Oblomov's declaration of love for Olga. Read an essay on the topic of Oblomov and Olga Ilinskaya in the novel Oblomov, Goncharov for free

Main character In the novel, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov leads an absolutely inactive life for a number of years, constantly lying at home on the sofa, practically not going anywhere and devoting time only to daydreaming. Oblomov never ceases to dream about life in his estates, in Oblomovka, together with his future family; he plans to marry and have children in the future. However, year after year passes, and Ilya Ilyich does not even try to find any real bride, he dreams of some ideal woman, but does nothing to meet her.

But thanks to his active and energetic friend Andrei Stolts, Oblomov became acquainted with young Olga Ilyinskaya while staying at the dacha in the summer. Olga sings beautifully, and Ilya Ilyich is greatly impressed by her performance of the aria; he cannot help but cry. Oblomov does not hide his sincere admiration for Olga; she seems to him the ideal to which he has always strived; after just a few meetings, Ilya Ilyich is sure that he is in love with this girl and has always been waiting for her.

As for Olga herself, she heard a lot about Oblomov from Stolz even before they met. Andrei said that Ilya definitely needs to be helped to overcome his apathy and force him to live differently, because he has many virtues, such as kindness, honesty, breadth of soul, decency, tenderness. When a girl actually meets this man, she becomes captivated by the idea of ​​his transformation and the desire to resurrect him for real life. Olga, who actually doesn’t have life experience, believes that love for her will really be able to change Oblomov and make him completely different.

Ilya Ilyich actually becomes much more active, it also seems to him that Olga and her love gave him new life, he is ready to act and move on for the sake of his beloved. Oblomov makes an official proposal to the girl, she accepts him without hesitation, at this moment both believe that they will be happy together in the future.

But as soon as the infinitely lazy, timid and indecisive Ilya Ilyich is required to perform at least some specific actions as a groom, he is completely lost and begins to doubt whether he should change his destiny so dramatically. Even submitting a marriage application to the ward becomes a problem for him; he is never able to get there, no matter how much he tries. Next, Oblomov thinks about how to ask Olga’s hand in marriage from her aunt, who is the girl’s guardian, since she no longer has parents.

He understands that his aunt will ask about his financial situation, about financial affairs, about the state of the estate, while Ilya Ilyich is absolutely not ready for this, he has not visited his estate for many years and has no idea how things are going there and what the income is. he can count. He constantly postpones this most important conversation, citing to Olga some reasons invented by himself.

The girl sees Ilya’s weakness more and more clearly, his complete lack of confidence in himself and in the future, she begins to understand that she was mistaken in her choice. In addition, Olga is convinced that Oblomov is again returning to his previous way of life, that he again sleeps for a long time after lunch, which she tried to wean him from. The girl feels with bitterness and pain that all her efforts were in vain and she will not be able to do anything with this person.

During the last conversation, Olga openly announces to Ilya Ilyich that she hoped that he would still be able to live at least for her sake, but he had already died spiritually a long time ago, so they should separate; they have no future together. Oblomov is in despair, but he also understands that there is no need to continue the relationship further, they will bring nothing but pain and disappointment to both of them. When reading the novel, there is no doubt that the separation of these two was indeed natural; they would never have been able to build a full-fledged, harmonious family, as Olga subsequently developed with Ilya Ilyich’s best friend Andrei Stolts.

"An ordinary story" and "Oblomov" last novel occupies a special place and is the most famous.

Briefly about the novel

Goncharov had the idea for a new work back in 1847, but the reader had to wait another 10 years for the appearance of this novel, which was published in its entirety in 1859 and brought the author enormous success. The peculiarity of this work is that Ivan Andreevich for the first time in Russian literature examined a person's life from birth to death. The hero himself, his life - main topic works, which is why it is named after his last name - “Oblomov”. It belongs to the category of “speaking”, since its bearer, “a decrepit fragment of childbirth,” reminds us famous hero the epics of Ilya Muromets, who lay on the stove until he was 33 years old (when we meet Oblomov, he was also about 32-33 years old). However, the epic hero, after getting up from the stove, did many great things, and Ilya Ilyich remained lying on the sofa. Goncharov uses the repetition of the name and patronymic, as if emphasizing by this that life goes in an established circle, the son repeats the fate of his father.

