I dreamed about me picking mushrooms in the forest. Mushroom picking: general rules and advice for a novice mushroom picker

Mushroom picking is a fun and rewarding activity. “Silent hunting” allows you not only to diversify your diet, but also to prepare food for the winter.

Beginning mushroom pickers can be advised to collect only tubular varieties, among which there are no deadly mushrooms. The most common, highly nutritious and very popular tubular varieties among mushroom pickers include the fruiting bodies of white or boletus, boletus and boletus, as well as boletus.

Some types of tubular fruiting bodies are not collected by mushroom pickers due to low nutritional value or unpleasant taste characteristics. Occurring conditionally poisonous species lose their toxicity during prolonged and repeated heat treatment. The mushroom broth obtained as a result of cooking is disposed of and not used for food purposes.

Learning to correctly distinguish between poisonous and edible varieties of agaric mushrooms is much more difficult. It is in the category of lamellar fruiting bodies that the most toxic and deadly species, represented by fly agaric and toadstool, belong. Important to remember, that it is strictly forbidden to collect old, rotten or damaged fruiting bodies by insects or worms, which contain an increased amount of toxic substances.

Mushrooms growing near busy roads, in urban areas, and near industrial enterprises are not edible. In this case, the mushroom pulp may contain significant amounts of radioactive elements, heavy metals or lead. Among other things, you need to remember that traditional means of testing, including silver objects, onions and garlic, as well as milk, do not allow one hundred percent accuracy to determine toxicity.

How and where to look for mushrooms (video)

Mushroom picking time in Russia

The mushroom season in our country is a fickle concept and very much depends on soil and climatic conditions. March is the least mushroom month, but already in April and May the fruiting bodies of morels, May or St. George mushrooms, as well as the common boletus appear.

The onset of summer is marked by the appearance of porcini mushrooms, boletus, boletus, and boletus, and in August the third mushroom layer begins. At this time, fruiting bodies of several dozen edible varieties are formed. The peak of the mushroom season in our country occurs in September and the first ten days of October. It should be noted, that the main natural factors, which are represented by humidity and temperature, have a special influence on the growth and period of active fruiting.

When are mushrooms collected in Ukraine?

Soil and climatic conditions in Ukraine are very favorable for the growth and development of fruiting bodies of many types of mushrooms. More than two hundred species of edible mushrooms grow here, but only 10%, or about twenty of the most famous and popular varieties, are particularly popular among experienced connoisseurs of “silent hunting” and novice mushroom pickers.

The season of active fruiting of mushrooms starts in the first month of summer. It is during this period that a large number of russula and fly mushrooms appear. From the first ten days of July, you can harvest boletuses and boletuses, moss mushrooms and boletus mushrooms, chanterelles and porcini mushrooms. A temporary reference point can be the ripening of wild raspberries, blackberries and blueberries. However, the most productive months for mushrooms are August and September. And already in October there is an active collection of honey mushrooms, valuevs and milk mushrooms.

What you need to know about picking mushrooms in the forest

Compliance with the rules for collecting mushrooms allows you not only to minimize the risk of poisoning, but also helps to preserve the reproduction of mycelium in subsequent years.

Mushrooms are collected early in the morning, even before their above-ground part is warmed up by the sun's rays. Such fruiting bodies last as long as possible. You cannot collect overgrown or old mushrooms. It is more correct to place fruiting bodies in a wicker basket with their caps facing down. This method of transportation allows them to be preserved best. It is necessary to collect only well-known varieties.

In summers that are too rainy, the fruiting bodies become heavily saturated with water, causing the pulp to become watery, loose and decomposing. Such mushroom pulp becomes unsuitable for consumption. Fruit bodies collected and brought home are immediately cleaned of adhering particles of soil, leaves and needles, as well as grass and other plant debris. It is also mandatory to remove all parts that are affected by insect larvae. Parts of the legs that are heavily soiled are cut off.

Only young mushrooms with fairly dense flesh are used for food. It is advisable to immerse the peeled mushrooms in cold salted water for about an hour, after which they are processed and subjected to reliable heat treatment as soon as possible. The basic rule that must be followed when collecting fruiting bodies remains the same - you can only collect familiar and benign species that can be safely used for food purposes.

How to pick mushrooms (video)

Looking for mushroom places in the forest

Edible mushrooms with high nutritional value can be found in a variety of places, so going on a “quiet hunt” doesn’t have to be in the forest. The fruiting bodies of edible species actively grow and develop on the edges, as well as clearings, in copses and low herbs. The mycelium is capable of growing well, so you can find fruiting bodies in places where high yields were noted in past years.

