Simple ways to teach children to draw. Teaching children to draw a person: simple diagrams and recommendations Drawing with watercolors for children 5 years old

Drawing is one of the ways children express themselves. First, the baby draws doodles, something described in the rhyme “stick, stick, cucumber, it turned out to be a little man,” then his talent grows, and the baby can sometimes produce real masterpieces. But what to do if your child can’t draw the way he wants? Because of this, the child becomes upset and depressed.

Or another example: a child draws wonderfully with ecstasy, but how can this talent be made truly professional? How to push a child onto the “path of an artist”? In other words, how to teach a child to draw? This will be discussed further.

When should you teach your child to draw?

All children have a penchant for creativity, and it is difficult to find a child who does not like to draw.

Babies begin to become interested in the world of paints and pencils at 7-8 months. During this period, a developmental leap occurs, children find more and more new and interesting things around them.

At this time you can show them simple drawings, and also explain step by step (1-2 stages) how to draw them. Let the mother use a pencil on paper herself, and the baby watches these manipulations. Most likely, he himself will reach for the pencil. There is no need to interfere with this. Give your child complete creative freedom.

But, of course, about at least some professional drawing at 8-12 months there is no question. Teach your child to create more high level maybe later. At 2 years old, the child is already able to hold a brush and pencil correctly, that is, in a fist, and with three fingers. During this period, you can begin to gradually introduce your child to art. On early stages you can get by with home schooling (discussed below), but if you seriously decide to raise a second Vasnetsov or Aivazovsky, it is better to send your child to a special art school.

Preparatory stage

Introducing a child to creativity is an extremely exciting process, but also quite expensive. Until you decide what your child likes more - paints or pencils - you will have to buy both.

To get started, purchase:

  • sheets of paper (this is better than an album);
  • watercolor paints;
  • gouache;
  • colored pencils and markers;
  • simple pencils;
  • crayons or pastels;
  • brushes – better squirrel, kolinsky;
  • later you can buy acrylic and oil paints.

The drawings on glass look very interesting. They are made special stained glass paints, which can be purchased at art stores.

Gradually offer your baby one or another drawing tool.

Before starting the creative process, put on your child old clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty. Prepare a field for activity: you can even sit on the floor! Create an atmosphere: turn on music, open the curtains to make the room brighter.

Now start creating!

Learning to draw with a pencil

Before you teach your child to draw with a pencil, you need to introduce him to the basic geometric shapes. These are what the drawing will consist of at first.

The next stage is coloring. Start with large coloring pages. Let your child learn how to use pencils and carefully paint over the details of the drawing.

  1. Find a simple lesson on the Internet that shows you step by step how to draw any object. Together with your child, choose what you will draw.
  2. Take one sheet for yourself, give the other to your child. Draw a picture step by step, making sure your child repeats after you.
  3. At first, the baby’s picture will be somewhat clumsy, devoid of smooth lines and curves, but over time he will learn to draw more accurately and beautifully.
  4. Later (at the age of 6-7 years), the child can be introduced to such concepts as highlight, shadow, reflex. To do this, it is better to send your child to a special club where professional artists work.

How to teach your child to paint with watercolors?

Watercolor is one of the the best colors for teaching a child from 5 years old to draw.

To begin with, it is better to choose ordinary honey watercolor - 12 or 18 colors. The paper is ordinary Whatman paper.


  1. Lightly wet the paper and attach it to the board or tablet with buttons.
  2. Dilute watercolor paints on a special palette.
  3. Prepare brushes (squirrel or kolinsky) and a glass of water.


  1. To begin, explain to your child that there are only three basic colors (red, blue, yellow), and also show how you can get new colors by mixing them together.
  2. Let your child try mixing the colors on a separate sheet.
  3. Explain to your child that painting with watercolors requires speed. A picture painted with this water-based paint is difficult to correct, especially when it dries.
  4. Start drawing. Step by step, show your child how to draw the sky, trees, and houses. Remember that you need to start drawing from the background, gradually adding new layers.

