The child was born on February 7. Find out what year you were born in according to the eastern calendar

You are characterized by originality, progressiveness and excellent mental abilities. You are naturally inquisitive, have an objective mind and a talent for scientific research.

You were born on February 7th, your zodiac sign is Aquarius. Enthusiastic, humane and inventive, you love freedom and strive to challenge yourself in the most different areas life. Take care, however, that this does not lead to excessive nervousness that could hinder the development of your outstanding talents.

FORECAST FOR 2019 - now available on our website. It is compiled according to YOUR individual birth data, that is, for you PERSONALLY. You will also receive a personalized calendar of lucky and unlucky days for 2019.

You are sociable and have a good understanding of human nature. Your expansiveness and versatility inspire you to travel and study in your constant quest for knowledge.

You are able to present the results of your research in such a compelling way that you may decide to become a storyteller or writer. However, the tendency to become easily bored can sap your persistence and make it difficult to reach your unique potential.

The key to solving many of your problems is objectivity and versatility. Try to avoid inflexibility, despondency and impatience, as they can undermine your determination to realize your goals and ambitions.

To succeed you need to combine your rich imagination and idealism with a keen intellect.

Between the ages of 13 and 42, your emotional sensitivity will increase and your inner world will become richer. This will be reflected in your dreams and ideals, as well as in your interactions with others.

At 43 years old, the desire to take the initiative into your own hands and become bold and open in relationships with people will come to the fore. On the other hand, you will develop your communication skills.

Another change in direction awaiting you at age 73 will highlight the need for a practical approach to life and financial security.

Personal qualities of those born on February 7

Your strong emotions and responsiveness indicate that you love to share your impressions. Courteous and friendly, you are endowed with natural diplomacy and the ability to put people at ease.

Inner charm allows you to exude love and positivity and emphasizes the importance of self-expression.

However, the presence strong feelings speaks of the need to maintain balance and refrain from extremes and overreaction.

However, you have the ability to captivate people's hearts and with your power of love you only need to find interesting activity or a rewarding relationship to bring out your best qualities to the fullest.

Honest and open, you are capable of being an excellent companion and have a natural tendency to help people. Along with charm, Aquarians born on February 7 are ambitious and enterprising.

While these qualities keep you active and often inspire you to seek out opportunities, you also crave security and a solid foundation in life. To achieve harmony, you need to plan your actions and use organizational skills.

Work and vocation of those born on February 7

With your thirst for change and vivid impressions you should avoid monotonous work.

A career that involves variety and travel would be ideal for your adventurous nature.

You are capable of being a good salesperson, able to promote ideas, people or products. With a strong imagination and a need for self-expression, you are able to channel your inner energy into literature or art.

On the other hand, your sensitivity and analytical skills will be useful in scientific and research work.

Due to strong humanitarian passions, those born on February 7 may be interested in activities related to social reforms, such as politics and education. Natural sensitivity may draw you to medicine.

Love and partnership born on February 7

You are very sensitive in matters of the heart, but must be more careful and less impulsive when establishing relationships. Your feelings grow very quickly, and you remain faithful even in times of disagreement and sacrifice.

Your high expectations often lead to disappointment when those around you don't live up to your expectations.

To avoid this, be more objective.

You like smart people, however, you will be better suited to a partner who is a broad-minded humanitarian like you.

An ideal partner for those born on February 7

You will be luckier in love with one of those born on the following days.

  • Love and friendship : January 1, 7, 11, 21, 23, 31; February 5, 19, 21, 29; March 3, 17, 19, 27; April 1, 15, 17, 25; May 13, 15, 23; June 11, 13, 21; July 9, 11, 19; August 7, 9, 17; September 5, 7, 15; October 3, 5, 13; November 1, 3, 11, 27; December 1, 9, 24.
  • Favorable contacts : January 5, 16, 18; February 3, 14, 16; March 1, 12, 14, 29; April 10, 12, 27; May 8, 10, 25, 29; June 6, 8, 23, 27; July 4, 6, 21, 25; August 2, 4, 19, 23; September 2, 17, 21; October 15, 19; November 13, 17; December 11, 15, 29.
  • Soulmate : January 23; February 21; March 19; April 17; May 15; June 13; July 11, 31; August 9, 29; September 7, 27; October 5, 25; November 3, 23; December 1, 21.
  • Fatal attraction : January 6, 30; February 4, 28; March 2, 26; April 24; 22nd of May; June 20; July 18; August 9, 10, 11, 12, 16; September 14; October 12; 10th of November; December 8th.
  • Troubled relationships : 4 January; February 2; May 29, 31; June 27, 29, 30; July 25, 27, 28; August 23, 25, 26, 30; September 21, 23, 24, 28; October 19, 21, 22, 26; November 17, 19, 20, 24; December 15, 17, 18, 22.

