The saying begins our fairy tales. Sayings and boring tales

How many-sided a fairy tale is! And meanwhile this folklore genre is divided into several more groups, one of which contains sayings and boring tales. This is comic folklore for children. A fairy tale not for the sake of a fairy tale, but for the sake of fun. Short, without main action and completion, these works folk art created to make the little listener laugh and confuse. An unexpected deception is revealed after the first two lines of the fairy tale, numerous repetitions and now the children have a cry of discontent or a cheerful laugh. Yeah, they fooled me!

Boring tales

Boring fairy tales can be put on the same level as nursery rhymes and jokes. With these short fairy tales, according to V. Propp, the narrator wanted to calm down the children who endlessly asked to tell fairy tales. And it’s not surprising that the boring fairy tales are short and at the same time endless: “... start reading from the beginning...”.

Often this is a funny short story that wipes away the tears of resentment in the child’s eyes because they don’t want to tell him a fairy tale. Children quickly remember boring fairy tales and repeat them with pleasure.

In some kingdom
In some state
Once upon a time there was a king, the king had a garden,
There was a pond in the garden, and there was crayfish in the ponds...
Whoever listened was a fool.

Do you want a fairy tale about a fox? She's in the forest.

It's summer outside, there's a bench under the window,
There is dace in the shop - the end of the fairy tale!

Once upon a time there lived an old man, the old man had a well, and in that well there was a dace; This is where the fairy tale ends.

There was a king named Dodon.
He built a bone house.
I collected from all over the kingdom of bones.
They started to wet it - they got wet,
They began to dry it - the bones were dry.
They got wet again.
And when they get wet, then I’ll tell you!

Once upon a time there lived a king, the king had a courtyard,
There was a stake in the yard, and a sponge on the stake;
Shouldn't we tell you a fairy tale first?

Crucian carp swam and swam near the dam...
My fairy tale has already begun.
Crucian carp swam and swam near the dam...
The tale is half told.
I wish I could catch a crucian carp by your tail...
It's a pity that the whole tale has been told

I'll tell you a fairy tale about a white bull... That's the whole fairy tale!

- Tell!
-You say: tell me, I say: tell me...
- Should I tell you a boring fairy tale?
-No need.
- You say: no need, I say: no need...
- Should I tell you a boring fairy tale? (and so on)

Tell a story about a goose?
- Tell.
- And she’s already gone.

Tell a story about a duck?
- Tell.
- And she went into the booth.


Saying- it is popularly known as a fable, a saying - it is repeated in many fairy tales, and follows before the beginning of the main story. Often the saying is not related to the main text of the fairy tale. She, as it were, anticipates, prepares listeners, opens a window into the world of fairy-tale action. The Russian saying is easy to recognize. These are 2-3 sentences repeated in many fairy tales. "Once upon a time, there were...", etc.

Sometimes a folk saying becomes a common noun and at the same time it is located in the main narrative: “Sivka burka is a prophetic kaurka,” “elbow-deep in gold, knee-deep in silver,” “...turn your front to me, your back to the forest.”

Surprisingly, a saying can also be located at the end of a fairy tale. Then she completes the story and the child listening or reading understands that the plot of the story is made up “... and I was there, drinking honey beer...”, “... it flowed down my mustache, it didn’t get into my mouth..”. Often these last lines make the kids laugh: “... blue your caftan, but I thought take off your caftan...”. Sometimes a fairy tale ends with a proverb and sums up or reveals the moral of the tale.


