Parable of the Prodigal Son: interpretation. Topic: "Parable of the Prodigal Son"

"Forgiveness as a manifestation of true love"

according to the "Parable of prodigal son»

Lesson objectives:


Epigraph: . (Hans – Joachim Haan)

. (J. Kennedy Schultz).

FOPD: frontal, steam room

MO: explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, problematic.

During the classes

1.Organizational moment

2. Conversation.

Introductory conversation.


(Answers are heard). 2 minutes .



Epigraph: Forgiveness brings hope to life. (Hans – Joachim Haan)

The easier we forgive, the easier we live. (J. Kennedy Schultz).

Students: About forgiveness.


3 min

In the Gospel, parables are unique illustrations of the teachings of Jesus Christ; with their help, he teaches people; they are intended to restore to them special vision and hearing - spiritual ones. We will try to find them too.


Students: 1 min

Historical reference.

Teacher: Right. Now, in order to better understand the meaning of the parable, I want to give you some information about family life Israelis. IN Jewish family Parents were always revered, so children had the right to live the way they wanted only when they left their family (got married) or when their parents died. Leaving home without the knowledge of his parents was considered a great curse of disobedience; such a young man was considered dead to his family. And demanding or taking a share of one’s inheritance while one’s parents were alive was a mortal offense. Let's now read the parable out loud.( 1 min)

(Reading a parable).5 minutes

4. Work on the topic of the lesson.


3 minutes.

(Answers are heard).Generally5 minutes

    Did the father forgive his son?

5. Work based on the picture -3min




Teacher: What do you think it is?


V1 . Conversation on issues2 minutes


(Student reads, music plays) 3 min

Conquer evil with a ray of goodness,

Forgiveness is born of love
In the struggle of prayer nights.

Write in your notebook:

8. Main conclusions.(2 minutes)

9 . Lesson summary.(2 minutes)


Students: Yes.

Teacher: How many times?

Students: Always.

10. 4min TEST

a) story;

b) parable;

a) Raphael;

b) Leonardo da Vinci;

c) Rembrandt.

a) to build a house;

b) for alms;

c) living dissolutely.

a) pigs;

a) was hungry;

b) realized his sin;

a) got angry;

b) kicked him out of the house;

c) hugged him.

5= "4" 6= "5"

10. Homework . Mini-essay “What mark did the Parable of the Prodigal Son leave on my soul.” 1 min

written in 2007:

"Evening, funeral candles,

The smell of melted wax,

Patriarchal silence

The light is mysterious, discreet.

Outside the window there are distant worlds,

Weightless spaces.

Outside the window there are faded landscapes,

Yes, people are fickle.

Distances don't tempt me,

Roulette does not bring hope.

The prodigal son, with repentance

I am returning to the faith of my ancestors.

Where judgments are sacred,

Where there is no nonsense, no gloss...

Evening, funeral candles,

The smell of melted wax..."


Love and betrayal, the ability to forgive insults, the victory of good over evil - perhaps this is creation, the creation of happiness and harmony in life. "The Parable of the Prodigal Son" has deep educational value, this is the function of art.

Open lesson on Russian literature in 6th grade

on the topic “The Parable of the Prodigal Son”

Forgiveness as a manifestation of true love

Lesson objectives: develop an interest in the Bible as a source of wisdom and a model of moral behavior; discuss the phenomenon of forgiveness as a manifestation of true love; show the embodiment of a Christian subject in painting; to instill in children a sense of forgiveness, love for one’s neighbor, and to comprehend their actions.

Equipment: reproduction of Rembrandt van Rijn’s painting “The Return of the Prodigal Son”, fragments of the film “Solaris”, the cartoon “Parable of the Prodigal Son”.


Epigraph: Forgiveness brings hope to life. (Hans – Joachim Haan)

The easier we forgive, the easier we live. (J. Kennedy Schultz).

During the classes

1.Organizational moment

2. Conversation.

Introductory conversation.

Before I name the topic of today's lesson, I will ask you to mentally answer a few of my questions. I ask you to be honest with yourself, because no one will hear the answers.

Have you ever slammed the door loudly and left the house, leaving behind your parents’ boring lectures and their unnecessary, empty moralizing?

Perhaps, the autumn leaves rustling under your feet, you walked along the cold streets, harboring a grudge against the entire adult world in your soul? You were not in a hurry to go home, but to go where absolute freedom awaits you, and there are no obligations.

Has it ever happened that when you got “lost” in yourself, in your thoughts, desires, hopes, mistakes, you could not find a way out of difficult life problems, and, bending under their weight, at least mentally asking for help from those whom you left, repenting for your carelessness?

If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, then the topic of today's lesson is most relevant to you. direct relation.

Teacher: Right. Remember an episode from your life when a friend or family member forgave you for an offense. What feeling did you have then? What was your reaction?

(Answers are heard). 2 minutes .


Epigraphs for our lesson are written on the board. Read them, think about them and tell me what you think we will talk about today? 1-2min


Epigraph: Forgiveness brings hope to life. (Hans – Joachim Haan)

The easier we forgive, the easier we live. (J. Kennedy Schultz).

Students: About forgiveness.

Today we will get acquainted with a parable. It's called "The Parable of the Prodigal Son." How do you understand the word “prodigal”?

Students: Wandering. Someone who walks somewhere without a goal. Who does not know why and where he is going.


Prodigal – one who has gone astray, made a mistake, fallen into error. This means that the prodigal son is a young man who has lost his way from the true path. This is what we will talk about in this parable.

A parable is a small moralizing story, like a fable, but without morality or direct teaching. Everyone must extract morality from it themselves. This genre arose in the East, in ancient times, where they liked to speak in allegories. (ENTRY IN A NOTEBOOK) 3 min

Over the course of several lessons we go through biblical mythology. Let's remember the birth of Jesus.

So let's go back to the Bible. When Jesus grew up, he began to preach his teachings to people. He chose 12 disciples (apostles) and began to walk with them from city to city. Jesus told people parables. He told them in such a way that everyone could understand them. The title of our parable contains the word “son”, therefore, the idea of ​​kinship with which every person on earth is connected is important in the parable: after all, we are all someone’s children... Let’s think about what role parents play in our lives? What are they trying to teach children? Why are relationships between parents and children often difficult?

