Minimum hourly wage. Hourly minimum wage for hourly wages

Hourly wages mean a special system for calculating wages. Its use is justified for certain categories of workers.

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Today, most employers choose this system for their employees, since it allows them to pay only for hours actually worked.

Concept, essence and features

The hourly wage system is one of the varieties of the time-based form of awarding remuneration for work.

It is used when it is difficult to standardize an employee’s work.

When calculating wages, not only the number of hours worked is taken into account, but also the qualifications of the employee. For example, it is used for teachers.

What it is?

There is no legal interpretation of the concept “hourly wage system” in the legislation. In practice, this term refers to a special way of calculating employee salaries.

Hourly wages can be of different types:

  • simple– when the cost of one hour is a fixed amount that does not depend on the result achieved by the employee;
  • with a standardized task– when an employee receives additional payment for completing a task that was assigned to him.

What does it depend on?

The amount of payment will depend on the number of hours actually spent by the employee on performing the job function.

This method is very convenient for part-time workers, as well as people performing a job function part-time or on a flexible schedule.

As we have already said, an employer can stimulate an employee by setting special tasks, the completion of which is encouraged by additional payment.

In what cases is it used?

This system applies in the case where it is provided for in the agreement concluded between the employee and the employer.

IN Lately this method has become very popular among entrepreneurs who hire employees. It is suitable for the following workers: teachers, tutors, nannies, bartenders, waiters, cleaners.

Hourly pay is ideal for part-time employees. It is suitable for workers whose workload differs on different working days.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros of the hourly payment system:

  • for the employer– cost savings when employees receive money only for the time actually worked, the ability to track and monitor the effectiveness of working hours, convenience of settlements with part-time workers;
  • for employees– convenient for employees of certain professions, as it allows them to take into account their uneven workload.


  • for employers– the complexity of financial calculations of wages, the need to strictly control the amount of time worked by employees;
  • for employees– lack of bonuses and bonuses, the possibility of abuse by an unscrupulous employer who will assign unrealistic amounts of work per hour.

How are hourly wages implemented at the enterprise?

To implement hourly wages, it may be necessary to attract special person, which will record the time worked by each employee.

The procedure for applying this system can be established in a special local act, which is issued by the head of the enterprise and is valid within its borders.

An order is also issued, which directly reflects the size of tariff rates for individual species professions.

Conditions of use

This remuneration regime can only be used when it is provided for in the employment contract with a specific employee.

If the enterprise has local documents (regulations, orders) that determine the procedure for using the hourly system, then the employee must be familiar with them against signature.

Is there a minimum size?

At present, no unified minimum payment labor per hour. However, talk about introducing such an indicator is already being actively discussed at the legislative level.

In what documents and how is it reflected?

Before applying the hourly wage system, it is necessary to record this rule in the following documents:

Also, within the organization, a special document can be developed that establishes the procedure for calculating the amount of remuneration.

In the employment agreement, the conditions for the use of such a system can be stated in free form.

The enterprise may issue a separate order on the hourly wage system. In the staffing table, a reservation is made in the column “with the tariff rate (salary), etc.”

Employment contract

How to formalize hourly payment in the contract? It must indicate the use of hourly wages and the amount tariff rate.

If a regional coefficient is used in the region, this should be indicated. It is not necessary to indicate the number of hours that the employee will have to work, as well as the length of the working week.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation 2019, its maximum is 40 hours. This standard applies to all employees.

An example of such an agreement:

Regulations on remuneration

The regulations on remuneration act as a local document, which is developed within one enterprise and applies to all its employees.

All employees must be familiar with this document, only then is it valid.

The regulations describe in detail the procedure for calculating the duration of the period worked, calculating wages, and bonuses.

Staffing table

The staffing table is a document that operates within one enterprise. It reflects information on the structure, number and composition of employees.

The staffing table has a certain form N T-3.

It is necessary to indicate the use of hourly wages in the column “With tariff rate (salary), etc.”

