Speech to school graduates. Congratulations on the last call in prose


holding a ceremonial event dedicated to the “Last Call”.

Location– Nikolskaya secondary school - a playground in front of the school (in case of rain - a gym).

Start of the event- 10 h.00 min.

End of the line- 10h.50 min.

Fanfare sounds.

    Presenter's opening remarks-2 minutes;

    Alumni exit- 3 min;

    The Anthem of the Russian Federation sounds - 2 minutes ;

    Guest introduction:- 1 min;






    Congratulations to the guests: - 5 minutes;







    Director's speech - 2 min.

    Presentation of commemorative ribbons “Graduate of 2014”. – 4 min:

    Greeting first graders (poems) - 10 min:

    Speeches by school graduates (poems and songs) - 15 min;

    Parents' speech - 2 min;

    The culmination of the holiday - the “Last Bell” sounds - 1 minute;

    Inviting graduates to the last class hour at school - 1 minute;

    End of line - 1 min.

School director: Burlaenko T.A.

Building a school. Fanfare sounds.

1.Opening remarks by the presenters.

1 presenter: Once upon a time, exactly 9 years ago,
When the trees were golden
For us it was the holiday of the First Bell,
We entered the classroom for the first time to the sound of his trill.
2 presenter: And first-graders students -
We studied, grew up and matured,
And every day we met their calls,
And nine years flew by like birds.

1 presenter: Today we are a little worried
Today this room is full of friends,
Today is the day of the Last Call -
Today we say goodbye to school!

2 presenter: School is a fairyland
A world of magic, transformations, miracles!
She gives various secrets,
We met a lot of friends here!
1 presenter We looked for cities on the map,
They answered the lesson at the blackboard.
They trusted the secret to their desk...
And today we are graduates!
2 presenter: School! For the reunion of graduates of the 2015-2016 academic year, at attention, we meet the graduates.

2.Graduates exit. (the song “Top, Top” sounds)

1 Presenter : The ceremonial line dedicated to the “Last Bell” is considered open.

3. The Anthem of the Russian Federation is played.

2 presenter: Every year they leave school

Mature students
In order for life's laws

write not at the school board.
1 presenter: We will leave, but they will remain here,

to raise more generations,

Our most important people

who has a calling to teach!
4.Introduction of guests

1 presenter: Today on our line-up there are:



3. School teachers and students, parents

2 Presenter: the word for congratulations is given to:




5. Congratulations to the guests:

    1 Presenter: And every school has its own laws:
    In order not to go astray from the right path,
    To set the movement vector,
    The school is fair and strict,
    But everyone's favorite school principal!

    The floor is given to the school director Tatyana Alekseevna Burlaenko

7. Presentation of commemorative ribbons “Graduate of 2016”. (presented by 8th grade)

2 Presenter: Today, tomorrow, many years from now,
You will remember more than once
Our school house
Our good home
Our very first class!

    Greetings from elementary school (poems).

    A year has already passed since then
    How did you conduct the conversation?

    Congratulations on the lesson first,

    Giving us parting words!

    2. Well, a year is a long time.

    Here's your last lesson!

    The cheerful bell will ring,

    And say goodbye to school

    Forever. Well, now

    Congratulations to you!

    3. You have so many years of study

    Became smart. Still would!

    So many pens have written

    And they drew on the leaves.

    4. So many cheat sheets have been made,

    And slingshots and shooters!

    So much nail polish

    To look more mature!

    5. The first conclusion needs to be drawn:

    The main thing is friends and friendship!

    Where did the cheerful class become friends?

    In the common house - our school!

    6. Where did you get your knowledge?

    In our house - dear school!

    Where will you long be remembered?

    In our cute bright school!

    7. Well, when will I be like this,

    How much longer can you wait?

    eight years will pass until

    I can become the same.

    8. I want a hairstyle like this...

    In these heels...

    Be beautiful, smart, catchy,

    So that everyone would say: “Ah!”

    9. Daydreaming! I would like to

    Be a graduate soon

    To make the younger ones proud:

    Everyone who would know me.