Teacher: Remind me what the commandment says about parents?

Students: Honor your father and mother and you will live long. 1 min

Historical reference.


Teacher: Right. Now, in order to better understand the meaning of the parable, I want to give you some information about the family structure of the Israelites. In a Jewish family, parents were always revered, so children had the right to live the way they wanted only when they left their family (got married) or when their parents died. Leaving home without the knowledge of his parents was considered a great curse of disobedience; such a young man was considered dead to his family. And demanding or taking a share of one’s inheritance while one’s parents were alive was a mortal offense. Let's now read the parable out loud. (1 min)

(Reading a parable).5min (on computer)

4. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Teacher: We will divide into groups for discussion. (The guys are divided into 3 groups).

Read the parable again carefully and list the actions of the father, which expressed his forgiveness to his son. Write the answer in your notebook, share your ideas as a group, and be prepared to share them with the whole class. To prepare 3 minutes.

(Answers are heard).Generally5 minutes

1. What is the reason for the son’s leaving his father’s house? What does a father give to his son? What does the son strive for, what does he want from life, where does he see his happiness?

2. How does the father behave, does he prevent his son from leaving home?

    What events gave rise to the feast?

    Why did the father react so “unusually” to his son’s return?

    What did the son do to receive his father's forgiveness and blessing?

    How did others perceive the father’s decision to accept his son back into the family?

    What did the father go through when his youngest son left with his part of the inheritance?

    What did the son think about “coming to his senses”?

    How did the son feel when he saw his father running out to meet him?

    How did the father feel when he saw his son returning?

    What prompted the father to receive his son with honor after he had disgraced him?

What the son experienced in foreign countries. What happened to his “estate”?

    When and why did the son “come to his senses”?

    How did the youngest son behave and what did he deserve for his behavior?

    How did the father react to his son's return and why?

    What exactly was the father’s decision to forgive his disobedient son?

    How should the son's lifestyle and behavior change after his father has forgiven him?

Did the son hope for his father's forgiveness?

How did the father greet the prodigal son?

    Did the father forgive his son?

    V1 . Conversation on issues2 minutes

    Why did the father forgive his youngest son?

    (The father forgave his youngest son because he repented and admitted his mistakes. The father thought that his son could have died, that he had become a complete sinner. And a sinful person is the same as dead. But the son repented, that is, he seemed to come to life.)

    What does this parable teach? Should a person forgive?

5. Work based on the picture -3min

The theme of the prodigal son is widely explored not only in the Bible, but also in painting, music, and cinema.


Now let's look at Rembrandt's painting “The Return of the Prodigal Son”. How did the artist depict this moment?

Students:- In the parable, the father threw himself on his son’s neck, and in the picture the son is kneeling in front of his father.

The colors used by Rembrandt are, in my opinion, a bit dark. They do not so much convey joy as they emphasize the solemnity of what is happening.

The father’s face is concentrated and, it seems to me, sad, but in the parable the father is joyful.

Teacher: Tell me, why did the artist see this meeting exactly this way?

Students:- Maybe because the act of forgiveness is very important in a person’s life.

It seems to me that the artist did not quite understand the true meaning of the parable.

Teacher: What do you think it is?

Students: The real meaning, in my opinion, is that the forgiver experiences joy and the forgiven also experiences joy, because the lost relationship between them is restored.


Guys, we read the parable and saw the theme of forgiveness in the painting. Now let's see how this topic is covered in the cartoon. (7min)


VI1 . Expressive reading poem by B. Pasternak “Learn to forgive.”

Now it would be appropriate to recall B. Pasternak’s poem “Learn to Forgive.”

(Student reads, music plays) 3 min

Learn to forgive, pray for those who offend,
Conquer evil with a ray of goodness,
Go without hesitation to the camp of those who forgive,
While the Golgotha ​​Star is burning.

Learn to forgive when your soul is offended,
And the heart is like a cup of bitter tears,
And it seems that all kindness is burned out,
Remember how Christ forgave!

Learn to forgive, forgive not only in words,
But with all your soul, with all your essence.
Forgiveness is born of love
In the struggle of prayer nights.

Learn to forgive, joy is hidden in forgiveness,
Generosity heals like a balm,
Blood was shed on the cross for everyone,
Learn to forgive so that you yourself can be forgiven.

Write in your notebook:

Faith and obedience are precious, but repentance and forgiveness are even more precious. Every person should be able to forgive and have hope for forgiveness.

8. Main conclusions.(2 minutes)

We said that a parable is a cautionary tale. What did this parable teach you? What is the main idea of ​​the parable?

It's never too late to admit your mistakes, repent of your sins, return to the right path and receive forgiveness.

A person is worthy of forgiveness if he sincerely repents and regrets what he has done.

Of course, parents can always understand and forgive their children, but we must try not to upset them. After all, these are the people dearest to us.


Insert (viewing a fragment from the film “Solaris”) - 4 min

9 . Lesson summary.(2 minutes)

Teacher: Guys, have you noticed that love is inextricably linked with forgiveness. To forgive a person is to stop blaming him and being angry at him. When we forgive others, our happiness increases and our relationships with people become harmonious. Let's get back to our epigraphs. Is it necessary to forgive?

Students: Yes.

Teacher: How many times?

Students: Always.

Teacher: What does forgiveness bring?

Students: Joy, freedom in communication...

Teacher: Are there any offenses for which you can’t forgive a person?

Students: No. In the parable, the son inflicted a mortal offense on his father, and he forgave him.

Teacher: That’s right, you need to forgive any offense. Now write down your homework.

Let this lesson remain in your memory for a long time and help you walk along true path.

4min TEST 2 SLIDE No. 9

1. A small moral story without a moral:

a) story;

b) parable;

a) Raphael;

b) Leonardo da Vinci;

c) Rembrandt.

3. In the parable of the prodigal son, the younger son spent his share of the inheritance:

a) to build a house;

b) for alms;

c) living dissolutely.