Pay attention to the indication “ex.” It is this that allows us to include here the “hourly rate _____ rub/hour”. It is permissible to make a note in the note: “Time-based wage system.”

In the column that determines the total wages, you need to write the number that is obtained by multiplying the hourly rate by the number of hours the employee works on average per day.


The employment order may also indicate the use of hourly wages.

In this case, he needs to supplement this document with the column “with hourly rate ______ rub/hour.”

Based on what documents is it calculated?

Remuneration is carried out on the basis of a time sheet or other document that is used to record the time actually worked by the employee.

An order or employment contract is also used, in which the tariff rate is written.

The procedure for transferring to hourly wages and its introduction

Transfer to hourly pay is possible only with the consent of the employee.

In such a situation, an additional agreement to the employment contract is concluded. It is signed by both the employee and the employer. The employee must also be familiar with local regulations that regulate the new procedure for calculating wages.


The calculation is made taking into account the time worked, which is multiplied by the tariff rate. Special counting methods may be established by local regulations.

For example it could be a complex system bonuses depending on the results achieved and the overall performance of a particular employee.


The specific calculation formula will be approved in a local act adopted by the enterprise.

For example, it might look like this:

wages = Tch*Wh, where

  • Tch – tariff established for a specific employee;
  • HF – actual time worked.


Here's an example of a calculation:

Ivanova A.P. works as a waitress. According to the employment contract, the tariff rate for her is 85 rubles/hour. In June, she actually worked 160 hours.

Therefore, her salary will be: 160 * 85 = 13,600 rubles.

How to calculate vacation pay?

Vacation pay is calculated according to general principle- based on average monthly earnings.


Special points are related to the payment procedure, non-working holidays etc. These issues are regulated by the norms of the current Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

You need to know that the decision of some issues remains at the discretion of the parties to the employment agreement. Such nuances are prescribed in the employment contract and local regulations.

That is why the employee must carefully read all the documentation that will be presented to him.

In a budget institution

Depending on many factors, in particular, on the method of recording the employment of employees, the payment of wages at an enterprise can be organized in different ways. Along with piecework, time-based payment is one of the most common. Let’s consider cases when it is more profitable to introduce its hourly variety, we will clarify the nuances of labor legislation related to “hourly wages”, we will teach how to calculate the specific example and we will show how this issue is reflected in the employment agreement with the employee.

The salary is as accurate as a clock

Recording of working hours is mandatory, no matter how the payment of remuneration for labor is organized. But in some systems it is precisely this that is the determining factor that affects the amount of money earned and the features of their accrual.

Hourly payment is the relationship between due to the employee remuneration and the time that was actually worked by him, calculated in hours.

In practice, it is not difficult to introduce it, since the employer is already obliged to take into account work time their employees (Part 4 of Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

IMPORTANT! With a salary system, time tracking is also important, but there the calculation period is a month. In an hourly system, tariffs (salaries) are set for each hour of work.

Features of hourly payment

Since the hourly wage system is a special case, it is possible to determine when it is more appropriate to use it from the same positions. If standardization of work in adequate units is difficult, how to evaluate it with financial side? For example, you can calculate the number of products made in an hour, but you cannot standardize the work of, for example, a lawyer or a teacher in the same way.

Types of "hourly"

Depending on the influence of various production factors may be applied various shapes hourly remuneration.

  1. Regular hourly rate. 1 hour of work has a fixed price, which is not affected by the result given by the employee (“time is money”). This type of remuneration is used when the quality of work is not as important as the time actually spent at the workplace, for example, the position of duty officer, security guard, operator, administrator, etc.
  2. Premium hourly pay. The bonus is assigned for indicators additional to the time worked, such as volume of work, declared quality, etc. The amount of the bonus must be agreed upon in advance and is added to the established hourly rate.
  3. Standardized hourly rate. In addition to the rate per hour of work established by the tariff or salary, additional payment is guaranteed for strict compliance with the conditions set by the employer. It is advisable to use such a system when overfulfillment production standards undesirable.

