Rare interesting riddles. Logical and entertaining problems (300 problems)

15 difficult riddles that will make your head work and take your mind off everyday thoughts...

1. This is given to a person three times: the first two times are free, but for the third you have to pay?

2. One of my friends can shave his beard clean ten times a day. And still he walks around with a beard. How is this possible?

He's a barber.

3. One day at breakfast, a girl dropped her ring into a cup full of coffee. Why did the ring remain dry?

Coffee beans, ground or instant.

4. In what case, looking at the number 2, do we say “ten”?

When we look at a clock that shows ten minutes of an hour.

5. A man bought apples for 5 rubles apiece, and then sold them for 3 rubles apiece. After some time, he became a millionaire. How did he do it?

He was a billionaire.

6. You are standing in front of two identical doors, one of which leads to death, the other to happiness. The doors are guarded by two identical guards, one of whom tells the truth all the time, and the other lies all the time. But you don't know who is who. You can only ask one question to any of the guards.
What question should you ask to avoid making a mistake when choosing a door?

One solution: “If I ask you to show me the door to happiness, which door will the other guard point to?” And after that you need to choose another door.

7. You are invited to work as a financial analyst at Gazprom. They promise a starting salary of $100,000 per year and two options for increasing it:
1. Once a year your salary is increased by $15,000
2. Once every six months - for $5,000
Which option do you think is more profitable?

Layout according to the first option: 1 year - $100,000, 2 year - $115,000, 3 year - $130,000, 4 year - $145,000 and so on. Layout according to the second option: 1 year - $50,000 + $55,000 = $105,000, 2 year - $60,000 + $65,000 = $125,000, year 3 - $70,000 + $75,000 = $145,000, year 4 - $80,000 + $85,000 = $165,000 and so on.

8. There are three light bulbs in one room. The other has three switches. You need to determine which switch goes to which light bulb. You can only enter a room with light bulbs once.

You need to first turn on one light bulb and wait, then turn on the second light bulb for a very short time, and then turn both off. The first will be the hottest, the second will be warm, and the third will be cold.

9. You have five and three liter bottles and lots and lots of water. How to fill a five-liter bottle with exactly 4 liters of water?

Take a five-liter bottle and pour 3 liters from it into a three-liter bottle. Pour out the three-liter container and pour the remaining two liters into it. Take the five-liter bottle again and pour the extra liter from it into a three-liter bottle, where there is just that much space left.

10. You are sitting in a boat that floats in a pool. There is a heavy cast iron anchor in the boat, not tied to the boat. What happens to the water level in the pool if you drop an anchor into the water?

The water level will drop. While the anchor is in the boat, it displaces a volume of water weighing the same as the anchor, its own weight and the weight of the cargo. If an anchor is thrown overboard, it will only displace a volume of water equal to the volume of the anchor, and not its weight, i.e. less, since the density of the anchor is greater than that of water.

11. A father and two sons went on a hike. On their way they met a river, near the bank of which there was a raft. It can support either a father or two sons on the water. How can father and sons cross to the other side?

First, both sons cross. One of the sons returns back to his father. The father moves to the opposite bank to join his son. The father remains on the shore, and the son is transported to the original shore after his brother, after which they both are transported to their father.

12. A steel ladder was lowered from the side of the ship. The bottom 4 steps of the ladder are submerged in water. Each step is 5 cm thick; the distance between two adjacent steps is 30 cm. The tide began, at which the water level began to rise at a speed of 40 cm per hour. How many steps do you think will be under water after 2 hours?

Of course, parents don’t always want to bother their precious child and come up with the most complicated riddles for him. Nevertheless, such questions, the answer to which you need to think about, are useful and necessary for children and adults, regardless of age.

Why ask your child complex riddles?

Moms and dads may wonder whether it is worth misleading their child and including difficult tasks in the program. However, having studied the information about how productive the most difficult riddles are for children different ages, parents will immediately change their previous opinion. Logic and trick riddles are needed for the following reasons:

These are just some of the factors that indicate that children definitely need difficult questions, to which we need to find answers. This will help you develop fully and be literate.

What should riddles be like?

It is clear that complex riddles are somewhat different from simple logical questions. You should think through a program of developmental classes with such tasks in advance so that the process goes smoothly and without hitches. The most difficult riddles should be:

  • With a catch.
  • Ambiguous.
  • Those that are worth thinking about the answer to.
  • Complex riddles should be selected according to the child’s age. This will help boys and girls find answers according to their level of knowledge. It follows that children should not ask very complex riddles; for the little ones it is better to choose trick questions. For older children, you can choose the same questions as for adults.