Each variety is characterized by the ability to form mycorrhiza with certain plant species. For example, in young and mature pine plantings, porcini mushrooms bear fruit very abundantly, as well as fly mushrooms, russulas of several varieties, and even boletus mushrooms, traditional for our country. Spruce forests most often grow saffron milk caps and chanterelles, forest champignons and russula. And in fairly humid, floodplain forests with not very good lighting, edible honey mushrooms and morels form fruiting bodies. Common champignon and meadow honey fungus bear fruit among meadow grasses and pastures.

Which wild mushrooms should not be put in the basket?

Only experienced mushroom pickers can independently distinguish edible species from inedible or poisonous varieties. It must be remembered that not only the most famous fly agarics and toadstools can be poisonous, but also the so-called double mushrooms or false mushrooms, which in appearance resemble such valuable varieties as porcini mushrooms, honey mushrooms, boletus and chanterelles. The following types of mushrooms are among the most dangerous to human life and health:

  • death cap, occurring from the first ten days of August until the end of September;
  • false fox or orange talker, occurring from the first ten days of July to mid-October;
  • false scent, occurring from the first days of summer until mid-October;
  • fly agaric, occurring from the middle of the last summer month to mid-September;
  • satanic mushroom, occurring from the first days of summer until the onset of steady autumn cooling;
  • Russula is pungent and pungent, found from mid-summer to mid-autumn;
  • milky gray-pink, occurring from the last ten days of summer until the onset of stable autumn cooling;
  • grate red, growing in forests from the last ten days of spring until the onset of autumn;
  • Gymnopilus beautiful, growing from the last ten days of the first summer month until mid-September;
  • Valuy false, growing from the first ten days of the last summer month until the end of September.

Among other things, you should not collect and use for food purposes overgrown or worm-eaten fruiting bodies, which can cause poisoning and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Mushroom pulp that is excessively saturated with water may indicate severe overgrowth or damage to the fruiting bodies. In the process of such natural decay, the formation of substances harmful to human health can occur, including the poison neurin, which makes mushrooms poisonous.

Picking mushrooms in the forest in winter

There are not too many connoisseurs of winter edible mushrooms in our country. Nevertheless, even in winter it is possible to collect tasty and healthy fruiting bodies of several types:

  • winter mushrooms They are quite tasty mushrooms, but require mandatory preliminary heat treatment. Fruiting bodies are found in the first ten days of winter, and grow abundantly on stumps and fallen deciduous wood including aspen and poplar. This edible species is characterized by a bright yellow cap and relatively dense flesh;
  • winter oyster mushroom It is difficult to confuse with other varieties, which is due to the very characteristic leg located on the side, smoothly turning into a cap. Young oyster mushrooms very much resemble ordinary seashells in appearance, with a light gray or slightly brownish-brownish color. Oyster mushrooms grow in groups and have a pleasant taste and aroma.

With the onset of winter, if frosty days come early enough, autumn species common to our soil-climatic zone may well be found in the forest, represented by several types of rows, autumn honey fungus, sulfur-yellow tinder fungus and scaly tinder fungus. It is possible to collect them only before the very first thaw. It is important to remember that after thawing and subsequent frosts, the mushroom pulp will completely lose all its taste and nutritional qualities.

Treating dreams as a phenomenon that means nothing to a person is, to say the least, reckless. Many must have been surprised when what they experienced in the kingdom of Morpheus came true in reality, and regretted that they did not take the signal seriously. Did you have to pick mushrooms while traveling at night? The dream book will tell you what such an activity means.

Various sources agree on one thing: picking mushrooms in a forest dreamed of at night is most often a not very positive sign, promising troubles of various scales or calling on the sleeper to pay attention to the bad traits of his character. But there are still favorable interpretations, depending on the circumstances of the dream.

The seer Vanga's dream book predicts quick profits if the lord of sleep brings you to a clearing with beautiful boletus mushrooms. But be careful, in fact, if you get into the basket with specimens that have a can of worms: you may be let down by those whom you consider reliable friends.

The philosopher Freud, in his interpretations, regards enthusiastic mushroom picking in a dream as a sign of an intense but disorderly sex life.

Miller's famous dream book associates picking mushrooms with difficulty, followed by reward. If you collect beautiful edible mushrooms in a dream, it means that in reality you will be successful in your career. If a “quiet hunt” is dreamed of by young people who are faced with the choice of getting married or being rejected, in reality you should not be afraid to join your destiny with your loved one. The family will be happy.

Nostradamus warns that a large clearing completely strewn with mushrooms, seen in a dream, is a clear signal that in reality the dreamer better be careful: they want to deceive him.

Loff's dream book warns that if you fill your basket with toadstools and other inedible mushrooms during your night “travels,” in life, be prepared for the fact that one of your family and friends will let you down.

Why do you dream about picking edible mushrooms?

