Ryan Gosling has opened up about the "challenges" of living with young children. Ryan Gosling: biography (photo) Gosling Ryan Thomas personal life

The films in which Ryan Gosling starred have long been marked with a quality mark, so if you come across his name in the list of actors in the film, you can safely enjoy watching it. This fact makes you want to know more about your favorite artist, his biography and filmography. After all, there is always a chance to fish out an unknown detail or look unknown film with his participation.

The thirty-six-year-old actor was born on November 12 in London, but in the Canadian version, in the suburbs of Ontario. WITH early childhood the guy's restless energy pushed him to various achievements, which currently Led to a large number worthwhile film works, nominations for a significant number of prizes and awards, which in total exceeded 100 pieces.

In addition to success in the acting field, Ryan managed to create his own music group, and release a number of tracks.

Such a versatile artist demands a closer look at his life. After all, during his life Gosling achieved considerable heights both in acting and in musical work, as well as in building your business. And although his path was not so easy, now he is a significant and revered character in his field.

Some biographical information

Born in a small suburban town in Ontario, the boy began his difficult path. Ryan's dad (Ray) was a traveling salesman, and his mom (Donna) was a secretary. Both of them were paper mill employees. They had a strict work schedule and spent most of their time at work. The first child in their family was a girl, Donna, who is the artist’s older sister.

In 1980, a charming baby was born, who was given the name Ryan Thomas Gosling. However, his childhood could not be called cloudless, since his mother and father often fought and violently sorted things out, which ultimately led to their divorce. And from the age of 13, the boy began to live with the closest women - his mother and sister. Now the actor says with a smile that this instilled in him “a girlish mindset.”

Such a situation in a family cannot pass without leaving a trace. The child tried in every possible way to attract attention. Because of this, the guy got into trouble, fought, and could not find real friends/buddies either in the yard or at school. And the most unpleasant thing is that it was Ryan who most often suffered from his antics, who was constantly covered in scrapes and bruises.

It also came to some very unpleasant situations. For example, after a boy saw the film “First Blood,” he brought knives taken from the kitchen to school and began throwing them at his classmates. And all this against the backdrop of the fact that his academic performance was very low, which was aggravated by dyslexia.

Because of the above, Ryan's mother had to take the boy to a psychologist and then home school him. The specialist diagnosed the actor with attention deficit disorder. However home schooling, a deeply religious family only made the situation worse.

However, the boy’s attentive mother realized that it was not just a matter of the desire to attract attention, but the enormous creative potential that future star there was nowhere to implement it. Therefore, the mother sent her son at the age of 13 to the Mickey Mouse Club, famous for its graduates. It is noteworthy that the guy met there now famous stars– Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake, who became a true friend for him. And although Ryan was unable to interest producers as a promising singer after graduation, he learned acting and gained confidence in his abilities. In addition, the boy finally had a goal and real friends.

Starting steps in the profession and its development

As mentioned above, your acting steps star began as a child when he became part of the Mickey Mouse Club. During his training at the club, the guy received small roles in episodes of the then popular TV shows “Are You Afraid of the Dark” and “Goosebumps”.

Then the artist got a more serious role in the television series “On the Wave of Success.” The show aired from 1997 to 1998. And just in 1998, Ryan was offered to take the place of the central character in the series “The Youth of Hercules.”

In 2001, the actor embodied an ambiguous image on the screens. The actor’s character suffers from internal contradictions and touches on the painful topic of the persecution of Jews. The whole catch is that Ryan's hero himself is a Jew and a neo-Nazi who has lost faith in his religion.

It was thanks to the embodiment of this character that the artist’s further filmography was often filled with complex dramatic roles. For example, further characters that Ryan took on were the heroes of such films as:

  • "Kill Countdown"
  • "The Law of Slaughter";
  • “United States of Leland.

In these films, the actor was able to convey emotional experiences, struggle, and controversial choices.

Further work was of a completely opposite plan and was a melodramatic story - “The Diaries of Memory”. The film that was released not only won millions of hearts, many watched with bated breath the development of the relationship between the characters of Gosling and Rachel McAdams. It was thanks to this film that both actors became recognizable and popular. The most interesting thing is that the actors, who so skillfully demonstrated deep feelings, could not stand each other in reality. They constantly argued and fought, and also demanded that each other be replaced. And even more incredible is the fact that after filming, they became a real couple in life.

