Stories from Perrault. Literary quiz on the fairy tales of Charles Perrault

Literary game based on the fairy tales of C. Perrault.

Ved.: Many years ago in France there lived a successful lawyer, an architect at the king's court, a recognized scientist and poet. At the age of 68, he published a book of fairy tales, “Stories, or Tales of Old Times (Fairy Tales of My Mother Goose) with Moral Teachings.”

Thanks to this book, the world became acquainted with Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, Puss in Boots... These heroes are known today all over the world. The book of fairy tales was published under the name of Darmancourt (son of Charles Perrault), but most scientists consider the author to be Charles Perrault.

Charles Perrault was born on January 12, 1628 in Paris in the family of a prominent bourgeois. C. Perrault began composing early, and by the age of thirteen he had emerged as a fully prepared writer. Having received a good education, Perrault first becomes a lawyer, and then works as a clerk for his older brother, a financial collector in Paris. Since 1663, he headed the Committee of Literature and became a prominent figure at the court of the French king Louis XIV. All this time he writes poems and plays and does not think about fairy tales at all.

In 1672, Charles Perrault married Marie Pichon, who bore him four children. But in 1678, disaster struck - Charles Perrault’s wife fell ill with smallpox and died. Perrault spends all his days at work, and the widowed father devotes his evenings to his children. He remembers the fairy tales that he himself once heard from his elders and tells them to his children.

The year 1685 became important year in the biography of Perrault and the first year in the biography of Perrault the storyteller. He undertook to write his first fairy tale. Perrault called her "Griselda" - after her name main character, a simple shepherdess who became the wife of a prince. Griselda faced difficult trials, but, having overcome them, she achieved her happiness.

In Perrault's time, the fairy tale was the unloved stepchild of literature; it had no place either in a book or in the salon of a rich house. But thanks to Charles Perrault, fairy tales became popular and loved in all families - rich and poor. Perrault continues to write fairy tales. In 1695, the first edition of Perrault's fairy tales, “Tales of Mother Goose,” was published. Fairy tales are republished and translated into other languages.

Charles Perrault died in 1703. But his fairy tales are still known and read by children all over the world. Let's see if you know them.

A game.

1 competition. Warm-up "Ashipka".

The teams are given cards with mixed up names of Perrault's fairy tales. Participants must write the correct names.

1. "Blue Riding Hood." (Little Red Riding Hood)

2. “Girl with a Thumb.” (Tom Thumb)

3. "Red Beard." (Blue Beard)

4. “Rike in Boots.” (Rike with a tuft)

5. "Beauty's Gifts." (Fairy Gifts)

6. “Cat with a tuft.” (Puss in Boots)

7. “Sleeping Cinderella.” (Sleeping Beauty. Cinderella)

2 competition. "Guess a riddle".

One person from the team comes out, draws a card with riddles and guesses them.

1. What kind of animal walks in a fairy tale. 2. She is beautiful and kind,

Her mustache bristles, her eyes narrow, her name comes from the word “ash.”

In a hat, with a saber in his hands, (Cinderella)

And in huge boots.

(Puss in Boots)

3. A good girl follows the fox,

But the girl doesn’t know that danger awaits:

A pair of feisty eyes glows behind the bushes,

The girl will meet someone scary now.

(Little Red Riding Hood)

1. All his wives suffered an evil fate - 2. I am a well-known boy,

He took their lives... I am exactly as tall as a finger.

What a villain! But I'm not upset

Who is he? Say the name quickly! I just smile.

(Bluebeard) (Tom Thumb)

3. The young maiden has been sleeping for a hundred years,

There is still no savior-prince.

(Sleeping Beauty)

1. Life has not endowed him with beauty, 2. Know this rogue

But she rewarded me with intelligence beyond measure. No one can be fooled:

It was his mind that helped him become happy. A cannibal, like a mouse,

Who can guess his name? Managed to swallow it!

(Rike with a tuft) (Puss in Boots)

3. The princess sleeps for a hundred years, a hundred years,

But the knight is still not there.

And if the knight is not found,

The princess will never wake up.

(Sleeping Beauty)

1. This tale is not new, 2. A hunter needs a double-barreled shotgun,

The princess kept sleeping in it, to save the girl from..... (wolf)

The evil fairies are to blame

And a spindle prick. (Sleeping Beauty)

3. I have never been to a ball,

She cleaned, washed, cooked and spun,

When did it happen that I got to the ball?

