Prose about ecology for children. Valentin Rasputin "Farewell to Matera"

Ecology in the works of modern writers

“We cannot allow people to direct towards their own destruction those forces of nature that they were able to open and conquer."

The modern writer V. Rasputin argued: “To talk about ecology today means to talk not about changing life, but about saving it.” Unfortunately, the state of our ecology is very catastrophic. This is manifested in the impoverishment of flora and fauna. Further, the author says that “a gradual adaptation to danger occurs,” that is, the person does not notice how serious the current situation is. Let us recall the problem associated with the Aral Sea. The bottom of the Aral Sea has become so exposed that the shores from the sea ports are tens of kilometers away. The climate changed very sharply, and animals became extinct. All these troubles greatly affected the lives of people living in the Aral Sea. Over the past two decades, the Aral Sea has lost half of its volume and more than a third of its area. The exposed bottom of a huge area turned into a desert, which became known as Aralkum. In addition, the Aral Sea contains millions of tons of toxic salts. This problem cannot but worry people. In the eighties, expeditions were organized to solve the problems and causes of the death of the Aral Sea. Doctors, scientists, writers reflected and studied the materials of these expeditions.

V. Rasputin in the article “In the fate of nature is our fate” reflects on the relationship between man and the environment. “Today there is no need to guess “whose groan is heard over the great Russian river.” It is the Volga itself that is groaning, dug up length and breadth, spanned by hydroelectric dams,” the author writes. Looking at the Volga, you especially understand the price of our civilization, that is, the benefits that man has created for himself. It seems that everything that was possible has been defeated, even the future of humanity.

The problem of the relationship between man and the environment is also raised by the modern writer Ch. Aitmatov in his work “The Scaffold”. He showed how man destroys the colorful world of nature with his own hands.

The novel begins with a description of the life of a wolf pack that lives quietly before the appearance of man. He literally demolishes and destroys everything in his path, without thinking about the surrounding nature. The reason for such cruelty was simply difficulties with the meat delivery plan. People mocked the saigas: “The fear reached such proportions that the she-wolf Akbara, deaf from the gunshots, thought that the whole world had gone deaf, and the sun itself was also rushing about and looking for salvation...” In this tragedy, Akbara’s children die, but this is her grief doesn't end. Further, the author writes that people started a fire in which five more Akbara wolf cubs died. For the sake of their own goals, people could “gut the globe like a pumpkin,” not suspecting that nature would also take revenge on them sooner or later. A lone wolf is drawn to people, wants to transfer her maternal love to a human child. It turned into a tragedy, but this time for the people. A man, in a fit of fear and hatred of the she-wolf’s incomprehensible behavior, shoots at her, but ends up hitting his own son.

This example speaks of the barbaric attitude of people towards nature, towards everything that surrounds us. I wish there were more caring and kind people in our lives.

Academician D. Likhachev wrote: “Humanity spends billions not only to avoid suffocation and death, but also to preserve the nature around us.” Of course, everyone is well aware of the healing power of nature. I think that a person should become its master, its protector, and its intelligent transformer. A beloved leisurely river, a birch grove, a restless bird world... We will not harm them, but will try to protect them.

In this century, man is actively interfering with the natural processes of the Earth’s shells: extracting millions of tons of minerals, destroying thousands of hectares of forest, polluting the waters of seas and rivers, and releasing toxic substances into the atmosphere. One of the most important environmental problems of the century has been water pollution. A sharp deterioration in the quality of water in rivers and lakes cannot and will not affect human health, especially in areas with dense populations. The environmental consequences of accidents at nuclear power plants are sad. The echo of Chernobyl swept across the entire European part of Russia, and will affect people’s health for a long time.

Thus, as a result of economic activities, people cause great damage to nature, and at the same time to their health. How then can a person build his relationship with nature? Each person in his activities must treat every living thing on Earth with care, not alienate himself from nature, not strive to rise above it, but remember that he is part of it.

We offer quotes about nature. They were collected in the card index of wise thoughts maintained by our library. These sayings and poems were selected from various magazines and newspapers, as well as from Internet resources. Quotes are arranged alphabetically by author.

Everything is good in nature, but water is the beauty of all nature. S.T. Aksakov

“To live you need sun, freedom and small flower». H.K. A Anderson

Man is unhappy only because he does not know nature Holbach Paul Henri

“When visiting nature, do not do anything that you would consider indecent to do while visiting.” Armand David Lvovich(Russian geographer).

Man, of course, is the master of nature, but not in the sense of its exploiter, but as one who understands it and bears the moral responsibility for preserving and improving in it (and, consequently, in himself) everything living and beautiful. A.S. Arsenyev

Education only develops a person’s moral powers, but does not give them: nature gives them to a person.V.G. Belinsky

The higher the genius of the poet, the deeper and more extensive he understands nature and the more great success presents it to us in relation to life. Vissarion Belinsky

In every person, nature grows either as grains or as weeds; let him water the first in a timely manner and destroy the second. Francis Bacon

The easiest way to subjugate nature is to obey it. F. Bacon

Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet! V. Berestov

Man can develop only in contact with nature, and not in spite of it. V. Bianchi

The whole huge world around me, above me and below me is full of unknown secrets. I will open them all my life because it is the most exciting thing in the world. V. Bianchi

A person must draw rules for his behavior from nature if he wants to be completely happy. Buast Pierre

Nature is not for everyone
He lifts his secret veil.
We still read in it.
But who, reading, understands? D. Venevitinov

Humanity can no longer spontaneously build its history, but must coordinate it with the laws of the biosphere, from which man is inseparable. Humanity on Earth and the living and inanimate nature surrounding it constitute something united, living according to the general laws of nature. IN AND. Vernadsky

Man made a huge mistake when he imagined that he could separate himself from nature and ignore its laws. IN AND. Vernadsky

The good of people and peace on Earth, the safety of the planet and the triumph of the “kingdom of reason” is the business of everyone. IN AND. Vernadsky

Nature is like a cloud: it constantly changes, while remaining itself. – V.I. Vernadsky. IN AND. Vernadsky

The more we take from the world, the less we leave in it, and we will end up having to pay our debts at the very moment that may not be suitable for ensuring the continuation of our lives. Wiener

Water has been given the magical power to become the juice of life on earth. Leonardo da Vinci

Nature has taken care of everything so much that everywhere you find something to learn. Leonardo da Vinci

In nature, everything is wisely thought out and arranged, everyone should mind their own business, and in this wisdom lies the highest justice of life. Leonardo da Vinci

The book of nature is an inexhaustible source of knowledge for man. Voltaire

Motherhood cannot be taken from the Earth,

You can’t take it away, just like you can’t scoop up the sea. V. Vysotsky

When I contemplate the wonders of a sunset or the grace of the sea, my soul bows in awe of the Creator. Mahatma Gandhi

Nature is the best of books written in special language. This language needs to be learned. Garin N. (Garin-Mikhailovsky)

“I picked a flower and it withered.