Love in the novel "Oblomov", as in many other Russian novels, is one of the main themes. Here, as in many works, it is the spiritual development of the heroes. Let's analyze in detail Oblomov's love in the novel "Oblomov".

Love for Olga

Let's start our discussion with the relationship between Ilya Ilyich and Olga. Love in Oblomov's life, short description The relationship between the characters, which we present to you in this article, can be divided into two parts: Ilya Ilyich’s feelings for Olga Ilyinskaya and for Agafya Matveevna.

Olga was the main character's first lover. Feelings for Olga bring him happiness, revive him, at the same time making him suffer, since with the departure of love, Oblomov loses the desire to live.

A bright feeling for Olga comes to the hero suddenly and completely absorbs him. It ignites his passive soul, for which such strong shocks were new. Oblomov is used to burying all his feelings somewhere deep in the subconscious, and love awakens them, revives him to a new life.

Never thinking that he could fall in love with a girl like Olga, the hero with his romantic and bright soul falls passionately in love with her.

Is this real love

Olga manages to change Ilya Ilyich’s character - to knock boredom and laziness out of him. For the sake of his beloved, he is ready to change: give up an afternoon nap, lunch, read books. However, this does not mean that Ilya Ilyich really wanted this. The hero is characterized by Oblomovism, an integral part of him.

In a dream, as is known, desires and motives hidden in the subconscious are revealed. Turning to the chapter, we see what this hero really needs. His companion should be a quiet, homely girl, but not Olga, who strives for self-development and active life. And Oblomov writes to her that I “love” her - not the real one, but future love. And indeed, Olga loves not the one who is in front of her, but the one he will become, having overcome his apathy and laziness. Noting, he warns Olga, writes that they need to break up and not meet again. However, as Ilya Ilyich predicted in his letter (“you will be annoyed and ashamed of your mistake”), the heroine cheated on Oblomov, falling in love with Andrei Stolz. Does this mean that her love was just an introduction to a future romance, an expectation of real happiness? After all, she is unselfish, pure, selfless. Olga believes that she really loves Oblomov.

Olga's Love

At first, this heroine, who does not enjoy much attention among gentlemen, seems to us like an adult child. However, it was she who was able to pull Oblomov out of the pool of his inaction, at least temporarily returning him to life. Stolz noticed her first. He joked, laughed, entertained the girl, recommended the right books, in general, did not let her get bored. He was really interested in her, but Andrei remained only a teacher and mentor. Oblomov was attracted to her by her voice and the fold above her forehead, in which, as he put it, “perseverance nests.” Olga loves in Ilya Ilyich the mind, although it is crushed by “all sorts of rubbish” and has fallen asleep in idleness, as well as a pure, faithful heart. Self-confident and bright, she dreamed that she would make the hero read newspapers, books, tell news, and open true life and will not let you fall asleep again. Oblomov fell in love when Olga sang Casta Diva at his first reception with the Ilyinskys. A unique symbol of their love was the lilac branch mentioned several times on the pages of the novel, either on Olga’s embroidery during a meeting in the park, or abandoned by the heroine and picked up by Ilya Ilyich.

The end of the novel

But this love in Oblomov’s novel was frightening for him; Oblomovism turns out to be stronger than such high and sincere feelings. She is consumed by the desire to create and act - such an inappropriate image for Oblomov, and the lovers are forced to end the relationship without ceasing to love each other. The love of Olga and Oblomov was doomed from the very beginning. Olga Ilyinskaya and Ilya Ilyich understood family happiness, love, and the meaning of life differently. If for the hero the relationship between a man and a woman is a passion, a disease, then for Olga it is a duty. Oblomov loved her sincerely and deeply, gave her all of himself, idolized her. A consistent calculation was noticeable in the heroine’s feelings. She took Oblomov’s life into her own hands, having agreed with Stolz. Despite her youth, she managed to discern in him kind soul, open heart, “dovey tenderness.” At the same time, Olga liked the knowledge that she, an inexperienced young girl, would bring back to life a person like Oblomov. The gap between them is inevitable and natural: they are too dissimilar in nature. This Oblomov love story was thus completed. The thirst for a sleepy, serene state turned out to be more valuable than romantic happiness. Oblomov sees the ideal of existence as follows: “man sleeps serenely.”

