Religious associations and organizations are persecuted by the authorities. Religious association

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Religion in modern world. Religious associations and organizations in Russian Federation

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Lesson plan 1. Religion as a form of culture 2. The role of religion in the life of society 3. World religions 4. Freedom of conscience 5. Religious organizations and associations in the Russian Federation

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One of the oldest forms of culture is RELIGION. Religion is a worldview and attitude, as well as corresponding behavior, based on belief in the existence of God or gods, the supernatural. During the existence of mankind there have been many religions. Known: PANTHEISM (Greek - universal) - identification of God with the whole world, deification of nature. POLITEISIS (Greek - many) - polytheism ( ancient Greece, Rome, ancient Slavs, India) MONOTHEISM (Greek - one) monotheism, a religious system that recognizes one God. ATHEISM (Greek - denial) - denial of the existence of God. Features religions beliefs rituals Ethos (moral position) View of the world System of symbols

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Religion has come a long and difficult path in its development. TOTEMISM - worship of a clan, tribe, animal, plant, object considered an ancestor. ANIMISM - belief in the existence of souls, spirits FETISCHISM - belief in the supernatural properties of special objects MAGIC - belief in the effectiveness of rites, rituals National religions: Judaism Hinduism Confucianism Shintoism World religions Buddhism Christianity Islam Hinayana Tantrism Lamaism Mahayana Orthodoxy Catholicism Protestantism Sunnism Shi'ism Kharijism

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Table. Modern religions (practical work) Name of religion Basic principles 1 Buddhism: Tantrism Lamaism 2 Christianity: Orthodoxy Catholicism Protestantism 3 Islam: Sunnism Shiism

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Religion Structure Functions - Religious consciousness - Religious cult - Religious organizations - Worldview - Regulatory - Therapeutic - Communicative - Culture-translating - Integrating - Legitimizing

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The role of religion in the life of society Religion is one of the ways to find answers to philosophical questions: “Is there a soul?” , “What underlies human actions?”, “What is the difference between good and evil?” Some argue that additional strength was given to a person by the confidence that he is not alone, that he has divine patrons who come to him in difficult times. Others believe that there are many unknown things left in the world, the secrets of which man longs to reveal, but cannot do so, and when there are no scientific answers to questions, they are found in religious ideas. People's belonging to the same religious faith and their joint performance of religious rites united them into one whole. A common religion and joint religious activity were a powerful unifying factor that contributed to national consolidation. By preaching moral commandments, religion had a tremendous influence on the development of spiritual culture - sacred books (Vedas, Bible, Koran) - sources of wisdom and kindness. Architecture, music, painting, literacy; a powerful source of patriotism (Sergius of Radonezh, Great Patriotic War)

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According to the reference book "Religious Associations of the Russian Federation", the share of the Russian Orthodox Church accounts for over half of religious communities (6,709 out of 12 thousand), uniting approximately 75% of believers in Russia. There are 2,349 Muslim communities, comprising 18% of Russian believers. The religious life of adherents of Islam is managed by 43 spiritual administrations of Muslims. In addition, there are 113 Buddhist communities in Russia (Kalmykia, Tyva, Moscow, Krasnodar, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Anapa, etc.) Organizations of other faiths are registered in Russia: the Roman Catholic Church, Old Believers, Evangelical Christians, Baptists, Christians of the Evangelical faith -Pentecostals, Seventh-day Adventists, Jews, Lutherans, etc. State registration of religious organizations is carried out by justice authorities on the basis of submitted documents. The state reserves the right to refuse registration of a religious organization. In Art. 12 of the Federal Law “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations” specifies as grounds for refusal the contradiction of the goals and objectives of a religious organization with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Russian legislation; non-compliance of the charter and other documents with legal requirements or unreliability of the information contained. (In 1996, a criminal case was opened in Moscow against the Aum Shinrikyo branch on charges of antisocial activities)

