Prokopyeva Yulia. Biography of fashion model Yulia Prokopyeva-Loshagina - photo, video

Dmitry Loshagin received 10 years for the murder of his wife Yulia Prokopyeva. Photo

For the murder of his model wife Yulia Prokopyeva, photographer Dmitry Loshagin received 10 years.

On June 24, the Yekatirenburg court passed a scandalous verdict famous photographer Dmitry Loshagin. He was found guilty of murdering his wife, fashion model Yulia Prokopyeva. The court sentenced Loshagin to 10 years in prison, to be served in a colony strict regime.

“The defendant’s guilt was confirmed in the trial. The defense’s arguments that the evidence was collected in violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure and is inadmissible were not confirmed,” said Judge Alexandra Evladova, announcing the court decision. "To find Dmitry Aleksandrovich Loshagin guilty under part one of Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation", - she pronounced the verdict.

Let us remind you. On the night of August 22-23, 2013, the famous fashion model Yulia Prokopyeva-Loshagina disappeared.

Suspicion immediately fell on the popular photographer and Yulia's husband, Dmitry. He was charged with murder. According to investigators, Loshagin was drunk, quarreled with his wife and killed her. The cause of death of the model was a broken neck. And then - in order to cover up the traces of the crime - he burned Julia's body.

According to investigators, the murder of Yulia Prokopyeva occurred in Loshagin’s photo studio, where a social event was taking place. There were more than 50 people at the party, including the photographer himself and his wife.

At about 10 p.m. Loshagin, his wife and several guests went up to the roof to enjoy the view of the city. When the photographer and his wife were coming down from the roof, a quarrel broke out between them. During the conflict, the photographer kicked the girl, then grabbed her head with his hands and turned her with force, breaking her neck. To hide traces of the crime, Loshagin took his wife’s body into the forest and burned it. This happened two days later, on August 25, and from the 23rd to the 25th, according to the prosecution, Loshagin created an alibi for himself: he was in public, met with a huge number of witnesses, took photographs, went to training, to the cinema, etc. .

In August 2014, the trial of Loshagin began.

In his last word at the trial Dmitry Loshagin said: “I didn’t kill, I didn’t rape, I didn’t burn my wife, I loved her as best I could, and she answered me the same. I ask everyone: why should I cross out all this? For what purpose? Jealousy? This has not been proven and at least stupid. Money? I don’t have any financial benefits from my wife’s death. Because I’m just crazy and a moron for some reason? long years people who know me did not notice this. What else? Just? Wanted and killed? Even if we didn't love each other, why didn't I kill my three previous wives? I am against such an investigation."

As a result, on December 25, judge of the Oktyabrsky District Court of Yekaterinburg Ravil Izmailov made a sensational decision and acquitted Dmitry, who spent almost 1.5 years in a pre-trial detention center. Loshagin was released.

The prosecutor's office and the mother of the murdered model, Svetlana Ryabova, appealed the verdict. The state prosecutor asked Loshagina to serve 13 years in prison.

The public, meanwhile, is divided - some consider Loshagin absolutely guilty, others are absolutely sure of his innocence.

The defense of Svetlana Ryabova (mother of Yulia Loshagina) stated before the start of the hearing that she expected a “fair verdict.” According to the famous lawyer Sergei Zhorin, Loshagin’s guilt was obvious. All his arguments were defeated during the court hearings: “He has nothing to hope for. Moreover, the whole country is following the process,” Zhorin said.

Key witnesses for the prosecution - deputy head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate Sverdlovsk region for solving crimes against the person Evgeniy Khimich and deputy head of the Department of Internal Affairs for the city of Pervouralsk Pavel Prokopchik. They were the first to interrogate Loshagin. During the trial, they reported a conversation with Dmitry in September 2013, during which he admitted how he got rid of Yulia Prokopyeva’s body and how he told about the circumstances of her murder.

Khimich, in particular, said that he first met Loshagin in a pre-trial detention center on September 19, where Prokopchik invited him to help. “Loshagin explained that he and Yulia had a conflict on the stairs in the loft, he pushed her down. When he approached, she was dead. He hid the body under the stairs, and the next day he took it out, wrapped it in roofing material, and burned it, and all the things which he had, he scattered into containers in Yekaterinburg,” said Evgeniy Khimich.

He was echoed by Prokopchik, who stated that Loshagin went to the camping area twice: to find a place to throw the body, and then to take it there.

Loshagin made his first confession to the crime back in Pervouralsk to operative Prokopchik. Then he confirmed the testimony in the pre-trial detention center in the presence of Khimich. Prosecutor Mikael Ozdoev spoke about this. “In both cases, he avoided the phrase “I killed.” He always said, “a conflict arose, I pushed her, she fell and showed no signs of life” ...,” he said.

Press secretary of the Sverdlovsk Investigative Committee Alexander Shulga noted that “the court assessed all the evidence from the investigation objectively. More than 100 witnesses were questioned. More than 50 examinations were carried out. All evidence was recognized by the court as weighty and admissible.”

Let us add that Dmitry Loshagin will be credited for the period of detention (1 year and 3.5 months), so he will be released at the beginning of 2024.

