Program Labor education of orphanage children with intellectual disabilities. improvement and landscaping of the territory. planting green spaces

Features of children from orphanages

Scientific research and practice (A.M. Prikhozhan, N.N. Tolstykh, I.V. Dubrovina, A.G. Ruzskaya, E.O. Smirnova, I.A. Zimnyaya, M.I. Buyanov, V.S. Mukhina, L.I. Bozhovich and others) showed that orphans and children deprived of parental care have many disorders in the emotional sphere, self-awareness, and behavior. The inability to communicate entails the dominance of defensive forms of behavior.

The problem arises when we descend from the level of noble slogans to the level of practice. When the author's daughter refused to take a photo of the blouse during a survey, her mother decided: "She gave her sympathy and told her why it was important," she said. The doctor lost patience, saying that the child controls the parents. Imagine the situation. For a very long time, as always, there is a line of sick children to the pediatrician and parents who refuse to load the child's blouse during the test because she does not want to, but instead try to “give him empathy.”

At the practical level, antipagogy is equal to free education. The forerunner of this pedagogical movement was Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who proposed that the child was born by nature and was preyed upon by adults, imposing negative cultural patterns on him. If someone this concept appeals to the imagination, it is worth understanding that the creator gave birth to his five children in an orphanage without even knowing their names, and who have no support in the facts of a concept designed only to contrast the Christian vision of man - with whose corrupt nature is the consequence of original sin and requires loving education in the right direction.

Psychologists note that violations of socio-psychological adaptation lead to disharmony in the relationship of the individual with the environment, explaining aggressive behavior that complicates the socialization of pupils orphanage. Growing from the self-perception of a “declassed element”, a predisposition to antisocial image life, committing illegal acts and committing suicide is fueled by the very atmosphere of the orphanage and upbringing, which is often accompanied by serious psychological trauma and, most importantly, does not provide for the acquisition of skills that contribute to “post-boarding adaptation.”

Everything creates a coherent, coherent vision of how to develop a child. The problem is that even in this distorted vision of education, which is anti-pedagogy, there are good and valuable elements. Of course, the basis good education is love, a good relationship with children, respect, trust. When my older daughters come up with the idea of ​​cleaning the house, it happens smoothly, quickly, elegantly. When they are in bad mood, a simple walk to the floor can take an hour. The problem is that in our lives we are more likely to experience situations where we just need to do something than when we have free choice.

Research by A.M. Prikhozhan and N.N. Tolstoy testify that outside the family, that is, in the conditions of an orphanage, the development baby is coming along a “special path” and he develops special, specific personality traits, behavior, and character. Many children end up in residential institutions after a long stay in an orphanage, in dysfunctional family, on the street. The stress experienced during this time affects the development of the emotional-volitional sphere. According to the observations of psychologists, pupils of ordinary orphanages are characterized by one-sidedness, poverty of behavioral motivations, and constant dependence on the behavior of an adult. IN conflict situations they are often unable to objectively assess the situation and cannot control their mood and behavior.

Thursday: Extracurricular reading and discussion

Imagine a scene where an employee says to a boss, “I won’t do this task, it’s unpleasant, please be empathetic and explain why it’s important.” Therefore, it is worth showing children empathy, explaining things to them, but at the same time learning to form constructive habits. For example, a child who has learned that no matter what mood or mood he prefers to put his toys away in the evening, he gets used to cleaning every day. It all comes down to the question of whether we want to raise those who can cope in any situation. difficult situation, or in the face of difficulties, discovering that he simply does not want to and will run away from difficulties.

This is confirmed by the work of I. A. Zimnyaya, who determined the developmental features of orphanage pupils: the development or distortion of one’s own “I”, lack of goal setting, the formation of consumer psychology, lack of opportunities or ability to live independently in society, the individual’s exposure to the specificity of socialization in the conditions of an orphanage. Difficulties in the formation of self-awareness lead to constant imitation of others, superficiality of feelings, and aggressiveness. Trying to assert himself, the orphanage student demonstrates his independence by refusing to obey rules and moral standards. Violations in the emotional sphere, in self-awareness, difficulties in communication, difficult self-control, and the predominance of defensive forms of behavior require educators to have an individual approach to the pupil, based on a deep penetration into the structure of his personal qualities, says Vladimir Kasatkin, director of the Moscow Complex of Social Assistance for Children and Adolescents. The authoritarian style of education, common in most Russian orphanages, where teachers, due to professional helplessness, try to suppress the child physically and psychologically, subjecting him to cruel and humiliating punishments, deforms the personality. A direct or indirect consequence of such deformation can be suicide.

Love means making demands, remembering that the child truly lacks the knowledge, experience, and ability to foresee the consequences of behavior so that he or she can make fully independent decisions. Let's also remember that this also means freedom where it is safe, harmless and does not exceed our child's developmental potential. Janusz Korczak is a teacher and teacher.

The Edical legacy of Janusz Korczak is constantly renewed, alive and inspiring. It combines a general reflection on man and education and attention to the practice of teaching. What defines the timeless value of this pedagogy is the dream of a child-friendly world. About times and people who will understand, as the old doctor wrote, the child’s right to respect, to live in peace and joy.

Children raised in residential institutions suffer from mental and emotional deprivation, experience sensory hunger, and are cut off from real life, united on the principle of socio-psychological disadvantage, are in social isolation. Almost all pupils of orphanages and boarding schools have suffered mental trauma, which in itself can have severe primary and secondary consequences for personal development. As a rule, these children are often in a state of deep socio-pedagogical neglect; they have a complex of an abandoned, unloved child. Conditions of public education, imitation family life, the lack of natural patterns of gender-role behavior, the weakness of emotional and personal connections give rise to social infantilism and communication problems in children.

