Ptah (Rapper) - Biography, personal life, Guf battle, photo, listen. Ptakha (Rapper) - Biography, personal life, Guf battle, photo, listen Ptakha’s childhood and adolescence

David Nuriev was born on June 10, 1981 in Baku. At the age of 9 he was forced to move to Moscow due to the war in Azerbaijan [source not specified 236 days]. The song “Rubies” from the album “Old Secrets” is dedicated to the events of those days.
Musical career[edit]

He began his hip-hop journey in 1996 with Bury and Screw in the group “B.J.D.” under the command of Master Spencer. After a while to "B.J.D." The Beast joins and the group changes its name to "Les Misérables". In 2001, the group’s first album, entitled “Archive,” was released, included in the line of releases from Master Spensor as “Music of the Streets 4”; in the same year, Ptah left the group. In 2004, the second album was released, called “13 Warriors,” which included the song “Happiness” with a previously recorded verse by Ptah. This last album group "Les Miserables", where you can hear the voice of David.

After leaving Les Misérables, Ptah begins to record his first solo tracks; in 2006, the first album entitled “Trace of Emptiness” was announced. Over time, songs from there appear on the Internet: “Thoughts”, “Cat”, “Autumn”, “Genocide”, “They”, “The Road Home”, “Orphan”. The track “Confession” planned for the album is later released on the album Swing of the group “CENTR”. As you know, the album was never completed and was not released.

On October 25, 2007, Ptah, together with Guf and Slim as part of the group “CENTR”, released an album called “Swing”. "CENTR" immediately becomes popular in Russia and the CIS. For the song “City of Roads,” the group won the MTV Russia Music Awards 2008 in the “Best Hip-Hop Project” category.

On October 23, 2008, the second album of the group “CENTR” - “Ether is Normal” - was released.
In the summer of 2009, Guf left the team.

On October 29, 2009, Ptakhi’s first solo work was released - the album “About Nothing”.
On August 31, 2010, David’s second album, “Cigarettes,” was released, this time under the pseudonym Zanuda. On the back front of the inside cover there is a picture indicating the collapse of the CENTR group. The exact same tattoo is depicted on Ptah.

On November 26, 2010, the video clip “Old Secrets” was released, directed by Maria Boldyreva, filmed in Ptah’s old apartment on Yakimanka, in the house where the maple tree repeatedly mentioned in the texts grew.

On June 12, 2011, at a concert in honor of David’s birthday, “Zanuda 30”, the video “Nothing to Share” was presented, in which Zanuda himself and Smoke, representing “TsAO Records” and Moscow, as well as 9 Gramm, Gipsy King and Bugz, participated , representing Bustazz Records and Yekaterinburg. Later, Gipsy King moves to Moscow and, together with Bore and Tato, organizes the experimental project “Three Whales”.

On November 3, 2011, a joint album of the groups “Legends about ...” and “CENTR” was released under the name “Legends about ... CENTR”.

On June 15, 2012, Ptah organizes another concert in honor of his birthday - “Anniversary +1”. This event was also covered on television.

On September 26, 2012, the song “Black Raven” was released as a promotion for the new album. On October 29, another promo appears online, which will be included on the album - the song “Myth” performed together with colleagues from the Kazan branch of the label “TsAO Rec.”, Doc and Musa. On November 7, a video for this song was published.

In an interview for Hip Hop Hit, published around the end of October 2012, David answered some questions. From there you can find out that there will be no skits on the new album - there will be poems to the music, “it’s like rap, just done differently.” A video will soon be shot for one of these, “Milkiway”. As the author of the poem notes, “It would be unusual to see something like this from me.” From the interview you can also find out what “Old Secrets” will be like and about. Ptah described it this way: serious, more mature than “Cigarettes,” “autumn-winter.” Its content will be a “mix” of everything that David has lived for 31 years: songs will be about religion, love, drugs, betrayal, wrong actions... The album will show what is going on in the rapper’s head, and, as he said, “Old secrets "will be a certain point in the development stage of CENTR, TsAO and solo career David as Bird... This will be the point that I will probably put... People who listen to this album, in theory, they will understand, well, what is going on in my head. Those. there I want to show exactly why I do this, why I speak this way in interviews, well, exactly, as if about myself. Further because I will go in a different direction, not into pop, but simply into a different direction of music.