    10. Congratulate on graduation

    We came to you today,

    Support you and glorify you

    We found time in the morning!

    11. We wish you good luck –

    It's good to pass the exam!

    No offense, no troubles, no crying

    At "4" and at "5".
    12. And there are many professions in life,

    There is something for every need

    We wish you that the road

    It was interesting!

    13. So that you become big,

    Interesting people!

    Let their school go quickly!

    Take life into your ranks!

1 Presenter: And now, by tradition, the floor is given to 9th grade graduates.

9.Speeches by school graduates (poems and songs).

1. Here is the school. Cozy cute building
Where we were warmed with heartfelt warmth,

They gave us hope, taught us knowledge...

And I can’t even believe that we will leave.

2. That we will no longer crowd at the entrance,
Let's not sit in the dining room for tea,

The head teacher will not look for us and get angry:

"Half the class is in class. Where are the escapees?"

3. And mom won't go to the meeting.
On the occasion of twos, innocent undertakings...

And it’s time for the school to tell us: “Goodbye!

Don’t remember us, the dashing children of yesterday!”

4. But it’s better not like this: remember us more often,
With a cheerful smile in kind eyes.

And we promise to meet each other

And remember the wise teachers.

5. Who put a sea of ​​formulas into our heads
And I discovered the spelling riddles,

Told the laws of the structure of the world

And I developed a craving for beauty in my souls!

6. The answer is very simple: teacher. Teacher!!!
Through diligence, perseverance, skill

We are proud to receive the role of "Graduate"!

Let everyone appreciate the meaning of these words later.

7. Today we owe all teachers
Say “Thank you” from the bottom of my heart.

All of Russia is strong through our teaching!

We must never forget them!

To the director.

The ship is sailing on the waves of knowledge, and you are at the helm.
You lead the entire crew of the ship clearly and skillfully.
Of course, sometimes it was stormy, but you were able to convince everyone,
That the storm is just a breath, that only two miles to the ground!
And we found worthy words, and we will say without unnecessary phrases:
Thank you very much for everything! And we all love you very much!

Dear Tatyana Alekseevna, thank you

To the first teacher

The first teacher is the first teacher,

our inspirer and our trustee,
--Our patron and our comforter -
This is what our first teacher is!

We will not forget that joyful hour
The hour when you met us at school,
Us, young, cheerful and friendly.
Very mobile, not very obedient.

Larisa Sergeevna, remember us?
Looking at you with childish delight?
We all grew up before your eyes.
You see, they have grown up and become adults.

Let the sun not cool down in your soul!
Low bow to you from your pets.

Dear Larisa Sergeevna, thank you.

1. School, wonderful school years. Nine years ago we came to school with our eyes wide open, expecting a miracle. We were like blank white pages on which you, our teachers, wrote your text and created a person.

2. Over the years, we have had 12 thousand lessons, more than 120 textbooks, and they contain more than 25 thousand pages. On average, over the years we have traveled 3,500 kilometers from home to school and back, 25 thousand bells have rung for us, and today the last bell in our lives will ring.

3 Our path was never strewn with roses, because there was no room for them. This place was occupied by: Pechorin's quest and Tatyana's suffering, syntax and punctuation, biquadratic equations and triangles named after Pythagoras.

4 The periodic table and that lucky apple that fell on the head of the thinking Newton. And also continents and oceans, battles and battles, cross-country races and races.

5 Our main task all these years was to eat from the tree of knowledge. We tasted it, and some of us had indigestion.

6 We tried to destroy the granite foundation of science and as a result, through joint efforts, we gnawed a huge hole in it.

7 Where the trade winds constantly blew on us, that’s why many of us have a chronic runny nose.

8 And despite all this, we are still as cheerful and cheerful as we were 9 years ago.

9 A whole life fit into these 9 years.

10 This life would be boring and joyless if we were not accompanied by our teachers - reliable comrades, excellent advisers.

11 Which were the guiding and directing force of our growing up.

12 They tried to pour their souls into us completely, although we were not always able to appreciate the good and bright things that the school instilled in us.