The most famous and well by known methods Korczak's teachings are “the right to respect” and “the right to what is”. They emphasize the child's subjectivity and autonomy and reject contempt, distrust or hostility towards the child. They talk about the need to communicate and cooperate with the child, accepting the efforts of their development, knowledge and ignorance, language, creativity, successes and failures. They point to the need for understanding and sensitivity to children's pain and suffering. Finally, they introduce the youngest along with the adults into social life, remove barriers to development, provide access to education and culture.

In the family there is a feeling of the family “we”; this is the moral force that causes a state of security in the child. Without parental protection, children from orphanages spontaneously develop an opposition between “us” and “strangers”, “them”. Everyone is isolated from the “strangers,” but the child is alone in his own group.

Due to the lack of love and care, parental warmth, children develop such qualities as cruelty, indifference, they often conflict with their peers, and offend children. They consider alienation from people to be the norm, hence their “right” to violate social norms. At school they have negative attitudes towards classmates from families.

Child - fat man. The practice of everyday life proves, says J. Korczak, that a child is usually perceived from the point of view of “tomorrow” in terms of his future achievements, successes, and values. This is a cardinal mistake with far-reaching consequences. This attitude leads to the reduction of the child both on a personal and social level. For this reason, the Old Doctor, with caution and a little disgust, urged not to give the child “to be a slave tomorrow.” “Tomorrow” is the child’s enemy.

A tender and responsible attitude towards a child means perceiving him in the “today’s” dimension, which is the current phase of psychophysical development. This is the only way to see the fullness little man. But you need to change your perspective. The measure and norm of attitude towards a child cannot be the knowledge of an adult, but the exact knowledge of the child, his development, needs, and capabilities. Therefore, Korczak’s consistent proposal and postulate: there is no educational, wise, deep and lasting love without the desire to know the child as completely as possible.

A child in a boarding school must adapt to a large number peers. Constantly being in a group creates tension, anxiety, and sometimes causes aggression. In boarding schools and orphanages, masturbation, homosexuality, and sexual deviations are common. All this is the result of missing parental love, the lack of positive emotions of a socially adapted person.

The pedagogical love of Janusz Korczak, best described in a world-famous essay. How to love a child is more than a feeling, a cheap sentiment, or a distant abstract directive. This is the basic and universal principle of education, on which the freedom of the child and his legitimate, unlimited development depend. All participants in education and care must be obliged, especially: educator, teacher, parent, school, orphanage, boarding school. Educational love is a clearly expressed axiological attitude and pedagogical activity based on it.

In boarding schools there is no room where a child can be alone, take a break from the constant crowd, and analyze his actions. Without internal self-concentration, he develops a certain standard social type personality. Striving for isolation, children master attics and basements. And this, especially without adult supervision, leads to reckless actions, runaways and vagrancy. Children of a boarding school living on state support develop dependent traits (“they owe us”) and lack responsibility and thrift.

More of a social service and even a “fight for the child.” This is criticism and disagreement with the wrong and wrong in which the child is, but at the same time he creates and experiences a new relationship with the child: meeting, dialogue, trust. The duty of a deep social and educational diagnosis of the child and his world and, above all, of himself as a teacher, teacher or parent. Pedagogical love must be real: mine, not a person’s, developed here and now, and not at some time, at some later date, at some moment.

Replenishing the deficit of children’s ideas and knowledge, communicating new knowledge

And this place, Korczak emphasizes, is “the intuition of the heart of motherhood.” Janusz Korczak consistently emphasized that pedagogical love is an important element professional attitude educator or teacher. It is first and foremost the “value proposition” that it arrives at, which can be developed by solving thousands of problems of children big and small every day. In a continuous, friendly and helpful manner, a situation “between” arises between the teacher and the child, that is, understanding, dialogue - the most important thing in education.

In my own way mental development These children are different from their peers from families; they are developmentally delayed and often suffer from chronic diseases. Due to their limited circle of contacts, they develop inappropriate behavior, which is expressed in constant conflicts with others, rejection of prohibitions and comments.

Already in the orphanage, such children are distrustful and lethargic, and do not become attached to adults. They are closed and sad, incurious, their speech is poorly developed, and they lack any independence. IN adolescence These reasons cause certain difficulties in the teenager’s self-affirmation among his peers, in the development of his own “I”. They are not prepared for independent life, unable to plan their future, live only for one day, painfully experience their uselessness.

Maintaining order in the bedroom, room

The real teacher, not Korczak, is mockingly curious: “the caretaker of walls and furniture, the silence of the yard, the cleanliness of ears and floors” - a person characterized by a high level of self-knowledge. An old doctor advised teachers: Get to know each other before you want to get to know the children. Keep in mind what you are capable of before children begin to draw the line of their rights and responsibilities. There is a good chance that this mentor will "remember another fundamental thought of Korczak", "summoned", "raised", "formed", "taught", "asked", instead: "he pressed", "kneaded", "dictated" ", "Required".

It is customary to identify the following problems due to the specifics of the environment.

1) Formation of the “we” phenomenonin an orphanage. Here children develop a kind of identification with each other.

2) Lack of free spacein which the child could take a break from other children. The absence of conditions for internal concentration standardizes a certain social type of personality. The unrealized need for a certain living space, especially in isolation, leads to the fact that children from orphanages in big cities master attics and basements.

Children's home: a microcosm of education. This probably would not have been possible without the participation of the head teacher, Stefania Wilczynska. The orphanage dedicated to the children of the Jewish poor was complete and consistent, systematic and precise educational project. He aimed at education for self-sufficiency and thus preparing children for independent living. Subordinate was the entire organization of the House, starting with detailed hygienic and nutritional arrangements, through education, games and entertainment, involving children in working on the farm and managing the houses.