Hourly payment according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

When accepting an hourly wage system, an entrepreneur must be guided by the relevant articles of Russian labor legislation:

  • Art. 91 speaks of the need to take into account the actual time worked by each employee assigned to the employer;
  • Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges to include a condition on hourly payment in an employment contract, since the remuneration system is its essential condition;
  • part 3 art. 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation talks about temporary norms and the corresponding payment - the maximum duration of the working week is 40 hours and the fulfillment of the hourly norm according to production calendar within a month, it must guarantee hourly employees a salary not lower than the minimum level established by the state ();
  • current relevant article Federal Law on the establishment of the minimum wage in Russia.

Who benefits from hourly work and when?

Advantages for the employer

  • a working hour is always the same period of time, and the working day can change its duration, so it is more convenient to operate with a clock;
  • rates per hour of employment will help more accurately regulate the amount of payment due in cases where the employee was absent for a certain time;
  • it is more convenient to calculate remuneration for part-time workers employed part-time, as well as for those in respect of whom it applies;
  • financial savings, since you only pay busy with work time;
  • additional incentive for effective use working hours of employees.

Employer risks:

  • a more complicated calculation system (with strict accounting of the working time of all personnel);
  • reduced efficiency of this system without bonuses;
  • We need an additional position - a controller and a time keeper.

Which employees are suitable for:

  • how much you worked, that’s what you got for it, this is very convenient with a flexible schedule, part-time work or part-time position;
  • ideal for workers whose working day cannot be precisely regulated, for example, teachers (one day he can be busy for 6 hours, another - 4);
  • a good payment option for uneven loads.

Possible disadvantages for employees:

  • the employer can sometimes set a fairly large amount of work required to be completed per hour, and failure to achieve the standard, although it guarantees payment of the hourly rate (salary), makes it impossible to receive a bonus.

Hourly wage calculation

To calculate the amount due to an hourly employee, you need to multiply the hourly tariff rate (salary) by the time actually worked and recorded (in hours).

For example, a teacher at a study center foreign languages receives 300 rubles for 1 hour of work with a child. He does not have a clear work schedule: today there may be two classes with children, the next day - three, and so on. In January 2017, the tutor worked for 75 hours. For January he is entitled to 300 x 75 = 22,500 rubles.

ATTENTION! Whatever the cost of the hourly rate is chosen, if during the month the employee has worked the norm according to the production calendar, he cannot receive less than the minimum wage guarantee - today 7,500 rubles.

Hourly wage and employment contract

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation speaks of the mandatory inclusion of the terms of hourly wages in the employment contract concluded with an employee, or an additional agreement to it. If employees are transferred to an “hourly” position from another salary system, they must learn about the upcoming changes at least 2 months in advance: the changes must not only be included in the employment contract, but also be enshrined in the relevant orders and local acts of the company. It is necessary to indicate:

  • hourly rate (salary);
  • the procedure for calculating earnings;
  • terms of bonuses and deductions;
  • payment procedure for hours on holidays, weekends and nights;
  • specific days of salary issuance (at least 2 per month);
  • additional conditions, if any: probation, social guarantees, etc.

Example of an employment contract including an hourly wage clause

Attention! The contract below elaborates those points that relate to hourly wages. The remaining clauses can be inserted from the regular employment contract at your discretion.

Employment contract with a teacher

Limited Liability Company "Smart Children" (abbreviated name LLC "Smart Children"), hereinafter referred to as the "Employer", represented by General Director Alexey Stepanovich Razumentsev, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and citizen Polyglotov Arkady Konstantinovich, referred to as hereinafter “Employee”, on the other hand, have entered into this employment contract, hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”, as follows.

