The problem of a thoughtless attitude towards nature. Arguments for the Unified State Exam in Russian

We continue to prepare together for the essay on the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. Message archive .
Literary argument not a simple element in the composition of an essay. Let us remember and re-read some of the works listed below.The book by E.V. will help us. Amelina "Writing an essay for the Unified State Exam (Part C) / Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2015/

" The problem of confrontation between man and nature, human destruction of the surrounding natural world, environmental problems

F.I. Tyutchev
"Sphinx Nature"
"There is a melodiousness in the waves of the sea...",

Man is mortal, but nature is eternal. This is an element indifferent to human needs, destinies, and affairs. She is uncontrollable, unknowable, in sleeping storms - “chaos is stirring.” This is the essence of the eternal conflict between man and nature. Man, according to F.I. Tyutchev, is just a “thinking reed”.

I.S. Turgenev
story "Trip to Polesie" ,
prose poem "Nature" .
Man is mortal, but nature is eternal. Man is a child of nature, like any other creature. But nature knows neither good nor evil, reason is not its law. She does not know art, freedom, does not tolerate anything immortal. She easily gives life and easily takes it away from living beings. She has nothing to do with the fate of humanity. This is the essence of the conflict.

ON THE. Zabolotsky
"I am not looking for harmony in nature..." ,
"Yesterday, thinking about death..." ,
Man is mortal, but nature is eternal. There is no harmony, no rationality in the natural world. Man is just a thought of nature, “her unsteady mind.” Human consciousness is unable to unite “death and being.” Human life is transitory, but a person can leave himself in this world, appearing there again with the “breath of flowers”, the branches of a large oak tree.

V.P. Astafiev
narration in stories "Tsar Fish" .
The main theme is the interaction between man and nature. The writer tells how white and red fish are exterminated on the Yenisei, animals and birds are destroyed. Becomes the climax dramatic story, which once happened on the river with the poacher Zinovy ​​Utrobin. While checking the traps, he fell out of the boat and became entangled in his own nets. In this extreme situation, on the verge of life and death, he remembers his earthly sins, remembers how he once offended his fellow villager Glashka, sincerely repents of what he did, begs for mercy, mentally turning to Glashka, and to the king fish, and to everything white light. And all this gives him “some kind of liberation not yet comprehended by the mind.” Ignatyich manages to escape. Nature itself taught him a lesson here. Thus, V. Astafiev returns our consciousness to Goethe’s thesis: “Nature is always right.”

C.T. Aitmatov
novel "The block" .
In the novel, the writer talks about the destruction of living nature by man. Three times a wolf family loses its cubs. And Akbar’s she-wolf begins to take revenge on the man and takes his cub. The solution to this situation is several deaths: the she-wolf herself dies, Small child, son of Boston, as well as Bazarbai, who kidnapped the wolf cubs. Akbar's she-wolf embodies in the work Mother Nature, who rebels against the man who destroys her.
B.L. Vasiliev
story "Don't shoot white swans" .
The hero of this story, forester Yegor Polushkin, and his son Kolka are contrasted with poachers, people who soullessly destroy nature."

The problem of interaction between man and nature. How to achieve harmonious coexistence? How does nature affect human soul? and etc. - in the next thematic message.

Human and nature.

    The problem of the harmful influence of man on nature; consumer attitude towards it.

- How does a person influence nature? What can this attitude towards nature lead to?

1) Thoughtless, cruel attitude to nature can lead to its destruction; the destruction of nature leads to the death of man and humanity.

2) Nature turns from a temple into a workshop; she found herself defenseless in front of a person, dependent on him.

3) The relationship between man and nature is often inharmonious; man destroys nature, thereby destroying himself.

V. Astafiev “Tsar Fish”

V. Rasputin “Farewell to Matera”, “Fire”

V. Belov “Beaver Eel”, “Spring”, “At Home”

Ch. Aitmatov “The Scaffold”

B. Vasiliev “Don’t shoot white swans”

2. The problem of the lack of kinship between man and nature.

- How is it shown? What does this mean?

