Solve the exam history test. History tests

Question B1

Arrange in chronological order historical events. Write down the numbers that represent historical events in the correct sequence.

1. proclamation of Napoleon Bonaparte as Emperor of France

2. Battle of Austerlitz

3. “Battle of the Nations” near Leipzig

Question B2

Establish a correspondence between events and years: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column

Question B3

Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, relate to events and phenomena in the history of Russia in the 9th - 12th centuries.

1) self-aggrandizement; 2) veche; 3) vira; 4) ryadovich; 5) metropolitan; 6) polyudye

Question B4

Write down the term in question.

Members of a faction created in April 1906 by a group of deputies of the 1st State Duma from peasants and populist intellectuals.

Question B5

Establish a correspondence between processes (phenomena, events) and facts related to these processes (phenomena, events): for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Question B6

Establish a correspondence between fragments of historical sources and their brief characteristics: for each fragment indicated by a letter, select two corresponding characteristics indicated by numbers.

A) “Without exaggeration, we can say that if the Turks had been more mobile, and most importantly, if they had not been impressed by Skobelev’s skillful and evil rebuff to their attempts to pursue Shakhovsky, our troops would have been driven into the Danube.

The story of Plevna is in the full sense of the word “histoire des petits paquets” (the story of small parcels): first they sent a small detachment to Plevna, then a division with a tip, then two corps, then several corps, finally a huge army and only with it, losing a lot of time, people and money - they overcame.

How little, how superficially we study history and how little, how superficially it teaches us!”

B) “All this information was pleasant to the emperor, and he became cheerful again. True, he did not receive any proposals at the gates of Moscow, but the current state of the Russian army, the decline of its spirit, the discontent of the Cossacks, the impression that the news of the occupation of the second Russian capital would make in St. Petersburg - all these events that Kutuzov, undoubtedly, hid until last moment both from the governor Rostopchin and from his sovereign, the emperor said, should have entailed an offer of peace. He could not just explain to himself Kutuzov’s movement to Kazan.”

1. The Emperor in question is Napoleon I.

2. The war, about the events of which we're talking about in the excerpt, the signing of the San Stefano Peace Treaty was completed.

3. The events described in the passage occurred after the abolition of serfdom in Russia.

4. A contemporary of the events described was A.V. Suvorov.

5. The war, the events of which are discussed in the passage, ended in the defeat of Russia.

6. The events described in the passage occurred during the reign of Emperor Alexander I.

Write down the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

Fragment AFragment B

Question B7

Which of the following is true of the new economic policy? Choose three answers and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1. carrying out monetary reform

2. carrying out complete collectivization of agriculture

3. existence of a tax in kind

4. forced labor service

5. transfer of small and medium-sized enterprises to private hands

Question B8

Fill in the gaps in these sentences using the list of missing elements below: for each sentence marked with a letter and containing a blank, select the number of the required element.

A) Tank battle near Prokhorovka happened in ______ 1943.

C) During Operation Bagration, more than one hundred thousand fascist soldiers and officers were surrounded in the area of ​​​​the city ______.

3. I.V. Stalin

4. N.M. Shvernik

Question B9

Establish a correspondence between the events and the participants in these events: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Question B10

Read an excerpt from the memoirs of a contemporary and indicate the missing name of the capital of a European state.

“On November 2, 1956, Commander-in-Chief of the Joint Forces of the Warsaw Pact, Marshal Soviet Union I.S. Konev... set a combat mission: “to eliminate the counter-revolutionary rebellion in ______.” To achieve this, the corps was reinforced with tanks, artillery and airborne troops. The combat operation was carried out at the direction of the Soviet top party and state leadership. They made their decision... at the request... of the leadership of China, Yugoslavia and the participating countries Warsaw Pact».

Question B11

Fill in the blank cells of the table using the list of missing elements below: for each lettered blank, select the number of the required element.

3. Louis XI

4. Edict of Nantes

5. Alexander I

6. Henry IV

9. manifesto on three-day corvee

Question B12

Read an excerpt from the notes of a contemporary of the events.

