Use this pencil to accentuate the shadows you drew earlier.

Step 7

By using growers, carefully align the outline of the iris. It's part of the eyeball, so the iris shouldn't have a completely hard edge.

Step 8

Take a pencil 4B to draw a shadow from upper eyelid over the iris. Do not forget that the eye is not flat, and therefore the shadows must be curved.

Step 9

Using the same pencil, draw the shadow of the eyelashes. The shadows will be most visible on top of the reflection area of ​​the highlight.

Step 10

Take a pencil 5B to adjust the contrast of the eye. Darken the shadows to make the highlights pop.

3. Shade the Eye

Step 1

Take a pencil HB, and then create subtle shading around the eyeball. During the shading process, remember that the eyeball is roughly a sphere, so don't make the shadows flat.

Step 2

Use a blender to soften the shadows. Don't be afraid to bring them even further into the center.

Step 3

Use an eraser to clean up the highlighted areas. The eye isn't completely smooth, so it will look even better if you break up the soft shadows with the hard edges of your eraser strokes.

Step 4

Take a pencil HB and then draw the details lacrimal caruncle. This area is wet and shiny, so add small highlights to the outline.

Step 5

Gently shade the tear duct area.

Step 6

Using a pencil 2B, shade the above area even more. Using the same pencil, add a subtle shadow under the lower eyelid. This will separate the eye from the eyelid.

Step 7

Take a pencil HB to shade the edges of the eyelids. Don't forget about the location of the light source!

Step 8

Blend the shaded area using a feather brush.

Step 9

Using the same technique, shade the rest of the skin around the eye. Draw with an inclined pencil to cover a larger area at once and also avoid hard lines.

Step 10

Take a pencil 2B to add shadows where needed.

Step 11

Take a pencil 4B to darken the shadows even more.

Step 12

Finally, take a pencil 5B to further darken the crease of the upper eyelid.

4. Draw Eyebrows and Eyelashes

Step 1

Take a pencil HB to draw the direction of the eyebrow hairs.

Step 2

Take a pencil 2B to draw the hairs one by one. The hairs should not be sharp - their width will depend on the scale of your image. Angle the pencil if necessary to achieve denser strokes.

Step 3

Take a pencil 4B to thicken the front lower part of the brow.

Step 4

Using a pencil 2B, outline the direction and shape of the eyelashes. However, before you start, look in the mirror and try to understand what you see. Eyelashes are curved in nature and their shape depends on the perspective. They drop down slightly, right from the edge of the upper eyelid, and then curve upward.

Step 5

In the same way, add eyelashes to the lower eyelid.

Step 6

The eyelashes tend to stick to each other, creating a tight bunch.

Step 7

Using a pencil 4B, thicken your eyelashes by adding more hairs between them. Eyelashes don't grow in one thin row! Also, adjust the width of the eyelashes according to the scale of the image.

Step 8

Take the softest pencil, make sure it is well sharpened, and then highlight some areas of the eyelashes.

Step 9

The drawing is almost complete. Look at it from a distance and also try to see how the shading can be improved. Use all pencils for this task.

Step 10

Finally, add small details to make the drawing more realistic: fine veins in the eye area, including small wrinkles around the eye. You can make the skin more uneven by simply applying rows of thin transverse lines.

If you decide to digitize your drawing to publish it online, be sure to prepare it first:

What About the Other Eye?

I’ll tell you a secret: there shouldn’t be “another eye.” When you draw a portrait, draw both eyes at the same time, step by step. This way you will simply draw both eyes without copying them one after the other. The good news is that they don't have to be exactly identical - our faces aren't exactly symmetrical!

Hello, today we will learn how to draw an eye.

The anime style eyes are very beautiful. The eye pattern in this style is a little distorted, but very effective. The eyes are unnaturally large with long eyelashes; these are the eyes that girls dream of. In reality, of course, such eyes are only depicted in pictures. But it is not necessary to have huge eyes and long eyelashes; any person has very beautiful eyes, especially when he smiles.

It is very difficult to draw eyes correctly, and most importantly to convey a person’s gaze. Any portrait of a person is, first of all, correctly drawn eyes. Let's try to learn how to draw a person's eyes with a pencil, step by step.