4. Finding himself poor, the youngest son hired himself out as a laborer to the rich man:

a) pigs;

5. The prodigal son decided to return to his father because:

a) was hungry;

b) realized his sin;

c) I wanted to live better than my father’s mercenaries.

6. Seeing the prodigal son, the father:

a) got angry;

b) kicked him out of the house;

c) hugged him.

Checking test 1-b, 2-c, 3-c, 4-a, 5-b, 6-c. 1-2= "2", 3-4= "3",

5= "4" 6= "5"

Against the background of music by I.S. Bach's “Oboe Concerto in D minor”, ​​arranged by Marcello, reads a poem by Mikhail Rozhdestvensky

"Return of the Prodigal Son"

written in 2007:


"Evening, funeral candles,

The smell of melted wax,

Patriarchal silence

The light is mysterious, discreet.

Outside the window there are distant worlds,

Weightless spaces.

Outside the window there are faded landscapes,

Yes, people are fickle.

Distances don't tempt me,

Roulette does not bring hope.

The prodigal son, with repentance

I am returning to the faith of my ancestors.

Where judgments are sacred,

Where there is no nonsense, no gloss...

Evening, funeral candles,

The smell of melted wax..."

10. Homework. SLIDE No. 11 Mini-essay “What mark did the Parable of the Prodigal Son leave on my soul.” 1 min


Love and betrayal, the ability to forgive insults, the victory of good over evil - perhaps this is creation, the creation of happiness and harmony in life. The parable of the prodigal son has a deep educational meaning, and this is the function of art.

Extracurricular reading lesson

Topic: “The world through a parable.”

Lesson objectives: convey the moral ideas of parables through literary text.

Lesson equipment:multimedia support, reproduction of Rembrandt’s painting “The Return of the Prodigal Son”, genre photographs, parable texts.

Lesson plan:

  1. Word to the teacher.
  2. Working with a reproduction of Rembrandt's painting "The Return of the Prodigal Son".
  3. Brief retelling parables "The Prodigal Son"
  4. Comments on words and expressions that children do not understand.
  5. Conversation on issues.
  6. Expressive reading of B. Pasternak’s poem “Learn to forgive.”
  7. Working with a quote.
  8. The teacher's word about duty.
  9. Commented reading.

1. Expressive reading of the Arabic parable “Debt.”

2. Conversation on the parable.

X. Commented reading.

1. Expressive reading of the parable “Everything is in your hands.”

2. Conversation based on the parable, working with genre photographs.

XI. Lesson summary.

During the classes

  1. Teacher's word

Today in class we will remember what a parable is. Let's get acquainted with the texts of some parables and try to see what the world in which we live looks like when viewed through the parable. Guys, think about how negative moral qualities prevail in our world?

Each of us at least once in our lives asked ourselves the question: did I act correctly in this or that situation? What should you have done so as not to regret what you did later? Parables will help us answer these questions.

Parables have always played an important role in the history of mankind, and to this day they remain beautiful and effective means development, training and communication. Parables combine wisdom and simplicity, teach us to think, find solutions to problems, develop thinking, intuition and imagination. Some of them bring inspiration, others make you laugh, and others make you think. The beauty of the parable is that it does not divide the human mind into question and answer, it simply gives people a hint of how things should be. Unlike a fable, a parable does not contain direct instruction or morality. It allows people to independently understand and interpret the meaning contained in it. Therefore, Christ usually ended his parables with the exclamation: “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”

Think and try to answer the question: what is a parable? (children's answers)

There are several definitions of “parable”; let’s focus on one of them and write it down in a notebook. A parable is an allegory, a figurative story, often used in the Bible to present doctrinal truths.

II. Working with reproductionsRembrandt's painting "The Return of the Prodigal Son"

Now pay attention to the reproduction of Rembrandt’s painting “The Return of the Prodigal Son,” which captures the moment of the meeting between father and son.

How does the artist depict father and son?

(A previously prepared student describes the picture:

The son, overwhelmed with shame, fell to his knees in front of his father. His clothes are torn, his legs are wounded. His shaved head looks small and pitiful. As if seeking refuge, he hides his face in the folds of his father’s clothes. The old father leaned towards his son. Putting his hands on his shoulders, he presses him to himself, strokes and feels - the father is half-blind, and now touch, more than sight, convinces him that in front of him is truly a long-awaited, mourned son. The gentle, almost blessing touch of these weak hands makes the son close his eyes in bliss. Father and son have not yet spoken to each other, but they will no longer need words to reconcile. The joy of these two is miraculous. Its reflection illuminates the face of the old man standing on the right; other people are drawn to the light generated by it. On their faces one can read different feelings- tenderness, touch, curiosity).

The painting was based on the parable of the prodigal son. Let's remember what this parable is about...

III. A brief retelling of the parable “The Prodigal Son”

(The Gospel parable of the prodigal son tells how a frivolous young man, having taken his share of his father’s property, left native home looking for entertainment. Ruined, abandoned by his unfaithful friends, having spent a life full of ordeal and shame, he finally decides to return to his father’s house. Here he finds forgiveness, love, food and rest).

IV. Comments on words and expressions that children do not understand

How do you understand the expression “prodigal son”? (The prodigal son is not just a person who has lost his family, faith, traditions, homeland. The prodigal son is a person. Lost on the path of life).

The heroes of the parable are placed in a situation of choice. What choices do they make?

(The youngest son chooses his path, who wants to escape from parental care, but does not know how to build a life in his own way. In difficult circumstances, he decides to return to his father and obey him. The father also chooses: he could hold a grudge against his son, He could have turned away from his son, he could have at least reproached him. But the father forgives his son).

V. Conversation on issues

Why did the father forgive his youngest son?

(The father forgave his youngest son because he repented and admitted his mistakes. The father thought that his son could have died, that he had become a complete sinner. And a sinful person is the same as dead. But the son repented, that is, he seemed to come to life.)

What does this parable teach? Should a person forgive?

VI. Expressive reading of B. Pasternak’s poem “Learn to forgive.”

Now it would be appropriate to recall B. Pasternak’s poem “Learn to Forgive.”