The tale begins from the beginning, is read to the end, and is not interrupted in the middle.
Mind you, don’t interrupt my tale; and whoever kills her will not live for three days (a snake will crawl into his throat).
On the sea and ocean, on the island of Buyan.
This is a saying - not a fairy tale, a fairy tale will come.
Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done.
In some kingdom, in some state.
In the thirtieth kingdom.
Far away, in the thirtieth state.
Under dark forests, under walking clouds, under frequent stars, under the red sun.
Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand before me like a leaf before the grass!
Fire from the nostrils, steam (smoke) from the ears.
It breathes fire, it breathes flame.
It covers the trail with its tail, lets valleys and mountains between its legs.
The brave man whistled like a column of dust.
The horse kicks its hoof and gnaws at the bit.
Quieter than water, below the grass. You can hear the grass growing.
It grows by leaps and bounds, like wheat dough on sourdough sours.
The moon is bright in the forehead, the stars are frequent in the back of the head.
The horse is running, the earth is trembling, fire is blazing from the ears, smoke is coming out of the nostrils in a column (or: fire from the nostrils, smoke from the nostrils).
Elbow-deep in red gold, knee-deep in pure silver.
Cloaked with the skies, girded with the dawns, buttoned with the stars.
The duck quacked, the banks clinked, the sea churned, the water stirred.
Hut, hut on chicken legs, turn your back to the forest, turn your front to me!
Become White birch, I have it in the back, and the beautiful girl is in front!
Stand before me like a leaf before the grass!
Clear, clear in the sky, freeze, freeze, wolf's tail.
Not to say in words (not in a fairy tale), not to describe with a pen.
A word is not thrown out of a fairy tale (from a song).
The fairy tale is not chasing reality.
The tit bird flew to distant lands, to the sea-okiyan, to the thirtieth kingdom, to the thirtieth state.
The banks are jelly, the rivers are well-fed (milk).
In a clearing, on a high mound.
In an open field, in a wide expanse, behind dark forests, behind green meadows, behind fast rivers, steep banks.
Under the bright moon, under white clouds, and frequent stars, etc.

At sea, on Okiyan, on the island on Buyan, there is a baked bull: crushed garlic in the backside, cut it from one side, and dip it on the other and eat it.
On the sea, on Okiyan, on the island on Buyan, lies the white flammable stone Alatyr.
Is it close, is it far, is it low, is it high.
Not a rock eagle, not clear falcon rises...
It was not a white (gray) swan that swam out...
The snow that was not white in the open field turned white... |
The dense forests are not black, they are turning black...
It's not dust that's rising...
It’s not the gray fog that’s falling from the expanse...
He whistled, barked, a valiant whistle, a heroic shout.
If you go to the right (along the road) you will lose your horse; you'll go to the left and you won't live.
Until now, the Russian spirit has never been heard of, not seen in sight, but now the Russian spirit is in sight.
They took them for white hands, they put them at white oak tables, for dirty tablecloths, for sugar dishes, for honey drinks.
Miracle Yudo, Mosal lip.
Get dead and living water.
Baba Yaga, a bone leg, rides in a mortar, presses with a pestle, and covers up the trail with a broom.

I was there, drank beer; the beer flowed down my mustache, but didn’t get into my mouth.
They began to live well, and now they live and chew bread.
They began to live well, make money, and become reckless.
I was there myself, I drank honey and beer, it ran down my mustache, it didn’t hit me, my soul felt drunk and full.
Here's a fairy tale for you, and knitting bagels for me.
Once upon a time there lived a king of oats, he took away all the fairy tales.
I was there, I sipped my ear together, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth.
I began to live as before, I don’t know how bad it is.
Beluzhins were served, but I didn’t have dinner.
He began to live, to be, to chew bread.
When he fills it up (has finished the ride, survives), then I’ll say more, but for now there’s no urine.
I was at that feast, I drank honey and wine, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth; here they treated me: they took the basin away from the bull and poured milk; then they gave me a roll of bread and I urinated in the same basin. I didn’t drink, I didn’t eat, I decided to wipe myself off, they started fighting with me; I put on my cap and they started pushing me in the neck!
I had lunch there. I drank honey, and what a cabbage there was - but now the company is empty.
Here's a fairy tale for you, and a bunch of bagels for me.

Sayings and boring tales for children are very interesting. They not only keep the child occupied, but also allow them to train their memory, develop their imagination, but also make the world of childhood wider and more interesting.

Fairy tales are something that helps not only develop a child’s imagination, but also expand it inner world, make it bright, exciting and full of adventure. Thanks to them, kids learn the concepts of good and evil and gain the desire to become like their favorite hero.