1. First you need to draw simple contours for the eye

To make it easier for you to draw a person's eyes, I decided to draw only one eye. But you can immediately draw two eyes by placing them side by side in a mirror image. To do this, draw both contours in your drawing at once. Please note that the eyes should be the same, but in a mirror position in relation to each other, otherwise they will look crooked and askew, which is naturally not desirable for drawing beautiful eyes.

2. Add another outline to the eye drawing

So far the lesson on how to draw eyes is more like a geometry lesson. But it will be easier for you to learn how to draw eyes correctly with these figures. Please note that the second contour is not a square, but a rectangle, its horizontal sides are longer than the perpendicular ones.

3. Drawing of an eye. General contour of the eye

Now you need to draw general outline eyes, “stretch” it and draw an oval inside the rectangle for the cornea of ​​the eye. All this is not difficult to do, it is only important to accurately mark where the corners will be located. If you connect the angled lines too far, the eyes will appear narrow.

4. The eye drawing takes on a real shape

When drawing eyes, it is important to correctly draw the shape of the eye, to “maintain” all the proportions, and that’s why we used geometric shapes. But at this step, we will no longer need them, and they will need to be deleted. But first you need to change the shape of the eye, exactly like in my drawing. The left corner of the eye (in relation to you) needs to be moved beyond the general contour and lowered almost to the level of the lower part of the oval of the cornea. And on the contrary, move the right corner of the eye inside the contour at the level of the horizontal marking line. After this, use smooth lines to connect the corners into one whole. Now you can remove the unnecessary ones contour lines and in the picture there is now a real beautiful eye.
This is a difficult step, give it the most attention.

5. Eye drawing is almost finished

Inside the cornea of ​​the eye you need to draw the pupils. The pupils do not need to be drawn too large. Human eyes have small pupils in normal lighting. In the left corner of the eye, draw a bag for tears, and on top parallel line upper eyelid. Now we can say that you were able to draw the eye almost completely. All that remains is to draw the eyelashes and shade the drawing a little with a pencil.

6. How to draw human eyes. Shadows

To finally draw the eyes, you need to add eyelashes to the drawing, but small ones. After all, we are drawing ordinary human eyes, not a fashion model from a magazine. Eyelashes can give an unexpected effect to your eye image and should be used carefully. Then you need to darken some areas of the eyelids, as shown in the picture. You also need to add a stroke around the eye where the eyelashes were, and outline the iris. And of course, color the iris with colored pencils.
Now, when drawing a person’s face, you can confidently and correctly draw an eye.

Now we will look at a lesson in drawing one of the most important details of the human face. Eyes are a reflection of the soul. They are able to convey information non-verbally about a person, his mood, desires, thoughts.

Let's start exploring

How to draw an eye with a pencil step by step

STEP 1. At the first stage we need to draw the shape of the eye. Although this is the first stage of the picture, it requires a lot of attention. After all, if the shape of the eye is not the same as you want, then the whole drawing will not look very pretty.

STEP 2. Now we draw the pupil. This is the hole in the iris through which light rays enter. The apple of the eye can contract with the help of the sphincter or expand with a dilator controlled by sympathetic fibers. I'll picture it fully expanded. Although this human condition is not natural.
STEP 3. K large size The pupil is usually caused by emotional stimulation, pain, or the introduction into the body of symptomatic drugs (cocaine, amphetamines, adrenaline), hallucinogenic (like LSD), or anticholinergics. A glare is also visible on the apple of the eye - a reflection of light rays. One small round one is just above the center and the second larger one is located to the left (from the viewer's point of view). We need to add shadows. We'll add eyelashes later.

STEP 4. Here we will add darkening in the pupil, which will give it depth and realism. I also added some shadow on the eyelashes and the top of the eyeball.
Well, here is the final result:

Step 1.

First, outline the boundaries of the future drawing. This will make the further drawing process much easier.

Step 2.

Use two ovals to indicate the location of the eyes.

Step 3.

How to draw eyes depends on your personal preference. Therefore, use light lines to outline the cut you like.

Step 4.

Now move on to the rest of the details. Mark the contours of the bridge of the nose.

Step 5.

An important role in how to draw eyes is played by the direction of the gaze. Therefore, designate the irises so that the expression of the eyes is meaningful.

Step 6.

Then draw the pupils. Their size depends on the lighting: the brighter the light, the more they narrow.

Step 7

The eyeball has a round shape, which is why it is visible above the eye shape.