3) Contrary to the assumption that children from orphanages are more independent than their overprotected “home” peers, they were found to have serious defects in voluntary self-regulation of behavior, expressed ininability to independently plan and control one’s actions.

4) B orphanage there is an unconditional membership in any group,lack of choice.

Various ideas, goals, principles, devices and forms of activity have created a unique educational microworld. It was a space for the child's development, real world life, work, study and leisure. And most importantly: this is a close and friendly child who contributes to the development of the children themselves in collaboration with teachers. Here, in the natural atmosphere of a peer group, children have equal rights and responsibilities. They learned about friendship and fellowship, learned about mutual aid and cooperation, and learned the norms of collective living and permission social conflicts.

5) Children living on full state support develop a dependent position(“we owe”, “give”),there is no thrift and responsibility.

6) These children psychologically alienatedfrom people, and this gives them the “right” to offend.

7) Communication problem.A child growing up in a residential care facility, among other defects, does not know how to communicate.

Questions for self-analysis

Children's boarding home The boarding house was a function of creative pedagogy and such innovative teaching methods as: notice board, mailbox, wardrobe, children's newspaper, bell system, general meetings with kids. Also popular were “bet on something”, “letters of early growth”, “plebiscites”, “postcards” - differences. However, the heart of corporate life was the famous partnership court. This allowed children to “challenge” others, including teachers; Korczak was also accused by children. The old doctor emphasized and explained that the main task of this court is not punishment for punishment, but the formation of self-respect, understanding and forgiveness.

Causes of communication disorders in children from orphanages.

A large number of children in groups and, as a consequence, it is impossible for the teacher to pay enough attention to each child.

Transferring a child from one institution to another on the basis of any formal reasons, which does not contribute to the development of strong emotional ties in children, does not create a “feeling of home.”

Create a need to observe personal hygiene rules and teach them how to implement them

Thanks to these "pedagogical devices", Korczak's pedagogical goals and values, such as democracy and dialogue, citizenship and subjectivity of children, courage and self-control, joy and laughter, creativity and individuality, became a reality. Alternative pedagogy: humor and prayer.

Humor and prayer, important and original features of Janusz Korczak's pedagogy, clearly expanded the possibilities of thinking about education and at the same time were against formal, subject-based, strict pedagogy. As the old Doctor shows in Pedagogy, pedagogical joke and humor is a constant observation of what a child does, how he behaves, speaking in conversations with his peers and adults. Through the lens of humor you can get to know the child, his abilities and creativity, it is also a natural and important way of communicating with young people.

Strict regulation of the activities of children and staff, an emphasis on disciplinary issues, which results in a deformed idea of ​​life in children, which makes it difficult for them to subsequently adapt socially.

Closedness within one institution, and within it - one group.

Mandatory communication. The child deals with the same, usually quite narrow, group of peers, and he cannot choose another group.

The teacher's inability to communicate with children.

Increased susceptibility to outside influences, which characterizes pupils of orphanages, often leads them into a criminal or semi-criminal environment. Every tenth of the minors held in colonies comes from an orphanage. Orphans often become victims of crime. The reason for breaking the law, as a rule, is the complete unpreparedness of children in orphanages for independent life, which aggravates their already disastrous situation: they do not receive housing or lose it as a result of deception, they cannot get a decently paid job, or create a full-fledged family.

The problem of employment is most often the reason for the marginalization of orphans. Labor education in boarding schools, people are most often limited to self-service skills - making the bed, setting the table. And even this children do only under severe pressure from adults, getting used to the fact that work is uninteresting and forced. In the same canteen, the guys are on duty carelessly, because they firmly know that the teachers and service personnel are supposed to correct all their mistakes - they are paid money for this. This is how dependency is brought up: the orphan learns to live in poverty, but with everything ready. Graduates of orphanages who find work usually do not stay there for long. On the search new job many of them are not capable, they do not know where to turn and how to behave. The graduate needs special social support, which can be provided, for example, by a public trustee.

Thus, the unfavorable, depriving situation of life in an orphanage causes a lag and specific development of children. Based on the work of psychologists (L. S. Vygotsky, E. O. Smirnova, A. E. Lagutina, etc.), it is possible to determine the specificity of the consciousness of orphanage pupils: the fusion of a subjective image and an objective position; unity of affect and intellect; unity of “social” and “individual”. Children from an orphanage experience a distortion of their own “I,” a lack of goal-setting, the formation of a consumer psychology, and a lack of opportunities and ability to live independently in society. All this is a serious obstacle in the process of socio-psychological adaptation of orphanage graduates in the conditions of modern life.

Albina Viktorovna Rogotneva

Organization educational work in orphanages and boarding institutions


A child does not mature first and then be educated and educated; he matures through education and training, that is, under the guidance of adults, mastering the content of culture that humanity has created.

S.N. Rubinstein

Do you and I often think about the question of why our children sometimes resist our pedagogical efforts? What do they really want and what don't they? These questions probably cannot be answered unequivocally. It is clear that their desires are determined by various factors and circumstances: age, environment, atmosphere in the team, abilities, inclinations and much more. In relation to pupils of orphanages and boarding schools who find themselves orphans with living parents, you can achieve: their behavior is associated with such factors as bitterness, aggression, loss of trust in the adult world. Who among you has not felt a sense of helplessness and confusion, despair and powerlessness in front of these people who have suffered a lot for their short life children? The complexity of their characters, their distrust of us, adults, force us to look for those means, methods and techniques that would help light a spark of hope in their eyes.