I caught a moth -

And he died in my palm.

And then I realized

What to touch beauty

You can only do it with your heart." Gvezdoslav Pavol (1849-1921) – Slovak poet .

Traveling, observing nature, capturing its secrets and admiring this happiness means living. F. Gebler

Man will not become master of nature until he has become master of himself. Georg Hegel

How great artist, nature knows how to achieve great effects with small means. G. Heine

Nature never makes mistakes; if she produces a fool, it means she wants it. Heine Show

Herzen A.I.

Nature cannot contradict man unless man contradicts its laws... A.I. Herzen

Great things are done with great means. Nature alone does great things for nothing. A.I. Herzen

All the aspirations and efforts of nature are completed by man; They strive towards it, they fall into it, like into the ocean. A.I. Herzen

In nature, nothing arises instantly and nothing comes into light in a completely ready-made form. A.I. Herzen

We live among nature, we are its friends. She talks to us constantly, but does not reveal her secrets. I.V.. Goethe.

People obey the laws of nature even when they act against them. I.V. Goethe

Nature is the only book whose every page is full of deep content. I.V. Goethe

Nature is the creator of all creators. I.V. Goethe

Nature does not have speech organs, but creates tongues and hearts through which she speaks and feels. I.V. Goethe

Nature is always right; mistakes and delusions come from people. I.V. Goethe

The plays of nature are always new, because each time new audiences appear. I.V. Goethe

God forgives and people forgive. Nature never forgives. I.V. Goethe

Nature does not accept jokes; she is always truthful, always serious, always strict; she is always right; mistakes and delusions come from people. Goethe I.

Neither satiety, nor hunger, nor anything else is good if you exceed the measure of nature. Hippocrates

The doctor treats diseases, but nature heals. Hippocrates

Man is unhappy only because he does not know nature. Holbach Paul Henri

Pristine nature must be protected no less than we protect Raphael’s paintings, Cologne Cathedral, Indian temples; they can be restored if desired. By destroying or endangering many species of animals on Earth, people thereby impoverish not only the Nature around us, but also themselves. B. Grzimek(German zoologist).

Nature pleases, attracts and inspires only because it is natural. Wilhelm Humboldt

Culture cannot grow without ecological culture, and ecological culture cannot take place in conditions of lack of culture. Danilov-Danilyan Viktor Ivanovich

If we allow ourselves the freedom of imagination, it may suddenly turn out that animals - our brothers in pain, illness, death, suffering and disasters, our slaves in the hardest work, companions in entertainment - share with us the origin of a common ancestor - and we are all molded from the same clay. C. Darwin

The more we understand the unchanging laws of nature, the more incredible its miracles become for us. C. Darwin

We have inherited an inexpressibly beautiful and varied garden, but the trouble is that we are lousy gardeners. We did not take care to learn the simplest rules of gardening. J. Darrell

The speed with which civilization is developing, and, consequently, the speed with which people are devastating our amazingly beautiful planet, is growing, month after month. It is everyone's duty to try to prevent the terrible desecration of our world, and everyone can make their own contribution, however small, however modest, to this fight. J.Darrell Gerald(English zoologist, animal writer, conservationist and animal activist).

They are the most beautiful

What does nature give us on earth?

That is her priceless gift,

For all arts a flower -

The pattern is unchanged. Jacques Delisle

After all, if only the expanse of fields and the beauty of silence

We were not nice, pleasant and needed

Where would such a craving for them come from in us?

Everyone secretly values ​​them as a true blessing. Jacques Delisle

Since man acquired the ability to plow,

He felt the urge to decorate the house and yard

And he began to plant around himself for beauty

Trees and flowers to your liking.

After all, every garden is a landscape, and it is unique.

He is modest or rich - I admire him equally.

Gardeners should be artists! Jacques Delisle (“Gardens, or the Art of Decorating Rural Views”)

Nature is like a woman who, showing from under her clothes first one part of her body, then another, gives persistent admirers some hope of someday recognizing all of her. Diderot D.

What is truth? The correspondence of our judgments to the creatures of nature. Denis Diderot

How could nature be so bright and beautiful if man's destiny were not the same? Denis Diderot

Will the seas really freeze tomorrow?

Will the birds fall silent, will the pines freeze?

The dawn will no longer be able to rise,

And the sky will ask: “Is it really too late?!” N. Dobronravov

Only that is strong and stable, only that has a future that is made in accordance with nature. V.V. Dokuchaev

Contact with nature is the very last word of all progress, science, reason, common sense, taste and excellent manners. F.M. Dostoevsky

He who does not love nature does not love man, is not a citizen. F.M. Dostoevsky

Take care of these lands, these waters,

Loving even a small epic,

Take care of all animals within nature,

Kill only the beasts within yourself. E.A. Yevtushenko

It is no coincidence that dew breaks out in the morning

Fireflies on the palms of the foliage,

Nature looks at us this way, as if asking

Our help, protection and love. E. Yevtushenko

It is impossible to allow people to direct to their own destruction those forces of nature that they were able to discover and conquer. F. Joliot-Curie

A person’s attitude to the environment is already the person himself, his character, his philosophy, his soul, his attitude towards other people. S.P. Zalygin

A person’s behavior in nature is also a mirror of his soul. K.L. Zelinsky

In nature there are no rewards or punishments, but only consequences. Robert Ingersoll

A healthy person is the most precious product of nature. Carlyle Thomas(English writer)

Heraclitus argued that one cannot step into the same river twice. Modern ecologists claim that there are rivers that cannot be entered even once. E. Kashcheev

The force that holds the cradle of every nation in its hands is the nature of its country. IN. Klyuchevsky (Russian historian)

Be sure to plant a tree, even if the world ends tomorrow. Koran.

Perhaps God created the desert so that man would smile at the trees. Paulo Coelho

Man does not create anything anew that does not already exist in nature in a latent or potential form. Paulo Coelho

Among the highest aesthetic pleasures of man is the enjoyment of nature. I.N. Kramskoy(Russian artist).