The next work brought the artist his first nomination for a golden statuette. Working in the modestly budgeted film Half Nelson was fascinating, but that year the Oscar still went into other hands.

In the next film, the actor showed himself as a brave and persistent hard worker, performing most of the difficult stunts on his own. This film was the film “Drive”. It’s interesting that at the same time the guy continued to act in a radically different film - “This stupid love».

This was followed by the works “March Cats” and “The Place Beneath the Pines.” In the latter, by the way, the man met his future wife– Eva Mendes.

In 2014, the star took on an unusual role for himself and directed a fantasy film. The film was called “How to Catch a Monster.” The film was not able to cause any special fireworks, but thanks to it, the artist was nominated in two categories at the Cannes festival.

IN next year the actor became part film crew film "Short Game", which, by the way, was included in best films nominated for an Oscar.

The year 2017 for the actor was marked by receiving a Golden Globe and an Oscar nomination for wonderful movie"La La Land", in which he worked with Emma Stone. By the way, this is already their third joint film. It is noteworthy that the actors sang on their own, and Ryan also played the musical instruments. Unfortunately, the Oscar has again passed into other hands.


After graduating from The Mickey Mouse Club, the actor did not stop being interested in music. However, until 2008 he had no chance to develop this talent. During this same period, his then-girlfriend Rachel McAdams introduced the star to her sister's boyfriend (Zach Shields). Having agreed on stylistic preferences (horror) and style in music, the guys decided to create their own Music band, which was called “Dead Man’s bones”. In the same year, the guys managed to create their first track and present it to the public.

A year later, the guys managed to record a full-length album, consisting of 12 tracks, and also shoot 2 full-length videos. At the moment, due to the high demand for the actor, the group is on pause.

About personal

Handsome and charismatic, the guy was not deprived of attention from the female sex. However, having received his first popularity, the actor decided to associate himself with relationships only with young ladies from his circle. Therefore, in the artist’s list of hobbies, you can find:

  • Sandra Bullock, with whom the affair began during the filming of the film “Murder Countdown”. The relationship was fleeting and frivolous;
  • Rachel McAdams, with whom the guy began a relationship after finishing filming “The Notebook.” At that time (2004), celebrities believed that this was their real soulmate. However, after 3 years the guys decided to break up. And although they later got together again for a short period of time, now the young people remain good friends;
  • Famke Janssen;
  • Jamie Murray;
  • Eva Mendes, with whom they have been since 2011. On this moment despite all the rumors and disagreements, the couple is together and raising two children.

By the way, contrary to all the rumors with Emma Stone, she has no relationship young man did not have. Although many media and paparazzi attributed love to them.

Last update: 11/24/2018

Ryan Gosling is exactly the kind of person who deserves high praise for everyone social roles. Great actor good husband and father, one of the world, and also just clever man With capital letters. This complete guide will show you what values ​​dominate Gosling's life and what behavior patterns the leading man of La La Land inherits.

He - main character Hollywood is an all-around dancing man who looks just as good in a bomber jacket as he does in black tie. He can be sweet (The Notebook), he can be polite (Crazy, Stupid, Love), he can be tough (Drive). Women want him. Men want him, or want to be him, or both.

He is a magnet that attracts everyone to himself. And from all the conversations and interviews, he seems like a pretty decent person. He's also a better actor than we thought. So how does Ryan Gosling do what he does without being really annoying? And what can we mere mortals learn from him?

Uncompromising and cruelty

Ryan Gosling in the movie Drive, 2011

Imagine that a fight breaks out on the street. Two guys grab each other and rush at each other. What are you doing? You stand at a safe distance and film it all on your phone, like everyone else, of course. But not Ryan Gosling. He's as much of a hero in real life as he is on screen, when he happened upon some fighters in Manhattan while returning from the gym a couple of years ago, he got into the fray. We know this because one of the eyewitnesses filming iPhone, posted the video on YouTube. As soon as the brawlers realized who was playing peacemaker, they retreated. For what? Presumably because once you see the elevator scene in Drive where Gosling repeatedly slams a man's head until his skull cracks and caves in, you can't help but notice it. But in real life, Ryan Gosling a lover, not a fighter. In other heroic news, he also saves people from being run over by yellow taxis. The streets of New York are always safer when Gosling walks them.