Witnesses have appeared claiming that the brutally murdered and burned fashion model Yulia Prokopyeva-Loshagina may be alive and simply hiding from her tyrant husband, whom she decided to punish in this way for assault and infidelity. Meanwhile, Yulia’s husband, photographer Dmitry Loshagin, is under arrest on charges of murdering his wife.

Terrible murder in the Urals famous model Yulia Prokopieva-Loshagina is becoming increasingly wild with versions. Currently, the model’s husband, the famous Yekaterinburg photographer Dmitry Loshagin, is suspected of the brutal murder of Yulia and the burning of her corpse. Loshagin was arrested, but categorically denies his guilt.

Meanwhile, the photographer’s lawyers, according to media reports, found many inconsistencies in the testimony on the basis of which Loshagin was arrested. In particular, Loshagin's call billing data received from the mobile operator has been called into question - according to the lawyers, there are many inconsistencies there.

In addition, relatives of the arrested photographer are spreading a version that allegedly Yulia Loshagina is alive and is deliberately hiding from her tyrant husband, with whom she is very angry for assault and infidelity.

At the same time, at first I tried to voice this version ex-wife Loshagina Tatyana, from whom the photographer loudly and scandalously divorced in order to marry Yulia. The photographer even, according to the ex-wife, publicly and in the presence new darling beat her up.

However, it was Tatyana who stated that she saw the homewrecker after she was allegedly killed. Later other witnesses denied this information.

However, this version has another supporter - housekeeper Olga Akhlebinina, writes " TVNZ"The publication cites a very confusing story told by a newly-minted witness.

From the woman’s story it follows that she allegedly saw Yulia after, according to the investigation, the girl had already been killed. When asked where the model went later, the woman put forward the version that she might have been kidnapped and hidden from her husband.

The brother of the deceased model, Mikhail Ryabov, who was the first to voice his suspicions regarding Dmitry Loshagin’s involvement in the death of Yulia, considers all these versions to be nonsense.

“I was at the identification parade and I am one hundred percent sure that the burnt body belongs to my sister. There cannot be so many coincidences. Perhaps all these incredible versions were invented by Dmitry’s defense,” Mikhail told Moskovsky Komsomolets.

According to investigators, the murder occurred on the night of August 22-23. Loshagin, being drunk, allegedly killed his wife, fashion model Yulia Prokopyeva Loshagina, during a quarrel, breaking her neck.

After this, according to investigators, the photographer took the body of the murdered girl into the forest and then set it on fire. According to the Investigative Committee, this was done to hide traces of the crime and make it difficult to identify the victim.

Indeed, after the discovery of the girl’s body, Yulia’s relatives at first could not identify her; a genetic examination was required, official results which, by the way, was never made public. So it’s too early to completely rule out the possibility that Julia is alive. "KP".

“The tracks got so mixed up that nothing could ever be sorted out again.”

The murder of Yulia Prokopieva-Loshagina leads to the Revda bandits and the Pervouralsk security forces. PHOTOS, DOCUMENTS

Death photo of Yulia Prokopyeva. What happened after - continuous questions

June 24 at 10.00 and. O. Chairman of the Oktyabrsky District Court of Yekaterinburg Alexander Evladov will begin to announce a new, second verdict to photographer Dmitry Loshagin, accused of murdering his wife, model Yulia Prokopyeva. Subjectively, Evladova has a very difficult decision to make. On the one hand, the security forces, who are confident in the results of the investigation and Loshagin’s guilt, are expecting a guilty verdict from her. On the other hand, the photographer himself, his defense and the public supporting them hope for an acquittal. They are at least confident that Loshagin’s guilt has not been proven and the most honest decision is to return the case to the investigation. In anticipation of the announcement of the verdict, the site’s correspondents talked with all participants in this high-profile process and are ready to present both points of view in detail.

Alexandra Evladova

The burnt body of Yulia Prokopyeva was found on August 24, 2013 in a forest area on the Staromoskovsky tract near the village of Reshety. For many it tragic death came as a shock. The subsequent detention of her husband, photographer Dmitry Loshagin, well-known in the city circle, on September 3, and his arrest aggravated the effect. In addition to all this, Loshagin took advantage of Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, refusing to testify in this case until the end of the judicial investigation. Finally, the judge of the Oktyabrsky District Court, Eduard Izmailov, who was the first to consider the case in 2014, acquitted the photographer, and the judicial panel of the Sverdlovsk Regional Court overturned his decision, returning the case for retrial. Now everything is in your hands fragile woman– judges Alexandra Evladova, for a long time aspiring to take the post of chairman of the district court. Tomorrow at 10 o'clock she will begin to announce her verdict.

Investigation version

The demands of the state prosecution, represented by prosecutor Mikael Ozdoev in the Loshagin case, were announced on June 5. As in the trial conducted by Judge Izmailov, Loshagin was asked to be found “undoubtedly guilty” and sentenced to 13 years in prison.