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A great day to celebrate a variety of fun celebrations. What can please people on February 7th?

Celebrations in Russia on February 7

Winter Sports Day in Russia

Today we can see many types of winter sports and among them there are many ways active rest. For many years, Russian athletes have shown their skills in competitions different levels. So it is not surprising that our country has such a holiday. In 2015, Russia celebrated Winter Sports Day for the first time.

The date of celebration was chosen on February 7, and for a reason. The very idea of ​​the celebration was suggested by the President of the Russian Olympic Committee, Alexander Zhukov. The date of the celebration was timed to coincide with the anniversary of the opening of the Sochi Olya

mpiads. For Russia, the 2014 Olympic Games were the most successful. Russian athletes were able to win 33 awards, and 13 of them were gold. So the purpose of the holiday is to increase interest in sports among many people and young people. Thanks to young and ambitious athletes, our country receives great awards.

What other celebrations take place on February 7?

Feast of the Nineteenth Day of the Month of Mulk

By Gregorian calendar The month of Mulk begins on February 7th. Translated from Arabic, it means Dominion. So on such a day the celebration itself is celebrated. In the Baha'i community, the Nineteenth Day celebrations, although they have a set pattern, can still provide opportunities for creativity and diversity. During one of the three parts of the celebration, a melody may sound.

Forms of expression of hospitality can be original, and this is very important. It is also very important at what level it is carried out general advice, and what topics will be discussed in it.

St. Mel's Day

In Ireland, St. Mel's Day is celebrated every year on February 7th. This saint is especially revered in County Longford. People believe that Saint Mel was the son of Konish and Darerka. It was with Saint Patrick that he came to the country and became a faithful assistant in preaching Christianity to the population. Initially, the saint did not have his own permanent diocese. He was a simple missionary.

Saint Patrick built a church in Ardas in 454. And he appointed his nephew there as rector. Mel was buried near the walls of the holy church in 488. The saint always worked only himself and tried to earn a living with his labor. And all that he earned, he gave to those in need, while leaving himself only a little money for his needs. Saint Mel is also known as the man who took the monastic vows of Saint Brigid and mistakenly ordained her as a bishop.

Carnival in the Netherlands

In the Dutch provinces of Limburg and Brabant, in the Catholic south of the country, local residents In winter, a traditional carnival is held. The celebration takes place between the day of St. Epiphany and Fat Tuesday. Typically, the carnival begins in February or early March, 40 days before Easter.

Noisy parades are held on the streets, where citizens walk in carnival costumes. There are also large dolls, fancy structures on wheels, and so on. Maastricht hosts the noisiest and brightest carnival processions. In terms of pomp, the carnival in the capital of Brabant, Den Bos, is also not inferior to it. Such a city is often called a carnival city. At the same time, you can see the Amsterdam Carnival.

At the festival, performances are held, songs are sung, costume shows are organized, and so on. The most interesting thing is that the fun is never overshadowed by hooligan antics and the rules are always followed.

Maslenitsa in Norway

Before the beginning of Lent, such a holiday is celebrated. It’s worth saying right away that Norwegian Maslenitsa, like others, combines not only Christian, but also pagan traditions. Some rituals have been preserved from ancient times.

Norwegian Maslenitsa traditionally consists of three days. On such days, one was always supposed to indulge oneself with rich and fatty food. In a way, this was the last indulgence before a long abstinence. But on the other hand, such overeating was a ritual function that is associated with fertility. This was especially true last day Maslenitsa

On such a day, our ancestors ate not only to their fullest, but also to the point of nausea. And if you believe ancient custom, then the peasants, having eaten, tried to ease their stomachs. To do this, they stuck their finger down their throat and continued to feast. Only the fattest and best was always on the table: lard, meat, dairy products, and so on.

