Gua number calculation calculator. How to distribute square meters in the house? How does the Gua number work?

In the practice of Feng Shui, the Gua number is a pointer to the personal energy of each of us, this is personal Feng Shui in inner world. It helps to predetermine personal favorable directions of development and those that are best avoided. Let's look at what all this could mean. this question further in more detail.

First of all, it is worth understanding that the direction in development depends on where it is going, in which direction its energy flows and characteristics are directed. For some, this or that chosen direction will bring good luck, while for others it will create a lot of barriers and obstacles on the path of development. It is the Gua number that will help you correctly determine your own direction.

Calculation of individual Gua number.

The process of calculating the personal Gua number is simple and understandable even to a beginner in the science of Feng Shui - the main criteria here are simple attentiveness and accuracy in the calculations carried out. In the process itself, the calculation is carried out according to the following principles and formulas:

  1. For representatives of the stronger half of humanity who were born before the year 2000, the number itself must be calculated according to the following scheme - the last digits of the year of their birth are adjusted together. If the number is two-digit, add to a single-digit figure and subtract this figure from 10.
  2. For women, it is also worth adding the last two digits of the year of her birth, and adding 5 to the resulting single-digit figure.
  3. For those born after 2,000, the calculation formula is slightly different, when not 5, but 6 are added to the final result for girls, but for boys, they are subtracted not from 10, but from 9. N, when the child was born in 2009 - accordingly, the Gua number cannot be absolute zero and in this case it simply automatically becomes 9.

What should you consider?

  1. First of all, it is worth remembering that the number 5 as such does not exist in Gua, and even if the final number is equal to this figure, then for men it is automatically changed to 8, but for women it is already 2.
  2. Also in the calculations it is worth taking into account the fact that New Year according to Chinese time, it starts not from the 1st day of January, but from the beginning of February. Therefore, if you were born before February 4-5, but after January 1, this is considered to be a birth in the previous year.

As an example of calculation for boys, we take the date of birth as the 15th day of January 2010. Due to the fact that according to the Chinese calendar, the new year starts on February 4, the date of birth of this child will be January 15, 2009 and his final Gua number will be 9.

Groups of people and Gua numbers.

Taking into account the resulting addition of the date of birth of the Gua number, people are conventionally divided into groups, eastern and western. Each of them has its own direction in development, pointing to the 8 directions of our world, when 4 of them will be favorable for a person, but the other four will be completely unfavorable.

In particular, if during the calculation process you end up with results such as 1 and 3, 4 or 9, then the person can be classified as belonging to the eastern group and the corresponding cardinal direction - east and south-east, north and south. When they ultimately receive numbers such as 2, 6, 8 or 7, these people are classified as Western type groups.

The described groups are a direct opposite and it lies in the fact that the same directions in your own home or in an office space will be favorable in different ways. If you accurately calculated the Gua number, you have accurately determined for yourself not only the direction of movement, but also the entire life path and predestination, good or not.

The most optimal houses for each group.

Each group has its own rules for choosing a residential building or office space, which will be located in a direction favorable to them, will be directed by a certain, back or front side.

Regarding the latter, it is worth making a reservation - such a concept as the front part of a house does not always mean its facade. It is under the front part of the house that the teachings of Feng Shui mean the most active in relation to noise and movement energy flows, spacious and sunny side. Respectively - backside in the house will be the opposite of this active part of it.

For everyone who is assigned to the eastern group according to the Gua number, it is optimal for them to make a choice in favor of this direction of the front and back parts:

  1. North, south are the elements of fire.
  2. South - north - such a living space or office will be subject to the powerful element of water.
  3. If this combination of cardinal directions is west - east, then the aura of the house and its energy flows and the entire aura will be subordinated to the element of wood.
  4. A combination of north-west directions or a south-east location of the house - in this case, most rooms will be dominated by the natural elements, which have absorbed all the power of the mighty Tree.

If a person, in accordance with the Gua number, is assigned to another group and is a prominent representative of the Western group - in accordance with their vitality and positive energy and positive development It is worth choosing for subsequent living, work, growth and development of premises with the following directions of the front and back parts:

  1. The north-eastern sector, as well as the south-western - this combination of the front and back of the house will predetermine its subordination to the elements of the Earth.
  2. Southeast and, accordingly, northwest - such living quarters and work offices are initially subject to the strong and unbending element of Metal.
  3. If it is the southwest and northeast, the predominant element will be the Earth.
  4. East and West, as the setting directions in the house, will predetermine the predominance of the Metal element in the room.

How to distribute square meters in the house?

As you know, the teaching of Feng Shui divides the premises of an apartment or work office into 8 sectors, which are respectively divided into 4 favorable and the same number of unfavorable ones.