Then the prince lost his head from love,

And then I lost my shoe!

Who is this? Who can tell me? (Cinderella)

3 competition. Quiz “What? How? Why?"

Questions are asked to the teams one by one. If a team does not answer or answers incorrectly, the question is passed on to another team.

1. Why was the stepdaughter nicknamed Cinderella? (She often sat in the corner near the fireplace on a box of ashes)

2. How many sons did the miller have? (Three)

3. What did Little Red Riding Hood bring to her grandmother? (Pie and pot of butter)

4. How many times did the Ogre perform his transformations and who did he turn into? (Two: into a lion and a mouse)

5. Who saved Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother? (Lumberjacks)

6. How many years did the enchanted princess have to sleep? (One hundred)

7. What did Puss in Boots call his owner? (Marquis de Carabas)

8. How old was the princess when she fell asleep? (Sixteen)

9. What did the older brothers of the Marquis de Carabas inherit? (The eldest - a mill, the middle - a donkey)

10. How many sorceresses were invited to be godparents to the princess? (Seven)

11. What did Cinderella lose when she ran away from the ball? (Glass slipper)

12. What had to happen for Sleeping Beauty to wake up? (The prince had to kiss her)

13. What was the name of the king's son with the tuft? (Rike)

14. What did the princess prick her finger with? (Spindle)

15. What skin replaced the princess’s dress? (Donkey)

16. From what vegetable did the fairy make Cinderella’s carriage? (Pumpkin)

4competition. Crossword puzzle “Eight Tales of Charles Perrault.”

  1. Red (hat)
  2. Sleeping (gorgeous)
  3. ……. cap. (red)
  4. Namarashka. (Cinderella)
  5. …….. about the size of a finger. (boy)
  6. Boy with (finger)
  7. Fairy. (enchantress)
  8. Blue (beard)
  9. …. with a crest. (Rike)
  10. 10. Cat in (boots).

5 competition. "Museum of wonderful things."

Teams receive cards with a list magic items from Perrault's fairy tales and write which fairy tale each of them is from.

1. Magic wand. (Cinderella)

2. Pumpkin. (Cinderella)

3. Glass slippers. (Cinderella)

4. Spindle. (Sleeping Beauty)

5. Boots. (Puss in Boots, Little Thumb)

6. Pebbles. (Tom Thumb)

7. Basket with pies. (Little Red Riding Hood)

8. Little Red Riding Hood. (Little Red Riding Hood)

9. Ring. (Donkey skin)

10. A bunch of keys. (Blue Beard)

6 competition. "Telegrams".

Teams receive telegrams and must guess who the author is.


“Everyone! Everyone! To all princes and queens! We kindly ask you not to disturb us for the next hundred years. I want to sleep!” (Sleeping Beauty)

“Evening would soon approach

And the long-awaited hour has come,

May I be in a gilded carriage

Go to a fabulous ball." (Cinderella)

“Mother loved me very much.

She gave me a red cap.” (Little Red Riding Hood)

“And I’m small and remote!” (Tom Thumb)

Ved.: Our game has come to an end. Let's summarize.

The winning team is determined and its participants are awarded prizes.

Sports quiz game “Based on the fairy tales of Charles Perrault”

Pakhomova Daria Anatolyevna, teacher folk singing, MBUDOD DSHI village Chegdomyn, Khabarovsk region Verkhnebureinsky district.
Description of material: This material Designed for 2nd and 3rd grade students. This event can be held as an extracurricular final lesson on the fairy tales of Charles Perrault, and can also be included in entertainment program at a summer camp and spend it on the playground or in the gym

Target: Summarize knowledge of the works of the great storyteller Charles Perrault
instill a love of reading;
Cultivate children's interest in fairy tales;
increase children's creative interest;
develop memory, attention, thinking, speech;
developing a sense of collectivism and the ability to work in a team.

Equipment: task cards, tokens, 2 pens. For the relay: large boots, 2 pairs, 2 baskets and 2 red caps, 2 sticks with a horse’s head, 2 fans and 2 hats, 10 paper circles - “pebbles”.
Preliminary work: Reading works, fairy tales, on which the quiz questions are compiled. Production of tokens, diplomas and prizes for teams. Making cards and pictures with tasks.
Organizational matters: divide the children into teams, choose a captain for each team, give the teams a name (together with the children)

Presenter (teacher):
How I would like to live in a cozy home
Where fairy tales are stored, like poems in an album
Where the old ladies of the walls gossip at night
About everything that we saw firsthand in fairy tales
Where the fire in the fireplace creates coziness
And miracles live on every shelf
Where in the old chair the pen is slightly creaking
My friend Charles Perrault writes fairy tales.