Step 8

The role of eyebrows should also not be underestimated. Draw them and give the look expressiveness/audience/joy or something else.

Step 9

More soft pencil correct the resulting irregularities, paint over the pupils.

Step 10

Draw beautiful, thick eyelashes if the eyes belong to a woman. If you are drawing male eyes, you can skip this step.

Step 11

Now draw the lower eyelashes.

Step 12

Draw the eyebrows more specifically, clarify the shape of the irises.

Step 13

You can shade the area of ​​the upper eyelid with a hard, soft pencil.

Step 14

The shading around the eyelashes will give a particularly attractive look. Use the same hard-soft pencil.

1. Sketch hard pencil linear drawing:

2. Look where the darkest areas should be (and darken them):

3. Look again where the darkest areas of the iris should be:

4. Carefully examine the eye and begin to work out the shape with shadows, trying to create depth:

5. Shade the iris:

6. Repeat shading several times:

7. Using a nag (sculpting a sharp tip), try to rub a few light lines so that the iris does not look “empty”:

8. Work a little more with the nag until you are satisfied with the result:

9. The white of the eye is not so white, try to sketch out the light and shadow, highlighting the shape:

10. Blend using tortillon:

11. Since the last stage looks too dark, use a highlighter to highlight:

12. Let's start with the upper eyelid, drawing the darkest area:

13. Basically, drawing an eye is a matter of realistic light and shadow:

14. Use paper napkin for shading the eyelid. It still looks a little flat, but we'll draw in the eyelashes before adding highlights to the eyelids:

15. Before drawing eyelashes, decide where they grow from:

16. Try drawing your upper eyelashes as curved as bows. And remember - they are different lengths:

17. Start working on your lower lashes. For now they may not be too realistic:

18. Using light strokes, we begin to work on the area between the eye and eyebrow:

19. Use a paper towel to blend:

20. Repeat the shading process several times and don't be afraid to shade:

21. Starting to work on the eyebrow, mark the most noticeable lines:

22. Darken the areas that you consider necessary and lightly blend. When shading, try different tools and choose the ones that suit you best:

23. On at this stage I begin to darken (and shade) everything that seems “flat” and “empty”:

24. We begin to work with the lower eyelid:

25. Work out and shade the most noticeable lines and areas:

26. You can add a little "realism" by drawing some wrinkles with pencil lines on top of the shading:

27. Repeat the last step several times. I added shadows where the nose is supposed to be:

28. Let's continue working:

29. Blend using a paper napkin:

30. Job finished!

I really hope this tutorial helps you in drawing realistic eyes. Experiment and develop your own drawing method, find best ways achieving a specific texture or effect.

1. Sketch the outline.

2.Take a soft brush and dip it into graphite powder (you can get it by sharpening a 5H pencil). Then we will cover our sketch with two or three layers of tone. The brush should gently shade and smooth the image. Try to avoid getting tones in the highlights on the iris. If graphite still gets on the highlight, clean this area with an eraser (knead).

3.Repeat the previous step using a smaller brush. Start shaping the outline of the eye by shading the areas that you want to be darker.

4.Using a nag, clean the areas that should be light.

5.Use a 2B pencil to outline the darkest areas such as the pupil, darken the top of the iris and the crease of the upper eyelid.

6.Use light pressure to draw the iris around the pupil (5H pencil).

7.Darken the iris using a 2B pencil.

8. Use a knead to work on the iris to soften the contrast. Add graphite as needed to create the desired tone. Let's move on to the white of the eye (pencil 2B). Draw eye shadow on the squirrel.

9.Now we start working on the skin. We use an HB pencil. Use light circular motions to add color to the upper eyelid and under the brow bone. Start with the areas that you want to be darker (in this case, the skin near the crease of the upper eyelid) and work your way to the lighter areas. Use a paper napkin and a brush to smooth out any rough spots or spots.

10.Add skin tones in the lower eyelid area.

11.For now we continue to work with the HB pencil. Add shadows to the skin. Use 5H and 2B pencils to show the thickness of the lower eyelid and darken it.

12.Use an HB pencil. To show wrinkles, draw thin lines on the skin and then use a knob to create light lines next to the dark ones. Blend the paper using a brush to soften the lines. We use the same method on the highlight in the corner of the eye (Third eyelid).
Draw an eyebrow. When drawing eyebrows, you need to keep the pencil sharp.