Although edible mushrooms in real life do not cause us fears or bad associations, picking them up in a dream is not necessarily a favorable symbol. This could mean:

  • light flirting, pleasant, but fleeting. It won't end in anything serious;
  • Perhaps in reality you are cherishing vain hopes. This means that the dividends received will be insignificant and fleeting;
  • the rich fantasy of the dreamer, in reality divorced from reality and soaring in the clouds;
  • an artificial problem that a person created for himself and is now unsuccessfully trying to solve it;
  • the impossibility of hoping for reciprocal feelings when you went “on mushrooms” in a dream with someone you sympathize with;
  • Probably, old wise people gave you good advice in life, but out of stubbornness and stupid contradiction you do not listen to it.

Interpretation depending on the type of mushroom

Since the smallest details are important when trying to figure out what you see in a dream, the type of mushroom is of great importance.

  1. If you dreamed of porcini mushrooms, this is a sign of wealth and prosperity. It’s especially good when in a dream you collected boletus mushrooms with your whole family. This indicates that in reality there will be no shortage. And such a vision, which appears to the owner of a business, promises success in business and numerous material benefits. However, when mushrooms that are slightly twisted or slightly worn out by worms fall into the bucket, carefully check the financial condition of your company, down to the smallest detail. Such a turn is a sign of danger for the company.
  2. In a dream, your yard is overgrown with honey mushrooms and boletuses, and there is no need to go into the forest to get them. This is good? Only at first glance. The ability to fill your wallet in a dream without practically leaving home indicates that you are tormented by some secret that you are afraid to tell others about.
  3. Do you put champignons in a bucket? When you wake up, think about whether you rely too much on other people's opinions and tastes to the detriment of your own. And if they are mixed with other types of mushrooms, small and wormy, accept it: boring, monotonous work awaits you.
  4. Did you have to collect milk mushrooms in a dream? Prepare for a long-term business trip. It will suck a lot of strength out of you and keep you in suspense, but the return - both monetary and moral - will be unexpectedly high. There is another, not so rosy, explanation - upcoming conflicts and major troubles in the family.
  5. The boletus that I happened to collect is a symbol of the fact that the dreamer is not confident in himself and underestimates himself. There is no need to continue to be tormented by unfinished business. Take a deep breath, be brave and take action. Everything will work out.

Poisonous mushrooms in a dream

Seeing mushrooms in a dream that cannot be eaten should not be regarded as a clearly negative signal from the subconscious. Again, remember that the interpretation of night dreams depends on many factors and nuances.

For example, fly agaric mushrooms. Poisonous, but what beauties! And since you managed to collect a whole basket, you simply must look into yourself. Your enormous potential needs to be released; your remarkable abilities will bring a lot of benefit and well-deserved recognition. At the same time, if you notice that during picking you only see red mushroom caps, life is preparing something sad.

When you wake up and continue to clearly see how you are picking a single, but huge and picturesque fly agaric, and you can even describe it in the smallest detail, it means that in reality you were faint-hearted, which now haunts you.

Did you dream that you were picking mushrooms, deliberately avoiding honey mushrooms, chanterelles and other suitable ones, and picking exclusively toadstools? Contrary to understandable associations, this is an exclusively positive sign. He says that there are pleasant surprises ahead that can turn your life around in a moment. Your home will be filled with love, and your wallet will be filled with big money.

What do dreams with wormy, rotten mushrooms mean?

When collecting such loot in a dream, in the morning you need to figure out what it is for? Perhaps then it will be possible to avoid some difficulties. Spoiled mushrooms can mean:

  • the birth of many illegitimate children, since mushrooms are literally swarming with worms;
  • a large number of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren;
  • that there is a disease lurking inside, and it will soon make itself known;
  • that you should not run “ahead of the locomotive”, hastily conclude agreements and sign contracts: there are pitfalls that will work against you;
  • humiliation from a loved one.

An almost rotten large mushroom in a dream is a dead person who did not tell you something during his lifetime or is pulling you towards him. Dream books advise you to try to control your actions in your dreams; under no circumstances should you pick such mushrooms or even look at them for too long.

But if you dreamed something like this, open your eyes, calm down, forgive yourself, ask for forgiveness from all your friends who died, and say goodbye to them discreetly.

Picking mushrooms in the thicket of the forest, in an open clearing

Do you dream of picking mushrooms in the forest or in an open clearing? You also need to pay attention to this when trying to unravel the dream.

If in a dream you wandered into the forest thicket to pick mushrooms:

  • a carefree and joyful “white streak” will come in life;
  • the dreaming girl is about to get married and will be happy in her family life;
  • a time of great material prosperity will come to a married woman;
  • businessmen should expect success in all matters and bright prospects.

“Silent hunting” in an open clearing or forest edge, and no matter what kind of mushrooms you collect, in real life predicts someone’s treachery. Take a closer look at those who surround you, understand in whose souls envy is seething and evil plans are swarming. This will save you from tragic consequences. “Close friends” with deceitful hypocritical masks on their faces can be especially dangerous.

