Mercury retrograde.

Retrograde movement or backward movement is not the real, but the path of the planet visible from Earth. The retrograde effect occurs due to the difference in the speeds of the Earth and the planet relative to the Sun. If we don’t have to get used to the retrograde (R) of Mercury, it happens retrograde 3-4 times a year for 20 days, then the retrograde of Mars is a more rare occurrence, it happens retrograde once every 2 years, for 80 days. The social planets – Jupiter and Saturn and the superior planets – Uranus, Neptune and Pluto become retrograde every year. Let me remind you that the Sun and Moon are never retrograde. Below are all the retrograde periods of the planets in 2017, but in order to interpret them more accurately, you need to understand the specifics of retrograde periods and their phases.

When we interpret transit retrograde planet, we are dealing not only with the retrograde phase itself, but we are considering the entire retro period, which is called the “retrograde loop”. Retrograde loops of planets are more long periods time than the distance from point R to point D. They cover the entire segment of the Zodiac in degrees along which the planet passes its retrograde path. The countdown of the retrograde loop begins from the moment when the still direct planet enters the degree of the sign to which it will return in its extreme point retrograde to turn back to direct movement - D.

Entering the retrograde phase, the planet slows down to stationary (stop - SR), and slowly turns around, returns along the recently passed segment of the sign - (R), so that at the end of the retrograde period, it stops again - (SD) and turns to direct (D) movement along a path already traversed twice.

Retrograde periods and decision making

In retrograde motion, the planet repeats its path along the same degrees of the Zodiac through which it has already passed in its direct motion. From an esoteric point of view, this is a return to the past, turning inward, rethinking the experience gained, slowing down in business. Therefore, when the fast planets are retrograde: Mercury, Mars and Venus, the beginning of fundamentally new things and projects designed for the future is not recommended; such an undertaking comes with difficulties, complications, and does not give the result that a person expects. At such a time, external conditions, laws, circumstances change, they will not remain the same and familiar, but they have not yet been determined. During the retro periods of personal planets, we do not have all the information necessary for an adequate assessment. It is not safe to draw final conclusions and make decisions at such a time - the situation, circumstances will change, and decision may turn out to be erroneous.

During periods of retrograde, long-pending matters are often launched, which various reasons were put off and not resolved. At this time, there is a return to solving old problems and issues. The event itself may not occur directly on the loop, but it is formed on the loop and takes place after the retrograde phase. Under such conditions, this is the “safest” scenario for resolving issues and developing the situation.Making its way through one sector of the Zodiac three times, the planet poses a problem - during the first passage (1), calls for ways to solve it - during a retrograde passage (2) and gives a way out of the situation and a solution in a new way - during the third, direct passage through that the same area (3).

When the inner planets - Mercury and Venus - become retrograde, they begin to conjunct the Sun. The conjunction of retrograde Mercury or Venus with the Sun is an “inferior conjunction” - NS. This is a symbolic new moon, the beginning of their cycles with the Sun - a time of awareness of current events on the topic of the planet, their behavior, their mental and communicative approaches (Mercury), or their emotional reactions, values ​​and attachments (Venus). If during this period there are repetitions of already former troubles, it is necessary to think about their cause, and at the point of “lower connection” the answer will come, it will open new way solutions to problems on the topic of the planet, which we can use in the future. At the stage from the “lower connection” to the return to directivity (SD), all efforts must be directed to resolving old matters, repaying debts, and putting an end to lingering problems. The next stage of the retro loop - from the beginning of directivity to exiting the loop - at this time there is a set of potential, preparation for new steps, thinking about new ideas on Mercury or awareness of emotional preferences, values ​​and ways to achieve internal harmony, ethical principles according to Venus. At this stage, you need to complete unresolved problems, relationships that need to be ended, since unresolved problems and deficiencies will move into the next cycle. The conjunction of the Sun with direct Mercury or Venus is the “upper conjunction” - BC - the symbolic full moon of the cycle.

When the outer planets - Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto become retrograde, they begin to oppose the Sun. The planet's opposition to the Sun is the symbolic full moon phase of their cycle and an important transit period to pay attention to. The sun – “consciousness, individuality” and the principle of the planet, at this time are separated by poles in our consciousness. This is the culmination of the cycle of the planet and the Sun, and the culmination of themes and situations of this cycle, a period of awareness of non-constructive approaches, revision and identification of new approaches. This period provides an opportunity to realize which of our habitual reactions and ways of implementing the planet principle must be revised in order to remain adequate and effective.