Charles Perrault came up with extraordinary stories and incredible adventures, in which they participated and good fairies and evil witches and beautiful princesses, and simple good-natured girls.
Guys, today we will go on a trip to the land of fairy tales. Interesting and exciting tasks await you!
Please introduce yourself: 1st team "..." and its captain..., 2nd team "..." and its captain... So we begin our sports quiz game!

For each correct answer, the team will receive a token. The teams respond in turn:
1. Red... (cap)
2. Sleeping...(beauty)
3. Boy... (from a finger)
4. Blue... (beard)
5. ... with a tuft (Rike)
6. Cat... (in boots)
7. Cinderella and...(glass slipper)
8. Gifts... (fairies)

Second competition for captains. On the tables there are pictures with portraits of storytellers. The captains' task is to find a portrait of the storyteller who wrote these tales. For the correct answer a token.

1 portrait: Joseph Rudyard Kipling ("The Jungle Book")
2 portrait: Hans Christian Andersen ("The Little Mermaid")
3 portrait of Charles Perrault ("Puss in Boots", etc.)

Think about what fairy tales these items are from? Each team is given cards with images of fairy-tale objects; the team's task is to guess the fairy tale in which this object appears. Who is faster.

(spinning wheel and spindle - "Sleeping Beauty", basket with pies - "Little Red Riding Hood", red riding hood - "Little Red Riding Hood", pumpkin - "Cinderella", boots - "Puss in Boots", magic wand - "Cinderella", "Sleeping" beauty", crystal slipper - "Cinderella", pebbles - "Tom Thumb")

Here are 6 cards with questions about the fairy tales of Charles Perrault. Team captains choose a card and answer questions together with the team.
If a team does not answer or answers incorrectly, the question is passed on to another team. For each correct answer - a token. Team captains must draw only 3 cards, but they must be drawn one at a time, each captain in turn. He pulled, answered the questions - the turn to pull is transferred to the captain from the other team, and so on 3 times.

Card 1 Fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”
1. I picked flowers and put them in a bouquet
2. Pies and a pot of butter
3. in the village, behind the mill, in the first house on the edge.
4. Wolf
5. Lumberjack
6. Four: Why such big hands, such big ears, eyes, teeth

Card 2 Fairy tale “Puss in Boots”
1. The eldest son - a mill, the middle - a donkey, the youngest - a cat
2. Marquis de Carabas
3. Rabbit
4. Twice the lion and the mouse
5. Giant Ogre
6. The ogre turned into a mouse and the cat ate him

Card 3 Fairy tale “Boy with Thumb”
1. There was a terrible famine and there was nothing to feed them.
2. Seven
3. They found their way by following the pebbles that a boy about the size of his thumb threw on the road.
4. Using bread crumbs
5. House of the Ogre
6. Walking boots, bag of gold

Card 4 Fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty”
1. Death by spindle
2. The fairy put everyone in the palace to sleep, except for the king and queen
3. Sixteen
4. Puff the Dog
5. A dense forest grew around
6. prohibit on pain death penalty spin and store spindles and spinning wheels in the house

Card 5 Fairy Tale “Gifts of the Fairy”
1. She was kind and beautiful
2. To the source for water
3. Fairy
4. Flower made of precious stones
5. Snake or toad
6. The Young Prince

Card 6 Fairy tale “Cinderella”
1. Made of crystal
2. The coachman
3. In the evening, having finished work, Cinderella climbed into a corner near the fireplace and sat there on a box of ash. Therefore, the sisters, and after them everyone in the house, nicknamed her Cinderella.
4. By carriage
5. Five
6. In a ballgown

1. How many horses were harnessed to Cinderella’s carriage? (6)
2. How many people (transformed from animals) accompanied Cinderella’s carriage? (seven: six footmen and a coachman)
3. How many days did the ball last in the fairy tale “Cinderella”? (2 days)
4. How many daughters did the Ogre have in the fairy tale “Tom Thumb”? (seven)
5. In what house did Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother live? (In the first)
6. How many days did the wolf from the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” eat anything? (three)
7. How many sorceresses were invited to be godparents to the princess? (seven)
8. How many times did the woodcutter take his children into the forest? (two)

