DIY educational toys for children. How to make educational toys for children with your own hands Easy DIY toys for children

Nowadays, we can increasingly see a variety of educational toys on store shelves. What is it - an educational toy and what is it for? If you look at the name itself, it becomes clear that this is a toy that aimed at child development one or another ability. It helps in the formation of fine motor skills or basic knowledge about any subject.

Basically, all toys perform a developmental function: for example, a rattle helps a child learn to control his hands (grab an object, throw it from one hand to another, throw). But still, developmental toys are those that can teach a child something while playing. And most of them can be made at home with your own hands.

Stages of child development by month

Before you start making it, you need to find out the age of the baby, because a toy that is designed for a baby is unlikely to be of interest to a three-year-old child. And you also need to know what the baby is interested in, what he likes most. The shape of the future, its color, and so on will depend on these indicators.

It is necessary to remember that each child is individual. Perhaps he has already mastered some skills ahead of schedule, or maybe not.

  • From 0 to 3 months.

A child at this age mostly lies on his back. Therefore, the main skill that needs to be developed is focusing and holding your gaze on an object. Mobile phones, colorful rattles, colorful garlands and beads are perfect for this.

The basic requirements for these toys are quite simple: they all must have different textures and shapes, and also be lightweight.

  • From 3 to 6 months.

At this age, the baby becomes more mobile, learns to roll over onto his tummy and begins to try everything by heart. This is an excellent time to develop your child's coordination, hearing, vision, and grasping skills.

Tumblers, colorful rag beads and balls, a mirror, rattles, an educational mat, and bracelets with buttons will be useful. All of them should be bright, multi-colored, have different textures, shapes and make sounds.

  • From 6 to 9 months.

The little one is starting to crawl and is already recognizing its relatives. He can even keep himself busy with the game for a while. During this period, you need to talk to the child as much as possible, develop motor activity in him and teach him to pick up objects not with his whole hand, but only with a few fingers.

Educational mats, multi-colored sorters, pyramids, nesting dolls and musical ones will help you with this. All of them, of course, must be multi-colored, bright, have different shapes and textures, and also have different weights and methods of application.

  • From 9 months to 1 year.

At this age, the baby is already beginning to take his first steps and pronounce words. Therefore, it is necessary to concentrate all parental skills and knowledge on the formation of his motor and speech activity.

To do this, you can use developmental mats and books with colorful pictures, cars on wheels, finger puppets, pyramids, cubes, sorters and so on.

All of them should be multi-colored, consist of different parts, so that the child can assemble and disassemble them independently or under the supervision of an adult.

  • From 1 year to 1 year 3 months.

The baby is already fully aware of the world around him. He wants to do everything on his own. Therefore, it is necessary to continue to develop the child’s motor and speech vivacity, as well as comparative thinking and generalization.

For this you need to use toys that can be folded and disassembled.

  • From 1 year 3 months to 1 year 6 months.

At this age, the baby continues to develop its imperfect speech, fine motor skills and thinking skills. Developing rugs, bright books, cubes, sorters, and secret books are perfect for this.

In order to teach a child to generalize objects with equal characteristics, they need to be selected with similar characteristics, sizes and colors.

  • From 1 year 6 months to 1 year 9 months.

The baby continues to actively explore the world around him. During this period of development, it is necessary to teach the child to actively use this or that object, play independently and express his emotions correctly.

Toys that directly reproduce real situations and objects around him will help you with this. Therefore, you need to choose object-based games, as well as those that require the child to name a color, shape, and so on.

  • From 1 year 9 months to 2 years.

At this age, the toddler begins social development. It is necessary to direct all your skills to develop his understanding and separation of shape, color, and size.

Sorters, children's pyramids, all kinds of cubes and books are suitable for this. Thanks to them, the child will learn to separate them by shape, color, etc.

  • From 2 to 3 years.

The baby actively continues his social education. He already has experience communicating with other children and therefore it is necessary to continue to develop his fine motor skills and the ability to separate objects by shape, color and size.

Here you can use any toys, crafts made from paper and plasticine.

All toys must have a subject and role-playing character.

  • From 3 to 5 years.

This is the age when a child is quite active and knows how to play independently. As a result, these skills need to be strengthened. To do this, you can take lotto or puzzles, a variety of games that will help the baby learn the time of day and seasons, the alphabet or numbers.

Materials from which you can make an educational toy with your own hands

You can make such a toy from any material that you can find in your home.