13. But today we have the last opportunity to express all the words of gratitude, appreciation, love, respect to you, our dear teachers.

Tatyana Alekseevna, Irina Aleksandrovna, Margarita Sergeevna, Alexander Anatolyevich, Vera Valentinovna, Galina Sergeevna, Svetlana Viktorovna, Alexey Pavlovich, Denis Vladimirovich, Lidia Igorevna, Nadezhda Gennadievna, Tatyana Vladimirovna, Olga Vitalievna, ……………………..

Thank you for your hard work!

To the librarian

I don’t know how to live without books,

I read and read everything,

For a person to be smart,

We go to the library.

Canteen workers

We loved to eat everything

And we were known as gourmets

And we are in the dining room more than once

We hung out for an hour

Technical staff

We were scolded, we were scolded

Why did we wear dirt to school?

We even forgot the shift

And they drew on the desks

Dear Nina Stepanovna. Anastasia Nikolaevna, Elena Mikhailovna, Tatyana Ivanovna, Galina……….., Marina Aleksandrovna, uncle Vadim.., Tatyana Valentinovna, Valery Alexandrovich, Anatoly Petrovich thank you!

1. We still have to say at this hour
About those who gave us life,

About the closest people in the world,

About those who helped me grow,

And it will help in many ways.

2.Parents follow us invisibly,
And in joy and in the hour when trouble came,

They strive to protect us from sorrows,

But, alas, we do not always understand them.

3. Forgive us, dear, dear ones,
After all, besides you, we have no more valuable people.

As they say, children are the joy of life,

And you are our support in it!

So that we don’t encounter troubles in life,

Give us some parenting advice.

Parents' speech

1. And now the end of farewell to school has come,

For some it’s for three months, and for others forever.

And it will seem to us, only, at times,

That this is an adult game.

2. A game that grows into life

With all the joys and her sadness.

In that bright and festive life,

Last call, marked with a trill.

Final song (all together)

Farewell song of graduates (Districts, Quarters. Beasts)

There's nothing left to learn

I learned everything I needed.

I have to leave at ten o'clock,

Tolstoy and the integral are waiting.

I'll score points in the tests,

School key on keychain

Cheerful pupils

The certificate is almost in your hand.

GIA, no questions asked,

We'll give it up, guys.

I'm leaving, leaving at ten.

Questions, tickets,

We'll give it up, guys.

I'm leaving, leaving at ten.

Tenth grade is waiting for you,

There will be a desk and a blackboard.

But it's not September now

And so for now.

I'll score points in the tests,

The school key is on a keychain.

Cheerful pupils

The certificate is almost in your hand.

GIA, no questions asked,

We'll give it up, guys.

I'm leaving, leaving at ten.

Questions, tickets,

We'll give it up, guys.

I'm leaving, leaving at ten.

That's all, the tenth one is waiting,

He's already close

Our Ninth grade passes

All exams are easy.

I'll score points in the tests,

The school key is on a keychain.

Cheerful pupils

The certificate is almost in your hand.

GIA, no questions asked,

We'll give it up, guys.

I'm leaving, leaving at ten.

Questions, tickets,

We'll give it up, guys.

I'm leaving, leaving at ten.

2 presenter: : We won't have to suffer anymore
Learning a lesson in the darkness of the night,

But it's a pity that time won't return,

and it’s a pity that the big class will scatter.

1 Presenter:

And the farewell bell will ring,
And our hearts will be troubled.

And we will understand that our childhood

It's gone from us forever.

The right to ring the last school bell is granted to a 9th grade student and a 1st grade student.....

2 presenter Ring the bell! Notify Russia
That an important path has been overcome!

A squad of guys ready to take on anything

They remember the good school bell.

1 Presenter: A solemn and sad moment,
A moment of growing up, goodbye to childhood,

The moment of opening new roads -

It's called "last call!"

11. The culmination of the holiday is the “Last Bell”.

( A first-grader and an eleventh-grader pass with the bell);

2 Presenter:

12.Final speech by the school principal and invitation to graduates to the last class hour at school.