Previously, nature threatened man, but now man threatens nature. Cousteau Jacques Yves

Even in his most beautiful dreams, a person cannot imagine anything more beautiful than nature. Alphonse de Lamartine

Your physics is worthless if it obscures everything else from you: the rustle of the forest, the colors of the sunset, the ringing of rhymes. This is some kind of truncated physics, emasculated if you like. For example, I don’t believe in it... Any isolation first of all indicates limitations. A physicist who does not perceive poetry and art is a bad physicist. L.D. Landau

Heaven and earth are durable. Heaven and earth are durable because they do not exist for themselves. This is why they can be durable. Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

We follow the change of snowfalls, bad weather, frost and rain no less than the change of dynasties, government parliaments and leaders. Yu. Levitansky

Moving away from the conditions of society and approaching nature, we involuntarily become children: everything acquired falls away from the soul, and it becomes again the same as it once was and, most likely, will be someday again. M.Yu. Lermontov

The true refuge for relaxation, open to all people, is and will be nature. Lingner Max

Birds and animals, flowers and trees cry out to man: save, save, where you stand, where you live - at a distance of sight and voice, at least at arm's length. D.S. Likhachev

Ecology should not be limited to environmental conservation tasks. Man lives not only in the natural environment, but also in the environment created by the culture of his ancestors, by himself. D.S. Likhachev

There are two sections in ecology: biological ecology and cultural or moral ecology. Failure to comply with the laws of biological ecology can kill a person biologically; failure to comply with cultural ecology can kill a person morally. And there is no gap between them, just as there is no clearly defined boundary between nature and culture. D.S. Likhachev

You can experience the nature of your native land either with your own eyes or with the help of books. M.V. Lomonosov

Nature perfects everything. Lucretius

...Let's people love the planet. There is nothing like it in the entire Universe. I. Mazin

Man lives by nature. Karl Marx

The road to civilization is paved with tin cans A.Moravia

"In your power, in your power,

So that everything doesn't fall apart

To meaningless parts.” Martynov L.N.

A man, even if he is a genius three times,

Remains a thinking plant.

Trees and grass are related to him,

Don't be ashamed of this relationship.

Given to you from your birth

Strength, resilience, vitality of the plant! S. Marshak

We cannot expect favors from nature; taking them from her is our task. I.V. Michurin

The world is not the environment, but our only home in which we can only live! Humanity must learn to live in harmony with Nature, with its laws. People should perceive themselves not as masters, but as part of Nature. N.N. Moiseev

There is nothing useless in nature . Michel Montaigne

When a cat and I play, there is still a question of who is playing with whom – I’m with her or she’s playing with me. Michel Montaigne

Nothing in nature is useless, not even uselessness itself. . Montaigne

Nature is a pleasant mentor, and not so much pleasant as cautious and faithful - Michel Montaigne

Nature can do everything and creates everything. Michel de Montaigne

Only yours and my secret business,

So that the earth and humanity will forever fly. Moritz Yu.

There is no need to clean the air and water; it is much more important not to pollute them. A.N. Nesmeyanov

Understand the living language of nature, and you will say: the world is beautiful! I.S. Nikitin

We have changed our environment so radically that now in order to exist in it we must change ourselves . V. Norbert(American mathematician, “father of cybernetics”).

Not isolated white spots - a huge ocean of the unknown surrounds us. And the more we know, the more mysteries nature asks us. V.A. Obruchev

Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches. V. Orlova

Human - superior product earthly nature. But in order to use the treasures of nature, in order to enjoy these treasures, a person must be healthy, strong and smart. I.P. Pavlov(Russian scientist-physiologist).

You can’t write books and not know what herbs grow in local meadows and swamps, how birch leaves differ from aspen leaves..., whether tits fly away for the winter, when rye blooms and what winds bring rain or drought, cloudy or clear skies... K. Paustovsky

Nature will act on us with all its strength only when we bring our human beginning into the feeling of it, when our state of mind, our love, our joy, or sadness will come into full harmony with nature and it will no longer be possible to separate the freshness of the morning from the light of beloved eyes and the measured sound of the forest from reflections on the life we ​​have lived. K. Paustovsky.

“Nature must be protected, just as we protect people. Descendants will never forgive us for the devastation of the earth, the desecration of what belongs not only to us, but also to them by right.”K. Paustovsky

And if I sometimes want to live to be one hundred and twenty years old, it is only because one life is not enough to fully experience all the charm and all the healing power of our Russian nature. K. Paustovsky.

Love for one's native country begins with love for nature. K. Paustovsky

Understanding nature, a humane, caring attitude towards it is one of the elements of morality, a part of the worldview. K. Paustovsky

Forests not only bring great benefits to humans, but also decorate and heal the earth, and support life itself on earth. K. Paustovsky

When a person gets a dog, he becomes a person. Dogs leave marks on carpets, furniture and clean clothes. But the most noticeable ones are in our hearts. I. Petrakova

All the best in nature belongs to everyone together Petronius

There is no place for personal arbitrariness in the study and conquest of nature; here you cannot invent, you just need to observe and understand, use the forces that have existed for centuries and unravel the existing connection of causes and effects for centuries. DI. Pisarev

The great book of nature is open to everyone, and in this great book so far... only the first pages have been read. DI. Pisarev

Ignorance of nature is the greatest ingratitude. Pliny the Elder

There is no truth without love for nature,

There is no love for nature without a sense of beauty. Ya.P. Polonsky

Since the laws of nature are immutable, they cannot be broken or created. K.R. Popper

The woman who gives birth is closest to nature: on one side she is even nature itself, and on the other hand, she is man himself. Prishvin M. M.

For others, nature is firewood, coal, ore, or a summer house, or just a landscape. For me, nature is the environment from which, like flowers, all our human talents grew. M. Prishvin

Environmental protection is a multifaceted and complex process in which every person takes part. M. Prishvin

That’s why we rejoice when we find ourselves in nature, because here we come to our senses. Prishvin M. M.

Every person in the world has his own unique place and everyone in it needs to decide. If you find him and stand on him, then you yourself will feel good, and people will feel as if that is why you are standing in this place and that you are doing everything only for them. M. Prishvin

After all, my friends, I write about nature, but I myself think only about people. We are the masters of nature, and for us it is a storehouse of the sun with great treasures of life. For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forest, steppe, mountains. But a person needs a homeland, and protecting nature means protecting the homeland. M. Prishvin

Human! Raise your gaze from the earth to the sky - what an amazing order there is there! K. Prutkov

Wind is the breath of nature. K. Prutkov

Ecology has become the most in a big word on earth, louder than war and the elements. It characterizes the same concept of universal misfortune, which has never before existed before humanity. V.G. Rasputin

Christ walked on water. If river pollution continues, everyone will soon be able to walk on water.

For too long, humanity has behaved on the planet like an unreasonable master. While creating amenities for a comfortable life, we have completely forgotten that the resources of nature, alas, are far from limitless, and that our children will have to live in cities where the air is dirty and poisoned. It's time to remember that nature does not forgive mistakes. A person must take care of nature, remember that he himself is part of this nature. Is it wise to cut the branch you're sitting on? V. G. Rasputin

There is no greater crime than to rape, mutilate, and pervert nature. Nature, the unique cradle of life in the Universe, is also the mother who gave birth, fed, and raised us, and therefore we must treat her as our mother, with the highest degree of moral love.” V.G. Rasputin

It is not nature that needs our protection, it is we who need its protection: clean air to breathe, crystal water to drink, all of nature to live. N.F. Reimers

"No material goods cannot replace a healthy living environment" N.F. Reimers

“What everyone can do is do no harm! Don't be indifferent! Don't destroy! He who plants a tree will not break it.” N.F. Reimers

If we want to achieve some kind of agreement with Nature, then in most cases we will have to accept its conditions. R. Ricklefs

...Forests without birds

and land without water.

