The problem of attitude to the feat of arguments. Mutual assistance and selfishness on the front line

Has come to an end academic year. It's exam time for 11th grade students. As you know, in order to obtain a school certificate, you need to pass two main exams: in mathematics and the Russian language. But there are also a few more items to choose from.

Nuances of essays on the Russian language on the Unified State Exam

To get maximum marks for passing, you need to write the essay correctly, that is, the third part. Part C has a lot of essay topics. The exam organizers offer written work about friendship, love, childhood, motherhood, science, duty, honor and so on. One of the most difficult topics is the problem of courage and perseverance. You will find arguments for it in our article. But that is not all. We also present to your attention a plan according to which you need to write an essay for the Russian language exam in 11th grade.

Many authors wrote about the war. But, unfortunately, these works, like many others, do not linger in the memory of children. We suggest recalling the most striking works in which you can find examples of courage and feat.

Plan for the final essay on the Unified State Exam in Russian

Testing teachers award a large number of points for essays that have the correct composition. If you use our courage writing plan, your teachers will appreciate your work. But don't forget about literacy.

Remember that an essay in the Russian language on the unified state exam differs significantly from written works in social studies, history and literature. It must be compositionally correctly designed.

And we are moving on to the plan for a future essay on the issue of courage and perseverance. The arguments will be given below.

1. Introduction. Why do you think it is needed? The whole point is that the graduate needs to lead the examiner to the main problem that is discussed in the text. As a rule, this is a small paragraph consisting of 3-5 sentences on the topic.

2. Statement of the problem. In this part, the graduate writes that he identified the problem. Attention! When you indicate it, think carefully and find arguments in the text (there are about 3 of them in the fragment).

3. Alumni comment. At this point, the student explains to the reader the problem of the text read, and also characterizes it. The volume of this paragraph is no more than 7 sentences.

5. Own point of view. At this point, the student must write whether he agrees with the author of the text or not. In any case, you need to justify your answer, in our case on the issue of courage and perseverance. The arguments are given in the next paragraph.

6. Evidence from works of art or arguments from life. Most teachers insist that graduates present 2-3 arguments from works of fiction.

7. Conclusion. As a rule, it consists of 3 sentences. At this point, the graduate’s task is to draw a conclusion to everything said above, that is, to sum up a certain conclusion. The conclusion will be more effective if you end your essay with a rhetorical question.

Many examinees note that the most difficult part for them is the argumentation item. Therefore, we have selected examples of courage in literature for you.

Mikhail Sholokhov. The story "The Fate of Man"

You can show resilience even in captivity. Soviet soldier Andrei Sokolov is captured. Then he ends up in a death camp. One evening the camp commandant calls him and invites him to raise a glass of vodka to the victory of fascist weapons. Sokolov refuses to do this. Among them was a drunken Muller. He invites the prisoner to drink to his own death.

Andrey agreed, took the glass and drank it right away, without taking a bite. Exhaling heavily, he said: “Sign me up.” A company of drunken German officers appreciated the courage and fortitude. Argument #1 for your essay is ready. It should be noted that this story ended successfully for the captured soldier Sokolov.

Lev Tolstoy. Epic novel "War and Peace"

It was considered not only in the literature of the second half of the twentieth century, but also a century earlier. When in literature lessons we read this novel, then unwittingly became witnesses to the courage and perseverance of the Russian people. Leo Tolstoy wrote that during the battle the command did not tell the soldiers what to do. Everything went by itself. Wounded soldiers were taken to medical aid stations, the bodies of the dead were carried behind the front line, and the ranks of the fighters closed again.

We see that people did not want to say goodbye to life. But they overcame fear and maintained their fighting spirit under flying bullets. This is where courage and perseverance were manifested. Argument #2 is ready.

Boris Vasiliev. The story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”

We continue to consider. This time, a brave girl during the Great Patriotic War will demonstrate a lesson of courage to readers. In this story, Boris Vasiliev writes about a detachment of girls who died, but still managed to win, because they did not let a single enemy warrior through native land. This victory took place because they selflessly and sincerely loved their Motherland.

Komelkova Evgenia is the heroine of the story. A young, strong and courageous girl from the fighters of the story. Her name is associated with comic and dramatic episodes. Her character displays traits of goodwill and optimism, cheerfulness and confidence. But the most main feature- this is hatred of the enemy. It is she who attracts the attention of readers and arouses their admiration. Only Zhenya had the courage to call on enemy fire in order to avert the mortal threat from the wounded Rita and Fedot. Not everyone can forget such a lesson of courage.