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Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 14) the federal law“On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations” 1997 The state grants its citizens the right to profess, individually or together with others, any religion or not to profess any, to freely choose, change, have and disseminate religious and other beliefs and act in accordance with them. A religious association in Russia is recognized as a voluntary association of citizens and other persons permanently and legally residing in the country, formed for the purpose of jointly professing and spreading the faith. Religious associations Religious group Religious organization Sect Church Voluntary association of citizens permanently and legally residing in the territory of our country operates without state registration

A religious organization, like a religious group, is a voluntary association of citizens and other persons permanently residing legally on the territory of Russia. However, to create it you need state registration as legal entity. Registered religious organizations are included in single register legal entities.

State registration of religious organizations is carried out by justice authorities on the basis of submitted documents, which differ somewhat depending on which organization is registered: local or centralized.

A local religious organization may include at least ten members who are at least 18 years of age and permanent residents of the same locality or town or city. rural settlement. The founders of such an organization can be at least ten citizens of the Russian Federation, united in a religious group, who have confirmation of the existence of this group in a given territory for at least 15 years, issued by a local government body, or confirmation of inclusion in the structure of a centralized religious organization of the same religion .

The charter of a religious organization must indicate not only the name, location, type of religious organization, religion and, in the case of belonging to an existing centralized organization, its name, but also the goals, objectives and main forms of activity; procedure for creating and terminating activities; structure of the organization, its governing bodies, formation procedure and competence; the source of funds and other property of the organization and other information related to the specifics of the activities of this religious organization.

According to its charter, a centralized religious organization must have at least three local organizations. Those centralized religious organizations whose structures have operated legally on the territory of Russia for at least 50 years at the time of applying for state registration have the right to use the words “Russia”, “Russian” and derivatives from them in their name. In addition, the name of any religious organization must contain information about its religion.

The state reserves the right to refuse registration of a religious organization, listing in law the grounds for such refusal. Article 12 of the Federal Law “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations” specifies as grounds for refusal of registration the contradiction of the goals and objectives of a religious organization with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Russian legislation (indicating specific articles of laws to which they contradict); non-recognition of this organization as a religious one; inconsistency of the charter and other submitted documents with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation or unreliability of the information contained in the documents; availability in state register legal entities of a previously registered organization with the same name; incompetence of the founder(s). Refusal to register a religious organization can be appealed in court.

In addition, by ensuring guarantees of the rights and freedoms of its citizens, the state has the power to suspend the activities of religious associations or liquidate religious organizations in case of violation of the law. For repeated or gross violations of the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Russian legislation, for violating public safety and public order, for actions aimed at carrying out extremist activities, as well as for a number of other illegal manifestations, religious organizations can be liquidated by a court decision.

Thus, until 1996, Aum Shinrikyo branches operated in Moscow and a number of other regions of Russia. A criminal case was opened against the leaders of this corporation operating in Russia on charges of antisocial activities. And in 2004, in Japan, the leader of the international religious corporation Aum Shinrikyo, Chizuo Matsumoto (ritual name Shoko Asahara), was sentenced to death. The basis for this court decision was the facts of the production of the deadly sarin gas and its use to carry out terrorist attacks in the Tokyo subway on the orders of Asahara.


They can be roughly divided into two groups. The first includes rights typical of other organizations.

Religious organizations, like secular ones, can be owners. They may own buildings land, objects of production, social, charitable, cultural and educational purposes, objects of religious purpose, as well as funds and other property necessary to ensure their activities, including those classified as historical and cultural monuments. Property owned by a religious organization is created through acquisition or creation from its own funds, donations from citizens, organizations, or transfer of property from the state. Religious organizations may own property abroad. In addition, the law recognizes the right of religious organizations to establish contacts and international relations, including for the purposes of pilgrimage.