1) Man is part of nature, forms a single whole with it, and the severance of this connection ultimately leads to the death of humanity.

2) Direct, immediate human contact with the ground is necessary. Psychological and spiritual isolation between man and the earth is much more dangerous than physical isolation.

V. Astafiev “Starodub”

V. Rasputin “Farewell to Matera”

A. Fet “Learn from them - from the oak, from the birch...”

M. Yu. Lermontov “when the yellowing field is agitated...”

3. The problem of the beneficial influence of nature on humans.

- How does nature influence humans?

Nature is capable of ennobling and reviving the human soul, revealing it best qualities.

L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” (episode about the oak tree and Andrey)

L. N. Tolstoy “Cossacks”

Yu. Nagibin “Winter Oak”

V. Astafiev “Drop”

K. Paustovsky “Creaky floorboards”


I. Vasiliev : “A person is most likely to lose his moral anchors when he leaves native land when he stops seeing, feeling and understanding her. It’s as if he’s disconnected from the source that feeds him.”

V. P. Astafiev : “The most dangerous poacher is in the soul of each of us.”

V. Rasputin : “To talk about ecology today means to talk not only about changing life, as before, but about saving it.”

R. Rozhdestvensky : “Less surrounding nature, more and more environment.”

John Donne : “There is no man who is like an island on his own; every person is part of the land, part of the continent, and if a wave carries a coastal cliff into the sea, Europe will become smaller... Therefore, never ask for whom the bell tolls: it tolls for you.”

V. P. Astafiev : “Three dangers of the destruction of humanity exist, in my opinion, in the world today: nuclear, environmental and the danger associated with the destruction of culture.”

V. Fedorov : To save yourself and the world,

We need, without wasting years,

Forget all cults

The infallible cult of nature.

Everyone knows that man and nature are inextricably linked with each other, and we see it every day. This is the blowing of the wind, and sunsets and sunrises, and the ripening of buds on the trees. Under her influence, society took shape, personalities developed, and art was formed. But we also have to the world reciprocal influence, but most often negative. The environmental problem was, is and will always be relevant. So, many writers touched on it in their works. This selection lists the most striking and powerful arguments from world literature that address the issue of the mutual influence of nature and man. They are available for download in table format (link at the end of the article).

  1. Astafiev Viktor Petrovich, “Tsar Fish”. This is one of the most famous works great Soviet writer Viktor Astafiev. main topic The story is about the unity and confrontation between man and nature. The writer points out that each of us bears responsibility for what he has done and what happens in the world around him, no matter whether it is good or bad. The work also touches on the problem of large-scale poaching, when a hunter, not paying attention to prohibitions, kills and thereby wipes out entire species of animals from the face of the earth. Thus, by pitting his hero Ignatyich against Mother Nature in the person of the Tsar Fish, the author shows that the personal destruction of our habitat threatens the death of our civilization.
  2. Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich, “Fathers and Sons.” A disdainful attitude towards nature is also discussed in Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”. Evgeny Bazarov, an avowed nihilist, states bluntly: “Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it.” He does not enjoy the environment, does not find anything mysterious and beautiful in it, any manifestation of it is trivial to him. In his opinion, “nature should be useful, this is its purpose.” He believes that you need to take what she gives - this is the unshakable right of each of us. As an example, we can recall the episode when Bazarov, being in bad mood, went into the forest and broke branches and everything else that came in his way. Neglecting the world around him, the hero fell into the trap of his own ignorance. Being a physician, he never made any great discoveries; nature did not give him the keys to her secret locks. He died from his own carelessness, becoming a victim of a disease for which he never invented a vaccine.
  3. Vasiliev Boris Lvovich, “Don’t shoot white swans.” In his work, the author urges people to be more careful about nature, contrasting two brothers. A reserve forester named Buryanov, despite his responsible work, perceives the world around him as nothing other than a consumption resource. He easily and completely without a twinge of conscience cut down trees in the reserve in order to build himself a house, and his son Vova was even ready to torture the puppy he found to death. Fortunately, Vasiliev contrasts him with Yegor Polushkin, his cousin, who with all the kindness of his soul takes care of natural environment habitat, and it’s good that there are still people who care about nature and strive to preserve it.