It is worth considering the above factors when choosing logical questions for your child.

Logic riddles for little ones

For kids before school age You can take into account the following riddles:

There were three apples on the birch tree, and five pears on the poplar tree. How many fruits are there in total on these trees?

(None, fruits do not grow on birch and poplar)

How can you find a black cat in a dark room?

(To turn on the light)

What will a red handkerchief with white embroidery become if it is lowered into the Black Sea?

What can't you eat for lunch?

(Breakfast and dinner)

What will happen in next year with a dog who is five years old?

(She will be six years old)

Whose hair won't get wet in the pouring rain?

(Bald man)

Which is more correct to say: I can’t see the white yolk or I don’t see the white yolk?

(No way, the yolk is never white)

A duck standing on one leg weighs three kilograms, how much will the same duck weigh if it stands on two legs.

(3 kilograms)

Two eggs take 4 minutes to cook, how long will it take ten eggs to cook?

(4 minutes)

A cat is resting near the bench. The tail, the eyes, and the whiskers are all like a cat’s, but it’s not a cat. Who's resting near the bench?

Guess what goes missing when you eat a bagel?

How can you light a match when you are underwater?

(You can if you are in a submarine)

30 candles were lit in the hall. A man entered the room and extinguished 15 of them. How many candles are left in the hall?

(30 candles left, extinguished candles are still in the room)

The house has an uneven roof. One side is lowered more, the other less. The rooster sat on the top of the roof and laid an egg, which way will it roll?

(It won't go anywhere, the rooster doesn't lay eggs)

What tree does a fox hide under when it rains?

(Under the wet)

In which fields does not a single plant grow?

(On the brim of the hat)

Such complex logic riddles for little ones will cause a whirlpool of emotions and interest. The most important thing is to give your child hints so that he can find the correct answer.

Complex riddles with a trick for schoolchildren

School-age children may find it even more difficult to select questions. Very complex ones can be as follows:

You're at a running competition. When you overtook the last one running, what did you become?

(This cannot happen, because the last runner cannot be overtaken, because he is the last and there cannot be anyone else behind him)

Three car owners had a brother, Alyosha. But Alyosha didn’t have a single brother, how is this possible?

(Possibly if Alyosha had sisters)

What will your score be if you overtake the second runner in line?

(Many will answer first, but this is wrong, because having overtaken the second runner, the person will become second)

Schoolchildren will certainly enjoy such complex riddles with a trick. After thinking about the answer, it will not be difficult to voice it.

Adult riddles with a trick

Sometimes adults are like children. Therefore, they will also like very complex riddles. People over school age can be asked the following logical questions:

A tram with five passengers is traveling. At the first stop, two passengers got off and four got on. At the next stop, no one got off; ten passengers got on. At another station, five passengers entered and one exited. On the next one, seven people came out and eight people entered. When there was another stop, five people got off and no one got on. How many stops did the tram have?

(The answer to this riddle is not so important. The point is that all participants will most likely count the number of passengers and it is unlikely that anyone will decide to count the stops)

The doorbell rings. You know that your relatives are behind her. There's champagne in your refrigerator cold water and juice. What will you open first?

(Door, because guests must first be allowed into the apartment)

A healthy person who is not sick, does not have a disability, and whose legs are fine, is carried out of the hospital in his arms. Who is this?

(Newborn baby)

You entered the room. It contains five cats, four dogs, three parrots, two guinea pigs and a giraffe. How many feet are there on the floor in the room?

(There are two legs on the floor. Animals have paws, only humans have legs)

Three prisoners unknowingly planned to escape from prison. The prison was surrounded by a river. When the first prisoner escaped, a shark attacked him and ate him. Thus the first of those escaping died. When the second prisoner attempted a disaster, he was noticed by guards and dragged by his hair into the prison grounds, where he was shot. The third prisoner escaped normally and was never seen again. What's wrong with this story?

(There are no sharks in the river; they couldn’t drag the prisoner by the hair because they shave his head)

Adult participants of the event will enjoy such riddles.

How to motivate a child to participate in educational activities

It is clear that children definitely need motivation in order for their participation in the game to be exciting and desirable. It is enough to simply promise the child some kind of gift and, of course, present it at the end of the game.

The child’s logic must work! Do not take precedence over creative activity, but be in harmony and balance with it. Therefore, like Creative skills, the ability to think logically needs to be developed in children.

And those logical riddles with answers that we have collected for you on this page, we hope, will help you with this. Some of these riddles are very simple, they are for fun or for very little ones. And others are more complicated. Although, of course, not as difficult as for adult children. But the kids will still have no way of coping with them without your help and without answers. Help them, don't be too serious! 🙂

Anyway, enough talk, let's get down to business!

