The first channel presenter is about the love of cords. Shnurov will judge everyone: the show “About Love” starts on “First”

The idea of ​​the psychological talk show “About Love” belongs to Sofiko Shevardnadze, the granddaughter of the second president of Georgia, a smart and beautiful woman who has been involved in political journalism all her life. She came up with the name.

“The world rests on love, without it there is nothing,” Sofiko is convinced. — It so happened that I am involved in politics. But I just want to sit on a bench and talk about life.

Shevardnadze was not familiar with the leader of the Leningrad group, but she only wanted to see him as a co-host. .

“He came to the recording of the pilot episode and said: “My pilots never go anywhere,” recalls Sofiko. “I answered: “This one will pass!”

When the program was actually approved, Shnurov “switched into reverse gear,” and Shevardnadze had to persuade the odious musician for a very long time to sign the contract.

“I still doubt it,” admits Sergei. - Although it has always been common for me to change my occupation for some time. Apparently, such a period has come. The most important thing is that I don’t have the text written down. I'm telling the truth, this determined my positive answer.

The hosts of the talk show “About Love” are Sergei Shnurov and Sofiko Shevardnadze. Photo: still from the show

When Shnurov first appeared in the studio of the talk show “About Love,” it seemed that the audience was ready to jump out of their seats and send a wave through the ranks. He - as always, unshaven, but in a stylish blue jacket - looked around the place of work with slight bewilderment and said: “How I want to swear!” The audience howled with delight and hooted. Shnurov winked slyly: “Let’s sell swear words on Channel One, huh?!” But no. During the recording, he behaved extremely politely and correctly.

- Seryoga - deep intelligent person“says Sofiko. — He is a representative of the real St. Petersburg intelligentsia. Everyone considers him a bully and a boor, but he is the absolute opposite.

The heroes of one of the first episodes of the program are a husband and wife who are in their sixth year life together They came to the conclusion that they could no longer live in a situation of constant lack of money. A woman sits at home with her child and pesters: “I want new sandals! I want to go to a restaurant!” And the husband plows at a construction site and accuses his wife of exorbitant demands.

“Typical situation in Russia,” announces at the very beginning talk show Shnurov, - I also constantly lack money.

“And I miss it,” Sofiko assents.

— How many would suit you? - Sergei asks the sad heroine in a businesslike manner.

“One hundred thousand a month,” she readily answers.

— Do you remember “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”? - asks Shnurov. “There, the old woman was also constantly dissatisfied and was left with nothing.

- Half the country lives poorly and in love, and half the country lives poorly and badly! - Sofiko enters warmly.

Liquid applause is heard in the hall: they say, that’s right, money doesn’t buy happiness. But Shnurov counters:

- Where have you seen people living in poverty and in love? Yes, they fight all the time!

And here the hall bursts into thunderous applause and loud, albeit discordant cries:

“The wife needs to work herself, and not sit at home!” You're young, find yourself a job!

- Calm down, workaholics! - Shnurov, suddenly amused, interrupts the general hubbub. “You all just have to work here, as I see fit.”

The audience falls silent in shame.

Sergei Shnurov in the talk show “About Love”. Photo: still from the show

If Sofiko Shevardnadze strives to discern the psychological background in everything and find the cause of the heroes’ problems in their childhood, then Sergei Shnurov is more cynical and is not inclined to feel sorry for the participants.

“My dad drank all my childhood,” the heroine sobs, “there were always alcoholics around me!”

- Alcoholics are not like that bad people! — the musician notes philosophically.

“I have a complex,” he continues to smear tears across his rosy cheeks. round cheeks heroine. - I used to be thin, but now...

“And I have complexes,” nods Shnur. “I used to be young, but now I’m old!”

After filming, the creators of the show do not abandon the characters - psychologists continue to work with them. Later, journalists will meet with former participants and find out whether they managed to overcome the crisis. It’s difficult to answer why the most popular Russian musician needs all this, but for now Shnurov is clearly having fun on the talk show “About Love.”

“I’m still not sure of my role,” says Sergei about new job. - But it seems to me that by my appearance on Channel One I am giving a certain signal: the impossible becomes possible!

“About Love”, First, Monday-Friday, 16:00


Rock musician Sergei Shnurov and journalist Sofiko Shevardnadze will help the heroes solve personal problems and find happiness - it begins on the First new talk show"About love."

