Draw a portrait drawing with a pencil. Learn to draw a portrait with pencils

Drawing a portrait- this is one of the most complex types visual arts. To learn to draw correctly portrait of a man, It will take you a lot of effort and time. The difficulty of such a drawing is that you will need to convey the emotional state of the person, his depth of gaze, facial expressions, smile, thoughtfulness, etc. To do this, you need to very accurately and correctly draw the shape of the lips, eyes, nose and other features of his face.

How to draw a portrait of a person with a regular pencil?

Learn simple and ordinary drawing technique faces are possible independently. All you need to do is draw a face step by step with a simple pencil. Don't be upset if you can't draw a portrait the first time.

1. Construction of the face, general outline

In order for the portrait to come out correctly, you need to very accurately draw the contour of the face, the construction of the face. Try to repeat this oval of a person's face on your paper. If you don’t succeed, then try again and again until you get the contour of the correct shape.

2. Main parts of the face and their markings

Draw a straight horizontal line in the center that divides the portrait into two parts. Draw a parallel line a little lower. From the center of the bottom line, you will need to draw perpendicular line, and also mark where the tip of the nose will be on the person’s face.
When you draw these lines Don't press too hard on the pencil and don't forget to draw the ears.

3. The main part of the portrait is the eyes

Drawing eyes is a very discreet and neat job. Sharpen the pencil sharper and draw smooth, oval lines for the eyes. Next, draw the line of the mouth, pupils and the initial contours of the hair.

4. Drawing the contours of the mouth, eyebrows and lips

First, try to draw the easiest thing - eyebrows and hair outline. Now let's draw a slightly more complex element- lips. Let's draw the lower lip, since it is easier to draw; you should not draw too thick lips. The upper lip should be a mirror image of the lower lip.

At the tip of the nose, draw a checkmark and two small arcs along the edges. Next from right eyebrow see a line that easily deviates to the right.

Now take an eraser and remove from your portrait extra contour lines. This is what you should get:

5. Final stage

At this stage you will need to make the drawing three-dimensional, that is add shadows and contrasts. On the hair and face, most areas need to be shaded thick and dark color- this will give the face depth and greater realism.

Now you know how easily and in several steps you can draw a portrait of a person. I wish you success!

Draw a portrait with a pencil not very difficult as it might seem at first glance. Let us remember that until photography appeared, the ability to draw portraits was a mandatory discipline in school. This article will help you learn how to do this.

When you depict a person's head, you need to make sure that proportions between the mouth, nose, ears and eyes are marked accurately and correctly. Please pay attention Special attention structure of the head, evaluate its main features; if you don’t do this, you are unlikely to get a truly worthwhile portrait.

Below are pictures with the proportions of an average head. But this is just a standard. But it is precisely discrepancies with the standard that give a person uniqueness and originality. It is worth comparing it with your model, in what ways they differ and in what ways they converge.

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Eyes are the most expressive element of the portrait, which is why it is necessary to maintain the accuracy of the form and the correct position. UchiEto wants to point out that the sclera (part of the eyeball) does not need to be made snow-white, it should change color due to the shadow cast by the eyelid and the effect of its own shadow. It is also necessary to pay attention to the glare of light in the lower eyelid, in the inner corner of the eye and on the iris. It is they and the shadows that make the eyes more “alive”.

The pictures below show the spherical structure of the eye, how to correctly show the eyelids on them and the drawing stage itself.

Draw the eyes from different points of view and in different positions. U women's eyes The eyelashes are generally thick and long, and the eyebrows are thin and well defined. In a child, the iris appears large compared to the eyelid. Over time, older people develop deep wrinkles that start from the corners of the eyes, eyebrows become thick and grow, and the lower eyelids have a baggy appearance.

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Ear formed by cartilage tissue. It can look in different variations, but all ears resemble a sea shell, which is practically no different in women and men. In portraits, the ears are either partially or completely hidden by the hair, and their expression depends on how accurately you position them on the sides of the head. See sketch.

The height of an adult's ear is approximately equal to the length of the nose. Adults have smaller ears relative to their heads than children. In older people, the ears become longer due to weakening and thinning of the cartilage tissue.