Mikael Ozdoev

The version of the investigation, it was led by a special investigator important matters Investigative Directorate for the Sverdlovsk Region Alexander Pankratiev, known. According to it, Loshagin killed Prokopyeva on the evening of August 22, 2013 during a party in his apartment-photo studio “Loshagin-loft” on Belinsky Street in the center of Yekaterinburg. A quarrel broke out between the spouses, as a result of which the girl’s neck was broken. The problem is that there is no direct evidence of this.. It is possible that everything happened on the stairs that lead from Loshagin-loft to the roof of the building.

Roof "Loshagin-loft"

The Loshagin couple went up there with the guests of the party on August 22 at 10:15 p.m. They all stayed there together for 15-20 minutes, admiring the views of the evening city and taking photographs. At about 22.45, the guests, to their surprise, discovered that Dmitry and Yulia were no longer with them, and they themselves were locked on the roof, because Entrance door turned out to be blocked. They spent some more time like this until they were released by the administrator of the photo studio, Olga Sobenina. She opened the door to the roof, according to testimony given in court, with the keys she found on the same stairs. According to the theoretical calculations of the investigation, the time between the time they disappeared from the roof with Prokopyeva and the time Sobenina freed the guests from there was enough for Loshagin to both have a conflict with his wife and to remove her body from sight.

Alexander Pankratiev

“Going down from the roof, passing through the technical room into the photo studio, between Loshagin and Prokopieva, who were left alone and intoxicated, on the basis of personal hostile relationships, a quarrel occurred, during which Loshagin, with the aim of killing Prokopieva, acting deliberately, attacked the victim, inflicted multiple blows on her legs with his booted feet, after which he grabbed Prokopyeva’s head with his hands and with force, turning her head, tilted it back and to the right, causing bodily harm to the victim in the form of: a fracture of the odontoid process of the second cervical vertebra,” the materials say affairs. It also states: “Prokopieva’s death occurred at the scene as a result of a mechanical injury to the neck.”

The “Loshagin-loft” staircase, on which, according to the investigation, Prokopyeva’s murder took place

Eight hours later, he placed her body in a plastic container from IKEA, lowered it into the underground parking lot, loaded it into the trunk of one of two Audi TTs (Dmitry and Yulia used a white and black car of this brand) and in the afternoon took it to the area of ​​the 13th kilometers of the Staromoskovsky tract (between the Khrustalnaya station and the village of Reshety). There, about 50 meters from the road at an unauthorized dump site, Loshagin unloaded the body of his late wife, doused it with flammable liquid and set it on fire.

Pavel Prokopchik (photo – Vecherny Pervouralsk

As evidence of this part of the accusation, the investigation cites video footage of external surveillance cameras from the loft; the footage shows Loshagin taking out a large plastic container on August 23. It also relies on data from an investigative experiment, during which a similar plastic container from IKEA (purchased by investigators and included as evidence in the case) is placed in the trunk of an Audi TT (it is proven that, despite the modest size of the car, the container fits there). Finally, location billing data cell phone Loshagin, according to which he was in the area where Prokopyeva’s body was found twice, on August 23 in the afternoon and on August 24 in the morning.

The mother of the deceased Svetlana Ryabova and brother Mikhail

This official version, in which, due to various procedural subtleties, the security forces did not include several important points. “Immediately after his arrest, Loshagin gave a confession to [Pavel] Prokopchik,” a high-ranking official of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region told the site a few days ago about the main one. According to him, the problem is that these testimonies “were not properly documented” and, accordingly, could not be used by investigators of the RF Investigative Committee, to whom this case was transferred.

Oleg Rudoy

Why it happened that the “experienced operative” Prokopchik, “who worked for the Drug-Free City Foundation,” did not properly secure the key evidence for the investigation, our interlocutor explains by an unexpectedly sharp change in the behavior of Loshagin himself. “The “client” swam, who knew that while he was being transferred under investigative jurisdiction to the Investigative Committee, he would “change his shoes” and sit under Article 51 [of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, refusing to testify in the case],” the officer says with obvious regret.

Defender Loshagina Marina

By the way, a big story came out with Loshagin’s testimony to Prokopchik. In February of this year, Loshagin on his page on the social network VKontakte accused Prokopchik of extorting 50 thousand USD via SMS. for an audio recording of Loshagin confessing to the murder of his wife and for silence at the trial. On May 15, Prokopchik, speaking at the trial in Loshagin’s case as a prosecution witness, stated that he had not sent any messages to Loshagin. According to him, a corresponding check was carried out against him, which confirmed his innocence. “He was set up by pranksters,” our source at the police headquarters assured. At the same time, it is known that Prokopchik confirmed the very fact of Loshagin’s testimony, in which he was initially guilty.

Checkpoint IK-66, from where prisoner Yagovtsev drove out in someone else’s car on the night of August 23-24, 2013

Another important point- how the security forces explain why Loshagin did not immediately confess to what happened. Indeed, in this case, he would have a chance to be charged under the “softer” Article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Causing death by negligence,” which presupposes maximum case imprisonment for up to two years. “It’s a glamorous party with a lot of famous people in town and coke.” How to call the police there? He first had to hire a cleaning company to clean the loft. And then it was too late to leave for 109,” shared an informed security official.

