Development of a business plan for a travel company. How to organize a travel agency from scratch: a ready-made business plan with calculations

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A fragment of the book by Yulia and Georgy Mokhov “Travel Agency: where to start, how to succeed” by the publishing house “Peter. Published with permission from the publisher

Do I have enough money to open a travel agency? Should I risk my last savings or not? How long will it take for investments in the tourism business to pay off? How much will I earn? Create your own travel agency or buy a ready-made one? Or join a franchise network? Is it difficult to make a business plan for a travel agency? What are the requirements for a travel agency office? How many employees will you have to hire? Where to look for footage? Which tour operators to work with? Which countries do you sell tours to? Limit yourself to a narrow specialization or sell everything? Should we open air and railway ticket offices immediately or later? How to attract clients? How much to spend on advertising? Do tourists have many complaints? And still…


We will try to dispel all your fears and support your desire to open a travel agency. But we guarantee: everything that is written here is a real reflection of the state of affairs in the tourism business, without exaggeration or omission.

Development of a business plan for a travel company.

We offer for your reference a diagram that reflects the main parameters and cost items that can be used when drawing up a business plan for a travel company (agency).

1. Travel agency concept

Kind of activity:

  • travel agent;
  • tour operator;
  • mixed activity.
Additional services:
  • sale of air and railway tickets;
  • transfer services, ordering limousines;
  • visa processing;
  • insurance;
  • preparation of documents for registration of foreign passports;
  • services of an individual guide and accompanying person;
  • translation services;
  • sale of guidebooks;
  • sale of related travel products;
  • sale of gift certificates;
  • booking and ordering tables in restaurants, tickets for events;
  • rental of tourist equipment;
  • Car rent.
Priority tourist destinations:
  • by type of tourist destination;
  • according to the cost of tours;
  • by country;
  • by type of tourism.

2. Organizational plan

Travel agency office location:

  • center;
  • outskirts;
  • distance from the metro.
Office status:
  • rent;
  • own premises;
  • other.
Office type:
  • showcase office on the first line;
  • in the business center;
  • in the administrative office building;
  • in the mall;
  • on the first floor of a residential building.
Office size:
  • two jobs, three five jobs;
  • one-room, two-room, three-room, more than three rooms;
  • free layout (number of meters).
Office furniture (cost calculation):

tables with reception places, chairs for employees, chairs for visitors, bedside tables with keys, rack for catalogues, wardrobe, hangers, hanger rack,
a board for information and special offers, a sofa for visitors, a coffee table, a safe, blinds, a mirror, dishes (for employees, for receiving visitors), frames for photographs and permits, plants.

Office equipment (cost calculation):

computers, telephones, fax, printers (minimum 2 pieces), scanner, copier, TV, CD and DVD player for showing films about countries and resorts, air conditioning, water cooler, first aid kit, clock, stationery, wall map of the world or globe.

Office design project:

  • zoning of space;
  • design of the premises according to the concept of the travel company;
  • floor plan.

3. Competitive environment

Competitors in selected tourist destinations.
Competitors within the radius:

Ready ideas for your business

  • building;
  • district;
  • cities;
  • countries (if necessary).
Advantageous competitive qualities of a future travel agency.

4. Production plan


  • staffing;
  • wage formation policy;
  • training.

Tour sales technology:

  • search and booking of tours;
  • scheme of interaction with partners;
  • processing payment for tours;
  • document flow;
  • delivery and issuance of documents.
Range of travel agency services:
  • by season;
  • by directions;
  • by country;
  • by price;
  • by target audience.

Travel agency pricing policy.

Features of the tours sold.

Corporate identity development:

  • contractor;
  • list of required items;
Website creation:
  • concept and functions of the site;
  • contractor;
  • cost and timing of work.
Office design for sales.
  • signboard;
  • pillar;
  • signs;
  • a sign with operating hours and company details.
Printing products(description, circulation, contractor, production time, cost):
  • booklet;
  • Business Cards;
  • letterheads.
Opening presentation.
  • budget size for 3 months, 6 months, 12 months;
  • advertising media.
Structure and rules for maintaining a client base.

6. Legal aspects of opening a travel company

    Legal form of a legal entity.

    Tax system.

    Drawing up a lease agreement.

    Required permits depending on the type of tourism activity.

    Trademark registration.

    Purchase and registration of cash register equipment (if necessary).

    Ordering strict reporting forms “Tourist voucher”.

    Maintaining accounting records (independently, with the assistance of an accountant, consulting company).

    Legal support of activities

7. Financial plan

    Sources of funds.

    Amount and duration of investment.

    Initial expenses plan.

    Fixed expenses plan.

    Income plan.

    Payback plan.

8. Conclusion

    Long-term development plan.


