Drawing with a candle and paints in kindergarten. Summary of a lesson on drawing in an unconventional technique with candles and watercolors “Magic painting”

Elena Samonkina

Master class “Drawings - scratches with a candle (wax)”

“I’ll tell you about grattage.

It arouses interest.

You're like a magician scratching

Drawing the whole world miracles."

I'll tell you about interesting technology drawing "graffito" or GRATTAGE! This technique is interesting and accessible to both children and adults of any age.

Scratch - unusual technique drawing, translated from French means to scrape, scratch - this is making a drawing with a sharp instrument, scratching paper or cardboard filled with ink on wax. That’s why grattage is affectionately called “Tsap-scratchy”!

Materials for work: a sheet of paper or cardboard, a brush (sponge, candle, oil pencils, ink (gouache, a jar of water), soap (soap solution, sharp objects for scratching, napkin, newspaper.

Classic scratch paper (black and white): rub a sheet of paper with wax (candle). Then apply mascara (gouache) to the surface with a brush or sponge.

Mascara (gouache) hardly sticks to a greasy surface. To prevent mascara from collecting in drops on the wax surface, there is one trick - mix it with soap (soap solution).

When the ink dries, use a sharp object - a stick, a toothpick - to scratch the design, forming thin white strokes on a black background. The table must be covered, otherwise everything around will be strewn with black ink-wax crumbs. The work uses sharp tools to remove black paint from the surface of the cardboard, resulting in a white layer. The result is a spectacular black and white image.

You can paint over a landscape sheet not with a candle, but with egg yolk (base). The drawing will turn out very bright.

Colored scratch paper - it can be drawn using wax or oil pencils, and then a candle is not needed.

Stage 1: paint over a sheet of paper (cardboard) with oil pencils and wax crayons. (you can use colored paper or cover the sheet with watercolors, but then you need to rub the drawing on top with a candle).

Stage 2: add to black ink (gouache) liquid soap or shampoo and use a brush to cover the painted sheet with this mixture and let it dry. It is necessary to paint over it so that the pencil does not show through. You can let the paint dry and paint again.

Stage 3: the most interesting thing - when the black color is dry, you can draw the contours - with a pencil or transfer it using carbon paper. Then we take a toothpick (stick, stack, knitting needle, fork) and scratch the design across the ink. A pattern of thin colored strokes is formed on a black background.

Drawing unusual materials(in this case with a candle) brings a lot of joy and develops Creative skills children.

Children's drawings:

I'm sure you will succeed. If you try, you won't stop at one drawing.

I wish you and your children pleasant moments of creativity!

“Unconventional methods of drawing” - Drawing stained glass. Drawing with soap bubbles. Unconventional methods and drawing techniques in classes with children. Seal. Monotype. Drawing on crumpled paper. Drawing on wet paper. Blotography. Relief drawing. Line drawing. Dyotypy. Bloat. Waxography. Preschool age. Spraying.

“Unconventional drawing techniques” - We draw with potatoes, fingers, onions. Cracked wax. Run the tines of a fork several times, creating a relief on the cut. The same effect can be achieved by first drawing with stationery glue. After drying, use a felt-tip pen to draw small parts. Watercolor with salt. Open the leaf and get a butterfly or flower!

“Unconventional drawing” - Foam print. Wax crayons + watercolor. Drawing on wet. Hedgehog. Foam imprint. Landscape sheet or colored paper. Mastering as much as possible more various visual techniques. Imprint with crumpled paper. Method of obtaining an image. Poking with a hard, semi-dry brush. Applications from outlined and cut out palms.

“Drawing with an unconventional technique” - Leaf prints. Unconventional drawing techniques. Recommendations for teachers. Non-traditional fine arts. Palm drawing. Wax pencils. Subject monotype. Recommendations for parents. Foam imprint. Unconventional drawing techniques in different age groups. Imprint with crumpled paper.

“Non-traditional drawing methods” - Means of expression. Dye. Creation. Development of creativity in children. Monotype. New look. Landscape monotype. Watercolor. Painting with a hard semi-dry brush. Creative development students in a circle class. Drawing with dots. Drawing. Working raw. Soul of man. Old form. Drawing with wax crayons.