On November 29, 2012, the front cover and track list of David's third album were published. On December 12, an album sampler is published. The third one comes out on December 21, 2012. solo album Birds "Old secrets".
"Three Whales"[edit]

First information about the upcoming experimental creative union Birds, Tato and Gypsy Kinga appeared back in September 2011, when their first working video was released. Gradually, the guys moved from the idea of ​​a joint EP to writing a full-fledged album. Subsequently, several working videos, promotional tracks, and a video for the song “Snow” were released. On March 26, the track list, sampler and album cover were presented

On May 22, 2012, the official Internet release of the album “Three Whales” took place on the Yandex Music service. On June 23, 2012, CDs went on sale. The presentation was held on August 23 in Moscow at the 16 Tons club.

The album Three Cats 2 is planned for release, as well as Fitova and Gunpowder. As a promotion for Fitovoy, such records as “Not Fresh” and “Spices” were released.
Film career[edit]

In 2006, David Nuriev was noticed by cinematographer Rezo Gigineishvili, who invited him to star in the film “HEAT”. Bird agreed, he played the role of a new guy (more precisely, a husband) ex-girlfriend one of the main characters. He liked this role, David was similar to his character: in the film he needs to help the adventurer Denis in a scam and hit one of the main characters.

David also helped with the soundtrack: in addition to the songs of Timati and the group “VIP77”, the group “CENTR”, of which David was a member, also wrote songs for the film. Rezo was amazed when he learned that David was a rapper and that he and Guf were in the same group. Rezo was very happy and asked Ptakha and the CENTR group to write the soundtrack for the film. So, in the radio of Konstantin Kryukov’s car, the song “Heat 77” performed by the group “CENTR” was playing, in particular Guf’s verse. Gigienishvili also shot a video for the song of the group “CENTR” and Basta - “City of Roads”.

During the filming of the film, he met Maria Kurkova, who in the film is the ex-girlfriend of Alexei Chadov. Subsequently, Mary began to date David.

Ptah also met Timati, but they did not become friends. Ptah repeatedly noted Timati in the songs of the group “CENTR” - in the soundtrack “Heat 77” and in “Near the Club”, but the rappers did not dislike each other.

The second time Ptah starred in 2008 - in the film of Fyodor Bondarchuk, whom he already knew from the filming of the film “HEAT”. It was a film adaptation of the novel by the Strugatsky brothers - “Inhabited Island”. Bondarchuk didn’t think long about who to invite to play the cameo role of an adjutant - he invited Ptakhu. So Ptah played the adjutant-protocol officer who was present during the interrogation of the terrorists.

In 2009, before the collapse of the CENTR group, Ptah said that he would make a film about Russian rap, possibly with Slim and Basta.

Ptah (Rapper) who is this?

Real name— David Nuriev

Nickname— Bird a.k.a Bore

Hometown- Baku, Azerbaijan

Activity— Rapper

Nationality— Azerbaijani

David Nuriev, better known as Ptah - Russian rapper, Azerbaijani origin, gained great popularity thanks to his participation in the rap group Center.

Ptah's childhood and adolescence

David Nuriev, whom many fans of the Russian rap scene know under such creative pseudonyms as Ptah and Zanuda, was born on June 10, 1981. In 1990, when the military conflict began in Nagorno-Karabakh, the family of the future musician had to urgently leave the scene of hostilities and move to Russia, or more precisely, to Moscow. In the future, rapper Ptah will write a song about that period of time called “Rubies”, which will be included in the album “Old Secrets”.

From early biography practically nothing is known about the singer. All that is known is that he early years I was interested in hip-hop culture. He drew inspiration for his work from watching American films about criminal and mafia clans of the 30s. And also news from the media about modern gangster wars, which thundered throughout Russia in the 90s. The young singer took his first stage name after watching the film “Above the Ring.” Friends and acquaintances noted that Tupac Shakur's character looked similar to David, and began to call him Bird.