Loshagin's version

The version of Loshagin himself and his defense regarding what happened in August 2013 began to become clearer only during the retrial of the case in the Oktyabrsky District Court. However, no one has yet publicly stated it. In a private conversation with a correspondent for the site, Loshagin hinted that the circumstances of his wife’s death lead to the “Armenian clan” of Revda.

The name, however, is conditional, since the leader of this community was Nikolai Smovzh, known by the nickname Palych. Let us remember that he was detained in February 2014. Then it was reported that in the 90s Smovzh was close to the head of the Center organized crime group Nikolai Shirokov. He also maintained relations with the late thief in law Timur Mirzoev (Timur Sverdlovsky), who was considered the nephew of Ded Hasan and “watcher” of the Middle Urals.

In fact, behind the hill a few hundred meters from the road. Spare parts are still lying around there

A year after Smovzh’s arrest, the New Day agency published information detailing the investigation against him. As follows from this material, the authority’s team, in alliance with officials of the Revda administration, has been carrying out large-scale land scams for a long time. Among the main characters listed were Ara Manukyan, known as Arayik, and his common-law wife Tatyana Mashkina, who worked as the deputy head of the local administration for property and land use. In addition, a certain Sergei Matychenko was mentioned.

The latter, in particular, is a business partner of Vyacheslav Kalypin (according to the SPARK system, from 2010 to 2012, for example, with another founder Pavel Panshin, they owned Stroremkor LLC on a parity basis; Matychenko was listed as the director of this company). In relation to the Loshagin case, Kalypin is one of the prosecution witnesses who closely communicated with Prokopyeva in last days before her death. This man testified in court twice, saying the same thing each time. He met Prokopyeva in the summer of 2013, they ran together. IN last time Kalypin met with the deceased at about 18.00 on August 22 at the Pokrovsky Passage shopping center. After that, he talked to her late in the evening of the same day by phone. That's all.

13th kilometer of the Staromoskovsky tract

During the retrial of the case, Loshagin’s lawyer Zoya Ozornina asked the court to record that last call from Kalypin to Prokopyeva at 10:13 p.m. (at that moment, according to investigators, she and the guests were going up to the roof of Loshagin-loft). The defense also noted that after the call, Kalypin, again judging by the billing, headed towards Revda (Prokopyeva’s body was found in the same direction two days later). On the sidelines of the court, Loshagin’s side asked, among other things, another question: why Kalypin, who was in close contact with the model right up to last minutes her life, was not even included in the initial circle of suspects?

According to the case materials, however, in December 2013, investigator Pankratyev nevertheless petitioned for Kalypin to undergo a polygraph. The answer based on the results of his testing was given by Prokopchik. “The interviewee does not hide operationally significant information,” is stated in the document signed by the detective dated February 19, 2014. “On the day of death he was not in an intimate relationship with the victim, he gives truthful testimony.”

Nevertheless, Loshagin’s defense believes that the plot about the contacts between Prokopyeva and Kalypin was not sufficiently developed by the investigation and, taking into account other inconsistencies in the investigation, the case of the murder of the model should have been taken in a completely different direction. Which one exactly, we tried to figure it out with Loshagin’s assistant. She was introduced to us briefly: “Marina.” The interlocutor began by recalling the story that accompanied the investigation of the Prokopyeva murder case with a car burned down in the Reshet area.

Scheme of the scene of the discovery of the corpse

According to the case materials, on the night of August 23-24, 2013, convict of IK-66 Yuri Yagovtsev (the colony is located on the edge of the village of Reshety, approximately 2.5 kilometers from the discovery of Prokopieva’s corpse), being intoxicated, decided to take a ride in a Honda car Odyssey, which he repainted for IK-66 employee Nina Inkina. “After some time, Yagovtsev decided to drive into the forest so that no one would hear him... He noticed residential buildings and a highway in front of him, realized that he could be detained by traffic police officers, and decided to turn back. Along the way, Yagovtsev woke up from the strong smell of smoke,” says the materials of the pre-investigation check on this incident. The car of the FSIN employee burned down, Yagovtsev himself returned to the colony on foot.


It is interesting that, according to the release of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Sverdlovsk Region, a report of a burning car in the Reshet area near house 4 on the street. Pushkin was received at 15.20 minutes on August 24. Meanwhile, Yagovtsev himself assures that everything happened at night. Also, for some reason, the documents indicate inaccurately the location of the car burning.

Scheme of injuries received by Yulia before her death

A local resident from house 6 on the street. It is not located near house no. 4, but several hundred meters from the road deep in the forest. At the same time, our interlocutor recalled that on that day in the village there was talk of not one, but two burnt cars at once. He also noted that a lot of people in uniform visited there that day and “they confused the tracks so that nothing could ever be made out.”

