The story The Main Rivers of America - Victor Dragunsky. The main rivers: Deniskin's story by Dragunsky

Although I it's already underway ninth year, I only realized yesterday that I still need to learn my homework. Whether you love it or not, whether you like it or not, whether you are lazy or not, you still have to learn your lessons. This is the law. Otherwise, you can get into such a mess that you won’t recognize your own people. For example, I didn’t have time to do my homework yesterday. We were asked to learn a piece from one of Nekrasov's poems and the main rivers of America. And instead of studying, I launched a kite into space in the yard. Well, he still didn’t fly into space, because his tail was too light, and because of this he spun like a top. This time. And secondly, I had few threads, and I searched the whole house and collected all the threads that I had; I took it from my mother’s sewing machine, and that turned out to be not enough. The kite flew to the attic and hovered there, but it was still far from space.

And I was so busy with this kite and space that I completely forgot about everything in the world. I was so interested in playing that I stopped even thinking about any lessons. It completely slipped my mind. But it turned out that there was no way to forget about your affairs, because it turned out to be a shame.

I slept a little in the morning, and when I jumped up, there was just a little time left... But I read how deftly firefighters dress - they don’t have a single extra movement, and I liked it so much that I spent half the summer practicing how to dress quickly. And today, as soon as I jumped up and looked at my watch, I immediately realized that I had to dress as if there was a fire. And I got dressed in one minute and forty-eight seconds, all properly, only I laced my laces through two holes. In general, I got to school on time and also managed to rush to class a second before Raisa Ivanovna. That is, she walked quietly along the corridor, and I ran from the locker room (there were no more guys). When I saw Raisa Ivanovna from afar, I ran at full speed and, not reaching the classroom some five steps, walked around Raisa Ivanovna and jumped into the classroom. In general, I won her a second and a half, and when she came in, my books were already in the desk, and I myself was sitting with Mishka as if nothing had happened. Raisa Ivanovna came in, we stood up and greeted her, and I greeted her loudest so that she could see how polite I was. But she didn’t pay any attention to this and said as she walked:

- Korablev, to the board!

My mood immediately deteriorated because I remembered that I had forgotten to prepare my homework. And I really didn’t want to get out from behind my desk. It was as if I was glued straight to her. But Raisa Ivanovna began to rush me;

- Korablev! What are you doing? Am I calling you or not?

And I went to the board. Raisa Ivanovna said:

So that I can read the poems that are assigned. But I didn’t know them. I didn’t even know very well what the tasks were. Therefore, I instantly thought that Raisa Ivanovna, too, might have forgotten what was asked and would not notice that I was reading. And I cheerfully started:

Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,

On firewood updates the path:

His horse smells the snow,

Trotting along somehow...

“This is Pushkin,” said Raisa Ivanovna.

“Yes,” I said, “this is Pushkin.” Alexander Sergeevich.

– What did I ask? - she said.

- Yes! - I said.

- What "yes"? What did I ask, I ask you? Korablev!

- What? - I said.

- I'm sorry, what"? I ask you: what did I ask?

Then Mishka made a naive face and said:

- Doesn’t he know what you asked Nekrasov? It was he who did not understand the question, Raisa Ivanovna.

That's what it means true friend. This is Mishka like this in a cunning way managed to give me a hint. And Raisa Ivanovna was already angry:

- Elephants! Don't you dare tell me!

- Yes! - I said. - Why are you climbing, Mishka? Without you, I don’t know what Raisa Ivanovna asked Nekrasov! I was thinking about it, and here you are, just trying to knock it down.

The bear turned red and turned away from me. And I was again left alone with Raisa Ivanovna.

- Well? - she said.

- What? - I said.

– Stop pooping every minute!

I already saw that she was about to get really angry.

- Read. By heart!

- What? - I said.

- Poems, of course! - she said.

- Well! - said Raisa Ivanovna.

- What? - I said.

– Read it now! - cried poor Raisa Ivanovna. – Read now, they tell you! Title!

While she was screaming, Mishka managed to tell me the first word. He whispered without opening his mouth, but I understood him perfectly. So I boldly put my foot forward and recited:

- Little man!