(Student reads)

Learn to forgive, pray for those who offend,
Conquer evil with a ray of goodness,
Go without hesitation to the camp of those who forgive,
While the Golgotha ​​Star is burning.

Learn to forgive when your soul is offended,
And the heart is like a cup of bitter tears,
And it seems that all kindness is burned out,
Remember how Christ forgave!

Learn to forgive, forgive not only in words,
But with all your soul, with all your essence.
Forgiveness is born of love
In the struggle of prayer nights.

Learn to forgive, joy is hidden in forgiveness,
Generosity heals like a balm,
Blood was shed on the cross for everyone,
Learn to forgive so that you yourself can be forgiven.

Write in your notebook:

Faith and obedience are precious, but repentance and forgiveness are even more precious. Every person should be able to forgive and have hope for forgiveness.

VII. Working with a quote

Now pay attention to the statement of one of the American presidents, Roosevelt.

Slide entry: “We have been given a lot, and a lot is expected of us. We have responsibilities to other people and to ourselves; and we have no right to neglect any of these duties.” T. Roosevelt.

What do you think we will discuss in the next part of the lesson? (Discussing the sense of duty).

VIII. The teacher's word about duty

Imagine for a moment what could happen if people suddenly began to do only what was interesting to them? For example, a surgeon would refuse to perform an operation because his favorite movie was showing on TV at the time. Or the dispatcher at the airport would like to read a book or go for a walk during his duty. And the pilot, instead of the indicated route, would have gone to Mexico, since he had long dreamed of visiting there.

There are words “want” and “need”. “We must” is our idea of ​​duty.

Define the concept of debt. (Duty is an obligation to someone or something).

IX. Commented reading

1. Expressive reading of the Arabic parable “Debt.”

Here is the Arabic parable “Debt”. (The student reads the parable).

Arabic parable "Debt".

One carpenter, no matter how much he earned, was content with little and made few expenses. A neighbor once asked him:

You earn a lot, but where do you put your wealth? You don't see anything special.

“I pay off my debts with one part of my earnings, and I lend the other part at interest,” answered the master.

It’s impossible that you have debts, and I haven’t heard of you lending money to anyone,” the neighbor objected.

If I give money to my parents, I consider that I am paying off my debts, and the money that I spend on the education and maintenance of my children, I consider that I am lending at interest. When the children grow up and my wife and I grow old, won’t they repay us? - said the master.

2. Conversation based on the parable

Do you agree that children are indebted to their parents? (Children's answers)

If a person does not take care of his parents, does this have any effect on his own children? (Children's answers)

What did the parable about debt teach you?

From our parents we received the greatest and most priceless gift - life. They fed and raised us, sparing neither strength nor love. And now that they are old and sick, it is our duty to cure and care for them.

"Parable of the Prodigal Son" 6th grade

23.04.2016 1583 280 Bilyalova

Literature lesson
"Parable of the Prodigal Son"
(6th grade).

Bilyalova B.A.

Goals: know the definition and meaning of a parable, be able to reason, express and justify thoughts, show the beauty of words through the art of painting, be able to appreciate the care of parents.
During the classes:
1 Inducement
Students are presented with a reproduction of Rembrandt’s “The Return of the Prodigal Son.”
- What do you see on this picture?
-Remind me of the definition of a parable.
Teacher's word: A parable is an allegory in which listeners must recognize themselves. This is not just an everyday situation, but an appeal to a person’s conscience: do you understand what is happening to you? The moral must be extracted from it by the individual himself.
The parable of the Prodigal Son is perhaps the most popular of all. gospel parables. Famous artists of all centuries turned to its subject: Durer, Bosch, Spada, Rembrandt, Duret, Hemessen, Curillo, Batoni, de Chavannes, Glazunov and others.
So, we will discuss several parables, compare the “Parable of the Prodigal Son” in artistic treatment with the Gospel text, let's get acquainted with reproductions famous artists and learn to be more responsible about our words and actions.
2 Understanding
So, let's compare the Gospel text with the text in the textbook.
Similarities Differences
The title contains the word son, therefore, in the parable, the idea of ​​kinship with which every person on earth is connected is important: after all, we are all someone’s children.
- Let’s think about what role parents play in our lives? (answers)
- How do you repay your parents for their care? (answers)
-The title contains the word prodigal, 1 weak student looks for the definition in Dahl’s dictionary.
- Why do you think the father didn’t keep his son? (answers)
-Let's listen to the student's answer. Prodigal –
Answer the parable, how did the son live? (answers)
Let's try to look behind the lines. A painting by the painter Hemessen will help you do this. What do you see? (answers)
-And here is another version of the same plot – Bosch’s “Prodigal Son”. Describe the hero.
- And here is the prodigal son in the interpretation of Puvis de Chavannes. Describe the hero. Pay attention to your posture and hands.
-Why did your son decide to return? Was it only hunger that made him return?
-How did his father greet him? Why?
-How do you understand the father’s words: “This son of mine was dead and is alive, he was lost and is found.” (his soul came to life, he repented, realized his sin).
The scene of the prodigal son returning home has always attracted painters. Many of them wrote it: Spada, Murillo, Rembrandt, Batoni, Danyan - Bouveret and others
-Why do you think this topic attracted artists?
This is the central, climactic scene, as it expresses the idea of ​​repentance and forgiveness.
Illustration of a number of reproductions of "The Return of the Prodigal Son".
-But in the parable there is another hero - the older brother, whose image emerges only at the end.
-How does he react to his brother’s return? (he condemns, is dissatisfied)
-Is such a relationship between brothers acceptable? What is his sin? (envy)
-What main meaning"Parables of the Prodigal Son?" What lesson have you learned? (you need to be able to forgive, be obedient children, believe in a person, strive for harmonious relationships).
A continuation of our topic will be the study of the work of A. S. Pushkin “ Stationmaster».
-Is the theme of the prodigal son relevant today? (answers)
DDZ strategy based on the parable.
3 Reflection
1. Parable.
2. Instructive, interesting.
3. Teaches, makes you think.
4. Today we analyzed a parable.
5. Morality.
Pay attention to Raphael's painting "Madonna Conestabile" - mother and child. The idea of ​​parental protection and wise guardianship was the basis of the system of classical education, which ensured a strong spiritual connection between parents and children. Today, many are trying to adopt the Western style of education: early independence, permissiveness, easy and thoughtless overthrow of authority.
If you want to be an adult, act responsibly! But don't forget the parents who gave you life.
D/z come up with a parable.
Giving and commenting on ratings.