If you apply each of the resulting additions of the date of birth of Gua numbers to the location in a room, residential or office, then the picture itself will be presented on the map in the following interpretation:

  1. To choose a bedroom, the optimal place will be the south, but the worst places in the house are the northeast and southwest directions. Regarding choice personal account- It is optimal to choose a room for this in the northern part of the house or in the southeast.
  2. The best choice for a bedroom is on the north-west side, but the most unfavorable place for it is considered to be the south-east. For work and negotiations, solving any business issues It is optimal to choose the southwestern part of the house or the northeast of the house. At the same time, it is better not to place an office on the north and east sides.
    If one of the children or adults in the house is unreasonably ill or unwell for unknown reasons, it is optimal to allocate a room for him in the western part of the room. At the same time, you should not allocate a room for a weakened patient in the northern and southern parts. In the southwestern part of the house it is optimal to arrange a room for a child, but for a toilet - best choice, which will protect you from all troubles and carry them into the sewers, will be the south.
  1. For everyone who ended up with the number 3, they should remember that it is optimal to arrange the office space in the east and southern part. But for a child, it is optimal to choose the eastern sector of a residential building, and as for the zone that will help improve health, it is located in the sector of the northern part of the house. In this regard, it is best to place the toilet in the north-eastern part of the house.
  2. For everyone who ends up with a 4 as a result of their calculations, it is optimal to choose the eastern side of a residential building for arranging a bedroom, while avoiding the southwest or northeast sector. To arrange a room, it is optimal to choose a sector facing the south-eastern side of a residential building and not equip it in any way to the south-west.
    When more than one member of the family, for no apparent reason, needs a significant improvement in health - in addition to the medicinal course of treatment, allocate him a room in the southern part of the house. For your own office, it is optimal to choose a room and place it in the south-eastern or northern part of the living space. It is prohibited to place an office in the northwestern or northeastern part of a residential building. But the toilet - place it in the western part of the house.
  1. Regarding the number 5 in the table of Gua numbers, every favorable and unfavorable correlation of events occurs for both men and women. The men's bedroom should be located in the northeastern sector of the house, but for women, their bedrooms should be located in the northern sector of the house. Unfavorable areas for a man's and woman's bedroom are the south-eastern part and the north of the living space.
    Regarding the arrangement of the bedroom, for your beloved son it should be located in the southwestern part of the house, but for your daughter, arrange it in the northeastern part of the living space. To equip a personal account for men optimal zone there will be the southwest, and for women - the northeast part of the residential building. Regarding the toilet, it is optimal for women with the number 5 to be placed in the eastern part of the room, if the owner of the house is a man - in the southern sector of the house.
  1. Anyone who has a Gua number of 6 in the final calculation should remember that for such a child it is optimal to arrange a bedroom in the north-western part of the house, and for an adult the optimal sector is precisely the south-western part of the house. It is very unfavorable if people place bedrooms in the eastern and southern parts of a residential building. The optimal place of health for all sick people with the number 6 is considered to be the northeast zone, and it is there that you can arrange a room for a pensioner and sick people. But the toilet is exclusively in the northern sector of the house.
  2. For all 7 who are experiencing significant problems with their own health, it is optimal to choose a place in the house in the southwestern part of it. When you plan to work at home, equip your own office exclusively in the western part of the house or in the northwestern zone. But you won’t have to count on success if you organize a work area in the northern part of the house.

    All owners of the number 7 should equip their own bedroom in the north-eastern part of the room, but in the southern and eastern parts it is undesirable. Regarding the arrangement of a children's room, it is best to equip it in the western part of the house, and install the toilet exclusively in the southeastern sector of the house.

  1. Anyone who, as a result of their calculations, came up with the number 8 should equip a work cabin in the southwestern part of the house or its northeastern sector. It is optimal to arrange a children's room in the northeastern sector of the house, a bedroom - exclusively in its western part and not in the northern sector or southeast. For a frequently ill family member, personal space should be arranged in the northwestern part of the house, but it is optimal to arrange it in the eastern sector.
  2. when, as a result of calculations, your number is 9, it is optimal to equip your own office in the eastern zone or the northern part of the sector. But you should never sleep in the western sector or organize your own work area or office in the northeastern sector of the house. For the children's room of everyone who ended up with the number 9, this is the northeastern sector of the house, but if their health worsens, for all those who are sick, it is optimal to arrange the room in the northwestern sector. The toilet for all 9 is exclusively in the eastern sector of a residential building or office space.

Compatibility of Gua people

In the science of Feng Shui itself, there are certain, very successful combinations and combinations of numbers, and this can largely determine whether the marriage itself will be successful or not. If a couple of a man and a woman has a combination of the numbers one and six, such a union predicts wealth in the future. When there is a combination of two and seven in marriage, such a tandem broadcasts successful and happy family life, harmony until old age.