During retro periods, repetition of the action may be successful. For example, a couple had a fictitious divorce and they entered into their remarriage on retro-Mercury. Since then, they have been living in a strong marriage for 21 years.


When analyzing the transit of a personal retro planet according to the natal chart, the planetary status of the planets should be taken into account. Fast planets are “subordinate” to slow ones. A personal planet can implement the tasks set by the parallel transit of a slow planet, i.e. on the background social conditions, created by the loops of slow planets - Jupiter, Saturn, etc., creates the opportunity for the event to be realized on a personal level.

It is important to observe during what exact transits of slow planets the aspect occurs personal planet in a retro-loop to the natal chart. Look at which house is yours natal chart Mercury or Mars retrograde is transiting. Is there a conjunction with a natal planet, ASC or MC? What aspects will the planets make while in the loop and what events will occur in your life? All this will help you understand the transit cycle of Mercury and Mars in a more personalized way for you personally, and will be good practical experience in studying transits and in mastering forecasting techniques.

● Below are the upcoming retrograde periods of the planets in 2017. Dates and times indicate when a planet enters a retrograde loop, when it becomes retrograde (SR), when it returns to direct (SD), and when it exits a retrograde loop. Degrees and days near (SR) and (SD) are parking days. Also given important aspects planets during the year.

● GMT time. For Kyiv we add +2 in winter and +3 during summer time, for Moscow +3 all year round.

Retrograde periods of planets in 2017

Mercury retrograde periods 2017

Every year there are 3-4 retrograde periods of Mercury, and in 2017 there are a little over 3 of them. The beginning of 2017 will be the end of the retrograde period of Mercury, which began on December 19, 2016. The planet will move backward from Capricorn to Sagittarius and on January 8 at 09:38 will move to forward movement. There will be three more retrograde transits of Mercury over the next months of the year. Now, in more detail about the dates of the beginning of retrograde and the transition to directness, as well as the dates of entry and exit from retro-loops (in the table the designation is R-loop).

April 20 at 17:38 retro Mercury returns to Aries
May 03, 2017 at 16:29 Mercury will become direct at 24°16" Aries – SD
May 21, 2017 Mercury exits the R-loop

August 13, 2017 at 01:56 Mercury retrograde at 11°38" Virgo – SR
September 05, 2017 at 11:24 am Mercury direct at 28°25" Leo – SD

Important aspects of Mercury in 2017:

Important aspects of Venus in 2017:

March 25 – retro Venus conjunct the Sun -"bottom connection"

Mars will not be retrograde in 2017

The next period of Mars retrograde will be in 2018 from June 26, 2018 at 09°12" Aquarius to August 27, 2018 at 28°36" Capricorn.

Important aspects of Mars in 2017:

Coming soon New Year and everyone is in a hurry to make purchases as gifts for loved ones. Well, if you didn’t make a purchase before the retrograde, I can advise you to save your receipts and check the purchase on the spot. This should be done, because during the period of Mercury retrograde, various troubles with goods very often occur, especially if it is equipment (communications, household appliances, transport). But troubles can also happen with clothes: they can tear, there may be a stain on them, the zipper may break, and so on.

I would like to note that the purchase is considered completed at the time of payment. Therefore, if you bought an item before the retrograde and received it during the retrograde, then nothing bad will happen.

Mercury is responsible for information, so it is believed that you need to be careful when filling out important documents, and it is best to postpone their design until the planet turns into a direct (ordinary) movement. If it is impossible to postpone the registration, then check every comma. Be careful when processing loans, reports, passports and any other important papers.

On a retro Mercury, you may be shortchanged in a store, there may be problems with paying with a bank card, and there may be an increase in accidents on the roads and at work, so be especially careful when driving and handling professional equipment.

During the retrograde period, you should not change jobs, hire people, plan major operations, begin intellectual work, use the services of various service providers, or move to another house.

By the way, Mercury was retrograde in 2016: from January 5 to January 26, from April 28 to May 28, from August 30 to September 22 and from December 19 to January 9, 2017. You can track whether there were any unsuccessful purchases during this period, or maybe during this period there were some troubles related to the area for which Mercury is responsible.