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and Rembrandt's masterpiece "The Return of the Prodigal Son"

Beautiful Far Away, don’t be cruel to me,

Don't be cruel to me, don't be cruel.

From the pure Source to the Beautiful Far Away,

We begin the Path to the Beautiful Far Away.

song "Beautiful Far Away"

Krylatov, words by Entin

The masterpiece of the great Master and thinker is dedicated to the most important issue of Genesis - the problem of the relationship between the Creator and His creation, God and man, endowed with free will and, because of this, constantly facing the problem of choice, starting with Adam, who tasted the forbidden fruit, and as a result of such amateur activity, lost his connection with the Source (Paradise), and ending with the future person who will overcome fornication and return to the Father’s House along the path indicated by Christ, because there is simply no other path. Non-return inevitably leads to absolute oblivion.

The picture is, as it were, an illustration of the parable from the New Testament about the prodigal son. The parable of Christ about the prodigal son occupies a special place in His Teaching and is, perhaps, the most voluminous indivisible allegory of the New Testament. It stands apart, as it were, and is set forth only in one of the four canonical Gospels - the Gospel of Luke, in chapter 15, together with the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin. Since it tells about each of us and humanity as a whole, about our confessed path, and I am not sure that the Bible is a reference book for every reader, I consider it necessary to present it in its entirety.

11. He also said: a certain man had two sons; 12. And the younger one said to his father: Father! Give me the next one to me part of the estate. AND father divided the estate for them. 13. After a few days, the younger son, having gathered everything, went to a far side and there squandered his property, living dissolutely. 14. When he had lived all his life, a great famine arose in that country, and he began to be in need; 15. And he went and accosted one of the inhabitants of that country, and he sent pigs into his fields to graze; 16. And he was glad to fill his belly with the horns that the pigs ate, but no one gave it to him. 17. When he came to his senses, he said, “How many of my father’s hired servants have an abundance of bread, and I am dying of hunger!” 18. I will get up and go to my father and say to him: Father! I have sinned against heaven and before you, 19. And I am no longer worthy to be called your son; accept me as one of your hired servants. 20. He got up and went to his father. And while he was still far away, his father saw him and had compassion; and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him. 21. The son said to him: Father! I have sinned against heaven and before you, and I am no longer worthy to be called your son. 22. And the father said to his servants: Bring the best robe and dress him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet; 23. And bring the fatted calf and kill it: let us eat and be merry, 24. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found. And they started having fun. 25 And his eldest son was in the field; and returning, when he approached the house, he heard singing and rejoicing; 26. And calling one of the servants, he asked: What is this? 27. He said to him, “Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fatted calf, because he accepted it.” healthy. 28. He became angry and did not want to enter. His father came out and called him. 29. But he answered his father: Behold, I have served you for so many years and have never violated your command; but you never gave me even a kid so that I could have fun with my friends; 30. And when this son of yours, who had wasted his wealth with harlots, came, you killed the fatted calf for him. 31. He said to him: My son! you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours; 32 And in this we must rejoice and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive, he was lost and is found.

From the point of view of earthly, human concepts, the logic of bodily consciousness and the literal interpretation of the text, the father’s behavior is extremely unfair. But Christ spoke in parables, which require deciphering the symbolism used, which allows us to perceive the New Testament texts in unity and without contradictions.

And the first thing that needs to be done is to decide on the main character - the father, who cannot be understood other than God the Father, Almighty and Creator of Heaven and earth, visible and invisible, and therefore it is imperative to write him with capital letters. Everything He created belongs to Him, and the main component of what He has, i.e. His possessions, is the imperishable world of infinity, which does not decrease at all from division, unlike the material world. He has everything and, most importantly, absolute knowledge, including material, perishable, material knowledge and those associated with the immaterial principles of the world - spiritual knowledge. However, this does not exhaust the content of the Father’s estate. A person is woven not only from such principles that can be divided into material and spiritual, he potentially also possesses that which is difficult to attribute to one of the mentioned knowledge, i.e. natural knowledge possessed by birds, animals, insects. Proverbs of Solomon 30:24-28 says: “Here are four little ones on earth, but they are wiser than the wise: ants are not a strong people, but prepare their food in the summer; mountain mice are a weak people, but build their houses on the rock; locusts have no king. , but she performs harmoniously; The spider clings with its paws, but it stays in the royal palaces.”

Man, in his arrogant delusion, carelessly calls natural knowledge instinct and unconditioned reflex, but in relation to a person it is difficult to compare them with anything other than talent, sometimes rightly called the Gift of God. Understanding true role natural knowledge and talent reveals to us the secret of the ancients, who possessed such deep knowledge and skills that they baffle modern positivist science, which deals only with the material principles of this world and stands helplessly before the Sphinx with the eternal riddle, and as evidenced Egyptian pyramids, Stonehenge, Easter Island buildings, Peru and other monuments ancient culture. Man is initially endowed with all these abilities, as a potential embodiment of God in all His fullness, created in the image of God. However, after the division of the Father’s estate and departure to a distant side, i.e., the loss of a person’s connection with the Creator, it is inevitable that the estate (what a person has, having received from the Father) will be squandered in a dissolute life, i.e., devoid of ethical guidance in making decisions. problems of choice.