  • Scraps of fabric. Educational toys are an excellent way to use leftover materials that every craftswoman has. For example, scraps of felt, fleece, knitwear, and so on.
  • Sewing accessories. Here you will find laces, ribbons, beads, buttons, buttons and much more. Using thermal application you can make a toy with a secret.
  • Furniture fittings. In the process of making toys, you can use various hooks, keys with locks, screws, and so on.
  • Elements that make a rustling sound. You can achieve this effect by inserting a crumpled cellophane wrapper from a candy or chocolate into the item.
  • Objects that rattle. Here, too, the choice is quite large. For example, you can pour beads, cereals (buckwheat, rice, peas), fruit seeds into a plastic Kinder Surprise egg. They will create noise when shaken.
  • Ringing objects. Basically it will be a bell that you can buy in a store or maybe you have one at home.
  • Shiny and transparent elements. This could be foil, the inside of the juice, or any wrapping paper.
  • Items that can be opened or closed. All kids really like such elements, especially if there is something hidden under them. For example, it could be a pocket, a curtain. For making, you can use ordinary water or drink caps.
  • Unnecessary clothes. You can use old children's clothes that the baby will no longer wear.
  • Fillers. To fill toys, you can use foam rubber, padding polystyrene or polystyrene foam. Then your toy will hold its shape.

Types of educational toys

On the Internet you can find many toys that are made by yourself: soft books, rugs, pillows, houses, figurines and much more.

Educational books

Children's educational mats

Developmental pads

Educational house

You can make a soft book with your baby's life story

All educational toys are divided into those that a child can play with independently, and those that cannot be played without the help of an adult. Basically, the first category includes those toys that are allowed in the first months of a baby’s life: they do not contain small and dangerous elements and help develop fine motor skills. The second toys contain elements that needs to be unfastened or unscrewed. This is where parents come to help the baby. But after several shows, the baby will be able to do it on his own.

The presence of an adult is also necessary where you need to read, count, determine where is left or right, top or bottom, identify colors or shapes, and so on.

Rattle bracelet

A child from 1 to 4 months will really like this bracelet. It will help in the development of hearing, vision and coordination.

Multi-colored beads

Such beads will teach the baby distinguish colors, sorting and moving beads will help in the development of tactile sensations. In addition to beads, you can string hand-knitted elements onto the ribbon: animals, fruits, and so on.

Baby soft pillow with buttons

This will be quite an interesting toy for a child. Buttons of different textures, shapes, sizes and colors help in the development of tactile sensations. Thanks to its light weight, such a toy can be taken with you on any trip.

This educational toy will help your child learn to separate objects in size, shape and so on. For example, you can ask your child to find all the buttons of the same color or the same size and shape. He will be very interested in such a game.

Children's soft book

A handmade book develops the baby's fine motor skills and helps in learning colors and shapes, as well as the world around us in general.

Stand with locks, hooks

This toy will delight any child, because there are so many objects in front of him that can be opened, pressed, and rotated. It is very easy to make such a stand. You can use all kinds of locks, latches, hooks. In general, everything that dad can find in his garage.

Developmental mat

Such a rug will help with speech development and, of course, the child’s imagination. To make it you will need various scraps of fabric, fillers, rustling and ringing objects. On the canvas you can depict your child’s favorite fairy tale and its characters. In the process of playing and telling the story, the baby will develop speech, imagination, and fine motor skills.

Precautions when making toys for children

I welcome everyone to today's topic! Glad to see both guests and friends! Today I will give all visitors to my blog a small but very pleasant surprise. For some, these will be memories of how their child was incredibly tiny and almost problem-free. Others will receive an equally valuable gift! They will learn how to make educational toys for children from 0 to 1 year old with their own hands.

But I myself will not be left without reward! Your attention and always useful and interesting comments, where you share your invaluable experience, will be the most wonderful gift for me. Well? Go?

What toys are interesting for babies under one year old?

First, let's find out which toys are interesting to babies under one year old. Then we'll see how you can build them yourself. I invite everyone to plunge into the cute childhood of their little ones, and remember how pleasant it was to come up with ideas yourself or borrow ideas from experienced parents in order to design funny crafts.

Please share these projects and your impressions of working on them! Why am I asking this? So that you can infect us! So that, after reading the article and your comments, readers will want to create and delight themselves and their little children!

How the baby develops

The baby will complete the programs of several universities within a year. He will get used to his body: he will understand how his arms, legs, eyes, tongue, etc. work. and will actively use this, studying everything that surrounds him. For a one-year-old toddler there are excellent helpers - reflexes built into it. Such as sucking and grasping, he will use them to play and explore the world. Let's take this into account.

Suitable toys for your favorite babies.

Simple "constructions"

Suitable? Exactly! Despite the fact that it seems that a child can be occupied with anything, even a mother’s palm or a small plastic jar, it is important to meet several conditions!

The toy must be:

  • Safe;
  • Bright;
  • Age appropriate.

The principle of choosing what we will design for our baby will be built on this.
But first, let’s see what is suitable for each age, taking into account the possibilities, so that it is interesting both for the little ones and for the development of older toddlers.

There are light and simple models that can be made very quickly without much effort, and there are those that require a little more time and effort. But it’s worth it to make the baby happy and help him understand all the secrets of the world! I'll tell you about this too.

From 0 to 3 months

The child is an observer. At this age, his hearing, vision, and attention develop. Therefore, at first, static toys that can be examined and pulled into the mouth are suitable.
Do you know what kind of toy a month-old baby will like, and it will take no more than 10 minutes to make? A balloon on which we will draw a mouth and eyes!

