Putin died or why George Soros is dissatisfied with the power of Internet monsters.

According to informational portal Real News, Russia has officially put billionaire George Soros on the wanted list, noting that he and his organizations pose a “threat to national security.”
Putin banned Soros from entering Russia due to the fact that Soros contributed to the collapse of the Russian economy in the early 1990s.
Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi writes about Goldman Sachs:
“The first thing to know about Goldman Sachs is that it's everywhere. The most powerful investment company in the world is a huge vampire octopus that has its tentacles wrapped around all of humanity, and is constantly sucking on everything that smells of money.”
“In fact, the history of the recent financial crisis, typified by the slump and fall of a suddenly bankrupt, dry American empire, is called a Who's Who of Goldman Sachs Alumni.”
Obviously, Soros wants to repeat the success of Goldman Sachs. Phil Butler made this clear when he said: “George Soros is omnipresent, even meddling in political affairs. So, if there is a crisis in the world, rest assured that he had a hand in it.”
Soros and Goldman Sachs can certainly be called members of the same ideological brotherhood. Their strategies are slightly different, however the end result is the destruction of life through the economic system (be it capitalism or socialism) and political manipulation.
Therefore, Soros considers himself invincible. He believes that he can control the economy and politics of the entire world with the snap of his fingers, and no one can stop him. He also writes books such as The Alchemy of Finance. Soros believes that he can easily destroy the political stability of all of Europe and America.
Of course, Soros is old, but he does not want to retire. Recently, his organizations were caught carrying out covert operations aimed at destabilizing Russia. We bring interesting quote from the secret documentation of the Soros Open Society Foundation:
“Our goal is to join activities and players who will understand and will oppose Russian support for movements that defend traditional values... We cannot act openly: we are also involved in transferring money to other countries for political purposes.”
According to Butler, it was Soros who spread this “infection.” Soros wanted to bring down traditional Russian families. He wanted to turn Russia into a menagerie, using terms like “democracy” to mislead the masses.
So when Soros wrote last February that “Putin is a far greater danger to the future of Europe than ISIS,” he was following his diabolical plan, which is undeniably consistent with what the Khazarian Mafia and their minions have been doing for centuries. Neoconservatives like Commentary's Noah Rothman continue to spout ideological ballads about how "Russia is not your friend." Read carefully the words of Soros:
“US and EU leaders are making a terrible mistake in believing that President Vladimir Putin's Russia is a potential ally in the fight against IS. However, the evidence contradicts them. Putin's goal is to contribute to the destruction of the EU, and the most The best way to do this is to fill Europe with Syrian refugees.”
“Russian planes are bombing civilians in southern Syria, forcing them to flee to Jordan and Lebanon. On this moment 20,000 Syrian refugees are waiting in camps to enter Jordan."
Where is the evidence that Russian planes are deliberately bombing civilians? Well, the proof can be the words of George Soros himself. Everything he says becomes true. There is no need to conduct further investigation. No thorough checks are required. Soros is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. And if the evidence points to the contrary, then it should be rejected, not Soros' claims. If Russia is still fighting ISIS in Syria, then this is probably a lie, because Soros has not confirmed this information.
Soros has outwitted himself, and perhaps realized that today he is more vulnerable than ever, since he acts contrary to the dictates of practical reasons. In this case, he acts without any reason. He seeks to implement ideological dogmas and ignore the truth at any cost.
As already stated, George Soros has proven himself to be an agent of the New World Order by going after Russia, the only country that continues to destroy ISIS in Syria. ISIS uses chemical weapon in the region, but no one, not even Soros himself, said a word about it.
Obviously, Russia was tired of Soros' actions and, in the end, banned his entry into the country. Putin called Soros and his organizations “a threat to Russia’s national security.” The Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, spoke in a similar vein. Frederick William Engdahl said in January that "George Soros, a hedge fund speculator, has become a self-proclaimed philanthropist, and his tax-exempt funds are an integral part of the war machine."


The article in http://dailynewsposts.info/ may be a hoax, but perhaps not.

So, here's the thing about whether he died or not. There is not a single refutation comment on the material.

According to Internet media, "friends have already taken to social media to express their sadness with the hash tags #RIPBUSH #RIPGEORGESOROS." In response, George's family and friends asked to be left alone, everyone... So, if he died, then he is a dead man and is already at peace, and the rest of them, if they are alive, just have to rest and achieve peace.

Soros has already been declared dead. But he survived. Now, judging by the comments, the vast majority of people are happy about his death.

Others in the same comments send him after the departed Soros real biography: “He was born in Hungary in the 1930s, was Jewish, worked for the Nazis in relation to own people, moved to England, studied at school. If he really died, he is now roasting in hell."

This news first appeared on November 17. And, judging by the fact that on November 18, 2016, there was no such message on the front pages of the world media, one can with a high degree of probability consider this message a “duck.” If not for one “BUT”.