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. Under the Agreement, the Employer undertakes to provide the Employee with work according to the labor function stipulated in this agreement: teaching activity V children's center early development, ensure working conditions provided for by current labor legislation, local regulations of the Employer, in a timely manner and in full size pay the Employee wages, and the Employee undertakes to personally perform the labor function specified in this Agreement - to provide teaching services, to comply with the internal rules in force in the organization labor regulations, other local regulations legal acts Employer, as well as fulfill other obligations provided for in the Agreement, as well as additional agreements thereto.

1.2. Employment contract with the employee is drawn up taking into account current legislation and is a mandatory document for the Parties, including when deciding labor disputes between the Employee and the Employer in judicial and other bodies.

2. Basic provisions

2.1. The Employer instructs and the Employee undertakes to carry out labor responsibilities as an English teacher and German language for children 4-7 years old at the “Smart Children” early development school.

2.2. Work under the Contract is the main job for the Employee and is paid by the hour, in accordance with the approved and agreed upon schedule.

2.3. The Employee’s place of work is a branch of the “Smart Children” school, located at the address: Moscow, Zavaruevsky Lane, 12.

3. Duration of the contract

3.1. An employment contract with an employee comes into force from the moment it is signed and is valid for six months. The employee must begin performing his job duties on September 1, 2016.

4. Terms of payment

4.1. The Employee's official salary is 250 rubles per hour.

4.2. The Employee's salary is paid by transferring funds to the Employee's debit (credit) card twice a month, on the 13th and 28th, or by paying cash at the organization's cash desk.

4.3. Deductions may be made from the Employee's salary in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.4. The employer sets incentives and compensation payments(additional payments, allowances, bonuses, etc.). The conditions for such payments and their amounts are determined in the Regulations on the payment of allowances and bonuses to employees of the company.

4.5. If the Employee performs, along with his main work extra work for another position or to perform the duties of a temporarily absent employee without release from his main job, the Employee is paid additionally in accordance with the additional agreement.

5. Rights and obligations of the Employee

5.1. The employee is obliged:

5.1.1. Fulfill obligations in accordance with this Agreement in good faith.

5.1.2. Comply with the internal labor regulations of the organization and other local regulations of the Employer.

5.1.3. Maintain labor discipline.

5.1.4. Comply with labor standards if they are established by the Employer.

5.1.5. Comply with labor protection and occupational safety requirements.

5.1.6. Treats the property of the Employer and other employees with care.

5.1.7. Immediately notify the Employer of the occurrence of a situation that poses a threat to the life and health of children, or the safety of the Employer’s property.

5.2. The employee has the right to:

5.2.1. Providing him with work stipulated by this employment contract.

5.2.2. Timely and full payment of wages in accordance with your qualifications, complexity of work, quantity and quality of work performed.

5.2.3. Rest, including paid annual leave, weekly days off, non-working holidays.

5.2.4. Compulsory social insurance in cases provided for by federal laws.

5.2.5. Other rights established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. Rights and obligations of the Employer

6.1. The employer is obliged:

6.1.1. Comply with laws and other regulations, local regulations, and the terms of this employment contract.

6.1.2. Provide the Employee with work stipulated by the Agreement.

6.1.3. Provide the Employee with equipment, technical documentation and other means necessary to perform his job duties.

6.1.4. Pay the full amount of wages due to the Employee on time.

6.1.5. Carry out compulsory social insurance for the Employee in the manner established by federal laws.

6.1.7. Perform other duties established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.2. The employer has the right:

6.2.1. Encourage the Employee for conscientious, effective work.

6.2.2. Require the Employee to perform labor duties specified in the Agreement, careful attitude to the property of the Employer and other employees, compliance with laws and local regulations.

6.2.3. Bring the Employee to disciplinary and financial liability in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.2.4. Adopt local regulations.

6.2.5. Exercise other rights provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and local regulations.

7. Guarantees and compensation

8. Responsibility of the parties

9. Final provisions

10. Details of the parties

Employer: Smart Children LLC, Taxpayer Identification Number: xxxxxxxxxxxxx legal entity. address: Moscow, Zavaruevsky lane, 12.
account: xxxxxxxxxxxxx in Sberbank of Russia, account: xxxxxxxxxx, BIC: xxxxxxxxxxx.