Several interesting techniques

How to teach a child to draw with a pencil or watercolor? The answer is simple: you need to let your child work in different techniques. Gouache, colored pencils, pastels - all this seems familiar and even banal, but creative process does not tolerate routine. You can create paintings in absolutely amazing ways. Several such techniques are presented below.

Draw with your palm

Your child (this method can be offered even to children 2-3 years old) will be delighted with such drawing, because deep down, every little one wants to, without restraining himself, get everything dirty with paint.

  1. Cover the floor with newspapers or a large oilcloth, place a sheet of Whatman paper on it, pour colorful paints, prepare a roll of paper towels and a deep bowl of water.
  2. Let the baby “dip” his palms into the paint and, leaving prints on the paper, create his own picture.
  3. The child's hands should be washed from time to time to prevent the painting from becoming dirty.

For this technique, choose only safe natural paints.

Sponge painting

Pictures drawn with a sponge look very unusual and beautiful.

  1. Prepare saucers with paint, a bowl of water and a few pieces of regular sponges for cleaning the house.
  2. It is better if the sponge has a clear shape, for example a circle or rectangle.
  3. A picture drawn with a sponge can be completed with felt-tip pens or a brush.

It is better to take several sponges to make the drawing more interesting and the drawing process entertaining.

Wax drawings

To draw, take a regular paraffin or wax candle. Draw patterns or write words on a piece of paper with your child. At first, everything drawn will be invisible to the eye, but reassure your baby: miracles will begin when the colors come into play!

Carefully paint over the leaf with watercolors. The paint will roll off the waxed parts of the sheet and form a beautiful, unusual picture.

Drawing circle: pros and cons

A great way to both teach your child to draw and develop his communication skills is to send him to special classes. Like all clubs, such classes have their pros and cons:


  • classes are taught by an experienced artist;
  • the child communicates with children of his own age, there is a spirit of competition in the group, which means there is motivation not to be lazy;
  • motivation is periodic exhibitions and competitions;
  • training takes place according to a special program.


  • classes take place in a group, and the teacher does not always have time to approach your child;
  • classes are paid (often quite expensive);
  • It’s better not to miss lessons so as not to fall behind the group.

You can also give your baby to individual sessions on drawing. But remember that the cost of such classes is several times higher than classes in a group. Also, there is no competitive spirit in individual lessons.

Another way to teach your child painting is through video lessons. They can be downloaded online or purchased ready-made program in specialized stores.

At what age should a child begin to study painting professionally, each parent decides for himself.


No matter how old your child is, it’s never too late to teach him how to draw. Whether you do this at home or send your child to special lessons, it is important to do everything step by step so as not to discourage your child from wanting to create.

It is best to start drawing with young children using wax crayons and gouache paints. Start with crayons. They leave a bright mark on the paper and are easily washed off, though they break quickly, but that’s not a big deal.

When introducing paints, show how to hold a brush and how to rinse it in water. Little children love to paint with their fingers and also enjoy drawing with a frog. Making frogs is not difficult - wrap a piece of foam rubber around a stick or pencil, and secure the foam rubber with thread. You can also draw with a sponge, stamps, or using stencils.

At 1.5-2 years old we teach the child to draw horizontal and vertical lines, at 2 years old - circles, coloring silhouettes with paints. Classes should be held in game form, be sure to use visual material, artistic word.

Drawing classes for children 1.5-2 years old

What is this

Target. Teach a child to hold a pencil correctly, teach him to see the image of an object in drawn lines, develop imagination and interest in drawing.

Prepare a sheet of paper, preferably A4 size, wax crayons or pencils. Let the child draw what he wants. When your child finishes drawing, ask him what he drew. If he finds it difficult to answer, help him see the image in the lines, add details to make a fish, a bird, a flower. Admire the drawing with your child and praise him.

Hide the mouse (kitten, bunny)

Goal: Learn to hold a pencil and shade images with horizontal and vertical strokes.

This activity can be done several times with different characters. Prepare papers in advance with a drawn (outline) mouse or other character. Ask your child who it is, how does it squeak? Invite your child to help hide the mouse from the cat. Show how to shade a mouse, make a few strokes while holding his pen in yours. Praise the baby.