The gender of the sleeper is also not the least important factor in the interpretation of dreams. Why does a man dream about picking mushrooms?

  1. He is completely satisfied with his sex life, if he walks along the forest edge, every now and then, bumping into beautiful mushrooms.
  2. Watches in a dream how someone picks mushrooms - the love relationship of a familiar couple haunts him.
  3. If he puts large specimens in the basket, he subconsciously fears impotence. And it doesn’t matter that in reality everything is wonderful in this sense and he has many mistresses.
  4. He is looking for only one mushroom, large, fresh and beautiful - which means he is already ready for a permanent relationship and responsibility for the family.

For a woman, picking mushrooms in night visions is not very good. As a rule, this is a symbol that she is wasting herself in vain, those around her do not take her seriously. Dream books give other explanations:

  • it is necessary to pay attention to health, especially for women;
  • for a young girl there is a risk of getting involved in dubious relationships and ruining her reputation;
  • a young lady in love is threatened with betrayal of a loved one and disappointment in men;
  • It’s better to beware of unfamiliar guys and boyfriends, so as not to experience humiliation.

In the world of dreams and daydreams, everything is always shrouded in some mystery, mystery.

And expecting a dream to show us the future in the form in which it appeared to us is pointless and naive.

However, those who know how to use dream books and analyze, listen to intuition and use imagination know how to look into the future and find out what the dream promises.

Did you dream about mushrooms? This can be either a good or bad warning sign for you.

Before finding out why mushrooms are dreamed of, it would be useful to take into account some important details. For example:

  • You dreamed that you saw a clearing dotted with mushrooms.
  • You are cooking mushrooms.
  • Mushrooms can be of different types: large or small, edible and poisonous.
  • You were picking mushrooms in the forest in your dream.
  • Have you seen wormy, unpleasant-looking mushrooms?
  • You've discovered big, beautiful mushrooms.
  • You happened to eat mushrooms in a dream.

There are relatively few situations, but each such dream has its own unique and important meaning. Remember well everything you can from this dream - what were the mushrooms like, what did you do with them, or did you just look? And then you can look for the meaning of the dream.

Seeing mushrooms in a dream

If in your “mushroom” dream you happened to see mushrooms with your own eyes, but you didn’t touch them, didn’t eat them, didn’t smell them, and so on, these dreams can have a variety of meanings, both pleasant and good, and not particularly favorable and rosy.

Let's find out why you dream about mushrooms that you have never touched, but only contemplated.

1. Frequent dreams – mushroom meadow. As the dream book says, this is a symbol of the fact that you are surrounded by unfaithful, imaginary friends. Beware of hypocrisy, betrayal and lies from people who are nearby.

Most likely, you trust someone who can take advantage of your trust and betray you, commit some kind of meanness. Such a dream where you see mushrooms growing in a clearing, any kind - champignons, honey mushrooms, milk mushrooms, porcini mushrooms - is a warning of danger.

Be alert, do not open up to everyone around you, and try to take a close look at all the people with whom you have to communicate in one way or another.

2. But to see poisonous mushrooms in a dream - toadstools, fly agarics, and so on - oddly enough, this dream, on the contrary, carries a very favorable sign. A good meaning is attributed to such a dream.

It promises a happy occasion that will certainly and very soon happen on your life path and change it for the better. It will be a pleasant, joyful surprise, from a completely unexpected side!

3. Seeing wormy mushrooms in a dream is a bad sign. According to Miller's dream book, wormy mushrooms warn you that you are at risk of getting sick in the near future, falling into the blues or depression. Not the healthiest period in your life awaits you; try, if not prevent it, then at least alleviate it in advance.

4. Sometimes in a dream you see absolutely incredible things, for example, huge, simply gigantic mushrooms, the size of a whole house. The meaning of such a fabulous dream is wonderful!

Your efforts will be justified, your merits will be appreciated, and you will receive a generous reward. If not in the form of crisp large bills of high denomination, then in the form of recognition, respect and an excellent reputation.

What did you do with them?

Quite often there are dreams in which you not only have to see mushrooms, but also do something with them.

Search, collect, cook or eat – sometimes even raw! Let's see why we dream of mushrooms, with which actions are associated.

1. The most common question is: why do you dream about picking mushrooms in the forest, in a clearing, anywhere. This is a wonderful dream, which is a harbinger of great happiness, good luck and great events.

  • For businessmen or entrepreneurs, this dream means profit, prosperity and complete success in business.
  • And for unmarried women - a happy marriage!

In any case, if in a dream you happened to pick mushrooms in the forest - champignons, milk mushrooms, porcini mushrooms or honey mushrooms, this is a sign of quick success and happiness.

2. What does it mean if you are looking for mushrooms in the forest, but you see that someone has already collected them before you, and you see only stems?