Nose It's quite difficult to portray correctly because it is in front of the face, and therefore its shape changes quite a lot depending on the point of view. Try to identify areas of light and shadow (usually maximum amount light is present at the tip of the nose and on the bridge of the nose, while the most intense shadow is at the base of the nostrils), try to convey only this contrast so that your drawing is not overloaded (if the nose is not a key detail of the face).

After the eyes we draw mouth. It is the second most expressive element in the portrait. The pinkish tint of the lips is a consequence of the transition between the skin and the mucous membrane. When you draw lips, you should make sure that you have correctly defined the transition boundary. The lips are located on the semi-cylindrical surface of the jaw bones. The sketches presented below indicate the main features of the labial morphology. UchiEto wants to point out that the upper lip is thinner.

These sketches present you with variations of smiles that are usually drawn in portraits. The lips of old people are thin and covered big amount vertical folds.

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Today's lesson is devoted to this type of drawing as a portrait. A portrait is an image of a person or group of people who exist (or existed) in reality. The main task of a portrait is to repeat the lines of a living face with an artistic interpretation. I took as an example a photo of a wonderful American singer, actress Debby Ryan. Here is her photo: I will say right away that a portrait is one of the most difficult types of drawing, since we have to convey all the features of a person. If you don’t succeed the first time, don’t be discouraged, people learn from mistakes =). So let's try step by step draw a portrait of this girl with a pencil.

STEP 1. Start drawing a circle that describes the face. Apply light strokes on it where the eyes and nose will be located. STEP 2. Now, using light strokes, sketch out the contours of the actual shape of the head. Please note that it has a slightly square shape. Let's add bangs, tilted at right side like . STEP 3. Let's move on to outlining the elements of the face. Let's sketch out thin eyebrows, upper eyelids, and eyelashes with strokes. Then start drawing the nose. The nose is a very important part of the portrait, which beginners sometimes do not pay attention to. This element can radically change the entire portrait as a whole. In the following lessons we will look in more detail. Let's move on. 4. We just have to finish the sketches of the eyes. Here you need to carefully outline the eyeballs. Let's also add eyelashes and upper and lower eyelids. STEP 5. You are almost there. Now we have to draw the mouth. Look closely at her lips. (Do you want to know how to draw lips correctly? Then read the lesson: How to draw a smile) Draw folds on the skin to show its emotions, a smile. The lips are slightly raised. The edges can be shaded a little with a pencil. STEP 6. The last thing we need to do is the hairstyle. She has long straight hair, slightly wavy. Try to draw with smooth lines, and you can also add some thicker lines to create the effect of voluminous hair. After everything has been done, erase the auxiliary lines with an eraser and refine the edges. We should get a picture like this: I hope everything worked out for you. Ask questions about the lesson. Show off your masterpieces! Leave your comments below, write what pencil drawing lessons you still want to see. I recommend taking the following lessons:

Draw a portrait with a pencil not very difficult as it might seem at first glance. Let us remember that until photography appeared, the ability to draw portraits was a mandatory discipline in school. This article will help you learn how to do this.

When you depict a person's head, you need to make sure that proportions between the mouth, nose, ears and eyes are marked accurately and correctly. Pay special attention to the structure of the head, evaluate its main features; if you don’t do this, you are unlikely to get a truly worthwhile portrait.

Below are pictures with the proportions of an average head. But this is just a standard. But it is precisely discrepancies with the standard that give a person uniqueness and originality. It is worth comparing it with your model, in what ways they differ and in what ways they converge.

Eyes are the most expressive element of the portrait, which is why it is necessary to maintain the accuracy of the form and the correct position. Our site would like to point out that the sclera (part of the eyeball) does not need to be made snow-white, it should change color due to the shadow cast by the eyelid and the effect of its own shadow. It is also necessary to pay attention to the glare of light in the lower eyelid, in the inner corner of the eye and on the iris. It is they and the shadows that make the eyes more “alive”.

The pictures below show the spherical structure of the eye, how to correctly show the eyelids on them and the drawing stage itself.