The program “About Love” will be broadcast on Channel One on weekdays

The daily talk show on Channel One is succinctly and simply called . Host of the talk show “About Love” - TV journalist, granddaughter of the second President of Georgia Sofiko Shevardnadze and rock musician Sergey Shnurov, known for his provocative songs and scandals.

In the new project, the presenters will help establish relationships with everyone who is in dire need of it, who is going through a crisis: husbands and wives, fathers and children, grandmothers and grandchildren, friends. Calm and friendly, polite and thoughtful, engaging the best specialists.

Hosts of "About Love"

Sofiko is sentimental and emotional, and sincerely believes that everything in our lives revolves around love. She is sure that "m “The world rests on love and without love nothing exists, love cannot but interest, it affects everyone.” According to her, the meaning of life is in love, without it it is unreal. ButSergei, on the contrary, often rude and hooligan, prone to shocking behavior, he is sure that love is just a convenient concept.

"For love in modern society It's common to write everything off. Love is such a convenient concept. This is a category, a concept, built in modern society mainly on Hollywood films. No matter how we twist it, teenagers, and adults too, learn about what love is from Hollywood films. It's an imposed concept, that's all. Such a cynical approach,” admits Shnurov.

The project “About Love” will show viewers how to solve their relationship problems and be happy

Note that “Shnur” has a lot of television baggage: he hosted the program “ Cord around the world" And " Trench Life" took part in projects dedicated to the war and in a documentary series about music; in 2015, he hosted the program “ Cult of Tour".

What will “About Love” tell you about?

Despite fundamental differences in matters of love, Shevardnadze and Shnurov each in their own way try to help those who are confused in love. love relationships to people. Sofiko does this in an emotional, feminine way, Sergei often makes jokes and laughs.

Each episode of the “About Love” program requires significant effort, subtle editorial work, and close monitoring by a team of psychologists. A week before the recording of the program, psychologists begin working with the characters, identifying problems, outlining possible options their decisions. In addition, the characters are not abandoned after filming; specialists continue to work with them. And in about six months, return programs are planned, in which “About Love” journalists will again come to visit former participants to find out how things are going with them, whether they managed to cope with the crisis, improve relationships, return love to the family, or had to separate so as not to hurt each other anymore.

August 11, 2016

Together with Sofiko Shevardnadze, he hosts the program “About Love.” “...He began to fool around with the presenter on Channel One,” Sergei Shnurov told his Instagram subscribers today. The leader of the Leningrad group and journalist Sofiko Shevardnadze (granddaughter of Eduard Shevardnadze) lead new program"About love." They come to the studio married couples or lovers and talk about their problems. The presenters are trying to help [...]

Together with Sofiko Shevardnadze, he hosts the program “About Love”

“...He began to play havoc with the presenter on Channel One,” Sergei Shnurov told his Instagram followers today.

The leader of the Leningrad group and journalist Sofiko Shevardnadze (granddaughter of Eduard Shevardnadze) are hosting a new program “About Love”. Married couples or lovers come to the studio and talk about their problems. The presenters try to help with the help of experts.

Filming of the first episodes of the program has already taken place, the broadcast is scheduled for September.

For Sergei Shnurov, this is not the first experience of working on television. For example, famous musician hosted the multi-part program “Cord Around the World” on NTV. After the release of 15 issues, the next project was launched - the documentary series “Trench Life”. Sergey was a co-host of the project “History of Russian Show Business” on STS.

There are still not enough low-level talk shows on Channel One about lumpen people who are ready to shake their dirty panties to an audience of millions for a fee or for the sake of five minutes of fame. “Male / Female”, “Let them talk”, “Let’s get married”, “Alone with everyone”, “It’s me”, “ Fashionable verdict" - the participants in these programs have lost all shame and conscience. They are told: “Do this and that, it’s not real, it’s make-believe” - and we see tufts of hair torn out, fights, slander against relatives and friends. This applies not only to Channel One, but also to others. For example, in the show “Boys” on Friday they showed how a young husband hits his wife in the face - allegedly filmed. hidden camera at the moment of a quarrel. When I asked how he would now wash away the stain of shame from himself after this program (he actively hangs out in all the public pages where “Tomboy” is discussed), the “husband” began to make excuses, saying that it was all a production and in reality nothing like that happened. Well, how could it not have been - when they showed it? Even if she asked her to beat for the sake of rating - why sink to this bottom? Where is human dignity and basic honor? This is all to say that in the new day talk show "About Love" TV viewers are invited to watch how our fellow citizens decompose. Another story is invented with written roles, staged scenes are recorded with a hidden camera, “experts” sit in the studio and help in solving non-existent problems.