1) Grandma Anya has a grandson Seryozha, a cat Fluff, and a dog Bobik. How many grandchildren does grandma have?

Answer: (One)

2) The thermometer shows plus 15 degrees. How many degrees will two of these thermometers show?


3) How to say correctly: “I don’t see the white yolk” or “I don’t see the white yolk”?

Answer: (The yolk cannot be white)

4) The truck was driving to the village. On the way he met 4 Cars. How many cars were going to the village?

Answer: (One)

5) My father’s child, not my brother. Who is this?

Answer: (Sister)

6) There are 4 oranges in the vase. Question: how to divide these 4 oranges between four boys so that each boy gets one orange, and so that 1 orange remains in the vase?

Answer: (Leave the fourth orange in the vase)

7) Twelve brothers
They wander after each other,
They don't bypass each other.

Answer: (months)

8) A famous magician says that he can put a bottle in the center of the room and crawl into it. Like this?

Answer: (Anyone can crawl into the room)

9)What kind of comb should you not comb your hair with?

Answer: (Petushin)

10) My name is Misha. My sister only has one brother. What is the name of my sister's brother?

Answer: (Misha)

11) Can it rain for two days in a row?

Answer: (No, there is night between them)

12)Which month is the shortest?

Answer: (May, since it only has three letters)

13) Say a word that contains 40 vowels.

Answer: (Forty, namely forty “A”)

14) There are 8 benches in the park. Three were painted. How many benches are there in the park?

Answer: (Eight remain)

15) There are 25 coconuts in a box. The monkey stole all the nuts except 17. How many nuts were left in the box?

Answer:(17 nuts left)

16) Which hand is better to stir tea?

Answer: (It is best to stir the tea with a spoon)

17) Each of the 5 sisters had two brothers. How many brothers were there in total?

Answer: (Two brothers)

18) You are ahead of the skier who was in second position. What place do you occupy now?

Answer: (Having overtaken a skier, you take his place, namely second)

19) The housewife needs to bake 6 pies. How can she do it in 15 minutes, if only 4 pies fit in the frying pan, and the pies should be baked for 5 minutes on each side?

Answer: (first put 4 pies and fry them for 5 minutes, then turn 2 pies over, and remove 2, then put in 2 new pies and fry for another 5 minutes. After that, remove 2 finished pies, finish frying all the rest)

20)Where was Moses when the candle went out?

Answer: (In the dark)

21) The magician has 2 bags: one contains cards, and the other contains balls. Each of the bags is signed: one with cards is true, the other with balls is obviously false. 1 says: “There are no marbles in this bag”; on 2 - “Balls and cards are here.” Which bag are the cards in?

Answer: (cards in the first bag)

22) What can’t you pick up from the floor by its tail?

Answer: (Ball of thread)

23) There is an elevator in a 12-story building. Only 2 people live on the ground floor; from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. Which button in the elevator of this building is pressed most often?

Answer: (button on the first floor)

24) The loaf was cut into three parts. How many cuts were made?

Answer: (Two cuts)

25) Who walks while sitting?

Answer: (A chess player walks while sitting)

26) A pan was placed on the edge of the table, tightly closed with a lid, so that two-thirds of the pan hung from the table. After some time the pan fell. What was in it?

Answer: (There was ice in the pan)

27) The more you take from it, the more it becomes... What is this?

Answer: (This is a pit)

28) Which wheel does not spin when turning right?

Answer: (Spare tire)

29) A husband and wife, a brother and sister, and a brother-in-law and son-in-law were walking. How many are there?

Answer: (Three)

30)What does half an orange look like most?

Answer: (For the second half of the orange)

31) What can you cook, but cannot eat?
Answer:( Lessons)

32) Two boys played checkers for 2 hours. How long did each boy play?

Answer: (Two hours)

33) What do all people on earth do at the same time?
Answer:( Getting older)

34) How can a thrown egg fly four meters without breaking?
Answer:( You need to throw the egg more than four meters, then the first four meters it will fly intact)

35) What can travel around the world while remaining in the same corner?
Answer:( Postage Stamp)

36) There is a well-known story about little boy, who, having received a New Year's gift, asked his mother: “Please take off the lid. I want to pet the gift.” What kind of gift is this?
Answer: (This gift turned out to be turtle)

37) What kind of utensils should you not eat from?
Answer: (From blank.)

38) If it is raining at 12 o'clock at night, can we expect sunny weather 72 hours later?

Answer:(No, in 72 hours it will be midnight again)

39) Which elephant does not have a trunk?