New lover

With her departure, the main character still doesn’t find anything to do with what he has left and again lies idle all day long and sleeps on his favorite sofa in St. Petersburg, in the house of the owner Agafya Pshenitsyna. She attracted the hero with her full bare elbows, neck and thriftiness. New lover She was hardworking, but not very intelligent (“she looked at him blankly and was silent”), but she was an excellent cook and kept order.

Novaya Oblomovka

Having gotten used to the measured and leisurely rhythm of life of this housewife, over time, Ilya Ilyich will humble the impulses of his heart and begin to be content with little again. All his desires, as before meeting Olga, will be limited to food, sleep, empty rare conversations with the businesslike Agafya Matveevna. The writer contrasts her with Olga: a faithful, kind wife, an excellent housewife, but she has no height of soul. Ilya Ilyich, plunging into the simple semi-rural life in the house of this mistress, seemed to have found himself in the old Oblomovka. Slowly and lazily dying in his soul, he falls in love with Pshenitsyna.

Lyubov Pshenitsyna

And what about Agafya Matveevna herself? Is this what her love is? No, she is loyal, selfless. In her feeling, the heroine is ready to drown, to give all the fruits of her labors, all her strength to Oblomov. For his sake, she sold some of her jewelry, gold chains and jewelry, when Tarantiev cunningly forced Ilya Ilyich to pay him a large sum in the amount of ten thousand monthly. One gets the impression that Agafya Matveevna’s entire previous life was spent waiting for the appearance of a person whom she could take care of like a son, whom she could love devotedly and selflessly. The main character of the work is exactly like this: he is gentle, kind - it touches woman's heart, accustomed to the ignorance and rudeness of men; he is lazy - this allows him to be taken care of and looked after like a child.

Before Oblomov, Pshenitsyna did not live, but existed without thinking about anything. She was uneducated, even stupid. Nothing but leading household, she wasn't interested. However, in this she achieved true perfection. Agafya was constantly on the move, realizing that there was always work. It contained the meaning and content of the heroine’s entire life. It was precisely this activity that Pshenitsyna owed to the fact that she captivated Ilya Ilyich. Gradually, after her lover settled in her house, significant changes occur in the nature of this woman. Lyubov Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov" contributes to the spiritual elevation of the heroine. Glimpses of thought, anxiety and, finally, love awaken within her. She expresses it in her own way, caring for Ilya during his illness, taking care of the table and clothes, praying for his health.

New feelings

This love in Oblomov’s life did not have the passion and sensuality that were present in his relationship with Olga. However, it was precisely these feelings that fully corresponded to Oblomovism. It was this heroine who repaired his favorite “oriental robe”, which Oblomov abandoned after falling in love with Olga.

If Ilyinskaya contributed to the spiritual development of Ilya Ilyich, then Pshenitsyna made his life calmer and more carefree, without informing him about his problems with money. He received care from her, but Olga wanted his development, wanted him to communicate with people, appear in society, understand politics and discuss the news. The hero could not, and did not want, to do everything that Olga wanted, and therefore gave up. And Agafya Matveevna created a new Oblomovka in St. Petersburg, caring for him and protecting him. Such love in Oblomov’s novel for Pshenitsyna completely satisfied his needs. As well as in home Ilya Ilyich, on Vyborg side The sound of knives could be heard all the time.