13.Draw eyelashes (2B pencil). First, let's show the eyelashes on the outer edge of the upper eyelid. Start drawing from the root of each hair. Follow the direction of hair growth and lighten the pressure on the pencil so that each hair is thicker at the root and pointed towards the end. Show the reflection of the eyelashes on the highlight of the iris.

14.Now let's show the eyelashes on the outer edge of the lower eyelid. Note that the eyebrow and eyelashes located on the outer edge of the lower eyelid should be lighter than the eyelashes on the upper eyelid.

15.The work is ready.

Step 1.

So in this step, basically all you need to do is lightly outline the shape of the eye itself. It's quite simple, but take some time just to make sure that this is how you want the drawing to look good.

Step 2.

Now you just need to draw the iris and sketch where you see the highlight and tint in the base tone of the iris.

Step 3.

In the third step, you should shade under the features of the upper eyelid and the shadow in the pupil. In addition, you should draw several lines from the pupil to the edge of the iris, as in the picture.

Step 4.

Let's add shading to the outer edge of the iris from the eyeball and from the pupil with characteristic lines that go to the pupil. There you need to show part of the iris, which is the main tone that you should emphasize by adding shadow to capture the depth under the eyelid. This may sound strange, so just look at the picture below. I added some shading underneath the lower eyelids, but also left a little white outline around the eyes where the eyelashes would be.

Step 5.

This may seem like a lot of difference, but it's just finishing the eyelashes, making thick supporting lines that taper into a point. They should partially fall down to give more realism. The lower lashes should be smaller and stand in small clusters. I also shaded the white part of the eye a little and added some detail for the iris, working with an eraser, adding small black dots and lines, and giving the design little strokes.

Step 6.

This is just a step for finishing touches. Apply a soft sfumato to smooth out the lines. The edges where it's truly dark are darkest to add contrast to the image. Make sure the main features really stand out. You can also make the reflection of the eyelashes in the center of the eye - in the iris, if you like. And you can make the white part of the eye look glossy in light and shadow, or even you can add blood vessels. Just keep adding details and shadows around the eyes until you're happy with the result!

Step 1.

you should know that eyelashes are never the same. Some eyelashes appear as dark spots or heavy knots, and occasionally they can change their texture to a sharper and shorter one. It's best to look at a few close-up photos to get a clear idea. Even the eyes themselves are often not similar to each other and are not absolutely symmetrical. You need to train your powers of observation and notice all the nuances. There are only three different irises in the picture. Darker, lighter, a different sheen, a slightly clearer line. Notice the little things.

Step 2.

The most important thing when you draw eyes is that the eyelashes should curve upward and outward. They never flow straight up. When you draw eyelashes in the center of the eyes, they appear shorter. This is because the eyelashes stand straight up and you cannot see the base that attaches to the eyelids. Remember that you need to look at many photographs and improve your visual memory with their help.

Step 3.

Many people are interested in how to show a shade or color to convey more realism. Therefore, here you can carefully look at all the steps to progress in drawing an eye. In the first line, eyelashes are formed depending on the angle. Watch how they change, following the century. The shadows of the iris are darker and become much lighter towards the center. To reflect light and transmit more life they are later erased for a beam of light. Then we shade the rest of the eye.

Step 4.

Draw a V, then add the eyeball. Color in the pupil and then draw long thick eyelashes. You should also add eyelid folds. Draw more shading to the inside of the eye, as well as around the eyes.

Step 5.

Let's start more integral and full drawing. Draw simple lines for each eye.

Step 6.

Ready to draw the full shapes of the eyes, for which we will add the lower eyelid. Draw the folds on the upper eyelids and move to step seven.

I have already said that eyes and lips are the most important parts that a beginning artist needs to be able to draw on a person’s face. We have already depicted, now I will tell you how to draw a person’s eyes step by step with a pencil for beginners. Besides the fact that this is just part of the face, you need to understand that for each shape you need to depict different eyes. You also need to understand that the fullness of the eye and its color rendition can help you express your mood and mind. In fact, the eyes are the most difficult to draw, since they are mainly used to determine big picture. It has great importance the pupil, eyelashes and corners of the eye, we will pay attention to these points and draw a more or less standard eye; novice artists usually train using this drawing.