Of course, there are people who are affected more by Mercury retrograde, some less, but to one degree or another, everyone feels the influence of this period. If at the time of your birth Mercury was in retrograde motion, then, on the contrary, you may be lucky in some matters, especially in intellectual ones. If Mercury is a strong planet in your birth horoscope, then you will also experience its retrograde to a stronger degree.

What can you do during Mercury Retrograde?

It may seem that during the period of Mercury retrograde there are complete prohibitions on business, but this is not so. At this time, it is possible and even desirable to complete some tasks, systematize knowledge, and renew old connections. Practice repeating the material you have learned, re-read books. It's good to clean up and throw away unnecessary things. You can, albeit carefully, shop at sales or buy used items.

Mercury retrograde in 2017

In 2017, Mercury will go retrograde during the following periods: from January 19, 2016 to January 9, 2017, from April 9 to May 5, from August 12 to September 7, from December 2 to 25.

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Retrograde- this is a special type of planetary movement, when for an earthly observer, the planet is moving backward - “backing away”. This effect occurs due to different speeds movements. Remember when you are traveling on a train and you see from the window another train that is moving in the same direction, but slower. It seems to you that another train is going backwards.

All planets are retrograde except the Sun and Moon. The most powerful influence on our earthly affairs is exerted by the retrograde movement of Mercury and Venus. Mercury is responsible for intellect, speech, education, business and trade, accounting, communications, communications, publishing, eloquence, wit, etc.

During the period of retrograde, Mercury acts in an unusual way, and therefore the areas of life listed above are subject to negative influences: it becomes more difficult to express and convey your thoughts; The performance of communications equipment is deteriorating, equipment is breaking down more often and malfunctioning. The accuracy and correctness of our decisions is called into question, we often cannot perceive information correctly, and errors creep into calculations. For example, when buying a house or car during Mercury retrograde, we do not notice hidden defects that will only appear over time.

Going on a trip or getting a job new job, we are subsequently surprised that the conditions turn out to be completely different from what was presented. Many agreements concluded during this period are not implemented properly.

Therefore, it is a rather difficult period for business. All proposals received at this time should be considered very carefully.

If you are planning your vacation, check Mercury retrograde period. Many “surprises” await you if your travel date falls during this period. The hotel was not the one you booked. You wanted to visit the museum, but it is closed on this particular day... It’s even worse if you go on vacation by car.

Mercury retrograde periods have the greatest impact on Virgo and Gemini ascendants (since Mercury is Lagnesha or the lord of the 1st house for these signs), as well as for those who have Mercury in the horoscope as atma-karaka - “planet of the soul”.

Features of Mercury retrograde in August 2017

August 6th, just before lunar eclipse, Mercury first “froze” at one point, and then began to gradually accelerate in the opposite direction from the 11° sign of Leo. On August 21st Mercury will be especially struck by the full solar eclipse, which has already been called the “Great American Eclipse”, since it will appear along with the Sun, Moon and Rahu at the time of the eclipse.

Then Mercury, in a very close conjunction with Rahu, will reach almost 0° Leo, will “freeze” again, and, meeting at this point with Mars, which moves into the sign of Leo on August 27, will again begin its direct movement, gradually accelerating.

Mercury in Leo makes a person purposeful, slow to perceive information, form new and change opinions, and able to sell ideas; wanderer, henpecked (Shri G.S. Agarwal). Buddha in Simha - Mercury in Leo-gives pride, boasting, stupidity, love of travel, sexuality; success in commerce, insight and Creative skills(Indubala).

Mercury conjunct Rahu makes a person suspicious, overly cautious and wary of deception; however, such a person himself may turn out to be a clever swindler!

Mercury conjunct Mars, which will last from the end of August to the end of September 2017, creates serious obstacles in the process of obtaining education, and even interrupts it for some; such a connection encourages a person to argue more, makes him more observant and sharpens the mind (Mars is a sharp weapon, Mercury is the mind). In addition, the famous astrologer B.V. Raman in the book “Mukhurta: Astrology of Choice” does not recommend launching commercial projects when Mercury is conjunct Mars in the sky.

While in the sign of Leo aspected by Saturn from Scorpio, afflicted Mercury can make the native a fraudster, a schemer, or he will senselessly accumulate information, send spam, spread gossip, rumors, and misinformation. Also, the influence of Saturn on the conjunction of Mercury with Mars makes a person more cunning, aggressive, flighty, and prone to resourceful (such as “intellectual”) criminal activity.