Draw the eyes from different points of view and in different positions. Women's eyes generally have thick and long eyelashes, and eyebrows are thin and well defined. In a child, the iris appears large compared to the eyelid. Over time, older people develop deep wrinkles that start from the corners of the eyes, eyebrows become thick and grow, and the lower eyelids have a baggy appearance.

Ear formed by cartilage tissue. It can look in different variations, but all ears resemble a sea shell, which is practically no different in women and men. In portraits, the ears are either partially or completely hidden by the hair, and their expression depends on how accurately you position them on the sides of the head. See sketch.

The height of an adult's ear is approximately equal to the length of the nose. Adults have smaller ears relative to their heads than children. In older people, the ears become longer due to weakening and thinning of the cartilage tissue.

Nose It's quite difficult to portray correctly because it is in front of the face, and therefore its shape changes quite a lot depending on the point of view. Try to define areas of light and shadow (usually the maximum amount of light is at the tip of the nose and the bridge of the nose, with the most intense shadow at the base of the nostrils), try to convey only this contrast so that your drawing is not overloaded (unless the nose is a key feature faces).

After the eyes we draw mouth. It is the second most expressive element in the portrait. The pinkish tint of the lips is a consequence of the transition between the skin and the mucous membrane. When you draw lips, you should make sure that you have correctly defined the transition boundary. The lips are located on the semi-cylindrical surface of the jaw bones. The sketches presented below indicate the main features of the labial morphology. Our site would like to point out that the upper lip is thinner.

These sketches present you with variations of smiles that are usually drawn in portraits. The lips of old people are thin and covered with a large number of vertical folds.

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The portrait conveys not only external characteristics faces, but also reflects inner world a person, his attitude to reality and emotional state at a certain point in time. In fact, a portrait is like any other conversation piece, is the arrangement of lines, shapes and colors on canvas or paper so that their final combination repeats the shape human face.

Sounds almost like magic? In order to correctly place those same lines, shapes and shades on paper, you must first study the proportions of a person’s face (when drawing a portrait they must be observed) and their dependence on movements, direction and shape of the head.

What is a portrait?

Regardless of skill level, working on it is intimidating for any artist. The remarkable painter John Singer Sargent gave the portrait two characteristics that every artist would agree with:

  1. “Every time I paint a portrait, especially a commissioned one, I lose a friend.”
  2. “A portrait is a painting in which the lips end up looking somehow wrong.”

Portrait is one of the most difficult genres of drawing and painting. The reason is that the artist often works to order, and pressure from outside interferes with creative process. The portrait as envisioned by the customer often differs from what the artist creates. In addition, working on the image of a human face requires special knowledge and a fair amount of patience.

Why study proportions

Proportions are needed in order to understand how objects are located relative to each other in size, plane and intermediate relationships. If even a small amount of realism is important for a portrait, this cannot be achieved without knowing the proportions. On the other side, abstract portraits no one canceled.

Knowing proportions helps convey not only facial features, but also human emotions and facial expressions. Knowing the change dependency appearance From the position of the head, the emotional state of the model and lighting, the artist can transfer the character and mood of a person onto the canvas, thereby creating an object of art. But for this you need to know correct proportions faces and be able to build a composition in accordance with the rules.

Ideal proportions

During High Renaissance Raphael created paintings that were considered the standard of perfection. In fact, all of today's ideal proportions originate from the oval faces of Raphael's Madonnas.

If you draw a vertical line in the very center of the face and divide it into three parts - from the hairline to the eyebrows, from the eyebrows to the tip of the nose and from the tip of the nose to the chin, then in an ideal face these parts will be equal. The figure below shows the ideal proportions of a person’s face, a diagram for drawing and constructing the ideal oval of the face, as well as the relationship of the main features. It is worth considering that the ideal male face is characterized by more angular features, but despite this, their basic location corresponds to the presented diagram.

Based on this diagram, the ideal facial proportions when drawing a portrait correspond to the following formula:

  1. BC = CE = EF.
  2. AD = DF.
  3. OR = KL = PK.

Face shape

Correctly constructed proportions of a person’s face when drawing a portrait depend largely on the shape of that face. Raphael created a perfect oval, and nature does not limit perfection to just one geometric shape.