Boris Polevoy. "The Tale of a Real Man"

We present to your attention another vivid work that tells about the Great Patriotic War, the heroism and strength of character of the Soviet pilot Maresyev.

In general, Boris Polevoy’s arsenal contains many works where the author examines the problem of courage and perseverance.

Arguments for the essay:

In this story, the author writes about the Soviet pilot Maresyev. It so happened that he survived the plane crash, but was left without legs. This did not stop him from returning to life. The man stood on his prosthetics. Maresyev returned to his life's work - flying.

We have discussed the problem of courage and perseverance. We have presented the arguments. Good luck on the exam!

Good day, dear friends. In this article we offer an essay on the topic "".

The following arguments will be used:
– M. Gorky, “Old Woman Izergil”
– E. Asadov, “Inconspicuous Heroes”

A person who has a set of qualities such as courage, courage, nobility and determination can be considered a true hero if he is able to sacrifice himself for the sake of another person, an entire nation or a noble idea. There are many historical examples, when people strong in body and spirit performed immortal feats. But there is a place for heroism in our time. It is in the nobility of nature, in maintaining honor and dignity under any circumstances, in loyalty to one’s convictions and principles. People who do not stoop to betrayal and betrayal even in dangerous situation, can be considered real heroes.

In Maxim Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil" main character Izergil tells the legend of the incredibly brave young man Danko. His tribe was driven deep into an impenetrable forest by conquerors, which doomed them to death. The swamps and terrible stench forced people to surrender into slavery to their enemies, but Danko stopped and did not allow this.

He led them through dense vegetation, although the path was too difficult. Every day people became weaker, and the thunderstorm finally finished off everyone. The tribesmen took up arms against Danko and decided to kill him. However, Danko’s heart burned with the determination to save his people. He tore open his chest, pulled out his heart, lifted it high and led the people through the forest. Like a torch, the heart of the brave young man illuminated the path. Suddenly the trees ended, the forest was left behind, and a wide steppe appeared before the people. People began to rejoice and have fun, and the hero who saved everyone fell dead. No one noticed this, the hero’s feat remained in the shadows.

Eduard Asadov begins the poem “Inconspicuous Heroes” with the theme of generational differences, which is key in many disputes in society. Heroism is considered a phenomenon of the last century, which modern youth is not capable of. The poet mentions the war and the exploits that were performed on its field. In peacetime, there is no prospect of proving oneself, because all kinds of disasters do not always happen. The author is very happy about this, although he likes the desire of people to do worthy deeds. Disputes regarding differences between generations seem absurd to him, since the importance of both is equal.

Asadov claims that people with persistent character have not disappeared, and feats are being accomplished to this day. He cites the example of a fight between a drunken armed group and a courageous guy who opposed them. The poet compares such an unequal fight with a military attack, and the lone young guy with a soldier whose courage he is not inferior to.

Eduard Arkadyevich says that there are many types of heroism, one of which is the readiness to commit a noble act. Next he gives an excerpt from the letter. The poet's reader Slava Komarovsky offers help: he wants to sacrifice his eyesight for the sake of Eduard Asadov.

The famous poet knows firsthand what war and heroism are. He volunteered to fight, but the battle in 1944 became fatal for the writer. When his battery was completely destroyed, Eduard Arkadyevich drove a car to a neighboring unit through the shelled area to deliver a supply of ammunition. This desperate, bold act cost the writer his sight. A shell exploded near the car and mortally wounded the young hero, but he still managed to deliver supplies. Having changed many hospitals, the writer managed to win the battle with death, but the light was still taken away from him.

In the letter, nineteen-year-old Slava Komarovsky admires the writer’s creations and wants to restore his sight at the cost of his sacrifice. He claims that he will be happy if he returns the light to the poet again. The young man does not want to hear a refusal to his proposal, because if Eduard Asadov agrees, he will bring many masterpieces to the world. The guy's attitude evokes endless respect, his decision is balanced and final. “Write. I’ll be like a soldier right away.”

At the end of the letter, we learn that it is not the only one: other readers are writing to Eduard with the same proposal. Despite the fact that the poet will never agree to their proposals, he is overwhelmed with feelings, pride in the worthy generation and their noble motives.

To summarize, it is worth saying that the concept of heroism is much broader than we are accustomed to think. The places of its manifestation are not only war or natural disasters, sometimes heroes live among us. While performing noble deeds, they remain modestly silent in the shadows. The qualities that such people possess are noble and unchangeable, which every person should strive for.

Today we talked about the topic “ The problem of heroism: Unified State Exam essay ». This option you can use to prepare for the Unified State Exam.