“At 5 o’clock in the afternoon - Plenum of the Central Committee. Hidden, if not obvious, “joy” in the eyes of those gathered: supposedly, the uncertainty is over and it’s time for Russia to have a real leader. Gorbachev announced the agenda and said that the Politburo had instructed Comrade to speak. Gromyko with a proposal. Gromyko went to the podium and, without a piece of paper, began to speak in his “free style.” When he named Gorbachev, the hall exploded with an ovation, greater than when Andropov was elected. The ovation came in waves and did not subside for a long time.

I would like, Gromyko said, to convey to you, the Central Committee, the atmosphere in which we discussed the candidacy of Mikhail Sergeevich. No doubt... complete unanimity.

Why? He has extensive experience in party work - at the regional committee level and here in the center. And here and there he showed himself brilliantly. He has a deep and sharp mind, the ability to separate the main from the secondary. The mind is analytical. He puts each question into pieces so that he can see all the components. But not for them to lie there: he knows how to generalize and draw conclusions. He is a man of principles and convictions. He knows how to defend his opinion, even if it may be unpleasant for someone. And he expresses this opinion directly, without mincing words, but always in the name of the party line. In a word, Gromyko concluded, we have before us a person worthy of taking such a post at such a crucial moment for the country.

Then there was an ovation again.”

Using the passage and your knowledge of history, choose three true statements from the list given.

1. Statesman, whose speech is discussed in the excerpt, headed the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a long time.

2. The passage talks about nominating a candidacy for the post of President of the USSR.

3. As one of the qualities inherent in the person whose candidacy is being discussed, the passage indicates his deep, analytical mind.

5. The speech referred to in the passage talks about heated debates that arose when discussing a candidacy for “such a post at such a crucial moment for the country.”

6. The events described in the passage took place in 1985.

Question B13

Indicate the century when the cities indicated on the diagram by the numbers “3”, “4” and “5” became part of the unified Russian state (write the answer in a word).

Question B14

Name the conqueror who led the campaigns indicated by arrows in the diagram.

Question B15

Name the prince under whom Russian state reached the boundaries is indicated by a bold line in the diagram.

Knowing the dates is 50% of success in the exam. Our tests contain dates found in Unified State Exam assignments on history. Classes on our simulators guarantee that you remember the dates. If you don't know the answer to a question, select "View Hint." If you cannot answer with a hint, select "Check". And be sure to read the “Detailed answer” (appears after clicking on “Check”).


Wars and revolts


Time of reign

Foreign history

All dates on Russian history in chronological order

Here are collected excerpts from sources found in Unified State Examination tasks in history. Doing our exercises will provide everything necessary knowledge about the fragment. If you don't know the answer to a question, select "View Hint." If you cannot answer with a hint, select "Check".

Ancient Rus'

Royal Russia

Soviet Russia

Personalities (pictures)

To pass the exam well, it is important not only to know the names of historical figures, but also to have an idea of ​​their appearance. Our tasks will allow you to see portraits historical figures, found in Unified State Examination tasks in history. A regular classes our simulators will help you remember all the main characters of Russian history. If you don't know the answer to a question, select "View Hint." If you cannot answer with a hint, select "Check". And be sure to read the “Detailed answer” (appears after clicking on “Check”). Here are collected terms found in Unified State Examination tasks in history. Classes on our simulators guarantee you memorization of terms. If you don't know the answer to a question, select "View Hint." If you cannot answer with a hint, select "Check". The Unified State Exam tests knowledge about the main architectural monuments Russia. To pass the exam well, you need to know what all the main temples, cathedrals, palaces and other monuments look like. In addition, it is important to remember when a particular temple or palace was built, as well as the name of its architect. Our picture assignments on Russian history will help you prepare. If you have any difficulties, use the “View hint” button and be sure to look at the “Detailed answer” (appears after clicking on “Check”).

The manual contains 20 versions of typical test tasks in history. All tasks are compiled taking into account the features and requirements of the Unified State Exam in 2016.
The purpose of the manual is to provide readers with information about the structure and content of CMMs in history, the degree of difficulty of tasks and a large number of the most different types tasks to develop sustainable skills for their implementation.
The authors of the assignments are leading experts who are directly involved in the development of Unified State Exam assignments and teaching materials to prepare for the implementation of control measuring materials.
The collection also contains:
answers to all variants of tests and tasks of part 2;
detailed criteria for assessing assignments in Part 2;
samples of forms used on the Unified State Exam for recording answers.
The manual is addressed to teachers to prepare students for the Unified State Exam in History, as well as to high school students for self-preparation and self-control.