Humanism and love for the environment

  1. Ernest Hemingway, “The Old Man and the Sea.” In his philosophical story “The Old Man and the Sea,” which was based on a true event, the great American writer and the journalist touched on many topics, one of which is the problem of the relationship between man and nature. The author in his work shows a fisherman who serves as an example of how to treat environment. The sea feeds the fishermen, but also voluntarily yields only to those who understand the elements, its language and life. Santiago also understands the responsibility that the hunter bears to the halo of his habitat, and feels guilty for extorting food from the sea. He is burdened by the thought that man kills his fellow men in order to feed himself. This is how you can understand the main idea of ​​the story: each of us must understand our inextricable connection with nature, feel guilty before it, and as long as we are responsible for it, guided by reason, then the Earth tolerates our existence and is ready to share its riches.
  2. Nosov Evgeniy Ivanovich, “Thirty grains”. Another work that confirms that a humane attitude towards other living beings and nature is one of the main virtues of people is the book “Thirty Grains” by Evgeny Nosov. This shows the harmony between man and animal, the little titmouse. The author clearly demonstrates that all living beings are brothers by origin, and we need to live in friendship. At first, the titmouse was afraid to make contact, but she realized that in front of her was not someone who would catch him and be locked in a cage, but someone who would protect and help.
  3. Nekrasov Nikolai Alekseevich, “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares.” This poem is familiar to every person since childhood. It teaches us to help our smaller brothers and take care of nature. Main character— Grandfather Mazai is a hunter, which means that hares should be, first of all, prey and food for him, but his love for the place where he lives turns out to be higher than the opportunity to get an easy trophy. He not only saves them, but also warns them not to come across him during the hunt. Isn't this a high feeling of love for Mother Nature?
  4. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, “The Little Prince”. The main idea of ​​the work is heard in the voice of the main character: “You got up, washed, put yourself in order and immediately put your planet in order.” Man is not a king, not a king, and he cannot control nature, but he can take care of it, help it, follow its laws. If every inhabitant of our planet followed these rules, then our Earth would be completely safe. It follows from this that we need to take care of it, treat it more carefully, because all living things have a soul. We have tamed the Earth and must be responsible for it.

Environmental problem

  • Rasputin Valentin “Farewell to Matera”. Valentin Rasputin showed the strong influence of man on nature in his story “Farewell to Matera”. On Matera, people lived in harmony with the environment, took care of the island and preserved it, but the authorities needed to build a hydroelectric power station, and decided to flood the island. So, the whole one went under water animal world, which no one took care of, only the inhabitants of the island felt guilty for the “betrayal” native land. This is how humanity destroys entire ecosystems due to the fact that it needs electricity and other resources necessary for modern life. It treats its conditions with trepidation and reverence, but completely forgets that entire species of plants and animals die and are destroyed forever because someone needed more comfort. Today, that area has ceased to be an industrial center, factories do not work, and dying villages do not need as much energy. This means that those sacrifices were completely in vain.
  • Aitmatov Chingiz, “The Scaffold”. By destroying the environment, we destroy our lives, our past, present and future - this problem is raised in the novel “The Scaffold” by Chingiz Aitmatov, where the personification of nature is a family of wolves that is doomed to death. The harmony of life in the forest was disrupted by a man who came and destroyed everything in his path. People started hunting saigas, and the reason for such barbarity was that there was a difficulty with the meat delivery plan. Thus, the hunter mindlessly destroys the environment, forgetting that he himself is part of the system, and this will ultimately affect him.
  • Astafiev Victor, “Lyudochka”. IN this work describes the consequence of the authorities’ disregard for the ecology of the entire region. People in a polluted city that smells of waste have gone wild and are attacking each other. They have lost naturalness, harmony in the soul, now they are ruled by conventions and primitive instincts. main character becomes a victim of gang rape on the banks of a garbage river, where rotten waters flow - as rotten as the morals of the townspeople. No one helped or even sympathized with Lyuda; this indifference drove the girl to suicide. She hanged herself on a bare crooked tree, which is also dying from indifference. The poisonous, hopeless atmosphere of dirt and toxic fumes reflects on those who made it so.