Less and less

The surrounding nature.

More -

Environment. R. Rozhdestvensky

There is nothing more inventive than nature.
The wisdom of nature is amazing, which, with such endless diversity, managed to equalize everyone! Erasmus of Rotterdam

Observe nature and follow the path it shows you. Rousseau Jean-Jacques

How I feel sorry for the people about whom

They say that their eyes are gloomy

He sees only bodies of water in lakes,

And there is a supply of wood in the forest. N.N. Rylenkov(Russian poet).

To take care of the Earth, nature, you need to love it, to love it, you need to know it, having learned it, it’s impossible not to love it . A.N.Sladkov

I live and breathe nature,

I write with inspiration and simplicity,

Dissolving my soul in simplicity,

I live on earth in beauty. I. Severyanin

Living happily and living in accordance with nature are the same thing. L.A. Seneca (Jr.)

Nature searches us at the exit, as at the entrance. You can't take out more than you bring. L.A. Seneca (senior)

We are all children of one ship called Earth, which means there is simply nowhere to transfer from it... There is a firm rule: get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order. A. de Saint-Exupéry

Water! You have no color, no smell, no taste, you cannot be described... You are not just necessary for life, you are life. A. de Saint-Exupéry

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, but borrow it from our children. A. de Saint-Exupere

The cat, hunted and pressed against the wall, turns into a tiger. Miguel Cervantes

Nature is man's friend. And you need to be friends with a friend.
People cannot live without clean air,
clean water, fresh greenery, sun rays,
even without communicating with animals and birds.
These are our fellow countrymen, we live on Earth with them.
And every life requires attention and respect... N. Sladkov

The collection of the writer, USSR State Prize laureate, includes the novel “ Altai trails» dedicated to researchers of the Altai Mountains - a wonderful land in the south Western Siberia endowed with a wide variety of natural resources.

Two generations of scientists compile the “Map of Plant Resources” of Altai in the summer of 1960. And although the action of the novel is limited to a few months, we are faced with the difficult destinies and biographies of the characters throughout almost their entire lives. Man and nature, man is the conqueror of nature - this is the main idea of ​​the novel, full of acute conflicts, scientific and philosophical disputes.

The book also includes the story “ Our horses" and stories " To the mainland», « Peak flood" And " Sleigh run».

Zalygin the writer has a strange fate. Undoubtedly, happy - as a writer he was fully realized. First of all, Zalygin refuted the usual idea of ​​a writer's biography. It is generally accepted that a writer begins with a short run-up, then a rapid flowering of talent, when the most vivid, emotionally rich works are created in one breath; This is followed by the gradual development of one’s own style, which goes in parallel with the weakening of emotional pressure. Well, at the end of the biography - the slow fading of the creative gift and the transition to journalism and memoirs. And Zalygin the artist was ascending to recent years own life. Even when his strength began to go catastrophically (in recent years he very often ended up in the intensive care unit), when it would seem that everything began to fail, he did not fail, but as if everything unfolded and unfolded, his gift as an artist.

He finished one of his last stories, “An Ecological Novel,” in intensive care. “You know, it’s calm there, no one bothers you, the phone is silent, that’s where I finished writing,” he answered his colleagues’ questions.

The main theme of the “Ecological Novel” is the Chernobyl disaster. Chernobyl is not only a global tragedy, but also a symbol of man’s guilt before nature. Zalygin's novel is imbued with strong skepticism towards man, towards the thoughtless pursuit of the fetishes of technical progress. To recognize ourselves as part of nature, not to destroy it and ourselves - one of the last works of the Russian writer Sergei Zalygin calls us to this." alt=" Signature:" align="left" width="472" height="100">!}

“We have changed our environment so radically

that now in order to exist in it,

we must change ourselves."

Norbert Wiener.

Human and nature. This topic never loses its relevance. Many writers of past centuries and today have spoken about the problems of the relationship between man and nature. The words of Turgenev's Bazarov: “Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it” - were understood as a call for the subjugation of nature by man. The Soviet people were taught that we have many forests, fields and rivers. Is there so much - does this mean that natural resources should not be protected?

Recently, more and more authors have been promoting the idea of ​​a caring relationship between humans and nature. Ecological ideas have also penetrated into fiction.

Fiction gives readers an idea that the value of nature is not limited to the wealth of its resources. Nature is an integral part of the concept of “Motherland”. Since in works of art Not only scientific facts and generalizations are important, but also those thoughts and feelings that arise in connection with this among the heroes and readers; this literature contributes to the education of a moral and ethical attitude towards nature.

Dear readers! We invite you to get acquainted with the recommended list of fiction that raises, in one way or another, environmental issues, issues of respect for nature. A precise and succinct literary word will make you worry about the lives of our smaller brothers, about the consequences of the insane reprisal against the environment surrounding man. You will be able to compare your feelings of perception of nature with the feelings of the author.

The works of fiction that we recommend you read are in the collections of the Central Library of the Avtozavodsky District. The works in the list are distributed alphabetically into three sections:

1. classics of environmental prose

2. environmental prose in literary and artistic magazines

3. environmental prose in popular science magazines

The first section contains works that have become classics of Soviet and foreign literature. They not only describe natural phenomena, but also humans as part of this nature. These books make you think about the place and role of man in the world around him.

The second section of the list contains works published in thick magazines over the past ten years. This literature is tougher, because there is nowhere to retreat. Man, the “king of nature,” has created many problems for our planet; it is increasingly difficult for him to find clean corners for his habitat. Modern writers They are trying to bring a person to reason and show what he has done in his environment. This is one of the ways to instill environmental thinking.

In the third section, short stories-sketches from the natural world, which were published in popular science magazines. The reader usually does not pay much attention to the stories in such magazines, but they are interesting for learning about nature.

Small annotations are given for the works. The recommended reading list will be useful for high school students and readers interested in books about nature. Many works known to you since childhood will sparkle with different colors when read today.

Have a pleasant and useful reading!


“You can control nature only by obeying it”
Francis Bacon

1. Aitmatov, steamship: a story. - M.: Sov. writer, 1980. – 158 p.

A fairy tale and a true story are intricately intertwined in Aitmatov’s early story “The White Steamship,” and just as legend and reality come together in this story, good and evil, the lofty eternal beauty of nature and base human actions collide in it.

The legend of the Horned Mother, a deer who once nurtured a tribe of Kirghiz, is recognized by the boy as reality, and reality turns into a fairy tale composed by him - the tale of the White Steamship. The boy's faith in the reality of the fairy tale is confirmed by the arrival of white deer to the forest cordon.