When a husband and wife are combined in a marriage, the result of which is the Gua number of 3 and 8. Such a couple will certainly not be bored together, and their marriage will be marked by incredible passion, a relationship that will be the envy of many. The marital tandem of 4 and 9 is a strong and happy union when a husband and wife go through life hand in hand, achieving a lot through their common efforts.

In the practice of Feng Shui itself, there is a practice of a different approach to choosing your partner. If you belong to the eastern group, it is best to choose a mate from your social group, and everyone who is part of the eastern group - from their own, avoiding unnecessary mixing. This is exactly how the science of fenshky prescribes the opportunity to achieve the highest spiritual and physical harmony in a union - in a couple, the husband and wife will have the same interests and views, there will be no litter or disagreements, and the risk of divorce is minimized.

Directions favorable for numbers.

Each direction has its own positive characteristics and they are the ones that should be taken into account in your daily activities.

  1. The direction of Sheng Qi is always success and the most favorable of all directions of Feng Shui practice, best view energy flows. Such flows will help ensure successful completion affairs in love and financial endeavors, will attract money and good luck, a high position in society to your home. It will be the ideal direction to turn your own workplace V better side and if your front door or workplace faces this direction, you're in luck.
  2. The direction of enormous health is Tien-Yi. when the head of your bed, standing in the bedroom or the entrance door to the house faces in this direction, or when bringing food to the table you face in this direction - your health and vitality will not leave your home.
  3. The direction of sexual harmony and love - this is Yan-Nian - ensures harmony in the family, in the relationship between spouses and children. In order to achieve harmony within the family, to find your soul mate - just place your own forging or the children’s sleeping places in the direction of the Yan-Nian current.
  4. In the house, the direction of Fu Wei is responsible for stability - it adds clarity of mind and develops inner logical thinking. As a result, this greatly increases the ability to advance in career ladder, get a raise. It is enough to point your own desktop in this direction and you will definitely be lucky.

Unfavorable directions in Feng Shui.

There are also such in the practice of Feng Shui philosophy, and Eastern philosophers include the following among them:

  1. Ho-Hai is a flow of energy that creates all sorts of obstacles in your path. But it’s worth reassuring - from the entire list it is the weakest and does not bring big troubles to a person.
  2. Liu-Sha or translated from the original language - 6 killers. If you place a sleeping bed or a desk in this sector - in love relationships and troubles await you in the business field.
  3. Wu-Gui or as they call it in the homeland of 5 ghosts. It is precisely this that promises accidents, unexpected loss of money, thefts and fires, and depression.
  4. Complete collapse, or in the original language - Jue-Ming is the most disastrous of all places, such a swamp swamp, which will reject you from luck and profit. Your bed should not face this direction, and the front door should not face this direction.

Everyone wants to be happy: healthy, successful, wealthy, loved and desired. And by hook or by crook (alas!) they try to achieve just such a quality of life. However, our efforts do not always produce the desired effect. And what's stopping you? Or maybe we just don’t know how to make these efforts correctly, and don’t know how to correctly distribute our life-giving energy? Then we suggest you turn to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, use the formula and calculate the Gua number.

According to the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui, the Gua number is calculated individually for each person according to his date of birth. This number allows you to determine the favorable and unfavorable cardinal directions in the Bagua grid - a magic circle that describes the Universe and divides the space surrounding a person into specific spheres. Each sphere (circle sector) defines a zone in a room (home, office). And the correct and targeted activation of these zones allows you to harmonize your living space and influence events and the course of life. A personal feng shui number makes it possible to determine which direction and which zone is the most favorable for a person, and which carries a hidden danger.

To calculate the natal number according to Feng Shui, you only need the date of birth and its correspondence to the lunar calendar. If you were born in January or the first to fifth of February, then for the calculation you need to take the previous year. For all subsequent numbers of February and any other month, the personal Gua number is calculated based on the actual year of birth. So, to find out your personal feng shui number, follow these steps.

Add the last two digits of the year of birth, and then add the two digits of the resulting amount. For example, year of birth 1991: 9+1=10; 1+0=1. Year of birth 1983: 8+3=11; 1+1=2.

For men, the resulting figure (number) is subtracted from 10. For 1991: 10-1=9. For 1983: 10-2=8. If the personal number according to Feng Shui is calculated for boys and young men who were born after 2000, instead of 10 we take the number 9 and carry out the calculation with it. For example, for 2012: 1+2=3; 9-3=7.