Goal: Learn to draw inclined vertical lines, develop interest in drawing.

On a sheet of paper, draw clouds in advance at the top of the sheet. And below depict grass, flowers, mushrooms. How does the rain fall? Draw a solid vertical line for heavy rain, and a dotted line for light rain. Ask your child to draw how the rain waters the grass, flowers, and mushrooms. Ask what kind of rain he drew: heavy or light?

Don't forget to praise your baby.


Prepare a toy train or tram, you can draw it and cut it out of paper. Look at the train with your child, figure out where it will go, maybe it will take someone (toys, animals, mom). On a piece of paper, draw two horizontal lines in advance at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other. Tell them that the builders forgot to complete the railway and now the train will not be able to travel along it, invite the child to draw (complete) vertical lines, show how. At the end of the lesson, say that everyone who will ride the train is very happy about the new railway and are grateful to the baby for his help.


Goal: Learn to draw vertical lines, develop interest in drawing.

Draw a house on a piece of paper in advance. Come up with a story for your child about who lives in the house: grandparents, a bunny, a girl - at your discretion. Offer to draw a fence near the house. Draw two horizontal lines next to the house at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other, and ask the child to draw vertical sticks. On behalf of the residents of the house, thank the baby for his help.

Flowers in the meadow

Goal: Learn to draw vertical lines.

Prepare in advance a sheet of paper with a strip 5-6 cm wide shaded at the bottom - this is a clearing. At a further distance of 7-8 cm, draw heads of different colors. Look at the flowers with your child, tell them what they are called, determine what color they are. Offer to add stems to them - straight lines from the flowers to the clearing.

Classes on drawing balloons, blades, and grass are conducted in the same way.

Drawing with paints

First, prepare paint of one color, because the baby does not yet know how to use paints or rinse a brush. It is more convenient to use gouache paints. You can draw with a brush, a frog (a piece of foam rubber tied to a stick or pencil), or with your fingers. Show how a wet brush leaves a mark on paper, then admire the mark a brush with paint leaves. Let the child draw as he wants, as long as he is interested in the process itself. Look what mark the frog or finger will leave. Draw these prints to a certain image: a flower, a bun, a bird, a fish. Admire the drawing together.

Topics for drawing:

Rain. You can draw with a brush - streams of rain, a frog and a finger - raindrops.

Snowfall - with a finger and a frog on blue paper.

Leaves on a pre-drawn tree - with a finger and a frog.

Apples on a pre-drawn silhouette of an apple tree - with a finger and a frog.

Flowers with a finger, stems with a brush.

Butterfly - coloring a pre-cut silhouette with a finger or a frog.

As we approach 2 years of age, we learn to draw a circle with a brush. We put a point and draw a ball, as if winding a thread around a ball.

Topics for drawing:

Multi-colored balls.

Air balloons.




Drawing with a stencil

Prepare your stencil in advance. Inside the sheet, cut out a simple silhouette - a mushroom, a Christmas tree, a bunny, an apple. Let the child paint it with a brush, finger, or frog. To make the stencil durable, cut it from a piece of linoleum. You can also buy ready-made stencils.

Drawing with semolina

Pour the semolina into the lid of the box so that the sides of the lid are not too high. The child can draw on the semolina with his finger or scratch the design with a stick.

Each lesson can be done several times. More often, give your child the opportunity to draw what he wants on his own. Let him invent, try, create. Such drawing will help develop imagination and fantasy. It is important to develop a love of drawing in a little man; to do this, admire his doodles, praise him, do not scold him for dirty things, be patient and you will grow into a real artist.

Teaching children 2-3 years old to draw is not only an important period in the development of visual skills and imagination, but also for the subsequent formation of a creative personality.

How to teach a child to draw?

The main thing when learning to draw is to create a “living” image and vivid impressions. After all, all children learn about the world through play. Not a single child sat down at a desk voluntarily and began to write boring squiggles. Therefore, the union of an adult and a child, based on mutual understanding and respect, will be important in this process. Remember, in creativity you are not a teacher, but a friend of the child. Don't put your skills and abilities on a pedestal, but lower yourself to their level. Don’t teach, don’t give advice, but show how to do it at the beginning of the lesson. And then just sit down and watch.