Employee: Polyglotov Arkady Konstantinovich, registered at the address: Moscow, st. Zavetnaya, 9.18, kV. 135;:, passport: XX xxxxxxxxxx, issued “October 18, 1995, Basmanny Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow.

phone: 095-722-44-78.

From the Employer: CEO LLC "Smart Children" (signature) Razumentsev A.S.

Employee: Polyglotov A.K (signature)

Note! Those points that are not disclosed in the contract are standard! Those. they can be safely borrowed from a regular employment contract.

The company’s remuneration system is established by collective agreements, industry and regional agreements, local regulations, regulations, in accordance with labor law standards.

The division of remuneration systems into subtypes is quite arbitrary. Typically, there are several forms of remuneration systems:

Time-based – an employee’s salary depends directly on the time worked. The fixed tariff rate can be hourly, daily or monthly;

  1. Piecework – an employee’s salary depends on the amount of work he performed;
  2. Commission is a remuneration system in which the employee receives a commission (percentage) on a fixed indicator. For example, 10% of revenue point of sale in a day;
  3. A variable salary system is a system in which an employee's salary can change periodically - for example, once a quarter or once a month. Changes may depend on the implementation of the work plan or other indicators;
  4. Lump-sum – when using such a remuneration system, the employee’s salary will depend on the set of works he performs (in accordance with the lump-sum task) for a certain period of time.

Hourly wages are one of the options for time-based wages. The amount of a worker's salary depends on the number of hours that the employee actually worked.

Which employees should be paid hourly?

Under certain conditions, the use of hourly wages is very beneficial for the employer: only the time that the employee is directly engaged in work is paid, and it is convenient to calculate wages for part-time workers.

For example, these could be:

  • Workers with an uneven workload - for example, promoters hired to perform work at a specific facility
  • Workers whose working hours are difficult to regulate - for example, teachers who teach additional classes in training centers;
  • Workers with flexible work schedules who combine several jobs;
  • Workers whose productivity is costly or very difficult to determine.

Employers should take into account that if an employee has worked the standard working time (40 hours) in a month, then the salary of this employee cannot be less than the established minimum wage.

How to calculate salary for hourly wages?

If an employee is “salaried,” then his salary is fixed subject to the standard time worked (usually 40 hours work week). An employee will receive a salary of a certain amount for the standard time worked, regardless of the number of working days according to the schedule

In some cases, the most convenient payment option is hourly. This system is directly provided for by labor law. At the same time, employers have the right to establish this form of remuneration or any other at their discretion.

The basis for this is current feasibility. At the same time, the hourly system meets the interests of both parties to labor relations. It makes it possible to get the maximum output from the team and spend money on wages only if there are actual results.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation hourly wages

Hourly wages are set in organizations where employees can work on different schedules. That is, an employee can work 8 hours one day, and 4 hours the next day. In such a situation, establishing a fixed salary for work is inappropriate. After all, then you will have to pay for the days and hours when the employee did not perform his duties, but was simply in his place.

On the introduction of this system, it is necessary to issue an order and provide for the specified form in the contract with the employee. Personnel must be familiar with the terms of remuneration for work and agree with them.

What determines and in what cases is hourly wages applied?

The hourly remuneration for work and the specific amount of income depend on several significant circumstances. They are reflected in the law and are subject to unconditional execution:

  • What matters is the number of hours, days or shifts worked by one or another employee. This is provided as a basic condition for calculating income;
  • tariff rate means initial value income. The final reward depends on it. The specified rate represents the amount of payment for one hour of work. This value is formed by the employer and is necessarily reflected in the agreement with the employee;
  • is of fundamental importance minimum size income established in the region. In Russia as a whole, it cannot be less than 8,500 rubles.

