Signs and their interpretation. value will take

Beliefs and superstitions can predict the weather, good and bad events, the harvest or a wedding. Russians folk signs formed over many centuries, they contain the wisdom of our ancestors. A black cat, thirteen people at one table, a cricket flying around a hut... For the Slavs, belief replaced the weather forecast, stock market analytics, and news reports.

Do you want to learn to understand Russian folk signs and apply them in practice? In this article you will find ancient beliefs that existed in Rus' for many centuries and have been carefully preserved to this day.

Household beliefs

Home and life - that’s what formed the basis of life common man(to be honest, it still does). Of course, kings, princes and boyars could afford to enjoy overseas trips and other imaginable and unimaginable entertainment. The majority of the population of Rus' rarely left their native district. Therefore, many Russian folk signs are associated with home and everyday life. Judge for yourself:

  • After dinner you forgot a spoon on the table - expect guests
  • To sauerkraut if it’s not missing, put an aspen twig in it
  • Don't swear or gossip in the house - the flowers will wither
  • After sunset, don’t borrow money so as not to fall into poverty.
  • Scratching your elbow - sleeping in a new place
  • In one hut they don’t sweep with different brooms (wealth will “disperse”)
  • Itches right palm- to profit, left - to loss
  • Put your clothes on inside out - either to get drunk or get beaten

As you can see, our ancestors noticed signs of fate even in the most trivial, at first glance, things. Centuries have passed, but many folk beliefs remain relevant to this day.

“Thin” (bad) omens

Probably the largest group can be considered “bad” Russian signs, warning of possible misfortune. How can one not remember the famous salt that spilled during a quarrel or a mirror that broke in the house! Apparently, the Slavs adhered to the principle “forewarned is forearmed.” We invite you to familiarize yourself with Russian folk signs that warn of trouble:

  • If you eat from cracked dishes, you will bring disaster upon yourself.
  • If there are moths in the house, then you need to prepare for losses
  • Do not wipe the table with paper - this will lead to a quarrel
  • You can’t give a knife as a gift, so as not to quarrel (the knife is “sold” for a pretty penny)
  • Finding a button on the street is a sign of imminent trouble.
  • They don’t say hello or goodbye at the door, so as not to quarrel
  • The brick fell out of the oven - expect big trouble
  • They don’t eat in front of a mirror so that they don’t “eat away” their health and luck.

The effect of many negative superstitions can be “reversed,” that is, canceled. For example, accidentally spilled salt should be covered with sugar, and fragments of a broken mirror should be buried in the ground. And if you are afraid of a black cat that suddenly crossed your path, then it is enough to spit over your left shoulder three times.

“Good” (good) omens

Not all beliefs and superstitions foreshadow the onset of bad events, and this is easy to prove. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of good omens compiled by many generations of Russian people:

  • A pin on clothes will protect you from the evil eye
  • An unmarried girl cuts her finger before the New Year - she will soon get married
  • Found a horseshoe - hang it above the door (there will be happiness)
  • Accidentally breaking dishes - good luck
  • Neck itches - look forward to a fun meeting with friends
  • - it means someone has fallen in love with you

Popular beliefs predict good luck for you - wealth or perhaps? In this case, you can be called truly lucky! After all, you not only have the chance to evaluate the veracity of ancient signs, you will also be able to do this completely without risk to yourself.

Russian superstitions about the weather

The weather had great importance for the inhabitants of Rus', many of whom were engaged in agriculture. Peasant families depended on the harvest no less than on the master. Therefore, it was very important to correctly calculate the right time for sowing, so as not to live from hand to mouth later. And Russian folk signs helped them in this:

  • There was a big harvest of rowan - the weather will be frosty
  • The dog barks all night - the morning will be foggy
  • A crow flies in circles above the house - it will rain soon
  • The cow is acting restless - frost is coming soon
  • Sparrows bathe in dust (for rain)
  • Birds fly low over the ground - it will rain
  • They performed on the windows Frost patterns- the winter will be long

Will the sun rise or will it rain? Fog will rise, or hail will destroy young crops... If you want to learn more about signs about the weather, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