For women, add the resulting number to 5. For 1991: 1+5=6. For 1983: 2+5=7. If the personal feng shui number is calculated for girls and women who were born after 2000, then instead of 5 we take 6 for the calculation. For example, for 2012: 1+2=3; 3+6=9.

If the last calculation results in a two-digit number, then we add both of its digits and get a personal feng shui number. For example, for women born in 1980; 8+0=8; 8+5=13; 1+3=4. Gua number is 4! For men born in 1980: 8+0=8; 10-8=2. Personal number - 2!

The second way to calculate the Gua number

Determining the Gua number is also possible using another formula. For men, the number consisting of the last two digits of the year of birth is divided by 9, and the remainder is subtracted from 10. For example, the year of birth is 1995. 95 is divided by 9 (95:9=10+5). Subtract 5 from 10 (10-5=5). The Gua number is 5. If the remainder is zero, then not 0, but 9 is subtracted from 10. For example, for men born in 1990, the calculation looks like this: 1990: 9 = 10 (remainder - 0); 10-9=1. Gua number is 1.

For women, the last two digits of the year of birth are added to 5, and the resulting amount is divided by 9. The remainder will be equal to the Gua number. For example, the year of birth is 1991. To 91 we add 5 (91+5=96); 96:9=10+6. The Gua number is 6. If the remainder is zero, then the Gua number should be considered 9. For example, the year of birth is 1994: 94+5=11. The remainder is 0, which means the Gua number is 9.

As you can see, for men and women born in the same year and even on the same day, Gua numbers will be different. But in addition to your personal Gua number, you also need to know the group to which you belong according to the teachings of Feng Shui.

Eastern and Western Gua Number

According to Feng Shui philosophy, a Gua number group can be eastern or western. People of the East are people whose Gua number is 1, 3, 4, 9. People of the West are people whose Gua number is 2, 5, 6, 7, 8. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, these two sides of the world are in constant conflict . Therefore, the compatibility of the people themselves is also in question. different groups, as well as a person’s relationship with the side of the world opposite to his group.

For example, the teachings of Feng Shui believe that it is contraindicated for Westerners to sleep with their heads facing the East, work at the computer, eat, or generally sit with their faces facing the East. And vice versa: the Western direction is similarly contraindicated for people of the East. In addition, in Feng Shui practices, favorable or unfavorable directions of the Bagua grid are determined according to the cardinal points, depending on the group.

Favorable Feng Shui directions for people with Eastern date Gua (1, 3, 4, 9):


Favorable Feng Shui directions for people with Western Gua number (2, 5, 6, 7, 8):




Bad and good directions according to Gua number

Note that favorable and unfavorable directions according to the Gua number are also located in the Bagua grid, as are its main directions according to the parts of the world. Only depending on the individual Gua number, these directions will correspond to different cardinal directions and, therefore, be placed differently in the Bagua grid. Nevertheless, any number of Gua has only four favorable and four unfavorable zones:

Wealth Zone (material well-being and prosperity);

Love Zone (love, family, romantic relationship, sex life);

Health (physical and mental health of the inhabitants of the house);

Personal growth (self-improvement, personal success, success in education and career).

Unfavorable (bad or dangerous) zones according to Feng Shui:

The Unhappiness Zone is the most unfavorable place in the room. If a person spends a long time and often in this zone, then he begins to experience irritation, and throughout his life he will be haunted by minor failures and frequent disappointments.

Five Spirits Zone. Contributes to relationship problems.

The Zone of Six Murders is a zone of six failures, one after another or all at once: financial collapse, illness, loss of reputation, death of loved ones, separation from children, trouble with the law.

The Loss Zone is a zone of the most terrible misfortunes: death, complete collapse, bankruptcy, incurable illnesses.

However, not everything is so scary, and these zones can be corrected. Good zones that coincide with the zones of influence in the Bagua grid indicate that these are the areas that dominate your life, and it is here that you will have good luck. If certain areas of influence are affected by bad Gua number directions, then you should make special efforts to achieve success in these areas of life. Because they are the weak link in the chain of events in your life. The main thing is to calculate where exactly in the house the favorable and unfavorable directions are located according to the Gua number, and on which zones of influence they are superimposed.

How does the Gua number work?

To determine the location of zones by the Gua number, you need to draw a regular octagon and apply it to the plan of a house or room, combining the cardinal directions in the octagon with the cardinal directions in the room.

Top edge - South,

Bottom edge - North;

Right edge - West;

Left edge - East.

Well, between them there will be Northeast and Northwest, Southeast and Southwest, respectively.

For each personal feng shui number, favorable and unfavorable zones are located in different sectors of the octagon. In addition, traditional directions along the Bagua grid also turn out to be located in a favorable or unfavorable zone for a given number. By comparing the location of Feng Shui active zones with good and bad zones for you according to Gua number, you can activate or neutralize the energy of this zone using Feng Shui talismans, the elements and colors of each zone.