“Use of non-traditional drawing techniques” - Scratch. An example of a drawing using the eraser technique. Plasticine stamps. Rolling pins. Stamps made from glued bank elastic for money. Stamps from a roll of tape. Thread stamps. Color coloring pictures. You can make an application. A painting made from cup prints.

There are 6 presentations in total

Drawing with a candle. Master class with step-by-step photos

Master class on painting with a candle: “It’s winter outside my window”

Snow, stars in the sky, magic...... That's all winter's tale. It is different for each person. But everyone is waiting for it and trying to bring this exciting moment closer……. Here winter night It's very interesting to look out the window. Each of us sees something different there. The snow sparkles, snowflakes fly, trees are covered with snow caps. this work will allow everyone to look out the window. The most interesting thing is that you can come up with a pattern yourself!
Target: introduce children to new technology drawing - drawing with a candle, perform work using this technique.
- Learn how to draw using a new technique;
- Develop children's imagination;
- Cultivate accuracy when working with gouache.

For work you will need the following materials: a sheet of white cardboard, a sheet of brown cardboard, glue - pencil, stationery knife, ruler, pencil, gouache, brush, glass of water


Guys, today we met with you for a reason. Today we will create miracles with you!!! But before we get into this, I invite you to listen to these beautiful poems:
“In the Evening” by G. Zaitsev
Quietly circling in the air
Snowflake butterflies,
And they lie down on the bare forest
Sticky fuzz.
The evening moves slowly
The snow is becoming less and less frequent.
Like someone painted white
Painted the roofs.
To them in the morning from the frost
The snow will become sticky.
And the birches will dress
In rabbit fur coats.

Educator: Guys, what are these poems about?
The children answer.
Educator: Yes, this is of course about winter. She is so different…….. So beautiful, mysterious. Guys, do you like looking out the window?
Children's answers.
Educator: Everyone sees something different outside the window. Today we will draw winter. Exactly the one you would like to see outside the window or the one you saw outside the window. That’s what the work will be called: “It’s winter outside my window.” But our work will contain a bit of magic.

So…. Begin!

1. We begin work by making a drawing with a candle. Take a sheet of white cardboard and a candle.

Drawing an invisible picture. I propose to draw a bullfinch on a spruce branch in the upper part of the drawing, and below them in the lower part of the drawing there are Christmas trees in the snow.

Shake off the remains of the candle from the sheet.

2. Now we need white gouache and blue colors and a glass of water, a brush.

Mix white and blue gouache in a gouache lid until a soft blue tint is obtained.

Apply to the sheet evenly distributing the color.

A picture drawn earlier with a candle appears. The drawing is ready.

Now let's draw the details with blue gouache. To do this, turn the brush over to the other side. Put some blue gouache in the lid. Dip the handle of the brush into the gouache.

And let's draw eyes for our bird.

Now let’s draw the needles on the branch, the bump.

3. Now we need a frame. It will also be unusual for us. It will look very, very similar to a window frame. It’s not for nothing that our work is called “It’s winter outside my window.” We need brown cardboard, a ruler, and a pencil.

We draw a frame. Set aside one centimeter on each side, set aside 10 centimeters from the top edge and draw a horizontal line 1 centimeter thick. We find its middle and draw it down vertical line 1 centimeter thick. The result is a window frame.

We cut it along the contour using a stationery knife.

We remove parts of the window, leaving one frame.

Our frame is ready.

Apply glue stick to reverse side framework.

Glue the frame to the drawing.

Our work is ready.

This work will be an interesting decoration for a home or kindergarten group for the New Year.

Unconventional drawing

Wax crayons and wax candle + watercolor

Drawing is one of the important types of art, which is not only a way to convey a particular image, but also internal feelings, perception outside world, emotions, fantasies and much more.

Target: introduce children to non-traditional drawing techniques.

There are many non-traditional drawing techniques; their unusualness lies in the fact that they allow children to quickly achieve the desired result.

Having met methodological literature:

A. V. Nikitina

"Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten»

I. A. Lykova

« Toolkit for preschool specialists educational institutions»

T. N. Doronova

“Nature, art and visual activities of children”

R. G. Kazakova

« Visual activities in kindergarten"

After reviewing this literature, I found a lot interesting ideas and set before myself tasks:

    develop technical drawing skills in children;

    introduce children to unconventional technology drawing;

    teach how to create your own unique image, in a drawing according to unconventional drawing using wax crayons of different colors and a wax candle.