We draw with a regular pencil, but if we draw with colored paints, we will have to work even more, since color rendering is a difficult moment in the picture. I provide you with a master class on step by step drawing human eyes.

We immediately draw the lower eyelid, two lines, an elongated horizontal one and a small semi-vertical one.

Now there are a lot of elements to draw. On both eyelids we immediately draw a few eyelashes; it is very good if they are drawn casually, for naturalness. Above the right eyelid we draw a semi-arc to complete the eye. And the most important thing at this step is to mark the boundaries of the pupil, a vertical arc on the right and a vertical arc on the left. On the left we even draw a small bulge, it is needed to diversify the eye and the pupil in particular.

Then we need to draw the pupil. On the left we make another arc, and it looks like the letter B. We draw a circle and in it another circle, sketch the central one. We also sketch the upper part of the pupil. And in the very central part it leaves a miniature oval not sketched. The direction of the lines with which we sketch parts of the eye is very important; they should be directed in different directions. For example, in the center of the pupil it is vertical, and just above the lines look diagonally down to the right.

Lightly draw all the lines of the eye and use very thin lines to sketch out the empty part of the pupil.

When drawing a portrait with a pencil, it is important not only to know the proportions of the face and correctly construct certain elements, but also to take into account some physiological features of the structure of the eyes, nose, mouth and other parts.

In this article you will learn several tips, knowledge of which will help in further mastering the art of portraiture.

Stage one.

  1. In this part of the eye, the upper eyelid begins to round, and the lower one rounds, bending around the eyeball. This becomes most noticeable in the space between the middle of the eye and its outer corner.
  2. In this place, the lower eyelid also follows the shape of the eyeball.
  3. Sad or crying eyes there is excess fluid. As a result, at the very bottom of the eye, near the edge of the lower eyelid, a small white spot is formed - a highlight.
  4. When hit bright light on the eye, the pupil reflexively narrows. Therefore, in bright light, the eyelids reflexively close, creating a shadow.

In the dark, we can observe the opposite effect - pupil dilation.

A similar change in the size of the pupil can be seen when the object of observation moves away or approaches. The closer the object at which the gaze is directed, the pupil is smaller; as the object moves away, it expands.

Stage two.

  1. Beginning with inside, eyebrows grow in the direction from the nose. At the top of the arch of the eyebrow, the upper part of the hairs begins to grow downwards, intersecting with the lower ones, growing upwards.
  2. Where the eyelid, bending around the eyeball, becomes convex, a depression is formed - a fold that should be shaded.
  3. As the upper eyelid droops, the shadow on the iris changes. The lower the eyelid, the darker the shadow.
  4. The cornea of ​​the eye is convex and shaped like a mound.

It is better to shade the base of this mound at the border where it joins the eye a little, this will give the eye more volume. Since the surface of the cornea is always wet, a glare forms at the top of the mound. When there are several light sources, there can be not one highlight, but two, three or more.

  1. The upper eyelashes are curled upward and the lower ones downward. Therefore, they do not catch each other when the eye is closed. At the very base, the upper eyelashes are directed downwards, then they are rounded, forming a comb at the bend. Similarly, the lower lashes are directed upward at the base of the growth, only in this case the bend is much less.
  2. Eyelashes usually grow two or three together. Therefore, they often touch, forming a bundle.

Stage three.

  1. By depicting the pupil you can give it more liveliness. To make your eye shine as much as possible, try not to draw shadows from the eyelid and eyelashes on the iris and pupil.
  2. The highlight at the top of the pupil will enliven the look as much as possible. The highlight here is drawn as a contour highlight, that is, with clear contrasting boundaries.
  3. In this place we create a wet highlight with blurred edges and a smooth transition.
  4. Sometimes the glare has the shape of a strip and passes through the iris and pupil.
  5. From the very edge at the outer corner, eyelashes do not grow. Therefore, they are not drawn around the entire eye.
  6. Long eyelashes cast a shadow on the skin near the eyes. We depict it with light light strokes.
  7. When a person smiles, the muscles in the face contract. When you smile, the lower eyelid lifts, covering part of the iris.
  8. The colored part of the eye is the colorful rays directed from the edge of the iris to the pupil. The iris of the eye, its color, pattern and location, like fingerprints, is individual and is not repeated even among twins. All possible shades and colors are determined by the presence of melanin pigment and the ability to reflect light. Eye color becomes blue when there is little of this pigment, brown when there is a lot of pigment. In the absence of a dye, the iris turns red (albino eyes).