It involves 5 people from each team. In front of you is a piece of paper with an unfinished drawing. I think that everyone is familiar with drawing by numbers - this is when you need to connect the dots one by one following the numbering. Each player is given a card with numbers that he must connect. The first player’s task is to run to the piece of paper, take a pen, connect the necessary numbers indicated on his card, put the pen down, and go back. The next player also runs to the piece of paper, takes a pen and connects the numbers that are indicated on his card, and so on.

1 PLAYER: 1-2, 2-3
PLAYER 2: 3-4,4-5
3 PLAYER: 5-6,6-7
4 PLAYER: 7-8,8-9
5 PLAYER: 9-10,10-1

I will read 4 words to each team in turn, your task is to remove 1 extra word, guess what kind of fairy tale it is. If a team finds it difficult to answer, its question goes to another team. For the correct answer a token

1. Mill, cat, wolf, girl (the cat is not in the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”)
2. Shoe, watch, mouse, ogre (there is no ogre in the fairy tale “Cinderella”)
3. A dense forest, bread crumbs, a glass slipper, running boots (The crystal slipper is not in the fairy tale “Tom Thumb”
4. Carriage, courtiers, peasants, merchants. (there are no merchants in the fairy tale “Puss in Boots”
5. Yarn, spinning wheel, loom, spindle (there is no loom in the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty”
6. “Sleeping Beauty”, “Beauty and the Beast”, “Cinderella”, “Sorceresses” (only three fairy tales were written by Charles Perrault, plus “Beauty and the Beast”)


Know this rascal
Can't outwit anyone
The cannibal is like a mouse
Managed to swallow it! (Puss in Boots)

1 Relay race "PUS IN BOOTS"
Each team is given two large boots. On command, the first player puts on his boots, runs to the chairs and takes off his boots back, passes the baton to another. Whose team is faster?
Once again we find ourselves in a fairy tale if we solve the riddle.
Little girl runs merrily
Along the path to the house,
What's in the forest?
This girl needs to go to her grandmother quickly.
Take the basket sent with her. (Little Red Riding Hood)

Girls participate, the first girls have a basket in their hands, a red cap on their heads, they run at the signal, jump from hoop to hoop, run around the cone, return to the team, give the attributes to the next player.

This fairy tale is not new
The princess slept in it
The evil fairies are to blame
And a spindle prick. (“Sleeping Beauty”)

3 Relay race "PRINCE ON HORSE"
Boys are participating. The first participant takes a stick with a horse's head in his hands and places it between his legs, rides the horse around the cone, comes back, passes the baton to another. Who is faster.

And she washed and sorted peas for her stepmother
At night by candlelight, and slept by the stove.
As beautiful as the sun, who is it? (Cinderella)

Each team is given a hat and a fan, each participant in turn puts on the hat, picks up the fan, runs to the chairs and passes the baton back to the next player. Whose team is faster?

The cleverness of this boy
Saved him and six brothers
Although he is small in stature and brave,
So how many of you have read about him? (Tom Thumb)

North-Kazakhstan region

Taiynshinsky district

Mironovka village

KSU "Mironovskaya" high school»

Social teacher Igibaeva Zh.A.

Travel game scenario
By creativity French writer hero of the day 2013 - Charles Perrault.
“On fairy tale paths” for students in grades 2-4.


1. Increase children's creative interest.
2. Teach thoughtful reading. literary text; the ability to form your own judgments.
3. Develop observation skills and the ability to compare plots of famous fairy tales
4. To cultivate in children the ability to see and feel beauty.

Before the start of the game, students and teachers gather in the assembly hall, where they receive route sheets, according to which the children will have to visit various fairytale stations and perform various tasks. The guys will visit 7 stations, and after that they will return to the assembly hall, where the results of the game will be summed up. Before the start, each team receives an envelope with letters from which they need to form a word and find out the name of their team. At stations, students receive 1 point for each correct answer. Preliminary preparation for the holiday involves children reading fairy tales by Charles Perrault.

1.Station "Portraits" . Guess the fairy tale character from the description.

