Let them say yesterday's episode 16 02. Let them say - Glory? Lyosha? Or Sasha? (02/16/2017)

15-year-old Ksenia Vityazeva, a resident of the village of Sverdlovo, which is located in the Irkutsk region, wants to find out who the father of her baby, Vova’s son, is. Among the alleged fathers are at least three adult men who also live in Sverdlovo. They are 30-year-old Vyacheslav Pavlov, who works as a fireman, 25-year-old Alexander Sheptyakov, who is also a fireman, and 18-year-old Alexey Voloshin, a local college student. See Let them say - Glory? Lesha? Or Sasha? 02/16/2017

"IN this moment I don’t even know who the child’s father is: maybe Sasha, or maybe Slavik or Lyosha... I’d like to find out myself,” the 15-year-old heroine of this broadcast, Ksyusha Vityazeva, is in doubt. Each of the three men refuses to acknowledge paternity. Vyacheslav Pavlov: “I’m just shocked how I could even get into this whole mess.” Alexander Sheptyakov: “I was drunk, came to them in the evening and fell asleep with them. And I woke up in the morning and I don’t remember anything at all.” According to 18-year-old Alexei, the child’s father may be Alexander. The Let Them Talk program conducted its own DNA investigation. So who is the father of three-month-old Vova: Slava, Lyosha or Sasha?

Let them say - Glory? Lesha? Or Sasha?

15-year-old schoolgirl Ksyusha Vityazeva in the studio of the program Let Them Talk (broadcast “Slava? Lyosha? Or Sasha?”). The girl became pregnant when she was 14 years old. At that time she already had a boyfriend named Sasha...

— Sasha is 25 years old. I believe he is the child's father. When I told him about the pregnancy, he was very happy, but he was given a 3-year suspended sentence. We lived together, were expecting a child, then I gave birth. But then they decided to reconsider the case and then I told him that he might not be the father of my baby...

— One day a year ago, on February 14, I went to a disco with my friends. When I, Alya and Slava left the club, Slava bought beer and offered us a drink. We drank and went to Ali's sister. Lyosha was there. He began to hug me, climb on me, undress me. I began to resist and cry...When he did the deed, I cried. Slava came in and began to calm me down, and soon he himself began to pester me. In general, in an hour I was raped first by Lyosha, and then by Slava. I ran out into the street, and they followed me and began to tell me not to tell anyone about this, otherwise they would kill me.

Ksenia Vityazeva’s friend Alevtina Kirpichnikova unexpectedly refutes the words of the on-air heroine:

“There is not a word of truth in Ksyusha’s words!” On that day, February 14, there was no disco - it is open on Fridays. We were once best friends, I don't deny that. But when she started dating and living with Sasha, our communication stopped. We talked on the phone for a while, I supported her when she became pregnant and gave birth. I don’t understand why Ksyusha is slandering us now?

Ksenia’s mother Irina Vityazeva in the studio “Let them talk” (episode “Slava, Lesha or Sasha”):

— When she told me about the rape, of course I was shocked! I still can't believe it. Are they missing adult women? Why did they climb on her? She even wanted to poison herself with pills!

Let them say: Ksenia Vityazeva. Slava, Lyosha or Sasha?

All the participants in this story came to the talk show “Let Them Talk,” including the men who, according to Ksyusha Vityazeva, raped her a year ago.

30-year-old Vyacheslav Pavlov:

“First of all, I didn’t even meet them that day. I was visiting Ksenia’s parents - I went to their house along with mutual friends. I don’t even know where this girl was at that moment.

The aunt of 25-year-old Alexander Sheptyakov confirms the man’s words:

- I am the wife of Irina’s brother - Ksenia’s mother. Yes, we visited them on February 14 and Alexander was with us. Ksyusha’s mother was drunk, so she doesn’t remember anything. They always drank there...

18-year-old Alexey Voloshin:

— On February 14, the club was closed. That day I was at school, went to the store and went to the village of Sverdlovo to visit a friend and stayed with her there. I don’t know what Ksyusha came up with there. She often sent me cards and valentines. I ignored her and threw it all into the stove.

A 15-year-old resident of the village of Sverdlovo, Irkutsk region, wants to understand from whom she gave birth to her son Vova, who is already three months old. The alleged fathers include three adult men - 30-year-old fireman Vyacheslav Pavlov, 25-year-old fireman Aleksand Sheptyakov and 18-year-old local college student Alexey Voloshin. Since all three do not recognize paternity, Channel One will conduct its own examination.