The boy knows from the legend that people and deer are children of the same mother, the Horned Deer, and therefore a man’s hand cannot rise against his younger brothers.

But in reality, the same thing happens as in the legend: people kill deer.

What is especially scary is that the deer is killed by the kindest and wisest of all the people around the boy, grandfather Momun, who told him the legend of the Horned Mother Deer.

The murder of the deer ended the legend, it also ended the life of the boy, he threw himself into the river to turn into a fish and swim away from evil people forever...

2. Aitmatov, Ch. T.Buranny stop; The scaffold: novels. - M.: Profizdat, 1989. – 605 p.

Novel "Stormy Station" carries a lot of thoughts and metaphors. We can conditionally distinguish two main ones: the first of them is about the historical and moral memory of man and humanity, the second is about the place of man, human personality, individuality in society, in the world, in nature.

The legend of the Mankurt shepherd becomes the emotional and philosophical core of the novel. The fantastic line associated with the confrontation between the Earth and an alien civilization gives the hidden and obvious parallels of the novel completeness and completeness.

5. Vostokov, S. V. The Island Dressed in Jersey, or the Prosimian Specialist: [novel] / [design, layout by V. Kalnins]. - M.: Vremya, 2007. – 221 p. : ill. - (Winner of the "Scarlet Sails" competition).

Prosimians are lemurs that Stas Vostokov looked after. It was on the island of Jersey (Channel Islands in the English Channel), in the famous zoo of the English naturalist J. Durrell. Vostokov got there at the invitation of Darrell himself and plunged into studies and worries International Center, Teaching Nature Conservation. The sketches - portraits of animals and birds, made by Vostokov, are very reminiscent of Darrell's books in spirit and style.

"Giant" href="/text/category/velikan/" rel="bookmark">a giant bear and a little bear cub, who lost his mother and was forced to take care of himself. Fate brings together an orphaned baby and a huge wounded bear. Exciting adventures await them , full of unexpected discoveries and dangers lurking at every turn.

"Kazan" - an amazing story, named after the main character... If there are creatures in the world created so that we do not forget what fear is, then the wolf is one of them. An insatiable, merciless predator - that’s what a wolf is... What happens if a wolf is half a dog? But who is he, Kazan: a dog or a wolf? Devoted friend or fierce enemy?..

"Bums of the North" - a story about the friendship of a bear cub and a puppy, who, by the will of fate, find themselves in the harsh world of wild and capricious nature. Animals are destined to go through a long and hard way. The book, like a bright oriental carpet, is dotted with pictures from everyday forest life.

8. Leonov’s forest: a novel // Collected works: in 9 volumes /; [note E. Starikova]. - M.: Artist. lit., 1962. - T. 9. – 823 p.

In the novel “Russian Forest,” Leonid Leonov, with patriotic passion, confronted public opinion with the problem of a reasonable and careful attitude to forest resources and preserving them for posterity. The forest in the book is something more than just what houses are built from, what is painted in a picture, where strawberries are picked and what forestry experts argue about. Leonov’s forest is a shining and powerful “temple of life”, a dream of happy and pure people in a beautiful sunny land of happy times. At the same time, the forest is the basis from which the general philosophical and moral idea of ​​eternal novelty and renewability of life develops.

Professor Vikhrov is the first “ecological” hero of our literature. For him, the forest is not just wood reserves, but something more significant. This is a chronicle of folk heroism from the times Kievan Rus before the Great Patriotic War, this is the continuity and future of generations, this is Russian life itself.

Opposing Vikhrov is Professor Gratsiansky, who, playing with the progressive ideas of the century, reproaches Vikhrov for wanting to “orphan the foundation pits of the five-year plans” and extremistly declares: “We will cut down everything when the time comes, we will not spare either the Volga or the Mezen, so dear to you, we will mow down to hell with Pechora and Kama, the Dnieper and Dvina, the Angara and the Yenisei and... what else are you hiding under there?"

In 1957, Leonid Leonov became the first laureate of the restored Lenin Prize for his novel “Russian Forest”.

9. London, D. White Fang // White Fang; The Call of the Wild: stories; Children of Frost: stories: [trans. from English] / D. London. - M.: AST, 2001. – P. 5-1 Library of Adventures).

White Fang's father is a wolf, his mother, Kichi, is half wolf, half dog. He doesn't have a name yet. He was born in the Northern Wilderness and was the only one of the entire brood to survive. One day a wolf cub stumbles upon creatures unfamiliar to him - people.

An angry man turns a wolf into a real professional dog fight fighter. The dog is saved by a young man, a visiting engineer from the mines, Weedon Scott. White Fang soon comes to his senses and demonstrates his anger and rage to the new owner. But Scott has the patience to tame the dog with affection, and this awakens in White Fang all those feelings that were dormant and already half-dead in him.

10. Mowat, F. Don't cry "Wolf!" / F. Mowat; lane from English G. Toporkova, V. Paperno; artist E. Shelkun. - M.: ARMADA, 19с. : ill. - (Green series).

The enmity between man and wolf has ancient roots. Man won this war. Wolves have practically disappeared in countries Western Europe. Canadian naturalist writer Farley Mowat in his book shows the beauty and strength of this predator. The author loves animals and, wanting to help them, tells the truth about them.

11. Paustovsky, K. G.The Tale of Forests / [art. S. Bordyug]. - M.: Det. lit., 1983. – 173 p. : ill. - (School library).

“The Tale of Forests” most clearly expresses the peculiarity of Paustovsky’s work. The writer takes a true case or a real person and, by his own admission, surrounds them with the “faint radiance of fiction,” thereby achieving the possibility of a full disclosure of human character and the nature of the events taking place.

In “The Tale of Forests” Paustovsky makes extensive use of this method. So in the chapter “Creaky Floorboards” there is genuine biographical material. But the writer’s main task was to convey with full force Tchaikovsky’s attitude towards forests as a creative laboratory, as those natural phenomena that teach a person to understand beauty.

A distant prototype of the writer Leontyev in the story is the writer Mikitov - a forest man, a hunter and a wonderful connoisseur and singer of our Russian nature.

12. Prishvin, M. M. My country / ; [after. P. Vykhodtseva; artist V. Losin]. - M.: Sovremennik, 1973. – 443 p. : ill. - (Contemporary Classical Library).

In the collection you can find the works “Seasons”, “Pantry of the Sun”, “King of Nature”. They are united by a love for their native land, a desire to awaken in readers a desire to understand the beauty of nature, to be able to discern it in the ordinary, outwardly inconspicuous. By endowing animals and plants with qualities inherent in humans, animating them, the writer thereby brings them closer to man, affirming the unity of man and nature.

the end of the world,” the end of everything. Mourning their huts, their native graves, their island, these old women, and with them the writer, say goodbye to the old Russian village, disappearing in the waters of time.