Opinion of Andrey Stolts

To Andrei Stoltz, Oblomov’s friend, this love in Oblomov’s life is incomprehensible. He was an active person, the order of Oblomovka, her lazy home comfort, and even more so the woman coarsened in her environment, were alien to him. Olga Ilyinskaya is Stolz’s ideal, romantic, subtle, wise. There is not a shadow of coquetry in her. Andrey offers Olga his hand and heart - and she agrees. His feelings were disinterested and pure; he did not seek any benefit, despite the fact that he was a restless “businessman”.

Ilya Ilyich about the life of Stolz

In turn, Ilya Ilyich does not understand the life of Andrei Stolts. The title character of the work continues the gallery " extra people", discovered by M.Yu. Lermontov and A.S. Pushkin. He avoids secular society, does not serve, leads an aimless life. Ilya Ilyich does not see any meaning in vigorous activity, since he does not consider it a true manifestation of the essence of man. He did not want a bureaucratic career, mired in paperwork, and denied the high society, where everything is false, learned by heart, hypocritical, there is neither free thought nor sincere feelings.

Marriage of Stolz and Olga

While the relationship between Oblomov and Pshenitsyna is close to life and natural, it should be noted that the marriage of Stolz and Olga is utopian. In this sense, Oblomov turns out to be, oddly enough, closer to reality than such a seemingly obvious realist Stolz. Andrey lives in Crimea with his beloved; in their house there is a place for both things necessary for work and romantic trinkets. Even in love, they are surrounded by a perfect balance: the passion subsided after marriage, but did not fade away.

Olga's inner world

However, Stolz has no idea what riches Olga’s sublime soul conceals. She outgrew it spiritually, because she did not persistently strive for one specific goal, but saw different paths and chose independently which one to follow. Having chosen Stolz, she wanted to find an equal husband or even a life partner who was trying to subjugate her with his power. At first, Ilyinskaya really finds happiness in his face, but as they get to know each other better, she begins to realize that there is nothing special in such a life, that she is exactly the same as everyone else. Stolz lives exclusively by reason, not interested in anything other than business.

A trace in Olga's soul

The love of Olga and Oblomov left a huge mark in the heart of the heroine. She sought to love and understand Oblomov’s life, since for her life is love, and love is duty, but she failed to do this. After marriage, Ilyinskaya feels in her life some features of Oblomov’s former idyll, and this observation alarms the heroine; she does not want to live like that. However, the love of Stolz and Olga is the feelings of two developing people who help each other in everything, and they must certainly find a way out in order to continue searching for their own path.

Ilya Ilyich

In order to characterize the main character as a whole, as well as the love in Oblomov’s life, different quotes from the text can be given. The following one is especially interesting: “What a fuss is there! And outside everything is so quiet and peaceful!” Andrey and Olga believe that if you lie calmly on the sofa and don’t run like mad through life, then you are certainly lazy and don’t think about anything. However, such battles took place in Oblomov’s soul that Ilyinskaya could not imagine. He thought about these complex issues, his thoughts went so far that Stolz would have gone mad. Ilya didn’t need a wife who throws hysterics and doesn’t know what she wants. In the depths of his soul, he was looking for a companion whom not only Ilya Ilyich himself would love, but who, for her part, accepted him as he was, without trying to change him. This is perfect love in Oblomov's life.

So it turns out that the hero loved Olga sincerely, in a way that no one else loved and could love, and she wanted to heal him, and then, when he was on the same “level” with her, to love him. And Ilyinskaya paid for it cruelly when Oblomov died, she realized that she loved him exactly as he was, with all his obvious shortcomings.

The role of love in the life of a hero

The role of love in Oblomov’s life, therefore, was very great. She, according to the author, is the most important driving force, without which it is impossible to spiritual development people, nor their happiness. As I.A. believed Goncharov, there was love in Oblomov’s life important stage his internal formation, which is why she is given so much space in the development of the novel.

According to the tradition that has developed in Russian literature, love becomes a test for heroes and reveals new facets of characters. This tradition was followed by Pushkin (Onegin and Tatyana), Lermontov (Pechorin and Vera), Turgenev (Bazarov and Odintsova), Tolstoy (Bolkonsky and Natasha Rostova). This topic is also touched upon in Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. Using the example of the love of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya, the author showed how a person’s personality is revealed through this feeling.