You should not force your child to draw, as this may discourage him in the future!

Getting Started with Drawing Lessons With children 2 years old, it is important to choose the right time. It is better to give preference to the first half of the day, when the child’s brain is not yet overloaded with information, and a lot of energy has accumulated. Distinctive feature classes for 2 years is close connection with the world around them, because at this age kids are very curious and absorb information like sponges.

Drawing Withchildren at 3 years old also has a number of features. As a rule, 3-year-old children already have certain preferences in themes for games and favorite characters. Therefore, to teach your child to do the exercises below, you need to intrigue him. Tell interesting story, for example, about a hedgehog, and then offer to help him pick apples.

What to draw with?

Many parents mistakenly go from simple to complex. They give a child at the age of 2 a felt-tip pen, intending to teach him how to draw without any effort. After all, markers are so bright and so easy to draw with! But this path, on the contrary, is the most difficult. After all, then you will have to re-teach the child to hold the pencil correctly and teach him to press it in order to draw a line on paper. Making an effort when pressing the pencil with early childhood, the baby trains his hand, develops fine motor skills. It will be easier for him to prepare for school, and even study itself. Therefore, it is better not to give your child a felt-tip pen until he is 4 years old, until he has fully mastered the skill of drawing with a pencil.

Which pencils to choose?

All teachers are unanimous here - triangular. They eliminate the possibility of taking the pencil incorrectly. For kids who are just learning to hold a pencil, wax triangular pencils are suitable, and for older children - wooden ones with a soft lead.

So, let's get started!


: introduce the baby to pencils, rules of use, methods of ownership.
Material: sheet of white paper, colored pencils.


Take a sheet of paper and a red pencil. Draw a large and a small circle. The child will watch the process with interest: for the first time he sees how clean slate paper, the outline of a familiar object appears.

Invite him to take the pencil in his right hand.

Show how to properly hold a large, medium and index fingers without pressing hard on the paper or tearing it.

Holding your baby's hand together with the pencil, draw a circle shape. Let go of his hand. Let him try to repeat the movements himself.

Of course, it will be difficult for a child to reproduce the outline of a round shape the first time. So start with a simple line. Let the baby develop his hand independently, creating his own little masterpieces.

The main thing is that he is interested in the process itself, and the result will definitely please him later.


Target: teach how to draw strokes by strengthening and weakening the movements of the hand with a pencil.
Materials: colored pencils, a sheet of paper with a picture of a shape gray- “clouds”.


Draw your child’s attention to the changing weather in nature: now the sun is shining, now clouds roll in, obscure the sun and it starts to rain.

Show a drawing with a silhouette image of a gray cloud. "What is this? Cloud. It began to rain drip-drip-drip."

Take a blue pencil and draw strokes, now intensifying the rhythm of the rain, now weakening.

Comment on your actions with pencil movements. “Puddles appear on the path.” Draw an oval shaped puddle.

Invite your child to continue drawing, encouraging his desire to first strengthen the rhythm of the strokes and then weaken it.

Pay attention to the coordination of hand movements.

"Balls for a bear"

teach rotational movements, hold the pencil correctly in your hand without tearing through the sheet of paper.
Materials: colored pencils, a white sheet of paper with a bear glued on and drawn strings for balls.


As a visual example, show a toy - a bear that holds a red balloon in its paw.

Ask your child what color is the ball? Give him a red pencil and remind him how to hold it correctly in his hand.

Invite your child to draw balls for the bear on a previously prepared sheet of paper with the image of an animal.

Help your child by holding and guiding the pen and pencil.

"Apples for the Hedgehog"

Target: develop the plot and game concept, teach rotational movements.
Material: a sheet of paper with an image of a hedgehog applique, colored pencils, a hedgehog toy.


Invite your child to guess the riddle: “under the pines, under the fir trees there lies a ball of needles.”

Help him complete the task by telling stories about the hedgehog and acting out a plot about how he stores mushrooms and apples for the winter.

Show a sheet of paper with a picture of a hedgehog applique without needles.