This means that, probably, a situation may soon arise on your way, or has already arisen, in which you show excessive and groundless suspicion. Moreover, Miller’s dream book indicates that due to this very suspicion you will miss the chance - and lose something.

3. Suspicion is also associated with dreams in which you happened to eat mushrooms, for example, mushroom soup, salted milk mushrooms or honey mushrooms, fried champignons, and so on. The meaning of this “mushroom” dream is:

You suspect one of your family or people close to you, and this suspicion may well turn out to be unfounded and lead to conflict, or even a break in good relationships through your fault. Do not rush to make such decisions and blame someone without reliable and accurate circumstances.

4. Another thing is to eat mushrooms in sour cream in a dream, especially white ones. Seeing such food in front of you and enjoying it is a symbol of the fact that temptations and pleasures await you. But be careful - this can border on sin, shame and loss of good reputation, so better not go to extremes.

5. A dream in which for some reason you had to eat raw mushrooms, even poisonous ones, promises you longevity and good health. Rest assured, you will definitely live to see deep, noble gray hair.

6. And if you are preparing some kind of mushroom dish in a dream, it means that you will soon have to make some important decision. And at the same time, all the main responsibility will fall on you.

Take courage and don't look for advice. Make the right decision yourself, trusting your intuition and listening to your heart.

What to do with the interpretation of sleep?

In fact, “mushroom” dreams often hint to us about some hidden thoughts, suspicions, gossip, but often promise very good changes. It is very important to understand correctly what this or that dream means.

If you receive a not very pleasant interpretation of a dream, you have the opportunity to analyze the knowledge gained, look around, take a very careful look at your life from the outside and understand what actions to take in order to prevent the predicted unpleasant event.

But having received, on the contrary, a good, joyful prediction, you should also perceive it correctly. If you are predicted to be healthy, this does not mean that after such a dream you can not take care of yourself and lead an unhealthy lifestyle.

Treat dreams and their meanings wisely and soberly, and then you will be able to fully control your own destiny.

Why do you dream about picking mushrooms?

Since you can collect not only edible mushrooms, but also toadstools, dreams in which this action took place can have an ambiguous interpretation. To obtain expanded and most accurate information, you need to remember other details of the plot, for example, what mushrooms you collected, how many there were, etc. The emotional component is also of great importance. In addition, dream books recommend drawing an analogy between reality events and the information received.

Why do you dream about picking mushrooms?

If you pick good mushrooms, this is a positive sign that promises significant profits. A dream where you collect mushrooms for a long time, but the basket remains empty, predicts a large number of small matters. A dream where you are picking mushrooms right in your yard indicates the existence of a secret that you cannot trust to anyone. If the mushrooms are in an unusual place, it means that the business you have decided to do is quite risky.

Night vision of where you picked champignons indicates that in life you are most often guided by the opinions of others. Seeing another person picking mushrooms means that in the near future you should devote time to relatives, as they may have health problems. This can also be taken as a recommendation that you should be more decisive and not rely on the help of loved ones. If you are picking mushrooms in the forest, then prepare for an unexpected turn of events. A dream where you picked mushrooms in the mountains predicts the occurrence of surprises that will strengthen your character. If mushrooms grew near a pond, this is a harbinger of joyful events. Picking mushrooms on the side of the road means that in the future you may commit rash acts.

Why do you dream about wormy mushrooms?

Such a dream promises good news, and you can also expect a new addition to the family. For a woman, a dream in which she collects bad mushrooms warns of humiliation from a close man.

Why do you dream about picking poisonous mushrooms?

If you collected toadstools, this is an indication that you are unsure of your plans for the future. It may also be a symbol that the business for which you have high hopes will ultimately end in complete failure. Collecting poisonous mushrooms means beware of deception. This dream also warns that you should expect a catch if you hear praise from someone or are offered a new position at work.

Why do you dream about a lot of mushrooms?

A dream where you saw a large number of mushrooms, but you do not collect them, indicates that you will not be able to take advantage of the chance provided by fate.

Why do you dream of a mushroom meadow?

Seeing a clearing where someone else has already cut all the mushrooms before you means that in reality you often show your slowness, which becomes the cause of various problems. This could also be a warning that due to distrust of your partners, you will miss a great chance to improve your financial situation. If you are in a mushroom meadow with a basket, this is a symbol that after hard work you can count on a decent reward.

Why do you dream about looking for mushrooms?

If you are looking for mushrooms in a place where it is prohibited, it means that in the future you may become the object of gossip. In the future, circumstances may arise that can only be overcome with the support of friends and acquaintances.

Why do you dream of cutting mushrooms?

A dream where you are cutting mushrooms indicates the time has come when you can receive a reward for the work done. It could also be a sign of a change in priorities or you will change previously planned plans.