And one day I watched a baby study with great attention a large photo of a dog. This is how easy it is to give joy! But the little one is growing, and he needs other fun to develop other abilities.

For example, he becomes interested in rattles that make sound. They are easy to make yourself, even from a sock. Bells can be bought at a fishing store.

And by 3 months more complex things are needed. For example, mobile. We'll talk about it a little later.

From 3 to 6 months

The safety of the toy takes on new parameters. The baby needs activities that develop hand motor skills. Therefore, everything that he grabs with his hands, feels and puts into his mouth “for testing” should not harm him.


  • Nothing small;
  • Rounded edges;
  • Made of hypoallergenic material and paint covering the craft;
  • Does not accumulate dust;
  • Convenient for a tiny hand to hold.

A very good choice of musical subjects. And toys of different textures are important: smooth and with pimples, ribbed and with depressions.

If these are soft toys, then they are filled with latex balls or cotton wool. The main thing is to sew the toy well so that the child does not swallow the filling.

6 to 8 months

The baby can sit, crawl, and his musical abilities are at the peak of development. Let's pay attention to this. Usually in the kitchen, while I was cooking, I gave my son different pots and spoons and he played music.

You can also pour various cereals and beans into small plastic bottles; the baby loves to make noise with such maracas and watch how the cereal pours inside depending on how you turn the bottle.

From 9 months to a year

For toddlers at this age, any sensory interactive toys are relevant. Kids especially love those that develop logical abilities: matryoshka cubes and pyramids.
Various sorters, by size, shape, and possibly color, are perfect.

I used the word “love” for a reason! At this age, children's toys already have a different meaning. The kids develop likes and favorites. Parents most often buy them for their beloved baby.

But they can also be made from scrap materials.

When finishing a section, I always want you to participate and share your observations and thoughts. It will be interesting!

How and what toys you can make with your own hands

Rug and pillows.

Let's try to make an educational mat and toy pillows. They will be made according to the same principle. Only the rug can be of any shape, and for the pillow you will need a rectangle of fabric.

So, if the blanks are ready. Let's figure out what will decorate them? Perhaps some figures that the baby will be interested in looking at. He will feel them. So it would be nice to do them:

  • pleasant to the touch,
  • it is desirable that they differ from the main material (can you make them from felt? That would be great!),
  • and the size of a baby’s palm (a little more is possible).

So, we cut out colorful circles, squares, mushrooms and bunnies. You can also take other things, for example, pom-poms from hats, soft toys, laces and bows (just so that the child does not get confused). We sew them onto the main workpiece. All that remains is to sew the edges of the rectangle, place some soft material inside, and the pillow is ready.

Touch mat

Stuffed Toys

The baby has grown up. He enjoys kneading, touching, squeezing our craft in his hands. We can quickly make it from children's tights, and the quality and interest in it will not suffer from the simplicity of the material. On the contrary, everything is in our hands.

If we cut off part of the trouser leg and sew one edge, we get a convenient bag that can be filled with buckwheat, small beans, dry peas, etc. sew up the other edge. And now let's use our imagination! You can tie our “bag” horizontally with a ribbon. And in front of us we already have a blank from which it is easy to make a snowman, a doll (by sewing on legs and arms and drawing a “face”) or a cat (tail and ears + a drawn muzzle). Fly fantasy!

What do you think of these ideas?


How to design a mobile? We need a foundation. It can be any shape from what is available or can be cut from. For example, an embroidery hoop will do, or an old wooden (lighter to use) abacus, etc. It is advisable to wrap the base with tape or a strip of felt.
Let's try to make a mobile in several versions. You can bind to the base:

  • Small soft or plastic toys;
  • Sewn or knitted dolls;
  • Paper origami.

One thing or a little of everything can be tied to the base and hung above the crib!

15 everyday game ideas for kids

1.Poke holes in a transparent cake box with a thick needle. Balls of threads of different textures and colors are placed inside. Leftovers work very well for this purpose, because eventually the threads become very tangled and need to be cut off and thrown away. The ends of the threads are threaded through holes in the lid of the box. You can tie a large bead or button to the end. The child pulls the threads, balls unwind inside, and the child is very amused by this.

2. Kids like to play with a very large, but very light toy. Take a 5 liter plastic bottle and put a few small items in it. Bring her to the place where the baby is playing or put her on the floor, let him push her and try to grab her.

3. Kids like to play with a very large, but very light toy. Take a 5 liter plastic bottle and put a few small items in it. Bring her to the place where the baby is playing or put her on the floor, let him push her and try to grab her.

4.Make simple rag toys: rectangular scraps are sewn and stuffed with other scraps, threads, plastic bags, balls, buttons, and beads. You can put a metal bell inside.

5.Take a strong rope or shoelace at least a meter long. Top it with tiny toys with loops, rings, beads and buttons. Limit some of the toys with knots on both sides so that they do not slide along the rope. You can put such a toy around your neck so that your baby can look at them, or hang it on a stroller.