Answer: (The chess bishop does not have a trunk)

40)What do we eat for?

Answer: (We eat at the table)

41) Four birch trees grew, On each birch there were four large branches, On each large branch there were four small branches, On each small branch there were four apples. How many apples are there in total?
Answer: (None, since apples cannot grow on birch trees.)

42) A grandmother was walking to Moscow, three old men met her, the old men each had a bag,

and in each bag there is a cat. How much did it go to Moscow?
Answer: (Only the grandmother was going to Moscow, but the old people were going in the other direction.)

43) When is it easiest for a black cat to get into the house?
Answer: (The easiest way for a cat to get into the house is when the door is open.)

44) Which question cannot be answered “yes”?

Answer: (Yes, you cannot answer the question “Are you sleeping?”)

45) A flock of ducks was flying: two in front, two behind, one in the middle and three in a row. How many are there in total?

Answer: (Three ducks were flying)

46) A flock of birds flew, sat two by two on a tree - one tree remained; They sat down one at a time - one was missing. How many birds and how many trees?

Answer: (Three trees and four birds)

47) On what road do they drive for half a year and walk for half a year?

Answer: (By the river)

48)What always increases and never decreases?

Answer: (Person's age)

49) How to make four out of three sticks without breaking them?
Answer: (Add them to the number 4.)

50) The grandmother was carrying a hundred eggs to the market, and the bottom fell. How many eggs are left in the basket?
Answer: (Not a single one remained: after all, the bottom fell)

51) They knock and knock - they don’t tell you to be bored.
They go and go, and everything is just there.
Answer: (Clock)

52) Why do birds fly?
Answer: (Birds fly through the air.)

53) Irina dreamed of a chocolate bar, but she didn’t have 10 rubles to buy it. Lesha also dreamed of a chocolate bar, but he was only 1 ruble short. The children decided to buy at least one chocolate bar for two, but they still lacked 1 ruble. What is the cost of a chocolate bar?

Answer: (The cost of a chocolate bar is 10 rubles. Ira had no money at all)

54) What can’t a magnifying glass magnify in a triangle?

Answer: (A magnifying glass in a triangle cannot magnify the angles)

55) What will happen to the crow when it turns 7 years old?

Answer: (She will be eight years old)

56) If you only had one match and you walked into a room where there was a kerosene lamp, a fireplace and a gas stove, what would you light first?

Answer: (Match)

57) What is the correct way to say: “I don’t see the white yolk” or “I don’t see the white yolk”?
Answer: (The yolk cannot be white)

58) How many peas can fit into one glass?
Answer: (Not at all, because peas don’t move)

59) There are four legs under the roof,
Above the roof - soup and spoons.
Answer: (Table)

60) What is lighter than 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of iron?

Answer: (They weigh the same)

These are so interesting logic riddles for children. We hope you liked it. But in general, our collection is a feast for the eyes! Check it out for yourself, you won’t regret it!

For every person the most complex riddle its. The one he struggled with for many hours or even days. But in the end I figured it out and found the answer on my own. He will definitely never forget the solution.

But still, among those ever invented, there are those that can confidently be classified as the most intricate. We will talk about them.

First group of riddles: for children

Don't think that any adult can handle them easily. Even not the most difficult riddle in the world can seriously puzzle you. Moreover, there will be a big embarrassment if a child can cope with it, but an adult will find it too tough.

  • Life gives this as a gift twice. You have to pay for the third set. (Teeth.)
  • A birch tree grew in the garden. There were 45 apples hanging on it. The wind blew and 9 of them fell. How many apples are left on it? (Not at all, because apples don’t grow on birch trees.) Note. Although if you come across a person with creative thinking, he can say that nowhere is it said that apples actually grew on the tree. They just hung there. And it is unknown how they were secured, that’s why they fell.

The list of tasks that can be described as “the most difficult riddle” continues.

  • During the race, the athlete overtook the one who was in second position. Where did he end up? (On the second, because he didn’t catch up with the first.)
  • The same athlete in another competition overtook the one who was last. What place did he get? (It is impossible to overtake the last one; if someone was ahead of him, then he was not the last.)
  • This thing is thrown away if it is needed. And when it turns out to be unnecessary, they raise it. What is this? (Sea anchor.)

The second group of riddles: for those who like to count

These tasks will require some math and some reasoning. And then any of the most difficult riddles in the world can be solved.