Religious organizations are allowed to carry out entrepreneurial activity and create own enterprises. At the same time, such enterprises are subject to civil and labor law. And employees of religious organizations, as well as clergy, are subject to the procedure for social security, social insurance and pension provision in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

For example, the Sofrino plant near Moscow produces church utensils, candles, and sewing vestments. This enterprise provides employment to 3 thousand people. The Serebryanskoe partnership (formerly a state farm) operates under the Moscow Church of Evangelical Christians, and the Bethania company has been created to repair cars, produce window grilles, and provide intermediary services. A third of the proceeds from these businesses go to the church. Seventh-day Adventist spiritual center in Zaoksky district Tula region has significant tracts of land where organic products are grown. There are many examples economic activity religious organizations of other faiths.

The second group consists specific rights related to the nature of the activities of religious organizations.

First, religious organizations have the right to act in accordance with their internal regulations.

Secondly, they can also establish and maintain religious buildings, structures and other places specifically intended for worship, prayer and religious meetings, religious veneration (pilgrimage). The law allows religious ceremonies in premises specially allocated by the administration of medical institutions and hospitals, orphanages and boarding homes for the elderly and disabled. They are permitted in institutions where convicted offenders are serving their criminal sentences. At the same time, for persons in custody, religious ceremonies are permitted in compliance with the special requirements of criminal procedural legislation. The law provides for the unhindered participation of military personnel in worship, religious rites and ceremonies, taking into account military regulations. In other cases not specifically specified, services, religious ceremonies and rituals are carried out in the manner established for holding rallies, processions and demonstrations.

Thirdly, religious organizations have the exclusive right to invite foreign citizens for the purpose of engaging in professional, including preaching, religious activities.

Religious organizations also have the right to produce, acquire, and distribute religious literature and other materials and items for religious purposes. They enjoy the exclusive right to establish organizations for the publication of liturgical literature and religious objects.

In addition, religious organizations have the exclusive right to create institutions of professional religious education for the training of clergy and religious personnel. Students of such educational institutions provided that these institutions have a state license, they enjoy all the rights and benefits provided for by Russian legislation.

The law specifically provides for charitable and cultural-educational activities of religious organizations. It can be carried out both directly by religious organizations and by organizations and means mass media created for these purposes.

Religious organizations make a significant contribution to the formation of the spiritual and moral foundation Russian society, atmosphere of freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, have a beneficial effect on the development religious life Russian Federation, stimulate a revival of the desire for selfless service to religious ideals and values. Diverse forms of religious service are expanding, the number of religions and religious movements operating in Russia is growing.


The state and society actively support various shapes social service of religious associations. Funds may be allocated from the state budget for the restoration, maintenance and protection of temples and other objects that are historical and cultural monuments. For everyone who visits a place memorable for Russians - a monument to Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow, it is striking that there are located not far from each other places of worship Orthodox, Jews and Muslims. This is a place of worship for those who died for their Motherland, who were not separated by belonging to different religions.

The system is developing government agencies, divisions, there is a staff of employees who communicate with religious associations. Religious figures are invited to various advisory councils under federal and regional authorities.

IN new Russia influence of religious organizations on social life and political processes are increasing. This growth is manifested in numerous actions of charity and mercy of different faiths, in the unification of efforts in carrying out human rights, peacekeeping, and environmental actions.

For sustainable and sustainable development Multi-religious Russia needs to maintain inter-religious peace. Otherwise, our country will be on the brink of disaster. What are the “risk factors” that threaten interreligious peace and harmony?

Firstly, religious intolerance, especially if it develops into antagonism. While taking into account the aspirations, needs, and interests of more numerous and influential religious organizations, no one should trample on the legal rights or offend the religious feelings of a minority. The role of a competent consultant can be played by the Council for Interaction with Religious Associations under the President of the Russian Federation, which includes leaders of 11 of the most authoritative religious organizations. Cooperation of religious organizations of different faiths is possible in the most various issues: from charity and mercy to joint environmental and peacekeeping programs.