It is probably most convenient to study the construction of proportions and their changes during movement on a perfectly oval face; there are many ways and techniques for this, which will be discussed below, but the essence of a portrait is not in creating an ideal, but in depicting a person with all his features and imperfections. That is why it is important to know what the shape of a face can be and how it affects the construction of proportions when drawing portraits.

Rounded face shapes

Long face has rounded hairline and chin shapes. The vertical midline of the face is much longer than the horizontal one. Characteristics of long faces are usually a high forehead and a large distance between the upper lip and the base of the nose. Typically, the width of the forehead is approximately equal to the width of the cheekbones.

Oval face similar in shape to an egg turned upside down. Its widest part is the cheekbones, followed by a slightly less wide forehead and a relatively narrow jaw. The length of an oval face is slightly greater than its width.

Round face characterized by almost equal midlines of the vertical and horizontal sections of the face. Wide cheekbones are smoothed by a smooth, rounded jawline.

Angular face shapes

Rectangular face characterized by a wide jaw, emphasized by an angular chin and a straight hairline. middle line The vertical section is much longer than the horizontal one. The width of the forehead of a person with a rectangular face is approximately equal to the width of the cheekbones.

Triangular It differs from the heart-shaped one only in the hair growth line; in the triangular one it is straight. Characteristic this face shape has high cheekbones and very narrow, a pointy chin, while the cheekbones are almost as wide as the forehead. Vertical line The cross-sections of a triangular face are usually slightly longer than the horizontal one.

Square shape typical for faces with low, wide cheekbones and an angular chin. The length of a square face is equal to its width.

Trapezoid defined by a wide jaw, low cheekbones and a narrow forehead. Usually on such a face the chin is angular and wide, and the cheekbones are much wider than the forehead.

Diamond shape The face is given a proportionally narrow forehead and chin, the latter usually pointed. High cheekbones are the widest part of a diamond-shaped face, and its horizontal section is much smaller than its vertical section.

Correct facial structure

Correct construction when drawing a portrait is based on measuring the model's facial features and the distance between them. Each portrait is individual, just as no two faces are absolutely identical, with the exception of twins. Formulas for calculating proportions provide only basic advice, following which you can make the drawing process much easier.

For creating own characters or drawing faces from memory, it is extremely important to know the correct representation of proportions. It is important to remember here that the shape of the head is much more complex than an inverted egg or an oval, and therefore it is worth following rules to avoid eyes on the forehead or a mouth that is too small.

Face outline

First, draw a circle - this will be the wide part of the skull. As you know, the main facial features take place under the circle. To roughly determine their location, we divide the circle in half vertically and continue the line down so that the lower outline of the circle divides it exactly in half. The bottom of the line will be the chin. From the sides of the circle to the “chin” you need to draw lines that will become the preliminary outlines of the cheekbones and cheeks.

If the portrait is drawn from the model’s face or from memory, then you can use a few light lines to correct the shape, determine the approximate width of the chin and hairline. It is worth noting that the hair in the portrait will occupy some part of the circle that was drawn at the very beginning.

Eyes and eyebrows

At the base of the circle we draw a horizontal line, perpendicular to the first. The eyes are located on this line. Exactly on it, not higher, no matter how much you would like! The horizontal line must be divided into five equal parts - each of them is equal to the width of the eye. The central part may be slightly wider. The eyes are located on the sides of it. To further calculate the proportions, it is best to indicate where the pupils will be located.

To determine how high above the eyes your eyebrows should be, you need to divide the circle into four equal parts, from bottom to top. The eyebrows will be located along a horizontal line passing directly above the eyes.

Nose and lips

The vertical line of the lower part of the face should be divided in half. Mark the middle where the base of the nose should be. The width of the nose can be easily determined by drawing parallel lines down from the inner corners of the eyes.

The remaining part - from the nose to the chin - must be divided in half again. The midline coincides with the line of the mouth, that is, the upper lip is located directly above it, and the lower lip is located below it. The width of the mouth can be calculated by drawing parallel lines down from the middle of the pupils. The width of the chin is usually equal to the width of the nose.

Constructing the proportions of the human face described above is a simplified method and is suitable for ideal faces, of which there are not many in nature.

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