Each fairy tale is usually preceded by sayings. They are also present in Pushkin's works.

The concept of a saying

Since fairy tales relate to something, the approach to telling them should be appropriate. In order for a child to pay attention to the storyteller, he must be intrigued and interested. That is why Russian storytellers used so-called sayings to precede the beginning of the story.

The introduction to a fairy tale is not related to its content, but at the same time it explains where or with whom the events take place. For example, “there lived a king”, “in a certain kingdom, in the thirtieth state” and others. Also, a saying could become the end of a story, as if summing up an event or telling about the storyteller himself.

The sayings in Pushkin's fairy tales are not accidental, since he loved this type folklore and knew him since childhood thanks to his nanny, Arina Rodionovna.

Pushkin and fairy tales

The poet's tales are based on Russians folk tales, which he listened to and wrote down with pleasure. For example, the plot of the fairy tale about Balda, written on the Boldino estate, is based on a story heard and written down in the village of Mikhailovskoye.

Not only Russian fairy tales influenced the poet’s work. The content of “Tales of the Fisherman and the Fish” is “copied” from a legend from German folklore, and the plot “O dead princess" is similar to the Brothers Grimm's work about Snow White.

“The Legend of the Arabian Stargazer” became the impetus for the creation of “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel.” Knowing how folklore works, we can conclude that the sayings in Pushkin’s fairy tales are not accidental.

"The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"

This is an instructive poem old legend teaches children that they need to keep their promises. Sayings in Pushkin's fairy tales, examples of which are present both at the beginning and at the end of his works, introduce into them the techniques of ancient storytellers.

At the beginning they attract you to the plot. In “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel” the introduction sounds like this: “In the distant kingdom, in the thirtieth state, there lived the glorious king Dadon.” This technique is accepted by most storytellers, which indicates its significance and effectiveness.

Sayings in Pushkin’s fairy tales, examples of which can be found at the end of the work, are also clearly expressed in this plot: “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows lesson".

In some sense, the “afterword” in this example is more like the conclusion after an instructive fable. In a sense, this work of Pushkin is really more like a valuable lesson.

"The Tale of Tsar Saltan", "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

The concept of “saying” in Pushkin’s fairy tales about Tsar Saltan includes two introductory lines about the evening work of three sisters near the window. After this, the plot can go along any line, but the intrigue is already there, now it just needs to be developed. After such a seemingly ordinary beginning, the poet creates a truly exciting story, during which children experience an adventure and follow their heroes, who face danger, disappointment, and fear of loss. loved one. But still, a happy ending awaits them.

As in most folklore works, the sayings in Pushkin’s fairy tales at the end of the story are short and laconic: “I was there, honey, drank beer,” and the end of the phrase depends on whether the narrator has a mustache or not.

The poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” differs significantly from the author’s fairy tales, since his introduction in this case is quite long and detailed, although it has nothing to do with the content.

Usually, sayings in Pushkin’s fairy tales fit into 2-4 lines, when here it is a separate poem, better known as “At Lukomorye there is a green oak tree.” Narrating in it about the place of events, the poet creates a fascinating world that every child will want to get into.

The saying of the first and last chapters of this poem are the same words: “Deeds of days gone by, traditions of deep antiquity.” Thus, Pushkin, as it were, is not the author, but merely a reteller of events that occurred in ancient times and have come down to our time in the form of legends.

Progress of the holiday.

The Mushroom and the Jester froze under the fir trees. The Storyteller comes out.
Storyteller: My path is not far, not close,
I walked and walked, low bow to you.
Fairy tales are asked here.
Should I invite them, children?
Children: Yes!
The storyteller touches the Jester and the Mushroom with her magic wand. Heroes come to life. Mushroom: We kindly ask: come in
To our spacious book house!
We beg you: take a look,
How joyfully we live.
Jester: Good school today
The hall is on fire.
We are on our merry holiday
We invite all our friends!
Teacher: At the fairy tale a pure soul,
Like a forest stream.
She comes slowly
In the cool hour of the night.
The native people are its creator,
A cunning people, a wise people,
He put his dream into it,
Like gold in a casket.
The fairy tale was born a long time ago, before people learned to read and write. Fairy tales were composed by folk dreamers and told to family and friends. So the tale spread from mouth to mouth.
Storyteller: Let's open the curtain-veil
And before us for a moment
The wonderful forest spread its branches
And, holding back the excitement slightly,
Let's enter the world of fairy tales and miracles.
Today we will take you on a fascinating journey to the land of fairy tales.
Have a nice trip!
Mushroom: Miracles await us in this hall today.
Do you hear? They come alive here good fairy tales vote.