This manual is not a prescription guide for all occasions. It presupposes teacher independence and creative interpretation. With its help, you can involve children in interesting, meaningful activities for them, and reveal to them beautiful world Art and Nature, teach them to take care of everything that surrounds them. With encouragement creativity and stimulation of the imaginative component of thinking, not only there are no signs of group aggression (which is typical for pupils of orphanages and boarding schools), but also a collective attitude is formed to support the creative efforts of everyone, tolerance towards each other and others increases. Children, seemingly prickly and distrustful just yesterday, desperate to find solid ground under their feet, find friends among adults and peers, and gain faith in their strengths and capabilities.

Painting, music, poetry, sports, handicrafts - these are the means that will help you involve children in a special world, will give you a chance to become for them interesting personality. We must not lose sight of the fact that the intellectual baggage of children includes not only the knowledge acquired at school. They have hobbies that often “compete” with school responsibilities. All this will help you rely on those interests and hobbies of the children that will encourage them to be “reasonable, kind, eternal”, will force them to take a fresh look at traditional school subjects: history, biology, geography, literature...

The manual provides only general guidelines with the help of which any teaching staff can develop a program joint activities, taking into account the specific conditions and capabilities of your institution.

The purpose of the teacher’s activity is psychological, pedagogical rehabilitation, correction and compensation of various intra-educational and extra-educational difficulties, adaptation of education to individual characteristics and personal qualities student.

Creating a comfortable intra-school environment helps preserve the psychophysiological health of students and promotes their optimal inclusion in educational activities and successful self-realization. Harmonious combination traditional and unconventional techniques in the educational process increases the cognitive interest of students and creates a situation of success in learning. And the situation of success is “the main nerve of the humanization of training and education” (A.S. Belkin). A state of comfort brings with it a feeling of satisfaction with one’s own activities, positive motives for its continuation, and leads to the individual growth of each student.

This manual presents experience in organizing and conducting lessons, correctional and developmental activities and collective creative activities using unconventional methods oriented towards creating a comfortable educational space necessary for creativity.

Currently, in Russia, against the backdrop of profound social, economic, and demographic changes, the problem of orphanhood has become extremely acute. Orphanhood is a difficult problem to solve for any society. Her social roots are deep and vulnerable. A number of factors have influenced the weakening of intra-family ties: a characteristic feature of recent years is the spread of social orphanhood, determined by the deterioration of life Russian families, a decline in moral principles, a change in attitude towards children, up to the abandonment of upbringing and complete displacement of them from the family. The nature of abnormal maternal behavior—abandonment of one’s child—still remains poorly understood and unclear.

Define concept "maternal deprivation" quite complex because it generalizes a number of different phenomena. This includes insufficient care of the mother for the child, and raising the child in an orphanage, and temporary separation of the child from the mother for some reason, as well as the lack or loss of love and affection of the child for to a certain person, replacing his mother. The warmth of maternal care and its constancy are an indispensable condition for the child to develop trust in the world. The type of personality that develops in children who have been exposed to conditions of maternal deprivation since birth can be imagined as follows: intellectual retardation, inability to enter into meaningful relationships with other people, lethargy of emotional reactions, aggressiveness, self-doubt. According to many studies, the most severe and difficult to compensate consequences are the consequences of maternal deprivation. It gives rise to fear, aggressiveness, distrust of other people, oneself, and reluctance to learn new things and learn.

A child growing up in an orphanage (boarding school), as a rule, does not have productive communication skills. Needing love and attention, he does not know how to behave in such a way that he is communicated with in accordance with this need. Nobody developed it in terms of emotional culture and communication culture. Within their group, children from orphanages and boarding schools may abuse their peers or children younger age. This behavior is formed for many reasons, but primarily because of the unfulfilled need for love and recognition, because of the emotionally unstable position of the child, deprived of parental love.

It can also be noted that full-fledged, emotionally rich contacts are not formed among the pupils of the orphanage and in relation to their siblings. Observations of the pupils show that the family attachment between them is very weak, and in the process of communication their relationships are at a low level. They don't care about each other, they don't show kindness or interest, they have nothing to do with each other.

Disorders in the sphere of communication affect the development of a child’s personality, distorting his ideas about himself, forming an incorrect attitude towards himself, making it difficult to understand himself as an individual.

Pupils of orphanages and boarding schools are characterized by one-sidedness and poverty of motivational preferences, which are determined by the peculiarities of communication with adults: the most important thing is the child’s desire to earn the approval of a teacher or educator, his attention, praise. This manifests the deprivation of the need for positive emotional contact with adults. Pupils of orphanages and boarding schools are characterized by a pronounced dominance of desires directly related to their everyday life, teaching, compliance with regime issues, rules of conduct. At the same time, their peers from regular school, along with everyday worries, are concerned about many problems that go far beyond the scope of their personal experience.

The entire life of children in an orphanage is completely regulated by adults. They do not have a conscious choice of activity, there is no opportunity for independent organization of your free time. The need for self-affirmation and the desire to show independence pushes them to ignore the rules and moral standards, disobedience to adults. In an independent life, where a strictly regulated order is replaced by complete freedom, the teenager is lost, because he is accustomed not to creating standards of activity for himself, but to violating them. Wanting to experience something that was previously forbidden to him, he is unable to resist the unfavorable influence environment and ends up among the drug addicts, alcoholics, and homeless people. General Prosecutor's Office revealed that every third young man or girl - pupils of orphanages or boarding schools - becomes homeless or a drug addict; every fifth person becomes a criminal, every tenth person commits suicide.