Alternate exit from the Melnitsa campsite

According to our guide Marina, confusion with burnt-out cars could have direct relation to the destruction of Prokopieva’s corpse. By the way, according to the results of the check carried out by the Pervouralsk police, Yagovtsev’s actions were not seen as a criminal offense (neither under Article 166 of the Criminal Code “Taking possession of someone else’s property”, nor under 168 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Destruction of someone else’s property”, nor under 313 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Escape from places of deprivation freedom"). Marina is inclined to trust the version of the famous blogger Oleg Rudoy. In his documentary film he questioned the entire version of the investigation in the Loshagin case. In particular, Rudoy pointed out that Loshagin was physically unable to break a person’s neck and, due to a number of illnesses, move his wife’s body from place to place. He also noted that before her death, Prokopyeva had sexual contact (this data is in the investigation materials) and was probably killed during intimacy, as indicated by the nature of the injuries. In addition, according to Rudoy, ​​Prokopyeva’s death did not occur on August 22, but on the morning of the 24th, that is, several hours before her burned body was found in the forest. Moreover, the killer knew how to hide evidence - Prokopyeva’s body was washed before burning.

Holiday houses for clients

Marina, like Rudoy, ​​is sure that her client’s wife died not in Loshagin-loft, but at one of the tourist centers located not far from Reshet (on May 21, a witness testified at the trial and reported that Prokopyev on the night of 23 to 24 August were seen far away on Postovsky Street, 6 in Yekaterinburg). In particular, the woman points to the Khrustalnaya tourist center and the Melnitsa camping site on the Moskovsky tract. The latter has, in particular, an emergency exit onto the road leading to the Staromoskovsky tract, and theoretically, visitors to the houses for rent at the campsite could unnoticed take the body away. Our guide also assures that the Revda clan, led by Smovzh, had established connections in security forces Pervouralsk, including the police and prosecutor's office, through which the issue of destruction of evidence could be resolved.

Vyacheslav Kalypin

True, to the question of how and why to involve a hypothetical convict from IK-66 for this purpose, involving him among the initiates extra people, she never gave a clear answer. At the same time, she is sure that the reshuffles in the leadership of the Pervouralsk police (the place of the sick Sergei Chirko was recently temporarily taken by the deputy chief of police of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region Oleg Grekhov) and the prosecutor's office (the media announced the possible departure of Alexander Rudykh) are an echo of the Loshagin case. Why the leadership of the regional headquarters had to wait almost two years to replace, for example, Chirko, even if there were any suspicions about him, she also could not explain anything intelligibly.

P. S.: Taking into account all the subtleties of this case, it is almost impossible to make the most correct verdict on it, satisfying all parties to the process. All that remains is to sympathize with Judge Alexandra Evladova; she has to make a very difficult decision, on which, apparently, not only the fate of Loshagin, but also her own, as well as all those who participated in this extremely complex investigation of a simple murder, depends.

“I know he is innocent. 14 psychics said"

The mothers of Dmitry Loshagin and the late Yulia Prokopyeva - about the lives of their children

Today, August 18, in the Oktyabrsky District Court of Yekaterinburg, the trial began in the case of the famous Yekaterinburg photographer Dmitry Loshagin, accused of murdering his wife, model Yulia Prokopieva-Loshagina. The first hearing was preliminary and was held behind closed doors. Loshagin was shown to journalists only when they were taken out of the guard room into the courtroom and brought back. When asked “how are you doing?”, he only had time to say: “Everything is great”! In addition to prosecutors and lawyers, both mothers of Dmitry and the late Yulia came to the trial. They refrained from communicating with the press before the start of the trial. But after the meeting they agreed to talk, dispelling several rumors about the children’s lives.

Svetlana Ryabova, mother of Yulia Prokopyeva:

Svetlana Viktorovna, before the start of the trial, you spoke with the lawyer about the two million rubles that Yulia had in her account and which Dmitry took for himself.

– On July 7, the amount was deposited into one account, collected from all of Yulia’s other accounts, and on the 27th he kills her. Of course it's a coincidence. He inherited half - his legal marital share.

– Was there a mercenary motive for the murder?

- No, it happened by chance.

“Do you think he didn’t kill her on purpose?”

- This murder was unintentional. This says a lot. It was a murder, so to speak, against the backdrop of the fact that he smoked marijuana and drank alcohol. I knew about this from my daughter. Well, I lived and lived like this. Things were headed towards divorce.

– Did he tell you something himself?

- No. The only thing that constantly says: “I didn’t kill, I didn’t kill, I didn’t kill.”

– Did your daughter use alcohol or drugs on the day of her death?

– There is an investigative and medical report in the case... of a corpse, we’ll call it that now, since everything happened. Then, during the second examination, they insisted that she allegedly took drugs. Drugs are fixed over a long period of time, for about six months. I knew she had none of this. But now there is documentary evidence of this.

– What’s the story with the certificate of HIV status (there were rumors that the Loshagins suspected each other of cheating, that one of them had AIDS, allegedly they were checked by doctors and it was this situation that became the reason for a quarrel that ended in murder , - approx.

– AIDS, which they talked about, and about some boy, that the certificate was fake... It was a real certificate. It’s just that Yulia went to Italy to work, and women under 30 are not allowed into Italy at all. It was already with great difficulty that she made her way there. You won't be able to enter the country without this HIV certificate. The certificate was taken for work.

“Did Yulia tell you something, did he beat her?”

- Certainly.

- So they had quarrels before?