Olga Ilyinskaya is a positive image of the novel. This is an intelligent girl with sincere, devoid of affectation, manners. She did not enjoy much success in the world; only Stolz was able to appreciate her. Andrei singled out Olga from other women because “she, although unconsciously, followed a simple, natural path of life... and did not shy away from the natural manifestation of thought, feeling, will...”

Oblomov, having met Olga, first of all drew attention to her beauty: “Whoever met her, even absent-minded, stopped for a moment before this so strictly and deliberately, artistically created creature.” When Oblomov heard her singing, love awakened in his heart: “From the words, from the sounds, from this pure, strong girlish voice, the heart beat, the nerves trembled, the eyes sparkled and swam with tears...” The thirst for life and love that sounded in Olga’s voice, echoed in Ilya Ilyich’s soul. Behind the harmonious appearance, he felt a beautiful soul, capable of deep feelings.

Thinking about his future life, Oblomov dreamed of a tall, slender woman with a quiet, proud look. Seeing Olga, he realized that his ideal and she were one person. For Oblomov, the highest harmony is peace, and Olga would be a statue of harmony, “if she were turned into a statue.” But she could not become a statue, and, imagining her in his “earthly paradise,” Oblomov began to understand that he would not succeed in an idyll.

The heroes' love was doomed from the very beginning. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya understood the meaning of life, love, family happiness differently. If for Oblomov love is a disease, a passion, then for Olga it is a duty. Ilya Ilyich fell in love with Olga deeply and sincerely, idolized her, gave her his whole self: “He gets up at seven o’clock, reads, carries books somewhere. There is no sleep, no fatigue, no boredom on his face. Even colors appeared on him, there was a sparkle in his eyes, something like courage or, at least, self-confidence. You can’t see the robe on him.”

A consistent calculation was visible in Olga’s feelings. Having agreed with Stolz, she took the life of Ilya Ilyich into her own hands. Despite his youth, she was able to discern in him an open heart, a kind soul, and “dovelike tenderness.” At the same time, she liked the very idea that it was she, a young and inexperienced girl, who would bring back to life a person like Oblomov. “She will show him a goal, make him love again everything that he has stopped loving, and Stolz will not recognize him when he returns. And she will do all this miracle, so timid, silent, whom no one has listened to until now, who has not yet begun to live! She is the culprit of this transformation!”

Olga tried to change Ilya Ilyich, but he needed feelings that would bring him closer to his native Oblomovka, the blessed corner of the earth where he grew up, where the meaning of life fits into thoughts about food, sleep, and idle conversations: care and warmth, requiring nothing in return. He found all this in Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna, and therefore became attached to her as to a fulfilled dream of return.

Realizing how different their views on life are, Oblomov decides to write Olga a letter, which becomes real poetic work. This letter conveys a deep feeling and desire for happiness to the beloved girl. Knowing himself and Olga’s inexperience, in a letter he opens her eyes to the mistake and asks her not to make it: “Your present love is not real love, but the future. This is only an unconscious need to love...” But Olga understood Oblomov’s act differently - as fear of misfortune. She understands that anyone can fall out of love or fall in love with another person, but says that she cannot follow a person if there is a risk in doing so. And it is Olga who decides to break off their relationship. In the last conversation, she tells Ilya Ilyich that she loved the future Oblomov. Assessing the relationship between Oblomov and Olga, Dobrolyubov wrote: “Olga left Oblomov when she stopped believing in him; she will leave Stolz too if she stops believing in him.”

Having written the letter, Oblomov renounced happiness in the name of his beloved. Olga and Ilya separated, but their relationship had a deep impact on their future life. Oblomov found happiness in the house of Agafya Matveevna, which became a second Oblomovka for him. He is ashamed of such a life, he understands that he lived it in vain, but it is too late to change anything.