Folk calendar for February 7

St. Gregory's Day, Gregory the Spring Pointer

On such a day, people revered the memory of Gregory the Theologian. He was one of the Church Fathers. The saint's legacy consists of 245 messages and 507 poems. From the point of view of the weather forecast, such a day is the most interesting. People believed that on St. Gregory’s day one could look not only a month in advance, but also much further. They said that whatever the day of noon, such will be the first half of winter.

But if it snowed during the celebration, then next year winter won't come soon. People were not particularly happy about the singing of tits on this day, because then it meant that there would still be frosts in February. In Russian villages, good deeds were supposed to be done on St. Gregory’s Day. But no one talked about their good deeds, they simply remembered them.

Who was born on February 7

Alexander, Anatoly, Boris, Vasily, Vitaly, Vladimir, Gregory, Dmitry, Moses, Peter, Stepan, Felix, Philip.

Significant events in history on February 7

  • 1238 – Mongol-Tatar troops took the capital of North-Eastern Rus', the city of Vladimir, by storm.
  • 1568 – The Solomon Islands were discovered by Europeans.
  • 1795 – the port of Khadzhibey was renamed Odessa.
  • 1863 – The first fire extinguisher was patented in the USA.
  • 1998 – snowboarding – snowboarding competitions were included in the program Olympic Games.

Which celebrities were born on February 7

  1. Thomas More 1478 - English writer.
  2. Anna Ioannovna 1693 – Russian Empress.
  3. Charles Dickens 1812 – English writer.
  4. Vladimir Makovsky 1846 – Russian artist.
  5. Peter Struve 1870 – Russian philosopher.
  6. Alfred Adler 1870 – Austrian psychologist and psychiatrist.
  7. Sinclair Lewis 1885 – American writer.
  8. Alexander Chizhevsky 1897 – Soviet biophysicist.
  9. Oleg Antonov 1906 – Soviet aircraft designer.
  10. Vladimir Kuts 1927 – Soviet track and field athlete.
  11. Dieter Bohlen 1954 – German musician.
  12. Viktor Maigurov 1969 – Belarusian and Russian biathlete.

Aquarians born on February 7 radiate a mysterious attraction that is impossible to resist. Yours is complicated, controversial personality seems so mysterious that people are drawn to you as if by magic. Sociable and genuinely helpful, you have a contemplative nature that requires frequent solitude, and you are an innovator and independent thinker with unusual behavior and an original view of the world. When the Aquarius intellect works together with intuition and active imagination, you are able to put forward ideas that others seem simply incredible.

People born on February 7th are usually susceptible to various modern means and treatment methods. Nevertheless, they subconsciously understand that treatment is very expensive, and therefore they are prudent about their health. Yoga, tai chi, meditation, wushu, massage relieves them of stress. Those born on February 7 should beware of unusual diets, especially those aimed at losing weight. However, a modern approach to food and cooking will have a beneficial effect on emotional condition. It is advisable to include fresh vegetables, bran bread, yogurt, nuts, and fruits in your daily diet. Moderate daily physical activity is recommended, perhaps early jogging or swimming.

Those born on February 7th usually have pronounced social biases and believe that it is right for inequality to exist. Many of them are idealists by nature, but those who do not share the views of these people often accuse them of rudeness and excessive practicality, even of cynicism. They harshly criticize life as such, but have little idea of ​​what it should really be like. However, their desperate efforts to live up to their ideals, and their fragile hopes that others will willingly follow their example, are not always realistic.

Zodiac sign February 7 -

Element of the Sign: . Your zodiac sign belongs to the Air signs, which are characterized by the following qualities: cosmopolitanism, interest, progressiveness, innovation, collectivism.

Planet Ruler: . Predetermines the desire to experiment. Uranus is the patron saint of inventors. The planet in exile is the Sun. You can be grateful to her for her inability to prioritize, as well as her lack of inner core.

Aquarius, the zodiac sign of those born on February 7, makes these people real innovative thinkers, often eccentrics and great originals, sometimes misunderstood loners and contemplative philosophers. People born on February 7 are mysterious, charismatic and attract others. From birth, they have a complex and contradictory nature, which only adds to their mystical appeal. They are always sociable and sociable, happy to help those who need their help, but from time to time they need to be alone with themselves in order to contemplate their inner world and generate incredible ideas, as befits classic Aquarius; the date of February 7th corresponds to this zodiac sign . The most developed and complex people born on February 7th are those who combine their sharp intellect with their powerful intuition and unbridled imagination - from such a synthesis a truly brilliant idea can be born, a real invention that moves forward human development.