Storyteller: To invite a fairy tale,
We must repeat it loudly:
Fairy tale, fairy tale, tell me!
Children: Fairy tale, fairy tale, tell me!
Baba Yaga flies in on a broom and screams loudly. Baba Yaga: Beware! Disperse!
All over the place, stop!
What kind of gathering are you having?
At an inopportune hour?
Where have you seen me
Is there any fun here?
Enough is enough, friends.
Storyteller: Baba Yaga, why do you want to stop the holiday? Our kids want to have fun!
Baba Yaga: What do I care? I do what I want!
Storyteller: The guys and I called for a fairy tale. Where are you taking her?
Baba Yaga: I saw your fairy tale
At Koshchei's palace.
I can replace it for you
I'll change my face now.
He takes out the powder and powders himself.
I am a fairytale element,
I have a document
I fly on my broom
And I scare the kids.
Storyteller: What are you, Babushka Yaga,
Scary things are not allowed for children
We need to rescue a fairy tale.
Should we send you?
Baba Yaga: I won't even think about it.
Give me my broom.
Seeing the boys' pitiful eyes, Baba Yaga agrees.
Well! Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth. May good triumph over evil forever.
The video “Song about a Fairy Tale” plays

Baba Yaga: I'm glad to help you in trouble,
But I expect a reward from you.
Mushroom: Grandma, don't waste time
And fly for a fairy tale.

Baba Yaga: What a shameless man, what an impudent man!
Where did you see grandma?
I'm younger than all of you together.
I'll be two hundred by lunchtime.
Gore you, deprive you,
Move away and don't disturb.
He sits on a broom and flies away.
Storyteller: You can't kill evil, but you have to fight it,
Evil is laziness of the soul.
Let everyone in the morning
As soon as he wakes up
He will hurry to do good.

Teacher: While Baba Yaga is doing a good deed and looking for a fairy tale, I suggest you remember the fairy tales you have read.
Teacher: The old woman picked a flower from the garden bed,
I gave it to the girl Zhenya.
And in those petals Magic power.
Their girl Zhenya asked for something.
What should I say when tearing off the petals?
What is the name of this fairy tale?
Children: Seven-flowered flower.
Light, calm music sounds. A girl, Zhenya, comes out from behind the screen with a seven-flowered flower in her hands and picks off the petals. Zhenya: Fly, fly, petal,
Through west to east,
Through the north, through the south,
Returning, having made a circle,
As soon as you touch the ground,
To be, in my opinion, led!
Teacher: I didn’t tremble before the wolf,
I ran away from the bear.
And the fox's teeth
Still got caught...
Children: Kolobok!
Kolobok appears and sings a song. Kolobok: I am Kolobok, Kolobok,
Kolobok is a ruddy side!
I left my grandmother
I left my grandfather...
Teacher: Someone is walking through the forest
Carries a box on his back.
Pies smell delicious
What kind of fairy tale is this before you?
Children: Masha and the Bear.
A bear appears with a box. Calm music sounds. Bear: I'll sit, I'll sit on a tree stump,
I'll eat, eat a pie.
The bear leaves. Teacher: A good girl is walking through the forest,
But the girl doesn’t know that danger awaits.
A pair of feisty eyes glows behind the bushes,
Someone strange will meet
The girl now.
Who will ask the girl about her path?
Who will deceive grandma?
To enter the house?
Children: Little Red Riding Hood.
Little Red Riding Hood sings a karaoke song. Teacher: Unfortunately not all fairy-tale heroes were able to come to
for our holiday. But they sent telegrams, although they forgot to sign them. Let's guess together who sent us the telegrams.
The teacher reads telegrams. Teacher: “I ran to your holiday and broke an egg...”
Teacher: Who was in such a hurry to come to us?
Children: Mouse. Fairy tale "Ryaba Hen"
Teacher: “I can’t come to your holiday, my trousers have run away...”
Children: Dirty from "Moidodyr"
Teacher: “Save! Ate us Gray wolf
Children: The wolf and the seven Young goats.
Teacher: “When you hear thunder and knocking, do not be alarmed. It’s me in my little box rushing to you!”
Children: "Princess Frog"
Teacher: Trouble has happened in the land of fairy tales. Some items from fairy tales have been lost. Let's help find these objects and return them to fairy tales.Your task is to name the fairy tale from which this item is from.