IN last years significant changes are taking place in the life of boarding schools: orphanages are appearing in which children of different ages from 2 to 18 years live, groups are formed taking into account family ties (i.e. siblings of different ages are in the same group). Orphanages are becoming more open: their friends, classmates, volunteers and other people who want to take part in the fate of orphans can come to visit the pupils. The traditional structure of the work regime, when the main things were matters common to the entire team, is collapsing. A certain autonomy of the group in this approach implies that members of the group, and not the entire staff of the institution, participate in the development of the daily routine. At the same time, it remains extremely important to observe the principle of correlation in the work mode of general collective and group cases, and in the group - group and individual ones.

The position of the teacher changes noticeably: the functions of control cease to be dominant, and friendly participation and assistance in understanding the life around them, respect for the rights of the child: his right to free time, for voluntary participation in collective life, for communication, for participation in solving internal issues of the group and the entire institution. The main task of the teacher is to create an atmosphere of goodwill, mutual trust, mutual assistance, and mutual responsibility. It is especially important to form positive relationships between students and teachers, primarily because of the unique situation of children. If young children do not realize the complexity of their fate, then teenagers understand and have a hard time experiencing their inferiority and the betrayal of their parents. They are irritable and conflict-ridden. As a result, hostile, hostile relationships develop between children, developing into hostility.

Modern practice shows that in a favorable human environment, significant values ​​awaken in children. social needs and roles: they are trying to understand and realize themselves, to become better and nobler than their parents. But without the interaction of specialists: a defectologist, a psychologist, a physician, a teacher-rehabilitator, it is impossible to solve the problems of modern orphanhood. An urgent concept "rehabilitation pedagogy" Unfortunately, at the present time it cannot yet be classified as familiar to the average teacher. For him, it is rather clear what physical rehabilitation of a patient after a serious illness is, social rehabilitation of a disabled person who finds himself in difficult life situation. The word itself "rehabilitation" is associated in our minds primarily with the activities of medical workers. But the appearance of this term is not accidental, just as the close interaction between pedagogy and medicine is not accidental.

Achieving positive results in pedagogical rehabilitation can only be achieved through the provision of comprehensive qualified assistance to children. This is a close interaction of all specialists, a set of medical and pedagogical techniques for special correction both in teaching and in upbringing. The need to acquire knowledge in the field of rehabilitation pedagogy, albeit slowly, is beginning to be recognized by teachers, heads of institutions and educational authorities. The task of the rehabilitation teacher is to restore the child’s faith in himself and his strengths, to instill in him a sense of the fullness of his own personality, and to help him realize his physical and spiritual potential to the fullest.

The most important condition for the healthy development of a child is his fundamental trust in the world and the people around him. And this is possible if the child feels interested, kind, warm attitude towards him, support from those who make up his “rear”.

An extremely important socio-psychological characteristic of a person’s personality is the individual’s stable ideas about himself, which are designated by the concept “I-concept”. “I-concept” is formed in a person under the influence of other people’s attitude towards him. A positive self-concept (I am capable, I am loved, I am significant) promotes positive personality and success in life. A negative self-concept interferes with success and contributes to negative personality changes. Thus, the formation of a positive “I-concept” is an indispensable condition full development personality. The main task of personality-oriented pedagogy is to develop in a child (adolescent) positive attitude to yourself, other people, your activities, the world around you. This task can only be accomplished under conditions social interaction, active activity of the child, where he, overcoming certain difficulties, is a co-author of joint activities and experiences a situation of success in solving problems.

Design strategy pedagogical activity

Today, the problem of humanization and democratization of the entire life of public education institutions is especially relevant. Many psychologists, teachers, and physiologists are working on this problem: A.N. Tolstykh, A.M. Parishioner, V.F. Bazarny, B.A. Coogan, V.A. Povarnitsyna, S.A. Levin, V.S. Mukhina and others.

However, the humanization of children’s lives, the researchers emphasize, is not permissiveness, but a system of rules that allows each child to live fully, feel protected, be healthy and developed.

A.S. Makarenko believed that the work schedule is the most important means of organizing and implementing the educational system. With the help of the regime, the team organizes the external framework of behavior, providing each child with the opportunity to fill these frameworks with internal content.

The results of studying the state of educational and methodological work in public educational institutions in recent years show that many of them lack:

Meaningful goal setting and planning educational process on a diagnostic basis;

Consolidation of the forces of doctors, psychologists and teachers in order to provide qualified assistance to children and adolescents;

Effective planning of the work of a methodological association.

The listed shortcomings in the organization of life activities of pupils are due to the low level of theoretical knowledge of workers in orphanages and boarding schools, and a decrease in teachers’ interest in improving professional competence.

In practice, you can often observe the following picture: the teacher treats his work conscientiously, often conducts various activities with children: labor affairs and excursions, KVNs and sport games, theme evenings and entertainment, etc. However, over time, it turns out that the children grew up ill-mannered, either morally, aesthetically, or physically. What are the reasons?

Analysis of such situations suggests the conclusion that in order to obtain positive educational results, not only WHAT teachers do with students, but also HOW is of great importance. Without knowing HOW to act, it is impossible to cope with even the smallest task.

To get results in any activity, you must first think it over (design it) and then organize it (implement it). Construct educational process- means to imagine and document your ideas and plans as fully as possible in the form of creative themes, directions, goals, tasks, developments, etc. Only in this way can you streamline interaction with all participants pedagogical process and avoid spontaneous and formally thoughtless actions.

Difficulties in designing educational work are associated with the fact that many managers and teachers of public educational institutions have very vague and foggy ideas about what they generally need to do, for what goals and values ​​to act.

Education is successful if it is systematic, if the educational system of a particular institution is of an author’s nature, being an expression of “the deeply realized needs of the teaching staff.”