The word “fornication” does not mean at all what is commonly understood by it. These are not some kind of sexual adventures, but something else. The New Testament deals with the issue of fornication in detail. But what is written in it cannot be taken literally. There the husband is the Spirit, the inner man, and the wife is the Soul, outer man. The Spirit is, in fact, man himself, created in the image and likeness of God. The soul is the vessel of the Spirit, storing its experience accumulated in the process of repeated incarnations into matter. This experience is recorded in the Soul in the form of models (programs) of various sectors of the surrounding world. Models are not adequate real world. Therefore, to replace them with more adequate ones, a person, in addition to the Soul, has a Mind, which is an analyzer of the event flows of the surrounding world. The main thing is the Spirit. The soul must be an obedient instrument in the hands of the Spirit for the manifestation of God through man in the material world. And therefore, the main task of our next coming to earth is to change, with the help of Reason, the programs of the Soul towards their adequacy to the real world for the greatest possible embodiment of the Spirit. However, due to the frailty of Reason in the majority modern people they live not by the Mind, but by the Soul, i.e., illusory models from past incarnations, which themselves, without the participation of the Mind, cannot change. And since there is no upward movement, there is a downward movement. There is a replacement of spiritual concerns with material ones. The human soul (wife) is immersed in the vanity of the material world, cheating on the Spirit (husband). This is fornication. Some people engage in fornication in a stormy professional activity, others - by performing external rituals in the church and worshiping idols (icons of saints), etc. If the desire for the Truth, for realizing one’s destiny, is not in the first place in a person, then any of his activities is fornication.

As a result of division, first of all it dries up spirituality, and disbelief sets in in Truth, Goodness, Love, as the Divine Primary Elements of Existence, and this is moral death. Man's faith in himself, as the primary source of Truth, Goodness and Love, is madness. You can have them only by purifying yourself by opening yourself to the Infinity of the Source. Deprived of spiritual nourishment, natural knowledge and skills are wasted, and the material part of the estate falls under the power of all-destroying entropy, which is also the prince of this world. A person begins to need, which happens to everyone who lives in self-distance from the Creator. Deprived of being nourished by the purest cosmic energies of the Father's house, in order not to die of hunger, a person is happy to fill his belly with horns, i.e., pork food, and is ready to herd pigs for material food as a mercenary, which symbolizes any work performed not for glory God, but for the need, be it the work of a scientist, actor, writer or janitor. And if access to Divine contentment is open to everyone and it is given to everyone, then non-payments are common in this world, and every employer seeks to appropriate for himself the results of the labor of mercenaries.

For a deeper understanding of the parable of the prodigal son, you can use the method of analogies. Let's imagine this situation. Let's say someone sends a team of people into the taiga to restore order in it. For example, to clear it of fallen trees. After all, trees, unlike people, cannot bury their fallen comrades. The brigade is provided with travel allowances, the necessary equipment and food supplies. Arriving in the taiga and seeing how many berries and mushrooms grow there, one of the people suggests: “Work can wait. Let’s better pick berries and mushrooms.” Everyone agrees. Then another proposal comes: “Let’s kill some game in the forest, light a fire and barbecue.” After a while, people completely forget about why they were sent to the taiga. They begin to cut down trees and build luxurious houses from them for themselves, and kill animals not only for food, but also for fun. And if suddenly there is someone brave who reminds them why they were sent here, then at first they simply will not listen to him, then they may threaten him, and then even kill him, so as not to spoil the lives of others with reminders of their responsibilities. Isn’t the same thing happening in humanity, which has turned away from God, who sent man into the material world to create beauty, that is, to spiritualize matter by incarnating the Spirit into it. The main slogan of godless humanity has become: “Take everything from life!” head was killed, Pythagoras and his entire school were burned, Socrates was sentenced to accept a cup of hemlock by a “democratic” court of 501 jurors, Plato was sold into slavery, Christ was crucified, Pushkin and Lermontov were forced to duel, etc. However, the desire is only to take, nothing without giving in return, it costs the person himself dearly: this leads him to gradual degradation and death. After all, just as people from the brigade after a certain time spent the entire advance given to them, so a person who ignores his duties as an assistant to the Creator spends the energy initially received in advance and fades prematurely due to self-disconnection from the regular Divine provision, the purest energies, which in India are called prana, in China - qi energy, in Holland - Reika, and in Rus' it has long been called the Holy Spirit.

It is symbolic that only when we find ourselves in a situation similar to the one that has developed in modern Russia with her criminal employers and takers, the prodigal son came to his senses, that is, he realized his inner Self, which prompted him to return to the Father. Before this, he was beside himself, in a state of separation, and his inner higher self was in a corral and did not manifest itself in any way. Only an act of deep sincere repentance can awaken his dormant inner man, restore the true hierarchy of values ​​and the connection of man with the Primary Source.

But the matter will not be left to the Father. He will see everyone and meet them halfway with joy and forgiveness, even when they are still far away, like you and me, dear viewers and readers. All you need is a sincere desire and determination to part with your lascivious past, unrighteous life and begin moving towards the Creator. And the results will come inevitably. Wasted health and abilities are also returned, providing freedom from this world, in particular, to take any food. Remembering the above analogy, we can draw the following conclusion that the owner, who sent a brigade to the taiga for the purpose of its improvement, will immediately send a new advance to those people who decide to take on the work for which they were sent. At the same time, during breaks in work, they may well pick berries and mushrooms, the main thing is not to forget about the work itself, it should come first.

In the parable of the prodigal son, everything is symbolic and filled with deep allegorical meaning. AND best clothes, symbolizing high consciousness, and a ring as a symbol of eternity (ring), with a seal meaning power as a zealous mastery of the world, power capable of sacrificing itself in the name of the unshakable world like the step of the Creator. One who returns to God receives reliable shoes that protect his feet. The feet symbolize the path to be taken, and the shoes received from the Father signify the help needed to successfully overcome the path. The healing effect of Divine energies will not be long in coming until tangible results are obtained, which are still missing from the returned son. With sincere repentance, results are guaranteed and therefore Divine pleasure is ensured.

Through repentance and awareness of his fornication (delusion), the son gains a connection with heaven and, as a result, health. The father killed the fatted calf because he found his son healthy. In the Bible, meat is considered difficult food, which only people who have contact with the Divine, that is, spiritually healthy, can eat without harm. Younger son, having gone through the temptations and enticements of the lower world and found the strength to return to the Father, he became able to digest difficult food. Therefore, the Father ordered the fattened calf to be slaughtered.