Let us recall that in June 2015, the President newspaper published an article “Death has mowed down Rockefeller, Rothschild, Primakov.” Then, of the three named, only Yevgeny Primakov was buried humanly. And the message about the death of Rothschild and Rockefeller remained without official confirmation.

And what’s interesting is that to this day, that is, 1.5 years after the announcement, neither Rockefeller nor Rothschild have been found. They disappeared from this world, from the media and from life in general. But they are not officially recognized as dead.

I think their relatives just don't care about them. They released the crazed old men into the forest, and there they got lost. The devils ate them, and the joyful heirs remain silent to this day and divide multi-billion dollar empires.

A similar situation arose in the same November with Queen Elizabeth II. She also disappeared from the news. True, there was a weak fake, Elizabeth II was allegedly found. But it could also turn out to be fake.

So in the case of Soros, the following explanation is offered: his older brother, Paul Sores, died in a New York clinic. Let's see how true it is.

Ivan Orlov, based on media materials

According to the information portal Real News, Russia has officially put billionaire George Soros on the wanted list, noting that he and his organizations pose a “threat to national security.”
Putin banned Soros from entering Russia due to the fact that Soros contributed to the collapse of the Russian economy in the early 1990s.
Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi writes about Goldman Sachs:
“The first thing to know about Goldman Sachs is that it's everywhere. The most powerful investment company in the world is a huge vampire octopus that has its tentacles wrapped around all of humanity, and is constantly sucking on everything that smells of money.”
“In fact, the history of the recent financial crisis, typified by the slump and fall of a suddenly bankrupt, dry American empire, is called a Who's Who of Goldman Sachs Alumni.”
Obviously, Soros wants to repeat the success of Goldman Sachs. Phil Butler made this clear when he said: “George Soros is omnipresent, even meddling in political affairs. So, if there is a crisis in the world, rest assured that he had a hand in it.”
Soros and Goldman Sachs can certainly be called members of the same ideological brotherhood. Their strategies are slightly different, however the end result is the destruction of life through the economic system (be it capitalism or socialism) and political manipulation.
Therefore, Soros considers himself invincible. He believes that he can control the economy and politics of the entire world with the snap of his fingers, and no one can stop him. He also writes books such as The Alchemy of Finance. Soros believes that he can easily destroy the political stability of all of Europe and America.
Of course, Soros is old, but he does not want to retire. Recently, his organizations were caught carrying out covert operations aimed at destabilizing Russia. We provide an interesting quote from the secret documentation of the Soros Open Society Foundation:
“Our goal is to join activities and players who will understand and will oppose Russian support for movements that defend traditional values... We cannot act openly: we are also involved in transferring money to other countries for political purposes.”
According to Butler, it was Soros who spread this “infection.” Soros wanted to bring down traditional Russian families. He wanted to turn Russia into a menagerie, using terms like “democracy” to mislead the masses.
So when Soros wrote last February that “Putin is a far greater danger to the future of Europe than ISIS,” he was following his diabolical plan, which is undeniably consistent with what the Khazarian Mafia and their minions have been doing for centuries. Neoconservatives like Commentary's Noah Rothman continue to spout ideological ballads about how "Russia is not your friend." Read carefully the words of Soros:
“US and EU leaders are making a terrible mistake in believing that President Vladimir Putin's Russia is a potential ally in the fight against IS. However, the evidence contradicts them. Putin’s goal is to help destroy the EU, and the best way to do this is to fill Europe with Syrian refugees.”
“Russian planes are bombing civilians in southern Syria, forcing them to flee to Jordan and Lebanon. There are currently 20,000 Syrian refugees waiting in camps to be allowed into Jordan."
Where is the evidence that Russian planes are deliberately bombing civilians? Well, the proof can be the words of George Soros himself. Everything he says becomes true. There is no need to conduct further investigation. No thorough checks are required. Soros is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. And if the evidence points to the contrary, then it should be rejected, not Soros' claims. If Russia is still fighting ISIS in Syria, then this is probably a lie, because Soros has not confirmed this information.
Soros has outwitted himself, and perhaps realized that today he is more vulnerable than ever, since he acts contrary to the dictates of practical reasons. In this case, he acts without any reason. He seeks to implement ideological dogmas and ignore the truth at any cost.
As already stated, George Soros has proven himself to be an agent of the New World Order by going after Russia, the only country that continues to destroy ISIS in Syria. ISIS is using chemical weapons in the region, but no one, not even Soros himself, has said a word about it.
Obviously, Russia was tired of Soros' actions and, in the end, banned his entry into the country. Putin called Soros and his organizations “a threat to Russia’s national security.” The Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, spoke in a similar vein. Frederick William Engdahl said in January that "George Soros, a hedge fund speculator, has become a self-proclaimed philanthropist, and his tax-exempt funds are an integral part of the war machine."

alternathistory in George Soros Killed? The untouchables are also mortal.