1. In which fairy tale was the shoe lost? (Cinderella)

2. In what fairy tale did the princess bite off an apple and die? (The Tale of the Dead Princess)

3. In which fairy tale was the princess tested with a pea? (Princess on the Pea)

4. In which fairy tale was the golden key lost? (The Adventures of Pinocchio)

5. In what fairy tale does a stove come across children on their way and save them? (Swan geese)

6. What is the name of the fairy tale in which the girl lived in a flower? (Thumbelina) Baba Yaga arrives. Baba Yaga: For the heat, for the snowstorm,
Everyone scolds me, the hag,
And there is no more harm in me,
Than daisies in a meadow.
What, are you tired of waiting, kids?
Take it. Here she is.
Baba Yaga opens a bundle containing glitter and confetti. Throws them up. The Storyteller comes out. Storyteller: Just a moment of attention, everyone
I want to start a fairy tale.
The name of this fairy tale is
Hurry up and guess!
Is everyone ready to listen to your ears?
There will be a fairy tale, give it time,
The old man says to the old woman:
Bake for me...
Children: Kolobok!
A melody sounds and a grandfather and woman come out of the house.
Dramatization of the fairy tale "Kolobok" Grandfather: Oh, I wanted a kolobok
We have butter and flour,
So you should knead the dough
And she treated everyone to a kolobok!
Grandma: I will gladly get down to business,
Although the task is not easy
To make the dough fluffy white,
It's not just us who need flour!
You need attention and skill,
Don't forget about salt and sugar,
To make a better treat
Let me start kneading the dough!
The grandmother kneads the dough to the music and covers the tub with a towel when the music ends. .
Grandma: I kneaded the dough, added butter,
I'm exhausted, oh, how tired I am!
Grandma sits down on a tree stump and begins to doze. The dough-child picks up the towel and throws it away. Dough: I'll run away from the tub,
I don't want to be a kolobok.
I feel bad here
It's stuffy here.
Over the edge
Let's run!
I have a very rich dough,
I can't sit here.
I don't have enough space in the tub...
It's cramped, cramped, I'll run away!
Grandfather: Baba, the dough has run away!
Woman: Ay, ah, ah, where, where?
How did I oversleep?
What a misfortune, what a disaster!
Baba and grandfather catch the dough and carry it into the house.
Grandfather and woman come out and bring out round bread.
Grandfather: The bread was removed and it became quieter,
The bins are breathing hotly
The field is sleeping, it is tired,
Winter is coming.
Smoke floats over the village,
Pies are baked in houses.
Come in, don't be shy
Help yourself to good bread!
They offer bread to the spectators and leave.
Teacher: Let's play a game with you "Say the name". Guys! In almost all fairy tales the heroes are called double name, I will say the first name, and you will say the second.Koschei the Deathless
Vasilisa – Beautiful
Sister - Alyonushka
Boy - about the size of a finger
Ivan Tsarevich
Brother - Ivanushka
Tiny - Khavroshechka. Teacher: Thank you guys, you know the names of fairy tale heroes well.
Now let's check who knows fairy tales better. I will ask you questions, and you will answer.
Teacher : What song did the bun sing?Children: “I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather...”Teacher: What did the goat sing to her kids?Children: “You guys, you little goats, open the door, your mother has come and brought milk.”Teacher: What words can you call Sivka - Burka?Children: Sivka - Burka! Prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!