Approximate costs for creating a travel agency in Moscow,

    Registration of a legal entity and preparation of necessary permits for travel agency activities: 20,000–25,000

    Furniture and office preparation for sales: 50,000–100,000

    Office equipment and communications 100,000–150,000

    Development of corporate identity 15,000–25,000

    Website development and registration 20,000–45,000

    Trademark registration 50,000-100,000

    Employee training 5,000–30,000

Additional possible costs

Ready ideas for your business

  • Purchase of a ready-made tourism business, payment of legal services to support the transaction
  • Payment for premises selection services
  • Payment for recruitment services
  • Payment for connection services
  • Internet and additional telephone lines
  • Payment for services of a consulting company

The cost of tours even in the same hotel category is different, and the choice of tourists does not always fall on the 3* level of accommodation. Therefore, in order to make an income plan, it is necessary to analyze season prices for selected destinations with data from 3*, 4*, 5* hotels and compare them with the expected amount of income

Approximate plan of monthly expenses of a travel company in Moscow (rub.)

Office and infrastructure

    Rent of premises 25 m2 - 50,000

    Communication services 3000

    Internet 5000

    Water (cooler) 500

    Stationery 2500

    Other administrative expenses 6000 Staff salaries

  • Director 35,000 +%
  • Manager 19,000 +%
  • Manager 16,000 +%
  • Secretary-manager 12,000 +%
  • Courier 16,000
  • Accountant (outsourcing) 10,000
  • Cleaning lady 3000
Advertising budget
  • Legal subscription service RUB 7,000. months
  • Payment for the online booking and tour search system is 1200 rubles/month.
  • Refilling cartridges 400 rub./month.
Unforeseen expenses RUB 10,000.

Total 241,500 rub. + percentage of salary

Selecting the status of a travel company. Tour operator or travel agent?

After the abolition of licensing for tour operator and travel agency activities in 2007, a mandatory state procedure was established only for tour operator activities. Any legal entity or individual entrepreneur can engage in travel agency activities. The only thing that determines the status of a travel agent today is the existence of an agreement with the tour operator, according to which the travel agent, on behalf of and at the expense of the tour operator, sells the tourism product generated by the tour operator. At the same time, the travel agent is obliged to comply with a number of requirements established by law, which we will discuss below.

But first of all, it is necessary to find out why it is so important to understand the difference between travel agency activities and tour operators and take the necessary legal actions in a timely manner. The fact is that the law establishes a mandatory requirement - all tour operators registered on the territory of the Russian Federation are required to have financial support. Financial security is a guarantee of the tour operator in case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the contract for the sale of a tour product, insurance of its civil liability to consumer tourists.

From financial support, injured tourists are compensated for the actual damage they suffered, for example, the cost of the tour if it did not take place, or the difference in cost if the vacation time was shortened. Financial security is provided by an insurance company or banker. The law establishes the minimum amount for which an insurance contract or a bank guarantee contract must be concluded; today it is 10,000,000 rubles. for international tourism (entry and exit) and 500,000 rubles. for domestic tourism.

The cost of servicing financial security averages 1–1.5% per year of the amount of security.

Ready ideas for your business

For example, from the minimum amount of financial support for international tourism of 10,000,000 rubles. the cost of insurance compensation will be 100,000–150,000 rubles. This is the amount that will need to be paid annually to the insurance company for the tour operator’s civil liability insurance contract.

The contractual scheme of a travel agent’s work when selling tours looks something like this:

  1. the tour operator enters into an agency (commission) agreement with the travel agent, according to which the agent is instructed to implement (sell) tours generated by the tour operator for a fee;
  2. a travel agent attracts a client (tourist) and enters into an agreement with him on the sale of a tourism product, receives the documents necessary to register the tour;
  3. the travel agent sends a request to the tour operator to book specific travel services for the client (tourist), indicating the dates, number and details of tourists, hotel, level of transportation, excursions and other components of the tour;
  4. the tour operator confirms the travel agent’s request and issues an invoice for payment;
  5. the travel agent provides the tour operator with the documents (or information) necessary to process the tour (for example, for a visa);
  6. the travel agent accepts the final payment from the tourist (if paying in cash, issues a cash receipt or a strict reporting form);
  7. the travel agent makes payment to the tour operator minus the remuneration due to him (by bank transfer or in cash to the tour operator's cash desk);
  8. the tour operator issues the travel agent with tour documents necessary for the tourist to travel;
  9. the travel agent issues the tourist documents for the tour and all the necessary information to the tourist;
  10. the travel agent reports to the tour operator - sends the agent’s report (act) indicating the amount of the tour sale and the amount of remuneration;
  11. the tour operator signs the agent's report and issues an invoice for the services provided under the agency agreement.

But it should be borne in mind that the presented scheme reflects only the ideal version of document flow.

In practice, a travel agent may face various surprises; firstly, the tour operator may refuse to enter into an agency agreement with you and will offer a purchase and sale agreement, as a result your legal status will change, it will be necessary to adapt accounting and document flow;

secondly, when making a payment under a tour operator agreement, you suddenly discover that the invoice has been issued for payment to
another company or, making payment through the tour operator’s cash desk, you will be given a cash receipt order for a physical
a person with a “paid” stamp without the organization’s seal.

Travel company staff

The optimal staff for a small travel company looks something like this:

  • ¦ leader;
  • ¦ manager1;
  • ¦ manager2;
  • ¦ secretary with an expanded range of responsibilities;
  • ¦ courier;
  • ¦ accountant and cashier;
  • ¦ cleaning lady.