14. Rasputin V. Fire: a story // Stories. Stories: in 2 volumes / V. Rasputin. – M.: Bustard: Veche, 2006. – T. 1. – P. 292-347. – (Library of Russian classics)

The problem of the relationship between man and nature is resolved in his own way by V. Rasputin in the story “Fire”. In the story, nature's instrument of retribution for a careless consumer attitude towards oneself is fire - one of the powerful and indomitable natural elements.

15. Roberts, Ch. Red Fox: a story / Charles Roberts; lane from English N. Bannikova; [art. V. Goryachev]. - M.: Det. lit., 1991. – 220 p. - (Library Series)

Canadian writer and naturalist Charles Roberts is a follower of Seton-Thompson. Received global recognition thanks to his stories from the life of nature. One of his best works is “The Red Fox.” The young Red Fox realized too early how harsh and dangerous the school of Nature is in the wild forest. From childhood he had to take care of his brothers and sisters, to be an agile and cunning animal. Very soon no one in the forest could compare with him in intelligence and courage. More than once he left experienced hunters with their guns and traps without prey.

Natural history" href="/text/category/prirodovedenie/" rel="bookmark">natural history. Scientific accuracy in Seton-Thompson's books is combined with entertaining presentation. Seton-Thompson not only talks about the life of animals, their habits and characteristics, but also In every story he admires the strength, beauty, resourcefulness and nobility of his heroes. He teaches his readers to love and understand. wildlife, which means taking care of it.

17. Sokolov-Mikitov. Elen: stories // Collected works: in 4 volumes / -Mikitov. – L.: Artist. lit., 1985. – T. 1. – P. 25-137.

Tale "Childhood" the writer's most precious creation. The beauty of Russian nature, the customs and traditions of the Russian village, the kaleidoscope of Russian characters that were imprinted in children's consciousness - all this was laid in the foundation of the writer's personality. The writer feels sorry for the past, fleeting childhood, for that world of Russian life, established way of life, customs, sorry for everything that “cannot be brought back by any means” - sorry for the past, no matter how wonderful the future may be... With this feeling of slight sadness and love - pity and the writer says goodbye to his childhood.

Plot of the story "Elen" covers the Russo-Japanese War, the first Russian revolution of 1905. The story has a poetic and realistic image of Eleni - a quiet river and a small Russian village of the same name, which is located in the forest, in the swamps, in the very heart of Russia. Its middleness, its root essence is confirmed by the fact that it is the focus of many traditions of Russian life, with all its specificity, originality, and uniqueness.


“You can experience the nature of your native land either with your own eyes,

or with the help of a book."

1. Eisley L. Shchel / trans., will join. note and note // Zvezda No. 9. - pp. 65-70.

The writer is a prominent representative of modern American naturalography, the focus of which is wild nature. A paleontologist on the prairie discovers a narrow crack. Digging into the fine-grained sandstone, he discovers the skull of a primitive animal that lived long ago. This find makes him think about the evolution of the human race.

2. Vasilevsky B. The Dawn of the Space Age or Russian Atlantis (from “Letters to T”) // Our Contemporary. – 2007. - No. 1. – P. 41-78.

The author first came to Siberia in 1958. Immediately after school, he worked on a geological expedition that conducted research for the future Ust-Ilimsk hydroelectric power station. Before his eyes, the Angara River was dying from dam to dam, turning into a chain of stagnant, rotting ponds. Later, when he came as a journalist to the “construction site of communism,” he did not recognize his favorite and dear places. From today's perspective, he became convinced that the predictions of the few, smart people who at one time opposed the construction of a hydroelectric power station are coming true.

3. Verevochkin N. City goblin, or Erokha without a catch: a story // Friendship of Peoples. – 2008. - No. 4. – P. 22-77.

The artist Mamontov lived in the city of N, he was moderately talented, and earned money by drawing portraits of the townspeople. He was lonely; his wife and child left him several years ago for a more enterprising, rich man. But one evening his measured life was disrupted by an unexpected guest - the goblin Erokha, his old acquaintance.

The forest where he lived was cut down, and he moved to Mamontov in the city, as to the only person he knew. In his dense forests, he was a real defender of the forest and a thunderstorm for all local residents, and the new city life first frightened him, and then attracted him, and Mamontov decided to switch roles with him, realizing that as a defender of a tough reserve he would bring more benefits than an ordinary journeyman...

4. Viner Yu. The dog and its owner: a story // New world.-2005.-No. 1.-P.59-78.

A dog is a thinking creature, analyzing the life around it. And if the owner has her own vision of this life, then the dog has hers. One day, a taboo imprinted in a dog’s brain—never to get dirty in one’s own or other people’s den—cost her his life.

5. Golovanov V. Murzilka: a story // New World. – 2004. - No. 1. – P. 53-80

Some are driven to poaching by self-interest, others by hopeless need and poverty. And if the former are ready to commit any crime, then the latter do not hold any grudge against anyone. So the task of the Kamchatka fisheries protection is to punish those who are selfish and, if possible, to understand those who have stumbled. A young journalist seconded from Moscow to Kamchatka calls on strict fishery supervisors to do this.

6. Golovanov V. The secret language of birds. Narration in 22 scenes with musical accompaniment // New World. – 2010. - No. 1. – P. 7-60.

In the Caspian village of Telendeevka, an oil company fires all its workers, declaring itself bankrupt. People can only survive by poaching. And an accident occurs at a drilling rig in the Caspian Sea, tons of oil kills all living things, but for this ecological disaster and there is no one to answer.

7. Gorbunov A. Collar: taiga history // Our contemporary. – 2006. - No. 11 – P. 123-148.

Until recently, the little fox lived happily in a hole with his mother and little sister, with whom he loved to frolic. One day my sister ran far from the hole and fell into the owl’s claws. On the same day, the hunter also shot his mother, an old fox, without thinking about the fact that he had deprived someone of a wet nurse. Summer and winter passed for the little fox in the struggle for existence, he quickly grew and became wiser. And in the spring I fell into a trap set by the same hunter. A little fox who lost his paw found shelter with a local projectionist.

8. Ziganshin K. Boatswain: a story // Our contemporary. – 2010. - No. 4. – P. 109-131.

The boatswain is a tall, intelligent, cunning male lynx, so nicknamed by local trappers for the lush whiskers on his cheeks. Many trials befell the beautiful, strong predator. It was crushed by a rockfall, carried into the abyss of a stormy river, and had to suffer from hunger, but the most difficult tests for the beast are encounters with humans. The Bosun's girlfriends died one after another at the hands of hunters; the Bosun himself miraculously managed to escape many times. His main enemy was the red-bearded hunter Zhila, whom Bosun had to face again and again...