Interest in women

Ryan Gosling with his mother, Los Angeles, 2013

After his parents' divorce, Ryan and his sister lived with their mother, who he says programmed him to be able to interact with the opposite sex. He likes older women. For a time he was with Sandra Bullock, 16 years his senior, and his wife Eva Mendes, the mother of his two girls, is seven years his senior. He perfectly protects his family life and is rarely seen in public with Mendes, whom he rarely mentions by name. The couple managed to keep both of Mendes' pregnancies a secret, almost until their daughters, Esmeralda and Amada, were born. Although Justin Timberlake's mother became his legal guardian for a time when, as a teenager, Gosling moved from Canada to Florida to become a member of Disney's All-New Mickey Mouse Club (along with Timberlake, Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears), he loves his mom very much and often takes her to various events.


Ryan Gosling, Cannes, 2011.

Ryan Gosling has learned from past mistakes, like the time he showed up to the Half Nelson premiere in a tuxedo T-shirt. These days, his style choices are as unpredictable as his film choices. Now that he wears a tuxedo, he knows that a tuxedo has to be classic. In the heat of the Cannes Film Festival a few years ago, he shocked everyone with his pajama shirt and white trousers. In a tailored suit, he hits the mark every time with bold shades of green, burgundy, brown, cream and blue colors different shades. Velvet, tweed, pattern: wear it. With a tie or a button-down without a tie, Ryan Gosling looks damn good. He is a maverick who gets results despite his unorthodox methods. But one thing remains the same: he is always well-groomed, because, as we all know, cleanliness comes next to Goslingness.

Laughing at yourself

Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling, Utah, 2010.

Ryan Gosling always remains in the spirit of the times. And what keeps him there is his impeccable acceptance and response to all the attention he receives from fans. He's always joking. A few years ago, two defining pop culture trends merged into the viral equivalent of a "cronut": adult coloring books + photos of Gosling = Color Me Good Ryan Gosling(color Ryan Gosling). The man also provides endless source material for Internet diffusion parody. First came Tumblrs like Fuck Yeah! Ryan Gosling (photos of our hero with funny captions “Hey girl”) and Feminist Ryan Gosling (similar, but this time with feminist captions “Hey girl”) and many others. These have been replaced by memes such as the excellent “Ryan Gosling Won't Eat His Cereal”: an episode in which the star apparently repeatedly refused to eat an offered spoonful of breakfast cereal. When the episode's creator sadly passed away, Gosling made a video of himself eventually eating the cereal as a tribute. Ryan Gosling truly is a gift.

"Get Your Hands Dirty"

Ryan Gosling in the film La La Land, 2017.

It takes a lot of work to make everything look so easy. The guy playing the piano in La La Land? Yes, it's really him, and he doesn't have doubles." jazz hands" He studied the piano for three months, practicing two hours a day, six days a week. “In what other job is it part of your job to just sit at a piano for three months and play?” he said. “It was truly one of the most successful pre-training experiences I’ve ever had.” Apparently, it's not that hard to find the motivation to play the piano or learn to dance when your reward is several million dollars and there's the possibility of Oscar glory. But when Gosling finds a project he's passionate about, he rolls up his sleeves. Consider this: In 2004, he opened the Moroccan restaurant Tagine in Beverly Hills. Far from it, he "spent all his money" by buying a restaurant on impulse and then spent whole year, doing many renovation work myself. According to his Wikipedia page, he still controls the menu.

Win when you win

Ryan Gosling at the Golden Globe Awards, Los Angeles, January 2017.

The idea for this article came about when Ryan Gosling won the Golden Globe Award in January of this year. He strode onto the stage like human chloroform as audience members and inanimate objects fell theatrically in his wake. He gave a perfectly conveyed thank you to his "lady" and "lover" Mendez for allowing him to do what he does, which is fight and then receive the rewards of fighting while she was at home raising their first daughter, pregnant with them second daughter and caring for her terminally ill brother. The audience applauded, as did millions of spectators. Ryan Gosling wins when he wins.