Materials: wax crayons and a wax candle, thick white paper, watercolors, a bird feather template, scissors, glue, napkin, brush, glass of water, a simple pencil for each child.


Children guess the riddle:

What kind of miracle bird is this?!
Not an owl or a tit,
Not a crane or a thrush...
Like an open fan tail...
Blue, green, red -
How many colors are there on feathers?
Just an important gentleman,
Walks around the yard... (Peacock).

Children's answers.

Educator: Well done, children. We guessed the riddle.

Guys! Listen to the poem:

There was a peacock at the zoo. A very important citizen.

He walked…looked at us. And he wiggled his tail.

And on ours. before our eyes. He waved his tail.

The tail opened...beauty. Multi-colored tones.

The overflows began to play. And the colors all sparkled.

As if he had let go of a fan. The peacock surprised us so much.

We read about him in books. Everyone knew his habits.

As we saw it up close... We quickly opened our mouths.

You can’t call it beauty... You can’t even find the words.

It was like we were in a fairy tale. And we met a peacock.

Did you like the poem?

Children's answers.

Please tell me what, in your opinion, is the most beautiful thing about a peacock?

Children's answers.

Look at the photo.

Of course, the most beautiful detail in a peacock's appearance is its tail.

A peacock needs a beautiful upper tail of feathers. In order to conquer the female, the peacock spreads its plume of feathers. Only the male peacock has a beautiful feather outfit.

Physical education minute:

Alternately, we spread and bring our fingers together, first right hand, then on the left, then on both hands at the same time.

Physical education lesson “Bird”:

The bird was flying

cross your palms

The bird is tired.

The bird folded its wings,

make a castle

The bird washed its feathers.

lock rotation

The bird moved its beak

straightened connected little fingers represent a beak

The bird found the grains.

The bird ate the grain,

joined little fingers tapping on the table

She opened her wings again,


crossed palms making waves

Educator: Guys, let's cut out peacock feathers from paper.

Each child receives a template (peacock feather), a sheet of white paper, scissors and a simple pencil.

On a cut out (according to the template) peacock feather, apply a pattern with wax crayons and wax candle. It turns out that there is a “magic drawing”, it is there, but it is not visible if we draw with a wax candle.

Then we paint the feather with watercolors in one or more colors. The drawing appears and we see where it was drawn with a wax candle, since it remains unpainted. Drawing is also done with wax crayons.

After the drawing (feather) has dried, we glue it to the peacock with glue.

This is what we got.

Conducting classes using non-traditional techniques:

    helps relieve children's fears;

    develops self-confidence;

    develops spatial thinking;

    teaches children to freely express their ideas;

    encourages children to creative searches and solutions;

    teaches children to work with a variety of materials;

    develops a sense of composition, rhythm, color, color perception;

    develops creative abilities.

There is an artist in each of us, and we don’t even know about it. Remember the parable of the “buried talents”. But indeed, many “bury” their talent in the ground, unable to reveal themselves. This is how “undiscovered talents” walk the streets and live everyday lives. It’s just that no one paid attention to the inclinations and abilities in childhood. You need to remember a simple rule - there are no untalented children, there are undiscovered children. And we, adults, must help reveal these talents!
As V. A. Sukhomlinsky said: “The origins of children’s abilities and talents are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest threads-rivulets, which are fed by the source of creative thought. The more skill in a child’s hand, the smarter the child.”

Snow outside the window is a great reason to pick up a brush and depict all the beauty of winter. Show your kids several ways to draw snowdrifts, “crystal” trees, “horned” snowflakes, fluffy animals, and let winter “drawing games” bring the joy of creativity and decorate your home.

Music to which masterpieces are created

So, let's turn on some pleasant background music and... draw winter with the children!

Drawing with “snow”


You can imitate snow in a drawing in different ways.

Option No. 1. Draw with PVA glue and semolina. Squeeze out the required amount of glue directly from the tube; if necessary, you can spread it with a brush (if you plan to cover large surfaces). Sprinkle the image with semolina. After drying, shake off excess cereal.


