Ryan Gosling: biography, career, life path of the actor, photo. Ryan Gosling makes excuses for his jealous wife Eva Ryan Gosling personal life

Ryan Gosling is a Canadian film actor who is often called “the most romantic hero of our time.” The artist gained fame thanks to his participation in the melodrama “The Notebook” and filming in the Oscar-winning musical film “La La Land.” He has 2 Oscar nominations, a Golden Globe award and an award from the US National Board of Film Critics. Besides acting profession, Gosling devotes time to music. He founded the indie rock band Dead Man's Bones, which went on tour several times.

Childhood and youth

Ryan Gosling was born in London (Ontario, Canada). Thomas and Donna Gosling are Ryan's parents. The star also has an older sister, Mandy.

In 2014, Gosling tried himself in a new capacity. In the film “Lost River” (in another translation – “How to Catch a Monster”) the Canadian participates as a director, screenwriter and producer. The creators demonstrated this non-profit arthouse project at the Cannes Film Festival.

In 2016, the film “La La Land” was released with the participation of Ryan Gosling, in which the Canadian played Sebastian Wilder. In personal creative biography artist, the film took a special place. She got positive reviews critics, and the film will be named the best of the year.

It is known that Ryan Gosling took piano lessons, learning music by heart. According to composer Justin Gurvich, the artist could play all the parts shown in the film without using a double or special effects. Such efforts in preparing the tape turned out to be justified. The Oscars are the main event in world cinema.

In 2017, the attention of media representatives was focused specifically on the actors who played the main roles in the film “La La Land” - Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone. For their brilliant performance, the stars received a large number of film awards, and this time the film was nominated for 14 nominations at once, in 6 of which it won. The film set a record for the number of nominations along with “” and “All About Eve.”

In 2016, Ryan Gosling and he took part in the filming of the comedy “Goodfellas.” This stellar collaboration was remembered for the actors’ joint videos. Clips have appeared on the Internet in which celebrities visit psychological consultations for couples experiencing a relationship crisis.

Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe (still from the movie "Goodfellas")

The actors claim that after collaboration They can’t stand each other, and the psychotherapist appointed by the film studio is trying to figure out the reasons for this hostility. Soon, 4 videos appeared about the problems of Gosling and Crowe: “Stress Management”, “Confrontation”, “Building Walls” and “Travel”. With similar videos, the filmmakers tried to attract the viewer’s attention to the film.

In March 2017, a melodrama starring Gosling entitled “Song to Song” was presented. The musical drama tells the story of the confused love relationships that developed between two pairs of lovers. In a strange way, while experiencing losses in their personal lives, these four become connected to each other. Together with Ryan, the leading actors were,.

Already in October, the premiere of the science fiction film “” took place. The film is quite unusual in the Canadian’s repertoire, because Ryan had not previously appeared in works of this genre, playing roles in melodramas. Here he reincarnated as a replicant, an artificially created person who cooperates with the police. His chosen one was his girlfriend Joy (), who has no body and appears only in the form of a hologram.

Interestingly, the filming took place in the strictest secrecy. The filmmakers were afraid of disclosing information about the script before the premiere, so not a single performer was given full text to work on the role.

In April 2017, information appeared in the press that Ryan Gosling supported the film “The Promise,” in which we're talking about about the Armenian genocide, and also joined the #KeepThePromise campaign as part of the premiere. The plot of the film takes place during the First World War, when the Christian ethnic Armenian population living on the territory of the Ottoman Empire was destroyed.

The film “The Promise” was created with the financial support of an American billionaire Armenian origin Kirk Kerkorian. The author of the film is the director of the film “Hotel Rwanda” Terry George, and the main roles were played by Oscar Isaac and Charlotte Le Bon. Prominent representatives of world show business previously expressed admiration for the picture:, and others.


Ryan Gosling is a creative person who loves experiments. Already at the peak of his acting fame, he independently masters playing the guitar and piano. This was not enough for him, because later Ryan, in the company of actor and producer Zach Shields, organized the group Dead Man’s Bones. The group focuses on the “Halloween” theme of the songs, and witches, ghosts, zombies, monsters and skeletons are constant heroes of the lyrics of the group’s compositions.

Dead Man's Bones - In The Room Where You Sleep

The guys experimented in the studio, trying to record new song. The composition “In The Room Where You Sleep” is the result of the team’s work. The single was later posted for free download on the Internet, and a video clip for this track was also published.