Unfavorable directions are calculated so that Everyday life correctly navigate while eating, sleeping, working and other things. And it is also advisable to take these directions into account when arranging furniture and orientation front door and windows (as far as possible).

Personal Gua Number

The last thing you need to know to make your personal Gua number work is the location of the zones of influence in the cardinal directions for the personal number. Let's consider General characteristics each of the nine numbers.

Hidden place. Important for career, study, financial well-being.

Longevity. A more positive zone responsible for well-being and harmony in marriage.

Heavenly doctor. The Strong Zone, which is responsible for health and stable income.

Origin of Qi. The strongest positive zone. Brings success in financial affairs and contributes to the growth of authority.

Misfortune. A weakly negative zone, conducive to failures and accidents.

Six Sha. Has a bad effect on family relationships and business.

Five Spirits. Leads to quarrels, thefts, fires.

Losses. The most powerful negative zone, contributing to family breakdown, illness and death.

And here is how these zones (directions) are distributed for each Gua number. All zones are presented in order of increasing strength of influence: from weakest to strongest.

Gua Number 1

North - Hidden Place (same as Career area)

South - Longevity (coincides with the Glory zone)

East - Heavenly healer (coincides with the Family zone)

Southeast - Origin of Qi (coincides with the Wealth zone)

West - Misfortune (coincides with the zone of Creativity)

Northwest - Six kills (matches Assistant zone)

Northeast - Five Spirits (coincides with the Knowledge zone)

Southwest - Loss (coincides with the Love zone)

Gua Number 2

South - Six kills (matches Glory zone)

Gua Number 3

East - Hidden place (coincides with the Family zone)

Southeast - Longevity (coincides with the Wealth zone)

North - Heavenly healer (coincides with the Career zone)

South - Origin of Qi (coincides with the Glory zone)

Southwest - Misfortune (coincides with the Love zone)

Northeast - Six Sha (coincides with the Knowledge zone)

Northwest - Five Spirits (coincides with the Helpers zone)

West - Losses (coincides with the Creativity zone)

Gua Number 4

Southeast - Hidden Place (coincides with Wealth Zone)

East - Longevity (coincides with the Family zone)

South - Heavenly healer (coincides with the Glory zone)

North - Origin of Qi (coincides with the Career zone)

Northwest - Misfortune (coincides with the Helpers zone)

West - Six Sha (coincides with the zone of Creativity)

Southwest - Five Spirits (coincides with the Love zone)

Northeast - Losses (coincides with the Knowledge zone)

Gua number 5 for men

Southwest - Hidden place (coincides with the Love zone)

North-west - Longevity (coincides with the Helpers zone)

West - Heavenly healer (coincides with the Creativity zone)

Northeast - Origin of Qi (coincides with the Knowledge zone)

East - Misfortune (coincides with the Family zone)

South - Six Sha (coincides with the Glory zone)

Southeast - Five Spirits (coincides with the Wealth zone)

North - Losses (coincides with the Career zone)

Gua number 5 for women

West - Longevity

East - Six Sha (coincides with the Family zone)

Gua Number 6

North-west - Hidden place (coincident with the Helpers area)

Southwest - Longevity (coincides with the Love zone)

Northeast - Heavenly healer (coincides with the Knowledge zone)

West - Origin of Qi (coincides with the zone of Creativity)

Southeast - Misfortune (coincides with the Wealth zone)

North - Six Sha (coincides with the Career zone)

East - Five Spirits (coincides with the Family zone)

South - Losses (coincides with the Glory zone)

Gua number 7

West - Hidden Place (coincides with the Creativity zone)

Northeast - Longevity (coincides with the Knowledge zone)

Southwest - Heavenly healer (coincides with the Love zone)

Northwest - Origin of Qi (coincides with the Helpers zone)

South - Misfortune (coincides with the Glory zone)

Southeast - Six Sha (coincides with the Wealth zone)

North - Five Spirits (coincides with the Career zone)

East - Losses (coincides with the Family zone)

Gua number 8

Northeast - Hidden Place (coincident with the Knowledge zone)

West - Longevity (coincides with the Creativity zone)

North-west - Heavenly healer (coincides with the Helpers zone)

Southwest - Origin of Qi (coincides with the Love zone)

South - Misfortune (coincides with the Glory zone)

East - Six Sha (coincides with the Family zone

North - Five Spirits (coincides with the Career zone)

Southeast - Losses (coincides with the Wealth zone)

Gua Number 9

South - Hidden place (coincides with the Glory zone)

North - Longevity (coincides with the Career zone)