Pierre Bezukhov, despite the opportunity to leave Moscow captured by the French, remained in the city with the goal of killing Napoleon. He saved the child from the fire without thinking about his life and without demanding gratitude. Pierre was not afraid for his life; the fate of the Russian people was more important to him. The hero was ready to die, performing a truly useful act.

M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

Love is what prompted Margarita to make a deal with the devil. She was ready for anything, wanting only one thing - to see the Master again. Margarita made a self-sacrifice by agreeing to be the queen at Satan’s ball. She steadfastly withstood all the tests prepared by fate and found her happiness.

I. Bunin "Lapti"

In bad weather, Nefed decided to go to Novoselki to fulfill the wish of a sick child: the baby kept asking for red bast shoes. Nefed knew he was taking a risk, but helping the child was more important to him own life. The hero died on the way back, and in his bosom they found brand new bast shoes and magenta.

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Difficult life circumstances forced Sonya Marmeladova to go “with a yellow ticket.” The girl sacrificed her dignity to help her family survive. And even in this seemingly terrible act, there is actually nothing wrong. The action of Sonya Marmeladova is to some extent worthy of respect.

Dedicated to the problem of heroism, where we will present arguments from literature. And write homework will not be difficult, because many writers touched on the topic where they revealed the problem of heroism, introducing readers to the heroes of their works. Very often, this problem is associated with works about war and is not without reason, because it is in war that a person manifests true or false heroism, as evidenced by arguments from the literature for the Unified State Exam.

Revealing the problem of the manifestation of heroism in war and arguing with examples, I would like to recall the wonderful work of Leo Tolstoy, where the author raises various philosophical questions. We see how the problem being studied evolves in the minds of Andrei Bolkonsky. Now Andrei’s priorities are to be a hero, and not to seem like one. Captain Tushin, as well as other heroes who gave their lives for their Motherland, showed real heroism in the novel. At the same time, there were also false patriots represented by people of high society.

The problem is also raised by Sholokhov in his work, where the hero Sokolov Andrei selflessly defended his Motherland from Nazi invaders. The war took his wife and children from him, but his will remained unbending, he endured everything and even found the strength to adopt an orphaned child. And this also revealed the heroic traits of his character.

Arguing the problem of heroism, I would like to recall the work of Tvardovsky about. In the work, the hero, despite fear, at the cost of his health, life, for the sake of love for his homeland and family, does the impossible. Real heroic deed, when Vasily swims across a cold river in order to convey information that will contribute to the rapid conclusion of the war.

To be honest, many more arguments can be made from the literature, where the authors touch on the problem of true and false heroism. This is both a novel by Bykov Sotnikov and a novel White Guard Bulgakov, and The Tale of a Real Man by B. Polevoy and many other works famous writers, whose works we read with pleasure, experience together with the heroes, feel their pain and are proud of their dedication and heroic deeds.

The problem of heroism: arguments from literature

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The problem of repentance: arguments from literature (Unified State Examination) The problem of orphanhood arguments from literature The problem of upbringing and education, arguments from literature

Of the many topics that are provided in the Russian language exam for writing an essay, the topic “Heroism” can be especially highlighted.

Target Russian education- to raise a worthy and intelligent person who knows what he wants to achieve in life, true patriot of your country. Increasing demands on the quality of the educational level of the population of the Russian Federation led to the introduction of the Unified State Exam, designed to test the knowledge of schoolchildren.

The Unified State Exam measures the knowledge of graduates after graduation, on the way to higher education educational institution, V various industries Sciences.

One of the most important subjects in the country in which schoolchildren are examined is the Russian language. This is literally the pillar on which the country is built, because only people who have own system oral communication can be considered a single people.

What is heroism

Heroism, in the understanding of people, is the accomplishment of a great feat by a person in the name of other people.

Heroes are not those who were born with this intention, but those who stand shoulder to shoulder for a common goal, driven by the concept of justice.

Self-sacrifice for a good cause that brings peace and prosperity to humanity is also considered heroism.

Accordingly, a hero is a person who performs a feat out of love for his neighbor, actively creates the fate of the world and is prone to altruistic behavior. From a psychological point of view, this concept can denote any individual who commits a noble act, overcoming his own fears and doubts.

Examples of heroic behavior can be found not only in literary sources, but also in environment. Works telling about the exploits of heroes are often based on events taken from life.

The problem of heroism - arguments from literature for the Unified State Exam

The problem of heroism and the development of a person’s personality as a hero was raised by many writers in their works.