Ryan and Zach were so captivated by their joint creativity that they wrote 11 more songs and released the album Dead Man’s Bones at the end of 2009. And then they went on a tour of America, practically without rehearsing. In each city they hired a local for backing vocals. children's choir and improvised during the performance. To warm up the audience before performances, Gosling and Shields held a children's talent competition or showed a puppet show.

Personal life

The actor is not at all as simple as it seems at first glance. Ryan chooses the films in which he is going to participate quite meticulously, based on his own preferences and beliefs. The film actor believes in prophetic dreams, loves magicians and solitude, plays in a band and looks forward to growing old.

Tall and stately (Ryan's height is 185 cm and his weight is 82 kg), Gosling has always been popular with women. Ryan was in romantic relationships with several celebrity ladies. The relationship with his partner in the film “Kill Countdown” lasted just over a year.

Ryan Gosling is a Canadian actor and musician who, having started his career in Disney series, was able in a matter of years to turn into a strong dramatic artist in demand in Hollywood.

Gosling rarely wastes time on pass-through projects, always carefully choosing roles and directors. That is why there are not so many works in his rich filmography (a little more than 40 over almost 30 years of acting career), but almost every one of them is worth its weight in gold. These are, for example, the melodramas “The Notebook” and “Valentine”, the thrillers “Stay” and “Drive”, the political dramas “The Ides of March” and “The Big Short”, the comedy “Goodfellas” and, of course, the musical “La- La Land." And the achievements of this charming Canadian include more than a hundred nominations for prestigious film awards, including an Oscar in the category “Best Actor” (for his roles in the films “Half Nelson” and “La La Land”), and also a well-deserved Golden Globe.

Ryan Gosling's childhood

The boy, who was destined to become a world cinema star, was born on November 12, 1980 in London. But not in the British capital, but in a small Canadian city located in the southwest of Ontario. His father, Toms Ray Gosling, was a traveling salesman at a local paper mill and was constantly absent from work, as was his wife, Donna Gosling, who worked as a secretary. Ryan also has an older sister, Mandy.

Life in the family was not sweet: the parents often quarreled, and when Ryan was 13 years old, they divorced. The boy and his sister stayed to live with their mother. Subsequently, the actor joked that life with two women taught him to “think like a girl.”

Of course, this situation radically affected the character of young Ryan. In an effort to attract attention, he did not hesitate to be the first to get into a fight, and due to his eccentric and hot-tempered character, he could not find friends either among his classmates or among the neighboring boys. But more often than not, the antics turned against Ryan himself - he returned home with abrasions and bruises.

One day a boy watched the film “First Blood” with Sylvester Stallone, and then brought it to school kitchen knives and started throwing them at his classmates. Ryan not only became dangerous to his peers, but also became a terrible student and also suffered from dyslexia. Psychologists diagnosed the boy with attention deficit disorder, after which the mother transferred her son to home schooling.

From that moment on, his life was taken under strict control. True, without that difficult situation was aggravated by the fact that all members of Ryan Gosling's family were deeply religious Mormons, so among the programs allowed for viewing there were exclusively films based on biblical stories and wildlife documentaries.

Fortunately, at some point Donna Gosling realized that the reason for her son’s behavior lay not simply in a desire to attract attention, but in an unrealized creative potential, which, combined with the boundless energy hidden in the boy, was looking for a way out, like lava looking for a way to the surface of the earth through the mouth of a volcano. So at the age of 13, Ryan was enrolled in the famous “Mickey Mouse Club”, whose alumni also include Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake. By the way, Ryan became especially friendly with the latter.

The essence of the project was that during the club’s classes, the “Mouseketeers,” as the young stars were called, attracted the attention of producers who selected young talents. And although after graduating from the club in 1995, Ryan failed to conquer musical Olympus, he finally gained self-confidence, found loyal friends and learned to take responsibility for his actions.

The beginning of an acting career

Ryan Gosling began his TV career with the programs “The Mickey Mouse Club,” as well as episodic roles in the series “Are You Afraid of the Dark?” and "Goosebumps". Participation in the series “On the Wave of Success,” which was broadcast from 1997 to 1998, became more serious, and in 1998 rising star Disney has landed the lead role in the television series "Youth of Hercules."

In 2001, Ryan was entrusted with a key role in the full-length drama The Fanatic. His character was a Jewish skinhead who, disillusioned with Judaism, abandoned his dream of becoming a rabbi and joined a neo-Nazi organization. Those who knew the young man from The Youth of Hercules were, to put it mildly, surprised - this was a completely different Gosling, who was not afraid to try on an ambiguous image. For several years after the premiere, viewers associated Ryan with this controversial character, torn apart by internal conflict.