Why do you dream of small mushrooms growing?

If you have seen mushrooms that have not yet grown, then get ready for minor troubles.

Why do you dream that you are picking mushrooms?

People have long attached great importance to dreams. Emperors and important nobles had their own sages - dream interpreters. It was noticed that any symbol seen by a person foreshadows the onset of certain events. On the basis of these patterns, interpreters of dreams—dream books—were compiled.

As for why you dream that you are picking mushrooms, dream interpreters do not have a unanimous opinion. The meaning of a dream changes depending on many factors: whether the mushrooms are edible, what they looked like, where they grew, and other nuances. All of them help to find the correct answer to the dream. The general opinion of famous interpreters of dreams about mushrooms is the following: to see mushrooms means to have unreasonable desires. However, among the meanings of dreams in which mushrooms are present, there are many positive ones. For example, collecting a lot of strong edible mushrooms in a beautiful forest portends receiving a large sum of money. You can often hear the opinion that mushrooms dream of coffins, that is, the news that someone has died. But even in this case, you need to consider the complex of all the details of the dream, and its meaning may change. There is a belief among the Russian people that picking edible mushrooms means good luck, and seeing poisonous ones means deception. If a woman sees mushrooms, this means that soon an amazing event will happen in her life, which will be remembered for a long time for its unusualness. There is an opinion that a young woman picking mushrooms in a dream means the birth of a child or pregnancy.

The appearance of mushrooms also matters for the interpretation of dreams. If they are fresh, vigorous, one to one, this circumstance softens any negative prediction. It’s worse if, among the edible ones, the sleeper notices poisonous and crumpled ones. This is deception.

Many experienced interpreters believe that mushrooms are often dreamed of during their picking season, that is, in late summer and autumn. And indeed, if a person is preparing for a trip to pick mushrooms, on the eve of it a dream about him picking mushrooms will not be a surprise. But such a dream does not have any prediction. Its appearance is explained by the fact that the person’s mind wandered in a dream in the superficial layers of the subconscious. It is there that the individual’s intentions and desires for the near future are encrypted in accordance with its symbolism. Therefore, often in a dream you can see what is expected in real life soon. If you dream that you are picking mushrooms without thinking about it in reality, it means that this dream has an important meaning and foreshadows the coming of serious changes in life circumstances. Picking small and unsightly mushrooms in a dream is a good sign. It promises quick profit. For a woman to collect such gifts from the forest, foreshadows humiliation and unhappy love, because of which she will grieve for a long time. Picking mushrooms for pickling is a sign that the sleeper will have pleasant chores or that he will soon receive an offer for a profitable job.

If in a dream a person begins to trample and break mushrooms, instead of picking them, the dream indicates that he wants to overcome such character traits as passivity and inertia. Seeing a lot of old, wrinkled mushrooms, and, due to the lack of choice, collecting them, means aging, poor health, a state of “brokenness.” A dream in which the sleeper collects mushrooms from a tree or stump has an interesting meaning. He reports that a person becomes wise enough to help other people with practical advice. For an elderly person, picking mushrooms in a dream foretells a prosperous, long old age. If in real life the sleeper worked a lot on some important matter, then a dream in which he picks mushrooms foretells that he will soon receive long-awaited results that will make him very happy. Collecting a lot of poisonous mushrooms in a dream means that, thanks to a lucky chance, a person will be able to avoid serious danger. Seeing and collecting a lot of waves is a sign that the sleeper will soon have an uncontrollable desire to accumulate money. Putting them in a basket means a bountiful harvest in the garden.

If a sleeper collects beautiful bright fly agarics in a dream, the dream indicates that in the real world a person has lost his way and for this reason everything in his life did not go as he expected. Pulling mushrooms by the roots instead of carefully cutting them off is a sign of trouble.

Collecting champignons in a dream means that the sleeping person has a pronounced tendency in his character to idealize his idol and imitate his tastes and inclinations. Collecting boletus mushrooms foretells the successful completion of some important task.

Dream interpretation of collecting mushrooms

Why do you dream about picking mushrooms in a dream according to the dream book?

The dream book defines mushroom picking as upcoming chores. Poisonous mushrooms warn against possible tricks associated with increasing pay or receiving praise.

Picking mushrooms in the forest - events will take an unexpected turn; in the mountains - unforeseen obstacles and difficulties will appear. Picking mushrooms on the road indicates committing rash acts.

Who dreamed of picking mushrooms?

A woman dreams that she is picking mushrooms

A woman dreamed of picking mushrooms - to improve relationships with loved ones, receiving rewards in reality. Picking bad mushrooms - a close relationship with a man will end in humiliation, you will be treated carelessly.

Who did you pick mushrooms with?