The most famous works of Russian authors are: B. Vasilyev “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet”, M. Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man” and B. Polevoy “The Tale of a Real Man”.

Less known in modern Russia the story “Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya” by V. Uspensky, which is based on the story of a young pioneer who, together with her friends, joined a partisan detachment and died heroically under torture by the Nazis.

B. Polevoy’s story is based on a story from real life about the pilot Alexei Maresyev. Shot down in enemy territory, he was able to pass through the thicket of the forest. Due to the fact that in extreme conditions there was no one to provide first aid, the man lost both legs, however, overcoming his own imperfections for the sake of his love for the sky, he was able to learn to fly an airplane while wearing prosthetics.

“The Fate of a Man” tells the story of Andrei, who defended his native Fatherland from Nazi Germany. Despite the news of the death of people close to him, main character was able to withstand and not give in to the horrors of war. The ability to empathize with people remained in him, despite the hardships and hardships that fate presented. This is most clearly expressed in his action: Andrei adopted a boy who had lost his family.

The heroes of the book “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” are ordinary people who, by the will of fate, found themselves in the forefront of the battle for the country. They could survive, but most strong desire They had to defend their homeland, so their death was worthy.

Foreign literature also presents many works based on heroism ordinary people. You can highlight arguments from the works of famous authors.

A classic example is E. Hemingway’s story “For Whom the Bell Tolls,” where two people from different worlds– a demolitionist and an ordinary girl. Robert, who died in the explosion of the bridge, who knows that he is going to certain death, but did not retreat from the task entrusted to him, and Maria, who increasingly understands that she will not see her lover, but lets him go for the sake of the great goal - to put an end to the war that is tearing the country apart. parts. Which of them can be considered a real hero?

Another classic example of heroism can be considered the story of D. London “Love of Life”. The man in this creation does not save anyone but himself, however, his courage, determination and will to preserve life deserve the deepest respect, since many people, faced with the betrayal of friends, would have surrendered to the will of circumstances if they found themselves in a hostile area.

The problem of true and false heroism according to Tolstoy

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is one of the most famous Russian writers and thinkers, one of the greatest novelists in the world

For example, true heroism always comes “from the heart”, full of depth and purity of thoughts; false heroism manifests itself as the desire to “show off” without having deep motives inside. According to the classics of Russian literature, a person who commits a heroic act in order to be positively assessed by others cannot be a real hero.

The example here is Bolkonsky, who strives to accomplish “a beautiful feat that will certainly be appreciated by other people.”

True heroism lies in the fact that a person steps over his ego, not caring how beautiful he will look in the eyes of other people, and does everything possible for the well-being of the common cause.

The heroism of a Russian woman and mother

Woman in literature home country- This collective image from several roles: mother, wife, daughter.

An example of the heroism of Russian young ladies can be the wives of the Decembrists, who followed their beloved husbands, who were exiled to distant, practically uninhabited lands.

Women brought up according to the laws secular society, where exile means shame, they were not afraid to leave comfortable conditions for the wilderness.

The second example of the heroism of a Russian woman is Vera Rozaltseva from Chernyshevsky’s novel “What is to be done?” The heroine represents a qualitatively new type of emancipated lady. She is not afraid of difficulties and actively implements her own ideas, while helping other girls.

If we consider female heroism using the example of a mother, we can highlight V. Zakrutkin’s story “Mother of Man.” Maria, a simple Russian woman who lost her family due to the Nazis, loses the will to live. The inhumanity of the war makes her “petrify her heart,” but the heroine finds the strength to live on and begins to help orphans who are also grieving for their departed relatives.

The image of the Mother presented in the story is deeply humane in relation to people. The author of the work presented to the reader such a quality of a woman as love for humanity, indivisible by nationality, faith, etc.

Heroism during the Great Patriotic War

The war with Germany brought many new names to the honor roll, some of whom became such posthumously. The fire of indignation that broke out at the inhumanity and unscrupulousness of the Fuhrer SS troops is manifested in partisan methods of warfare.

Two types of heroes can be distinguished during the Second World War:

  • partisans;
  • soldiers of the Army of the Soviet Union.

The first include the following people:

  • Marat Kazei. After the Nazis killed his mother for harboring partisans, he went to fight with his sister at the partisan headquarters. For his courage he was awarded a medal in 1943, but died in next year at the age of 14 when completing a task;
  • Lenya Golikov. He joined the partisan detachment in 1942. For his numerous exploits, it was decided to award the hero a medal, but he never managed to receive it. In 1943 he was killed along with the detachment;
  • Zina Portnova. She became a scout in 1943. She was caught while performing a mission and subjected to many tortures. In 1944 she was shot.