  • A specialist is invited to a well-known company for the position of financial analyst. He is offered a starting salary of 10 thousand per month. It can be increased according to two schemes. The first promises an increase of 15 thousand per year. The second guarantees an increase of 5 thousand in six months. Which option will be more profitable? (Second.) Note. You will need to calculate your salary for an arbitrary number of years. Even the first two will be enough. In both cases, the annual salary is the same - 120 thousand. Increase plan for the first scenario: 120 thousand, 135 thousand and so on. The second scenario will give the following breakdown: 60 for the first six months and 65 for the second part of the year, resulting in 125 thousand for the 1st year. Second year: 70 and 75, which will give 145 thousand per year.
  • There is a heavy anchor at the bottom of the boat. She floats on the surface of the water in the pool. What will happen to the water level if the untied anchor is thrown out of the boat? (Will go down.) Note. While the anchor lies in the boat, the part of it immersed in water is much larger than the volume of the anchor itself.

  • How to collect 4 liters of water if only containers of 5 and 3 are available? (Fill 5, pour into 3, empty the second, pour the remaining 2 from the first into it, fill with 5 again, pour 1 liter from it into the three-liter.)

The third group of riddles: to reason

A creative approach is impossible without thinking carefully and moving away from the standards into which society has driven people. Therefore, the most complex logic riddles turn out to be simple after the answer is found.

  • In a large room there is a partition behind which there are three light bulbs. Moreover, they are not visible from the remote control with three switches. It is required to determine which one is from each light bulb. You can only enter the partition once. The solution requires two steps. The first is to turn on one light bulb and turn it off after a few minutes. During this time it will have time to warm up. The second action is to turn on the second light bulb. Now you can take a look. The one that is hot is the first. The other one glows - the second one. And the third is the one that was not touched at all.
  • One hotel has seven floors. The first one accommodated 4 guests. On each subsequent floor their number increases by 3. On which floor is the elevator button pressed most often? (On the first.)
  • One person only has one match left in the box. He enters a room in which there is a kerosene lamp on the fireplace and a gas stove. What will a person light first? (Match.)

And this is perhaps the most difficult logic riddle.

You need to bake 6 pies. They need to be fried on each side for 5 minutes. Only 4 pies can be placed on the frying pan at a time. How can you fry them in 15 minutes?

The solution consists of the following moves:

  • put 4 pies for 5 minutes;
  • Turn 2 over, remove the others, put two more not yet fried for another 5 minutes;
  • 2 remove (they are already ready), 2 turn over and put those that were previously removed for the remaining 5 minutes.

The fourth group of riddles: ingenuity

They require intelligence. A savvy person will easily solve all the most complex logical riddles.

  • The girl took the ring out of the coffee cup. Why didn't the ring get wet? (Coffee powder, granules or beans.)

  • One businessman bought apples for 6 rubles, and sold them for 4. How did he manage to become a millionaire? (Before this action, he was a billionaire.)
  • The steamer moored to the pier, and the 4 lower steps were in the water. Thickness and height of the steps: 5 and 30 cm. While the ship was at the pier, the tide began, and the water rose by 40 cm every hour. How many steps will be under water 3 hours after the tide starts? (Still 4, the steamer will rise with the water.)

Fifth group of riddles: with a catch

Logic and the ability to count well will not always help in solving such problems. These most difficult riddles have a catch. That is, those in which you need to look for something unusual.

  • There are three tractor drivers working on the collective farm, who have a brother, Sergei. But he has no brothers. How can this be? (They are sisters.)
  • There were 10 candles burning on the candlestick. The owner blew out 3 of them. How many candles will be left by morning? (3: those that are blown out will not burn.)
  • It's 12 o'clock at night. It is raining outside. How confident can you be that the sun will be shining in 72 hours? (Not at all, it will be night again.)
  • In what situation is it easier for a black cat to enter the house? (When the door is open.)

And a few more mysteries

  • It is impossible to hold it for more than 5-10 minutes. But at the same time it weighs almost nothing (Breathing.)
  • There were so many apples on the plate that there were enough for all the children. How did it happen that all the guys took one, but there was only one left on the plate? (The latter took it along with the plate.)

And here is the most difficult riddle, which has two solutions.

The patient needs to leave for 30 days. The doctor gives him two medications, 30 tablets each. They cannot be distinguished by color, taste, smell, shape or size. The course of treatment cannot be interrupted. Every day you need to take one tablet of each drug. One day a person took 1 tablet out of the first package, and 2 fell out of the second. They got mixed up. How can a patient follow the doctor’s recommendations?

1. Take another tablet from the first one. Cut everything in half and put all the left halves in one direction, and the right halves in the other. It will turn out that there will be one of each type in each pile.