All of the above descriptions warn of the activation in August-September of the descendants and followers of the “Great Combinator” - Ostap Ibrahimovich Bender. Even so bright talented individuals with exalted Mercury, which is sharpened by Mars and strengthened by the unrestrained Rahu, they are prone to make mistakes, the victims of which are both themselves and those around them. As one saint said, “this is a world of deceived deceivers”...

Comrades, be careful! Beware of scammers... and don't become one yourself :)

  • Work with old connections and contacts.
  • Deal with unfinished and already existing projects and documents.
  • It’s good to put things in order, throw away all unnecessary papers and other storage media.
  • Quit your job.
  • Get a seasonal job.
  • Creative people should expect inspiration - you can think about new projects, ideas, plans.
  • Work with your mental attitudes. Pay attention to how thoughts shape our destiny, our attitude towards the world and ourselves.
  • It’s good to work with your complexes, subconscious programs, psychological blocks and clamps.
  • The period is good for working with a psychotherapist or for psychoanalysis.
  • Increases the chance to deal with many of your internal problems, realize them, bring them out.
  • Meditate, clear and calm your mind.
  • Repair broken equipment.
  • Meet old friends and relatives.
  • Drivers should pay extra attention to the road.
  • Try not to take long trips.
  • This good time to retake exams.
  • Love relationships that begin at this time will not last.
  • It's good to renew old friendships.
  • It's good to do painstaking mental work.

The exact phase of retrograde (retrograde motion of the Planet relative to the Earth) of Mercury from August 13 to September 5. A change in direction will again return us to those things, requiring reconstruction and further work on mistakes. The usual approach to business will change, you will have to look for new connections, ideas, and inspiration. The most difficult period occurs during the phase of deceleration and stopping of Mercury, as well as its approach to the Sun (phase of the lower conjunction of the Planets), those. from now until August 26th.

Mercury retrograde will affect the signs of Virgo and Leo. This time, we will feel more strongly than usual the importance of health-related issues (for example, we will have to carry out a necessary examination that has been postponed for a long time), we will have to take care of everyday duties (for example, we will return to protracted repairs). The progress of work processes and documentation will also require attention. You will probably have to return to old standards, rules, revise documentation, delete unnecessary files in computer. In August - September Special attention will require pets, issues of care and concern for them. Their loss or separation from them is not excluded. Creative affairs, love side will also attract attention. We will probably have to think about what and how should bring joy to our mood, give love and create harmony, what is really important and what should leave us. It is possible to part with the one you love, to search for something new creative inspiration. This loop of Mercury will most strongly affect Leo and Virgo.They definitely shouldn’t rush during this period; it’s better to start preparing the ground for new projects, and be more attentive to details that can affect the result. B it turns out that Issues started during the last Mercury loop (from April 10 to May 3, 2017) will again become relevant or require new reconstructions.

You should be more careful during the period of the lower conjunction of Mercury with the Sun (from August 21 to 26), you can receive important messages or answers to pressing questions in the form of advice, useful information, signs, etc. As Mercury moves through its loop, it will oppose Neptune twice. This means that the Stars will require special emotional involvement in the coming month. Against this background, it can be much more difficult to think, perceive and transmit information; negotiate with people, work with documents and equipment. Fraud, breakdowns, and self-deception will increase.

What should you be wary of during Mercury retrograde?

1. Any contracts, papers, serious meetings begun during the retrograde movement of Mercury will not have reliable development in the future or will force them to return to finalizing them again after some time, so it is better to postpone the signing of important documents and getting a job until September 5.
2. The same applies to the purchase of any transport. A car purchased during such a period high probability may cause disappointment or present an unexpected surprise in the form of simple understaffing. Be careful.
3. The communications and electronics purchased may create the same consequences in the future. They are subject to malfunctions or breakdowns. Their quality may not correspond to the cost for which they were purchased. Installation of a computer system should be abandoned. Even the most reliable specialist in this field has a high chance of making mistakes. Important information copy to multiple media. This will increase the reliability of its storage.
4. Transport tends to be delayed during such a period, and its schedule changes. Consider planning your affairs more carefully and rationally. Haste is not the best help these days.
5. Getting a new job may not bring you necessary development on this enterprise. A person may be dissatisfied with their responsibilities and less likely to expect career advancement.
7. Any contracts concluded at this time may be of a non-permanent nature, incl. court decisions.
6. B in social networks crashes, login problems are likely, and fraud will increase.