The head of a travel company is a key figure and resolves a large number of issues, both economic and strategic, but in addition to him, it is advisable to have at least two sales managers.

The manager can also be the chief accountant, cashier, sign documents and register the receipt of funds.
If the head of a travel agency is a hired employee, he must have at least two years of work experience; this is the minimum time during which a specialist can go through all the “seasons” of a travel agency’s work - high, low, “dead” - and learn how to manage a company. If the head - founder of a travel agency has no experience in tourism, this is not a tragedy. It is necessary to invite managers with work experience and, together with them, develop the strategy, assortment, and advertising policy of the company.

Travel company manager.

His responsibilities include: negotiating with clients and partners by phone and in the office, arranging tours with tourists, booking tours and processing documents with tour operators, monitoring the fulfillment of orders, price changes, requirements for documents provided, terms of cooperation, special offers.

A universal manager must maintain and improve his qualifications (master classes, seminars, promotional tours), work at exhibitions and workshops. Requirements for managers: higher education, experience in tourism, absence of bad habits, presentable appearance, competent Russian speech, communication skills , initiative, ability to resolve conflict situations, responsibility.

A manager without work experience should at least strive to work in tourism and have a specialized secondary or higher (incomplete higher) education, since this significantly affects the general level of culture. On
teaching someone who strives for knowledge is a rewarding task, but find out the long-term plans of this candidate so that
the invested effort and money were not wasted - perhaps he will use the knowledge gained in another travel agency.

Travel agency secretary

receives incoming calls, distributes them according to the specialization of managers, answers general questions (“How can I get to you?”, “What time do you work until?”), ensures timely ordering of the necessary office supplies, household goods, and monitors the courier’s work schedule , carries out instructions from the manager, receives visitors and guests of the office. You must understand that sometimes it is very difficult to do without the help of a secretary, especially in the high season - in the summer, when the phone is ringing at the same time and the client is sitting in the chair.

Secretaries are also tasked with filling out questionnaires, recording and registering incoming and outgoing mail, and responding to corporate emails, ICQ, and Skype.

As a rule, a secretary is hired after several months of starting a travel company, when the phone is constantly ringing and clients demanding attention come to the office.


A very important and responsible position. With the strength (legs) of this person, money, passports, documents must get to the tour operator. Therefore, when choosing a candidate for this position, follow a simple rule: the person must be checked in all possible ways - call the previous place of work, confirm the correspondence of the place of registration and place of residence, call the home phone and communicate with relatives, ask for recommendations. These measures are not unnecessary. The problems that may arise due to the actions of the courier are, without exaggeration, catastrophic - loss of foreign passports and documents, theft of funds that the courier transports daily. The best option is a relative or acquaintance, but, unfortunately, such candidates are not always found.


certainly a necessary specialist, but the cost of his services is too high for a small travel agency (in Moscow from 30,000 rubles). Therefore, most travel agencies use the services of law firms or an external accountant. Such a personnel solution allows you to reduce accounting costs by at least three times.

Remuneration and bonus schemes in the tourism business

In the tourism business there is a general trend towards increasing wages. This is due to the existing personnel “hunger”. Specialists with experience move to another company, where they offer a slightly higher salary for the same full-time position, and this can happen every six months.

Options for calculating salaries for a tourism manager

The tour is considered sold when 100% payment is made.

1. Interest-free system: salary 22,000–30,000 rub.

2. Salary + interest:
Salary 10,000–15,000 rub. + 10% of tours sold by the manager.
Salary 15,000 + 10% after the implementation of tours for more than 150,000 rubles.
Salary 15,000 + 10% of revenue from sold tours, divided among all managers.
Salary 18,000–20,000 rub. + 5% of tours sold by the manager.
Salary 18,000–20,000 rub. + 10% of all tours sold, divided between all managers.

3. Planned system: fixed salary is paid when the plan is fulfilled; for example, from 50,000 rub. (this refers to the company's income, not the total cost of the tours). If the plan is exceeded by more than 50,000 rubles. + 10%, more than 100,000 rub. + 15%, more than 250,000 + 20%.

During the low season (January, February, May, June) the plan is 50%. In this case, the previous fixed salary is paid.

If the plan is not met, with the exception of the low season, there is a system of fines:

  • ¦ the first month - no penalties, an analysis of the reasons associated with the decrease in sales is required;
  • ¦ second month and beyond: 40,000–49,000 rubles. – 10% is withheld from the fixed payment (30,000–39,000 rubles – 20%; 20,000–29,000 rubles – 30%).

In the first months after the opening of a travel agency office, a planned payroll system, as a rule, is not used.

Options for calculating wages for a travel company courier

1. Salary 12,000–15,000 rubles, payment for a travel ticket, mobile phone, working hours: Monday-Friday.

2. Salary 15,000–20,000 rubles, payment for a travel ticket, mobile phone, working hours: Monday - Saturday.

During the high season and increased sales volumes, it is customary to give couriers a bonus of 20–30% of their salary. The courier is an important employee of the travel agency, so it is better to pay extra on time, issue bonuses and work calmly.