In 1802, new bodies were created in Russia government controlled- ministries. What system of public administration preceded the emergence of the ministerial system in Russia? Which ministries were among the first to be created? (List at least two ministries.) Explain the advantages of the ministerial system.

Give examples of the use of troops outside the country mentioned in the text (with dates). Using historical knowledge, indicate at least two reasons for the criticism of the political leadership of the USSR in 1991 mentioned in the text.

Which judgments about the temple depicted in the photograph are correct? Choose two judgments from the five proposed. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.
1) The pictured monument was destroyed in the 1930s.
2) This monument was dedicated to the heroes of Plevna.
3) This monument was built during the reign of Nicholas II.
4) The architect of the monument is the architect of many railway stations.
5) This monument was built in the capital of the Russian Empire.

Instructions for performing the work
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Unified State Examination 2016, History, 20 variants of standard test tasks, Kurukin I.V., Lushpay V.B., Taratorkin F.G. -, fast and free download.

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The national examination in the discipline “history” is not compulsory - this subject is taken at the choice of the graduate. According to official statistics from previous years, about a fifth of schoolchildren choose history. First of all, these are students who have chosen for themselves future profession in the field of jurisprudence, linguistics, design and architecture.

This item cannot be classified as light - exam questions require excellent memory and processing of a large amount of information. Research from past years suggests that the average score in this discipline ranges from 45 to 55. The number of students who could not cope with the tasks submitted for the national examination is quite large and amounts to approximately 10% of the total number.

The Unified State Exam in history is considered difficult - 10% of students cannot pass it!

Demo version of the Unified State Exam 2016

Unified State Exam dates in history

Early period

  • March 23, 2016 (Wed) - Main Exam
  • April 22, 2016 (Fri) - Reserve

Main stage

  • June 16, 2016 (Thu) - Main exam
  • June 24, 2016 (Fri) - Reserve

Changes in the history exam

In 2016, tasks in which students were required to choose one answer from four offered were completely excluded from the history exam. In the first part of the exam paper, a number of tasks were added on knowledge of dates, processes, historical figures and facts from the history of culture, as well as on working with text historical sources. In the second part, a task on writing a short historical essay has been added. The exam time has been increased compared to 2015.

General information

The time allotted for the history exam in 2016 is 235 minutes. During this time, students will have to solve 25 tasks, 19 of them with short answers, and 6 with long answers.

  • Part 1 (tasks 1-19)– serve to test basic and advanced knowledge of the subject. Solving each of them should take 3-7 minutes;
  • Part 2 (tasks 20-24)– characterized by more high level difficulties and require the student to formulate the correct answer, which must be entered on a special sheet. Each of these tasks takes 5-20 minutes to complete;
  • Part 2 (task 25)historical essay(VIII - beginning of XXI century; the examinee can independently choose three periods in the history of Russia that will appear in the essay). You can spend 40-80 minutes on this task.

To get a good grade on your essay, you will need:

  1. Indicate the main events of these periods;
  2. Mention a number of historical figures and explain their role in the above events;
  3. Observe cause-and-effect relationships;
  4. Assess how this period influenced the history of Russia;
  5. Use historical terminology correctly;
  6. Avoid factual errors;
  7. Maintain a form of presentation acceptable to readers.

To successfully pass the Unified State Exam in History, get ready to write an essay!

Each of the points will be assessed separately, and in total the essay can bring 11 primary points. By the way, the minimum test score required for this subject is 32 (which is equal to 13 primary points out of 53 maximum). The time allotted for students to take the test is 235 minutes.

How to prepare?

A large number of tasks requires proper allocation of time to solve them. This is one of the main difficulties of this discipline. It is difficult for schoolchildren to prepare themselves to take a test under stressful conditions, and the number of questions can cause panic even in a well-prepared student. To solve this problem and successfully prepare for passing this subject, you should work on a demo version of testing.

The materials that you can download on our website fully correspond to the real exam in their complexity, edition and structure. Competent and systematic preparation for the Unified State Exam in history will give you the opportunity not to waste precious exam time studying the instructions for the ticket and will immediately set you up for the correct interpretation of the questions.

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