Teacher: What words did Emelya say when he addressed the pike?

Children: By pike command, according to my wish.

Teacher: What words did the girl Zhenya say when she tore off the petal?
Children: Fly, fly petal. Through west to east, through north, through south. Returning after making a circle. As soon as you touch the ground. To be, in my opinion, led!Girl Zhenya: We will grow up and become different,
And maybe among the worries
We will stop believing fairy tales,
But the fairy tale will come to us again!
And we will greet her with a smile:
Let him live with us again!
And this fairy tale to our children,
We will tell you again in good time.
Storyteller: My young friend!
Take it with you on the road
Your favorite fairy tale friends.
They will help you at the right time.
Find your dream and make your life brighter.
Now the moment has come to say goodbye,
We say to you: “Goodbye”
Teacher: Our holiday is coming to an end. Let's all sing the song Small Country together.
Children sing a song, and fairy-tale characters dance to this video. Teacher: Our holiday has come to an end. See you!

Entertainment “Tale by Tale” for children 7-8 years old

Author: Botvenko Svetlana Gennadievna, music director MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 27" Kamen - on - Ob, Altai region
Organize children's leisure time and cultivate interest in fairy tales.
Develop memory, observation, speech, intelligence.
Teach children to act united and organized.
Develop communication skills.
Illustrations for fairy tales, children's drawings, crosswords, fairy tale objects.
Preliminary work:
Reading fairy tales with children, conversations, looking at illustrations, dramatizing individual episodes, showing puppet theater kids.
(Music sounds and the Storyteller enters.)
Hello kids! Far, far away lies the kingdom, the vast state - the Land of Fairy Tales! There are many miracles and magic there. And whoever has visited it at least once will remain a prisoner forever. Because the trees there are the most bizarre, the mountains are the highest, the towers are the most painted, the birds are the most sonorous, and the monsters are the most terrible. I came to you to invite you on a long and interesting journey. The path is long, you need to pack the most necessary things with you. Here in front of you are “fairytale” items that will help you on your way: a comb, a towel, a vessel with living water, a ring, a self-assembled tablecloth, walking boots, a ball, a mirror. You need to choose three objects, but with this condition: you must name the magical properties of each and the fairy tale where this object is found.
(Children take objects, naming them and from which fairy tale.)
We've packed our things and hit the road!
(Fairy-tale music sounds, children walk like a snake around the hall. A guard appears.)
And who are you? What are you doing here? Anyone who loves and knows fairy tales can enter our country. I'll give you a test, you'll figure it out. fairy tale crossword?
From the letters in the highlighted squares, you need to add up magic words. Only then will I let you through.
Well, let's do the crossword puzzle?
1. One of the names of Vasilisa (the Wise)
2. The name of the king who sent Ivan the prince for the Firebird (Berendey)
3.Apples that give youth (Rejuvenation)
4.The tree most often found in fairy tales (Oak)
5. Weapons used by fairy-tale heroes (Mace)

1.The river where Ivan fought - peasant son(Currant)
2. Nickname of Nikita, who saved Kyiv from the snake (Kozhemyakin)
3. “Jumping... along the spruce forest, jumping... along the birch forest. Jumps and clicks from tree to tree” (Morozko)
4.Cat in Russian fairy tales (Bayun)
5. Who was the beautiful girl (Frog) bewitched by Kashchei the Immortal?

The magic word is COME TALE.
You have passed the test.
The path to a fairy tale is open to you. Good luck!

(Music plays and the Hut on Chicken Legs appears.)