If a person looked at his planet from space, he would understand what an unstable world he has to live in. Above it is a dome of an indifferent, cold abyss, and under a thin layer of the earth's crust is a fiery lava deposit. Therefore, we have to take care of this small, by the standards of the Universe, area suitable for life. The only pity is that almost no one can look at their world from space. Perhaps that is why the problem has worsened so much careful attitude to nature. Arguments confirming the need for its protection will be presented in this article.

K. G. Paustovsky

Arguments for caring for nature can be found in the works of the Russian writer Paustovsky, where he tries to understand how important it is to protect the world around us. The author is sure that all changes in nature occur due to human fault. To convey this idea, he describes a dim autumn landscape: “The forest was crying with a rain of fallen leaves.” Compares bird voices with the sound of broken glass and tells old fairy tale about how nature punishes people: one day someone killed an oriole that was flying across the sky and from that moment autumn began to come. Paustovsky is sure that protecting nature is an important and necessary matter: “You will throw yourself under the earth and die.”

Nature is not just a human environment. Man is part of nature, which is also an integral source of his health and energy.

I. S. Turgenev

Turgenev’s work “Fathers and Sons” presents two opposing positions regarding nature conservation. Arguments for a caring attitude towards the living world can be traced in the actions of Arkady, Bazarov’s friend. He communicated with nature every day, admired its beauty and grandeur. Being in her power, he quickly healed his mental wounds, and unity with nature was a pleasant experience for Arkady.

In turn, Bazarov is not sure of the need to respect nature. The arguments from his mouth sound as follows: “Nature is a workshop, not a temple, and man is obliged to work in it.”

Bazarov’s position is difficult to accept, because he believes that everything around him is material for human activity and cannot be something big and significant.

"The block"

When studying the need to take care of nature, you can really find a lot of arguments from the literature. But the greatest influence on a person is exerted by works in which animals are attributed more humane qualities than the “crown of creation” itself.

In Ch. Aitmatov’s work “The Scaffold,” the author shows how man himself destroys nature. Aitmatov describes the life of a wolf pack before and after humans invaded the forest. With his arrival, absolute hell began: huge areas of the forest were destroyed, and along with the forest, its inhabitants perished. People were ready to gut Earth, like a pumpkin” in order to achieve their goals, but did not suspect that nature would respond in kind.

Akbar's she-wolf twice lost her cubs due to human activity, but still her lonely soul is drawn to people, and she seeks to transfer her unspent love to a human child. In the heat of hatred and anger, people want to shoot the she-wolf, but they kill the child. This tragedy shows the depth of man's barbaric attitude towards nature. Here wolves have a soul that people have long forgotten about.

Dr. Schweitzer

Man has long been superior in everything, even conquering his own future. After all, a few more decades - and the Earth will turn into a planet where half of the territory will be uninhabitable. Therefore, the arguments for caring for nature are more relevant today than ever before. Besides, protecting the world around us is not as difficult as it might seem.

For example, every time Dr. Schweitzer saw an earthworm that had been washed out by the rain, he took it to the grass and pulled out the insects from the water that were floundering helplessly there. He often repeated that whenever he sees a living creature in trouble, he tries to help in order to at least somehow atone for the guilt of humanity for the damage it has caused to the animal world. In 1935, he wrote an essay in defense of animal rights, in which he said: “Man ought to be kind to animals for the same reasons for which he is kind to his own kind.”