Ryan began his acting career in 1993 when he became a member of the Mickey Mouse Club. Here he became friends with Justin Timberlake, with whom he even lived together for six months.

In 1995, Gosling returned to Canada, where he continued to act mainly in TV series.

In 2004, Ryan starred in the film “The Notebook,” which brought the actor popularity and love from the audience. After this role he actor career began to develop.

In 2006, the film “Half Nelson” was released. main role starring Ryan Gosling. For this role he was nominated for an Oscar.

In 2011, Ryan starred in George Clooney's The Ides of March, and the following year he appeared alongside Bradley Cooper and Eva Mendes in The Place Beyond the Pines.

In 2016, the musical La La Land was released, for which Ryan Gosling also received an Oscar nomination.

Now the actor continues to actively act in films.


Horror films, music.

Personal life

The actor has an older sister, Mandy.

In 2002, he began dating actress Sandra Bullock. Their relationship lasted a year. Then he dated actress Rachel McAdams for three years. He also met with actresses Famke Janssen and Jamie Murray.

Since 2011, Ryan Gosling began dating actress Eva Mendes. In 2016, the media reported about the secret wedding of lovers. The couple has two daughters, Esmeralda and Amanda.

Ryan Gosling is the frontman of the band Dead Man's Bones.

Ryan Gosling can play the piano and guitar.

In addition to English, the actor speaks French and Spanish.


You can't be an actor all your life. Many, of course, cope, but they are marathon runners. But for me, it’s better to find some other way of expressing yourself

I've always been shy with women. For example, I never knew how to approach a girl with pre-prepared phrases for getting to know each other. This is how arrogant you need to be! Or brave

I don't need special living conditions. I'm a simple person. But if I don’t get enough sleep or, God forbid, I don’t sleep at all, then it’s better not to come near me. I’ll be in no mood, I can say something out of emotion

The union of Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling developed according to best traditions cinema - their love from the film passed into real life. However, they are in no hurry to share their “off-screen” life with others - they do not go out together, do not talk about their personal lives in interviews and do not publish photos on in social networks. Six months ago, the press confidently declared that the couple had separated (they have been getting divorced with enviable regularity throughout the three years of their affair), and yesterday it suddenly became known that Eva and Ryan were expecting the birth of their first child... HELLO.RU talks about , how this difficult and “secret” relationship began, and how it developed.

Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling was born in London, Canada. The boy knew that he would become an actor from childhood. IN at a young age he constantly watched films and it was in them that he found inspiration for his far from childish pranks. So, one day, after watching “Rambo” with Sylvester Stallone, he took out a set of knives and brought them to school. During recess, he started performing tricks and throwing them at his classmates. Fortunately, the teachers stopped dangerous games Gosling before anyone got hurt.

For the first time, Ryan had the opportunity to find himself on the other side of the screen, which he, by his own admission, dreamed of as a child, in 1993 at the age of 13. Then he joined cast club "Mickey Mouse", where he met future colleagues in show business - Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguilera.

I remember that in those years every day was an adventure. We filmed in stunning scenery and it was just amazing.

Ryan Gosling As he grew older, Ryan played in several TV series, but quickly realized that this was not “his story.” Already in the 2000s, he began to participate in serious projects, including the drama “Fanatic” and the thriller “Murder Countdown.” Further - more, he seemed to challenge himself, trying on absolutely opposite friend friend roles. One of the most striking and memorable roles for the viewer was his role in the film “The Notebook.”

Having played the romantic hero Noah Calhoun, the actor let love into his life. The first serious relationship Gosling - with co-star Rachel McAdams.

Still from the movie "The Notebook"

Recently, the director of the film, Nick Cassavetes, said that the couple, who later became ardent lovers, could barely stand each other film set. Ryan even asked to change his partner, and the rehearsal of each scene ended in a scandal with shouting and swearing. However, as you know, there is only one step from love to hate.

Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams

The actor later called his relationship with Rachel McAdams “the most great love In my life".
Many people think that our love story is as beautiful as that of our on-screen heroes. No, ours is much more romantic - such, you know, love hell. But very, very romantic. After a three-year romance, Ryan and Rachel decided to part ways as friends. The reason for the breakup was given permanent employment actors. After breaking up, Rachel and Ryan tried to get back together again in 2008, but the second attempt lasted only 2 months. After this, the actress started a new relationship - with Michael Sheen. And Ryan was left alone...

Meeting with him new love and, as we now know, the future mother of his child, actress Eva Mendes, happened on the set of the film “The Place Beyond the Pines.”

Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes in The Place Beyond the Pines Before Eva Mendes was invited to this role, she had already taken part in many major projects, such as Once Upon a Time in America, Training Day, Ghost Rider and Last Night in New York.

Eva was born into a family of Cuban immigrants who moved to Miami shortly before her birth. The actress, brought up in strict conditions, more than once recalled her childhood as a time of restrictions in everything:
My mother kept a tight rein on me. At that time, I complained to everyone that I was living like in a prison. If I wanted to go to visit a friend, she would call that girl’s mother to make sure that we would not be left at home alone. At that time I was already 17 years old! According to Eva, such an upbringing may have saved her from many mistakes, because at heart she is a real rebel. Talking about her rebellious youth, Eva recalls:

One day, when I was 14 years old, I went to the river, next to which there was a cliff. I didn’t know how to swim, but all the children jumped into the water, and I decided that I would do the same. I told the guys to push me down if I got scared myself. That's what happened, and they pushed me. It was an interesting experience in overcoming myself. Eva Mendes, 2001 Go against parental rules she decided later. At first, as it was decided at the family council, she went to study at California State University to become an interior designer, but soon left the university.

One day, her photo was accidentally seen by a modeling agent, who convinced Eva that her place was on the covers of magazines and on big screen. The first major successes in the field of modeling were not long in coming - Eva appeared in the videos for Hole In My Soul by Aerosmith and Will Smith's Miami, and soon received her first film role.

Eva Mendes

In order not to waste time, she began to take on any work that came into her hands. Having received the leading female role in the film "Training Day" she overcame her fear and undressed on screen.

Around the same time, in 2001, she met her love - Peruvian director George Gargurevich. They lived in a civil marriage from 2002 to 2011, and most of the time they managed to hide their relationship from the public. Eva helped George work on his paintings, and in general their union was harmonious and strong, but at some point it broke up.

Eva Mendes with boyfriend George Gargurevich After breaking up with Gargurevich, Eva, according to rumors, tried dating some colleagues. One of them was actor Jason Sudeikis. What’s noteworthy is that at the same time, Ryan Gosling, again according to rumors, was dating Sudeikis’ future lover, Olivia Wilde.

The meeting of Eva and Ryan took place on the set in 2011. They played in the film "The Place Beyond the Pines" married couple. It was nothing new for the actor to transfer feelings from a film into real life, and there was also nothing strange in the fact that his new darling turned out to be older than him. After filming the detective story “Murder Countdown,” Gosling dated his co-star Sandra Bullock, who is 16 years older than him. Eva is only six years older than Ryan.

He's a dream colleague. I've never been so satisfied creative process.
- Eva said about working with Ryan after filming was completed.

Secretive Mendez long kept secret the fact that Ryan is not only a colleague, but also a partner in her personal life.
Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling on the set of The Place Beyond the Pines
Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling in The Place Beyond the Pines

Their first public appearance together happened at Disneyland. The couple walked hand in hand, hiding their faces under caps and glasses. They had a fun time, eating cotton candy and corn, going on rides and, of course, hugging. Then they failed to hide from the paparazzi, and they captured their first off-screen kiss.

Eva and Ryan at Disneyland, September 2011

The fact that everything was serious in their relationship became clear in January 2011, when Ryan introduced Eva to his mother.

In June 2012, they visited together graduation party Donna Gosling. Ryan's mother earned a bachelor's degree to become an educator.

They came with Eva and asked for confidentiality. They themselves sat in the last row and rejoiced wildly when Ryan’s mother came on stage to receive her diploma,

Eyewitnesses speak.