Less critical people born on February 7 are sometimes naive and simple-minded, which is quite consistent with their natural appearance and youthful manner of expressing their feelings. They truly value sincerity from the heart and diligently cultivate this quality in themselves. They tend to deeply believe that Nature and the Universe are the highest values ​​open to deification. Nevertheless, those born on February 7 are shrewd judges of other people's characters, diligently studying the motives of human actions. As a rule, those born on this day choose their friends very carefully. If they have assumed family responsibilities and have children, then in relations with them they attach special importance to fairness, always listening to the opinions of their offspring.

Those born on February 7 are convinced that children can teach us a lot and that they should definitely have a happy childhood. They never show cruelty to the weak and unprotected. For the most part, those born on February 7 are categorically against violence, obsessive manic habits and reactionary tendencies that are destructive to human nature. It is not easy for them to convince others that they are right. They are often met with stubborn resistance from more practical and less idealistic individuals who feel that the status quo is less than perfect and needs to be replaced. Although they are freedom-loving, they limit themselves by not revealing existing problems, making proposals and allowing others to make their own decisions. Many of them are well aware that if they persist in imposing their point of view on others, they will most likely face rejection and even outright hostility.

Even minor suffering has a harmful effect on the psyche of those born on this day, especially if they are not able to face it. As a rule, these people help others only out of a sense of responsibility or - much more often - because of greater social opportunities, but by and large the troubles of others scare them away. Those born on February 7th are free-thinking natures and therefore begin to get angry when they try to put pressure on them, whether it comes from close people or from the public. They cannot be silenced by those who threaten their idea. Valuing spontaneity, they want to see others honest and open, even if they do not share their point of view.

Aquarius man - born on February 7

Men born on February 7th have the following qualities: such a gentleman is an innovative thinker, intelligent, and idealistic. All those who were born on this February day urgently need to work on themselves, develop willpower in order to remove themselves from such weaknesses. To a greater extent, this applies to Aquarius men; they are the ones who must understand that by changing, he will change for the better not only himself, but also some part of the world.

Aquarius woman - born on February 7

Women who celebrate their birthday on February 7th are endowed with the following qualities: such a lady is original, mysterious, inquisitive. These people must understand that sometimes it is simply useful to be an optimist in life, to let faith and hope into your heart, even if in some ways incredible and not supported by anything, but still they will help you see the world in different colors, more colorful.

Birthday February 7

Aquarians born on February 7th are generously gifted by fate with various gifts. The main thing is to use them correctly, and then any doors will open to a person. And the date of birth will help, because it activates everything good qualities, originally inherent in man. Those born on February 7th with the zodiac sign Aquarius are incredibly attractive and attractive, they have creative thinking and all kinds of talents. Such people have their own opinion on absolutely any issue and will never give up on it. People around you appreciate this, although sometimes they get annoyed. Such people consider the existence of inequality in the world to be natural and even correct, respecting social foundations and traditions.

Their boundless love for order and preservation of traditions is non-negotiable. Such Aquarians look critically at the state of things, giving everything an objective assessment without embellishment or softening of the truth. This, as well as the idealization of life values, can lead to negative consequences. The fact is that others tend to view these character traits as excessive cruelty and even arrogance, although this is not at all the case.

A keen sense of people allows those born on February 7, the zodiac sign Aquarius, the day to surround themselves only with the most worthy people. The main thing in this company is comfort. Aquarians can calmly discuss all their worries and fears with their friends, but such close friendship must be earned. In relationships with people, the main criteria for them are honesty and nobility. They look at life through the eyes of a critic, but at the same time, like children, they rejoice at every positive little thing and are not particularly upset by everyday troubles.

Some representatives of this birth date are even simple-minded and naive, having a childish manner of expressing their feelings and experiences. They can solve almost any problem with a simple conversation, because those born on February 7th with the zodiac sign Aquarius have a great sense of human nature. It should be recognized that they prefer not to use this ability for selfish purposes. They consider it unacceptable to infringe on human rights, because they themselves adore freedom and do not allow anyone to take it away from them.

For loved ones, such Aquarians are usually reliable support due to high level self-discipline and responsibility. They renounce cruelty in any form, despising this method. Such people will never allow themselves to offend someone or hurt their loved ones. For the sake of children, Aquarians are ready to do anything just to please their offspring. In families where one of the parents was born on February 7 with the zodiac sign Aquarius, home comfort, mutual understanding and a wonderful psychological atmosphere reign.