Films telling about mafia clans and the US underworld did not correctly formulate the concepts of good and evil in David Nureyev’s worldview. As the musician himself said, in teenage years He was distinguished among his peers by his hooligan behavior, and instead of studying, he was fond of drinking alcoholic beverages in the company of the same tomboys as he.

Who knows how the life of the future rapper would have ended, but in 1996, fate brought David Nuriev together with famous representatives of the Russian rap scene Bury and Shurup. The love for street art united young people, and they decided to create Music band, called "BJD". Soon MC Beast joined the company, and it was decided to change the sign. So the group received a new name - “Les Miserables”.

The first studio album of the rap group, entitled “Archive,” was released in 2001 in a small edition. But despite this, he created a real bombshell effect among fans of rap music. After this, Ptah decides to leave the musical group and move on independently.

Bird the rapper

In 2006, director Rezo Gigineishvili invited the young rap artist to work together on the filming of the film “Heat”. Having starred in one of minor roles, he also co-authored the soundtracks for the film, working on them together with the rap groups “Center”, Vip777 and rapper Timati.

Exactly a year later, Ptah’s solo album, entitled “Trace of Emptiness,” appears, but this one goes on sale music collection never got there. In parallel with this there was collaboration on various projects with such rap artists as, Slim, “Center”.

At the end of October of the same year, as part of the group Centr, Ptah recorded the musical collection “Swing”. Many compositions from this album are loved by connoisseurs of the Russian rap movement.

Slim and Ptaha group Center

In 2008, David Nuriev, together with rap artist Slim, was working on a recording piece of music"About love". The song's poignant lyrics really touched on one's self-esteem famous representatives Russian stage, such as Drago, Steam and Seryoga. A little later in the interview, the young musicians stated that the song “About Love” became a manifesto of the struggle against the way rappers Basta, Noise and Kasta are insulted. Drago decided to answer, and recorded his answer, affecting not only Bird and Slim, but also all fans of their work, declaring that only those who use them can sing about drugs.

At the end of 2008, the Centr group released their second studio album, entitled “Ether Normal.” In 2009, Ptah decides to leave the musical group and go on a solo journey again. In October of the same year, Ptakhi’s solo album, “About Nothing,” was released, in which one could read that without more group Centr and rapper Ptah. So David Nuriev decides to take a new stage name for himself - “Bore”.

In 2010, the rap artist, under a new stage name, released his first solo album, called “Cigarettes”, a number of works from which were filmed music videos. In November of the same year, fans of the Russian rap scene learned about the release of a video from Zanuda, called “Old Secrets.”

In mid-summer 2011, rapper Ptah collaborated with rap artists Dym, 9 Gram, Gipsy King and Bugz. The result of the collaboration was the composition “Nothing to Share.” Later, the Gipsy King group proposes to create a joint project with David Nuriev, called “Three Whales”. The plans of the new team were to record a mini-album. But the result of the work was a full-fledged music collection.

At the end of spring 2013, rappers Shoka and Ptah worked together to record a video clip for the song “On Interest”. A year later, David Nuriev released a new solo music collection, “On the Bottoms,” and a year later, “Fitovaya.”

In 2016, Ptakhi’s next musical collection, entitled “Body”, saw the light of day, which included 18 compositions. As the singer stated, he liked only five of them.

Bird's personal life

The rapper tries not to talk about his personal life. Despite the fact that journalists found out that the young man is married and has a child, the details remain a secret. Ptah's first wife was an ordinary girl named Karina, who had nothing to do with rap culture. The young people met at one of the parties. The lovers did not delay too much, and after two months they began to live together. In 1999, it became known that the young people became the happy parents of the girl Nicole. But family life did not last long, as too many claims accumulated

Bird’s second lover was film actress Maria Kurkova, whom he met while working on the film “Heat.” Due to constant concert tours, the couple in love saw each other very rarely. Soon the rapper and actress realized that they could not be together and quietly broke up, without any complaints against each other.