The picture shows central point Genesis: repentance and return. They are inseparable either in time or in space - this was perfectly understood by the unsurpassed master of light and shadow at the time of creating his masterpiece (1668-1669) at the end of the next incarnation. The unfading light of the Divine brow fills with its vibrations the entire being of the repentant son and heals him. It is open to everyone capable of perceiving it. This is evidenced by other characters in the picture, where there is no eldest son, who became jealous and refused to enter the Father’s house, thereby showing that inexperienced holiness and righteousness are worth little. Two female figures in the dark depths of the picture are filled with “righteous emotions” about the “unjust” behavior of the Father towards his sons. They are at the mercy of purely human criteria, radically different from the Divine. Haven’t we heard, “What is God doing and where is He looking?” from people who, due to their endlessness, seem to themselves “holier than the Pope” and always “know” what and how to do. The women in the picture symbolize earthly bodily consciousness, which is inaccessible to Divine motivation and decision. The other two figures depict Rembrandt himself with a significant age difference, about 20-30 years, which the artist needed to mature his plan and execute it. The Seated Man is Rembrandt at a relatively young age, when he was rich financially and had a tall social status, as symbolized by the rich black headdress of a sitting man, but was still poor spiritually, as evidenced by his plain gray clothes. But the standing man with a fair brow is Rembrandt in last years of his life, spiritually enlightened, but, as is known, ended his life in extremely cramped material conditions. Therefore clothes standing man, in contrast to the sitting one, although with a poor headdress, are very similar to the Father’s clothes. By the way, it is no coincidence that a spiritually unenlightened person sits, while an enlightened person stands. By the difference in poses, the artist probably wanted to emphasize the inevitable difference in the occupation of these two people. life position. A sitting posture means passivity, contemplation, and a standing posture means activity associated with actions aimed at conscious Service for the glory of God. The relatively young author, sitting in a tense pose, deprived of the bright Divine seal, is still only peering intently at the majestic phenomenon and trying to understand it. These efforts will eventually bear fruit in the form of a reflection of the light of the Father's love, illuminating the contemplating face of the artist at the moment of working on the masterpiece. It eloquently says that the meaning of a person’s life is only to be in Love and God, because there is nothing else to be in and there is no need to be.


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49. Tolstoy L.N. “Confession”
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51. Stephen Hawking, Black Holes and Young Universes. Ed. "Amphora/Eureka", 2001
52. Hall Manley "Twelve Teachers of Humanity."
53. Tsiolkovsky K. E. “Monism of the Universe.” Ed. Sytin, 1927
54. Sheldrake R. « New science about life". 1982
55. Schaefer H. “Dialogue with Claudius.” Ed. "Sofia", 2000
56. Sri Aurobindo Ghose "The Human Cycle". Ed. "New Age", 1992
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59. Ashby W. R. “Brain Design”

A. S. Pushkin, a prophet, artistic genius, scientist who created the law-based mathematics of cycles and was elected academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1832, knew this very well.

For example, modern man throughout his life he uses only a few (no more than 5) percent of his brain's capabilities.

There is no need for this, if only because modern man Everyday life uses no more than 5% of the brain resources it possesses at the current stage of evolution.

Ecology (from the Greek oikos - house, dwelling, residence) is the science of the relationships of plant and animal organisms and the communities they form between themselves and the environment.

Shadanakar - the multi-layered world of our planet

Enrof - a physical layer equivalent to the modern astronomical Universe

In my opinion, it is obvious that man’s arrogant callousness towards animals and senseless cruelty towards each other, especially manifested now in local wars with “precision” strikes with volumetric bombs, are two sides of the same coin, testifying to the moral degradation of a maddened humanity , unable to raise the voice of conscience against the atrocities of the main terrorist of the 21st century - the United States, which coldly and with impunity, with sadistic methodicality, kills by bombing innocent children and women of Afghanistan under the guise of fighting terrorism. It is a pity that our authorities have not yet realized the Planetary role of Russia, which seems obvious to me and is outlined in the already mentioned article in the Sovremennik newspaper.

It turns out that there is no need for this, as follows from the theory and practice of Zinaida Baranova presented. Thought forms have enormous structure-forming properties to create substance from “nothing,” including proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins. It's all about the degree of embodiment in the consciousness of the Divine Mind with its hidden order and creative abilities. And this depends on his being littered with information in the form of “unshakable” truths.


A certain man had two sons:

God is represented under the image of this man; the two sons are sinners and imaginary righteous people and scribes.

The youngest of them:

Younger, more frivolous, not yet experienced by the difficult experiences of life.

Give me:

The younger son seems to have already reached the age of majority, according to which he could ask his father to divide the estate with his brother.

The following part of the estate for me:

According to the Law of Moses (Deut. 21:17), the youngest son received half of what the eldest received.

He divided the estate for them:

The father, even before his death, not because he was obliged to do so by law, but because he could and wanted to do so.

Having collected everything, I went:

It is difficult for him to show fatherly care; his father could not give him the freedom to live the way he wanted, and therefore he went to a distant place so that his father’s eye could not watch him, and he could live according to his own will. Thus, a person, endowed by God with spiritual and physical gifts, feeling an attraction to sin, begins to be burdened by the divine law given to him as a guide for life and, rejecting the yoke of the law, indulges in lawlessness, lives according to his own will, listens to no one and nothing, wastes himself in the spiritual. and the bodily debauchery of the talents with which God endowed him.

Far side:

There is an image of the sinner’s distant alienation from God, his deep moral decline.

A great famine has arrived:

The disaster was joined by a new external disaster, which must have had a strong effect on the young debauchee. Thus, God often sends external disasters to a sinner in order to bring him to his senses, and these troubles are both a punishment for him and at the same time a call from God to repentance.

Herding pigs:

The most humiliating activity for a true Jew. Jewish law forbade the Jews to eat pork; a pig was a disgusting animal for them. So often a sinner, when he becomes attached to some worldly object in order to drown out his sinful consciousness, is humiliated even more and reaches the most disastrous state.

Fill your belly with horns:

These are the fruits of a tree growing in Syria and some places in Asia Minor, which were used to fatten pigs and which, however, were sometimes eaten by the poor (like our oak acorns).