On the market you can find offers from courier companies that deliver documents anywhere
city, they enter into a formal agreement and bear full financial responsibility for the funds and documents in the parcel.

Options for calculating the salary of a director of a travel company

1. Salary from 40,000 rubles.
2. Salary 18,000–20,000 rub. + 1–5% of monthly income
agency after deducting expenses.
3. 12,000–15,000 rub. + 5–10% of monthly income after deducting expenses.

Summary of a business plan for opening a travel agency from scratch

This project is a plan for creating a private enterprise to organize a travel agency in 24 months. First of all, we list the key points in the process of creating a business plan for launching a travel agency business plan from scratch.

First of all, the Idea of ​​the project arises, and the Goals of the project, such as:

  1. Creation of an enterprise with high .
  2. in a legal way, indicating the legal address, passport details of the head and founder of the project, information about employees.
  3. Satisfying consumer demand for filling the entertainment niche, providing health services, organizing safe travel, as well as organizing leisure activities for citizens.
  4. Providing opportunities and organizing leisure activities.
  5. Search and conclusion of agreements with investors.
  6. Project cost: RUB 3,078,159.
  7. Project financing: Provided by obtaining a commercial loan in the amount of RUB 3,078,159.
  8. Payback period: 2 years.
  9. The investor's income will be 178,812.88 rubles.
  10. Interest payments on the loan begin from the first month of implementation of this project.
  11. Repayment of borrowed funds begins from the first month of project implementation. This circumstance is introduced in this business plan to simplify the understanding of the structure of calculating the discounting flow and regulating cash flow. Repayment of borrowed funds begins from the first month of project implementation. This circumstance is introduced in this business plan to simplify the understanding of the structure of calculating the discounting flow and regulating cash flow.
  12. The mortgaged interest rate on borrowed funds is 14%. It must be taken into account that banks are currently revising the interest rate for investment projects downward.
  13. The total amount of accrued interest will be RUB 178,812.88.
  14. The payback period from the start of the project is 2 months.
  15. Payback period taking into account discounting is 2 years.
  16. The total economic effect from the implementation of the project for the conditional life cycle is RUB 54,948,324.02.

Project stages

Project stages Execution conditions Deadlines
Start of the project 1.5 - 2 years
1 month project 1 -30 banking days
Getting a loan Availability of the appropriate package of documents 30 calendar days
Entry into the state register, registration with administrative and tax authorities Conclusion of an investment agreement 1 -30 calendar days
Selection of location and documentation Preliminary work 30 calendar days
Purchase of equipment Conclusion of an investment agreement 1 -30 calendar days
Equipment installation Receiving investment funds 1 -30 calendar days
Hiring Production activities 1 -30 calendar days
Training The end of the stage of organizing the production process 1 -30 calendar days
Conducting a marketing campaign 360 calendar days 1-360 calendar days
End of the project 12 – 24 months

Algorithms of action prescribed in the travel agency’s business plan

The travel agency’s business plan contains the following algorithms of actions for starting a business:

  1. Ways and methods of analyzing the target audience, drawing up a portrait of the ideal client, his level of solvency.
  2. Registration of business with state supervisory and tax authorities.
  3. Hiring qualified employees who can fulfill the client's wishes and be ready to work. Another cost item is hiring employees. Specialists will fill vacant positions on a competitive basis, being general, service and temporary employees with decent competitive pay. Candidates for positions will be considered within 30 calendar days.
  4. Services provided by the enterprise.
  5. Choosing the format of the enterprise's work.

Relevance of business at the opening of a travel agency

The package tourism market showed the highest point of its development in 2014, and corresponded to the amount of 340,000,000,000 rubles. At the end of last year, the dynamics amounted to about 280,000,000,000 rubles. At the same time, most clients choose. Tourists who travel within Russia more often choose inexpensive accommodation options - 80% of them counted, the average check per person was 25,000 rubles. excluding logistics.

The tourism services market received its most active development and expansion in 2010. Every year, according to statistics, not only the number of companies increases, but also the profit received by existing operators and agents.

The high level of competition in this segment gives rise to higher quality service and increased demands from customers.

Every year, the Russian tourism market shows an increase of 100,000,000,000 rubles.

Relevance of business at the opening of a travel agency

According to experts, the following structural changes are taking place in the tourism sector:

  1. The main driving force of all types of tourism industry has been the active development of digital technologies. Business has become more globalized and is actively developing transnational Internet resources.
  2. Sales channels for tourism services have changed significantly in terms of structure and its functional significance. Today, fewer and fewer clients are trying to cooperate with consumers - direct contact between the consumer and the service provider (hoteliers, companies selling and booking airline tickets) has become fashionable. Also, many companies indirectly related to the travel business are trying to spend less resources on distribution and are gaining their own customer base. In addition, it is beneficial to eliminate agency commissions, develop attractive loyalty programs for customers, and increase the level of direct ticket booking, which has a positive effect on the level of booking tickets for air flights in general.
  3. The activities of low-cost carriers do not depend on the activities of agents, and some carriers today have increased the percentage of sales to 50 percent.
  4. Companies engaged in the transportation of goods are created online, which can also select accommodation options for tourists.
  5. In the Russian tourism industry, a new definition has recently appeared "dynamic bundling" . “Dynamic packaging” is a special type of technology used for the formation and distribution of a tourism product online. It is carried out by simultaneous access, without the help of intermediaries, to the online resources of hotels, airlines, and travel service aggregators. Thus, if there are available seats, airlines offer dynamic packages that are favorable for the client, which are significantly lower than those published by the system itself and lower than charter ones. This method allows you to quickly adapt to changes in the global economy, increases sales and customer loyalty.
  6. Classic travel agents and tour operators today are forced to balance risks due to the global overproduction of the tourism product.
  7. The volume of charter and block charter traffic is significantly reduced. The vast majority of tour operators have abandoned the wholesale production of tourism products. Consistently high earnings are demonstrated by those companies that can provide customers with the opportunity of cheap air travel or favorable transportation conditions from a direct logistics service provider. Long-term partnership is the key to the company’s success in the future and today. Today, people make their own reservations in the hotels they like—about 70 percent of them are now doing so. Hotels, like airlines, are seeing an increase in the percentage of direct sales volumes.
  8. Today, the function of marketplaces has begun to be performed by metasearch engines, which take part in settlements between the client and the tourism market service provider.
  9. The volume of distribution channels has been expanded by banking institutions and information portals. Large players in the financial market, who have the ability to handle large amounts of personal data from clients, are creating their own services for booking travel services. Internet resources with a sufficient share of occupancy also offer the service of placing travel services on their sites.
  10. Corporations and large companies themselves organize affiliated structures that can provide not only business trips, but also recreation for each of their employees.

Making a profit in the tourism business

What determines the profitability of the tourism industry?

  1. The level of solvency of some segments of the population has increased.
  2. The infrastructure of cities, both in Russia and abroad, is developing and can offer an increased level of service.
  3. The tourism services sector is developing, and more clients are interested in trips of various kinds.
  4. The market has become more attractive to private foreign investors.

The difference between a travel agent and a tour operator is small, and lies in the fact that agents are intermediaries between the client and those who sell tours directly. The vast majority of companies that operate in Russia today are intermediaries.

Services that your company will provide

  1. Providing comprehensive information about the tour.
  2. Booking a hotel and finding optimal solutions for each specific client
  3. Organization of the trip itself and booking tickets for transport (railway, car, air, etc.).
  4. Registration of a foreign passport, visas and insurance, other accompanying documents
  5. Providing additional services (meals, excursions).
  6. Fulfilling the client's travel-related wishes.
  7. Information support at all stages of the tour.
  8. Involvement of a guide/translator.
  9. Organization of loyalty programs.
  10. Providing a discount for a friend.
  11. Bonuses, cumulative discount cards.
  12. Opportunity to visit unique excursion tours abroad and within the country.
  13. Informing clients in all available ways about last-minute tours.
  14. Quick replacement of a passport.

Market description and analysis

Structure of the tourism industry

The modern market for tourism services can be characterized as follows

The tourism industry in its purest form, typical private enterprises providing tourism services Additional services for tourists and industry Indirect representatives of the industry, dependent enterprises
Production Production
Providing accommodation services for tourists abroad or in Russia Production of souvenir and gift products
Transportation services for clients by railway, highway, plane or water transport Production and sale/rental of recreational goods
Tour operators Automotive industry (motorcycle, bicycle)
Full service travel agencies Printing of printed materials dedicated to tourism (catalogues, maps, advertising materials)
Resorts/boarding houses/sanatoriums Release of specialized lines of medicinal products for tourists
Service sector Service sector
Unions, associations and other types of associations managing the development of tourism in Russia and abroad
Organization of visiting congresses, seminars, lectures
Organizing festivals, exhibitions, fairs, etc.

Who is suitable for business by opening your own travel agency?

Most often, successful owners of travel agencies are former managers who have achieved some success in this type of activity. Also, such a business is suitable for those who have the appropriate education and experience in management positions.

The target audience

The main consumer of tourism services in Russia is:

  • Citizens with a consistently high income aged 20 to 50 years,
  • Those who regularly visit other countries or frequently travel within the country for work purposes.


  • TV ads.
  • Working with bloggers.
  • Issue of a magazine/catalogue (every month).
  • Other printed products (business cards, leaflets, brochures).

Rental costs, depending on the city, will range from 15,000 rubles per month. For the main office of the representative office, a small room in a business or shopping center will be sufficient.

Main taxes paid

Project expenses (in rubles)

Name of expense item Price
Qty per month in year One-time purchase Total expenses per year
Renting an office, premises From 20 35 000 420 000 70 000 490 000
Expenses for registration of enterprise documentation 1 30 000 30 000
Purchase of vehicles 1 1 900 000 1 900 000
Purchase of equipment 10 182 229 182 229
Purchasing computer equipment 1 103 780 103 780
Website, hosting, purchase of necessary scripts, 1 60 000 60 000
Fixed costs for online advertising 12 55 000 660 000 660 000
Salary 12 407 550 4 890 600 4 890 600
incl. taxes 12 90 000 1 080 000 1 080 000
Unexpected expenses 234 600 234 600
Total: 497 550 5 970 600 2580 609 8 551 209


To ensure quality work for managers, you will need:

  • Computers (2).
  • A printer.
  • Scanner.
  • Tables.
  • Furniture for staff and client accommodation.