When we talk about the problems of education, the question arises about its goals and its modern content. What ideals and values ​​should a teacher be guided by today, how to act without the usual ideological guidelines according to which activity programs were previously developed? V.A. Karakovsky suggests that teachers focus their work on organizing joint activities that promote children’s mastery of absolute universal human values: Earth, Family, Fatherland, Culture, Knowledge, Peace, Labor, Man. " Human values have several levels. The first of them is the level of everyday consciousness, at which there are moral principles that regulate human society and relationships between people.” Values ​​orientation high level must develop in a person positive features character: kindness, mercy, decency, modesty, hard work, etc.

It is the development of human qualities and human abilities, their improvement that is the goal of pedagogical activity. But without mastering the methods of educational work, it is impossible to decide pedagogical problems at the level of modern requirements. It is important for any practicing teacher to represent the features of methodological knowledge, which have certain specifics and differ from theoretical and empirical knowledge. Theoretical knowledge, as we know, contains generalizations and conclusions about the laws of the educational process, while empirical knowledge describes the course of the process in certain specific situations and conditions. Methodological knowledge serves to reveal the methods and order of organizing activities and the educational process. Having what you need scientific basis, they (methodological knowledge) must be presented in a form in which it would be convenient for a practicing teacher to use them.

E.V. Titova identifies two main meanings that the concept of “methodology” can take: 1) the branch of pedagogical science (systematized knowledge about the organization of the educational process and appropriate ways to achieve educational results); 2) a certain way of carrying out pedagogical activities (algorithm for designing and implementing any activity).

The methodology will not be any spontaneously developing sequence of actions, but only constructive way activity, which must necessarily lead to a pre-conceived and intended result. Efficiency is one of the main properties of the algorithm, and its application has the ultimate goal of obtaining a result.

Thus, we can talk about methodology as a way of carrying out pedagogical activity only if the teacher does not just “carry out” some activities with children, but directs his efforts to achieve a conscious and desired result, guided by its (methodology) characteristics : strategy, tactics, logic, technique.

IN this moment We will talk about the strategy of educational work. It is laid down by the teacher at the level of general and specific methodology, when pedagogical goals are put forward, a general program of work with the team is constructed, a long-term plan is developed and manifests itself in a specific methodology, i.e. at the level of specific pedagogical situations. The strategy ensures that the teacher’s activities are focused on the final result and therefore can be considered the first and main feature of the methodology.

The presence of a strategy in a teacher’s work can be judged by the following points. If the teacher:

Knows how to correctly formulate his own pedagogical goals and objectives, correlate them with the goals of his institution and with the social order of society;

Puts forward realistically achievable goals and objectives for a certain period;

Is able, in strict accordance with the set goals and objectives, observing a logical sequence, to determine the content and forms of educational work;

He knows what long-term problem he is directing his efforts towards in every organized routine moment, event, and lesson.

The organization of the developmental educational process in public educational institutions requires high professional competence on many problems, including designing one’s own teaching activities. The main problem seems to be the lack of skills among teachers in programming really necessary and feasible didactic tasks.

Nobody manages to implement the principle of an individual approach proclaimed by didactics. Only with the help of psychological and pedagogical observations is the most likely personal orientation of the child determined, his capabilities and abilities for certain types of activities are identified, and on this basis a effective program pedagogical influences.

Only early identification of a child’s individual inclinations and their subsequent intensive development are capable of raising a creatively independent person responsible for his own success in life. Developmental training results – bright that confirmation .

The program for the personal development of each child, unfortunately, is not always implemented in the practice of public education institutions. This problem is one of the increasing numbers of losers and failed people among graduates of orphanages and boarding schools.

In public educational institutions, teachers additional education(leaders of clubs and sections) as a rule, do not have work plans, limiting themselves to a list of children attending their club and a list of randomly selected events. But it is these teachers (by and large) who are called upon to solve correctional, developmental, educational tasks, help identify the inclinations and abilities of children, observe the dynamics of each person’s development in the process of personally significant activities for him, since the child comes to the circle classes voluntarily, under the influence self-interest, it is here that his talents can most clearly manifest themselves. If the teacher does not observe the child’s activities and, on the basis of these observations, does not plan the content of the work, without setting up pedagogical tasks, then what is the use of such circle activities?

Teachers who are thoughtful about their activities know that the most difficult thing in designing the educational process is the competent formulation of pedagogical tasks. But, unfortunately, an analysis of plans for educational work suggests that there are only a few such teachers. And although everyone knows that results in educational work are achieved only when you know exactly what you need to achieve, nevertheless, when planning the actual pedagogical process, this truth is forgotten. As a result, educational tasks and work exist on their own and nothing in common connects them.

The most typical and widespread reasons for the formal attitude of teachers towards setting tasks are as follows:

– lack of awareness of the need for goal setting as an obligatory stage professional activity;

– lack of understanding of what the goal, task is, and why they are needed;

– lack of knowledge of the technology of setting tasks, inability to formulate them accurately;

– lack of professionalism to judge how correctly and accurately the tasks are set.

A task (goal) is a probabilistic idea of ​​the results of an activity. This is an idea formulated in the language of a solution. The process of setting pedagogical goals requires serious reflection, a deep analysis of needs and conditions. The teacher needs to constantly correlate and coordinate the needs of society ( educational institution) and their own: professional, civil, human.

As for the conditions, they can be associated with both social factors and material support of the educational institution, as well as with the age and individual characteristics of the development of students, the level of development of the team, and the teacher’s own professional level.

Competent formulation of tasks presupposes that the teacher has the following skills:

– see the educational process in dynamics for the future;

– identify the main thing, logically arrange tasks taking into account interdependence and subordination;

- accurately formulate thoughts.

A pedagogical task is diagnostic if it meets the following important criteria: 1) specificity, 2) reality, 3) achievability. Each pedagogical task must be formulated so that it is clear what exactly the teacher plans to achieve over a given period of time. It is important for the teacher to take into account whether there are real conditions and opportunities for solving the task, whether it is possible to solve the problem within the period for which it is set.