The musician’s third lover was a model from Orenburg. A charming blonde named Lana Reutova wanted to marry Ptah and officially become his wife.

Birdie now

In the spring of 2017, the video clip “Freedom 2.017” was released, which negatively addressed Navalny’s protest movements. As a result, the politician accused Ptah of Kremlin propaganda. On Twitter, David Nuriev ridiculed the fantasies of Alexei Navalny.

Bird Freedom 2.017

Bird and Guf battle

Organizer on row pages social networks stated that he was ready to organize a verbal duel between the rappers and Ptah. As stated, filming of the fight will take place in January 2018, and as a result of the project, the musicians will receive considerable monetary reward. Later it became known that the rap battle had been postponed, approximately to February 2018.

History of the conflict between former friends goes back many years. As a result, it was decided to settle the dispute through a rap duel. The initiator of the verbal battle was Ptah, who called for a battle on September 19, 2017.

Bird called Guf

A former member of the groups “Les Miserables” and “Center”, rap artist David Nuriev is known to fans of the hip-hop industry by the pseudonyms Ptah and Bore. One of the founders of the music recording label “TsAO Records,” which was dissolved in February 2017, was loved by listeners for his ability to find poetry of the highest order in the gray realities of everyday life.

Childhood and youth

David Nuriev was born on June 10, 1981. When the future rapper turned 9 years old, his family left their native land due to the Karabakh conflict (the song “Rubies” from the album “Old Secrets” is dedicated to the events of those days) and moved from the sunny capital of Azerbaijan to Moscow.

From the biography of the famous musician it is known that Nuriev and youth showed interest in hip-hop. The young lover of recitative music found inspiration for writing lyrics, samples and beats in American films about gangsters. Few people know, but David’s first stage name appeared after the release of director Jeff Pollack’s film Above the Ring. Noticing that Nuriev’s taste preferences in clothing and demeanor are similar to the rapper’s character, Ptashka, the performer’s friends awarded him the sonorous nickname Ptah.

Films in which street brawls and parties occupied a dominant place gave David the wrong ideas about good and evil. According to the performer himself, in his youth he was a real hooligan. Nuriev did not appear at home for days, and preferred idle time with friends and alcohol to lessons at school.

It is unknown how all this would have ended if in 1996 he had not met the rappers Bury and Screw. The love for “street music” was the reason why the guys organized the “BJD” group. After MC Beast joined the group, like-minded people changed the name of the rap team to “Les Miserables”. David collaborated with this team for five years.

In 2001, the first album of Les Misérables, Archive, was released. Despite its small circulation, the record created a real sensation among fans of the hip-hop underground. After the release, Nuriev decided to leave the group. 3 years later, “Les Misérables” released an album called “13 Warriors”. In the chorus of the song “Happiness” the voice of the Bird can be clearly heard. This is due to the fact that the track was recorded before David left.


After leaving Les Misérables, Ptah began recording solo tracks. In 2006, he invited him to star in the film “Heat.” In the film, David played the husband of the ex-girlfriend of one of the main characters and, together with the groups “Center”, Vip777 and the rapper, wrote the soundtrack for the film.

In 2007, Nuriev created an album called “Trace of Emptiness.” The track list of the album includes the songs “Thoughts”, “Cat”, “Autumn”, “Genocide”, “They”, “What We Can Do”, “Legends” and “It’s Not Too Late”. True, this work never hit the shelves. The rapper also participated in the recording of songs (“Clap-Clap”, “Muddy Muddy”) and “Idefix” (“Buy”, “Childhood”). At the same time talented musician joined the hip-hop project of Guf, Slim and Princip "Center" (in further group changed its name to Centr).

On October 25, 2007, Ptah, as part of the Centr group, released an album called “Swing”. The compositions “Heat 77”, “Near the Club”, “Iron Sky”, “Winter”, “Nurses”, “Slides” and “City of Roads” were especially loved by listeners.

In 2008, the release of the track “About Love”, recorded together with Slim, took place, in which the musicians touched upon the pride of the performers Drago, Steam and. The rappers explained that they were tired of listening to insults and disses aside, and Caste, and that their composition was a kind of response to spiteful critics. Drago did not remain silent and recorded a response diss track “In the Center”, in which he affected not only the participants, but also the audience, saying that only people who know a lot about drugs can listen to songs about drugs.