The costs for this item of the travel agency’s business plan will be approximately 70,000 rubles.

Algorithm of step-by-step actions for registering a travel agency

  1. Preparation of documentation, study of regulations governing the activities of such companies.
  2. Drawing up contracts with major tour providers, debugging the operation of synchronizing applications and computer programs
  3. Buying or renting an office.
  4. Repair behavior.
  5. Purchase of office equipment.
  6. Hiring.

Important! In order to obtain a license to conduct tourism activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. Hire at least seven employees with higher education diplomas in the field of tourism, or with at least 5 years of work experience.
  2. The manager's experience must be at least three years with a special diploma. or higher education.

The license is issued for a period of 5 years.

Documentation for review

  1. Russian Federation Federal Law on the fundamentals of tourism activities in the Russian Federation
  2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 18, 2007 N 452 (as amended on September 1, 2018) “On approval of the Rules for the provision of services for the sale of tourism products”
  3. Article 4.1. Conditions for carrying out tour operator activities


  1. The main risk was and remains the presence of competing companies. About 30% of startup travel agencies close in the first years of operation, failing to become competitive in their niche.
  2. Exchange rate fluctuations.
  3. Unstable political and economic situations.
  4. Problems with the tour operator.
  5. Human factor (mistakes made by managers during the procedure for obtaining travel tickets or general documentation).
  6. Customer refusals to travel.
  7. Seasonality of business. The high season in the tourism industry is usually considered to be April-November.

Search and selection of partners

Among the potential partners of a young developing travel agent may be: large travel corporations, which on mutually beneficial terms will provide the opportunity to conclude an agency agreement, which usually includes an online tour booking system, as well as an account with bonuses.

  1. Logistics companies.
  2. Owners of hotels, hotels, hostels.
  3. Visa centers.
  4. Bureau for the provision of excursion services.

On video: The relevance of the travel business, how to make money on travel


The main positions in the staff are considered to be manager-consultant positions. The job descriptions of such employees are prescribed in the following regulations:

Typically, the duties of managers include consulting the client, assistance in selecting a tour and its subsequent registration:

Job title Requirements for an employee Job responsibilities Salary

per month in

Accountant knowledge of accounting programs;

special education;

work experience of 3 years.

maintaining accounting documentation;

preparation and submission of reports.

35 000

on tourism

Fluency in PC and specialized booking programs;

knowledge of English/other/foreign language/s;

Correct oral and written language;

stress resistance.

consulting clients;

receiving calls and controlling mail;

website content;

booking rooms and tickets;

ordering insurance;

preparation of documents for

receipt by the client of a foreign passport and visa;

interaction with the tour operator;

monitoring of profitable offers on the tourism market.

25 000

What will help you quickly achieve self-sufficiency in the tourism industry today?

The main trends today are an individual approach, personification of different types of recreation depending on the client’s goals, and total access of citizens to the Internet. Over the past few years, passengers have become accustomed to booking seats on buses, trains and planes from their home or office, and have stopped so often turning to intermediary companies or visiting ticket offices directly. Today there are about 70% of such potential clients.

People began to organize their own leisure and recreation. Today, very few citizens choose to vacation as part of a group. It is worth noting that potential millennial clients have completely abandoned the services of travel agencies, using directly the services of tour operators and the B2C segment.

State supervisory authorities legalized the so-called. "electronic vouchers". Agents working in the online segment increased their sales by more than 20 times compared to the previous similar period. The greatest success is enjoyed by those who have invested more effort and financial resources in promoting and filling their sites.

Consumer habits and demand are growing from the development of online offerings. Online agents offer a service at an attractive price, which you can view without leaving your home. Convenient, fast and reliable - service above all. And these trends will significantly gain momentum in the future.

The Western market is ahead of the Russian tourism industry in development; they have long been offering dynamic packaging and creating high-quality online packages that allow expanding the geography of travel, increasing the reliability and level of service quality.

Selling a charter product today is a very big and unjustified risk, according to experts. The margin level of the classic travel business today is about ±3%; this figure does not always cover the risks that arise in the unregulated market, which depends on many political and economic factors. Thus, the balance of supply and demand in dynamic packaging is regulated by the airlines and hotels themselves - they can afford to offer a cheap product without compromising quality and their own income.

Hoteliers earn higher income than tour operators. During the low season, they can attract a client with a discount in order to be able to maintain a high-class infrastructure and justify maintaining staff.

It is safe to say, experts emphasize, that players in the tourism services market depend on technology. Today the market demonstrates high integration into the global network, part of which is the Peakwork platform, which includes Google, Kayak, Saber, Expedia, TUI, Tomas Cook, FTI, Booking, KIWI, Hotelbeds and a number of other brands. Peakwork is currently the only leading travel supplier database network. A solution that is ideal for clients as it saves them money and time.