Invite your child to draw the hedgehog's needles in short strokes, then apples and mushrooms.

Help him if he finds it difficult to depict these objects.

"My fingers"

Target: learn to trace objects along a contour.
Material: colored pencils, sheet of paper.


Place the child's hand on a piece of paper and trace it along the contour, naming each finger.

Offer to paint them with different colors.

Then ask your baby to repeat your actions on his own.

If there is difficulty, help trace the outline of a cube or other object, holding it in the center and helping the child complete the task.


introduce new materials: paints, brushes, teach the rules of using paints.
Materials: paint - red gouache, brushes No. 8-10, sheets of white paper, a jar for water, napkins.


Remind that at first the child learned to draw with colored pencils.

Now he will learn to paint with paints.

Draw his attention to a brightly colored jar and a brush, which consists of a stick and soft bristles.

Show your child how to draw.

First, dip the brush into the paint, squeeze out any excess drops on the edge of the jar and draw a wide line on the paper.

The result is a “path”. Then, firmly applying the brush to a sheet of paper, draw its traces: “walking along the path.”

Make circular movements with the brush - it “dances”. Draw a circle and sticks around - this is the sun.

Then invite your child to draw.

To do this, place the brush in its handle, holding it with your hand, dip the brush into the paint, squeeze out excess drops on the edge of the jar and draw a line.

Do everything slowly and carefully, voicing your actions.

When changing paint, show how to rinse the brush in a jar of water and then dry it by placing it on a paper napkin.

Give your child freedom of movement while controlling the process.

Encourage experimentation with paint, painting the surface of the sheet with paints of different colors.

At the end of the lesson, rinse the brush, examine and discuss the work completed.

"Who lives in the forest"

Target: teach motor rhythm.
Materials: a sheet of paper painted in light gray tones with appliques of tree silhouettes, a brush, paints, a jar for water, napkins.


Remember the inhabitants of the forest: hares, hedgehogs, bears, foxes and wolves. Read poems, riddles, sing songs.

Using the tip of a brush, draw small traces of the hare on a pre-prepared sheet of paper, as it jumps and runs.

Large footprints of a wolf that ran through the forest.

Then, with the entire bristle of the brush, large strokes - traces of the bear as it walks through the forest.

After demonstrating the drawing technique, invite the child to draw the marks themselves and tell who they belong to.


Target: learn to draw with strokes in different parts of the paper.
Materials: blue leaf paper, paint white, brushes No. 8-12, water jar, napkins.


Remember what snowflakes look like in winter time years, what color they are, how they circle and fall to the ground.

Sing familiar melodies about the winter season.

Invite your child to draw a white snowball and make a few strokes.

On a blue background White snow will look very impressive.

Ask your child to repeat the strokes: apply “falling snow” with strokes in different parts of the paper.

Important to remember! While expanding your understanding of the world around you, do not forget to encourage your child in all his endeavors.


Target: use different colors of paints, the ability to rinse the brush when changing paints.

Materials: dark sheet of paper of blue color, paints of different colors, brush, water jar, napkins.


Relive the impressions of seeing holiday fireworks.

Show together how the rocket lights take off by raising your hands.

Then draw white stripes on dark blue background of the night sky, simulating the movement of a rocket.

Depict fireworks lights with strokes of red and yellow color, rhythmically applying them in the form of dots, spots, stripes.

When changing paint, remind your child to rinse the brush in a jar of water and dry it by placing it on a paper napkin.

We started drawing at about 1 year old. At first Antoshka did it with finger paints in the bathroom. A couple of months later, my husband made an easel, and my son became acquainted with brushes and gouache.

Basically, the child draws whatever he wants with the materials he wants or that I provide. Free drawing should be practiced as often as possible. But don't stop there.

In this article I will share drawing ideas with children aged 1 – 3 years old, I will talk about various techniques drawing with paints, pencils and other materials, even shaving foam.

You can also download coloring pages for little ones and finger painting templates.

I won't talk at length about the benefits of drawing with children. I think you already know very well that it develops the child’s imagination, creativity, improves hand coordination and fine motor skills of the fingers.