2. Again, take another tablet. Grind everything into powder and divide into two equal parts.

Throughout 2016, visitors to our site cast their votes for their favorite riddles. Total number the votes for the year amounted to more than half a million, which means that every day visitors gave more than 1000 likes. And now it's time to take stock. Among thousands of riddles, we have selected the 100 most best riddles 2016 according to visitors. Based on the experience of last year, we can confidently say that the majority opinion turns out to be quite objective. Riddles appeal to people who hear them for the first time. Therefore, riddles from our top 100 list can be used at New Year’s school parties and in competitions at New Year’s corporate parties.

According to tradition, we will start with the less popular ones and gradually move on to the best. Read riddles, ask your parents, share with friends on social networks, click on the hearts. Go;)

1. Why does the dog bark?
Answer: Can't speak

2. What year lasts only one day?
Answer: New Year

3. Which word has three letters “w”?
Answer: Buzzing

4. Not a camel, but spitting. Not a calculator, but a counting one. Not a radio, but broadcasting.
Answer: Man

5. What two is worth more than three?
Answer: Two pedals of an automatic transmission are more expensive than three pedals of a manual transmission

6. A cowboy, a gentleman and a yogi are sitting at the table. How many feet are there on the floor?
Answer: 1 leg (a cowboy puts his legs on the table, a gentleman crosses his legs, and a yogi meditates)

7. Where do people pay for what is taken from them?
Answer: Hairdresser

8. What is the largest human organ?
Answer: Leather

9. What breaks but never falls? What falls but never breaks?
Answer: Heart and blood pressure

10. Read the phrase correctly:
Answer: Love our mighty language

11. The very first semiconductor in the world?
Answer: Ivan Susanin

12. The more you pick, the bigger you become. What it is?
Answer: Hole

13. What can you take in left hand, but not on the right?
Answer: Right elbow

14. Why does Santa Claus deliver gifts alone, and Father Frost with the Snow Maiden?
Answer: Santa Claus will get home by himself after the New Year, but someone must drag Santa Claus

15. You will say “don’t come!” - still comes. You say “don’t go!” - still leaves. What it is?
Answer: Time

16. What can you cook, but cannot eat?
Answer: Homework

17. What is cleanliness?
Answer: Pure mass divided by pure volume

18. What horse doesn’t eat oats?
Answer: Chess

19. What is the cow in front and the bull behind?
Answer: Letter k

20. What can't you eat for breakfast?
Answer: Lunch and dinner

21. On the same day, 2 boys were born in the same maternity hospital. Their parents moved into the same house. The boys lived on the same landing, went to the same school, to the same class. But they never saw each other. How can it be?
Answer: They were born blind

22. Which word has five letters “l”?
Answer: Parallel-serial

23. What type of weapon has a date and year?
Answer: Pistol

24. Which bird is named after part of a musical instrument?
Answer: Vulture

25. Which 2 notes indicate an edible product?
Answer: Fa-sol

26. The husband gave his wife a ring and said: “When I die, read what is written on it.” He died and she read it. Later, when she was having fun, reading the inscription on the ring, she became sad, and when she was sad, reading the inscription, she became happy. What was written on the ring?
Answer: Everything will pass

27. What should you do if you meet a tiger in a dream?
Answer: Wake up

28. What can I do that you will never be able to repeat in your life?
Answer: Crawl between your legs

29. What should you do if you get into a car and your feet can’t reach the pedals?
Answer: Move to the driver's seat

30. Which knot cannot be untied?
Answer: Railway

31. Name a 5 letter word containing the letters: p, z, d, a.
Answer: West

32. Oh, what a comma
There is a big one on the sheet!
You can even measure it with it,
It's just a number...
Answer: nine

33. In the sky with a thousand girlfriends, a tiny piece of ice is circling.
Answer: snowflake

34. What bird bears the name of the ship?
Answer: Frigate

35. What bird is called porridge?
Answer: Oatmeal

36. Mr. Mark was found murdered in his office. The cause turned out to be a bullet wound to the head. Detective Robin, examining the murder scene, found a cassette recorder on the table. And when he turned it on, he heard Mr. Mark's voice. He said: “This is Mark speaking. Jones just called me and said that in ten minutes he would be here to shoot me. There is no use in running. I know this footage will help the police arrest Jones. I hear his footsteps on the stairs. The door opens..." The assistant detective suggested that Jones be arrested on suspicion of murder. But the detective did not follow his assistant's advice. As it turns out, he was right. Jones was not the killer, as was stated on the tape. Question: why did the detective become suspicious?
Answer: The tape in the recorder was reviewed at the beginning. Moreover, Jones would have taken the tape.