If desired, Aquarians can succeed in almost any activity, and the will to win and remarkable intelligence will help them in this. They calculate their own and other people's actions many steps ahead, shocking their ill-wishers and delighting their friends. Among the celebrities born on February 7 under the zodiac sign of Aquarius is actor Ashton Kutcher. The secret of his success is charisma, love for his work and the ability to win over anyone. Being practically an ideal for the fair half of the planet, Ashton is able to melt even the coldest heart.

Love and Compatibility

In intimate relationships, you combine the romantic idealism and rational objectivity of an Aquarius. You can be a wonderful, devoted companion, but in intimate relationships you feel defenseless and vulnerable. You strive for intimacy, but are deathly afraid of losing your independence.

The best family compatibility in the sign of Aquarius, born on February 7th with Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius. It is with them that this person will be able to build a prosperous, friendly family, with common life goals. A marriage union is also quite possible, just as friendly relations with Pisces, Aries and Sagittarius are promising. Although this combination of couples has its own but - they must learn to hear each other and give in. Aquarius has very little chance of a favorable marriage with representatives of Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and Virgo. It is unlikely that they will be able to get along, they are too different, they have different ideas about family and family values.

Work and Career

Oddly enough, people born on February 7 are quite calm about the existence of social inequality. It does not seem unfair or offensive to them. Maybe the fact is that they observe inequality in nature, and nature and space are the two things that they are ready to idolize. Aquarius is the answer to the question what zodiac sign is on February 7, and Aquarians are idealists by nature. However, despite this, opponents and enemies of these people consider them rude, cynical and too practical. Perhaps the inconsistency of these natures is to blame. Those born on February 7 condemn modern society and life for their ulcers, but they don’t know how to correct the situation for the better and what exactly needs to be done for this.

Despite this, they sincerely try to live in accordance with their ideals and always hope that by doing so they will set an example for their neighbors. Naive, childish, and rarely everything works out the way they want it. Sometimes those born on February 7 are somewhat simple-minded and naive, like eternal children or eternal teenagers. They even often communicate accordingly, maximalistically expressing their feelings and emotions. Sincerity and frankness are most valued by these people; they themselves also try to be open. But some naivety and desire for spiritual striptease do not at all deprive these people of a penetrating look through other people’s masks - they remain experts human souls, no matter what happens.

Health and Diseases

If we look at how interesting these people are to all the new and untested methods of treatment, it will immediately become clear what zodiac sign corresponds to the date of February 7th. Who, besides Aquarius, can be so drawn to everything unknown? But their health experiments, fortunately, do not go too far. Perhaps because even these people, cut off from real life weirdos understand how expensive treatment can be.

They get rid of stress through meditation, all kinds of spiritual practices, and yoga. It is necessary to warn those born on February 7 against abusing unusual, new diets, especially for weight loss. You can experiment with cooking and food combinations, but with caution. It is best to stick to a diet that includes yoghurt, fresh vegetables, nuts, fruits, and bran bread. It will be useful to go jogging or swimming, and be sure to do exercises in the morning.

Fate and Luck

On this day people are born who are lucky everywhere. The vibrations of the day are such that they enhance all the best aspects of character, and if a person follows the path of evolution, improving strength and spirit, his life is surrounded by an aura of glory, success, and good luck. These people can prove themselves in many areas. Any occupation they choose will bring them wealth and fame. They have special magnetism, the ability to influence people, their intuition unmistakably helps them choose safe and prosperous ways to solve all the problems that confront them. These are strategists who rarely make mistakes. The path of good will lead them to prosperity and luxury. The path of evil is a road to nowhere, surrounded by darkness and hopelessness.

This day activates all the good things that were originally inherent in a person and generously bestows him with the blessings of life. If those born on this day are able to use these gifts wisely, they will be one of the happiest and luckiest people, for whom any doors will open. If you were born on February 7, your zodiac sign is Aquarius, you are blessed with many talents, innovative thinking and incredible attractiveness. You tend to adhere to some strict principles and have your own opinion on everything, for which others value you. One of interesting features Aquarians who were born today have a strict recognition of hierarchy in any society. Some may accuse them of arrogance and excessive rigidity, but this only reveals their passion for order, idealization life values, traditions.