Picking mushrooms with a dead person in a dream

If you dream of picking mushrooms with a dead person, you will have to go through a lot of troubles and worries, which will lead to an unstable emotional state. You should calm down and think everything through carefully.

How many mushrooms did you collect?

Why do you dream about picking a lot of mushrooms?

Why do you dream of picking a lot of mushrooms? There is a lot of small work to be done. If the mushrooms were noble - you will enjoy the actions performed, if they were poisonous - the work will not bring satisfaction.

What were the mushrooms you picked in your dream?

Picking edible mushrooms in a dream

A dream about collecting edible mushrooms promises good luck in all areas. Any of your undertakings will be crowned with success, you can safely begin implementing creative projects.

I dreamed that redheads were collecting

Collecting redheads in a dream means you will experience a frenzied, uncontrollable passion for a member of the opposite sex. A passing hobby will end as quickly as it began.

I dream that I am collecting saffron milk caps

The Felomena dream book describes the collection of saffron milk caps as a useless fuss. The actions you take will not bring any results. Think about using your own efforts more rationally.

Why do you dream about picking boletus mushrooms?

I dreamed that I was picking boletus mushrooms - a good sign. In reality you will get a good profit. Your business will be profitable, do not stop there.

Collect rotten mushrooms in a dream

Dreaming of picking rotten mushrooms is a negative sign. For a woman, a dream foreshadows humiliation and betrayal on the part of her beloved. For a man, circumstances will arise at work that can lead to troubles in business.

Where were you in your dream when you were picking mushrooms?

Why do you dream about picking mushrooms in a field?

Why do you dream about picking mushrooms in a field? Your aspirations are aimed at achieving many results. The efforts made will not be in vain, you will receive a reward. Do not doubt the success of the enterprise, act!

How are other dream books interpreted?

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream of porcini mushrooms?

The white mushroom is the most noble, and every lover of quiet hunting dreams of getting it in his basket. As for dreams, such a symbol does not have a definite interpretation, and they can be both positive and negative. To obtain the most accurate and truthful information, you must try to remember the main details of the plot and take into account the emotional component.

Why do you dream of porcini mushrooms?

Many dream books classify such a dream as a good sign that portends longevity. In difficult situations, you can count on the help of others. Porcini mushrooms also predict the emergence of global changes. For people who are involved in business, such a dream promises participation in a profitable transaction. Seeing a large clearing of huge porcini mushrooms means that you should expect pleasant and unexpected surprises ahead that will help solve many problems. It is also a symbol of the intensity around serious passions. Seeing a white mushroom standing alone in a dream means that in the future you will receive practical advice from a friend, which will allow you to cope with existing problems. If it was huge, this is a positive sign that foreshadows the emergence of positive changes in life. For a representative of the fair sex, a night vision where she ate mushrooms indicates that many are dissatisfied with her behavior and this can provoke many troubles. A dream about spoiled porcini mushrooms indicates that the business you are currently doing will end unsuccessfully. If you see that another person has already cut all the mushrooms, it means that in the future you will have to watch someone else’s success while remaining out of work.

A dream where you see another person with a big catch is a warning that you should be careful with your words and actions, as they can offend people who are not guilty of anything. Seeing small porcini mushrooms in a dream means that many minor troubles will arise in the future, but do not pay attention, they will resolve themselves. Cooking porcini mushrooms is a favorable sign that portends an improvement in your financial situation. A dream where you eat porcini mushrooms indicates the presence of unrequited love. If you are treated to such a dish, it means that in reality you should beware of humiliation.

Night vision, where you are given porcini mushrooms, warns of false accusations. One of the dream books contains information according to which for a representative of the fair sex, a dream in which a large white mushroom appeared predicts the occurrence of an unwanted pregnancy. If you see toadstools or rotten specimens in the basket in addition to porcini mushrooms, this is an indication that there will be a chance to cope with the danger.

Why do you dream about picking porcini mushrooms?

If you have collected a full basket of mushrooms, this is a positive sign that predicts the fulfillment of hopes and dreams. There is also information that such a dream promises health and improvement in financial condition. Collecting porcini mushrooms in a dream and enjoying it means that you will soon be able to receive a reward for the work done. If you find strong mushrooms in the forest, this is a harbinger of an increase in your financial situation. They were near the road, which means financial problems will arise. If you had to pick porcini mushrooms in a dream for another person, this is a positive sign that foretells good luck in all areas of life. Night vision, where you managed to collect a full basket, predicts the opportunity to make an old dream come true. For a lonely girl, such a dream promises an early marriage, which will turn out to be unhappy.

Dream Interpretation Mushrooms

Why do you dream about milk mushrooms in a dream according to the dream book?

Why do you dream about milk mushrooms? This dream warns of gossip and intrigues behind your back. It promises players constant losses.

Now is a bad time to bet, put it off for later. Fortune may turn away from you, be careful.