How to draw with a child 1-3 years old

In the article about applications I talked about the book E.A. Yanushko. This author also has a book "Drawing with young children"(Labyrinth, Ozone). This is beautiful Toolkit for parents and teachers, it also comes with a CD with demonstration materials.

The book presents methodology for conducting drawing classes with children 1 – 3 years old. I take many ideas from her.

Before you start drawing with your child, here are a few simple tips from me:

  • Show your child various drawing techniques (pokes, strokes, stamping, etc.) gradually, starting with the simplest ones.
  • I highly recommend buying or making your own easel for painting. It is relevant as soon as the child learns to walk.
  • Draw as often as possible.
  • Use a variety of drawing materials.
  • Try to immediately teach your child to hold a brush and pencil correctly. But if the child stubbornly refuses to do this, do not insist.
  • Give your child maximum freedom. Let the child draw what he wants and how he wants. Never demand that he draw the way you want. Below I will talk about various drawing techniques with children, but if the child refuses to do something, do not insist.

Don't correct your child! Let him draw purple skies and red grass. So what if cows don't fly and there are no fences on the rainbow? Your child's mind is still free from cliches. He is a true creator.

The more different materials For fine arts you use, the better.

You need to start with the easiest to learn (for example, finger paints), eventually reaching ordinary pencils.

We draw on:

  • plain paper
  • old wallpaper,
  • easel,
  • magnetic board,
  • plaster figures for coloring,
  • wood, plywood,
  • fabrics,
  • tiles in the bathroom and in the bath itself.

For drawing with children 1 - 3 years old, you can use the following materials:

  • Finger paint;
  • gouache, watercolor (and, accordingly, brushes of different sizes);
  • felt-tip pens (water-based and regular);
  • crayons (wax and regular);
  • wax pencils;
  • dry pastel;
  • pencils (preferably soft ones);
  • gel and ballpoint pens;
  • foam rubber, sponges;
  • cotton swabs and cotton wool;
  • stamps;
  • semolina;
  • shaving foam.

You will also need water glass(preferably sippy cup) and palette for mixing colors.

As I already said, we started painting with finger paints when we were about 1 year old. And they did it in the bathroom. Then we switched to paper.

Finger paint are safe and do not require the use of water. You can replace them with gouache.

The simplest thing you can do is draw dots with your fingers:

  • grains for birds, peas;
  • apples, berries, cones, balls for the Christmas tree;
  • watermelon seeds;
  • raindrops, snow, animal tracks;
  • giraffe spots, ladybug, leopard.

You can draw dots with your fingers using ready-made templates.

DOWNLOAD TEMPLATES for finger painting in one file.

And of course, let the baby smear the paint all over the sheet with his fingers and palms.

Drawing techniques with paints and pencils

All drawing techniques involve the use of different materials depending on the age and capabilities of the child. We give paints, crayons, felt-tip pens to very young children, and pencils, etc. to older children.

I list all the techniques in order of increasing difficulty.

Free drawing

My son calls this kind of drawing “scribbles”.

We introduce the child to drawing materials and give him the opportunity to experiment. At the same time, there is no need to give any tasks to draw something specific.

Practice free drawing as often as possible at any age of the child. It perfectly develops imagination.

Painting a sheet

We give the child paints, crayons, etc. and we suggest drawing:

  • grass for the cow,
  • water for fish,
  • sand, snow.

The child needs to paint over the sheet, and not draw individual blades of grass, etc. Even a one-year-old can cope with this task.

It's also great to use here paint rollers– simple or curly.

Painting an element

We draw a base (small images of animals and various objects) and ask the child to hide them by painting them over:

  • hide the mouse, bunny, fish, bug;
  • hide the moon and stars, the sun, the car.

With very young children it is interesting to do this with a sponge; with children over 2 years old it is useful to paint over elements with pencils.

Drawing points

Pre-draw the basis for the drawing - a bird that the child will feed, a bush on which berries will grow, etc.

Invite your child to draw: grains, berries, snow, raindrops, a bagel with poppy seeds, freckles, polka dots on a dress.