From that moment on, Ryan's filmography began to be dominated by complex dramatic films, completely far from the light-hearted Disney series. Thus, in 2002, Gosling played key roles in the dramas “Murder Countdown,” “The Law of Slaughter,” and “The United States of Leland.” A young detective shocked by the bloody murder of a girl, a teenage athlete who lost his father, a modest guy who broke the law - his characters seemed to lift the curtain on important teenage problems for the viewer, just as acute and topical as the conflicts of the “adult world”.

“The Notebook” and the first Oscar nomination

In 2004, Ryan decided to “move away” from the usual genres and starred in the romantic melodrama “The Notebook.” A touching film about love, which is stronger than any obstacles, be it the test of time or a forced separation, became an undoubted success for director Nick Cassavetes, and brought worldwide fame to Ryan and his partner Rachel McAdams.

"Diary of member". Fragment

It's funny, but while working on the film the actors could barely stand each other. Even the fact that they turned out to be fellow countrymen did not help. There was no so-called “chemistry” between the partners: Ryan constantly argued with Rachel about acting methods, and once in his anger asked the director to change the girl for another actress. But upon completion of filming, the actors suddenly announced themselves as a couple. “Many people compare our relationship with the love story of our heroes, but no - our story is much more romantic!” Ryan told reporters.

In 2006, the low-budget ($700 thousand) film Half Nelson was released, which brought Gosling his first Oscar nomination. He got the main role - a drug-addicted history teacher, confused in himself and in his relationships with his students. Alas, the statuette went to Forest Whitaker, who played the Ugandan tyrant Idi Amin in the film “ The Last King Scotland."

Ryan Gosling's fiery dances: cuts from films

Most Selective Actor

From 2010 to 2013, Ryan continued to appear in his usual thrillers, dramas and romantic melodramas, while always trying on different images. In 2011, the actor began collaborating with independent Danish director Nicolas Winding Refn, who cast him as a brave and risky racer in the noir crime drama Drive. Throughout the entire film, Gosling barely uttered a couple of phrases, demonstrating his signature ability to get through acting without words. Moreover, the actor performed most of the stunts without the help of stuntmen - some scenes in the film are truly breathtaking, and not at all because of the primitive action.

At the same time, Ryan was working on romantic comedy"This stupid love“, where his partner was the charming Emma Stone, with whom they later “played love” more than once. Some time later, in George Clooney's political drama The Ides of March, Gosling played the Republican candidate to participate in presidential elections, challenging his Democratic rival (Clooney). Moreover, both of Gosling’s roles in these films were awarded Golden Globe nominations.

After the crime drama The Place Beyond the Pines, where the actor's colleagues were Bradley Cooper, Dane DeHaan and Eva Mendes, Gosling again starred with Refn in the experimental dark film Only God Forgives.

In 2014, Gosling took on the responsibilities of a director for the first time, directing the fantasy film How to Catch a Monster starring Saoirse Ronan and Christina Hendricks. The mass audience received the film lukewarmly, and Gosling's critics called it too intimate and “tooth-gnashingly secondary.” However, he received two nominations from the jury of the Cannes Film Festival: in the categories “Directorial Debut” and “Un Certain Regard”.

"How to Catch a Monster" - trailer

In 2015, Gosling starred alongside Brad Pitt, Christian Bale and Stephen Carrell in the drama real events"Short game" Here Ryan convincingly played a financial analyst who managed to earn more than one million during the 2008 crisis. The film received many nominations, and its screenwriters eventually took home a gold statuette for “Best Adapted Screenplay.”

When choosing projects, Ryan Gosling is never in a hurry, preferring thoughtful work on an interesting image in the race for profit. Therefore, no more than one or two films a year are released with his participation, but each of them is a delight for true film lovers. So, in 2015, the actor starred with Rooney Mara, Michael Fassbender and Natalie Portman in philosophical drama Terrence Malick's "Song to Song", and in 2016 - in the crime comedy "Goodfellas" with Russell Crowe and the romantic musical "La La Land" by Damien Chazelle with Emma Stone.

Exactly last picture and became a major box office hit, a winner of all kinds of awards, and most importantly, won the hearts of many romantics and dreamers around the world. For a long time now, the musical has not been able to stand on a par with strong dramas and big-budget films that were pre-positioned for commercial success.