According to experts, today investors are still willing to invest their funds in the development of the global tourism business. If some segments show the presence of pent-up demand, then in general tourism is the driving lever of the economy of many cities and even entire countries. World industry leaders own their own hotel chains, airlines, car parks, and other segments of tourism infrastructure. Holding companies created on the principle of vertical integration are practically not subject to crisis influences: they fully provide themselves with a service chain, starting from the service provider and ending with distribution.

According to expert forecasts, large metasearch engines and consumer digital platforms will further develop, which will have both financial and marketing means at their disposal. In addition, the above platforms have an arsenal of Big Data tools. Much attention will be paid to personal consultations. Today, customers still need a specialist who will help not only with qualified advice on a free basis, but also provide a competitive offer with a varied assortment, assortment offers,

Already at the planning stage, pay a lot of attention to post-sales support for the client. Additional options are already being actively developed. services and competencies, which also include technological personification. According to experts, the Chinese will become the most traveling nation - today the dynamics show an increase in the tourism segment of about 9.8% compared to the same period in previous years.

According to the head of Rostourism, Oleg Safonov, the main trend in future years will be the development of the sale of “electronic vouchers”, which will become a guarantor of the protection of the rights and interests of travelers. This product will be an opportunity to improve the quality of services provided by tour operators and travel agencies and increase the level of transparency in this market segment. Such a system will be comfortable for both businessmen and the client. For now, such a system is advisory, but may soon become a mandatory item in a travel agency’s business plan.

It is worth noting that more than 80% of tour operators have installed the Master-Tour system, which is not yet integrated with electronic vouchers, and therefore the necessary data will have to be entered manually.

MS Word Volume: 51 pages

Business plan

Reviews (99)

Who will be interested in a travel agency business plan? Of course, those people who themselves love to travel, who would like to open a business for the soul and income, for pleasure and prosperity. And there is definitely no doubt that such an undertaking will be profitable! The last decade has shown that our people are happy to relax “in style”, and not just toil in the country.

That is why a business plan for opening a travel agency was simply created for those who want to make their dreams of a comfortable holiday for different segments of the population come true. What could it be? Elite and rural tourism, excursions and children's trips, sea cruises and fun at the most famous resorts. Or maybe all at once!

When purchasing a business plan for organizing a travel agency, keep in mind that it will require not only initial capital, but also your own desire and enthusiasm. Only in this way will it be possible to captivate customers, offer them the best and organize unforgettable trips. Examples of the work of well-known travel agencies confirm that this is a profitable and creative business designed for a good future.

It is quite simple to study the information in a business plan for opening a travel company, although starting your own company will require a lot of effort and time. Yes, this is a ready-made solution, a scheme that has been carefully calculated and verified. What will you get in the end? In addition to profit and satisfied customers, there is also the joy that your business brings benefits, bright emotions and satisfaction.

Tourism in Russia is becoming widespread, the number of travelers is constantly growing, due to which the tourism infrastructure is developing very actively. But how can a novice entrepreneur find his niche, how to open a tour operator activity, a tourism business - a company, a travel organization enterprise, without encountering serious problems and withstanding high competition?

Where to start a tour operator business if an entrepreneur does not have the necessary experience in opening a travel agency, creating a travel agency, what are the initial costs of opening a travel agency? Hundreds of aspiring businessmen search for answers to these questions every year. For some unknown reason, many are confident that a travel agency is an easy way to start a business.

Of course, opening a tourism business is much easier than creating your own car dealership or a new bank. However, opening and developing a travel company is fraught with many pitfalls, and common mistakes of novice travel agents ultimately lead to the company closing down as soon as it starts operating. According to statistics, about a third of new travel companies do not survive to the end of the first season.

Opened a travel agency, a travel agency without experience, how to work - one of the most common scenarios for starting a business for those who decided that the information about creating a travel agency obtained from business forums for beginners is enough for him. It is logical to assume that the lack of an organizational plan for a travel agency, a lack of knowledge about how the organization of a travel agency’s work should be structured, will sooner or later lead a businessman to a dead end.

In order to stay afloat for a long time, a novice businessman will have to solve many issues for himself, and the first of them is the direction of activity of the travel agency. The peculiarities of marketing a travel company are such that it is necessary to clearly explain to a potential client what your company does and in what areas it operates. The monthly sales volume of the travel agency and the number of tour packages sold even in small travel agencies will depend on this. Determining the target audience of clients will help you make the right choice - sell tours abroad or focus on the Russian direction.

The name of the travel agency is of no small importance - remember: whatever you call the boat, that’s how it will float. Take a look at the sample signboards of competing travel agencies - not every office can boast of an attractive name. Registration of a travel agency and its financial support is a stumbling block for many entrepreneurs. Having an accountant at least part-time in a travel agency will solve a lot of problems. Accounting statements for a travel agency are of great importance, and if your accountant has experience in maintaining records of tourism activities, this will be an additional plus.

An experienced accountant will definitely tell you how important a professional example of a business plan for opening a travel agency with ready-made calculations is. From this sample you will learn what time is best to open a travel agency, what are the features of processing documents for tours, and also how important reviews are in the tourism business. You will understand what opening and profitability of a travel agency can be like.