1. You are the favorite of your mother and grandmother. You love picking flowers and collecting bouquets. You forget that you can't talk to strangers. Who will save you from death? (Answer: lumberjacks.)

2. Who could transform into any animal? (Answer: a cannibal giant.)

3. You - younger son in the family, very smart and reasonable. You saved the lives of yourself and your brothers more than once. How will you serve the king? (Answer: messenger.)

4. You are a fairy. Your goddaughter really wants to go to the ball, so you'll have to do some magic. What transformations will you make? (Answer: pumpkin - for a carriage, mice - for horses, lizards - for lackeys, a rat - for a coachman.)

5. Who lived in the castle, located in an impenetrable thicket of trees and bushes? It was rumored that it belonged to an ogre... (Answer: Sleeping Beauty.)

2. Station "Mathematical".

1. How many horses were harnessed to Cinderella's carriage? (Answer: 6.)

2. How many days did the ball last in the fairy tale "Cinderella"? (Answer: 2 days.)

3. How many fairies were there at the princess's birthday? (Answer: 8.)

4. How many brothers did Little Thumb have? (Answer: 6.)

5. How old was Little Thumb? (Answer: 7.)

6. How many sons did the miller have? (3).

7. How many times did the Ogre perform his transformations? (2, lion, mouse)

8. How many years did the enchanted princess have to sleep? (100 years)

9. How old was the princess when she fell asleep? (16)

10. How many cases and devices made of pure gold were ordered for sorceresses? (7).

3 . Station "Lost and found". Name the unnecessary ones and explain your decision.

1. Mill, wolf, cat, girl. (Answer: there is no cat in the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood".)

2. Shoe, watch, mouse, ogre. (Answer: there is no cannibal in the fairy tale "Cinderella".)

3. Carriage, courtiers, peasants, merchants. (Answer: there are no merchants in the fairy tale "Puss in Boots".)

4. Yarn, spinning wheel, loom, spindle. (Answer: there is no loom in the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty".)

5. "Sleeping Beauty", "Beauty and the Beast", "Cinderella", "Sorceresses". (Answer: only three fairy tales belong to Charles Perrault, the extra one is the fairy tale “Beauty and the Beast”.)

4. Station "Shifters" Guess what kind of fairy tales are hidden behind the shapeshifters.

1. “Black Beret” (“Little Red Riding Hood”)

2. “Dog in Sneakers” (“Puss in Boots”)

3. “Pierre without a bang” (“Riquet-crest”)

4. “Red Mustache” (“Blue Beard”)

5. “The Girl Is a Giantess” (“Tom Thumb”)

6. “The Waking Witch” (“Sleeping Beauty”)

5. Station “Why and why?”

1. Why didn't the wolf eat Little Red Riding Hood right away in the forest? (Answer: I heard the sound of woodcutters’ axes.)

2. Why did the miller's youngest son believe the Cat? (Answer: he resorted to tricks, hunting rats and mice, which means he was dexterous and smart.)

3. Why did the Cat need boots? (Answer: to make it easier to wander through the forest.)

4. Why wasn't the old fairy invited to the celebration? (Answer: she did not leave her tower for more than 50 years, and everyone thought that she had died long ago.)

5. Why did the young fairy hide behind the curtains of the bed in the nursery? (Answer: so that her wish would be her last and she could save the princess.)

6. Who didn't fall asleep in an enchanted castle and why? (Answer: a king and a queen, so that there is someone to rule the kingdom.)

7. Why did the prince end up alone in the enchanted castle, without his retinue? (Answer: only the trees and thorny bushes parted in front of him.)

8. Why couldn’t Little Thumb find his way out of the thicket the second time? (Answer: the birds pecked the bread crumbs.)

9. Why in the fairy tale "The Fairy's Gifts" did the mother love eldest daughter? (Answer: she was like her - rude)

10. Why did the Cat come up with a new name for his owner? (Answer: only a nobleman with a title could succeed at court.)

6. Station “Illustrator” WITH eyes closed draw a cat’s face for the fairy tale “Puss in Boots” by Charles Perrault

Charles Perrault (1628-1703) — French poet and a critic of the era of classicism, member of the French Academy. Gained worldwide popularity thanks to the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty” and the book “Tales of Mother Goose, or Stories and Tales of Bygone Times with Teachings.”