What did you do with milk mushrooms in your dream?

Why do you dream about picking milk mushrooms?

A dream about collecting milk mushrooms is a warning. A conflict situation may soon arise between you and a loved one. It will not make any sense, but the consequences may be unpleasant.

Where did you collect milk mushrooms?

Collecting milk mushrooms in the forest in a dream

You collect milk mushrooms in the forest in a dream - this dream has an exclusively positive meaning. Fate will be favorable to you, luck and happiness will be in all your endeavors.

Why do you dream that you are picking mushrooms in the forest?



Picking mushrooms in the forest is an attempt to discover positive (or not) results in your current situation. Also, mushrooms in a dream can be seen as a symbol of eroticism and sexuality in your relationship.


Mushroom If you dream of mushrooms, this means unhealthy desires and an unreasonable rush to increase capital: this can lead to a lawsuit and deceptive pleasures. Eating mushrooms means humiliation and shameful love. For a young woman, such a dream foretells neglect of property and dubious pleasures in the future. Forest If in a dream you see a tree with young foliage, it means that all your plans and dreams will come true. Dead trees symbolize sadness and loss. Climbing a tree in a dream means quick promotion. Cutting down a tree or uprooting it in a dream means that you will waste your strength and wealth. Seeing a forest in a dream means changes in business. Green forests promise good luck, while leafless forests promise changes that will be detrimental to your interests. A forest fire promises completion of plans, well-being and even, perhaps, prosperity. If in a dream you wander in a dense forest, then you will face failures in your career and family disagreements. If you are cold and hungry, you are in for an unpleasant trip. Admiring the majestic green crowns in a dream, you receive a sign of future success and glory. Fallen leaves rustling under your feet can promise you loss. If you dream of a dead forest with withered trees, expect disappointment.


———that your work will be duly rewarded.


collect mushrooms for illness...

Why do you dream about wild mushrooms in the wild? Dream books are in a hurry to please, because if mushrooms could be eaten, and the dreamer collected them, then he will soon make good money. But in all other cases, such an image in a dream only foreshadows some problems. Its details will help you fully understand the meaning of the dream.

Gustav Miller's opinion

Why do you dream about mushrooms during a forest walk? If in a dream there was a whole clearing dotted with mushrooms, then the dreamer’s strong passion for profit takes shape in the subconscious. Such a person is of little interest in how to make a profit, the main thing is to get more and legally.

If you dreamed that you were looking for mushrooms in the forest, then the dream book warns of the likelihood of public shame. It is very important for women who are not married to remember this interpretation of the plot, as it will be problematic to restore their reputation.

Mushroom "hunt"

Why do you dream about collecting honey mushrooms not just in the forest, but in a nature reserve where this is not allowed? According to Medea’s dream book, you will find many minor difficulties that will not so much interfere as spoil your nerves.

But Sigmund Freud in his dream book told what it means to search for porcini mushrooms in a grove in a dream: the dreamer has increased libido at a given moment in time.

Did you dream that you were looking for mushrooms, but someone had already collected everything before you? Your intelligence leaves much to be desired. The situation can improve putting things in order in your own thoughts.

Why do you dream of poisonous mushrooms in the forest?

What can interpreters say about a dream containing, for example, toadstools? Soon they will try to trick the dreamer. Moreover, this will not be a random person, but someone you trust.

If in a dream, while walking through the forest, you came across a clearing full of mushrooms, but the joy was short-lived, since they all turned out to be inedible, then, most likely, some ambitious project that the dreamer so wanted to bring to life will remain just that only a project, and the sleeper will only waste his time and energy.

The dream book believes that incompetent people often dream of a plot in which they collected a lot of mushrooms, and then found out that none of them can be eaten.

Lost mushrooms

Why dream of picking up a whole bucket of porcini mushrooms, which were then stolen from the dreamer? This means that the sleeping person “warmed a snake on his chest,” answers the Modern Dream Book, “and soon this scoundrel may try to use you. Disappointment also awaits those whose mushrooms were eaten by worms in a dream.

And if you collected a lot of boletuses, but then lost the basket with them, someone will reveal your secret. Moreover, the larger the mushrooms were, the more serious the consequences would be.

A risky project awaits those who in a dream collected a lot of chanterelles mixed with poisonous mushrooms. However, Pastor Loff’s dream book can please those who still collected more chanterelles than toadstools with the promise of a successful risk.

Dreamed grove

To understand what the mushrooms in the forest that you saw in a dream mean, dream books recommend remembering what the forest in which you were looking for mushrooms looked like. Here are the main options:

  • coniferous - no health problems are expected;
  • deciduous - you will get rich;
  • mixed - you have power over other people’s opinions about you;
  • a forest that belongs in a scary fairy tale - you should postpone resolving issues;
  • with fairies and unicorns - suddenly you can make money.
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