Beliefs about animals and birds

During pagan times, people deified many animals and birds. As an example, we can recall the patron saint of travelers, traders and those interested in magical sciences. The Slavs did not regard animals as “our little brothers.” Rather, they treated members of the fauna as equals. Animals and birds are often found in folk tales, epics, legends and signs:

  • A magpie jumps on the roof of a sick person's house - to a speedy recovery
  • You can't kick the cat - otherwise the children will be capricious
  • A magpie is “talking” loudly - expect guests or news
  • If a cat reaches out to a person, then this is a sign of renewal.
  • They don’t spit on the doorstep so as not to encounter a wild animal (wolf, bear, mad dog)
  • If a man sings in the forest and sees a crow, then he will stumble upon a pack of wolves
  • Hearing the cry of an owl close to the hut - to the newborn
  • A cuckoo flies around the village - there will be a fire

Among birds, the crow deserves special attention. This mystical bird in the ideas of the Slavs became a conductor between Reality (or the world of the living) and Navy - kingdom of the dead. There are numerous beliefs, both good and bad.

Signs about evil spirits

Our ancestors had to “get along” with a whole host of evil spirits. In the thicket of the forest, a goblin was waiting for a person, who could confuse all the paths and roads. Mermaids lured unwary young men to the depths, tickled them and drowned them. Bannik could be scalded with boiling water (of course, if you show disrespectful behavior and anger him). Some Russian folk signs are dedicated to representatives of evil spirits:

  • Don't look out the window until dawn - you can see the devil
  • He who sits on a chair and dangles his legs shakes the devil
  • Don’t make loud noise in the forest, otherwise the devil will lead you into the thicket
  • Go to the forest for Ivan Kupala - you can find treasure
  • Don't swim during the mermaid week - it won't take long to disappear
  • After sunset, avoid bodies of water (otherwise the evil spirits will drag you away)

Of course, not all “evil spirits” sought to do dirty tricks on people. After all, there was also one whose duties included maintaining peace and order in the home. The brownie took care of family members and the household. For this he was supposed to be given a treat.

Probably, many people know the sign about accidentally spilled salt, which foreshadows quarrels, scandals and other troubles. What about sugar? Perhaps more favorable events await us? We will present you with some interpretations of the sign “why sprinkle sugar.”

It turns out there is effective method neutralize Negative influence scattered salt: to do this, just sprinkle a little sugar on the scattered crystals. In this case, a quarrel will be avoided, as popular wisdom claims. Scattering sweet crystals during a quarrel between spouses promises them a quick reconciliation.

Signs about sugar

There aren't very many of them. In the distant past, this was an expensive product that not everyone, but only very wealthy people, could afford. Once upon a time, sweet sand was made only from reed, which was an exotic plant in Rus'. This was the case until a way to obtain it from beets, which were beautifully grown in the vast expanses of the country, appeared. And despite this, for a long time, this product was practically inaccessible to low-income people due to its high cost.

Probably for this reason, all interpretations of the sign - scattering sugar on the table, on the floor, at the door, etc. - are interpreted as the threshold of the sweet life, luxury and pleasures. The signs about spilled sugar have some clarification. The place where the sweet grains fall matters:

  • Scattered on the table - expect financial profit.
  • On the floor - a harbinger of pleasant changes in personal life: interesting acquaintances, flirting. For married people, the sign portends new stage in a relationship, second honeymoon.
  • On the saucer - good luck in everyday matters.
  • Got on clothes - for new things and going out. For everyone, this concept is interpreted in its own way: for some it is a visit to the theater, for others it is planning a trip to a disco or a rock festival. In any case, this will be an appearance in a public place.

What can a person who spilled sugar expect?

Whether you believe in omens or are skeptical about them, most likely you will be interested to know how spilled sugar was treated in the distant past and how it is interpreted today.

Don’t worry if you accidentally spilled sugar on the table - the omen promises you a comfortable, sweet life. What does the word “sweet” mean in this case? It can be defined as happy, without sorrows and adversities.

Sugar at the door

Often, people who believe in omens and various mystical rituals pour salt and even earth at their doors on purpose. This ritual is negative or, in the case of salt, protective in nature. Sweet crystals accidentally spilled at the door promise you quick and pleasant changes in your home: renovations (although for many this is not the most pleasant event), major acquisitions.