It is unknown why they decided to keep their relationship a secret, but it worked out well for them. The couple became the subject of tabloid discussions only occasionally.

It was rumored that Rachel McAdams's separation from actor Michael Sheen in February 2013 became the reason for quarrels between Eve and Ryan.

Gosling once almost married Rachel McAdams and they really had strong feelings to each other. Of course, Eve is very worried that Rachel is free again,

Anonymous sources shared.

The real problems in the couple's relationship, according to insiders, began in September 2013, although news of the breakup of the Gosling-Mendes union appeared only around Christmas. Different views on life were cited as the reason for their separation:

Eva loves Hollywood and the glamorous life. And Ryan is very serious, reserved and, in general, a homebody.
Ryan Gosling Eva Mendes It was rumored that the reason for the separation could be the obvious inevitability of the next stage of their relationship - the wedding, which they were so afraid of. Meanwhile, recalling the statements of both actors about the institution of marriage, we doubt that this could become a stumbling block.

I think it's very old tradition. If you look at what marriage symbolizes, you will realize that it has nothing to do with the real reason why do people get married,

Eva spoke.

Gosling adheres to approximately the same position, having repeatedly stated that he is in no hurry to become someone’s husband.

But their views on children differed: in In one of her interviews, Eva called herself “too selfish to be a mother,” while Ryan, on the contrary, has repeatedly said that he would like to have a big family.

Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes with their on-screen son in the film "The Place Is in the Pines"

They started talking about the couple's separation by the end of 2013, but already in the winter of 2014 there were rumors that the couple was still together. Secretive Eva and Ryan had no intention of satisfying the idle curiosity of those around them and in every possible way ignored questions from journalists about their personal lives. Only once - in February - the paparazzi managed to see Ryan peeking out from behind the fence of Eva's house.

Almost six months have passed since then, Eva and Ryan were “divorced” several more times. This made the surprise of both the press and fans even greater when information appeared that Eva and Ryan were expecting their first child. Moreover, Eva is already seven (!) months pregnant.

Of course, there were no official confirmations or denials. Let's hope that after the birth of the child, we will still be able to look at him with at least one eye.

Burning Eve is tired of her husband spending too much time with Emma Stone, his co-star in the film La La Land.


Gosling and Mendes are very private Hollywood couple. They are not inclined to give any information about themselves. And Eva even managed to hide her two pregnancies.

And now there is information that not all is well in their family. Allegedly, Mendes is jealous of his common-law husband for Emma Stone, with whom he kisses and dances on screen. And off the screen, he spends a lot of time at various presentations related to the film “La La Land.”

It’s easier to say that Eva is simply jealous of her beloved. Apparently, not without reason! On the other hand, she herself is an actress and understands that she is real and screen love- things are different.


“Ryan continues to insist that he and Emma are only in a working relationship and plans to prove it soon,” an insider told Radar Online.

If you believe the informant, then the actor plans to prove his feelings for his wife in the most effective method: He wants another baby. However, Eve fundamentally does not like this idea.

“She's fed up with Ryan turning the kids into a mechanism for solving everything. family problems“- the source reports Eve’s words.


The actress does not want to become a woman with three children who sits at home all the time, while her star husband travels the world in the company of seductive beauties and colleagues. By the way, they are not painted yet...

Recall that at the Golden Globe ceremony, Ryan Gosling received an award for best actor. In his speech, he thanked Eva and his little ones.

“While I was singing, dancing, playing the piano and generally participating in one of the best projects in life, my beloved took care of our daughter, carrying our second daughter, and helped her brother fight cancer...


If she hadn’t taken it all upon herself while I was busy filming, someone else would definitely be in my place today. Honey, thank you. And thanks to our daughters, Amada and Esmeralda,” Ryan said.

The artist also said that he dedicates this victory to Eva’s late brother. They say that while he was making his speech, many of the star ladies in the audience shed tears.

It's interesting that Gosling and Mendes' relationship has been going on for five years. Not everything was simple for them; Eva once declared that she was childfree. But it seems that love and the birth of children have greatly changed both her and the flighty Gosling.

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