When working the prescribed hours and fulfilling planned tasks, the employee’s total income cannot be less than the specified minimum wage. Such situations are not allowed by law. This rule is provided for in Art. 133 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

How to calculate hourly wages?

This system presupposes a clear algorithm for calculating income. To calculate it, you need to know the above values, the tariff rate and the time worked.

As an example of a correct calculation, the situation with setting a rate of 100 rubles per hour of labor should be cited. Moreover, in one month the employee worked a full four weeks, 40 hours each. Accordingly, they worked a total of 160 hours. This value should be multiplied by 100 rubles per unit of time. It turns out that based on the results of a month of work, such an employee will receive 16,000 rubles.

If he works less and must receive an amount less than the minimum wage, this will be a violation of the law. Therefore, the employer will have to pay him a one-time minimum wage.

By the way, you can find out whether you need to pay personal income tax on an advance in 2018 from this article.

Calculation of vacation pay for hourly wages in 2018

To calculate vacation pay, you need to calculate your average daily earnings. To do this, the income for each past month should be summed up and divided by the quantity. The resulting average value must be multiplied by the number of vacation days.
Thus, calculating the amount of vacation pay can be quite easy. The main thing is to know the number of hours and days worked. And for this it is necessary to ensure accurate maintenance of time sheets.

By the way, you can find out how much a salary advance is from this article.

Minimum hourly wage in 2018 in Russia

This value directly depends on the minimum wage. As stated above, it smallest size is 8500 rub. But regions can also set large amounts. For example, in Moscow it is 15,000 rubles. For example, an employee spent 167 hours on duty. This is the maximum allowable value for a 40-hour week. You need to divide 8500 by 40. You get 51 rubles per hour of labor.

How are hourly wages calculated?

To establish such a system, it is necessary to issue an order. It will apply to all personnel or part of the team. An agreement must be concluded with each hired employee. It will include an indication of the hourly system.
The specified document should be presented to the employee against signature. Also, you need to indicate the date of review.

How to reflect hourly wages in the staffing table?

The document must reflect exactly how long the employee worked. Each day worked is noted as such on the time sheet. If time is correctly reflected, the employee will receive fair compensation.

The legislation provides for maintaining staffing table in free form. You can indicate the name of the person’s position and reflect the specified method of remuneration.

Order for employment with hourly wages - sample

This order is provided by the Statistics Committee. This is a general unified form. This is the correct form according to the provisions of the law. It can be used in all organizations.

Employment contract with hourly wages - sample

An employment contract must include an indication of this type of remuneration as a basic condition. In addition, you need to reflect the amount of income per unit of time. The document is drawn up in a unified form. Therefore, the sample is correct and does not contradict the law.

Only residents of Belarus and Ukraine can envy workers in the Russian Federation. Photo by Reuters

The overwhelming majority of Russians (85%) consider themselves happy, and this figure is higher than in other countries, announced the All-Russian Study Center, no stranger to the authorities. public opinion(VTsIOM). Russians' optimism is associated with intangible values. Indeed, if Russians’ sense of self depended on material factors, then there would be fewer happy people. After all, the protracted crisis has led to a long-term decline in income. And comparison with other countries is increasingly upsetting. Russia has the lowest hourly wages by European standards. Moreover, it is 30-40% lower than in the poorest countries of the European Union (EU) – Bulgaria and Romania.

The level of happiness in Russia, based on subjective assessments of citizens, has reached 85%. This is the proportion of people in the country who consider themselves happy to varying degrees. As VTsIOM reported on Wednesday, this is the maximum figure for all years of measurements. 1,800 citizens over 18 years of age took part in his surveys. 13% of respondents consider themselves unhappy to varying degrees. The rest found it difficult to answer.