13.End of the line.

Dear friends!

Dear graduates and your parents, and, of course, teachers!

Each school graduation leaves very special memories. Therefore, on the eve of graduation, let me, first of all, congratulate those who tried with all their might not only to give their students the necessary knowledge in the subjects of the curriculum, but also to help them navigate the flow of a rapidly changing reality, to teach them not only to know, but to reason and think , think, make fair decisions and take responsibility for them.

We are, of course, talking about the school director, the teaching staff and especially the class teachers! I am sure that today you are experiencing mixed feelings of joy, perhaps pride, but also a little sadness. After all, over the years spent within the walls of your native educational institution, passing on experience and knowledge to your students, not only have you become real mentors for them, but they also inevitably left a mark on your heart.

Thank you for your concern and professionalism! With all my heart I wish you to see in the future the successes of those who, after graduation, go on an independent voyage. After all, there is no greater reward for a teacher than the triumph of a student!

Graduation is also a very important date and a kind of milestone for parents. Congratulations on your children receiving their matriculation certificate and the beginning of adult life, which from now on they will build more independently. I am sure that you will always help them by lending your shoulder, by which I, first of all, mean timely advice and the most important happiness in a person’s life - the opportunity to freely choose and limitlessly strive for one’s dreams!

I address these words to you, the main heroes of the occasion - dear graduates!

Be worthy of your teachers and parents, be even better than them if you can do it. Try, look for yourself, concentrate on the main thing, ignore the unimportant, have ambition and ambition, show flexibility, but never break and always stand your ground if it is truly valuable to you.

Remember, now only you are responsible for shaping your tomorrow. And from your millions of “tomorrows” not only your own life will be formed, but also the life of our city, our country, and perhaps even the whole world.

I congratulate you on your farewell day to school! And I invite you to take the first step on the path you choose. Let these be choices you can be proud of. And of course, great luck to you, dear friends.

Happy holiday!


Moscow City Duma Pavel Poselenov

We brought you to these walls years ago - for the first school bell in your life on the first day of autumn. And although you have grown, matured and gained knowledge, your shining eyes and clear smiles have remained exactly the same, as if deja vu.

We have experienced many different bright emotions together over the years. A new stage of your life - exciting and responsible - is already approaching. In the meantime, let's celebrate the Last Call carefree, without remembering all the things to do. It's not every day that our children become adults overnight.

Dear graduates, our dear grown-up children! The last bell, the school bell - these are ours, the bright holiday of parents, and the teachers who gave you knowledge and taught you to be citizens. We, parents, sent you to school, experienced failures together, but were proud of our successes. And the teachers did everything necessary to introduce you to the vast world of knowledge and helped you grow up. This minute is warm, solemn, although a little sad for everyone. Remember with gratitude the school and those who shared their souls with you here for so many years!

I remember as if yesterday we, with a bouquet and smartly dressed children, were rushing to get acquainted with the school teacher. The children transformed from surprised, knowledge-hungry boys and girls into worthy and intelligent graduates. Parents in the family, and teachers in the classroom raised and taught life lessons. Together, we overcame the school path like sailors, with storms, calms and new lands, moving only forward. We wish our graduates to continue their journey in the vast living space, learning new things. And parents will be able to provide practical advice, guidance and love.

Today is a holiday for a large and friendly family, because school is the initial and bright stage in the lives of our children. We are parents, we are grateful to teachers for becoming the same parents to our children, their friends and mentors. Let the last bell ring! For some, this is joy, because a hot summer is ahead. For many, this is sadness and farewell to school. We are grateful to the teachers! After all, their smile met and saw off our kids, for many years their hand led our children to new knowledge and heights. Thank you for that. Happy last call!

Our dear beloved children! The last bell has rung. It's time for you to enter adulthood. Even though it won't be easy, we want to choose the right path in life. The path to a happy life, full of bright events and colorful moments. A life where there will be no bitter losses, misfortunes, wrong, cruel actions. Always, dear ones, do as we taught you, as school taught you. A school certificate is your ticket to life. Try to make sure you don't miss the chance to make your life happy. And today we all say in unison: “Thank you, school! We will never forget you. You made our children adults and independent. Prosperity and well-being for you, and patience for us!”