They say that “words cannot help matters,” but the “Let Them Talk” program refutes this. Real, true stories people are hurt more than pretentious arguments on common topics, because by bringing up a private problem of an individual for discussion, separate family, we are talking about what worries everyone without exception. Let them say the last one today's episode watch online.
In this studio, stories are discussed that are impossible to remain silent about: by bringing up for discussion the private problem of an individual, an individual family, we talk about what worries everyone without exception.

Genre: TV show
Year of issue: 2017
Released: Russia, Channel One
Leading: Andrei Malakhov

Published: February 17, 2017 at 11:31 am

On February 16, the “Let Them Talk” program aired on Channel One, which discussed the situation of Ksenia Vityazeva, a resident of the Irkutsk region, who became a mother at the age of 15.

15 year old schoolgirl a resident of the village of Sverdlovo, at the beginning of the program, stated that she did not know who the father of her child was.

Three months ago, Ksenia gave birth to a boy. Among the alleged fathers were three men: 30-year-old fireman Vyacheslav, 25-year-old fireman Alexander, and 18-year-old local college student Alexey.

The girl said that she met and lived with 25-year-old Alexander, who supported her in her intention to give birth and recognized paternity. However, when it became known that the man was facing imprisonment for seducing a minor, Ksenia stated that she was raped after a disco by Alexey and Vyacheslav. Thus, they could also become the father of her son.

The “Let Them Talk” program conducted its own independent examination; for this, all three men took tests for a DNA test.

At the end of the program it turned out that the father of Ksenia’s child is 25-year-old Alexander, and it turns out that the girl did not doubt it, but made up the rape story.

By the way, State Duma deputy from the Irkutsk region Alexey Krasnoshtanov took part in the program and supported the girl. He noted that he plans to visit the schoolgirl’s family and, if necessary, make a parliamentary request for an inspection.

This was the only way she could prove to her boyfriend that the child was his. The story of a 15-year-old schoolgirl from the Ekhirit-Bulagatsky district of the Irkutsk region became the topic of the next episode of the program “Let Them Talk” with Andrei Malakhov. Three months ago the girl gave birth to a child. On Channel One they figured out who his father was. It turned out that the schoolgirl made up a story about double rape in order to pass a paternity test in the program " Let them talk"According to her, this was the only way she could prove to 25-year-old Alexander that he was the father of 3-month-old Vova. This was reported by IrkutskMedia news agency.

On February 16, Channel One aired the program “Let Them Talk” about a 15-year-old resident of the village of Sverdlovo, Ksenia V. She did not know from whom she gave birth to her son Vova, who is already 3 months old. The alleged fathers include three village residents - 30-year-old fireman Vyacheslav, 25-year-old fireman Alexander, and 18-year-old local college student Alexey. The schoolgirl herself was dating a 25-year-old guy. He admitted paternity and received a 3-year suspended sentence, but later changed his mind. All three passed a DNA test.

According to Ksenia, the incident occurred after a children's disco in the Kolos recreation center on February 14, 2016.

"The three of us left the club - me, Alya and Slava. We went towards the gazebo. Slava bought us beer and offered us a drink. We drank a little and went to Alena's sister Ira's home. When we sat down at the table, Lesha came in. He began to hug, climb, and I took it all for a joke. I thought he was being a fool, and when he started to undress, I already realized that this was not a joke, I started kicking and crying so that he would let me go,” Ksenia said.

The girl reported that Alexey raped her. Then Vyacheslav came and began to calm her down, but then he began to pester the girl and also raped her. Both young men were drunk.

State Duma deputy from the Irkutsk region Alexey Krasnoshtanov took part in the filming of the program. He supported the girl in her decision to talk about the situation.

“We must all understand that the girl decided to talk about herself, defending her man, who had the courage to live with her. She was afraid that they would open a case and the man (father) could be imprisoned. She went public, not everything is like that in the village simple,” noted Alexey Krasnoshtanov.

Before opening the envelopes, the deputy addressed the schoolgirl.

“Ksyusha, no matter what the result is, tomorrow all three of them will turn their backs on you, we will help you in Irkutsk, honestly. We won’t forget you,” the deputy said.

All the men refused to acknowledge paternity, so the “Let Them Talk” program conducted its own independent examination. At the end of the program, it turned out that the father of the child is 25-year-old Alexander. Andrei Malakhov asked Alexey Krasnoshtanov to make a deputy request and understand the situation.

After that, her 18-year-old friend Alya approached the girl, who denied the girl’s story. Later, Ksenia admitted that she had made up the story to conduct a paternity test. In her opinion, this was the only way she could prove to Alexander that the child was his.

“He didn’t believe me, and that’s why I made up a story about rape in order to go on the show and do a test for free. Now I’ll be imprisoned for libel...,” said Ksenia.

The talk show guests agreed that the schoolgirl now needs moral support and psychological help.

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