6.Take: a sofa cushion, a thick needle and a coarse thread. Buttons of different sizes, small toys with eyelets, hooks and eyes, ribbons, ribbons, carpet rings, Velcro, pictures cut out of old children's things, several pockets and anything else that can be sewn on. Make small doors from pieces of fabric, opening which the baby will see a picture, a sewn toy or a button. Let the doors close with different fasteners - Velcro, hooks. Sew ribbons with toys at the end that can be taken out and put back inside the pockets. Sew several carpet rings in a row, stretch a ribbon through them, at the ends of which two small toys will ride back and forth.

7. Manipulation of different buttons and switches is well suited for the development of a baby’s hands. Screw or fasten the following onto a large piece of smooth plywood or hardboard: store-bought light switches, an old telephone dial or panel with buttons, pieces of panel from an old radio or other devices (you can press buttons, some stick or not), turn a dial, move levers .), Latch - latch, latch, hook and eye, door chain and loop, small lock, and hang a key next to it on a string. Wooden slats are attached to the edges of the plywood on the reverse side, and at the back of the entire structure is a sheet of plywood of the same size. Loops are attached to the finished remote control, and the whole thing is hung on the wall in the gaming corner.

8. Take juice bags. You can always come up with some kind of entertainment for the baby from them. For example, take such a bag and cut it at the bottom, and cut slits with a knife on two opposite walls. Thread a narrow satin ribbon or braid 20-30 cm long through them. Tie medium-sized buttons (or whatever you find) to its ends. The baby will try to pull out the buttons on one side, returning the other to its place. This game develops the child’s hands and his thinking.

9. There is another great game that can be played with an empty shoebox. Take such a box and make six round holes in its bottom. Insert small pieces of fabric of various textures, ribbons, fur, rustling paper from the inside of the box and close the box tightly. It will be very interesting for the baby to pull out all this wealth! But to do this, he first needs to try to grab these objects with his fingers, and this is not so easy. To prevent your baby from losing interest in the game, change the contents of the box more often. The game introduces the child to new tactile sensations and develops fine motor skills well.

10.Take a rope, ribbon or braid one meter long. At some distance from each other, tie several toys, rattles to it, multi-colored clothespins, pieces of rustling paper and other items that are safe for a small child will do. Then this garland must be hidden in a pan, leaving the “tail” of the braid (about 15 cm) hanging freely on the floor. Invite your child to pull the string and see what happens. The little one will complete the task with interest and will be delighted with the “catch” he has caught.

11. Multi-colored large beads and buttons are strung on a strong thread (preferably nylon, so that a child cannot tear it). Tie the ends to make rosary beads. The baby will be happy to sort through these beads, while training fine motor skills of his hands, exploring different shapes and colors. These same beads are convenient to use during breastfeeding so that the baby does not pull or pinch the mother (nursing mothers know how painful this is), but develops fine motor skills.

12.Actually, rattles are the endless fantasy of creative mothers. They can be made from many different objects and materials. Here's another idea: Take a medicine bottle and put peas or small beads in it. Close the lid tightly. Wrap it in bright, pleasant-to-touch fabric, or rustling colored cellophane. Wrap the ends with thread to create a candy rattle.
Place beans, peas, beads in a fabric bag and tie it tightly - the baby will be happy to probe the contents of the bag. If you don’t have ready-made bags and don’t want to sew them, baby socks are quite suitable.

13.Cut pieces of fabric of different texture and color into strips that do not fray. Secure them onto the plastic ring. Give the ring to your child or hang it above the crib or play area so that the child can reach and finger the scraps. And also watch how they sway from the movement of his hands.

14.The balloon is attached to a thread or rope above the crib so that the baby can reach it with his arms and legs. And the baby will be able to “football” the ball.

15. Put foil, more cellophane, and rustling paper in a cellophane bag (preferably rustling and transparent). Tie tightly.
Make a hole in the cardboard box. Place various small items inside. It is better that these are not toys, but objects from “adult life” - a teaspoon, an empty compact, a box of cream, a small coin box, a comb, etc. and so on. At first, the child may be afraid to put his hand into the box, not seeing where the hand ends up, show him how to play. Quite quickly, this game becomes a favorite activity for kids - first pulling everything out, then putting it back and pulling it out again. And so on in a circle. With older children, this game can be complicated by asking them to take a certain object out of the box by touch.

The main thing in this design is to understand that we put ourselves, our warmth and soul into every craft for the baby! Our love! That’s why I really want to do my best for our little ones!
Friends, I will never tire of saying: “Thank you!” for your sincere attention to my observations and articles. It's always nice when someone subscribes to the news and wants to regularly read what I specially prepared for you! And one more thing, your comments bring the information to life and help bring everything closer to practical application. Therefore, I am grateful for your words of support!
Come and visit again. Invite your friends and acquaintances. Always yours! And for today I say goodbye! Bye bye!

It’s easy to create original toys from socks and leftover fabric. See how to sew a pillow toy, Basik the cat, and make a development board.

Original DIY toys made from socks

Delight your children by making these dolls for them. To do this you will need a little, namely:
  • socks;
  • threads with a needle;
  • scraps of light plain yarn;
  • filler;
  • narrow braid;
  • dark colored beads;
  • scissors.