Southeast - Heavenly healer (coincides with the Wealth zone)

East - Origin of Qi (coincides with the Family zone)

Northeast - Harm (coincides with the Knowledge zone)

Southwest - Six Sha (coincides with the Love zone)

West - Five Spirits (coincides with the Creativity zone)

North-west - Losses (coincides with the Helpers zone)

According to Feng Shui, the Gua number is your natal number, a kind of compass given to you at birth. This compass will help you navigate the magic circle of Bagua, where the zones of influence located at the cardinal points determine the course of your life. This compass will be an excellent navigation device that will protect you from sudden crashes and help you choose the right way. Good luck!

is a personal number determined for each person based on the year of his birth. Definition Gua numbers will help you figure out which directions are favorable for you and which are not. Some four out of eight compass directions will be favorable, and some four will be unfavorable, and taking into account the knowledge gained, you can improve your life for the better and avoid troubles.

How to calculate Gua number

Firstly, the calculation of the Gua number for women and men born before 2000, as well as for girls and boys born after 2000, is carried out differently.

Secondly, the Chinese lunar calendar is different from ours: the date of the new year is constantly changing ranging from January 21 to February 20. That is, if you were born before February 20, then it is best to first check with the Chinese calendar and if the New Year in China came later than the date of your birth, then the previous year, that is, the year before January 1, must be taken as the reference year.

For example, your date of birth is January 29, 1986. According to the lunar calendar, Chinese New Year began on February 9, 1986. This means that when calculating the Gua number, you need to take 1985.

Chinese moon calendar you can see .

Calculation of Gua number for women born before 2000

For example, year of birth – 1989: 8 + 9 = 17; 1 + 7 = 8

2. To the resulting number you need to add 5. If you again get a two-digit number, then you need to reduce it again to one digit.

Example: year of birth – 1978:

add up the last digits of the year of birth: 7 + 8 = 15

reduce to one number: 1 + 5 = 6

add 5: 6 + 5 = 11

reduce to one number: 1 + 1 = 2

Gua number – 2

Calculation of Gua number for girls born in 2000 and later

Also add the last two digits of the year of birth and add to the result not 5, as indicated above, but 6.

Calculation of Gua number for men born before 2000

1. Add the last two digits of your year of birth. You should end up with a one-digit number. If you get a two-digit number, add the numbers again to reduce them to one.

2. The result must be subtracted from 10.

For example, the year of birth is 1967:

add up the last digits of the year of birth: 6 + 7 = 13

reduce to one number: 1 + 3 = 4

subtract from 10: 10 – 4 = 6

– 6

Calculation of Gua number for boys born in 2000 and later

The result of adding the last two digits of the year of birth must be subtracted not from 10, but from 9. By the way, there is no Gua number equal to 0, so a boy born in 2009 has a Gua number of 9.

Important Note : for women, if the result was 5, the Gua number is considered to be 8, and for men - 2.

There are two groups depending on the number of Gua: eastern and western. If your Gua number is 1, 3, 4 or 9, then you belong to the Eastern group. Favorable directions in this case are South, North, East and Southeast.

If your Gua number is 2, 6, 7 or 8, you belong to the Western group. Favorable directions for people of the Western group are considered to be Northeast, Southwest, West and Northwest.

Favorable directions

  1. Success– the direction that is responsible for wealth, prosperity, luck and well-being. This direction is considered the most favorable, as it guarantees success in any endeavor. recommends looking in this direction more often: you can turn your desk in the direction of Success, and at the dinner table try to sit facing this direction.
  2. Personal development– a direction that promotes the disclosure of internal potential, self-development and self-improvement. This direction helps to develop Creative skills, and also helps to improve professional qualities.
  3. Heavenly Doctor– the direction responsible for health, strength and energy.
  4. Love and marriage- a direction with which you can improve these areas of life, build harmonious relationships, and create a favorable atmosphere in the family.

Unfavorable directions

  1. Obstacles- a direction that brings minor troubles, promises minor quarrels. It is considered the weakest of the four inauspicious directions.
  2. Five spirits or ghosts - a direction more dangerous than obstacles, it is fraught with financial difficulties, losses, fires.
  3. Six killers- a direction that promises serious problems. They can happen one at a time or all at once. These include financial difficulties, illness, and legal problems.
  4. Total collapse- this is a direction that threatens losses, losses, bankruptcy and even death. This is the most dangerous of all unfavorable directions.

Working with favorable and unfavorable directions is quite simple. To improve any area of ​​life, try to look, eat food facing in favorable directions (whichever you like best), place the head of the bed in your favorable direction. And vice versa, to avoid unpleasant consequences unfavorable directions, try to avoid them in such important points like sleeping, eating, studying, working, signing important contracts, etc.