Basically, Russians are happy because of intangible values ​​and achievements. Thus, 32% of respondents explained their positive attitude because they have a family. About 21% are happy because everyone in their family is healthy, 19% cited the fact that they have children. And reasons such as good job, which was mentioned by 14% of respondents, and good financial condition (9%), did not make it into the top three popular answers. However, those who call themselves unhappy mention financial difficulties (9%), low wages, poor health, the poor state of affairs in the country (each of these options was indicated by 6% of respondents), and unemployment - 4% as the main reasons.

VTsIOM specialists note that, according to their estimates, Russians turned out to be happier than residents of other countries. In particular, VTsIOM contrasted its data with the calculations of Gallup International/WIN. Gallup materials stated that the share of happy people worldwide reaches 68%, and in Russia - only 56%.

“In conditions where the pressure of unfavorable circumstances is prolonged, public consciousness ready to eagerly absorb any positive news. IN recent months there were many of them: the emerging growth of industrial production and GDP, the strengthening of the ruble, the rapid decline in tensions around Syria and North Korea and so on. All these factors stimulate emotional upsurge,” says VTsIOM expert Oleg Chernozub. He adds: “At the same time, we should not forget that the main “generators” of happiness continue to be factors personal life. This suggests that people continue to leave for " inner world"family, distracting themselves from problems to the best of their ability" outside world", which continue to be perceived by them as very painful."

But judging by the official statistics of the Russian Federation and other countries, the financial situation of Russians can hardly be called optimistic. As NG's calculations showed, last year one hour of work in Russia was valued on average at the current exchange rate at $3.3. This is several times less than in the United States and in any EU country, including even the poorest states. For example, in 2016, one hour of work for a resident of Bulgaria cost on average about $5 at the current exchange rate, in Romania - about $6. And for the European Union this was the most modest figure.

The gap remains even after wages are recalculated not at the nominal exchange rate, but at purchasing power parity (PPP). This recalculation allows us to bring salaries different countries to a common denominator. PPP, in particular, takes into account that rubles in Russia can buy more goods than in the United States with an equivalent amount of dollars at the exchange rate. Thus, the size of Russian GDP, expressed in dollars at the current exchange rate, is approximately three times less than GDP recalculated at purchasing power parity.

For comparisons, data from official statistics on accrued wages, including tax costs for the employer. In 2016, the average monthly accrued salary in the Russian Federation was 36.7 thousand rubles. The accrued salary is greater than the actual salary that the employee receives. For those countries where hourly wages are not accepted, the monthly accrued salary was taken and divided by the number of working days and hours per year.

On the one hand, such comparisons can hardly be called extremely accurate. In Russia, statistics record average salary throughout the economy. And in other countries, officials and farmers may be excluded from the calculations. But on the other hand, with these caveats, a general comparison of salaries is possible, it gives an idea of ​​​​the scale of the differences.

One hour of work in Russia last year cost an average of 10 conventional (“international”) dollars. And in Bulgaria, a worker received an average of 13 conventional dollars per hour. In Romania it is even higher – 14 dollars. Of the three dozen countries analyzed, Belarus was lower than Russia, where one hour of work cost almost 8 dollars, and Ukraine (5 conventional dollars).

The leader in wages is Norway, where 53 international dollars are charged for one hour of work. Belgium is in second place ($46), France is in third (42), Germany is in fourth (40.5), and Denmark is in fifth (40).

Let us clarify once again that these are purchasing power parity data. If you do not recalculate PPP, but take salaries at the exchange rate for 2016, then the top five looks different. Following Norway are Denmark, Belgium, Sweden, and Luxembourg. Meanwhile, some EU countries provide other calculations that reveal other leaders in wages. Thus, earlier Deutsche Welle (DW), citing the German Federal Statistical Office, reported that one hour of work in the German processing industry in 2016 cost 38.7 euros - and this is “47% higher than the average for the European Union.” Only Denmark, Belgium and Sweden are ahead of Germany in terms of labor costs, DW reports. DW also explains that the cost of labor is determined based on employee salaries and social contributions, while “for every 100 euros of an employee’s earnings, an employer in Germany must additionally contribute 28 euros to social insurance funds.”

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