In the program "About Love" there are two presenters - Sofiko Shevardnadze(37-year-old granddaughter of the former President of Georgia) and Sergey Shnurov(43-year-old musician from the Leningrad group). It seems that without “Shnur” this project would not have taken place. Gordon has completely exhausted himself, and, of course, there are no other tough men in the country.

The problem is that “About Love” is too feminine a show. Women's problems, 2/3 of the experts in the studio are women. Co-host. The forces are unequal, and Shnurov is embarrassed to voice his opinion (although most likely Shnur simply does not have one), he may even come up with a counterposition and create a hot atmosphere in the studio. The presenter perks up only when it comes to drinking and immoral behavior. He is on the side and plays more of a furniture role, a symbol of a man. In "Male / Female" Gordon behaves aggressively and in every possible way shows and proves that he is the leader here and EVERYONE must take his position into account. Even if it’s ugly, it’s bright. I feel like Gordon will soon have to work in two gears. And in general, I thought that “Male / Female” would be closed, but they just moved to an earlier time.

In short, I didn’t like “About Love” with Shnurov and Shevardnadze - they spend a whole hour pouring from empty to empty, analyzing a far-fetched problem and accompanying it with staged shots.

Roza Syabitova, as an expert, does not betray herself and her image. She saw a handsome man - she would defend him by hook or by crook and blame the woman for everything. She's weak on... men. There are also three psychologists-psychotherapists and one journalist in the studio.

The format reminded me of the light version of “Let Them Talk” vs. "Male/Female". Why produce the same type of programs? If I cooked borscht while listening to “About Love,” it would immediately turn sour. Two stars and off the air!

The talk show “About Love” with Sergei Shnurov airs on weekdays from Monday to Friday at 16.00 Moscow time. You can watch all episodes online immediately after the broadcast on the official project page .

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Sincerely, Andy Goldred

The new daily talk show on Channel One is called succinctly and simply: “About love.” Here they will help establish relationships for everyone who is in dire need of it, who is going through a crisis: husbands and wives, fathers and children, grandmothers and grandchildren, friends. Calm and friendly, polite and thoughtful, attracting the best specialists and professionals.

Host of the talk show “About Love” - TV journalist, granddaughter of the second President of Georgia Sofiko Shevardnadze and rock musician Sergey Shnurov.

Sofiko is sentimental and emotional, and sincerely believes that everything in our lives revolves around love.

“The world rests on love, and without love nothing exists! - the TV presenter is convinced. - Love cannot but interest, it affects everyone. The meaning of life is in love, without it it is unreal!”

By her own admission, Sofiko always dreamed of hosting a psychological talk show about love: “It so happened historically that I am a political journalist, simply because I am well versed in politics. But all my life I wanted to just sit on a bench and talk about life. It really seems to me that nothing, not even summits, can be cooler and more interesting than real life.”

Host of the talk show “About Love” Sofiko Shevardnadze

Sergei is the notorious leader of the Leningrad group, rude and hooligan, prone to shocking behavior, and is sure that love is just a convenient concept.

“In modern society, it’s customary to blame everything on love,” says Shnurov. - Love is such a convenient concept. This is a category, a concept, built in modern society mainly on Hollywood films. No matter how we twist it, teenagers, and adults too, learn about what love is from Hollywood films. It's an imposed concept, that's all. Such a cynical approach."

Host of the talk show “About Love” Sergei Shnurov

Despite fundamental differences in matters of love, Shevardnadze and Shnurov each in their own way try to help people who are confused in love relationships. Sofiko does this in an emotional, feminine way, Sergei often makes jokes and laughs.

Each episode of the “About Love” program requires significant effort, subtle editorial work, and close monitoring by a team of psychologists. A week before the recording of the program, psychologists begin working with the characters, identifying problems and outlining possible solutions to them. In addition, the characters are not abandoned after filming; specialists continue to work with them.

In about six months, return programs are planned, in which “About Love” journalists will again come to visit former participants to find out how things are going with them, whether they managed to cope with the crisis, improve relationships, return love to the family, or had to break up for more don't hurt each other...

Your consent to become talk show host on Channel One, Sergei Shnurov explains this: “It has always been common for me to change my occupation for a while. Apparently, another such period has come. It seems to me that by my appearance on Channel One I am giving some kind of signal that the impossible is becoming possible. Well, one more thing: I don’t have the text written down, while recording the program I say complete gag - all this determined my positive answer.”

Talk show “About Love”

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