Even those who do not know how to use a sewing machine can make such original toys. Only possession of a needle will be useful.

  1. Cut the sock in half. One part is the foot. The second is the heel with an elastic band. You only need the first one. Fill it with filler, but not very tightly. Sew with a needle on the right and left to mark the sides. You also need to make legs by stitching at the bottom in the middle. Sew up the top hole through which the body for the baby doll was stuffed.
  2. Cut a small circle out of light fabric, gather it on a thread, tighten it a little, and stuff it with filler. Then you need to tighten the thread and fix it. Do not cut yet, but sew the resulting head to the body using the same thread.
  3. Sew beads instead of eyes. You can apply blush on your cheeks to make them brighter. Tie the junction of the head with the body with braid.
  4. Take the second part of the sock, cut off the heel, it will not be needed. You only need the top part - with an elastic band. Fold it in at the cut and sew along the edge on the arms. Put the cap on the doll’s head, sew it at the top so that you get a “tail” at the end.
Look at how original the toy turned out, which is very easy to sew with your own hands. You can make several of these and delight your kids with new dolls. There are other examples of using socks if one of the pair is lost, or these things have become too small for the child.

To make such an adorable cat, you will need:
  • 2 socks;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • padding polyester;
  • Marker is better water soluble.
One sock should be filled halfway with filler. To make the base of the muzzle, roll a ball out of padding polyester and place it in the upper part of the sock.

Sew the hole in a straight line to create two ears.

Using a marker, draw the facial features of the original toy.

If the marker is too bright or not water-soluble, then it is better to use a simple pencil.

Now you need to embroider according to these marks, taking a thread of the appropriate color.

In order for such original cat toys to acquire front paws, you need to make them from a second sock. To do this, first cut it in half crosswise, and then as in the photo.

Now these paws need to be sewn up, stuffed with padding polyester, and sewn to the body of the toy.

This is such a wonderful animal. If you like him, make him a friend.

DIY soft toy cat

This character is very similar to the cartoon character. The pattern clearly shows how such a soft cat toy is made. It will require:
  • soft dense fabric of beige and dark brown color;
  • filler;
  • threads;
  • eyes for toys.
Making master class:
  1. Cut out two parts of the abdomen and stitch them in the center. Two side pieces need to be sewn on the back. You have 2 parts. Sew them together in the area of ​​the paws, tail, and sides.
  2. Using the appropriate parts, create the kitten's head. Cut out his muzzle from a dark cloth and sew it onto the character’s face. Fill your head with filler through the bottom. Place it around the kitten's neck and sew it with a hidden seam on the arms.
  3. Each ear consists of two parts - brown and beige fabric. These triangles are sewn in pairs and turned inside out through the as yet unsewn bottom. Then the ears need to be sewn to the head, making a fold on them.
  4. All that remains is to sew on the eyes, embroider mustaches, eyelashes, mouth and nose with light threads, and the soft toy, which is so interesting to create with your own hands, is ready.

How to sew an original pillow toy?

Kids love these items very much. They first play with these soft toys, then when they get tired, they use them as cozy pillows.

Before sewing a pillow toy, prepare:
  • fabric that is pleasant to the touch;
  • filler;
  • scissors;
  • pink fabric for decoration.
From the main fabric, cut out the following parts in the following quantities:
  • 2 pcs. for the head;
  • 4 - for the ear;
  • 2 - for the body;
  • 2 - for 2 tails;
  • 2 - for ear pad.
A pattern will help you sew a soft toy. Re-take it, attach it to the fabric, cut it out with allowances.

Stuff the body and tail with stuffing. Sew the tail to the body, where the markings are. Stitch the head, having first filled it with a small amount of filler. Attach the pad to the ear with pins, stitch it, tucking the edges. Design the second ear in the same way.

From pink fabric, cut out a nose, a heart, and decorations for the tail. Sew them on too. It turned out to be a wonderful product. If you want to know how to sew a pillow toy so that it looks like a funny teddy bear, then watch another master class.

For this you will need:
  • beige and white fabric;
  • a piece of black leather;
  • filler;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • scissors.
Cut out the base for the body from beige fabric, and cut out the front paws from the rest.

As you can see, they are oval, straight on the bottom. Sew the pieces in pairs. Sew a light face and a black nose onto the front of the bear. To make it, cut a small circle out of leather, gather it on a thread, and stuff it with filler. Sew toys onto your face.

Now fold the front and back right sides together, placing the sewn tabs between them. Sew along the edge, leaving a gap. Turn the workpiece out through it. Fill it with filler and sew up the hole.

You can make such original toys from leftover fabric. If there is a solid color, you will get the muzzle of a dog and a cat, and if you have a colored one, you will get their bodies.

The following pattern will help you sew a toy pillow in the shape of an owl. It is created from the main fabric, and from colored fabric - a beautiful bird skirt.

If you want your child to like the toy even more, then sew small owls too. Sew a wide strip of fabric onto the owl's belly and stitch it vertically to create pockets. Place the owls in them. To keep them well, cover them with the wings of the mother bird. Button them up.