The sign has another meaning - the financial wealth of family members (repaid debts, bonuses). And one more meaning - guests will come to your home, whom you will be very glad to see.

To the money

It turns out that it’s not a bad idea to sprinkle sugar today: the omen promises you to receive a significant amount in the near future, which will come as a surprise to you. Moreover, you will be pleasantly surprised by the source of your income - it could be a successful deal, a significant increase in salary, or an inheritance from a distant relative.

It’s good when the sugar crumbles in a heap. This portends you receiving a large one-time profit, which can be regarded as random luck: winning a dispute, a lottery, repaying a debt.

To family happiness

There was once a tradition for newlyweds to throw sugar on their wedding day. It was believed that the life of this couple would be happy and sweet. Sometimes only pinches were thrown, and sometimes even handfuls. However, today this tradition is not observed by everyone, since sticky sugar can ruin the outfits and hairstyles of the newlyweds, but the path along which they will walk can be lightly sprinkled with sweet sand.

To success in love

It turns out that this is why you need to sprinkle sugar! For a young girl, this sign can be interpreted as follows: she came to prepare for the beautiful actions of her faithful admirer and expect a romantic date. If a man spills sugar, the sign promises him to win the lady of his heart. And even if she is not too supportive, there is every reason to expect success.

To build relationships

What to expect if you sprinkle sugar in large quantities? The sign foreshadows the establishment of relationships with a loved one with whom you for a long time couldn't find common language. Your relationship will change very soon: mutual understanding and respect will come.

Sugar scattered on the floor promises gain peace of mind and inner peace, good luck in business. A bursting bag of sweet sand portends good news.

Rafinated sugar

If, before you took a bite of refined sugar, the sweet cube crumbled, this means that financial well-being awaits you very soon. A piece of refined sugar falling out of your hands and breaking portends a series of happy events.

For an unmarried woman

Success in love awaits everyone if you accidentally spill sugar! The sign is especially good for unmarried ladies. It is believed that sugar spilled by carelessness foreshadows their acquaintance with their betrothed. For this sign to work, you need to draw a heart on the scattered sugar.

Married ladies in this case will receive increased attention from their spouse. Family relationships will take on a new, romantic character.

The interpretation of folk signs may differ slightly depending on gender, age, marital status the person to whom they relate. If you believe in omens, then scattered sugar, as follows from all of the above, is one of the most pleasant of them.

Popular wisdom says: if you want to enhance the effect of a sign, then do not rush to remove sugar immediately. Before you start cleaning, wait at least five minutes and only after that collect everything that has been spilled. In addition, spilled sugar should not be thrown into the trash. Sweep it carefully and take it outside: by throwing the sugar into a bucket, you will deprive yourself of all the positive things promised by the sign. And one more tip: intentionally spilling sugar will most likely only bring you losses. Signs come true when everything happens by chance.

Nothing happens by chance in a person's life. Any incident, meeting, new impression can be regarded as a sign of fate. Signs are meant to interpret these signs - unique worldly wisdom, passed on as a pearl of folk knowledge. Therefore, interest in them does not subside, but only increases over time. We cannot explain everything even with superintelligence, which is why we turn to Higher powers for help. One of the most common is “stumble on right leg". What does it mean, and what can we expect in the near future?

History of signs

Popular beliefs say that man, as a weak being, consists of two parts: bad and good. TO bad side, or as it is also called half of the evil spirits, is attributed left side. The good side is the right side.

Everything related to right side, is the territory of the possession of the Guardian Angel, on the left - the dark spirit. Therefore, if a person stumbles with his right foot, then this means a warning and a warning about something bad.

Interpretation of birthday signs

If the number of your birthday is even and you tripped on the right foot of an even number, then it expects great luck and success in business. On the contrary, expect problems and troubles.

Stumbling on your birthday means that he remembers you close person, which in this moment wants to be close to you.

Interpretation by days of the week

The superstition “stumble on your right foot” has several more meanings if interpreted depending on the days of the week. Much depends on what day this unpleasant incident happened:

  • On Monday. Unpleasant guests with bad news await.
  • On Tuesday. Small expenses for nothing.
  • On Wednesday. Exercise caution while driving.
  • On Thursday. They are trying to deceive you. You need to be careful in financial matters. Do not trust unverified and unfamiliar people.
  • On Friday. A man with personal problems will come to your house. Only you can help him.
  • On Saturday. Illness of close relatives.
  • On Sunday. A big problem awaits you in the near future.