Nightingales and willpower

There is a great and miraculous power hidden in nature. The arguments for the essay “Caring for Nature” can be borrowed from the story “Awakened by Nightingales” by Yu. Yakovlev. One day the main character in a pioneer camp was woken up in the morning by birds singing. He wanted to disperse them so as not to disturb his sleep, but he froze, captivated by the song of the nightingale. Something trembled in his soul, and suddenly he wanted to see this “singer”, and then he sculpted him out of plasticine. The next morning he woke up all the children so that they too could listen to the nightingale’s song. The author assures that if a person has managed to comprehend the beauty of nature, he will definitely find something beautiful in himself, in those around him and in art.

Arguments for caring for nature often point to its healing power. In O. Henry's short story “The Last Leaf,” the seriously ill heroine, Jonesy, counts the leaves on an ivy bush every day; she is sure that when the last one falls, her life will end. But he does not want to fall, despite the bad weather, he continues to cling to the last days of his existence. The leaf knows that in the spring it will have new life, but man has no such privilege. Jonesy looks at the efforts of this leaf and begins to fight for his life. Man is a part of nature, and the surrounding world is always ready to provide support, you just have to ask it.

Emotional connection

If we consider the topic of caring for nature, arguments from the work of M. Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time” focus on the strong sensory connection between nature and man. So, in the fate of Pechorin, all changes in mood are accompanied by changes in the environment. For example, when he went to a duel, Pechorin thought the sky was “blue and fresh” and the sun was “brightly shining.” But after he sees Grushnitsky’s death, the sun suddenly seems dim to him, its rays no longer warm, and the sky looks with an indifferent blue gaze. But Lermontov not only reflected the experiences of the heroes with the help of nature, he made it actor. For example, a thunderstorm caused a long date.

In this work, the characters are inextricably linked with nature. You can even say that their hearts beat in unison - nature feels a person, because he is an integral part of it and tries to help as much as possible.

What if…?

But what if suddenly nature doesn’t exist, doesn’t exist at all? Previously, such an assumption could be called fantastic, but today, when the world is threatened ecological catastrophy, these words may well become true. E. Zamyatin in the novel “We” describes a dystopian world in which all people wear numbers, and nature is replaced by glass structures. People abandoned their natural beginning and created a system that itself determines the fate of everyone. A person ceases to be a unique personality, but becomes a “number” who will have to remove his fantasy in order for him to find the happiness that the system has determined for him.

In this allegory, the author tried to show how strongly man is connected with nature. And when on her the place will come newest child technical progress, when the living singing of birds and the whispering of leaves disappear from the face of the planet, then man, like last representative nature will be absorbed by the machine created by him.


Will forever remain actual problem the need to respect nature. Arguments on this issue can be found even in films. For example, the film “Earthlings” is banned from showing in many countries around the world. It was filmed in 2005 and its main issue is the exploitation of animals for various purposes. It does contain horrific facts of human cruelty.

All footage was filmed with hidden video cameras, so the viewer sees everything that happens in nurseries, slaughterhouses, pet stores or behind the scenes of the circus. "Earthlings" is an unpleasant film to watch, but it's The best way to reach humanity. Anyone who has seen him can say without a doubt that his world will never be the same again.

Every year, people extract tons of minerals, release hazardous substances into the air, pollute water with industrial waste, and destroy thousands of hectares of forest. And if nature could scream, everyone who lives on the planet would clearly hear the call of the Earth: “Stop!” Protecting nature is not a necessity, but a sacred duty that everyone must perform every day.