Secondly, the expansion of the activities of non-traditional faiths and religions and the emergence of no less widespread opposition to them, the desire to deprive non-traditional faiths and religions of access to the media, education, and the opportunity to engage in charitable activities.

The so-called new religious movements (in the world up to 140 million believers are their adherents, and in Russia their number varies different estimates reaches 300-400 thousand) are extremely heterogeneous. Some are busy with mercy and charity, spending most of their money and energy on helping their neighbors, others are focused on their own internal community problems and religious practice, ignoring the life of society and its concerns. And some are more similar to religious and philosophical teachings or medical and health systems, minimizing the usual forms of religious life.

Religious scholars note that many non-traditional cults represent a special type of religious organizations. As a rule, they lack strictly developed creeds, and their structure is often rigidly hierarchical with an authoritarian leader. They are characterized by opposition to officially recognized values ​​and church ideals. The cult in such communities is combined with the use of methods of psychological influence and manipulation. Such activities have a harmful and sometimes destructive effect on individual and social consciousness and lead to disruption of the socialization of the individual. Followers of such cults quit work, study, and leave their families. An example of such a cult is the White Brotherhood Yusmalos, which preached the end of the world in October 1993, faith in the new incarnation of Christ in Maria Devi Christos (this name was adopted by one of the founders of the organization, Marina Tsvigun).

Some religious groups and communities clearly fall under the definition of extremist.

Politicians, of course, have to take into account the specifics of various religious organizations when building their relations with them.


1 The implementation of the principle of freedom of conscience provides everyone with the opportunity to choose to belong to a particular religious organization or to refuse such affiliation. It is up to you to decide whether or not to participate in a religious association or organization. This is a purely personal and voluntary matter.

2 A number of non-traditional religious cults rely on young people, who, on the one hand, are looking for spiritual guidance for themselves, and on the other, are prone to social protest, including in matters of faith. A lack of knowledge about the essence of a creed can easily lead to an organization that is far from truly religious goals.

3 When deciding for yourself whether or not to belong to an association of believers, it is worth remembering the danger that so-called totalitarian sects pose. They are characterized by strict control over members combined with militantly aggressive teaching. They often use methods of psychological influence on people that are by no means safe for moral and psychological health.


From the Federal Law “On Combating Extremist Activities” (dated July 25, 2002).

Article 1. Basic concepts

For the purposes of this Federal Law, the following basic concepts are applied: extremist activity (extremism):

1) activities of public and religious associations, or other organizations, or mass media, or individuals on planning, organizing, preparing and performing actions aimed at:

violent change in the foundations of the constitutional system and violation of the integrity of the Russian Federation;
undermining the security of the Russian Federation;
seizure or appropriation of power;
creation of illegal armed groups;
carrying out terrorist activities;
inciting racial, national or religious hatred, as well as social hatred associated with violence or calls for violence;
humiliation of national dignity;
carrying out mass riots, hooliganism and acts of vandalism motivated by ideological, political, racial, national or religious hatred or enmity, as well as motivated by hatred or enmity in relation to any social group;
propaganda of exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of citizens based on their attitude to religion, social, racial, national, religious or linguistic affiliation...

Article 9. Responsibility of public and religious associations and other organizations for carrying out extremist activities

In the Russian Federation, the creation and activities of public and religious associations and other organizations whose goals or actions are aimed at carrying out extremist activities are prohibited.


1. What signs allow us to characterize certain religious organizations as extremist?
2. Indicate the signs that are most dangerous for interfaith relations.
3. Why does the state apply strict sanctions to extremist organizations, including banning their activities?


1. What religious associations can operate in the Russian Federation?
2 Indicate the mandatory characteristics that religious associations must have.
3 What do you know about legislative norms regarding the creation of religious associations in government bodies?
4. What are the main problems facing the state in matters of relations with religious organizations and institutions?


1. Analyze the preamble to the Federal Law “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations” (text 1), as well as the attitude to the law presented in the “Fundamentals social concept Russian Orthodox Church" (text 2), and draw the necessary conclusions.

1) " Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, confirming the right of everyone to freedom of conscience and freedom of religion, as well as equality before the law, regardless of attitude to religion and beliefs, based on the fact that the Russian Federation is a secular state, recognizing special role Orthodoxy in the history of Russia, in the formation of its spirituality and culture, respecting Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and other religions that form an integral part historical heritage the peoples of Russia, considering it important to promote the achievement of mutual understanding, tolerance and respect in matters of freedom of conscience and freedom of religion, adopts this Federal Law.”

2) “The law contains a certain minimum of moral norms that are mandatory for all members of society. The task of secular law is not to turn the world lying in evil into the Kingdom of God, but to prevent it from turning into hell.”

The Constitution of the Russian Federation states that the Russian Federation is a secular state in which the church is separated from the state. But relations between religious organizations and the state are regulated by law and are based on legal principles.

Religious associations

In 1997, the law “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations” was adopted, which regulates the right of citizens to profess any religion, including not to profess any, the right to change and spread religious beliefs.

This law also prohibits the involvement of children in religious associations against their will or without parental consent.
Over half of the religious communities in the Russian Federation belong to the Russian Orthodox Church - this is about 75% of Russian believers.

18% of Russian believers belong to Muslim communities, and in total there are 43 spiritual administrations of Muslims in Russia. Also in our country there are 113 Buddhist communities whose central administration has been in operation since 1946.

Other religious organizations in the Russian Federation include: Old Believers, the Roman Catholic Church, Baptist Christians, and Evangelical Christians.

Definition of a religious association

In the Russian Federation, a religious association is understood as a voluntary association of citizens and other persons who legally reside on the territory of the Russian Federation, which was formed for the purpose of jointly professing faith, as well as its dissemination. The following are considered signs of a religious association:


Teaching religion, religious education;

Performing services, rituals, and ceremonies.

Religious groups and organizations are considered forms of religious associations. But the creation of such associations is prohibited within the framework of state authorities and in government institutions.

To create a religious group or organization, state registration is required, which is carried out as a legal entity. Such registration is carried out by the justice authorities.

To do this, certain documents are required; the list of documents varies depending on the type of organization being registered. You can register a local or centralized organization.

Local and central organizations

Local religious registration includes at least ten participants who have reached the age of majority. And the charter of such an organization must necessarily indicate: name, type of religious organization, location, religion, goals and main forms of activity of the organization, procedure for creation and termination, governing bodies of the organization and its structure.

Centralized a religious organization must include at least three local organizations.

The danger of totalitarian sects

Many non-traditional religious organizations that have emerged more recently represent a rigid hierarchical system with an authoritarian leader.

For such communities, the cult of the leader is inherent, which creation with the help psychological methods influence and skillful manipulation.

There are cases when such communities led people to inappropriate behavior and destruction own life and public order. Many people who fall under the influence of such organizations give up their studies, work, family and devote themselves entirely to worshiping the leader of the community.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation states that the Russian Federation is a secular state in which the church is separated from the state. But relations between religious organizations and the state are regulated by law and are based on legal principles.

Religious associations

In 1997, the law “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations” was adopted, which regulates the right of citizens to profess any religion, including not to profess any, the right to change and spread religious beliefs.

This law also prohibits the involvement of children in religious associations against their will or without parental consent. Over half of the religious communities in the Russian Federation belong to the Russian Orthodox Church - this is about 75% of Russian believers. 18% of Russian believers belong to Muslim communities, and in total there are 43 spiritual administrations of Muslims in Russia. Also in our country there are 113 Buddhist communities whose central administration has been in operation since 1946. Other religious organizations in the Russian Federation include: Old Believers, the Roman Catholic Church, Baptist Christians, and Evangelical Christians.

Definition of a religious association

In the Russian Federation, a religious association is understood as a voluntary association of citizens and other persons who legally reside on the territory of the Russian Federation, which was formed for the purpose of jointly professing faith, as well as its dissemination. The following are considered signs of a religious association:


Teaching religion, religious education;

Performing services, rituals, and ceremonies.