  • Direct: rays of the sun, stems of flowers, tops of carrots, fence, cage, path, rails, paws of bugs, needles of a cactus, teeth of a comb.
  • Wavy: boat waves, worms, octopus legs, car tracks, hair.
  • Broken: slides, a fence, icicles, a road with turns, thorns for a hedgehog.

Draw circles, ovals

Balls, apples, candies, Christmas decorations, beads, air balloons, rowan, berries, bubbles, eggs, cones.

Drawing Spirals

Invite your child to draw: a snail's house, smoke, a bee's flight, curls, sheep's rings, threads.

Finishing the drawing

Antoshka really likes to play this game: I say that one boy drew different figures, but did not finish them, and I suggest that my son finish them. He does this with great pleasure. This is how we finish drawing:

  • geometric figures;
  • I draw a road (a broken line) and Antoshka repairs it,
  • any simple and understandable drawings.

Drawing simple stories

This is the most difficult stage in mastering drawing. Here the child combines different techniques drawing according to instructions from an adult.

Take turns asking your child to draw different elements that will eventually turn into something specific. But give your child as much freedom as possible.

The purpose of such drawing is to show the child how the finished image appears step by step.

The child can hold the sponge with his hands or with a regular clothespin.

Simple sponge painting:

  • waves, sand, snowy landscape, grass, paths - by smearing;
  • snow, leaves - poked;
  • we hide bugs, fish, etc. - by painting.

Draw the shape you want on the sponge - a triangle, a tree, or even letters. Cut it out. Invite your child to dip a sponge in gouache and make an imprint on paper.

The child applies shaving foam to the template with a brush. This way you can cover a Christmas tree, a house with snow, make a snowdrift for a bear, etc.

Foam can also be applied to rubber toys. This is great fun for kids.

I talked about drawing with semolina in articles about, as well as about. There are two ways to draw with semolina:

1 way. You need to pour a little semolina onto a surface with sides: a tray, a baking sheet, a lid from under a large shoe box. And then the child draws with a finger or a brush simple images– waves, paths, circles, etc., makes fingerprints or various objects.

Method 2. Print out a coloring book for the little ones. Invite your child to apply glue to the image and sprinkle it with semolina. It will be more like coloring with semolina. But you can simply give your child a brush with glue and let him randomly apply it to the sheet, and then pour in semolina, shake it and see what pattern he gets.

I paint semolina with gouache. Instead of semolina, you can use sand for children's creativity.

On the Internet, I have repeatedly come across the opinion that children should not be given coloring books before school. They seem to be in the way creative development child. Some parents are simply afraid to give coloring books to their children, while others have a real phobia.

I I don't see anything wrong with coloring books. But rather only benefit if used in moderation. And give the main priority free drawing, which I mentioned above.

Offer your kids simple coloring books that use 1-2 colors. From 1.5 years old, you can try coloring books that involve the use of several colors. But all the same, the elements in them must be large. And you need to paint them, of course.

But it’s better to color small images with pencils or felt-tip pens, because the child simply won’t have the patience for large ones.

At 1–2 years old, children are also interested in water coloring pages(Labyrinth, Ozone, My-shop).

There are ready-made regular coloring books on sale (Labyrinth, Ozone, My-shop).

You can also DOWNLOAD COLORING BOOKS for kids in one file.


Cut out shapes in the sheet that could be painted in one color. You can paint over both the figure itself and the background.

Available for sale big choice inexpensive stencils (Labyrinth, Ozone, My-shop).

Your child may also enjoy tracing and coloring. various items, own hand.

All children draw with stamps with great pleasure. You can make them yourself. For example, from sponges for washing dishes, vegetables. You can use improvised objects and toys as stamps.

Or you can buy ready-made stamps or even entire drawing sets (Labyrinth, Ozone, My-shop).

I really hope you found this article helpful. Draw with your child and then he will also love this activity. Which drawing method does your child like best?

For the teacher: Tasks of artistic and creative development. Drawing soft toys by representation or from nature. Creating an expressive image of a bear based on two ovals of different sizes. Development of compositional skills - vertical placement of a sheet of paper, drawing the head at the top of the sheet, the body below the head in the center of the sheet, conveying proportions between parts of the body. Enriching ideas about the variety of teddy bears.