The second group includes the following people:

  • Alexander Matrosov. He closed the embrasure with his body, allowing the detachment to pass through to carry out the combat mission;
  • Ivan Panfilov. The division under his leadership fought bravely near Volokolamsk, repelling enemy attacks for six days;
  • Nikolay Gastello. Directed a burning plane towards enemy troops. Died with honor.

Apart from people famous for their exploits and participation in the war, a huge number of heroes were never named by the country due to ignorance about them.

The problem of courage and heroism of sailors

War does not happen only on land. Both the firmament and the expanses of water are captured by it. Such is the inherent power of the destructive element - to draw everything and everyone into its networks. People of opposing sides clashed not only on land, but also in water.

  • V. Kataev “Flag”. The Nazis offer to surrender to the Russian team of sailors, but the latter, realizing that they will die if they do not capitulate, still decide in favor of battle, defending the city;
  • V. M. Bogomolov “Flight of the Swallows.” When transporting ammunition across the river, the steamer "Lastochka" is fired upon by fascist troops, and as a result of this action, a mine lands on a barge. Aware of the fact of danger, the captain, driven by the idea of ​​protecting native fatherland, turns the helm and directs the ship towards the enemy.

Russian writers focus on the decisions of people whose main quality is courage. Brave behavior at high risk is still relevant today.

Courage and heroism today

There are heroes at any time, regardless of the circumstances of their environment. Nowadays, the names of those who accomplished feats in the name of humanity are engraved on the honor board.

These are ordinary children Everyday life and heroes in extreme situations:

  • Evgeny Tabakov. At the age of seven, he saved his sister from a maniac, receiving a mortal wound;
  • Julia Korol. Showed highest level courage in saving comrades as a result of the tragedy on Syamozero;
  • Sasha Ershova. During an accident at a water park, she held a little girl above the water, preventing her from drowning.

Not only the children presented above, but also many others are inscribed in the annals of the history of our days. modern people, actively helping in high-risk situations those who find themselves in weaker circumstances.

In stories with a heroic way of life, the correct upbringing of their children by parents is of great importance. After all, the maturation of the future personality depends on how well the relatives convey norms and values ​​to the child.

How to write an essay on the topic “Heroism of the Russian people”

The heroic deeds of people over many generations formed a history of exploits Russian state. Students who need to pass a specialized exam in the Russian language write an essay upon finishing 9th grade.

"How to write correctly creative task? - this question worries many schoolchildren who want to show the maximum result when testing.

The basis of any essay on a given topic is always a goal and a plan. The purpose of the essay is given in the assignment for it. The plan is developed by the student himself; it usually involves dividing the work into stages of work on it.

What does an essay plan consist of:

  1. Introduction.
  2. Main part.
  3. Conclusion.

In addition to the main stages, the student should think about what arguments he will refer to when writing an essay; relevant presentation of information that the student would like to convey to the reader; correct use of Russian language means in the text.

For example, let’s consider the theme of the heroism of the Russian people using the example of Sholokhov’s novel “Quiet Don”. It is based on the history of the world of White Guards fighting for their ideals. They are doomed by history to disappear, but they fearlessly fight against the bitter truth of communism, which is forcibly implanted on the Cossack Don.

The epic clearly shows the problems that worried people of that time: the split of the population into two fronts (white and red guards), the desire to defend their truth, life and established order; clash of ideals various groups population.

Sholokhov show the internal evolution of the heroes of their novel, their changes over time: both internal and external. For example, Dunyasha first appears to the audience as a “girl with pigtails”, but at the end of the novel she is an integral person who has independently chosen her path. Dunya, a descendant of a White Guard, chooses as her husband the communist who killed her brother.

The girl is an example of the highest sacrifice and heroism, as she is not afraid to step over the outdated stereotypes of society.


Each person decides for himself who to call a hero. S. Marshak, for example, in his poem about an unknown rescuer, draws the reader’s attention to the fact that any passerby could turn out to be such a hero.

L. Tolstoy in his epic distinguishes between the concepts of true and false heroism. False heroism, according to the writer, is the desire to show off in public, while a person’s real feat begins with pure thoughts his soul.

Absolutely anyone can become a hero, regardless of circumstances. No one knows what kind of life the little partisans would have lived if the Patriotic War had not happened in the 40s of the last century.

The most important thing in life is to be a person worthy of yourself; respect yourself as a person; strive for the stars and help people who are lost in life.

Reasoning about correct behavior nothing without practical application. Big things always start with small things. Becoming a hero starts with helping those in need.

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