Despite the favor of the Higher Powers, the zodiac sign of people born on February 7 forces them to look at things critically, to give rather sharp, but at the same time objective assessments of everything and everyone. They feel people well and can choose a decent environment in which they will be as comfortable as possible. At the same time, there are those who look at the world much more simply, noticing only what they want, they can create the impression of infants, alien to deep experiences. Often this is the case, they are not upset because of everyday troubles, but with a vengeance, like a child, they rejoice at every little thing. In any case, those born on this day value honesty and nobility above all else, cultivate these virtues in themselves and look for them in others. They know human nature very well and can discern the true essence of almost any person. Thanks to this, they can achieve everything they need without infringing on anyone's interests.

A high level of self-discipline and responsibility, the need to be a reliable support for loved ones - this is how those born on February 7 see themselves in the family: the zodiac sign helps them realize these noble intentions. They are simply not capable of offending or insulting anyone, despising cruelty in all its forms. These are wonderful parents who deeply respect their children and are ready to do anything to ensure that their offspring have a good life. The most important thing is to create a favorable psychological atmosphere. Being ardent lovers of freedom, they will never infringe on the rights of others.

Extraordinary intelligence, erudition and the will to win are inherent in those born on February 7: the zodiac sign helps to achieve heights in almost all types of activities. Thanks to their developed natural sense, they can foresee everything and calculate several steps ahead, strategic planning- one of their main trump cards.

Zodiac sign February 7 - Aquarius

Those born on February 7th usually have pronounced social biases and believe that it is right for inequality to exist. Many of them are idealists by nature, but those who do not share the views of these people often accuse them of rudeness and excessive practicality, even of cynicism. They harshly criticize life as such, but have little idea of ​​what it should really be like. However, their desperate efforts to live up to their ideals, and their fragile hopes that others will willingly follow their example, are not always realistic.

Less critical people born on February 7 are sometimes naive and simple-minded, which is quite consistent with their natural appearance and youthful manner of expressing their feelings. They truly value sincerity from the heart and diligently cultivate this quality in themselves. They tend to deeply believe that Nature and the Universe are the highest values ​​open to deification.

Nevertheless, those born on February 7 are insightful judges of other people's characters, diligently studying the motives of human actions. As a rule, those born on this day choose their friends very carefully. If they have assumed family responsibilities and have children, then in relations with them they attach special importance to fairness, always listening to the opinions of their offspring. Those born on February 7 are convinced that children can teach us a lot and that they should definitely have a happy childhood. They never show cruelty to the weak and unprotected.

For the most part, those born on February 7 are categorically against violence, obsessive manic habits and reactionary tendencies that are destructive to human nature. It is not easy for them to convince others that they are right. They are often met with stubborn resistance from more practical and less idealistic individuals who feel that the status quo is less than perfect and needs to be replaced. Although they are freedom-loving, they limit themselves by not revealing existing problems, making proposals and allowing others to make their own decisions.

Many of them are well aware that if they persist in imposing their point of view on others, they will likely face rejection, open hostility, and even ostracism. People of this day do not like suffering. As a rule, they are reluctant to help others; by and large, other people's troubles scare them away. Those born on February 7th begin to get angry when they try to put pressure on them. Valuing spontaneity, they want to see others the same way, even if they do not share their point of view.

Love and Compatibility

You are very sensitive in matters of the heart, but must be more careful and less impulsive when establishing relationships. Your feelings grow very quickly, and you remain faithful even in times of disagreement and sacrifice.

Your high expectations often lead to disappointment when those around you don't live up to your expectations. To avoid this, be more objective. You like smart people, but you would be more suited to a partner who is a broad-minded humanitarian like you.

Work and Career

With your thirst for change and bright impressions, you should avoid monotonous work. A career that involves variety and travel would be ideal for your adventurous nature. You are capable of being a good salesperson, able to promote ideas, people or products. With a strong imagination and a need for self-expression, you are able to channel your inner energy into literature or art.

On the other hand, your sensitivity and analytical skills will come in handy in scientific and research work. Due to strong humanitarian inclinations, those born on February 7 may be interested in activities related to social reform, such as politics and education. Natural sensitivity may draw you to medicine.

Health and Diseases

Those born on February 7 keep up with modern medicine. Realizing that getting sick costs a lot of money, they are attentive to their health. Yoga, meditation, tai chi, wu shu, and massage help them relax. They should avoid “weight loss” diets.