The love of Olga and Oblomov enriched the spiritual world of both. But the greatest merit is that Ilya Ilyich contributed to the formation of Olga’s spiritual world. A few years after breaking up with Ilya, she confesses to Stolz: “I don’t love him as before, but there is something that I love in him, to which I seem to have remained faithful and will not change like others...” And in this reveals the full depth of her nature. Unlike Stolz, whose life goals have boundaries, people like Oblomov and Olga do not stop thinking about a person’s purpose all their lives and asking themselves the question: “What’s next?”

Materials about the writer’s work and the novel “Oblomov”.

The main characters of I. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. Despite the difference in characters and worldviews, these two were in love with each other, albeit not for long. The love of the heroes is beautifully described by the author. They met thanks to to the best friend Oblomov to Andrey Stoltz, who, worried about his friend’s future, asked Olga to get him out of the routine of idleness. The first meeting took place in the spring at a party where lilacs were blooming in the garden.

Spring itself is conducive to the beginning of new relationships. The second meeting took place at the Ilyinskys’ dacha. Even then, Oblomov realized that he had found his ideal of harmony and femininity. It is the kind of girl like Olga that he would like to see as his bride. She somehow miraculously managed to have a beneficial influence on him. She became a bright angel for him, managing to pull him out of the “Oblomovism” in which he had long been mired. Since they met, he didn't wear his threadbare robe as often, he began to notice dust and cobwebs in his house, and began to spend less time on the couch.

Even Stolz was surprised by such transformations in his friend. He was sincerely glad that Olga was able to influence the naturally lazy and apathetic Oblomov so well. In his love for her, the hero was sincere and noble. He wished only the best for Olga. When Oblomov finally realized that he would not be able to play the role that she had given him for long, he honestly confessed to her in a letter. Olga loved him not for the person he was, but rather for the future Oblomov, as she wanted him to be. For her, love was, first of all, a duty, a duty, so these feelings did not last long.

Ilyinskaya managed to return Oblomov to real life, to “awaken” him, which no one had managed before. For this, one could already love her. But she stopped believing in him. Realizing that the “Oblomovism” in this person could not be defeated so easily, she gradually began to move away. As you know, she soon married the pragmatic Stolz, in whom she saw at least some kind of future. If Goncharov had written a sequel to his cult novel, then perhaps we would have read there that she left Stolz too. Because, having stopped believing the person, this girl pulled away.

Oblomov, in turn, found his quiet, modest happiness next to Agafya Pshenitsyna, who did not want to remake him and allowed him to remain in dreams, aimless thoughts and laziness. She decided and did everything for him, as for a small, infantile child, and Ilya Ilyich was satisfied with this state of affairs. This woman became for him a second Oblomovka, in which it was cozy, comfortable and warm. He understood perfectly well that his life was aimless and boring. He was even to some extent ashamed of his carelessness and worthlessness, but he could not change anything.

On the one hand, it seems that Olga spent several months with Oblomov in vain. On the other hand, the writer emphasizes that during this time they both became spiritually enriched and discovered new facets for themselves. After all, only by searching can you find your way. So the main characters of the work, through trial and error, found their family happiness.

The main character of Goncharov's work Oblomov is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. This is a man who grew up in a noble family. He was used to doing nothing. He just lies on the couch all day. Many people tried to change his fate. One of these people is Olga Ilyinskaya.

Ilya Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya met one day when Stolz was trying to awaken Oblomov.

Olga Ilyinskaya also decided to help this man. But gradually she realized that she had fallen in love with Oblomov. Oblomov also liked this girl. He liked the way she sang, he could listen to her for a long time.

That's how they fell in love with each other. But Olga imagined their relationship differently than Oblomov. Starting to awaken from old life, he wrote letters to Olga, confessed his love. But he wanted to continue doing nothing. But Olga could not remain idle. This is what came between them. Because of this, their love fell apart. Oblomov found happiness in another girl who did not force him to do anything.

So, Olga Ilyinskaya did a lot for Oblomov. She was practically able to get him out of his deep sleep.

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