Dear friends, in a moment the long-awaited bell will ring - a symbol of the end of the school year, a new step, on the threshold of adulthood. For some, this call will be the last, because today many of our students, like birds, will fly out of the school nest, to new heights, to new knowledge and new victories. As a class teacher, I would like to wish: strive for the best, new and bright, let the obstacles recede on the way. Let your wings grow stronger. Let school life be a strong foundation for a happy future. Happy holiday, dear students!

You are strong, smart, kind and will definitely cope with all obstacles! The order for admission to exams for students in grades 9 and 11 is read out. Music sounds, with the presenters in the background: 1st century. The sun is above the desk, summer is at your feet. How long does the last call last? The universe does not fit in the windows, the School looks on, but itself shrinks. 2nd century Views fly over the distant helm, a sharp lancet, a mighty machine, And over the country, as over an assembly hall, the day is filled with blue and scarlet, a school, crystal, farewell bell. Q. Another remarkable date appeared in the biography of each of the graduates standing here - May 25, 2007. And it means that school lessons are over for them, there will be no more homework, answers at the blackboard, long-awaited breaks, “5” and “2” in diaries and class magazines. You have an independent life ahead of you.

Scenario for the last bell line: “today, leaving school...”

When composing a speech for the Last Bell, the school principal should be as sincere as possible, avoiding banal phrases. Dear Guys! I would like that when, when you look at a worn-out school photograph that you accidentally see in an album or a certificate of merit received many years ago, your heart suddenly ache, when memories come flooding back and you feel cramped with feelings overwhelming your soul, you remember today and all the words of congratulations, which will be addressed to you today.

Last call. ceremonial ceremony script

Thanks to those whose proud calling is Teacher, educator, educator. Livintsov A.: Galina Vasilievna, we often tried to avoid your office and - to be honest - we were seriously afraid of you.

Tell me, which class visited your carpet more often than us? But, even trembling with fear in your office, we knew for sure that you love us. And, believe me, your love is mutual! Smirnova I.: Nina Ivanovna, we felt your care always and everywhere: during breaks and lessons, during tests and exams.

For several years, we have been in the zone of your increased attention. Thank you! Demkin V.: Irina Nikolaevna, forgive me: we swam around the world map in search of some Korea and could not find it, we confused the climate of America and Africa, and did not understand the economy of Australia.

Your heart worries when you hear the bell, The very last one within the walls of this school, You no longer need to rush to class... It’s your holiday, although not very cheerful. You close the door behind you, The door behind which is a carefree childhood, And if suddenly you feel sad sometimes, Know , that it is somewhere in the neighborhood. It’s a little sad that everything is behind, And it can never happen again, But there is still a whole life ahead, Many different events await you. I wish you victories and good luck, So that you can achieve success, So that you can solve any problems So that you can find yourself in this life! Congratulatory speech at the Last Bell from the school administration At the end of May, on the Last Bell, the school administration, represented by the head teachers, always makes congratulatory speeches to graduates.

Sample speech of the school principal at the last bell line


Thanks to those who proudly bear the title: Teacher, educator, educator. Thank you, teachers, For the fact that the Earth is round, For Troy and for Carthage, For benzochloropropylene, For ZHI and SHI, for twice two, For your kind words Those that we now keep within ourselves, For everything we THANK YOU! What a proud calling - To give education to others, - To give away a piece of the heart, To forget empty quarrels, After all, it is difficult to explain to us, Sometimes it is very boring to repeat the same thing, To check notebooks at night.