But no one gave him:

And he was unable to acquire this meager food due to severe famine in that country. So disastrous was his situation, and so disastrous were the consequences of a sinful life. And it is good for the sinner if, in times of adversity, he hears the merciful voice of the Heavenly Father calling him to repentance, and decides to give up this sinful life, like a profligate son.

Coming to my senses:

The turn of phrase is very expressive. This phrase is used when, after a serious illness accompanied by loss of consciousness, a person comes to his senses when consciousness returns to him. Isn’t a sinner just as sick, to the point of losing consciousness, when he is so overwhelmed by sin that he is not aware of the demands of God’s will, does not want to know either the natural law or the revealed law, forgets God, conscience, and honor. The grave consequences of sin, combined with external disasters, finally bring him to his senses; he seems to wake up and begin to cognize objects in their true form; painful dreams dissolve, sober consciousness returns.

I will get up and go to my father:

The sinner's determination to leave sin and repent. Blessed is God who calls the sinner back to himself! Blessed is the moment in which this ray of hope for God’s mercy and determination to repent shines in the dark soul of a sinner!

I have sinned against heaven and before you:

Heaven in the sense of a special place of the presence of God and the location of holy Angels and righteous people; before you - an insulted and indignant loving and merciful father. This is an expression of the sinner’s sincere repentance, recognizing that with his sin he offended the holy God and all the saints surrounding His throne.

Not worthy to be called a son:

The zeal of deep humility and dignity, which accompanies true repentance of a sinner.

Among your mercenaries:

Expression deep love to the house and shelter of his father, according to which the dissolute son wants, at least on the most difficult conditions, to be accepted into his father’s house.

When he was still far away:

All further features are exposed for the clearest image great love Heavenly Father to the repentant sinner, returning to the sinful soul what it lost through sin, and decorating it with new grace-filled gifts, which all the holy inhabitants of heaven rejoice in. The father, an old man, seeing his son returning from afar, runs towards him, hugs him, kisses him, and, having accepted repentance, orders him to be put on shoes and dressed, instead of the one who was in rags, in the best clothes and decorate him, and then everyone began to have fun at the meal. All these are human-like features of how, out of love for a repentant sinner, the Lord mercifully accepts his repentance and rewards him with new, instead of lost, spiritual benefits and gifts.

Was dead and came back to life:

A sinner alienated from life in God is the same as dead, since the life of the human spirit is possible only in unity with its source - God; in alienation from Him there is no life (1 Tim 5, 6. Rom 6, 13. Mt 8, 22); why the sinner’s conversion to life in God is presented as his resurrection from the dead (Rom 6:13; Eph 2:1; Rev 3:1)

The eldest son:

This eldest son is depicted in remarkable features in comparison with the character traits of his father and his younger brother. He returns from work and does not want to enter his house, where they are having fun on the occasion of his brother’s return, despite the call of his father; he reproaches his father for not loving him, displays his work, speaks insensitively and coldly about his brother, reproaches his father for acting this way in the present case. Yes, it is they who seem to be precise and strict executors of the law, cold, heartless in relation to erring brothers, boasting of doing the will of God, not wanting to have fellowship with tax collectors and sinners, proud, self-conceited righteous people - they are the scribes and Pharisees, and lawyers - this is their image and others like them, in contrast to the image of a repentant sinner and a loving Father-God.

Was on the field:

He worked, in contrast to his younger brother, who did not want to live and work in his father’s house, but went to the far side to debauch. By the way of working in the field we mean the fulfillment by the scribes and Pharisees of the requirements of the law; the quality and nature of the work is not discussed here.

I heard singing and rejoicing:

Singing and rejoicing are a symbol of fun and joy in general.

He got angry and did not want to enter:

Likewise, the supposed exact executors of the law, the Pharisees, did not want to have fellowship with publicans and hazelnuts and were angry with the Lord because He did not follow them in this

His father came out and called him:

His father addressed him with a word of love, and even came out to him himself. So God, with a loving word of revelation, especially through the Lord Jesus Christ, addressed these proud and cold doers of the law, but did not and did not find compassion and love in their hearts.

Here I have been serving you for so many years:

Instead of sympathy and love for his brother and father, the eldest son begins to read instructions to his father, shows off his merits, complains of insult, and insults his brother. When addressing his father, he does not express a tender, loving expression - father (father); he doesn’t want to call his brother brother,

A - this son is yours:

And a sharp line indicates his behavior; with particular insistence he points out his service and the fact that he never violated his father’s commands. Such were the proud, proud, arrogant and cold executors of the external requirements of the law, the Pharisees and scribes. A remarkable feature is that all the desire of this eldest son was concentrated on the kid, and he enviously reproaches his father for the fattened calf, which was slaughtered on the occasion of the return of his missing brother. He sees this as evidence of his father’s dislike for him...

He told him:

Although self-justification, this display of one’s own merits, this pride and arrogance before the father, this arrogant and cold contempt for the brother pronounce condemnation on themselves, but the Lord seems to further strengthen this condemnation by the father’s loving appeal to this eldest son. Once again, with a loving address - my son - the father wants to soften his son’s hard-heartedness and arouse in him more humane and tender feelings.

You are always with me, and all that is mine is yours:

Not all your property was squandered by your brother, and not yours - yours remained with you, and his was given to him. In relation to the Pharisees and scribes, this showed that they could always have access to God; they have the law in their hands, they have revelation, the will of God is known to them, they can acquire spiritual gifts and blessings, but... they cannot earn the favor of the heavenly father in such a perverted and cruel spiritual and moral mood. - The God of love and mercy cannot favor those who should rejoice and rejoice at the conversion of a sinner, as the Angels in heaven rejoice (v. 6.10), but they turn away and do not want to have fellowship with them. The parable ends with the father’s word, and the Lord seems to ask the scribes and Pharisees who condemned Him (v. 1): well, do you still want to grumble at Me for the way I treat tax collectors and sinners, and turn away from them, or do you want to accept participation in the joy of heaven - God and Angels and the righteous about the conversion of a repentant sinner.

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