After all, Dragunov is a great prophet. But in essence:

George Soros, no last man in the world behind the scenes, was killed on November 19 - this news is spread by the English-language media.

It is interesting that in the official Russian media it is said that the billionaire’s brother died, and not he himself:

Soros died

Paul Soros, the older brother of billionaire George Soros, has died in New York at the age of 87. Reuters reports this with reference to his son.

Soros suffered from several serious illnesses, including cancer and Parkinson's disease.

Paul Soros became famous for his developments in the field of port systems for loading bulk materials. Its technologies are currently used in the ports of 91 countries.

In addition, Soros and his wife Daisy are the founders charitable foundation Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans, which works with immigrants to help them get an education and get a job.

However, the English-language media are spreading the news that it was George Soros, not the last person in the world behind the scenes, who died:

Benjamin Fulford: George Soros was killed by the White Hats community.

Information has arrived that George Soros is dead. This has already been discussed at the Pentagon meeting.

Soros was removed. One by one, all members of the Bush/Clinton crime syndicate have been purged.

6:30 AM Post by Benjamin Fulford last night:

"I just received this from my White Hat contact in DC who is with the Agency."

"The word is out that Soros is dead.

It is being discussed at the Pentagon as well. He was taken out. One by one the Bush/Clinton/crime syndicate is being removed. I will update you as I have more data".

"The word is out that Soros is dead. It is being discussed at the Pentagon as well. He was taken out. One by one the Bush/Clinton/crime syndicate is being removed. I will update you as I have more data." ~Benjamin Fulford 11/19/2016

Will there be a clarification or official information- we will find out over time.

As these companies "became more powerful, they began to become an obstacle to innovation and led to a host of problems that we are only now beginning to understand," he said.

Companies make their profits by exploiting the world around them. Mining and oil companies exploit physical nature; and social media companies exploit the social environment. And this is especially vile because these companies influence people's thoughts and behavior without them even realizing this influence. All this interferes with the normal functioning of democracy and the integrity of elections.

In this case, I would not like to talk at length about the motives that prompted George Soros to write this policy article. In my opinion, everything is more or less clear here: the oligarch is dissatisfied that companies richer than him are able to influence the election results in different countries. They act on their own or ordered American government plan and these plans, apparently, do not always coincide with Soros’s.

However, the article itself is undoubtedly very useful from the point of view of understanding the situation and the balance of power in the digital era. George Soros is angry, and therefore he is categorical and accurate in his conclusions and forecasts.

In particular, he warmly approves of the record 2.4 billion euro fine that the European Commission imposed on Google last summer for violating EU antitrust rules. The crux of the matter is that the American search engine, when asked about products, gave preference to its Google service Shopping.

Yandex, it seems to me, is doing the same thing here. But it would be stupid for the Antimonopoly Committee of the Russian Federation to fine it - the domestic search engine is still losing to the foreign one. There is clearly healthy protectionism at work here.

I will say more, despite my generally favorable attitude towards fair competition, for obvious reasons I give preference to Russian products, including in the field of IT technologies. Moreover, I admit, I doubt Google’s honesty.

This is what our and the American search engines return with the same request:

Of course, George Soros is right:

Social media companies are actually encouraging people to give up their autonomy. At the same time, the power to control people's attention is increasingly concentrated in the hands of a handful of companies. It takes considerable effort to gain and protect what John Stuart Mill called freedom of thought. But, once lost, it will be very difficult for those who grew up in the digital age to regain it.

All this could have far-reaching political consequences. People without freedom of thought can be easily manipulated. And this is not just a threat that looms somewhere in the future; she has already played an important role in presidential elections 2016 in the USA.

However, the great manipulator takes the problem aside. He sees frightening prospects in agreements “between authoritarian states and large, data-rich IT monopolies. This alliance combines nascent corporate oversight systems with established government oversight systems. The end result may well be a networked system of totalitarian control the likes of which even George Orwell could not have imagined.”

I must disappoint the oligarch: it has already appeared - the alliance between the United States and its IT monopolies has existed for a long time, it is strange that George Soros knows nothing about it. The United States, which has become a totalitarian Big Brother, has a unique, never-before-seen opportunity to vigilantly monitor not only its citizens, but the entire world, and even the leaders of its allies. Intelligence agencies help Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Google and other leaders of the American IT market in business development, and in gratitude they provide them with access to their servers and databases - this is known.

Of course, George Soros also downplays his own role in influencing politics in sovereign states. And, of course, the role of the United States in the same processes. Although any of us could always see, if not the technology, then, in any case, the result of this influence with our own eyes, it is enough to strain our brains a little.

I would never believe that the majority of Russian Google users, out of some fear, type “Putin died” into the search bar. However, in Yandex there is no such request at all.

I think you are also quite freedom-loving, and therefore distrustful, right?

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