In January 2017, Ryan Gosling received a Golden Globe for his role as Sebastian in La La Land, and his partner Emma Stone “collected” the entire set of awards that year, including the coveted Oscar. According to the plot, he - jazz musician, and she is an aspiring actress. Both strive to realize their creative dreams and ambition, but this is what puts their love in jeopardy.

“La La Land” was named the main Oscar favorite even before the nominations were announced. As a result, the musical received 14 nominations in 13 categories, repeating the record of Titanic with DiCaprio. Ryan Gosling himself was expectedly nominated for the Best Actor nomination, but lost the statuette to Casey Affleck for his role as Lee Chandler in the film Manchester by the Sea.

Ryan Gosling's music career

Ever since the days of The Mickey Mouse Club, Ryan has never stopped being passionate about music. In 2008, he was still dating Rachel McAdams, and her sister Kaylin was dating Zach Shields, a composer and actor. One day the young people got into a conversation and found out that they both liked scary movies and all sorts of horror paraphernalia. In addition, both were passionate about the idea of ​​creating music group. This is how the team “Dead Man's Bones” was born. At the end of the same year, the guys posted their first track “In The Room Where You Sleep” on the Internet.

Dead Man's Bones (Ryan Gosling band) – Lose Your Soul

A year later, the group presented their debut album “Dead Man’s Bones”, which included 12 songs. A children's choir and bassist took part in the recording of compositions in which there was a clear sense of continuity with such gloomy groups as Modest Mouse and Current 93 Red Hot Chili Peppers Flea.

In 2009, the guys shot an atmospheric video for the song “Name In Stone”, and a year later the videos “Pa Pa Power” and “Dead Hearts” were released. Ryan performed under the pseudonym Baby Goose (Baby Goose, Gosling - gosling), and showed himself not only to be an excellent vocalist, but also a talented guitarist and keyboard player. Unfortunately, due to Ryan’s heavy workload on filming, the group has suspended its activities for now, but fans continue to wait for their revival.

Ryan Gosling's personal life

Elegant and charming, Ryan Gosling has never suffered from a lack of female attention. Having become a Hollywood star, he started affairs only with famous actresses, with which he was confronted by work or fate.

In 2002, on the set of the film “Kill Countdown,” the actor met

Burning Eve is tired of her husband spending too much time with Emma Stone, his co-star in the film La La Land.


Gosling and Mendes are very private Hollywood couple. They are not inclined to give any information about themselves. And Eva even managed to hide her two pregnancies.

And now there is information that not all is well in their family. Allegedly, Mendes is jealous of his common-law husband for Emma Stone, with whom he kisses and dances on screen. And off the screen, he spends a lot of time at various presentations related to the film “La La Land.”

It’s easier to say that Eva is simply jealous of her beloved. Apparently, not without reason! On the other hand, she herself is an actress and understands that she is real and screen love- things are different.


“Ryan continues to insist that he and Emma are only in a working relationship and plans to prove it soon,” an insider told Radar Online.

If you believe the informant, then the actor plans to prove his feelings for his wife in the most effective method: He wants another baby. However, Eve fundamentally does not like this idea.

“She's fed up with Ryan turning the kids into a mechanism for solving everything. family problems“- the source reports Eve’s words.


The actress does not want to become a woman with three children who sits at home all the time, while her star husband travels the world in the company of seductive beauties and colleagues. By the way, they are not painted yet...

Recall that at the Golden Globe ceremony, Ryan Gosling received an award for best actor. In his speech, he thanked Eva and his little ones.

“While I was singing, dancing, playing the piano and generally participating in one of the best projects in life, my beloved took care of our daughter, carrying our second daughter, and helped her brother fight cancer...


If she hadn’t taken it all upon herself while I was busy filming, someone else would definitely be in my place today. Honey, thank you. And thanks to our daughters, Amada and Esmeralda,” Ryan said.

The artist also said that he dedicates this victory to Eva’s late brother. They say that while he was making his speech, many of the star ladies in the audience shed tears.

It's interesting that Gosling and Mendes' relationship has been going on for five years. Not everything was simple for them; Eva once declared that she was childfree. But it seems that love and the birth of children have greatly changed both her and the flighty Gosling.

Celebrity biographies


12.11.14 10:28

He was called “the most attractive bachelor” among 50 Hollywood (and not only) handsome men. He loves stories about zombies and ghosts - the work of his own rock band is dedicated to this topic. Sir Anthony Hopkins himself called Gosling one of the most talented young actors.

Biography of Ryan Gosling

Little bully

Ryan was born on November 12, 1980 in London. No, not in the capital of England, but in another London, a Canadian city located in the province of Ontario. Of course, it is far from its British namesake, but it cannot be called a remote province (more than 350 thousand inhabitants).