In some cases, a person not only stumbles, but also falls. What then will the sign mean?

  • If you stumble and fall on the right side of your body, you will soon find yourself in an uncomfortable and unpleasant situation. Friends or family will help you.
  • Your right leg gave out, but you fell and hit your left side? Changes are coming that will surprise you.

In any case, luck has left you for a while.

Where can you trip?

The place where this unpleasant situation occurred may also attract attention. If the place is sacred, then it will affect the person himself and his destiny. What could it symbolize?

  • Stumble in church. The sign says that a person has many sins, and they weigh on him. In another interpretation, this case means that there is a witch in the room.
  • At a wedding - to a long and happy marriage.
  • At a funeral - to trouble.
  • Leaving someone else's house, you will soon return there again.
  • At a holiday or feast, people say bad things about you behind your back and spread gossip.
  • Did your right leg give out when you got out of the car? There is a difficult road ahead and many obstacles.

Not worth it with special attention refer to the moment of tripping in several cases. If you accidentally caught your foot on something, for example, a bump in the road or some object, or you were let down by uncomfortable shoes.

In the awkward situation of a collision with a person or a painful spasm, the sign of “stumbling on your right foot” will not work.

What do psychologists and doctors say?

Stumbling itself is a signal that the brain is tired and requires rest. Trouble can also happen when a person thinks about something. Therefore, science is skeptical about such signs.

The very sign “stumble on your left or right foot” will work if it happened without specific reasons. Then we can talk about the intervention of Higher powers, warnings and impending troubles. But you can try to get around them too. To prevent bad things from happening, you can look in the mirror or spit over your left shoulder. There is nothing to be afraid of, but you should be careful.

Throughout human history, people have always noticed some strange patterns, after which something good or bad happened. Subsequently, these patterns were called signs and superstitions. Despite the fact that the vast majority of them are more likely a mere coincidence than a sign of fate, many people continue to blindly believe in them. So what do folk signs actually mean?

IN new house The animal must be allowed in first. People believed that a cat was able to identify positive and negative places in the house: it lays on energetically unfavorable zones and neutralizes them. And the dog, on the contrary, chooses favorable places where it is recommended to arrange a resting place - the bedroom.

Saying hello and goodbye on the doorstep means a quarrel. The fact is that the threshold occupies a special place in the system of mystical symbols. This is a kind of boundary between home and outside world, and inappropriate behavior can attract evil spirits. In addition, greeting a person or saying goodbye to him on the threshold is contrary to the rules of decency.

The broom should stand in the corner with the handle down. There is an opinion that a brownie lives with a broom - the keeper of the family hearth and well-being. Storing the broom in this position will increase its service life, and the “tenant” will diligently fulfill his duties (protect the house from the evil eye and evil spirits). By the way, it’s not for nothing that there is a sign of taking an old broom to a new home.

Do not place the bag containing the wallet on the floor. Remember the saying: “what falls, is lost.” This is how it is: everything that is dropped or placed on the ground is a symbolic offering of gifts to the gods.

Do not wash or sweep the floor immediately after the guest leaves.. This can harm the person who has left. Destroying his still remaining mystical traces is the same as driving him out of the house.

Keep broken dishes- Unfortunately. Broken dishes represents lack of integrity, defectiveness, and keeping it in the house can cause discord in the family.

Spill salt - to a quarrel. The thing is that in ancient times salt was very expensive product. Spilling this product on the floor meant causing displeasure or even anger of the owner.

Do not leave empty dishes (bottles) on the table. This portends lack of money. For this reason, housewives turn pans, pots, and jars upside down at night if they are empty.

It is prohibited to whistle in the house. The whistling sound resembles the howling of wind, which can cause damage household- take away the goods.

You can't go home halfway. This sign is explained very simply: having returned home from half the journey, a person has not achieved his goal for which he left his home.

Meeting a person with an empty bucket is a sign of failure. In the old days, if you met a person with an empty bucket, it meant that there was no water in the nearest well. Naturally, the one who walked on the water considered his trip a failure.