- Certainly. The investigator also knows about this. When I recognized the leg (they tried to burn Yulia’s corpse), I realized that it was my child, and I just started pouring out a cornucopia of things about this relationship to the investigator. Firstly, he watched her constantly. That is, during the wedding he says: “I want to look at the world through your eyes and grow old with you, hand in hand.” And at the same time, she is flying to work, and she has a listening device. All this is unpleasant. Jealousy is unfounded. At first they were still living, and only then there was something so incomprehensible.

– There was talk that Dmitry Loshagin himself was not very faithful in his relationships. This is true?

- Yes. I've heard about this.

– Who was the initiator of the future divorce?

“I know that he didn’t intend to live with her.” I know that he had a close relationship with “Miss Ekaterinburg 2006” [Daria Dementieva] (received the title at the age of 16). And Julia knew about it.

Svetlana Sokolova, mother of Dmitry Loshagin:

– Svetlana Robertovna, did you talk to Dmitry before the trial?

– Actually, no.

– Are you even allowed to see him?

– Recently, once on a date. Three dates in a year.

-What did he say?

“I know he’s innocent.” 14 psychics said it wasn't him. So we are waiting for the forces of light (smiles).

– How is he feeling now, how is his health?

– I think everything is fine. It's holding on. Although on the date he said that for two months he was simply in shock from what had happened to him. But this is a test, everyone passes it themselves.

– Is there evidence in the case that confirms his guilt?

– Did the investigators put pressure on him?

- Everyone was pressing.

– Was it psychological or physical pressure?

– Psychological. Fantasy works well, and they made a molehill out of a molehill perfectly. What has arrived, we need to clear it out now.

– Were you looking for other culprits?

- What for? He’s convenient, he’s like a scapegoat.

– Do you communicate with Yulia’s relatives?

- No. I tried, but they didn't want to.

– How was it, what did you want to tell them?

– When we were traveling with psychics, we tried. They had one thing - material things and dogs.

- What kind of dogs?

– The little dogs that Dima bought. They were left homeless - friends took them in (today in the court corridor, Yulia’s relatives said that Loshagin did not like dogs and one of them even died). They have only one thing - give us this, give us that. Two cars were taken. Something else. In general, this doesn’t bother me. Only the son worries, that's all.

– Your son asked him to give him something to the pre-trial detention center: books, things?

- He asked for books.

- What is he reading?

- He read... I bought five or six volumes, the ancient Aryan Vedas. Then he read it - an interesting series of [esotericists by Larisa] Seklitova and [Lyudmila] Strelnikova came out. The Age of Aquarius gave way to the Age of Pisces. Change of eras, change of energies, the fifth race passes into the sixth. This is all very interesting, just esoteric. There was one esotericist, they talked with Yulia, and here are her words: “Dimka is innocent, I messed up myself.”

– We talked with Yulia – do you mean with spirit?

- Yes. They talked. Now I’ll tell you when (remembers). After Easter, perhaps. We had to rent out ["Loshagin-loft"] (the Loshagins' studio apartment), we were standing there, and there was a boy, an esotericist - he saw her there.

– If not your son, then who?

“This man will still be punished in three years.” He'll get his, that's all.

– Do you have any idea who he is?

– (smiles, thinks). Rumors - why would I say them?

– This person, is he from Dmitry and Yulia’s entourage?

– This is from Yulia’s circle.

- They say that they were heading towards divorce and Julia had another person?

- They say - and let them speak. It’s just that if the person had not behaved morally unstable, then all this would not have happened. If only they hadn't thrown money at it. For her, money meant a lot great importance.

– Are you sure of your son’s innocence? The security forces prove his guilt through an investigative experiment: he allegedly put the body in a box and took it out.

- This is such nonsense. Firstly, he has a broken leg, two surgeries on his kidney and spine. If he lifts the weight, then that’s it – his vertebrae are finished. He had a special massage therapist. And to lift such a weight is nonsense. You will lift this box yourself! There must have been something left in the box. Then the body hardens, after a few hours it can no longer be bent. As Dimka said, “the whole prison is laughing.” Excuse me, of course. Well, if you think about it, this is nonsense.

– Why doesn’t he put forward his versions?

“He doesn’t consider himself guilty.” He went to bed, the next day, as far as I know, he was supposed to work. If she left, then that's her problem.

– What irritates the investigation most of all is that he does not cooperate.

“The lawyers told him this: “If you make a deal with the investigation, they will make a molehill out of a molehill.” Already done for 8 volumes. Get it.

– Why didn’t he write a statement to the police?

– This (Yulia leaving home) happened more than once. If this was the first time she left... He eventually got tired of it and said: “Either we live normally, or we separate.”

– Yulia’s mother says that they were on the verge of divorce...

- It is not true. He hoped and wanted to live with her. And now everything has turned into a show. The show goes on!

6 November 2015, 16:21

Remember this high-profile case, when the burned corpse of a famous Yekaterinburg model was found on the outskirts of the city, and her photographer husband was accused of murder? We discussed this here once. In general, this story was mentioned in a conversation with me recently, and I became interested in how it all ended. It turned out that everything is just beginning there! The photographer is still in jail, but many doubt his involvement in the murder; wild and mysterious versions are multiplying on the Internet and newspapers. Below I have collected the details and the most widely circulated versions.