At the end of the year, Centr releases its second album, “Ether is Normal.” A year after the release, Guf left the group. In October, Ptakha presented his solo album “About Nothing” to listeners and stated that without Guf there is no “Center” and Ptakha. After this, the rapper took a second pseudonym - Bore - and began working on a new project.

In August 2010, the album “Cigarettes” was released. Videos were shot for the songs “Otkhodos”, “On Betrayal”, “Cigarettes”, “Tangerines” and “Intro”. On the front cover of the record there was an image of the collapse of the Centr group. Bird got the same tattoo on his shin. In November of the same year, the video “Old Secrets” was released.

In June 2011, listeners were presented with the song “Nothing to Share,” in the recording of which, in addition to the representatives of TsAO Records and Moscow, Bored and Smoke, the rappers 9 Gramm, Gipsy King and Bugz, representing Bustazz Records and Yekaterinburg, participated. Later, Gipsy King moved to Moscow and organized, together with David and Tato, the experimental project “Three Whales”. The group abandoned the idea of ​​​​creating a mini-record and wrote a full-length album. After the release of the “Snow” video, a new CD was released (May 22, 2012).

At the end of November 2012, David released the cover and track list for the new album “Old Secrets”, which was released on December 21. Videos were shot for the songs “Old Secrets”, “I Will Not Forget”, “Myth”, “First Word” and “My Basis”. The singer took part in the recording of the single “Smoke into the Clouds”.

In May 2013, a joint work between Shock and Ptakhi was released - a video called “For Interest.” Then work began on a new album. In September of the same year in his "Twitter" David said that he plans to release separately the album “On the Bottoms” and the mini-album “Fitova”. The work “On the Bottoms” appeared on the shelves seven months later, and “Fitova” - in 2015.

In 2016, the album “Bodriy” was released, the track list of which included 18 fresh compositions. According to the singer, of the variety of tracks released, the songs “Time”, “Former”, “Freedom”, “The Same One” and “Love Closer” (the second title is “Closer to You”) are especially dear to him.

Personal life

The representative of the hip-hop industry has never talked much about his personal life. Despite the fact that the master of recitative was officially married and has a child, there is very little information on the Internet regarding his life outside the stage. The performer's first wife was Karina. The girl was a non-media personality and had nothing to do with rap culture. The young people met at a party after Nureyev’s concert.

The couple did not have a candy-bouquet period. They very quickly began to live together and after a couple of months they decided to have a child. In 1999, David and Karina became the parents of a beautiful daughter, Nicole. In honor of the birth of the baby, the rapper wrote the song “Nika - you are my victory,” which he still sings at concerts to this day. After the wedding, discord began in the couple. According to the singer, the end to their relationship was reached after frank conversation, in which it turned out that the spouses had repeatedly cheated on each other.

The rapper’s second lover was theater and film actress Maria Kurkova, whom David met on the set of the film “Heat.” Due to a series of endless tours, the young people practically did not see each other. Masha quickly realized that she and Nuriev had different priorities: she wanted children and quiet life, and he dreamed of creating, constantly being on the move and being not only heard by everyone, but also visible. The young people separated without scandals or complaints.

Bird and future wife Lana Reutova

The singer’s third chosen one was the model from Orenburg Lana Reutova. In the near future, the charming blonde and the singer of the song “Autumn” plan to legalize their relationship.

Birdie now

In April 2017, Ptah posted a video clip online for the song “Freedom 2.017,” in which he spoke unflatteringly about the participants in the March protests. A few weeks later, the singer’s video clip with a similar meaning (the song “Baby”) premiered. The politician accused both of being paid by the Kremlin for these tracks. After this, Nuriev on his page in "Instagram", where the rapper regularly posts photos and videos from concerts and backstage, published a post refuting the politician’s words.