Are you interested in how difficult it is to open a travel agency in a small town, and what are the criteria for choosing to rent a travel agency office? You will find answers to all these questions in a competent business plan, and very soon you will be able to think about opening a second additional office for your travel agency.

Opening a travel business - travel agencies, travel agencies, travel agencies - from scratch, from A to Z, what is needed for this, where to start... These days, hundreds of aspiring entrepreneurs who have decided to start their own business by organizing travel are puzzled by this problem. When opening your own travel agency, you need to know that only businessmen who have received the appropriate license can engage in this activity. And to do this, certain requirements must be met.

Before applying for a license, you should already have some basis for opening and creating a travel agency. Thus, the basic rules for running a tourism business require preliminary selection of agency personnel, and at least 20% of employees must have the appropriate education or have work experience in the tourism sector of 3 years or more. The business model of an enterprise in the field of tourism requires the head of a travel agency to have special education, plus experience in this field. When drawing up a budget for a travel company and starting to build a business, you should rent a room for the tour in advance. services. This is due to the fact that information about the premises and facilities that are used for tourism activities must be included in the package of documents that are submitted to obtain a license.

When planning to open his own travel agency, create his own business from scratch, a businessman is waiting for advice on how to do this in detail in order to avoid annoying mistakes. How realistic is it to open a travel agency for individual entrepreneurs at minimal cost, is it profitable, what documents are required for this? Answers to these questions will help a businessman act more confidently. But not every entrepreneur understands what difficulties await him at the very first stage - in the process of obtaining a license.

Whether a license for your travel agency will be an insurmountable obstacle or everything will work out well depends on various nuances. In particular, it is necessary to take into account the fact that office space should be rented in advance, despite the fact that you do not have the right to use it until you receive a license. It is clear that the obvious losses that are inevitable when the office is idle must be taken into account when drawing up the budget. After all, one of the main reasons for the premature closure of an agency is errors in financial calculations, when a businessman simply does not have enough money to further promote the business.

The decision to issue a license to a travel agency by law is made within up to 2 months, so the financial damage can be quite impressive, given that it is more advisable to rent an office in places with good traffic, and accordingly, the cost of rent will result in a significant amount.

In addition to the license, a sample of which the owner of a travel agency can find on the Internet, you will also need to obtain a certificate confirming that the quality of the services provided meets the required standards, as well as a hygiene certificate. What else you will need for a full-fledged tourism activity can be found in the example of a business plan for opening a travel agency with ready-made calculations, compiled by professionals.

How to open a travel company, tour operator, what you need - this document contains the most important information, lists the features of accounting in the tourism business and document flow in enterprises providing tourism services. This important financial document contains, among other things, a description of the green tourism business project. And if you dream of organizing rural tourism, as well as learning about the main centers of tourism development, you cannot do without a business plan.

Update: At the moment, a license is not required to open a travel agency. Only tour operators are licensed.

An analysis of the activities of tourism and hotel business enterprises clearly demonstrates how important the role of a competent manager is in this area. The peculiarities of marketing a travel agency are such that the monthly sales volume of the travel agency almost directly depends on the talent of this specialist to persuade a potential client to purchase a tour. In this regard, the search for a manager should be approached very thoroughly.

The characteristics of the personnel in a travel company are such that they need to know a lot about the product that they have to sell. Most tourists come to the company without really deciding where they want to go. And the main job of a travel company manager is to clearly tell the client about the benefits of purchasing a tour from them. The more competent the algorithm for working with tourists is, the higher the chances of increasing the sales of a travel agency. It is no coincidence that the main operators of business tourism and other types of travel rely on the professionalism of managers. After all, it is this person who determines how many trips will be sold, how many people will go on exciting trips and, perhaps, next time, decide to return to the same travel agency again.

Is it possible to open a travel agency for 60,000 rubles? Probably, it is possible, it is important to know that it is permissible to save on the design and equipment of a travel agency office, premises for the staff of a travel agency and visitors, but one thing you should never save on is the professionalism of the manager. The range of responsibilities of this specialist is quite wide: negotiations with the company’s partners and with its potential clients, registration and booking of tours, control of orders. They monitor how prices for organizing tours increase or decrease, in which direction the requirements for paperwork change, analyze specific examples of advertising for enterprises in the tourism and service sector, and build relationships between travel agencies and tour operators. These people are familiar with all the main tourist destinations by season and they know how to help the client make the right choice.

In the struggle for a great manager, businessmen resort to different methods. Some travel agency owners draw up special questionnaires for managers of travel companies, relying on their instincts, others try to lure experienced specialists from other agencies by offering these travel company employees a higher salary.

But there are still others - those who rely on a professional example of a business plan for opening a travel agency with ready-made calculations, in which special attention is paid to personnel selection. This document describes in detail the features of the implementation of a tourism product by travel agencies, explains how to correctly draw up an agency agreement and contract in the tourism business, and how the operator structure of tourism differs from the agency structure. What should be the responsibilities of an accountant and manager of a travel company? You just have to look at a professional business plan and all questions will disappear by themselves.

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