Stage four.

  1. The eyelid is a leather pouch that stretches when the eyes are closed and closes when the eye is open. Therefore, folds and wrinkles often form on the eyelids. With age they become more noticeable.
  2. The skin around the eyelids is usually lighter than the eyelids themselves.
  3. When the eye is open, almost the entire eyelid gathers in this place, forming a deep fold. This place is usually made darker in tone.
  4. The edge of the lower eyelid is actually thinner than the edge of the upper. But because it is moisturized and shiny, reflecting light, it appears thicker.

If the gaze is directed downwards, the shape of the iris resembles an ellipse.

Created in: Adobe Photoshop

Let's be honest, drawing a face is not that easy, especially if you have no experience! This is not the same as painting landscapes, where it doesn’t matter whether the tree is moved sideways an inch or whether it has changed its shape. When you draw realistic face, everything must be in its place, otherwise it will turn out ridiculous. And not only that, each part of the face has its own unique anatomy, which must be taken into account - at least as a basis on which something can then be built!

In this tutorial I will show you how to draw eyes. I hope that this lesson will be useful not only for beginners, but also for those who have been in the field of drawing for a long time, but will be glad to learn something new and develop their skills even more - or perhaps just try something new .


They say the eyes are the window to the soul, and without a doubt they are the most expressive part of the face. I've heard that if you draw the eyes correctly, you're halfway to good portrait, and this is to some extent true. The eyes are also often the element of the face that makes a portrait appear lifeless, and this usually happens when the artist does not fully consider their anatomy.

So, before we start drawing realistic eyes, let's look at a line drawing that shows what an eye looks like in reality. Of course there are eyes different shapes and sizes, but general shape will always be unchanged. The eyeball is called that for a reason - it has a spherical shape, and its lines are visible even when we do not see the entire eyeball. If you look from the side, this becomes even more obvious. Next, in the inner corner of the eye there is a tear duct, and, of course, the upper and lower eyelids. Omission of any of these details leads to an inadequate result!

To achieve a more complete picture, I will show you how to draw an eye in two perspectives - a front view and a ¾ turn, because... these two perspectives are most often found in portraits.


On the day of the beginning, open a new file and select a skin color to fill the background - something in between, not too bright and not too dark. Add a new layer and sketch out the eye, not forgetting all the little things that were mentioned above. Our light source will be located on the right, so we can add its reflection to the sketch now.

First of all, let's shape the surrounding area of ​​the eye. You can draw directly on the background or (as the most convenient option when creating realistic portrait) just add a new layer below the sketch layer and draw on it. Take a standard round brush with Opacity set to Pen Pressure and pick an orange-brown for the shadows and a yellow-beige for the highlights so you can start shading. Brush along the natural curves of the eye sockets and eyelids.

Continuing to work with the round brush, we paint in shadows and highlights, and also add a little gray-violet for color variation, even if the color is not particularly noticeable. To smooth out the brush lines a bit, I usually use the Smudge tool in Finger Painting mode, the brush tip in Scatter mode, and Opacity in Pen Pressure mode. Experiment with the settings; These parameters are my personal choice, but perhaps completely different ones will suit you!

To get a clearer picture of what the eye will look like, let's color in the white of the eye. The most common mistake here is to choose purely white for protein. Remember, we must take into account the round shape of the eyeball as well as the reflections of the light source. Use a grayish tint - it the best way suitable here - the degree of its lightness will depend on the overall illumination of the picture. Incorporating a bit of skin tone (or light tint if it's bright enough) into the white of the eye can make it look more realistic. And as for the tear duct, you can use a beige-pink shade as its basis.

Now let's color the iris. I choose a color that goes from medium to dark blue and then add on top of that basics easy light layer. This already gives a feeling of depth. Next we add the pupil. Please note that on the ¾ spread the pupil is no longer round, but slightly oval in shape; it comes from a change in perspective. Don't forget the small bright dot to illustrate the highlight from the reflected light, because this will help you refine the iris in more detail later!