Drawing steps: 1. Draw a small oval - the head of a bear. 2. Draw a large oval - the body of the bear. 3. Draw four legs and round ears. 4. Decorate a cheerful face. 5. Dress up the bear in shorts or overalls. 6. Decorate clothes with stripes and mints.

Draw a bunny with paints

For the teacher: Tasks of artistic and creative development. Drawing toys in clothes. Drawing an analogy between the structure of different toys (bear - bunny), comparison by general appearance and details: an oval head, a smaller body, four legs, a boy bear in overalls or shorts, a girl bunny in a dress or sundress; The bear has small round ears, the bunny has long oval-shaped ears.

Drawing steps: 1. Draw a small oval - the head of a bunny. 2. Draw a triangle - Nice dress. 3. Draw paws, long ears and a small tail. 4. Decorate a funny face. 5. Draw a mustache with a felt-tip pen or pencil. 6. Decorate clothes as you wish.

Drawing Tumbler with paints

For the teacher: Tasks of artistic and creative development. Creating images of stylized toys depicting a person. Comparison of a tumbler with a swaddle doll. Clarification of the idea of appearance tumblers: the body and head are in the shape of circles of different sizes, small round arms at the junctions between the head and the body. Decoration of a doll's face.

Drawing steps: 1. Draw a large circle - the body of the tumbler. 2.Draw a small circle - the head (cap). 3. Add small circles - handles. 4. Draw a gentle face - eyes, nose and mouth. 5. We arrange small parts pencil. 6. Decorate the roly-poly clothes according to plan.

Draw a doll with paints

For the teacher: Tasks of artistic and creative development. Creating an expressive image of a doll with transfer characteristic features person. Experimenting to obtain pink and flesh colors.

Drawing steps: 1. Draw an oval or circle - this is the doll’s head. 2.Draw a dress in the form of a triangle or trapezoid. 3. We depict small arms and legs 4. We design the hairstyle - curls or braids.5. Draw a beautiful face and a bow. 6. Decorate the dress with details and patterns.

Drawing a Rocking Horse with paints

For the teacher: Tasks of artistic and creative development. Drawing a functional toy with gear characteristic features appearance and movement devices. Mastering the method of drawing based on arcs of different widths, thicknesses and curvatures (torso with legs, neck with head, rocking footrest).

Drawing steps: 1. Draw an arc - we get the body and legs of the horse. 2.Draw another arc - the neck with the head. 3. From the front legs to the hind legs we draw an arc - a rocking chair. 4. We design the head, draw a thick mane.5. Decorate with “apples” - specks. 6. Add harness (saddle, bridle) and patterns.

Painting a Ship with paints

For the teacher: Tasks of artistic and creative development. Drawing toys depicting water transport. Creating an image of a boat based on an idea of ​​appearance, structure and purpose. Development of compositional skills: drawing a boat on a sheet of paper placed horizontally.

Drawing steps: 1. Draw the hull of the ship in the form of an inverted roof. 2. Draw a rectangle on top and slightly to the side - the cabin. 3. Draw a wide pipe in a different color. 4. Draw a flag and decorate the boat.5. Draw portholes or lifebuoys. 6. We draw a sailor on the deck, the sun and the waves...

Drawing Helicopter with paints

For the teacher: Tasks of artistic and creative development. Drawing toys depicting air transport (streamlined body, wings-blades).

Drawing steps: 1. Draw a large oval in the middle of a sheet of paper - the body of a helicopter. 2. Draw a tail in the shape of a carrot. 3. Draw legs with wheels or skis. 4. Draw wings - fans on the body and on the tail. 5. We depict a window - round or oval. 6. We “seat” the toy pilot in the cockpit.

Painting Truck

For the teacher: Tasks of artistic and creative development. Drawing toys depicting cargo transport with the transfer of characteristic structural features (cabin, body, wheels).

Drawing steps: 1. Draw the truck cabin. 2. We attach a large body to the back. 3. Draw a side on top of the body. 4. We depict a window and wheels.5. We arrange small details. 6. “Load” the dump truck with sand or other cargo.

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