Everyone fell silent, including Raisa Ivanovna. She looked at me carefully, and I looked at Mishka even more carefully. The bear pointed to his thumb and for some reason clicked his nail.

And somehow I immediately remembered the title and said:

- With a nail!

And he repeated it all together:

- A little man with a nail!

Everyone laughed. Raisa Ivanovna said:

– Enough, Korablev!.. Don’t try, it won’t work. If you don’t know, don’t be ashamed. “Then she added: “Well, what about your horizons?” Do you remember that yesterday we agreed as a whole class that we would read interesting books beyond the curriculum? Yesterday you decided to learn the names of all the rivers in America. Have you learned?

Of course I didn't learn it. This snake, damn it, completely ruined my whole life. And I wanted to confess everything to Raisa Ivanovna, but instead I suddenly, unexpectedly even for myself, said:

- Of course, I learned it. But of course!

- Well, correct this terrible impression that you made by reading Nekrasov’s poems. Tell me the largest river in America and I'll let you go.

That's when I felt bad. Even my stomach hurt honestly. There was amazing silence in the class. Everyone was looking at me. And I was looking at the ceiling. And I thought that now I would probably die. Goodbye, everyone! And at that second I saw that in the last left row Petka Gorbushkin was showing me some kind of long newspaper strip, and on it there was something scrawled in ink, thickly scrawled, he probably wrote with his finger. And I began to peer at these letters and finally read the first half.

And here Raisa Ivanovna again:

- Well, Korablev? What kind main river in America?

I immediately had confidence and said:

This story is about Denis Korablev. Deniska spent the whole summer training to get ready and dress quickly, like firefighters. One day he slept through getting up for school, but was able to quickly get dressed in one minute and forty-eight seconds. Denis flew into the classroom and put the textbooks on the desk a few seconds before Raisa Ivanovna’s teacher entered.

Upon entering the classroom, the teacher immediately invited the boy to the blackboard. Denis thought he was missing. He didn't learn the assigned poem because he was chasing a kite. I decided that Raisa Ivanovna also forgot what work she assigned for homework. Denis began to read a poem by a completely different author, A.S. Pushkin. Nekrasov was asked. Of course, Raisa Ivanovna did not forget anything and became very angry and began to scream. She asked Deniska to remember which work and author she was assigned to learn at home.

Best friend Mishka decided to tell his friend the author of the work, but Raisa Ivanovna sternly interrupted him. She realized that Denis did not know the poem that was assigned. I decided to help him and asked a question about the largest and most important river in America. The boy didn’t know this either; he hadn’t read the book about rivers. Denis thought that he needed to be honest about the fact that he did not know the name of the river. But for some reason he answered that he would say it now. Looking at the ceiling, he began to pretend to remember the name of the river. Denis even had a stomach ache and felt dizzy. At that moment, Petka from the far desk wrote the name of the river in ink on a piece of newspaper. Deniska read it and, without thinking, said loudly: “Misi-pisi.”

All the children in the class and the teacher laughed until they cried for a long time. She still gave Denis a big two. The boy was very ashamed of his deception. He promised himself that he would always learn his lessons until he was old.

The story teaches you to take responsibility for yourself and your actions and never deceive.