We have almost got quite realistic eyes, even though the drawing is still crude and lacks many details. However, for now we will work on the basic shape of the eye and give it volume. Taking a round brush, I select a fairly rich orange-brown color for a deep shadow between the upper eyelid and brow bone. I also use this shade to add a little shadow on my upper lid and a little on the inner corner of my lower lid. The tear duct takes on a beautiful rich orange hue, which is also lightly applied to the outer corner of the eye. To enhance the highlights on the eyelids, you can equally use both light beige and gray-green shades. We also once again draw the shadows on the eyeball itself.

From this point on, everything depends on further processing and adding details. We work with the same round brush, varying (manually) its Opacity and size. I always have the feeling that I am carving a figure out of stone like a sculptor, and not just painting like an artist; By adding shadows and highlights, I seem to revive the figure, and it becomes voluminous and realistic. This is exactly what we will do: deepen and draw the shadows. Adding a soft but noticeable shadow to the edge of the upper eyelid helps achieve the lash effect, and softens the edges where the eyeball disappears under the eyelid. The color of the iris is played up with pale green, and where the shadow of the eyelid falls on it, we add a very rich turquoise color.

Staying on the iris, take a small brush - either a round or dotted one - and you can begin to apply the pattern of lines. These lines are present on all eyes, but sometimes this pattern can be so dark that it is almost invisible. However, the iris always has lines running from the pupil to the outer edges of the iris itself. In this case, we want them to be noticeable and rich. Let's choose pale green and turquoise for this purpose, but use light and dark shades of the same or similar tone. From time to time, step away from the drawing and take a closer look at it, so you can notice some shortcomings that need to be worked on. Here I added a little more highlight on the outside of the eyebrow, on the edge of the lower eyelid and around the tear duct. Then you can move on to the eyebrows.

Using the Smudge tool with a fine brush tip, we carefully draw the iris. Please note that you need to move from the pupil to the edges of the iris: we don’t want all the lines to blur! After that, we select a very bright - but almost desaturated - pale green color and go over the iris where the light falls on it: on the right side, and a little in the lower left corner, where there is a small glare from the light. To emphasize the line of the eyeball, we take a white-blue color and draw the main highlight on the eye. Now I draw it in the form of an arch, crossing the border of the iris and getting a little onto the white. This will give the surface of the eye a dewy shine.

Using a small round brush with Opacity and Size Jitter set to Pen pressure, you can now draw the eyebrow. Choose a nice dark brown color, and another one - a regular brown. Lightly go over the eyebrows with the Smudge tool. Take the color of the skin surrounding your brow and use it to break up any excess hair thickness. Highlight the surrounding skin by adding some highlights, especially on the outside where the light will hit directly. After this, you can move on to the eyelashes. Let's add a new layer so as not to spoil the overall picture of the eye. Select a small round brush with Opacity and Size set to Pen Pressure and start light movements apply eyelashes. If they are not painted over with mascara or curled with a special device, they practically do not bend upward!

You can continue adding more eyelashes on the same layer, or you can create a new one to make them thicker. You can also make a duplicate of the layer with already drawn eyelashes and move it a little to the right or left, then reduce the Opacity a little, remove unnecessary elements and go over them with the Smudge tool. If you are happy with the result, we slightly blur the eyelashes in some places. Add a few small highlights between the eyelashes on the lower eyelid and get a beautiful glitter effect.

The last stage of each drawing is to add those very small parts, which make the drawing “come to life”, making it more realistic, even despite the rather obvious hand-drawn quality. Using separate layers for these details will only help you, because then you can edit and experiment with effects without damaging the drawing itself. But before we start detailing, let's work on the iris a little more. Take your darkest turquoise color and draw a circle around the pupil with lines extending from the center outwards - some more prominent and longer, some slightly less visible and shorter. This will add green to the eyes and give them shine. Now we'll add some more highlights to the squirrel using a standard spot brush, then blurring them out with the Smudge tool. Taking a smaller dotted brush with an Angle Jitter of 50%, we will go over the eyebrows, eyelids and corner of the eye with a bright white-yellow color. All this is done on a separate layer! Slightly smudge the too noticeable points, some of them may need to be removed with an Eraser to facilitate better blending with the surrounding area of ​​​​the skin. Now duplicate this layer and set the layer blending mode to Overlay (Overlay), then move this layer slightly and you will get a beautiful imitation of skin texture.

Now all you have to do is look at your drawing last time, you might want to add a few more strokes to the lower eyelid or the corner of the eye, or adjust the highlights or shadows - that's it! Ready!

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