Religious groups and organizations are considered forms of religious associations. But the creation of such associations is prohibited within state authorities and in state institutions.

To create a religious group or organization, state registration is required, which is carried out as a legal entity. Such registration is carried out by the justice authorities.

To do this, certain documents are required; the list of documents varies depending on the type of organization being registered. You can register a local or centralized organization.

Local and central organizations

Local religious registration includes at least ten participants who have reached the age of majority. And the charter of such an organization must necessarily indicate: name, type of religious organization, location, religion, goals and main forms of activity of the organization, procedure for creation and termination, governing bodies of the organization and its structure.

Centralized a religious organization must include at least three local organizations.

The danger of totalitarian sects

Many non-traditional religious organizations that have emerged more recently represent a rigid hierarchical system with an authoritarian leader.

For such communities, the cult of the leader is inherent, which is created using psychological methods of influence and skillful manipulation.

There are known cases when such communities led people to inappropriate behavior and to the destruction of their own lives and public order. Many people who fall under the influence of such organizations give up their studies, work, family and devote themselves entirely to worshiping the leader of the community.

Topic 16. Social and individual consciousness

Individual consciousness is the consciousness of the individual, the formation of which occurs due to its socialization. Social consciousness is higher form reflections of reality, which does not exist without social interaction.

Social and individual consciousness

Social and individual consciousness have their similarities and differences. So the similarities include the following factors:

Reflection of social life;

Socio-historical practice as a basis;

General form existence in images, concepts and norms;

The overall goal is to satisfy human needs;

Expressed using language.

At the same time, individual and social consciousness have a number of differences. Thus, public knowledge is more voluminous than individual knowledge. It includes successive knowledge and norms.

Social and individual consciousness may contain contradictions and create conflict with each other. Enrichment public consciousness often occurs due to the individual consciousness of certain individuals, for example: N. Tesla, C. Darwin.

Individual consciousness has greater mobility than public consciousness. At the same time, individual consciousness disappears at the moment of death of its carrier, in contrast to social consciousness, which has the peculiarity of passing from generation to generation.

Socialization of the individual

The process of assimilation and development by an individual of social experience and cultural norms is called socialization. Socialization is necessary for a person to feel comfortable in society.

The socialization process begins at three months of age and lasts throughout life. During this time, a person can “try on” a large number of social roles.

Socialization occurs in three stages. The first stage is the socialization of the child preschool age, the second is the period of a child’s education at school, the third is the socialization of an adult individual (student, parent, employee, grandfather).

Socialization is often divided into three main categories:

1. Socialization in the field of communication. Includes the development of communication skills in society, creating a circle of friends and acquaintances, and choosing an environment.

2. Socialization in the field of activity. It implies an expansion of the individual’s activities, the acquisition of new skills, and the identification of the most important ones for oneself.

3. Socialization in the sphere of consciousness. The process as a result of which one’s own “I” is understood, as well as the choice of the most acceptable social role.

Topic 17. Political consciousness and political ideology

One of the forms of social consciousness is political consciousness. Political consciousness has direct relation to the thoughts and experiences of a participant in the political process.

Political consciousness

The subjective internal attitude of people to objective political conditions, functions and roles in political life It is commonly called political consciousness. The reflection of political phenomena in people’s thought processes, experiences and feelings is political consciousness.

This type of consciousness is based on the negative or positive meaning of political relations. Moreover, the political consciousness of each person is formed in completely different ways and in a certain way reflects objective political processes.

Reflection occurs at two levels: everyday-practical or ideological-theoretical.

Political ideology

The interests of different social groups are reflected in political ideology. Such an ideology contains the views of a particular group on the actions of power, on power itself, on political life and on the use of power in its own interests.