This period is not so bad in some matters:

1. An excellent time to study and return to the material covered.
2. Passing and retaking exams, since our thinking is able to dive deeper, exploring and analyzing information.
3. Sale of communication equipment or equipment, as well as any things that have served you.
4. It’s good to get back to any task that was put off a long time ago.
5. A wonderful time to reconsider communication with those people who gave you joy and pleasure before. They can be old acquaintances, friends, business partners.

Good luck and keep your balance!

These comments are based on general star picture. To solve an individual problem, it is necessary to estimate the date, place and exact time of birth, using several astrological forecasting techniques.

From mid-April until May 3, 2017, the reverse motion of Mercury will negatively affect every area of ​​human life. This is a very risky period when astrologers recommend being patient and reducing business activity to a minimum.

What are the dangers of retrograde Mercury?

Critical Impact Mercury retrograde in April can be felt in the period from April 10 to May 3. It is easy to understand where the main danger lies, if you consider that it is this planet that affects doing business, trade, contacts with partners, outgoing and received information, as well as the signing of contracts. The main dangers of this period:

  • Poor attention and distortion of information;
  • Confusion and errors in work;
  • Lack of perseverance and nervousness;
  • Delays in business, technical interference and failures.

Mercury can have a powerful influence on our life. This planet has the power to change the course of our thoughts in one direction or another. It can also affect memory, information exchange, and the ability to express thoughts logically. Period Mercury retrograde involves avoiding long business trips, moving and looking for a new place of work. Your speaking abilities will not be appreciated, and your transportation may fail.

The effect of the retrograde movement of Mercury

There are also four periods of Mercury retrograde in 2017, the first of which begins in 2016. Below, see the dates for 2017 indicating the degrees of stationarity of the planet:

Information may come in a distorted form, or your reaction will not be adequate to the event. Work in progress with great difficulty and elementary mistakes are made in activities that previously went smoothly.

During the retrograde movement of the planet from April 10 to May 3, 2017, people will feel distracted and less responsive. This can cause negotiations to break down or learning difficulties to occur.

The stars recommend that parents refrain from making complaints about their children, who are now inhibited and are not as successful in learning new information, as usual. The decrease in interest in activities is explained by negative influence Mercury retrograde and you just have to wait out this time.

Businessmen should remember that now is not the time to start new businesses, register a business or formalize important transactions. It is better to plan large-scale projects, presentations and promotions for another time. Limit your circle to old and already verified contacts, as new acquaintances will be frivolous.

In days retrograde motion of Mercury Equipment breaks down, keys and mobile communications are lost, and typos creep into documentation. Don't be surprised if the courier service lets you down or transport company. Signing or registering various documents takes place with great stress and delays.

Give up plans to rent or rent any premises, as there is a high risk of becoming a victim of scammers. Any commercial activity doomed to minimal profit or complete lack of prospects.

During Mercury retrograde, you can

Despite the negative impact Mercury retrograde on the sphere of trade and movement, you can extract some benefit from the current situation. If you don’t start anything new, you can concentrate your attention on activities that will be very successful:

  • Dismissal from old job;
  • Writing memoirs, conclusions, reports;
  • Renewal of old acquaintances;
  • Reconciliation with relatives and friends;

Any activity related to the completion of projects, re-checking previously written documents and repairs will also be successful. household appliances. Students and schoolchildren can review previously learned material and consolidate their knowledge.

Although Mercury retrograde dictates its laws and nullifies the external activity of people, the internal reserves of the soul, on the contrary, are activated. Therefore, magicians recommend listening to your intuition and engaging in introspection.

You can plan a visit to a psychologist at this time and try to solve the old problem that for a long time It bothers you. Good results will come from clearing your apartment of rubbish and clearing your soul of accumulated negativity. Meditation, a warm bath and burning candles will help calm your mind.

But the real lucky ones in these difficult days will be people born during Mercury retrograde. This time will bring them benefits such as unexpected pleasant surprises and new perspectives. New doors will open before them and this moment must be taken advantage of.

Well, everyone else needs to be patient and temporarily stop buying expensive things, communications equipment and cars. Because you can purchase defective equipment or electronics that will be difficult to get rid of in the future.

The main rules of behavior that are recommended to be followed Mercury retrograde, this is caution in deeds and words, as well as refusal to make important decisions. Plan all activities that are significant to you for the period after May 3, and you will maintain your health, great authority in the team and peace of mind.

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