Picture or drawing of the main rivers of America

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Although I am already in my ninth year, I only realized yesterday that I still need to learn my lessons. Whether you love it or not, whether you like it or not, whether you are lazy or not, you still have to learn your lessons. This is the law. Otherwise, you can get into such a mess that you won’t recognize your own people. For example, I didn’t have time to do my homework yesterday. We were asked to learn a piece from one of Nekrasov's poems and the main rivers of America. And instead of studying, I launched a kite into space in the yard. Well, he still didn’t fly into space, because his tail was too light, and because of this he spun like a top. This time. And secondly, I had few threads, and I searched the whole house and collected all the threads that I had; I took it from my mother’s sewing machine, and that turned out to be not enough. The kite flew to the attic and hovered there, but it was still far from space.
And I was so busy with this kite and space that I completely forgot about everything in the world. I was so interested in playing that I stopped even thinking about any lessons. It completely slipped my mind. But it turned out that there was no way to forget about your affairs, because it turned out to be a shame.
I slept a little in the morning, and when I jumped up, there was just a little time left... But I read how deftly firefighters dress - they don’t have a single extra movement, and I liked it so much that I spent half the summer practicing how to dress quickly . And today, as soon as I jumped up and looked at my watch, I immediately realized that I had to dress as if there was a fire. And I got dressed in one minute and forty-eight seconds, all properly, only I laced my laces through two holes. In general, I got to school on time and also managed to rush to class a second before Raisa Ivanovna. That is, she walked quietly along the corridor, and I ran from the locker room (there were no more guys). When I saw Raisa Ivanovna from afar, I ran at full speed and, not reaching the classroom some five steps, walked around Raisa Ivanovna and jumped into the classroom. In general, I won her a second and a half, and when she came in, my books were already in the desk, and I myself was sitting with Mishka as if nothing had happened. Raisa Ivanovna came in, we stood up and greeted her, and I greeted her loudest so that she could see how polite I was. But she didn’t pay any attention to this and said as she walked:
- Korablev, to the board!
My mood immediately deteriorated because I remembered that I had forgotten to prepare my homework. And I really didn’t want to get out from behind my desk. It was as if I was glued straight to her. But Raisa Ivanovna began to rush me;
- Korablev! What are you doing? Am I calling you or not?
And I went to the board. Raisa Ivanovna said:
- Poetry!
So that I can read the poems that are assigned. But I didn’t know them. I didn’t even know very well what the tasks were. Therefore, I instantly thought that Raisa Ivanovna, too, might have forgotten what was asked and would not notice that I was reading. And I cheerfully started:

Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,
On firewood updates the path:
His horse smells the snow,
Trotting along somehow...

This is Pushkin,” said Raisa Ivanovna.
“Yes,” I said, “this is Pushkin.” Alexander Sergeevich.
- What did I ask? - she said.
- Yes! - I said.
- What "yes"? What did I ask, I ask you? Korablev!
- What? - I said.
- I'm sorry, what"? I ask you: what did I ask?
Then Mishka made a naive face and said:
- Doesn’t he know what you asked Nekrasov? It was he who did not understand the question, Raisa Ivanovna.
This is what a true friend means. It was Mishka who managed to give me a hint in such a cunning way. And Raisa Ivanovna was already angry:
- Elephants! Don't you dare tell me!
- Yes! - I said. - Why are you climbing, Mishka? Without you, I don’t know what Raisa Ivanovna asked Nekrasov! I was thinking about it, and here you are, just trying to knock it down.
The bear turned red and turned away from me. And I was again left alone with Raisa Ivanovna.
- Well? - she said.
- What? - I said.
- Stop pooping every minute!
I already saw that she was about to get really angry.
- Read. By heart!
- What? - I said.
- Poems, of course! - she said.
- Yeah, I understand. So, read poetry? - I said. - It's possible. - And he began loudly: - Poems by Nekrasov. Poet. Great poet.
- Well! - said Raisa Ivanovna.
- What? - I said.
- Read it now! - cried poor Raisa Ivanovna. - Read now, they tell you! Title!
While she was screaming, Mishka managed to tell me the first word. He whispered without opening his mouth, but I understood him perfectly. So I boldly put my foot forward and recited:
- Little man!
Everyone fell silent, including Raisa Ivanovna. She looked at me carefully, and I looked at Mishka even more carefully. Mishka pointed to his thumb and for some reason clicked it on his nail.
And somehow I immediately remembered the title and said:
- With a nail!
And he repeated it all together:
- A little man with a nail!
Everyone laughed. Raisa Ivanovna said:
- Enough, Korablev!.. Don’t try, it won’t work. If you don’t know, don’t be ashamed. - Then she added: - Well, what about your horizons? Do you remember that yesterday we agreed as a whole class that we would read interesting books beyond the curriculum? Yesterday you decided to learn the names of all the rivers in America. Have you learned?
Of course I didn't learn it. This snake, damn it, completely ruined my whole life. And I wanted to confess everything to Raisa Ivanovna, but instead I suddenly, unexpectedly even for myself, said:
- Of course, I learned it. But of course!
- Well, correct this terrible impression that you made by reading Nekrasov’s poetry. Tell me the largest river in America and I'll let you go.
That's when I felt bad. Even my stomach hurt, honestly. There was amazing silence in the class. Everyone was looking at me. And I was looking at the ceiling. And I thought that now I would probably die. Goodbye, everyone! And at that second I saw that in the last left row Petka Gorbushkin was showing me some kind of long newspaper strip, and on it there was something scrawled in ink, thickly scrawled, he probably wrote with his finger. And I began to peer at these letters and finally read the first half.
And here Raisa Ivanovna again:
- Well, Korablev? What is the main river in America?
I immediately had confidence and said:
- Misi-pisi.
I won't tell you any further. Enough. And although Raisa Ivanovna laughed until she cried, she gave me a bad mark. And now I have sworn that I will always learn my lessons. To a ripe old age.