On the night of August 22-23, 2013, the famous fashion model Yulia Prokopyeva-Loshagina disappeared. A fashion photographer and Julia’s husband, Dmitry, immediately came under suspicion. He was charged with murder. According to investigators, Loshagin was drunk, quarreled with his wife and killed her. The cause of death of the model was a broken neck.
In August 2014, the trial of Loshagin began. As a result, on December 25, judge of the Oktyabrsky District Court of Yekaterinburg Ravil Izmailov made a sensational decision and acquitted Dmitry, who spent almost 1.5 years in a pre-trial detention center. The prosecutor's office and the mother of the murdered model Svetlana Ryabova appealed the verdict. The Sverdlovsk Regional Court overturned the decision of the district court and sent the case for a new trial. On June 24, the Oktyabrsky Court of Yekaterinburg ruled new sentence in the case of Dmitry Loshagin. Judge Alexandra Evladova found the photographer guilty of murdering his wife, fashion model Yulia Prokopyeva, and sentenced Loshagin to 10 years in a “high security” colony. The photographer himself and his lawyers said they would appeal this court decision. The matter has not yet been concluded.

Sexual experiments.

Two shocking versions related to the murder of Yulia Prokopyeva-Loshagina were leaked from law enforcement agencies. There is no official confirmation yet, but as URA.Ru learned from its own sources, criminologists had to study intimate life Loshagin spouses.
“The version that photographer Dmitry Loshagin accidentally killed his wife during sexual experiments was considered. He got scared, panicked and therefore took the body of his beloved wife near Pervouralsk to get rid of the evidence. But I couldn’t completely burn the body - I didn’t have the courage,” says a URA.Ru source.


Another URA.Ru source hints that this version has already been written off. According to him, everything is much worse - Yulia was killed by a professional killer, and Dmitry Loshagin has nothing to do with the crime - he was simply framed. The killer was allegedly hired by a high-ranking elderly Sverdlovsk official who was Yulia's lover and had recently discovered that a beautiful fashion model had infected him with HIV.
“The killer - a former security officer - entered that party (loft attic on Belinsky Street, 32) under the guise of a guest. Perhaps it was hosted by one of the glamorous guests. In the toilet, the killer professionally - in one movement, twisted Yulia's head like a chicken. The killer had an accomplice who helped “bring out” the murdered woman - they took the girl, as if drunk, by the arms. None of the partygoers paid attention to this - everyone was already pretty drunk, including Dmitry,” the source shares.
Then all that remained was to frame Loshagin so that no one would doubt that he was the killer. The organizer and executor of the murder calculated everything. “Firstly, Loshagin’s phone was stolen (it was later tossed back), which was turned on twice at the crime scene so that the telecom operator would jam the signal. Secondly, the corpse was deliberately not completely burned so that the experts would not have to fiddle around for a long time. Thirdly, the law enforcement agencies received a tip on where to look for the body of the fashion model, says the agency’s interlocutor. “Perhaps Dmitry Loshagin will soon change his status as an accused to a witness, and he will be protected under the witness protection program.”


Information about HIV infection, which could have caused the death of Yulia Prokopyeva-Loshagina, is actively denied by the model’s relatives. Her brother posted test results on his VKontakte page confirming that the girl was healthy in mid-June.
However, this does not exclude the presence of the disease, the period of seroconversion (appearance of detectable antibodies to HIV) ranges from 2 weeks to 1 year.
For loving husband The news of the infection could have sounded like a bolt from the blue. And cause not only fear for your life, but also quite understandable wild jealousy. In this case, there was only one step left before the murder, which could have been provoked by a stormy party, the frivolous behavior of his wife at it and an unlimited amount of alcohol.
Loshagin's business partners noted that last month he looked either tired or saddened by something. He refused new orders and was in no hurry to fulfill old ones. And after August 22, he abruptly went back to work.


A sensational version of the murder of Yulia Prokopyeva-Loshagina was offered by Komsomolskaya Pravda - Ural. Housekeeper Olga Akhlebinina claims that she met Yuli Loshagina on August 24 at about 16:00 in the Antey business center. That is, 8 hours after the body of a murdered girl was found in the forest.
“It couldn’t be Julia! After all, I saw her together with Dmitry on August 24 at about four in the afternoon. Loshagin was in high spirits. He greeted me. And I asked him how to find “Lenin, 40” - I was late there for the training. Dmitry explained it to me in detail. By the way, his face was in perfect order. And then there were rumors that Yulia almost knocked out his tooth during a quarrel after the party on August 22. But Julia was somehow depressed and tired. Usually she is always in full dress - made up and dressed up. And this time the girl was clearly sad. It was clear that something was bothering her,” KP quotes Olga Vasilievna.
This is not the first time that Yulia Loshagina-Prokopyeva was seen after the ill-fated party in the loft on August 22. So, Dmitry’s ex-wife Tatyana assured that that same night the model was having fun at the Pushkin club. Loshagin's relatives are seriously considering the version that Yulia herself staged her disappearance and framed her guilty husband. But this version also has no evidence.
In addition, last week at the court hearing the photographer’s defense tried to appeal his detention. Lawyer Sergei Lashin said: “There is no conclusion from a genetic examination yet that the girl found is Yulia Prokopyeva. I understand that it’s blasphemous to say that. But the fact remains a fact."