Option number 2. Paint with salt and flour. Mix 1/2 cup of water with 1/2 cup of salt and the same amount of flour. Mix the “snow” well and draw winter!


Option number 3. Draw with toothpaste. Toothpaste perfectly serves as “snow” in the drawings. It can be tinted with watercolor or gouache if you need to get a color image.

Drawings with white paste on dark paper look beautiful. And they SMELL delicious!

The greatest popularity toothpaste It probably won because it washes off easily, so you can paint with the paste on glass. Feel free to pick up the tubes and go decorate mirrors, windows and other glass surfaces in your home!


Option No. 4. Draw with shaving foam. If you mix PVA glue with shaving foam (in equal proportions), you will get an excellent “snowy” paint.


Option #5. Painting with salt. If you pour salt onto a pattern outlined with PVA glue, you will get a sparkling snowball.

Drawing on crumpled paper

An unusual effect can be achieved if you draw on previously crumpled paper. The paint will remain in the creases and form something like crackle.

Drawing with stencils


Stencils make the drawing process easier for those who “don’t know how” (as they think). If you use several stencils at the same time, you can get an unexpected effect.


By leaving the part of the image covered with the stencil unpainted, you can pay more attention to the background: sprinkle salt on the still wet surface, apply strokes in different directions with a hard brush, etc. Experiment!


Several sequentially applied stencils and sprays. It is convenient to use an old toothbrush or a stiff bristle brush for these purposes.


A knitted snowflake will help you create real lace on paper. Any thick paint will do: gouache, acrylic. You can use a spray can (spray from a short distance strictly vertically).

Drawing with wax

Drawings drawn with wax look unusual. Using a regular (not colored) candle, we draw a winter landscape, and then cover the sheet dark paint. The image “appears” right before your eyes!

Who are you? Seal?


The effect of fluffy wool can be created by a simple technique: dip a flat brush in thick paint (gouache) and apply strokes with a “poke”. Drawings with white paint always look better against a dark, contrasting background. All shades of blue are great for winter motifs.

How to draw winter trees


The crowns of these trees are made using a plastic bag. Dip it in paint and blot it in the right places - that’s the whole secret of “snow caps” for trees.


Suitable for kids finger painting. Dip your index finger into thick gouache and generously sprinkle snow on the branches!


Unusually beautiful snow-covered trees are obtained using cabbage leaf. Cover a leaf of Chinese cabbage with white gouache - and voila! This painting looks especially impressive against a colored background.


No cabbage - no problem. Any leaves with pronounced veins will do. You can even sacrifice your favorite ficus. The only BUT, remember that the juice of many plants is poisonous! Make sure your child doesn’t taste his new “brush.”


The trunk is a handprint. And everything else is a matter of minutes.



A favorite technique for many is blowing paint through a tube. We create “snowiness” using the little artist’s fingerprints.


Not everyone will guess how this charming Birch Grove. The resourceful artist used masking tape! Cut strips of the required width and glue them onto a white sheet. Paint over the background and remove the paint. Draw the characteristic “dashes” so that the birch trees become recognizable. The moon is made in the same way. Thick paper is suitable for these purposes; the tape should not be too sticky so as not to damage the top layer of the design.

Drawing with bubble wrap


Apply white paint to the bubble wrap and apply it to the finished drawing. It's snowing!


The same technique can be used in applications.

The snowman has melted. It's a pity…


This idea is suitable for both young artists, and for those who want to give a gift “with humor.” Cut out “spare parts” for the snowman from colored paper in advance: nose, eyes, hat, twig arms, etc. Draw a melted puddle, wait for the paint to dry and glue what’s left of the poor fellow snowman. Such a drawing can be an excellent gift to loved ones on behalf of the baby. Even more ideas in our article.

Drawing with palms


A simple way to create a surprisingly touching New Year's card- is to tell a story about funny snowmen. You can create a whole family if, based on a palm print, you add carrot noses, coal eyes, bright scarves, buttons, twig hands, and hats to your fingers.

What's there outside the window?


What does a window look like from the street side? Unusual! Invite your child to look at the window through the eyes of Santa Claus or another character who may find himself outside in the most severe cold.

Dear readers! Surely you have your own “winter” drawing techniques. Tell us about them in the comments.

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