Although I’m already in my ninth year, I only realized yesterday that I still need to learn my lessons. Whether you love it or not, whether you like it or not, whether you are lazy or not, you still have to learn your lessons. This is the law. Otherwise, you can get into such a situation that you won’t recognize your own people. For example, I didn’t have time to do my homework yesterday. We were asked to learn a piece from one of Nekrasov's poems and the main river of America. And instead of studying, I launched a kite into space in the yard. Well, he still didn’t make it into space, because his tail was too soft and because of this he was spinning like a top. This time. And secondly, I didn’t have enough thread, and I searched the whole house and collected all the threads I had - I took it from my mother’s sewing machine, and that turned out to be not enough. The kite flew into the attic and hovered there, but it was still far from space.

I was so interested in playing that I stopped even thinking about any lessons. It completely slipped my mind. But it turned out that there was no way to forget about your business.

In the morning, when I jumped up, there was just a little time left... But I read how deftly the firefighters dress, they don’t have a single extra movement, and I liked it so much that I spent half the summer practicing how to dress quickly. And today, as soon as I jumped up and looked at my watch, I immediately realized that I had to dress as if there was a fire. And I got dressed in 1 minute. 48 sec. Everything is as it should be, only the laces were laced through two holes. In general, I got to school on time and also managed to rush to class a second before Raisa Ivanovna. That is, she walked quietly along the corridor, and I ran from the locker room, I was the last - there were no more guys, and when I saw Raisa Ivanovna from afar, I ran at full speed, and, not reaching the class of about five steps, I walked around Raisa Ivanovna and jumped into the classroom. In general, I won her a second and a half, and when she came in, my books were already in the desk, and I myself was sitting next to Mishka as if nothing had happened. Raisa Ivanovna came in, we stood up and greeted her, and I greeted her loudest so that she could see how polite I was. But she didn’t pay any attention to this and said as she walked:

Korablev, to the board!

My mood immediately deteriorated because I remembered that I had forgotten to prepare my homework. And I really didn’t want to get out from behind my desk. It was as if I was glued straight to her. But Raisa Ivanovna began to rush me:

Korablev! What are you doing? Am I calling you or not?

And I went to the board. Raisa Ivanovna said:

So that I can read the poems that are assigned. But I didn’t know them. I didn’t even know very well what the tasks were. Therefore, I instantly thought that Raisa Ivanovna, too, might have forgotten what was asked and would not notice that I was reading, and I cheerfully began:

Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,

On the firewood he renews the path;

His horse smells the snow,

Trotting along somehow...

This is Pushkin,” said Raisa Ivanovna.

Yes, - I said, - this is Pushkin, Alexander Sergeevich.

What did I ask? - she said.

Yes, I said.

What "yes"? What did I ask, I ask you? Korablev!

What? - I said.

I'm sorry, what"? I ask you: what did I ask?

Then Mishka made a naive face and said:

What, he doesn’t know what you asked Nekrasov? It was he who did not understand the question, Raisa Ivanovna.

This is what a true friend means. It was Mishka who managed to give me a hint in such a cunning way. And Raisa Ivanovna was already angry:

Elephants! Don't you dare tell me!