The most dangerous thing is to voice the version that appeared almost immediately after the first news about the disappearance of Yulia Prokopyeva-Loshagina. It was expressed in the comments by one of the URA.Ru readers. On September 2, an entry appeared: “What made my brother come to the police at 3-4 o’clock in the morning? Strange brother..."
Then similar comments no longer left the pages of news about the doula about the murder of the model. “Didn’t they check your brother?”, “Maybe it was your brother who killed you?”, “Maybe you should shake your brother. Some kind of irrepressible activity, looks like a diversion of suspicion from oneself”, “The boy’s activity also looks strange... The person is considered guilty [in relation to the accusations against the deceased’s husband appearing on the page of Yulia’s brother “VKontakte”] by a court decision”, " But my brother is really strange! No, in order to prepare a funeral, he “On VKontakte crucifies himself in front of everyone.”
Then more serious suspicions arose. “I thought through everything, prepared well - and found the certificate, and knew about the car, which Dima gave to Yulia on the eve of his disappearance - strange,” “He envied his sister and her husband! And he and his mother (if Dmitry is imprisoned) are the main and only heirs to his sister’s money.”
The behavior of Mikhail Ryabov, the brother of the deceased girl, is in fact not very similar to how, in the generally accepted understanding, a loving and grieving person should behave. Indeed, it was he who turned to law enforcement agencies with a missing sister report. And almost immediately (after Yulia’s body was found) he began to claim that the killer was her husband, photographer Dmitry Loshagin. As arguments, it was Mikhail who cited the facts of beating his sister, unconventional sexual orientation photographer, his difficult financial situation.
At the same time for young man Living with his mother in Nizhny Tagil, his sister, who was a wealthy successful model, was the only financial source. True, Mikhail denies receiving money from his sister. But he openly declares that he will take everything that “belonged to his sister” and that “was bought with my sister’s money,” explaining: “Why the hell shouldn’t I take it?”
The desire to get what belonged to Julia, starting with an iPhone and ending with a certain two-story house"with an area of ​​300 sq. meters and a recreation area,” may well be a motive for murder.
In addition, after a series of investigative actions, the brother of the deceased model began to go to Contact only at night. And he even posted an ad for renting a 2-room apartment. However, later he began to carefully “clean” the page, deleting comments from uncomfortable questions(for example, where did he get the mms with the results of Yulia’s tests and what was the fate of the girl’s first husband, who allegedly beat her). The overly frank correspondence with girls also disappeared.
And friends of the family claim that, on Mikhail’s initiative, a claim was filed for compensation for moral damages in connection with Yulia’s death. The amount of compensation specified in the application is 50 million rubles.


Some of Yulia Prokopyeva-Loshagina’s friends, who know about her emotionality, believe that there was no murder as such. A childhood friend who wished to remain anonymous believes the death was an accident.
The girl, in a conversation with a URA.Ru correspondent, confirmed that quarrels between spouses were a private occurrence. The main reason for them was Yulina’s openness and sociability, which was incompatible with Dima’s jealousy. The loved ones cursed, and Julia behaved extremely emotionally in such situations. She could break dishes and slam doors. In such altercations, as the agency’s interlocutor suggests, both spouses repeatedly received minor injuries. Quite possible, last quarrel, caused by Yulia’s unexpected departure to Moscow on the eve of her birthday, caused the girl’s death.
The evening in the loft, when the Loshagins were last seen together, proceeded rather nervously, according to some of those present there. Attempts to find out the relationship between Yulia and Dima were made even before the guests left.
A quarrel, fatigue after a busy evening, a staircase in the studio, the amount of drink - all this could lead to the fact that the girl stumbled, which caused a fatal fracture. Dmitry, frightened by what had happened and not in a completely adequate state, was afraid of a possible charge of murder. And he took the already dead Yulia to the forest near Pervouralsk.
This version is supported by his active reluctance to admit guilt in the murder and the opinion of his friends that “Dima could not.”

Escaped prisoner

Burnt body at that time unknown woman(as it later turned out, model Yulia Prokopyeva) was discovered in the village of Reshety on August 24. Then the message did not look sensational - an ordinary police report. The body was found in a forest 50 meters from the 13th kilometer of the Staromoskovsky tract, on the road from the village of Khrustalny to the village of Reshety.
“The corpse is severely mutilated, the head and upper limbs are burned, clothing is missing. By this fact On August 26, a criminal case was initiated based on the elements of a crime under Part 1 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (murder),” the Main Directorate said in a statement. Signs of the deceased were also given.
At the same time, information appeared that a burnt-out car belonging to a prison employee had been found in the forest. According to some reports, then convict Yuri Yagovtsev escaped from the colony. According to law enforcement officials, the theory that he may be involved in the murder has not yet been dismissed.

There are still a lot of versions circulating on the Internet, for example, some find parallels in this murder with another committed back in the 90s, and claim that Loshagin is an insidious serial killer.

These are the pies. I hope we will eventually find out the truth.

Updated 07/11/15 03:54:

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