Nature in the poem is in close connection with people. So, solar eclipse as if warning the army of Prince Igor about the impending danger. After the defeat of the Russians, “the grass withered with pity, and the tree bowed to the ground with grief.” At the moment of Igor's escape from captivity, the woodpeckers, with their knocking, show him the way to the river. The Donets River also helps him, “cherishing the prince on the waves, spreading him green grass on its silver shores, clothing it with warm mists under the shade of a green tree.” And Igor thanks Donets, his savior, talking poetically with the river.

K.G. Paustovsky - fairy tale “The Disheveled Sparrow”.

The little girl Masha made friends with the sparrow Pashka. And he helped return to her the glass bouquet that the black one had stolen, which her father, who was at the front, had once given to her mother.

How does nature affect the human soul? Nature helps us discover ourselves and the world around us

L.N. Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace. Nature gives a person hope, helps a person realize his true feelings, understand his own soul. Let us remember the meeting of Prince Andrei with the oak tree. If on the way to Otradnoye this old, dying oak tree filled his soul only with bitterness, then on the way back the oak tree with young, green, succulent leaves suddenly helps him realize that life is not over yet, perhaps there is happiness ahead, the fulfillment of his destiny.

Yu. Yakovlev - story “Woke by Nightingales.” Nature awakens the best human qualities in the human soul, creative potential, helps to open up. The hero of the story is a kind of crazy guy, difficult child, whom adults did not like and did not take seriously. His nickname is Seluzhenok. But then one night he heard the singing of a nightingale, and he wanted to portray this nightingale. He sculpts it from plasticine, and then enrolls in art studio. Interest appears in his life, adults change their attitude towards him.

Yu. Nagibin - story “Winter Oak”. Nature helps man make many discoveries. Against the backdrop of nature, we become more aware of our own feelings, as well as in a new way We look at the people around us. This happened with the heroine of Nagibin’s story, teacher Anna Vasilyevna. Having ended up with Savushkin in winter forest, she took a fresh look at this boy, discovered qualities in him that she had not noticed before: closeness to nature, spontaneity, nobility.

What feelings does the beauty of Russian nature awaken in our souls? Love for Russian nature - love for the Motherland

S.A. Yesenin - poems “About arable lands, arable lands, arable lands...”, “The feather grass is sleeping, the dear plain...”, “Rus”. The theme of nature in Yesenin’s work inextricably merges with the theme small homeland, Russian village. Thus, the poet’s early poems, filled with Christian images and details of peasant life, recreate a picture of life in Orthodox Russia. Here the poor Kaliki pass through the villages, here the wanderer Mikola appears on the roads, here the sexton remembers the dead. Each of these scenes is framed by a modest, unpretentious landscape. And right up to last days Yesenin remains faithful to his ideal, remaining the poet of the “golden log hut.” Admiration for the beauty of Russian nature merges in his poems with love for Russia.

N.M. Rubtsov - poems “I will gallop over the hills of the slumbering Fatherland...”, “My Quiet Homeland”, “Star of the Fields”, “Birches”. In the poem “Visions on the Hill,” N. Rubtsov refers to the historical past of the Motherland and traces the connection of times, finding echoes of this past in the present. The times of Batu are long gone, but Rus' of all times has its “Tatars and Mongols.” Image of the Motherland, feelings lyrical hero, the beauty of Russian nature, the inviolability of folk foundations and the strength of spirit of the Russian people is that good beginning that is contrasted in the poem with the image of evil in the past and present. In the poem “My Quiet Motherland,” the poet creates an image native village: huts, willows, river, nightingales, old church, graveyard. For Rubtsov, the star of the fields becomes a symbol of all of Russia, a symbol of happiness. It is this image, and perhaps even Russian birches, that the poet associates with the Motherland.

K.G. Paustovsky - story “Ilyinsky Whirlpool”. The author talks about his attachment to one of the small towns in Russia - the Ilyinsky Whirlpool. Such places, according to the author, carry something sacred within them; they fill the soul with spiritual ease and reverence for the beauty of their native land. This is how the feeling of the Motherland arises in a person - out of little love

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