Properly set tasks will help the teacher

– plan your activities efficiently;

– find reliable guidelines in specific pedagogical situations;

– identify the results of work during analysis;

– feel satisfaction and self-sufficiency from effectively solved pedagogical problems.

Purposeful, clear organized activities cannot be achieved without a plan. The proposed long-term thematic planning will help teachers in organizing the educational process in public educational institutions. The basis forward planning recommendations were made by leading experts and scientists.

Only on the basis of comprehensive diagnostics is it possible to track different shapes deviations in the child’s development and determine the nature of correctional and educational influence. It is important to take into account that the child grows, develops, his disorders are smoothed out, sometimes intensified, causing secondary manifestations. Therefore, when monitoring the dynamics of a child’s development in the process of his education and upbringing, the coordination of the actions of all specialists must be ensured. Solving pedagogical problems in modern level requires providing the child with multifaceted assistance, taking into account his individual personal characteristics. The teacher needs to have a certain algorithm of constructive activity that will lead him to a pre-conceived and intended result.

Algorithm of the proposed promising thematic planning ensures the coordination of the actions of all specialists of the institution, helps teachers carry out their activities on the basis of clearly setting specific goals and objectives and determining the nature of correctional and developmental work for each child. In addition, working with the algorithm increases the teacher’s interest in acquiring theoretical knowledge, self-analysis, and awareness of one’s strengths and weaknesses.

Algorithm for thematic long-term planning of educational work

Working according to the algorithm involves, first of all, the teacher choosing a creative topic, setting a pedagogical goal and determining the topic of self-education for the school year.

The pedagogical goal is determined by the teacher on the basis of generalized diagnostic data about children (social “portrait” of the group). When choosing a topic for self-education, the teacher focuses on the content of the pedagogical goal and the availability of his own theoretical knowledge for implementation.

The long-term thematic planning algorithm includes 10 columns (sections) (see page 17).


Creative theme: Man and culture. (Story puppet theater) Pedagogical goal: To form in children a sustainable interest in theater arts. Self-education topic: “Development of partnerships between children in the process of joint activities”

Column 1. Work on each topic is structured as a system of logically interconnected classes in content and ends with a final event, which is best carried out in the form of KVN, a travel game, a theme evening, a folklore festival, etc. The more varied and interesting the forms of final classes, the higher the motivating children to creative exploration, activity, and cooperation.

Thus, these common creative activities are built into a chain of regularly held supporting events, perceived by teachers and children as future traditions of their team.

Column 2. The timing of the events is coordinated with the group’s schedule and the weekly schedule of classes. Recurring classes (for example, making dolls and scenery for a play, making crafts for the interior, publishing a wall newspaper, etc.) are recorded once in the first column, and the date and month of all subsequent classes are indicated in column 2.

Column 3. Pedagogical tasks must be correlated with the content and form of classes, the level of development of children at a specific stage of work, their interests and needs.

If a teacher cannot clearly define goals and objectives, he will not be able to analyze the results of his activities. When defining a goal, it is important to proceed from the fact that the goal is a more capacious concept and more distant in time space, and tasks are the steps that we overcome in each lesson to achieve the goal. Three tasks are enough for one lesson (their characteristics are very conditional): educational, i.e. carrying information; educational– nurturing certain personal qualities; correctional and developmental.

Column 4. Search activity involves children’s independent observation of any object, searching for information from additional sources, independently prepared message, report, collecting information about native land, historical facts etc.

Column 5. The need to work with the polysemy of words, synonyms, antonyms, figurative language means in the development of speech is indisputable. In order for vocabulary work to be carried out systematically and not limited to explanation unfamiliar words and individual phrases, it is necessary to ensure continuity in this area of ​​pedagogical activity. To this end, the teacher needs to consistently plan vocabulary work within the framework of that speech material, which will be used in the process of educational work.

Column 6. The product of children's activities is real outputs practical work: creating an album on any topic, making board games, herbarium, attributes for the performance, etc.

Column 7. Individual approach and correctional work are planned based on the recommendations of a doctor, psychologist, defectologist, and personal observations of the teacher. Individual work planned depending on the situation with those children who currently need special attention and help.

Column 8. The teacher uses musical and works of art, reproductions, paintings, fiction, videos, slides, etc.

Column 9. Articles that the teacher studied while working on the topic of self-education.

Box 10. Brief description of the results achieved during the work with specific children setting tasks for the near future, taking into account feedback.

At the final stage of the teacher’s work on the topic, panorama classes (final classes) are conducted. An exhibition is being prepared for them children's creativity, demonstrating the successes of the children achieved in the process of working on this topic. In these classes, the effectiveness of the teacher’s work and the dynamics of the intellectual and personal growth of children are seen better than in current ones. When analyzing the final lesson, the teacher at the methodological association reports on the work done, the forms, methods and techniques used by him, what theoretical principles he was guided by in his activities. Expresses his opinion on the next stage of work based on existing conclusions. Consequently, in the future, work for the future will be planned by the teacher, taking into account reliable data on those individual parameters that will make it possible to determine the “zone of proximal development” of each child.

Continuous work on the algorithm will concentrate the efforts of all specialists of the institution, direct them in a single direction and allow you to view the professional growth of each teacher according to the following criteria:

According to the level of theoretical professional knowledge, where the indicators are correctly (incorrectly) formulated goals and objectives, the logical sequence of classes, the depth of elaboration of the topic, methods of including children in search activities, etc.;

According to the degree of cognitive (cognitive) development of the teacher, which can be traced from the read psychological and pedagogical and methodological literature, the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, competently analyze your work and outline further steps for the future; on social-emotional skills, which are visible through the forms of work with children, the methods and techniques chosen by the teacher, since their choice largely depends on the personal qualities and characteristics of the teacher’s motivation. Algorithms for long-term planning with notes of final classes are stored in individual folders of educators in the methodological office, which makes it possible to collect analytical material for each teacher and create a systematized data bank about the experience of the institution.