9. Ziganshin K. Kunichka Makh. From the notes of a taiga tracker // Our contemporary. – 2006. - No. 8. – P. 132-145.

A marten and its cubs settled in a deep, spacious hollow in a pine forest. The smallest, but the most lively and active of them is the Mach marten. The meeting with the beekeepers turned into a tragedy for the family. The mother died, three young ones were sent to a fur farm. It has begun for Mahi independent life, where danger awaited her at every step.

10. Ziganshin K. Pack: a story // Our contemporary. – 2009. - No. 4. – P. 82-87.

A new leader has appeared in the wolf pack: strong, resilient, cunning. The wolves under his leadership instill fear in the entire area, slaughtering entire herds of deer cruelly and brazenly, right at the very gates of the Stanover monastery. Skete hunter Koloda decides to track down and destroy the bloodthirsty leader in order to stop the wolf robbery.

11. Kocherin I. Red tent in the snows of Kilimanjaro: a story // Friendship of Peoples. - 2005. - No. 1. - P. 27-45.

A large group of ten adults and a child goes on a kayaking trip. . What is a kayaking trip on a large Siberian river, how are responsibilities distributed in this hiking team and what is said in this story.

12. Kravchenko V. Book of the River. Alone under sail // Banner. – 2008. - No. 6. – P. 55-112.

The author-traveler tells about his summer adventure - a kayaking trip along the Volga from its source to its mouth. During the voyage, he visited dozens of cities and towns, met many interesting people. The impressions from what he saw formed a kaleidoscopic picture of the turn of the 90s -2000. The work will be interesting for lovers of travel writing.

13. Krylov D. The Beast: a story // New World No. 1. - P. 105-108.

Lydia Ivanovna received a call from an acquaintance who worked at the zoo. It was too expensive for the impoverished zoo to feed the animals, and if no one took them, they would be euthanized. Lidia Ivanovna chose the leopard. The entire pension was spent on feeding the beast. She burned out like a candle on this leopard. Her daughter Sophia, after the death of her mother, decided to get rid of the leopard, but when she saw him, for some reason she was never able to do this.

14. Malinovsky A. In luminous captivity: a story // Our contemporary No. 2.-S. 55-103.

The story was written under the impression of a trip along the Samara River from source to mouth. The writer was born on the banks of this river, he spent his childhood here, and here are the graves of his relatives. When traveling along the river, many things are perceived differently. The story is full of thoughts about the meaning of life, about the fate of the Motherland. On the pages of the story, the author shares his memories, comparisons of the past and present of his native land, reflections on the relationship between nature and man.

15. Melnikov V. Green Cross: a story // Our contemporary. – 2001. - No. 3. – P. 106-166

The story is dedicated to environmental problems. A successful businessman Karelin learns that an oil refining plant is going to be built in his historical homeland. Locals decided not to give up their land for construction, and Karelin stands up to defend his fellow countrymen.

16. Moskvina M. Goodbye, Arctic! : journey story // Banner. – 2011. - No. 6. – P. 6-52.

The story-journey of Marina Moskvina “Goodbye, Arctic!” - funny and ironic travel notes about ecological travel international group of northern nature defenders on the schooner “Noorderlicht”.

17. Novikov D. In Your Networks: a story // October. – 2009. - No. 3. – P. 111-133.

The author and a friend go on a trip to the North. On the banks of the Varzuga River, fishermen from all over the country gather in the Wild Camp, having traveled hundreds and thousands of kilometers to experience the ancient happiness of fighting with fish. The author believes that in the Russian North the soul is purified, many here change, much becomes clearer. My soul is firmly attached to northern places, so I don’t want to return to civilization.

18. Skobelev E. Cowardly murder: a story // Our contemporary. – 2003. - No. 6. – P. 156-160

When his elk fell ill, the old but still strong elk decided to turn to people for help. And although people did not inspire much confidence in him, they were powerful and should help the weaker.

Having committed the vile and treacherous murder of two animals who trusted them, people did not understand what they had essentially done to themselves.

19. Slobodchikov O. Below us is an abyss: a story // Our contemporary. – 2008. - No. 1. – P. 36-96.

One summer, seven young people gathered on the shore of Lake Baikal: students, graduates, graduates of the hunting department, and even a Muscovite graduate student. They decided to devote their lives to Baikal, because they believed that Baikal is not just the world’s largest reservoir of drinking water, it is the substance and condensation of the minds of many civilizations. Game wardens created the Order of the Faithful and settled in different cordons of taiga forestry. Gradually, there were fewer and fewer Faithful: some died, others betrayed their former friends. Only forest inspector Fyodor Moskvitin remained faithful to the precepts of his youth, continuing to serve Baikal

20. Stolpovsky P. Zamor: a story // Our contemporary. – 2007. - No. 11. – P. 167-178.

In his youth, Zechariah was mutilated by a bear while hunting. While still in the hospital, he decided that if he remained alive, he would become a forester. The forest became his life, his home. Entering the forest, Zachary ceased to feel his injury. Over the years, it began to seem to him that the forest recognized him, distinguished him from other people, he became close to it. Guests rarely visited the forester, and he himself did not seek company and was glad to remain in the taiga wilderness. One day, poachers came to the forester under the guise of fishermen. This meeting turned into a tragedy for Zachary.

21. Tertychny I. Green light: a story // Our contemporary. – 2011. - No. 4. – P. 88-93.

Each person finds his own joys and delights in life. Seryozha the Hunchback's favorite pastime is reading books. But he finds solace in nature. She is a temple for him, where he retires and prays. For him, movement is life, rest is death.

22. Tikholoz A. The Old Man Who Planted a Forest: a Tale // New World. – 2009. - No. 3. – P. 7-39.

The old man worked at the factory all his life, raised – not very successfully – two daughters, buried his wife and discovered that the only joy left in his life was the garden at his summer cottage. Next to the dachas there was a vacant lot, which the old man began to plant with maple and birch seeds. And when the forest department got their hands on this wasteland, they saw that the forest was noisy here. The management framed the forest as their work, and the summer residents long remembered the old man who early spring I planted seeds in a vacant lot until late autumn.

23. Toropov I. Don’t shoot the bear twice: a story // Our contemporary. – 2008. - No. 11. – P. 97-113.

For a long time, Komi hunters had a rule: whoever came first and marked the corner he liked, he used it, and it never occurred to anyone to turn onto someone else’s path and shoot an animal or bird. But different times have come, the age-old rules of behavior in the forest have changed. New people appeared who came up with the idea of ​​clear cutting of forests. Broad Bor was cut down, Big Bear, an inhabitant of the local forests, was forced to leave his usual ancestral places. He began to settle in new lands, which turned out to be on the hunting path of the old hunter Ondrej. So on the path of the ancient hunting family there were two masters - Big Bear and hunter Ondrej. The bear began to spoil the hunter's prey in traps and snares. A bear can become insolent on easy prey and even rush at a person. The hunter decided to scare the bear, but will they be able to disperse peacefully?