Favorable directions:

Success– Southeast

Personal development– North

Heavenly Doctor- East

Love and marriage– South

Unfavorable directions:

Obstacles– West

Five Spirits– Northeast

Six killers– North-West

Total collapse– Southwest

Favorable directions:

Success– Northeast

Personal development– Southwest

Heavenly Doctor– West

Love and marriage– North-West

Unfavorable directions:

Obstacles- East

Five Spirits– Southeast

Six killers– South

Total collapse– North

Favorable directions:

Success– South

Personal development- East

Heavenly Doctor– North

Love and marriage– Southeast

Unfavorable directions:

Obstacles– Southwest

Five Spirits– North-West

Six killers– Northeast

Total collapse– West

Favorable directions:

Success– North

Personal development– Southeast

Heavenly Doctor– South

Love and marriage- East

Unfavorable directions:

Obstacles– North-West

Five Spirits– Southwest

Six killers– West

Total collapse– Northeast

Favorable directions:

Success– West

Personal development– North-West

Heavenly Doctor– Northeast

Love and marriage– Southwest

Unfavorable directions:

Obstacles– Southeast

Five Spirits- East

Six killers– North

Total collapse– South

Favorable directions:

Success– North-West

Personal development– West

Heavenly Doctor– Southwest

Love and marriage– Northeast

Unfavorable directions:

Obstacles– North

Five Spirits– South

Six killers– Southeast

Total collapse- East

Favorable directions:

Success– Southwest

Personal development– Northeast

Heavenly Doctor– North-West

Love and marriage– West

Unfavorable directions:

Obstacles– South

Five Spirits– North

Six killers- East

Total collapse– Southeast

Favorable directions:

Success- East

Personal development– South

Heavenly Doctor– Southeast

Love and marriage– North

Unfavorable directions:

Obstacles– Northeast

Five Spirits– West Forward

According to Feng Shui, the Gua number reflects a person's personal energy. It allows you to calculate the most favorable zones in the house and the directions where a person may experience failure. Each of us has our own number. And if one direction can bring good luck for you, then, on the contrary, it may not have the best effect on your friend.

How to calculate Gua number

First let's look at how find out it for men. To do this, you just need to add the last two digits of the year of birth, bring the result to a single digit by adding its components and subtract the resulting number from 10. Example: 1983 = 8+3 = 11 = 1+1 = 2. Subtract two from 10 and get Gua number is 8.

Gua number for women is calculated as follows: the last two digits of the year of birth are added and 5 is added to the resulting number. Next, the result is brought up by adding its composite digits to a single digit. Example: 1974 = 7+4 = 11; 11 + 5 = 16 = 1+6 = 7.

It should be noted that in Feng Shui the Gua number 5 does not exist. If the result is 5 for women, then in this case the Gua number will be 8, and for men - 2.

Finding your direction of success

All Gua numbers are divided into eastern energy and western. The eastern numbers include: 1, 3, 4 and 9. The western ones include 2, 6, 7 and 8. Let's consider the directions of success in an apartment according to feng shui, according to your number.

Eastern group of Gua numbers:

  • Gua Number 1. Zone of success, money and career growth is located in the southeast. The health zone is in the east. The zone of love and family is in the south. The zone of calm and stability is in the north.
  • 3. Zone of success and financial growth - south. Health zone - north. Love zone - southeast. Stability zone - east.
  • 4. Zone of success, money and career - north. Health zone - south. The love zone is east. Stability zone - southeast.
  • 9. The zone of success, money and career is in the east. The health zone is in the southeast. The love zone is in the north. The stability zone is in the south.

Western group:

  • Gua Number 2. The zone of success, career and money development is located in the northeast. The health zone is in the west. The love zone is in the northwest. The zone of stability and harmony is in the southwest.
  • 6. The zone of success and career is the west. The health zone is the northeast. Love zone - southwest. Stability zone - northwest.
  • 7. According to Feng Shui, the success zone in an apartment is in the northwest. The health zone is in the southwest. The love zone is in the northeast. The stability zone is in the west.
  • 8. Zone of money and success - southwest. Health zone - northwest. The love zone is west. Stability zone - northeast.

How to use Gua number in an apartment

By calculating your Gua number, you can attract money, career growth, love, prosperity and good health. To do this, you just need to take into account the favorable directions of the Gua number in everyday life. There are several basic practical recommendations.

Always sleep with your head in a favorable direction according to your Feng Shui number. When eating or working at the table, make sure to always look in the direction of the favorable side of the Gua number. Try to spend more time in favorable feng shui zones.

In order for the favorable directions of the Gua number to help you achieve wealth, love, career growth and health, you can place Feng Shui talismans in each of these zones. They will enhance the energy in a favorable place. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

27.02.2014 16:56

All things in the house carry energy, which can be both positive and negative. Specialists...