This methodology for planning educational work in public educational institutions of the Tomsk region showed that the proposed algorithm for long-term planning performs the function of an individual program for the interaction of a teacher with students in specific conditions, helps to implement targeted individual approach, monitor the development dynamics of each child.

In addition, the algorithm is also individual program self-education of the teacher, obliging him to take a meaningful approach to his activities, purposefully and constantly replenish his theoretical knowledge and refract it through specific pedagogical situations.


1. For the convenience of the teacher and methodologist, the long-term plan is written not in a notebook, but on a sheet of paper (which is easily folded) with a format of approximately 50x70 cm, which allows you to see the entire planned process as if on a screen. Work better with a pencil because in the process something has to be replaced, added, removed, etc. To submit it to the methodological folder, it is completely rewritten.

2. It is most convenient to construct a long-term plan for three months according to the seasons. Only the first column is filled in completely, that is, from the first to the final lesson, for a period of three months. The remaining columns are filled out sequentially for a week and submitted weekly to the methodologist for review along with daily plans.

3. Promising thematic plan should not include the content of other routine aspects, for example, household work, self-service, self-training, etc. For this, there is a daily plan of educational work, which is filled out in accordance with the group’s routine, is more detailed, detailed in nature and must be agreed with long-term plan.

In order to make it easier to coordinate long-term and daily plans, it is convenient to use the following scheme for daily planning of educational work:

In the column “Routine moments” all aspects of children’s lives are reflected: walks, games, self-care, work, etc., and those activities that are already reflected in the long-term plan, the teacher only notes: “Activity such and such, see the long-term plan "

The significance of the efforts being directed today to improve the financial situation in orphanages and boarding schools cannot be overestimated. However, the issues of life and raising children in boarding schools are not limited to this. Currently, many specialists working on the problem of orphanhood (V.A. Povarnitsina, L.I. Bozhovich, S.A. Levin, Yu.V. Loginova, A.V. Gordeeva, V. Brutman, A.N. Tolstykh, A.M. Prikhozhan, V.F. Bazarny, etc.), rightly note the need to sharply strengthen the barriers to children’s health, their legal protection, and full inclusion in society.

Unfortunately, the provision of state support to children raised in orphanages and boarding schools is often understood one-sidedly by employees of these institutions and comes down to feeding, clothing, shoes, and provision. And as a result, students develop a pronounced consumer position and the rather ugly forms of behavior that flow from it: “they owe us”, “give”. The question of the system of preparing children from boarding schools for independent life worries many. But the most accurate guidelines are given to us by the graduates themselves after several years of independent life. They talk about governmental support should not be limited only to material support.

According to research, in some regions of Russia, almost every second graduate of an orphanage (boarding school) was in the “risk” group, that is, he was homeless, was under investigation, committed offenses, etc. According to researchers (A. N. Tolstykh, A.M. Prikhozhan, Yu.V. Loginova, S.A. Levin, E.V. boarding institutions. One of serious problems orphanages and boarding schools - unprofessional personnel. Currently, the requirements for the professional and personal qualities of teachers in these institutions have increased significantly. Today, when solving pedagogical problems at the modern level, especially when working with orphans, it is important for a teacher to rely on scientific knowledge in the field of psychology and rehabilitation pedagogy.

Disadvantages in the organization of the educational process are due to the following factors:

– the formal attitude of teachers to planning the educational process;

– lack of a system of correctional and developmental work with children;

– a poor stimulus environment for expanding the concrete sensory experience of pupils;

– low professional competence of teachers.

The main reasons for the low professional competence of teachers are the lack of interest among educators in postgraduate education and the position of the administration of institutions, which underestimates the need for teachers to acquire knowledge in the field of psychology and rehabilitation pedagogy.

Based on the foregoing, it should be noted that the problem of postgraduate education of teachers must be solved within the framework of the system of advanced training and in the process of work of methodological associations, changing their traditional approach both in content and in organization. Organizing targeted self-education and advanced training for teachers within the framework of the work of methodological associations will require increasing professional competence from head teachers and directors of orphanages and boarding schools, which is also a rather urgent need for many institutions.

How to organize the work of a methodological association so that its content contributes to improving the qualifications of teachers and developing their creative potential?

Let's start with the fact that methodologists and head teachers of public education institutions experience great difficulties when constructing an annual work plan for a methodological association.

A formal plan and formally set tasks do not serve as a guide in work, because they cannot really help either in the organization or in the analysis of teaching activities. It is not often possible to find an institution where, above the general annual plan The whole team thinks seriously, where together they put forward pedagogical tasks and each teacher thinks through his activities in accordance with the general plan and goal of the institution. If overall plan institution consists of a set of individual long-term plans teachers, where at the level of general and specific methodology such strategic parameters as creative theme, pedagogical goal and topic of self-education, you can count on the success of the work. In addition, each teacher, in accordance with his own pedagogical goals and determines the topic of self-education open classes and the topic of the report at methodological associations, outlines what developments and didactic material will replenish the methodological treasury of the institution.


Karakovsky A.V. Become human. – M., 1993.

Titova E.V. If you know how to act. – M., 1993.

Davydov V.V. Problems of developmental education. – M., 1986; Developmental learning theory. – M., 1996; Zankov L.V. Didactics and life. – M., 1968.

End of free trial.

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