Yes! - I said. - Why are you climbing, Mishka? Without you, I don’t know what Raisa Ivanovna asked Nekrasov! I was thinking about it, and here you are, just trying to knock it down.

The bear turned red and turned away from me. And I was again left alone with Raisa Ivanovna.

Well, she said.

What? - I said.

Stop pooping every minute. (I already saw that she was about to get really angry.) Read. By heart!

What? - I said.

Poems, of course! - she said.

Well! - said Raisa Ivanovna.

What? - I said.

Read it now! - cried poor Raisa Ivanovna. - Read now, they tell you! Title!

While she was screaming, Mishka managed to tell me the first word. He whispered without opening his mouth, but I understood him perfectly. So I boldly put my foot forward and recited:

- “Little guy”!

Everyone fell silent, and so did Raisa Ivanovna. She looked at me carefully, and I looked at Mishka even more carefully. Mishka pointed to his thumb and for some reason clicked it on his nail. And somehow I immediately remembered the title and said:

- “With a marigold”! - And he repeated it all together: - “Little bastard with a marigold”!

Everyone laughed. And Raisa Ivanovna said:

Enough, Korablev. Don't try, it won't work. If you don’t know, then don’t be ashamed. - Then she added: - Well, what about your horizons? Do you remember that yesterday we agreed as a whole class that we would read interesting books beyond the curriculum? Yesterday you decided to learn the names of all the rivers in America. Have you learned?

Of course I didn't learn it. This damn snake has completely ruined my whole life. And I wanted to confess everything to Raisa Ivanovna, but instead I suddenly, unexpectedly even for myself, said:

Of course I learned it. But what about it?

She said:

Well, correct this terrible impression that you made by reading Nekrasov’s poetry. Tell me the largest river in America and I'll let you go.

That's when I felt bad. Even my stomach hurt, honestly! There was amazing silence in the class. Everyone was looking at me. And I was looking at the ceiling. And I thought that now I would probably die. Goodbye, everyone. And at that second I saw that in the last left row Petka Gorbushkin was showing me some kind of long newspaper strip and on it there was something scrawled in ink, thickly scrawled, he probably wrote with his finger. And I began to peer at these letters and finally read the first half, and then Raisa Ivanovna again:

Well, Korablev? So what is America's main river?

And I immediately had confidence, and I said:

The main rivers of America - a story by Victor Dragunsky, loved by many children. It tells about Denis, with whom all sorts of interesting and funny stories happen. One day he played all day, minding his own business, but not his lessons. And, as happens when you don’t learn your lessons, you are called to the board. Deniska didn’t know what poems needed to be recited, so he read Pushkin’s poem. His friend tried to help Deniska out, and find out what came of it from the story. He teaches you to be responsible and take assignments seriously, otherwise you can make the teacher and the whole class laugh.

Although I am already in my ninth year, I only realized yesterday that I still need to learn my lessons. Whether you love it or not, whether you like it or not, whether you are lazy or not, you still have to learn your lessons. This is the law. Otherwise, you can get into such a mess that you won’t recognize your own people. For example, I didn’t have time to do my homework yesterday. We were asked to learn a piece from one of Nekrasov's poems and the main rivers of America. And instead of studying, I launched a kite into space in the yard. Well, he still didn’t fly into space, because his tail was too light, and because of this he spun like a top. This time. And secondly, I had few threads, and I searched the whole house and collected all the threads that I had; I took it from my mother’s sewing machine, and that turned out to be not enough. The kite flew to the attic and hovered there, but it was still far from space.

And I was so busy with this kite and space that I completely forgot about everything in the world. I was so interested in playing that I stopped even thinking about any lessons. It completely slipped my mind. But it turned out that there was no way to forget about your affairs, because it turned out to be a shame.