37. What needs to be done to make a blonde’s eyes light up?
Answer: Shine the blonde's ear

38. Crossroads. Traffic light. A Kamaz, a cart and a motorcyclist are standing and waiting for the green light. The yellow light came on and the Kamaz turned off. The horse got scared and bit the motorcyclist's ear. Like a traffic accident, but who broke the rules?
Answer: Motorcyclist (was not wearing a helmet)

39. How much earth does a hole with a diameter of 3 meters and a depth of 3 meters contain?
Answer: Not at all (the pits are empty)

40. A flock was flying, not a big one at all. How many birds and what kind?
Answer: Seven owls (~ quite)

41. The only people who are sober at the New Year’s banquet are...?
Answer: Christmas tree

42. They don’t eat it raw; they throw it away when it’s cooked. What is this?
Answer: Bay leaf

43. There are 100 sheets of paper on the table.
For every 10 seconds you can count 10 sheets.
How many seconds will it take to count 80 sheets?
Answer: 20

44. There lived a husband and wife. The husband had his own room in the house, which he forbade his wife to enter. The key to the room was in the bedroom chest of drawers. They lived like this for 10 years. And so the husband went on a business trip, and the wife decided to come into this room. She took the key, opened the room, and turned on the light. The wife walked around the room, then saw a book on the table. She opened it and heard someone opening the door. She closed the book, turned off the light and locked the room, putting the key in the chest of drawers. It's my husband who came. He took the key, opened the room, did something in it and asked his wife: “Why did you go there?”
How did the husband guess?
Answer: My husband touched the light bulb, it was hot.

45. What constellations are named after birds?
Answer: Swan, Eagle

46. ​​Two women - no way. A woman and a man - somehow. Two men - at least.
Answer: Toilet

47. What notes can be used to measure distance?
Answer: Mi-la-mi

48. This name sounds like Danuta in full. What is it abbreviated as?
Answer: Dana

49. Did you stick your muzzle into the lawn?
Answer: Know that it was riot police

50. Two fifth-graders Petya and Alyonka are walking home from school and talking.
“When the day after tomorrow becomes yesterday,” said one of them, “then today will be as far from Sunday as the day that was today, when the day before yesterday was tomorrow.” What day of the week did they talk?
Answer: Sunday

51. What do you get if you combine Microsoft and iPhone?
Answer: Microphone

52. Once upon a time there lived in a thicket an orphan girl, she had only two kittens, two puppies, three parrots, a turtle and a hamster with a hamster who was supposed to give birth to 7 hamsters. The girl went to get food. She goes through the forest, field, forest, field, field, forest, forest, field. She came to the store, but there was no food there. It goes further, through the forest, forest, field, field, forest, field, forest, field, forest, field, field, forest. And the girl fell into the hole. If she gets out, dad will die. If she stays there, mom will die. You can't dig a tunnel. What should she do?
Answer: She is an orphan

53. A river that “fits” in your mouth?
Answer: Gum

54. Name a word in which one letter is a prefix, the second is a root, the third is a suffix, and the fourth is an ending.
Answer: Gone: u (prefix), sh (root), l (suffix), a (ending).

55. A husband and wife, a brother and sister, and a husband and brother-in-law were walking. How many people are there in total?
Answer: 3 people

56. They come in metal and liquid. What are we talking about?
Answer: Nails

57. Conjunction, number then preposition -
That's the whole charade.
And so that you can find the answer,
We need to remember about rivers.
Answer: i-sto-k

58. Guess the riddle: who has the heel behind the nose?
Answer: Shoes

59. Which muscle is the strongest in the human body?
Answer: The common belief is language. In fact, it is the calf and masseter muscles.

60. How to put 2 liters of milk in a liter jar?
Answer: Turn it into cottage cheese

61. Vasily, Peter, Semyon and their wives Natalya, Irina, Anna are 151 years old together. Each husband is 5 years older than his wife. Vasily is 1 year older than Irina. Natalya and Vasily are 48 years old together, Semyon and Natalya are 52 years old together. Who is married to whom, and how old is someone? (Age must be expressed in whole numbers).
Answer: Vasily (26) - Anna (21); Peter (27) - Natalya (22); Semyon (30) - Irina (25).