24. Fankin Yu. The Hawk Prince: a story // Moscow. – 2006. - No. 6. –S. 6-68.

The writer Poludin loved hunting very much. Every spring he went into nature to visit friends from the city that had become boring during the winter. He had a wonderful gun - an old English Porday double-barreled shotgun, which suddenly became capricious. In order for the gun to acquire its former destructive power and dexterity, the barrels of the Porday must be smeared with the blood of the hawk prince. Shooting the hawk prince became Poludin's obsession.


“Nature is the best of books, written in a special language.

This language needs to be learned."

Garin N. (Garin-Mikhailovsky)

1. Avvakumova, N. Master of the taiga: a story / N. Avakumova // Nature and man. XXI century No. 10. - pp. 26-29.

2. Arnold, O. Life among wolves: excerpt from the book / O. Arnold // Ecology and Life No. 7. - pp. 91-96.

3. Barinova, A. Masha: a story / A. Barinova // Nature and Man (Light) No. 7. - P. 39-41.

5. Valeeva, M. Biters, Red Demon / M. Valeeva // Science and Life No. 11. - P. 138-145. - Finished Beginning in No. 8-10.

6. Vanyshev, A. A cat named Khmury: a story / A. Vanyshev // Nature and Man (Light) No. 10. - P. 22-23.

7. Vertel, L. Mouse: a story / L. Vertel // Nature and Man (Light) No. 3. - P. 39.

8. Vladimirov, A. Rejuvenating apples: a story / A. Vladimirov // Ecology and Life No. 4. - P. 92-96.

9. Gismatulin, M. Mironov's Compound: a story / M. Gismatulin // Nature and Man. XXI century No. 5. - pp. 34-35.

10. Golovanov, V. New taiga philosophy / V. Golovanov // Ecology and Life No. 3. - P. 91-96. - Finished Beginning in No. 1-2.

11. Galsworthy, D. Forest: a story / D. Galsworthy // Miracles and Adventures No. 9. - pp. 60-62.

12. Greshnevikov, A. Skvorushki: a story / A. Greshnevikov // Nature and Man. XXI century No. 4. - pp. 38-39

13. Zavadskaya, L. How people robbed a clubfoot...: a story / L. Zavadskaya // Nature and Man (Light) No. 7. - P. 31.

14. Zinkovsky, A. Fight with a barracuda: a story from the life of a participant in a scientific expedition / A. Zinkovsky // Miracles and Adventures No. 7. - pp. 57-59.

15. Kolesov, B. Good people: a story / B. Kolesov // Nature and Man (Light) No. 9. - P. 69.

16. Kostin, A. Meshchera wanderer: stories / A. Kostin // Nature and Man (Light) No. 8. - P. 68-70. - Contents: Perch lover; Greenfinches; Stray; White lightning.

17. Koshurnikov, V. Kashtanka: a story / V. Koshurnikov // Nature and Man (Light) No. 2. - P. 24-25.

18. Krasilnikov, N. Marfusha: a story / N. Krasilnikov // Nature and man. XXI century No. 4. - pp. 73-74.

19. Krugovykh, V. Nika: a story / V. Krugovykh // Nature and Man (Light) No. 11. - pp. 16-18.

20. Kuvykina, O. Letters from insects: a story / O. Kuvykina // Ecology and Life No. 11. - P. 95-96.

21. Kuzin, V. Asker: a story about nature / V. Kuzin // Nature and Man No. 1. - pp. 24-26.

22. Kuzin, V. A gift...: a story / V. Kuzin // Nature and Man (Light) No. 12. - P. 22-23.

23. Martynenko, E. Tuzik: story / E. Martynenko // Nature and Man (Light) No. 6. - P. 13.

24. Maslova, N. The heavenly bird is the soul: [a story about how the fantastic intertwined with reality] / N. Maslova // Miracles and Adventures No. 2. - pp. 40-41.

25. Nefediev, I. Taiga stories / I. Nefediev // Ecology and Life No. 5. - P. 93-96.

26. Novikov, Yu. While nature welcomes...: [nature and man]: prose / Y. Novikov // Nature and man (Light) No. 11. - pp. 22-23.

27. Paustovsky, K. Shopping cart with fir cones: story / K. Paustovsky // Miracles and Adventures No. 10. - P. 104-109.

28. Ponomarev, V. Gazor - Chashma: [story] / V. Ponomarev // Miracles and Adventures No. 1. - pp. 56-58.

29. Pshenichny, A. Monte Cristo Hare: a story / A. Pshenichny // Ecology and Life No. 2. - pp. 94-96.

30. Pshenichny, A. Striped neighbors: a story / A. Pshenichny // Ecology and Life No. 8. - P. 96.

31. Rabotnikov, S. The last one: a story / S. Rabotnikov // Nature and Man (Light) No. 12. - P. 32-33.

32. Rozhalskaya, E. Vaska’s tricks: a story / E. Rozhalskaya // Nature and man. XXI century No. 12. - pp. 32-33.

33. Savinkina, G. Here is the story: story / G. Savinkina // Nature and Man (Light) No. 7. - P. 20-21.

34. Sakharnov, S. About elephants and snakes: [short and succinct stories about the habits of amazing animals] / S. Sakharnov // Science and Life No. 3. - P. 99-101.

35. Semikova, L. Who knows whom better: a story / L. Semikova // Ecology and Life No. 6. - P. 95-96.

36. Sepulveda, L. The last fight: [excerpt from the novel "The Old Man Who Read romance novels"] / L. Sepulveda // Ecology and life No. 1. - pp. 93-96.

37. Slavnaya, S. Crane in hands: a story / S. Slavnaya // Ecology and Life No. 8. - pp. 93-96.

38. Slizkin, D. Free Thoras: a story / D. Slizkin // Nature and Man (Light) No. 5. - P. 21.

39. Spangenberg, E. Wild cats: a story / E. Spangenberg // Ecology and Life No. 10. - pp. 92-96.

40. Steinbeck, D. Do not shoot! : [episode from the book “Journey with Charlie in Search of America”] / D. Steinbeck // Ecology and Life No. 4. - pp. 94-96.

41. Khramtsov, V. Escape from the pack: a story / V. Khramtsov // Nature and man. XXI century No. 11. - P. 21.

42. Khramtsov, V. Blood burned: [mountain antelope]: story / V. Khramtsov // Nature and Man (Light) No. 11. - pp. 38-39.

43. Tsvetkov, A. V. Mouse hunters: a story // Ecology and Life No. 2. - pp. 93-96.

44. Shalaveenene, M. Muryska: [observations of the life of a stray cat] / M. Shalavene // Science and Life No. 3. - P. 132-133.

45. Shkurko, G. N. Mustafa: a story // Nature and man. XXI century No. 2. - P. 34.

46. ​​Wells, G. Strange orchid: a story / G. Wells // Miracles and Adventures No. 7. - pp. 110-114.

Prepared by the head. FOR

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