The tales of Charles Perrault should be read for their special liveliness, cheerful instructiveness and subtle irony, presented in an elegant style. They have not lost their relevance even in our days of all kinds information technologies, probably because the source of inspiration for the author was life itself.

Perrault's fairy tales can be read to understand the laws of life. The heroes of his works are aristocratically gallant and practically intelligent, spiritual and highly moral. It doesn't matter who they are - kind girls from the common people or spoiled society ladies– each character perfectly embodies a specific type of person. Cunning or hardworking, selfish or generous - the kind that is a universal example or the kind that shouldn’t be.

Read fairy tales by Charles Perrault online

Whole amazing world, which may seem naive, is unusually complex and deep, therefore capable of sincerely captivating the imagination of not only a small, but also an adult. Discover this world right now - read the tales of Charles Perrault online!

Scenario of a literary game for 4th grade based on the fairy tales of Charles Perrault "In the footsteps of the fairy tales of Charles Perrault."

Literary game intended for younger children school age. This event can be held as a final event based on the fairy tales of C. Perrault.


*introduce students to life and creativity famous writer- storyteller C. Perrault ;


*bring up moral qualities the personality of each student;

*join reading fairy tales by C. Perrault ;

*develop fantasy, imagination;

Equipment: exhibition of books “Creativity of Charles Perrault”, exhibition of drawings “Heroes famous fairy tales C. Perrot", attributes and costumes for fairy-tale heroes: Little Red Riding Hood, Good Witch.

Progress of the event

Bib-ry- Hello guys! Today you will learn a lot of new, interesting things about life and creative path famous writer C. Perrault, we will go on a journey to the land of fairy tales. Interesting and exciting tasks await you. And in order to solve tasks more fun and faster, we will divide you into two teams. We also need team captains.

Please guys introduce yourself:

1 team "_____" and its captain ___,

Team 2 “_____” and its captain ___.

Bib-ry– Now I will tell you about the great writer - storyteller. Ch. Perrault was born in France in the family of a lawyer of the Paris Parliament on January 12, 1628 (17th century). The father tried to give his children a good education. And the mother was an educated woman; she herself taught her sons to read and write. Persistent studies made Ch. Perrault a lawyer.

C. Perrault collected taxes and wrote poetry. In 1653 they already appeared in print. The poet was 25 years old at that time. His older brothers, who were fond of literature, introduced him to a high-society salon where famous authors visited.

C. Perrault was proud of his contemporaries. I wanted others to admire their century and great people, so I published a huge volume “ Famous people France of the 17th century." Here he collected more than 100 biographies of great people.

In 1696, when Charles was already 68 years old, the fairy tale “The Sleeping Beauty” appeared in the magazine “Gallant Mercury” without a signature. And on next year The book “Tales of Mother Goose” was published. The book was small, with simple pictures. And suddenly - incredible success! This success has continued to this day. The tales of Charles Perrault are read and loved by our modern children.

Sounds light music. Little Red Riding Hood enters the class.

Kr. cap - Well, I thought that I would get lost... And how could I confuse the paths, because I know the road to my beloved grandmother’s house very well? Now grandma will worry about me, and the hot pies will cool down. (Looks around) Oh, there are so many guys here! I think I know where I ended up. This is a school! It’s good that the path led to you guys, and not to a castle with a terrible cannibal or an evil stepmother with her lazy daughters. Hello girls and boys! You recognized me?

Children's answers.

That's right, I'm Little Red Riding Hood. And do you know about my misfortune that I got lost? Maybe you can help me return to the fairy tale?

Bib-ry- Of course, Little Red Riding Hood, we will try to help you. Only I read in an old book of fairy tales that there is a kind sorceress who knows a spell. It's called "Everything in its place." And for her to hear and come, we need to say together, very loudly, the name of the storyteller who wrote the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood.” Let's shout loudly on the count of three:

The children say in chorus:Charles Perrault!

A good sorceress appears.

Ext. enchantress- Hello, friends! A message came to my fabulous phone that someone needed my help. And here I am. (Addressing Little Red Riding Hood) I think I know you. You are Little Red Riding Hood, you are lost. Me and the guys - we can help you return back to the fairy tale.

Kr. Cap – Thank you, kind sorceress. We know you too. Guys, let's tell us which fairy tale by Charles Perrault our guest is from.

Children's answers. ("Sleeping Beauty")

Ext. enchantress - Well, now let's get down to business, we can't waste a minute, otherwise my Magic power will melt. Guys, you must remember the writer’s fairy tales and solve the tasks proposed to you.