You should not open your umbrella completely inside the house. This can bring misfortune, because an umbrella is associated with clouds and bad weather.

Is it worth looking for mystical signs where there are none? After all, everything we believe in comes true, so believe only in the good!

Do you know that...

One of the most terrible signs is considered broken mirror. And this sign appeared in medieval Italy. Mirrors there were incredibly expensive, and in order for the servants to handle them with care, the owners came up with fairy tales that a broken mirror promised a whole list of misfortunes.

Who does a black cat bring good luck to?

Each nation has its own superstitions and signs that reflect the culture and mentality of the inhabitants of a particular country. Many signs different countries are similar to our beliefs, but most of them contradict the beliefs of our ancestors. For example, if our cat represents dark forces, then in England, on the contrary, it brings good luck. Let's learn more about the most common signs of other countries.

GREECE. In any self-respecting Greek home, a lush cactus grows near the threshold. Armed with sharp thorns, it effectively protects the home from various troubles.

CHINA. If a butterfly flies into the house, then expect guests soon.

JAPAN. The Japanese are not allowed to take pictures together. It is believed that the one who finds himself in the middle can bring destruction upon himself.

Additionally, in Japanese, the number "four" is pronounced the same as the word "death", and "nine" is pronounced the same as the word "disease". Therefore, local buildings, especially hospitals, do not have fourth and ninth floors.

ENGLAND. Despite our fear of black cats, in this country they are very loved and are even given to each other “for good luck.”

MALTA. On the island, in churches, there are at least two towers, the clocks on which show different time. It is believed that this will confuse the evil spirits, and they will not know the start time of the service.

SPAIN. You cannot leave scissors open - this will lead to loss and poverty.

GERMANY. You cannot slam the door loudly and sharply. The one who did this will be haunted by misfortune for a long time, because slamming a door can pinch someone’s soul.

ITALY. Temperamental Italians are afraid of peacock feathers, since on their edges there is a “ evil eye" For the same reason, Italian ladies do not like compliments. To protect themselves from envious people and unpleasant wishes, they wear a horn-shaped pendant around their necks.

A person spends half of his life in his home. Therefore, it is not surprising that with the house, family matters, there are so many signs associated with household items.


You need to stick a large knife into the door frame with the tip, then the sorcerer will not be able to go into the house.

If the door suddenly creaks, it’s bad luck.

Buckthorn is considered a good amulet for the home against witchcraft and the evil eye. When hung on doors and windows, buckthorn destroys the machinations of sorcerers and demons.


To prevent evil spirits from entering the house and to avoid the evil eye, simple pins are inserted into the door lock with the sharp end facing out.


A curtain breaks - a quarrel between friends.


Scattering ashes means a quarrel.


If something obscene happens in the house, the images are closed.

The icon fell - to death.


The painting fell - unfortunately.


Books should be kept in a closed cabinet, otherwise your head will hurt.

Indoor flowers

Indoor flowers influence the family situation in different ways: ficus brings prosperity and family happiness; climbing plants (ivy, liana) lead to discord.

You should not keep a palm tree in the house - it will lead to great misfortune and illness.

A plant with narrow leaves with a white vein in the middle (chlorophytum) is popularly called “Man, get out of the house!” It provokes divorce.

Geranium protects the house from insects (moths, bedbugs). A geranium leaf placed in the ear relieves headaches and ear pain.

It is good to plant a juniper bush at home or store something made from juniper wood. This plant expels evil spirits from homes and protects against all kinds of magical slander.

If it split flower pot- the fat is in the fire.

The flowers in the house grow well, there is peace in the family: the flowers wither - the house is restless.


Do not put an arshin (or a ruler, a centimeter) on the bed - to the deceased.

Garlic hung at the head of the bed helps with headaches and evil spirits.


You should not keep garden tools (shovel, hoe) in the house - a fire may occur


Soap in your bosom saves you from spoilage. Love talk is said about soap: “As soap clings to the body, so would a husband cling to his wife.”


Scissors that fall so that the blades stick to the floor portend a quarrel. If a similar incident is repeated two or more times within a month, divorce or adultery is possible in the family.


The blanket fell - the good guest is in a hurry.


You cannot spit through the window, throw out garbage, or pour out slops - there is a guardian angel under the window.