Pompom toys

They turn out warm and cozy.

To make them you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • round templates with a diameter of 2.5–7 cm;
  • multi-colored yarn;
  • sharp scissors;
  • felt;
  • glue gun

Using the lids, draw circles. Place coins of a smaller diameter in the center and outline them. Cut out the resulting cardboard rings. Make a cutout on the side of each.

Combine two pieces of cardboard of the same size. Wind the yarn tightly around them. Separate the cardboard. Cutting the yarn in the center, insert the thread in the middle, tighten it, and tie it.

For each animal you need to make two pompoms of different sizes. The smaller one will become the head, the larger one will become the body.

Connect these elements by tying them with threads. Cut out ears, eyes, nose for a charming animal, attach them with a glue gun.

The sheep is made from white threads, the eyes are cut out from black fabric, the nose from pink, the ears from white.

Create a chicken using yellow pompoms.

These are the original toys you can make with your own hands.

If you have kids at home, make useful things for them from leftover materials.

Original DIY educational toys

Soft books are an indispensable thing for a baby. It is interesting to make such developmental aids with your own hands, thereby saving a lot of money. To make such educational toys, you will need:
  • textile;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • sheet filler;
  • finishing elements.
Cut out rectangles of fabric, fold each in half, insert sheet filler, stitch the edges, the first sheet is ready.

If you don't have a sewing machine, hand stitch each sheet using a basting stitch, using long stitches.

Do the same for the rest of the pages. Everyone should teach their child something. You can sew a sneaker onto one and attach a lace to it so that the child can practice tying it.

Let the girl learn how to braid her hair. To do this, sew three ribbons onto the top of the page.

It is useful for a child to become familiar with watches. Cut a circle from a light thick fabric and sew numbers to it. Cut out the clock hands from dark canvas. Secure them in the center of the dial.

To help your child learn geometry from an early age, cut out various shapes from scraps and sew them onto a book. The same pairs need to be created from fabric and Velcro attached to them. The baby will look for paired figures and compare them.

Instead of sewing a book, you can attach geometric shapes to a thick drape and let the child find pairs for them.

If you have cardboard boxes, use them to make a whole car complex for the boy, which will include:
  • washing;
  • gas station;
  • garage;
  • riser.

Cars can be made from the same material. You will make them from wood and plywood.

DIY educational board

You won't get bored with this toy! After all, there are so many interesting things here, you can scroll through the telephone dial, learn how to lock and open a real lock. Now you don’t need to click the door chain or the latch, since it will all be on the board. An abacus will help your child learn to count, and scales will help your child learn to weigh objects.

To make such “smart” original toys with your own hands, you will need:

  • door lock, latch, chain, handle;
  • abacus;
  • scales;
  • switch;
  • buttons;
  • textile;
  • elastic bands;
  • switch;
  • glue gun;
  • colored cardboard;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • MDF sheet;
  • sneakers, etc.
Manufacturing sequence:
  1. Lay out the items on the prepared board. See how to position the lock so that it closes well. The same applies to the latch and door chain.
  2. Screw one half of the lock to one plank with self-tapping screws, and the other and the door handle to the second. In the same way, attach these boards to the MDF.
  3. To keep the abacus in working condition, you can rattle it with “knuckles”; attach only the frame to the board.
  4. Glue scales, key holder, and other items using hot gun silicone rods. Cut out the base of the phone from cardboard, glue it to the board, and secure the dial in the center.
  5. Cut out a small dress from fabric, sew buttons and elastic into it in the form of loops. Let your child learn to unbutton and button clothes.

You can use various items that you have at home to decorate the development board.

Original toy - cat Basik

This toy is loved by both children and adults. The cute cat is made from a material that is pleasant to the touch.

If you want to quickly create such an original toy, then use a simple pattern.

At the bottom of the back and tummy you need to make an undercut, then these parts will become more voluminous.

On the Basik pattern, the undercut locations are indicated by triangles. You just need to match the opposite sides of each shape and stitch on the wrong side.

  1. The muzzle consists of two identical parts, cut in a mirror image. They need to be connected by stitching in the center.
  2. For each paw you need to cut out 2 pieces. In total, you will need 4 parts for the hind legs and the same number for the front legs.
  3. Sew the paired pieces on the wrong side, leaving the top unsewn. Turn the paws inside out and fill them with filler. Sew the muzzle to the tummy.
  4. Here's how to sew Basik further. To assemble this original toy, place the front part on the back part, insert the front and back legs between them, placing them in place. Turn the toy inside out through the hole left at the bottom.
  5. Stuff the animal with a small amount of stuffing and sew up the hole in the arms.
For experienced dressmakers, we can recommend another option. This Basik pattern is suitable for them.

Here are the paws and toes. Don't forget to sew a tail on the toy. It is given on the pattern.

Sew a fish from a piece of colored fabric and place it in Basik’s paws.

You can dress up the cat at your discretion; clothes for Basik are also not difficult to sew.