Thank you for always being so right. We would like to wish you, so that you do not know troubles, health, happiness for a hundred years! Every day and every hour, devoting yourself to hard work, you live with one thought about us, with one concern.
It is customary for the class teacher to give his graduates an order, some parting words. And I'm no exception. I want to wish you great pure love, the creation of a strong family, because this, I am sure, is the main support and support for every person! Of course, I wish you and your family health! Always remember that you are unique, talented, cheerful, kind, open, worthy people! Be confident! Achieve the goals you have set for yourself in the future! And then you will become truly happy! Well, now I’m incredibly happy, because I also achieved my goal - I’m graduating such wonderful kids! Thank you for all these years! I love you very much! Remember, you will always be my first!!! Parting speech on the Last Call from the school director The school director is the person responsible for each of the students.

Prosperity and prosperity to you, and patience to us!” A beautiful speech for the Last Bell holiday from graduates A person devotes on average one seventh (!) of his life to school and studies! This fact alone makes graduates think about how important all the years spent within the walls of their favorite educational institution were for them. Yes, it is at school that we make best friends for life; It is here that we lay the foundations of knowledge that we will use later for decades.

The Last Bell holiday for every graduate is a special day of summing up his life for 9 or 11 years. Many schoolchildren make decisions about further education on this May day, listening to the beautiful speeches of their comrades.

Congratulations on your graduation! Last call - here you are entering a big and adult life. I wish only easy and bright paths to find myself and my calling. May you be blessed with good fortune and may all your dreams come true. Have a great mood and a little perseverance to achieve great plans and desires.

The last call is the end of an important life stage and the beginning of a new, no less exciting one. I wish that bright memories warm your hearts, and that the future attracts you with its vast possibilities. Believe in yourself, in your strengths and dreams. Let all your plans come true, let your plans come true, let victories and triumphs appear on the horizon. Happy holiday and enjoying the moment, bright grandiose prospects!

The last school bell has rung! We congratulate you on your graduation. Childhood remains beyond its threshold; you enter adulthood. So much has happened over the years: the joy of first victories, hard work on oneself, sleepless nights of parents. Do you remember what your first clumsy steps in studying were, the first letters you wrote, the words you read? All this is far behind us. Everyone has their own path ahead. Each of you has probably decided on your choice of profession. Now you will make all decisions yourself. And how your future fate will turn out depends only on you. Wishing you easy undertakings, successful achievements, and a bright future!

The last bell rings, a bell of joy and sadness at the same time. School is over, a new adult life path lies ahead. We wish you that it will be bright and joyful, full of achievements and victories. Be kind, honest, worthy people. May love, luck, kindness and happiness always be with you.

The last call has come! The time has come to leave my home school and my heart becomes a little sad. But you all have a new road and life ahead of you! I wish you to choose your right path and walk along it boldly and confidently, I wish you to achieve your goals and bring to life everything that you really want!

Dear graduates! Today you say goodbye to school and enter adulthood, the last school bell rings for you. To its sounds, one remembers all school defeats and victories, joys and sorrows, first love, first teacher, and one becomes a little sad... We wish you further successful studies, the right choice of profession, easy victories and new achievements, new useful acquaintances and hobbies!

Congratulations on your last call! Time for a start, change, choice, new feelings, celebration of youth. May all the best await you ahead, and may your memories leave a warm spring trail. Health, good luck, the right path, knowledge avidly, goodness, beauty, experience, the unknown, impressive, making you proud.

Study, classmates, teachers - everything is left behind and childhood too - distant, cheerful and kind... The last bell at school is the first bell in an adult, difficult and serious life! To everyone who is involved in this great event in life - love, prosperity, joy, etc. Of course, great success and moving forward! Let the path not be strewn with roses, but the graduates are now adults, strong and courageous people - they will go through and overcome everything with honor! Good luck, dear friends!

Dear Guys! On this day a new stage of your life begins, it’s time to make informed choices and largely rely on your own strengths. The last call is not a reason to be sad about your past amazing childhood. No matter how much you want to keep him, there are great changes ahead, the result of which depends on you. We, your mentors and parents, are always ready to support you and help you whenever you need it.

Congratulations on graduating from school! At this moment it’s a little sad, because you’re saying goodbye to childhood, but you’re happy about the opportunities that are opening up. May all the wishes you make come true, may only bright and kind people meet on your way, may love illuminate your days with a bright flashlight. Go and conquer the world!

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