Also this year, the video for the title track of the upcoming RP “For Repose” was released. On the “Evening Breakfast” show on the “Russian Style Music” channel, the rapper spoke about the format of the record he is currently working hard on, and shared his opinion on the increasingly popular “Versus Battle” project.


  • 2007 – “Trace of Emptiness”
  • 2009 – “About Nothing”
  • 2010 – “Cigarettes”
  • 2012 – “Old secrets”
  • 2014 – “Through the Bottoms”
  • 2015 – “Fit”
  • 2016 – “Cheerful”
  • 2017 – “For the Repose”
Rapper Ptah (real name David Nuriev) - Russian performer hip-hop lyricist and actor. Also known under the pseudonyms Bored and Rook. Member of the groups “Three Whales”, “Les Miserables”, “CENTR”.

early years

David Borisovich Nuriev, known in wide circles as rapper Ptah, was born in Baku on June 3, 1981. His father has Armenian roots, and his mother is a purebred Azerbaijani. When the boy was nine years old, his family was forced to move to Moscow due to the Karabakh conflict.

After David turned 13, he became seriously interested in rap and hip-hop culture. Soon he came up with his pseudonym - Ptah, which he took after leaving cult film Tupac Shakur's "Above the Ring", in which the main character was named Birdie (which can be translated from English as "Birdy").

David grew up a difficult child- He often skipped school, preferring instead of boring lessons to spend time drinking alcohol, which often ended in fights. Everything changed when, in the 9th grade, he met his peers Shurup and Bury, also aspiring rappers. They became friends and decided to start their own group called “BJD”. Soon the friends found a fourth member - MC Beast, and renamed themselves the group “Les Miserables”. Rapper Ptah collaborated with them for five years, until 2001.

Music career

In 2001, the first album of Les Misérables, Archive, was released. Soon after this, rapper Ptah left the team and began to actively engage in solo career. In 2006, his collection “Trace of Emptiness” was released, which included many of the musician’s hits, including the tracks “Autumn”, “Legends”, “Cat” and “About Love”.

At the same time, the young musician received an invitation from director Rezo Gigineishvili to appear in the film “Heat”. Shared with others Russian figures hip-hop (Timati, Basta, DJ Smash, etc.) Ptah wrote the soundtrack for this film and also played a minor role.

In the fall of 2007, David announced his entry into the Centr association, which already included musicians Princip, Guf and Slim. Soon after this, they released a joint album, “Swing,” which gained wide popularity among rap fans in Russia and the CIS. One of the compositions in the collection, “City of Roads,” won the 2008 MTV Russia Music Awards in the category “Best Hip-Hop Project.”

CENTR – City of Roads (ft. Basta)

Came out a year later new album Centr entitled “Ether is Normal”, Ptah also played a small role as an adjutant-protocol officer in “ Inhabited island"Fyodor Bondarchuk. His character appeared in the scene with the interrogation of terrorists.

In 2009, Guf left the team, and Ptah released his solo work “About Nothing” under his new pseudonym Bore. In support of the collection, 6 video clips were shot with the participation of Vitya AK, Basta, Tati, Strizh and other Russian hip-hop artists.

“Solo Life” - a film about Ptah

In 2011, Ptah, together with rappers Tato and Gipsy King, founded the group “Three Whales”. Soon they released a video clip for the track “Snow”, and a year later their first album was released. In addition to working with new group, David continued to release solo works - in 2012 his collection “Old Secrets” was released, and in 2013 - the album “On the Bottoms”.

We just made rappers respect, and then either boys or girls appear. I don't like this trend. Men become effeminate. Rap was a man's music, now it's an incomprehensible music.

In 2016, Ptakhi released the album “Bodriy”, which included 16 new songs.

Personal life of Ptah

Rapper Ptah does not like to share details about his personal life, so almost nothing is known about her. In one of the interviews, he admitted that he lost his virginity at the age of 13 with a girl, Vika, who was three years older. Ptah's first wife's name was Karina. They met in the company of mutual friends.

"She was vertically challenged, but always commanded. Such a badass,” the performer recalled.

The lovers got married and decided to have a child - and thus their daughter Nika was born. But after a year of marriage, the couple separated.
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