If this is a winter option, a hat with earflaps and a scarf will do. You will sew the first one from the remnants of fur, and knit a scarf from yarn.

Here are some original toys you can create with your own hands. Choose the ones you like and start crafting. And to simplify the process of creating new things and get ideas for inspiration, watch the selected videos.

Despite the fact that the shelves of modern children's stores are literally brimming with all sorts of fun for kids, parents are increasingly asking themselves how they can make educational toys with their own hands. After all, you want the child to form an understanding of the properties and characteristics of the materials, objects and phenomena surrounding him. And who better to know than parents what exactly interests their child during what period of life. So why not make your own toy that will be interesting to your child? Moreover, this option is usually cheaper, and is safer for the little one, since you know all its components.

The role of educational toys in a child’s life

It is probably impossible to exaggerate the role of educational toys in a child’s life. After all, it is thanks to them that a little person learns about the world around him. Toys contribute to the development of the auditory and visual systems and attention. And if up to 6 months the baby only reacts with his eyes to bright objects and with his hearing to new sounds, then after six months the child needs to touch various objects, hold them in his hands, carefully studying them, and sometimes chew them, and his hand toys should be ready for all this .

However, parents need to keep in mind that the smaller their child, the more attention needs to be paid to the safety of those things that fall into his hands (and sometimes into his mouth). And it is best to make educational toys for children with your own hands, using natural fabrics, yarn, sewing threads, wood, cardboard, paper and other materials that are safe for children. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the materials have different colors, textures, density, etc. After all, this will contribute to the active development of the child.

Board with “forbidden” elements

Anyone who has their own children or knows children knows that a child, as soon as he begins to move independently around the house, strives to understand the things around him, and it cannot be otherwise. But, unfortunately, in every home there are objects that contact with can harm the child. In addition, many things can be damaged if used for other purposes. But everyone knows that the more parents prohibit a child from contacting a certain object, the more he strives for it, while any surprise toy occupies his attention for a maximum of 20 minutes. So why not please your baby by building a special stand for him?

To make such a “toy” you will need a board, as well as all sorts of objects that you do not allow your baby to use in everyday life. These are latches, locks, sockets, latches, Velcro, lacing, various switches and much more. All this must be attached to the board, and it must be hung on the wall at a height corresponding to the child’s height.

DIY fabric book

Every parent dreams of his child being successful and smart, but here you can’t do without a book, and you can accustom your child to it at a very early age. True, for this you will need not an ordinary book, although with the participation of an adult it may be suitable. But it is still better that among the items for a child’s entertainment there are not only soft toys made of fabric, but also books made of the same material. Moreover, making it yourself is an activity that any adult can do.

Of course, the purpose of this book is not reading, but rather getting to know the world around you, so use your imagination. For pages it is necessary to use fabric of various colors with bright patterns. On each one, sew some interesting flower, animal or object cut from a fabric of a different texture; felt is ideal. You can, for example, sew a shoe with real lacing so that the child can lace it up on his own. An interesting page could be a sewn flower of 5 large petals, which are pulled together into a bud using an elastic band. You can “plant” a moth from another fabric or cardboard in the middle. Try to create a book with the elements that your child is most interested in.

Corded "tablet"

If you don’t have much time to make educational toys for children with your own hands, but still want to please your baby with something unusual, then a corded “tablet” is a great option for this. Its production will not take much time, the materials may even be at hand, and for the development of the child this toy will become simply irreplaceable.

You will need a sheet of plastic or plywood approximately A4 in size. Holes with a diameter of 5 mm are drilled at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other. In addition to the tablet itself, you will also need laces of various colors, and the more, the better. They will be the main instrument for realizing the child’s creative vision.

Homemade puzzles

All parents know about the existence of puzzles, but many of them do not even realize that it is not at all difficult to make these educational toys for children with their own hands. In addition, they will not be similar to those that are sold in stores in huge quantities. The easiest way to make puzzles at home is to cut a postcard into pieces. Their number should depend on how large you want the elements to be. For very young children, you can make puzzles from painted fabric in the same way.

Puzzles made from ice cream sticks are also interesting. You need to find a suitable picture, cut it out, take the sticks and stack them one next to the other so that the entire area of ​​​​the image is covered. Then use tape to fasten the sticks together and stick a picture on top. When the glue dries, the sticks must be freed from the tape, and the picture must be cut at the places where they touch. As a result, you will get a lot of sticks with pieces of the picture, from which the child will need to put together a whole picture.

Felt puzzles

It is worth noting that, adhering to certain rules of sequence, you can put together not only a picture from parts, but also, for example, a sun, a rainbow and many other elements. So, to make puzzles in the shape of a rainbow, you will need felt in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Parts of the rainbow should be cut out of felt - semicircles with a small notch at the bottom. In this case, the red arc should be the largest, and each subsequent one should decrease slightly in size, the last one - the purple one - will be the smallest. Such a toy will allow the child to become better acquainted with the phenomenon of the rainbow and remember the sequence of its colors.