With the help of political ideology, one can determine what should be government, and what policies should be pursued by it. In other words, political ideology is a system of ideas and concepts that reflect the view of the political life of a certain subject.

Political ideology functions in the minds of citizens and it is it that ultimately determines the political behavior of citizens. And the strength of an ideology can be determined by the degree of its assimilation by citizens and the extent of its implementation.

Political psychology

One of the main elements of political consciousness is psychological psychology. This concept is understood as political feelings, moods and emotions, and other psychological components of the political life of society.

Political psychology is formed in Everyday life, it is formed in the process of interaction of citizens with various government institutions. This happens at the level of ordinary consciousness.

We can talk about political psychology as a practical type of consciousness. This type of consciousness is an unsystematized and sometimes contradictory set of views and subconscious elements.

A relatively stable part of political psychology includes morals, common sense, mentality. Emotions, moods, expectations and experiences are usually considered more changeable.

All of the listed components of political psychology have a direct impact on human political behavior.

The following types of political psychology are distinguished: personality psychology (for example, the personality of a leader), psychology small group and psychology of large social groups and communities. They also highlight the political psychology of the masses and mass sentiments.

Differences in rights and responsibilities between religious organizations and religious groups.

First, let's look at what a religious association is.

Religious association is a voluntary association of citizens of the Russian Federation, other persons permanently and legally residing on the territory of the Russian Federation, formed for the purpose of jointly professing and spreading the faith and possessing the necessary resources for this purpose. signs 1:


    performance of divine services, other religious rites and ceremonies;

    teaching religion and religious education of its followers.

Russian legislation allows for the possibility of forming religious associations in two forms:

    Religious groups;

    Religious organizations.

Let's start with religious groups, since, based on the Federal Law, it can be noted that religious groups in the process of creation are more simplified and do not have the same formalities as religious organizations.

Religious group is a voluntary association of citizens formed for the purpose of jointly professing and spreading the faith, carrying out activities without state registration and acquisition of legal capacity of a legal entity. The premises and property necessary for the activities of a religious group are provided for the use of the group by its members.

Religious groups have the right to perform worship services, other religious rites and ceremonies, as well as provide religious instruction and religious education to their followers.

As for the creation of a religious group, the Federal Law does not specifically regulate the procedure for the formation of a group. So I had to turn to practice. In short, creating a religious group requires:

Application using a template;

At least 10 people who will put their full names and signatures on the application;

Select a local government body.

That's the thing about religious groups now

Let's look at what religious

organizations and their features.

As for the religious organization, to begin with it should be noted that the word "organization" in Russian law means a legal entity. Definition "religious" can only be applied if the organization is recognized as such by the state during an examination. In this case, the association has the right to receive benefits from the state, including tax benefits, and to participate in charitable activities.

And in more detail.

Religious organizations is a voluntary association of citizens of the Russian Federation and other persons permanently and legally residing on the territory of the Russian Federation, formed for the purpose of jointly professing and spreading the faith and registered as a legal entity in the manner prescribed by law.

The main difference between a religious organization and a religious group is that the former has legal entity status. In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 48 Civil Code of the Russian Federation entity- this is an organization that has separate property in ownership, economic management or operational management and is responsible for it for its obligations, can, in its own name, acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, perform duties, and be a plaintiff and defendant in court.

Religious organizations are divided into local and centralized:

Local is a religious organization consisting of at least ten participants who have reached the age of eighteen and permanently reside in the same locality or in the same urban or rural settlement.

Centralized- these are religious organizations consisting, in accordance with their charter, of at least three local religious organizations.

A religious organization is considered created from the moment of state registration. The procedure for such registration is determined by the Federal Law of August 8, 2001 “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs”.

Let me remind you that the founders of a local religious organization can be at least ten citizens of the Russian Federation, united in a religious group that has confirmation of its existence in a given territory for at least fifteen years, issued by local authorities.

Also, a religious organization operates on the basis of a charter, which is approved by its founders or a centralized religious organization and must meet the requirements of the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

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