Culinary skills and modern approaches to cooking will have a good effect on their internal emotional state. Those born on February 7 must have fresh vegetables, fruits, yoghurts, bran bread, and nuts on their table. Moderate physical exercise They will be just right, it is advisable to run in the morning or go swimming.

If you have the opportunity to change something in better side, do not pass by it, this is how you enrich your personality. You need to work on your weaknesses in order to overcome them. Be a role model. Be open and optimistic, even if you have to play the victim.

Published 02/07/18 01:30

Today, February 7, 2018, is also the Day of Winter Sports in Russia, the Birthday of the Fire Extinguisher and other events.

On February 7, 2018, the national holiday St. Gregory's Day is celebrated. People called him the Spring Pointer, since from that day the turn towards spring began.

According to legend, Gregory’s mother gave him to serve God, and he managed to achieve great heights in the field of sermons and works. He was nicknamed the Theologian for the magnificent theological works that he left behind. Gregory was also called intkkihs universal teacher, because he had the gift of penetrating thought into the most deep secrets faith and explain its truths clearly and very precisely. Many phrases from his sermons were taken for holiday chants.

On this day, it is customary to do good deeds from the heart, and not for show. Today strangers also remember good deeds and those who committed them..

From morning to lunch, the weather predicts what the first half of the next winter will be like, and from lunch to night, what to expect in the second half.

According to signs, if snow falls on Gregory, then the next winter will come late.

Heavy snowfall on this day means early autumn.

The titmouse sings - to the imminent frost.

In Russia, February 7 is traditionally celebrated as Winter Sports Day. The initiator of the establishment of the event was Alexander Zhukov, the president of the Russian Olympic Committee. The holiday date has symbolic meaning. It is associated with the opening of the XXII Winter Olympic Games, which took place in Sochi in 2014. The official’s idea received support from the Russian government.

Fire extinguisher birthday

The fire extinguisher's birthday is celebrated on February 7th. On this day in 1863, American engineer Alan Cray patented a device for extinguishing fires. In the 17th century, the “prototypes” of fire extinguishers were glass flasks filled with water. IN early XVIII barrel fire extinguishers have been around for centuries. In 1815, fire extinguishing devices began to be filled with potassium solutions, alum, and soap solution. In 1816, the Englishman D. Manby came up with a fire extinguisher in the form of a metal cylinder, from which water poured out under the influence of air.

St. Mel's Day

Traditionally, St. Mel's Day is celebrated in Ireland on February 7th. This saint is especially revered in County Longford. People believe that Saint Mel was the son of Konish and Darerka. It was with Saint Patrick that he came to the country and became a faithful assistant in preaching Christianity to the population. Initially, the saint did not have his own permanent diocese. He was a simple missionary. Saint Patrick built a church in Ardas in 454. And he appointed his nephew there as rector. Mel was buried near the walls of the holy church in 488. The saint always worked only himself and tried to earn a living with his labor. And all that he earned, he gave to those in need, while leaving himself only a little money for his needs. Saint Mel is also known as the man who took the monastic vows of Saint Brigid and mistakenly ordained her as a bishop.

Alexander, Anatoly, Boris, Vasily, Vitaly, Vladimir, Gregory, Dmitry, Moses, Peter, Stepan, Felix, Philip.

  • 1238 - Mongol-Tatar troops took the capital of North-Eastern Rus', the city of Vladimir, by storm.
  • 1568 - The Solomon Islands were discovered by Europeans.
  • 1795 - the port of Hadzhibey was renamed Odessa.
  • 1863 - The first fire extinguisher was patented in the USA.
  • 1998 - snowboarding - snowboarding competitions were included in the program of the Olympic Games.
  • Thomas More 1478 - English writer.
  • Anna Ioannovna 1693 - Russian Empress.
  • Charles Dickens 1812 - English writer.
  • Vladimir Makovsky 1846 - Russian artist.
  • Peter Struve 1870 - Russian philosopher.
  • Alfred Adler 1870 - Austrian psychologist and psychiatrist.
  • Sinclair Lewis 1885 - American writer.
  • Alexander Chizhevsky 1897 - Soviet biophysicist.
  • Oleg Antonov 1906 - Soviet aircraft designer.
  • Vladimir Kuts 1927 - Soviet track and field athlete.
  • Dieter Bohlen 1954 - German musician.
  • Viktor Maigurov 1969 - Belarusian and Russian biathlete.
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