1 task – "Remember the name of the fairy tale"

For each correct answer, the team receives 1 chip. Teams answer in turns.

Cat …………. ( in Boots);

Red……….. ( cap);

Boy ……….. ( with a finger);

Donkey…………( skin);

Gingerbread………( house);

Rike……….. ( crest);

Blue………( beard)

Sleeping……. ( gorgeous)

Kr. cap – Well done boys. You completed the task (hands out tokens).

Task 2 – « Mail"

There are telegrams waiting for us here, we need to guess who they are from.

1. “Everyone! Everyone! To all princes and queens! We kindly ask you not to disturb us for the next hundred years. I want to sleep!” (Sleeping Beauty)

2. « I invite all girls to try on glass slipper. I’ll marry someone who suits me.” (Prince)

3. “We urgently need friends for a walk in the forest. Delicious tea and cake are guaranteed.”

(Little Red Riding Hood)

4. " We urgently need a wizard for a little mouse. I really want to become big and rich again!” (Man-eating giant)

Task 3 – « You - to us, and we - to you"

Ext. enchantress– Now the team captains will take tasks from my basket - questions that also need to be answered as quickly as possible. But questions will be asked not to their own team, but to the opposing team.

The captains take questions from the basket.

Questions for the first team:

    How many sorceresses were invited to the baptism ceremony of the little princess from the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty”? (Seven).

    Who gave the girl a red riding hood? (Grandmother).

    What did grandma say to the wolf to make the door open? (Pull the latch and the latch will spring back).

    How many years did the princess sleep until the prince woke her up? (100 years).

    What were the names of the children of the beautiful princess and prince? (Dawn, Day).

Questions for the second team:

    What inheritance did the miller leave to his three sons? (Mill, donkey, cat).

    What did the cat ask his owner when he went to town? (A bag and a pair of boots).

    What surprised Little Red Riding Hood about the “new” appearance of her grandmother? (Voice, arms, legs, ears, eyes, teeth).

    How old was the princess when she pricked her arm with a spindle and fell into a deep sleep? (15 or 16 years old.)

    The transformation into what animal was tragic for the cannibal? (To the mouse).

Kr. cap – Well done boys. You answered the questions correctly. (Hands out tokens).

Now I invite teams to play with me.

Physical education for children.

We just entered the forest,

Mosquitoes appeared.

Hands up, clap above your head,

And we meet a bear.

We put our hands on our heads

And we waddle.

Ahead from behind a bush

The sly fox is watching.

We'll outwit the fox

Let's run on our toes.

The bunny jumps quickly into the field,

It's a lot of fun in the wild.

We imitate the bunny

Fidgets are naughty girls.

But the game is over

It's time for us to go back to class.

Ext. enchantress

I have a basket

There are countless things in it.

It is heavy and large, weighing half a pound.

Hurry up to guess

What's in it and where does it come from?

The next task is for the guys. From what fairy tale and to whom do these things belong? Which team will answer faster?

Spindle - (“Sleeping Beauty”);

Magic wand - (“Sleeping Beauty”);

Hat with a feather - (“Puss in Boots”);

Mouse - (“Puss in Boots”);

Glasses – (“Little Red Riding Hood”);

Pot of butter – (“Little Red Riding Hood”);

Seven-league boots – (“Sleeping Beauty”);

Boots - (“Puss in Boots”).

Ext. enchantress– You guys did an excellent job with this task. (Hands out tokens).

Bib-ry– The time has come to sum up our game. I ask the team captains to count the number of tokens. Members of the winning team receive prizes.

(The Good Witch takes out a ball of thread) Well, this ball of thread is for you, Little Red Riding Hood. He's magical, he'll take you to grandma's house and help you avoid meeting with gray wolf. And after waving the magic wand, time will go back and no one will notice that you have been gone for a long time.

The whole world, be surprised! Magic, manifest! Once! Two! Three! Help Little Red Riding Hood!

Kr. cap – Thank you, kind sorceress. And thank you guys for your help too. They are waiting for me in a fairy tale. I will remember you all. Goodbye!

Ext. enchantress- It’s time for me to go to a fairy tale too. Thanks for the help. I am glad that you read a lot and know a lot, which means there will be more good in the world. Goodbye!

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