How do we get into the hut? What words need to be said?
Hut, hut,
Stand with your back to the forest,
To me in front.
(The hut turns and Baba Yaga enters, stretching.)
Baba Yaga:
They showed up without getting dusty. They turned the hut around and woke up the old woman. I've been waiting for you for a long time, waiting for you. I have prepared for you not simple riddles, but about fairy-tale evil spirits.
Make grandma laugh, and then I’ll tell you some riddles.
Dance "Baba Yaga"
Baba Yaga:
Well done! They pleased, they pleased. And now the riddles. Who can guess the fastest?
1.Fairy-tale heroine, owner of the first aircraft. (Baba Yaga)
2. A fairy-tale creature, a forest dweller, the so-called Spirit of the Forest. (Leshy)
3. The loneliest representative of evil spirits. (Water)
4. Evil spirit of unknown gender: “either a man or a woman.” (Dashing One-Eyed)
5.What is the name of my sister, the mistress of the swamp? (Kikimora)
6.Where was the death of Koshchei the Immortal kept? (In the needle)
Baba Yaga:
All the riddles were solved. Move on, it’s a pity to lose such a delicious lunch, but what can you do...
(Music sounds, voices are heard.)
Do you hear who is speaking? These are the heroes of fairy tales.
1. “Are you warm, girl, are you warm, red one?” (Morozko)

2. “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out,
Shreds will fly through the back streets" (Zayushkina's hut)

3. “Alyonushka, my sister!
Swim out, swim out to the shore,
Cast iron fires are boiling,
Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka sharpen damask knives)

So we left the forest. And here’s another obstacle: “Fairytale Humor”
1. Which fairy tale talks about something unique of its kind? sports competition in high jump among males, the winner of which was expected valuable prize- kiss the princess and marry her. (Sivka-Burka)
2. Which fairy tale contains a recipe for preparing an outlandish dish with unique taste using carpentry tools? (Porridge from an ax)
3. Which fairy tale tells about how a hare became homeless, and a red-haired cheat took possession of all the hare’s real estate and only the intervention of a third party helped restore justice? (Hare Hut)
4. Name a fairy-tale character who goes out of his way. (Frog)
5. What is the name of Russian folk tale, which tells the story of the long journey of a baked goods product to the consumer? (Kolobok)
6. What is the most reliable means of orientation in fairy-tale situations? (Clew)
7. What is the name of the part of a woman’s dress in which rivers, lakes, swans and other elements are placed? environment? (Sleeves)
8. Say a name fairy tale character, who burst out laughing at the sight of the poorly constructed bridge. (Bubble)
9. What is the name of the sewing accessory in which mortal danger lurks for fabulous centenarians? (Needle)
10. What is highest achievement magical catering? (Tablecloth - self-assembled)
11. Name a high-ranking person whose smile was incredibly expensive. (Nesmeyana)
(Music sounds, a model of the palace and the Tsar appear.)

So we approached the royal palace.
Oh, you, guests - gentlemen,
How long did it take? Where?
Is it good or bad overseas?
And what is the miracle in the world?
Answer, king, what fabulous miracles do you know?
Flying ship, Two from a casket, Wooden eagle, Genie...
In fairy tales, kings give 3 tasks. I also decided to test you. Am I a king or not a king?!
Here's your first riddle: For what reasons did the kings send their sons on their journey? (For the bride, For the Heat - bird, For rejuvenating apples).
Second riddle: What reward did the kings promise? (Half of the kingdom, marriage to daughter)
Third riddle: Name the name of a king who lived so long ago that no one believes in it anymore. (Peas).
I’m sorry to part with you, but there’s nothing to do. And at parting, should we dance a merry dance, respect the king - father.
Russian dance “The moon is shining”
Yes! I haven't had this much fun in a long time. Anyway! I have important things to do, so you go! There is a river of fire behind my kingdom, tame it with magic words - you will leave my kingdom, but if not, your head will be off your shoulders. (Leaves)
Let's remember the magic spells.
By magic…
Farewell to earth - good luck!
Sivka - Burka prophetic kaurka,
Stand in front of me
Like a leaf before the grass!
So they overcame the river. Our journey through the Land of Fairy Tales ends. But now you can continue it yourself, because fairy tale path endless! You should open it new collection fairy tales, and off we go!
Song "Fairy tales walk around the world"
And I say goodbye to you with words from fairy tales: And I was there, honey, drank beer! And they began to live - to live, and to make good money! See you again!
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