62. What little horse needs to be placed between two pronouns to make the name of a country?
Answer: Pony (Japan)

63. George Washington, Sherlock Holmes, William Shakespeare, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Napoleon Bonaparte, Nero - who is the “odd one” on this list?
Answer: Sherlock Holmes (fictional character)

64. Sherlock Holmes was walking down the street. And suddenly he saw a dead woman lying on the ground. He walked over, opened her bag and took out her phone. Tel. in the book he found her husband's number. He called. Speaks:
- Come here urgently. Your wife has died. And after a while the husband arrives. He looks at his wife and says:
- Oh, honey, what happened to you???
And then the police arrive. Sherlock points his finger at the woman's husband and says:
- Arrest this man. He was the one who killed her. Question: Why did Sherlock think that?
Answer: Because Sherlock didn't tell her husband the address

65. How many different digits must be used to write the number 100?
Answer: Two: zero and one

66. What sign must be placed between 6 and 7 so that the result is less than 7 and greater than 6?
Answer: Comma

67. How to write “duck” in 2 cells?
Answer: In the 1st - the letter “y”, in the 2nd - a dot.

68. To what mere mortal does even the president take off his hat?
Answer: Hairdresser

69. You can tie it, but you can’t untie it.
Answer: Conversation

70. The night watchman died during the day. Will they give him a pension?
Answer: A dead man doesn't need a pension

71. In what word is the drink and natural phenomenon “hidden”?
Answer: Grapes

72. Which path has no one ever walked or ridden before?
Answer: Milky Way

73. What kind of stopper cannot be used to stop any bottle?
Answer: Road

74. Without what does nothing ever happen?
Answer: Untitled

75. Which number has as many numbers as there are letters in its name?
Answer: 100 (hundred), 1000000 (million)

76. Jackdaws flew and sat on sticks. If they sit down one at a time, there’s an extra jackdaw; if they sit down in twos, there’s an extra stick. How many sticks were there and how many jackdaws were there?
Answer: Three sticks and four jackdaws

77. Where on Earth does the south wind always blow?
Answer: At the North Pole

78. What animal do people walk on and cars drive over?
Answer: Zebra

79. What is an elephant without a nose?
Answer: Chess

80. How many years are there in a year?
Answer: one (summer)

81. What table has no legs?
Answer: Dietary

82. Two people approach the river. There is a boat at the shore that can only support one. Both people crossed to the opposite bank. How?
Answer: They were on different banks

83. Which word uses “no” 100 times?
Answer: Moans

84. What can’t a magnifying glass magnify in a triangle?
Answer: Angles

85. Why is the stop valve on trains red, but on airplanes blue?
Answer: Many will say: “I don’t know.” Experienced people will answer: “There are no stop valves on airplanes.” In fact, airplanes have a stop valve in the cockpit.

86. Don't write anything or use a calculator. Take 1000. Add 40. Add another thousand. Add 30. Another 1000. Plus 20. Plus 1000. And plus 10. What happened?
Answer: 5000? Wrong. The correct answer is 4100. Try using a calculator.

87. How can a person not sleep for 8 days?
Answer: Sleep at night

88. Where does it happen that a horse jumps over a horse?
Answer: In chess

89. One French writer I really disliked the Eiffel Tower, but I always dined there (on the first level of the tower). How did he explain this?
Answer: This the only place in the whole of vast Paris, from where it is not visible

90. There were 20 people on the bus. At the first stop 2 people got off and 3 people got on, at the next - 1 got off and 4 got on, at the next - 5 got off and 2 got on, at the next - 2 got off and 1 got on, at the next - 9 got off and no one got on, at the next - 2 more came out. Question: how many stops were there?
Answer: The answer to the riddle is not that important. This is a riddle with an unexpected question. While you are telling the riddle, the guesser begins to count in his head the number of people on the bus, and at the end of the riddle, with a question about the number of stops, you will puzzle him.

91. Which word has 5 “e”s and no other vowels?
Answer: Migrant

92. The boy paid 11 rubles for a bottle with a cork. A bottle costs 10 rubles more than a cork. How much does a cork cost?
Answer: 50 kopecks

93. In which city did they hide? male name and side of the world?
Answer: Vladivostok

94. Seven sisters are at the dacha, where each is busy with some kind of business. The first sister reads a book, the second cooks food, the third plays chess, the fourth solves Sudoku, the fifth does laundry, the sixth takes care of plants. What does the seventh sister do?
Answer: Plays chess

95. More than an hour, less than a minute.
Answer: Seconds (hand of some watch models)

96. There is a rich house and a poor one. They are burning. Which house will the police extinguish?
Answer: Police don't put out fires, fires are put out by firefighters

97. On Soccer game the same person always came. Before the game started, he guessed the score. How did he do it?
Answer: Before the game starts the score is always 0:0

98. What language is spoken silently?
Answer: Sign language

99. He goes uphill, then downhill, but remains in place.
Answer: Road

100. What do people often walk on, but rarely drive?
Answer: By stairs

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