Continuing the theme of getting to know natural phenomena, it would be appropriate to make toys in the form of other elements, the sun, for example. To do this, you will need to cut out a large circle and many thin strips - rays - from yellow felt. You can also cut out raindrops, clouds, flowers, butterflies, bugs, trees, leaves and many other elements that allow the child to put together whole pictures.

Homemade flying toys

After the child has had plenty of time in the hands of various objects, has “seen enough” of their bright colors, managed to gnaw and tear them, he begins to actively move and again look for something new for himself. And here cars, balls and other things for outdoor games come in very handy, but even at this stage you can make certain items with which you can please your little one. First of all, these are all kinds of flying toys.

The simplest craft in this category is a paper helicopter. To make it you will need paper (preferably thick) and a paper clip. You should cut out a strip of paper approximately 48 mm wide and 140 mm long. Stepping 70 mm from the bottom on both sides, make 16 mm indentations and cut out a corner 10 mm high. Next, fold the lower part in three and secure it with a paper clip, and cut the upper part in two and bend it in opposite directions - these will be the propeller blades. Flying toys of this type can keep a child busy for a long time, and even a whole company if you make several helicopters, because then children will be able not only to admire how their toys spin in the air, but also to organize competitions among themselves.

"Pyramid" made of fabric

Pyramids are one of the most interesting for children; however, you don’t have to buy them at all, but can be successfully made at home. Moreover, hand-made pyramids can be very original and varied, which a child will undoubtedly like. You can, for example, sew a triangular pyramid from fabric. To do this, you will need fabric (preferably several colors), filler (sintepon, foam rubber, etc.), a needle and thread, scissors and Velcro. First you need to cut out triangles from the fabric - two of the same size. In this case, it is necessary to calculate so that each subsequent triangle is slightly smaller than the previous one.

Pads should be sewn from the cut-out blanks, filling them with padding polyester or any other material. The more such pads there are, the better. At the final stage, Velcro must be sewn to each triangle on both sides in the center to make it more convenient to build a pyramid from these pads. In a similar way, you can make similar toys from fabric of any shape - round, hexagonal, square, etc.

"Tissue" animals

Every child likes soft toys, but if you also make them with your own hands, then his delight will know no bounds. After all, at home, in addition to making funny toys, they can also be filled with unusual materials that will also arouse interest in the baby.

It’s worth noting right away that there is no need to pay too much attention to the pattern; it is enough that it at least slightly resembles the animal that you are going to make. That is, when cutting out a cat from fabric, it is enough to cut out a head with pointed ears, two legs at the bottom and two on the sides. You can cut out a bear figurine in the same way, except that the ears will be rounder, and the whole body and paws will be fuller.

When the two parts of the figure are sewn and the time comes to fill them, it is better to use not only soft material, but also some “unusual” one. For example, pour buckwheat, rice, peas or any other cereal inside. You can also fill a flat plastic box with small beads and place it inside the toy. Any small objects will do; the main task is to interest the child in their unusual shape or sound.

The best toy for a child is the one in which the soul is invested. Even in a store you can find something unusual that will win the baby’s heart for a long time, but a toy made with your own hands is a real treasure. It is unique, no one else will have it.

You can do it yourself make a toy made from natural materials, harmless to children's health. And most importantly, a homemade toy greatly develops children's imagination!

These ideas are for children's handmade items cause tenderness. Take a look, maybe you’ll want to please your child with such beauty!

How to make toys for children

  1. A little housewife's dream
    Out of an old bedside table will come this unit for a toy kitchen. What a nice color...
  2. Convenient shelves
    Shelves for containers with spices can be used as stands for small children's books made of thick cardboard. They won't be lying all over the kitchen anymore!
  3. Original dress
    From dad's old shirt you can sew a cute dress for your daughter. Or for her doll.
  4. Pencil cups
    An old phone book is a good place to store a variety of art supplies.
  5. Interior decoration
    An interesting way to store children's drawings so that they do not get lost and are in plain sight.
  6. Tic Tac Toe
    Even an adult will not refuse such a toy, the design is magnificent!
  7. Kitchenette
    Another option for a small kitchen - the girl will be delighted.
  8. Suitcase house
    You can make a dollhouse in an old suitcase. Great idea!
  9. Toy storage
    Storing toys under a children's bench is a classic! Plastic containers are very convenient.
  10. Funny bib
    A bib made from a shirt is genius!
  11. Box with a secret
    You can build a whole game world from a drawer for bed linen! Which fits very conveniently under the bed.
  12. T-shirt bodysuit
    Old T-shirts are great for repurposing into baby bodysuits.
  13. Baskets for toys
    Such baskets on the walls will protect the house from clutter and will interest the child.
  14. gift sock
    This sock, made from jeans, will definitely make great gifts!
  15. Pig from a bottle
    The piggy bank made from a plastic bottle is amazing.
  16. Cars of the future
    These are the cars you can make from ordinary plastic canisters! Great idea.
  17. Entertaining maze
    A labyrinth of cardboard boxes is a place for frantic entertainment.
  18. Raising a climber
    Such a cheerful slide made from old tires will become an island of children's happiness.
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