I slept a little in the morning, and when I jumped up, there was just a little time left... But I read how deftly firefighters dress - they don’t have a single extra movement, and I liked it so much that I spent half a summer practicing how to dress quickly. And today, as soon as I jumped up and looked at my watch, I immediately realized that I had to dress as if there was a fire. And I got dressed in one minute and forty-eight seconds, all properly, only I laced my laces through two holes. In general, I got to school on time and also managed to rush to class a second before Raisa Ivanovna. That is, she walked quietly along the corridor, and I ran from the locker room (there were no more guys). When I saw Raisa Ivanovna from afar, I ran at full speed and, not reaching the classroom some five steps, walked around Raisa Ivanovna and jumped into the classroom. In general, I won her a second and a half, and when she came in, my books were already in the desk, and I myself was sitting with Mishka as if nothing had happened. Raisa Ivanovna came in, we stood up and greeted her, and I greeted her loudest so that she could see how polite I was. But she didn’t pay any attention to this and said as she walked:

Korablev, to the board!

My mood immediately deteriorated because I remembered that I had forgotten to prepare my homework. And I really didn’t want to get out from behind my desk. It was as if I was glued straight to her. But Raisa Ivanovna began to rush me;

Korablev! What are you doing? Am I calling you or not?

And I went to the board. Raisa Ivanovna said:

So that I can read the poems that are assigned. But I didn’t know them. I didn’t even know very well what the tasks were. Therefore, I instantly thought that Raisa Ivanovna, too, might have forgotten what was asked and would not notice that I was reading. And I cheerfully started:

Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,

On firewood updates the path:

His horse smells the snow,

Trotting along somehow...

This is Pushkin,” said Raisa Ivanovna.

Yes, - I said, - this is Pushkin. Alexander Sergeevich.

What did I ask? - she said.

Yes! - I said.

What "yes"? What did I ask, I ask you? Korablev!

What? - I said.

I'm sorry, what"? I ask you: what did I ask?

Then Mishka made a naive face and said:

Doesn’t he know what you asked Nekrasov? It was he who did not understand the question, Raisa Ivanovna.

This is what a true friend means. It was Mishka who managed to give me a hint in such a cunning way. And Raisa Ivanovna was already angry:

Elephants! Don't you dare tell me!

Yes! - I said. - Why are you climbing, Mishka? Without you, I don’t know what Raisa Ivanovna asked Nekrasov! I was thinking about it, and here you are, just trying to knock it down.

The bear turned red and turned away from me. And I was again left alone with Raisa Ivanovna.

Well? - she said.

What? - I said.

Stop pooping every minute!

I already saw that she was about to get really angry.

Read. By heart!

What? - I said.

Poems, of course! - she said.

Well! - said Raisa Ivanovna.

What? - I said.

Read it now! - cried poor Raisa Ivanovna. - Read now, they tell you! Title!

While she was screaming, Mishka managed to tell me the first word. He whispered without opening his mouth, but I understood him perfectly. So I boldly put my foot forward and recited:

Little man!

Everyone fell silent, including Raisa Ivanovna. She looked at me carefully, and I looked at Mishka even more carefully. Mishka pointed to his thumb and for some reason clicked it on his nail.

And somehow I immediately remembered the title and said:

With a nail!

And he repeated it all together:

A little man with a nail!

Everyone laughed. Raisa Ivanovna said:

Enough, Korablev!.. Don’t try, it won’t work. If you don’t know, don’t be ashamed. - Then she added: - Well, what about your horizons? Do you remember that yesterday we agreed as a whole class that we would read interesting books beyond the curriculum? Yesterday you decided to learn the names of all the rivers in America. Have you learned?

Of course I didn't learn it. This snake, damn it, completely ruined my whole life. And I wanted to confess everything to Raisa Ivanovna, but instead I suddenly, unexpectedly even for myself, said:

Of course I learned it. But of course!

Well, correct this terrible impression that you made by reading Nekrasov’s poetry. Tell me the largest river in America and I'll let you go.

That's when I felt bad. Even my stomach hurt, honestly. There was amazing silence in the class. Everyone was looking at me. And I was looking at the ceiling. And I thought that now I would probably die. Goodbye, everyone! And at that second I saw that in the last left row Petka Gorbushkin was showing me some kind of long newspaper strip, and on it there was something scrawled in ink, thickly scrawled, he probably wrote with his finger. And I began to peer at these letters and finally read the first half.

And here Raisa Ivanovna again:

Well, Korablev? What is the main river in America?

I immediately had confidence and said:

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