Thomas and Donna Gosling already had a daughter, Mandy. And the son turned out to be very lively, and from an early age he was accustomed to settling all disputes in fights. The teachers groaned at the bully. Classmates were afraid of the bully. And after five years in school, Ryan's parents took him away and he was homeschooled.

TV star

As a teenager, Ryan auditioned for the long-running television show The Mickey Mouse Club (not to be confused with the animated series of the same name). Directing energy in a positive direction (rather than giving free rein to your fists) was a wise decision! The program searched for talented children (at one time show business stars took part in it - for example, Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguilera). So Gosling was right at home in the show. This is where his television career began.

Later there were filming in TV series (among which there were quite well-known and popular children’s horror films “Are You Afraid of the Dark”, “Goosebumps” - after all, he already loved this dark theme). And in The Youth of Hercules, eighteen-year-old Gosling became the title character.

At the age of 21, the Canadian starred in the low-budget “Fanatic.” The independent social drama received several awards (including a prize at the Moscow Film Festival), and the fragile guy who played the leader of a skinhead gang was remembered by viewers and directors. They started talking about the young talent. He began to work a lot (the thriller “Murder Countdown”, the drama “The United States of Leland”, the sentimental “The Notebook”).

Well-deserved recognition

Ryan Gosling received an Oscar nomination for his role in the drama Half Nelson. The image of a teacher increasingly plunging into the abyss of drug addiction was a success for the artist.

Gosling's performance was highly praised by his co-star in the film Fracture, Hopkins. They portrayed antagonists: an assistant district attorney (Gosling) had to expose a criminal (Hopkins) who had done a very good job of “covering his tracks.”

An unusual role went to Ryan in the film “Lars and real girl" An unsociable guy finds himself an excellent girlfriend - she doesn’t sort things out, doesn’t yell or make trouble, but sits quietly next to her and keeps quiet. It’s a pleasure to have a heart-to-heart conversation with someone like that; she’s an excellent listener. Unless, of course, you forget that she is an inflatable doll.

Successful 2011

In 2011, several very successful films starring the Canadian actor appeared at the box office.

This is a crime drama about the stuntman "Drive" (director Nicolas Winding Ref received a prize for his work at Cannes, and the film itself was a contender for the Palme d'Or).

This is the comedy "It's Stupid Love" (Ryan starred in it with Steve Carell and Julianne Moore).

This is George Clooney's political detective story "The Ides of March", which received 4 nominations for the Golden Globe (Ryan was among the contenders for the award).

And in 2017, the musical “La La Land,” in which Ryan Gosling played with Emma Stone, received six Academy Awards, although the actor himself only received another nomination.

Ryan Gosling's personal life

Restaurateur, cat lover, rock musician, ladies' man

Gosling is the co-owner of a chic restaurant in Beverly Hills (it serves Moroccan cuisine, and it is called “Tagine”). He himself prefers seafood (especially squid). Ryan is a well-known “cat lover”, and once took a dog into his home from a shelter - the dog was in danger of death.

In 2009, an album was released by a rock band in which Ryan (he is fluent in guitar and piano) plays with his friend Zach Shields (the band is called “Dead Man’s Bones”).

Gosling owes his acquaintance with Shields to his affair with actress Rachel McAdams (the friend was dating Rachel's sister, Kaylie).

It's interesting that while playing two lovers in The Notebook, McAdams and our hero really didn't like each other and didn't get along. But then this antipathy turned into love. True, the couple broke up a long time ago.

Among Ryan's other girls are Sandra Bullock (with whom he starred in "Kill Countdown") and Famke Janssen (who is 16 years older than the actor).

But the film “The Place Beyond the Pines” became to some extent prophetic. In the film, Gosling played a guy who finds out that he ex-lover(her role was played by Eva Mendes) gave birth to a son from him. In September 2014, Eva (with whom the actor has been in a relationship since 2011) actually gave birth to Ryan - but not a son, but a daughter, Esmeralda. On April 29, 2016, the couple had another daughter, Amada.

Ryan Gosling has driven more than one Hollywood beauty crazy. He had affairs with Sandra Bullock and Rachel McAdams, Olivia Wilde and Famke Janssen. However, since 2011, there is only one woman in Gosling’s life - Eva Mendes. More precisely, two - their common daughter Esmeralda. And when choosing films, a movie star does not rely on external data: he prefers different roles in order to more clearly demonstrate his talent. He can handle dramatic images (“The Place Beyond the Pines”), lyrical (“The Notebook”), and comedic-sexual (“This Stupid Love”).