We already know that a person and everything that surrounds him are constantly influenced by the magnetic forces of the earth, and it is the study of these energy flows or, in other words, Qi energy, as well as methods of influencing them, that the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui is engaged in.

The movement of these energy flows in space occurs in a certain way, setting various characteristics each of the 8 compass directions. And depending on a person’s personal energy, some of the directions will be favorable for him, helping to attract good luck and prosperity into life, strengthening health, vitality and relationships, and the other part, on the contrary, will provide adverse effect for life.

So, it is precisely in order to determine which of the directions will be favorable specifically for a particular person and the Gua Number is calculated - the number that determines his personal energy. With its help, you can position yourself and important objects in space so that the energies of the Earth have the most beneficial effect, bringing more vitality, health, opportunities, strengthening relationships with loved ones and increasing luck in the necessary areas of life.

Important details for calculating Gua Number

Calculating the Gua Number is quite simple and does not require special skills and knowledge, however, certain nuances must be known and taken into account.

1. The calculation formula depends on the year of birth.

The calculation of the Gua Number will differ depending on whether the person was born before or after the year 2000.

2. The calculation formula for women and men is different.

For women and men, the calculation is made differently, again taking into account the year of birth (before or after 2000).

3. In certain cases, it is important to take into account the birthday.

According to the Chinese solar calendar, the New Year begins not on January 1, as we are used to, but on February 4-5. Therefore, if a person’s date of birth falls on the period from January 1 to February 4-5, then the figures from the previous year should be used in the calculations.

4. Gua Number 5 does not exist

If during the calculation you received a result equal to the number 5, then for a man in this case it will be equal to two (Gua Number 2), and for a woman - eight (Gua Number 8).

Well, now, knowing everything important details, which should be taken into account, you can begin the calculations themselves.

Calculation of Gua Number for men.

The beginning of calculating the Gua Number is the same for those born before 2000 and after: we add the last 2 digits of the year of birth until we get one digit (that is, if the addition results in a two-digit number, we also add them together).

Then, for men born BEFORE 2000 of the year subtract the result obtained out of 10.

And for men born AFTER 2000- subtract out of 9(important note!: if our man was born in 2009, then it is clear that the Gua Number cannot be equal to zero. In this case it is equal to 9).


Considering that according to the Chinese calendar the year has not yet begun, we will make calculations as if the year of his birth was 1986. So:

— add the last two digits of the year: 8 + 6 = 14

— we reduce the result to one figure: 1 + 4 = 5

- subtract it from 10: 10 - 5 = 5

So, as a result of calculations, it turned out that the Gua Number of this man is 5. But as we know, such a Gua Number does not exist, accordingly his Gua Number will be equal to 2.

A similar calculation is made for men born after 2000 only ( I'll remind you again!) with the only exception - the result of adding the last digits of the year is subtracted from 9.

Calculation of Gua Number for women.

The same scheme is used to calculate the Gua Number for women, and the difference lies only in the last stage: for those born BEFORE 2000 the number is added to the result of adding the last digits of the year 5, and for those born AFTER 2000- number 6 .


For example, let's calculate the Gua Number for a woman born in September 1994. In this case, we do not need to worry about the Chinese calendar and we make calculations with the data that we have. So:

— add the last two digits of the year: 9 + 4 = 13

— we reduce the result to one figure: 1 + 3 = 4

- add 5 to it: 4 + 5 = 9

Thus we got the Gua Number equal to 9.

Let's not forget that if the calculation is made for a woman born after 2000, at the last stage we add not 5, but 6.

Depending on the Gua Number obtained, a person can be classified into the Western or Eastern group. The difference between these groups is that that part of the directions that will be considered favorable for one will have opposite meaning and influence for the second. And vice versa. Thus, by calculating our Gua Number, we get information about our favorable and unfavorable directions and can use it to arrange vital objects (such as bed, desk, kitchen table, etc.) in such a way that in these places we faced or lay our heads in a direction that would benefit us. Or to be able to make an adjustment if any of the important objects, for example, a door, is in a direction that is unfavorable for us.

People whose Gua Number is 1 , 3 , 4 And 9 belong to the eastern group. The directions east, southeast, north and south will be favorable for them. Those who, during the calculation, received as a result 2 , 6 , 7 And 8 belong to the western group and their favorable directions are west, northwest, southwest and northeast.

However, one definition of “favorable” or “unfavorable” is not enough to understand what impact this or that direction has on a person and his life, because each of them has its own type of energy. And we will just find out the characteristics of all directions and what to do to get the maximum benefit from our favorable directions.

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