At a wake, a towel or piece of fabric is hung out of the window, and a vessel with water is placed on the windowsill so that the soul of the deceased comes to wash.

Accidentally seeing light in the window of your house is good luck.

Don't look out the window until dawn - you'll see something unclean.


If someone is carrying firewood for the stove and one log falls, there will be guests; the same if a firebrand falls out of the stove by itself. If a burning coal falls out, it means an angry guest.

Aspen firewood destroys stove soot.

You can't spit in the fire - blisters will appear on your tongue.

While bread is baking in the oven, do not sit on the oven - the bread will be bad.

A brick fell out of the oven - not good.

If the stove sweats, it means the housewife's tears.

The chimney is humming—someone’s soul is tormented.

If there is any rustling or ringing in the pipe, there will be a trial over a trifle.


You cannot say hello, say goodbye, or pass anything across the threshold - to a quarrel or loss.

If a young guy is sitting on the doorstep, then not a single girl will marry him - so he will die a bachelor.


If church candle burns unevenly in the house, leaves a lot of soot - the house is unclean.

You should not blow candles on the fire - pimples will appear on your tongue, you need to extinguish the candle after drooling on your fingers

A flame with soot is unlucky. When you light a candle in church, but it doesn’t burn for a long time, it leans or goes out - unfortunately.


Don't put your keys on the table - it's not good. A hat and keys on the table mean a quarrel.

An inkwell and a knife also mean a quarrel.

If you brush the crumbs off the table with your hand, there will be no money.

You can't sit on the dining table - one of your parents will die. v Clock

The wall clock falls - to the death of the owner of the house. Stopping on their own means a change in life. After the death of the owner, the clock stops or needs to be stopped specifically. 8

The clock striking at the wrong time means trouble.

Fur coat

The fur coat fell - to a big quarrel in the family.

Lucky omens

Accidentally scattering a box of matches (by the way, you need to collect them one at a time and take only the “leg” of the match, and not the “head” - this way you will collect wealth for the house, pen by penny, ruble by ruble);

Spill wine during a toast - Fate will appreciate your generous gesture and will compensate for the spilled hundredfold (only, of course, you need to spill wine accidentally).

Unlucky omens

If someone goes into the house with an open umbrella, all that remains is to wait for misfortune;

Drop a raw egg (no matter where, on the floor or a soft chair). If it remains intact, failures will accompany you all day long.

Signs for happiness and good luck

Thread and needle

Buy a needle on Monday, and on Thursday stick it and thread into your blouse on your chest, just walk around - everything will be fine.

If you sew and the thread gets tangled, you will live a long time.

Before the wedding, the bride and groom need to stick pins into their clothes so as not to jinx them.

A pin on clothes and a needle and thread above the door of the home protects against the evil eye.


If you don’t recognize a person you know, he might be rich.

Take money with your left hand and give it with your right - it will always happen.

If, having sold the first thing of all intended for sale, you touch it with money, then you will sell the entire product easily.

At the table

He who eats stale bread swims well and is not afraid of lightning.

Feed the excess bread to the birds - to happiness and prosperity.

At the beginning and end of lunch, eating a piece of bread with salt is good luck.

An apple fell from the table - to a meeting with your lover.

A tea leaf floating in a glass means a gift.

If bread and salt are offered, the larger the piece you bite, the greater your luck.

If you sit between people with the same names, make a wish. It will come true.

Signs - rules

Sweep not towards the threshold, but from the threshold, otherwise you will sweep away your wealth.

A woman oversalts her food, which means she has fallen in love.

The broom should be held with the handle down - money will be found and the house will be protected from misfortunes.

Sweep the house with a wormwood broom - the unclean will not come in.

When moving to a new house, carry an old broom with you so that you can take the good brownie with you.

Do not stir coffee or tea in the cup of a partner or relative - you will stir up a quarrel.

If something breaks, don’t be upset, fortunately. At weddings, it is generally recommended to break dishes so that the spouses have a happy life.

Finding a horseshoe is good luck. Hang the one found above the door - to long happiness.

Never pour boiling water into an empty cup or glass (first pour tea, coffee, or at least sugar into it) - you will set yourself up for poverty.

Leaving scissors open means a quarrel.

Don't sit on the windowsill - you won't get married.

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