All photos 13

Biography of Ryan Gosling

Ryan was born into an ordinary Canadian family: his mother Donna worked as a school secretary, his father Thomas worked in a paper mill, the couple already had eldest daughter Mandy. Ryan himself was by no means a good boy: he constantly fought with his classmates, sometimes he was beaten mercilessly. The parents, unable to bear all this disgrace, took their son to home schooling: from fifth to ninth grade, Gosling studied independently.

At the age of 13, Ryan Gosling appeared on the popular American TV show “The Mickey Mouse Club.” There he performed with other talented teenagers who later became real stars: Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears. The guy was noticed and began to be invited to television series. At first, for filming in episodes, but already in 1997, the first leading role appeared - in the television series “The Youth of Hercules.”

As a film actor, Ryan Gosling was remembered after the film “The Fanatic” (2000), where he played the main character - a Jewish skinhead who beats his relatives and at the same time reverently treats the holy book of the Torah. Next significant project became the detective “Murder Countdown” (2002): Gosling played the role of an arrogant, unprincipled guy who, together with a friend, killed unknown girl. Sandra Bullock stars as the police officer investigating the murder.

In 2004, female viewers discerned a lyrical nature in Ryan Gosling: the melodrama “The Notebook” based on the novel of the same name by Nicholas Sparks was released. Steven Spielberg planned to direct the film, but was unable to due to his busy schedule. As a result, Nick Cassavetes took on the job. Gosling stole the role of the main character Noah, who loved one woman throughout his life, from his Mickey Mouse Club colleague Justin Timberlake. The success of the film brought the actor popularity among girls around the world and the fame of one of the main heartthrobs of Hollywood.

This was followed by two roles of unbalanced men: in the thriller Stay (2005), Gosling played a suicidal student, and in the drama Half Nelson (2006), he played a drug-addicted teacher. In Breaking Point (2007), Ryan Gosling once again proved to himself and others his acting skills. The thriller is built on the confrontation between Gosling's hero, a young prosecutor, and Anthony Hopkins' hero, a killer who successfully covered up the traces of the crime. Critics and viewers noted that Gosling did not lose at all next to Hopkins. And the “heavyweight” actor himself admitted in an interview that he had not met such talented guys as Ryan for a long time.

Gosling continues to give one or two major roles a year: a motorcycle racer in Drive, an aspiring robber in The Place Beyond the Pines, a charming womanizer in the comedy This Stupid Love... The only exception was 2014, when Ryan Gosling tried his hand at a new as: became the director, screenwriter and producer of the fantasy “How to Catch a Monster.” However, acting career To the delight of his fans, he didn’t give up. Continues to expand the list of interesting roles.

Ryan Gosling's personal life

The actor is well aware of his sexual attractiveness. He even beat her in the comedy “This Stupid Love”: according to the plot, his hero seduces girls using a simple technique - he invites everyone to repeat the number from “Dirty Dancing”.

The first high-profile romance happened back in film set"Murder Countdown": In 2002, Ryan began dating Sandra Bullock. The couple was not embarrassed by the age difference - 16 years, but the relationship gradually faded away on its own. The Notebook brought not only fame, but also new love– performer leading role Rachel McAdams. Members film crew complained about the frequent scandals of Gosling and McAdams, but on the screen the love between the actors is visible to the naked eye. It didn’t end even after filming: Ryan and Rachel were together for four years – until 2007. Then too different tempers Nevertheless, they made themselves felt, the former lovers ran away. Gosling continues to play in the band Dead Man’s Bones with Zach Shields, whom he met through Rachel: both dated the McAdams sisters.

Gosling's next lovers were again actresses: he dated Famke Janssen in 2007-2008, and Jamie Murray in 2009-2010. But filming The Place Beyond the Pines in 2011 made Ryan Gosling an exemplary family man. Of course, not the filming itself, but the romance with Eva Mendes that began during it. The heroine of Eve gave birth to a son from the hero Ryan. The plot almost coincided with real life: in September 2012, the common daughter of Gosling and Mendes was born, who was named Esmeralda Amada. In honor of the baby, the actor made a tattoo on the fingers of his left hand - the first four letters of her name. And on April 29, 2016, the couple gave birth to their second daughter, Amada Lee. Now Gosling admits in an interview that he has found happiness and harmony. All he wants is to be home soon, where his wife and daughters are waiting for him.

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