The sign of “finding a knife”: meaning and consequences. Signs associated with a knife

Since ancient times, the discovery of a knife has caused controversial rumors. The fact is that objects and phenomena surrounding a person raise many questions and interpretation options. The knife was no exception.

The interpretation of the sign is complicated by the fact that the knife is an ambiguous object. It is also a tool, an instrument, a household item. But at the same time, we must not forget that a knife is a weapon, insidious and deadly. He symbolized the protection and freedom of man, acted as his protector from bad people and evil spirits.

At the same time, finding a knife is almost always a sign that promises bad things. The point here is that the knife always retains the energy of the one who previously owned it. The knife contains encoded information about how it was used. An ownerless knife may turn out to be the subject of murder, for example.

Finding a knife means separation

In the culture of Western European countries, a found knife promised separation from loved ones. The sign was considered true if the knife was also rusty. In general, finding a knife means punishing yourself with something bad.

According to legend, a found knife can symbolize quarrels, financial losses, or a break in relationships. If the weapon has a sharp blade, then life will present the finder with a lot of worries and trials. It is possible for a person to commit actions that will lead to shame and dishonor.

A broken blade warns of frustrated plans. Having discovered such a find, a person must be prepared that what was planned (even if there is no doubt about its implementation) may be upset, all hopes may collapse.

Find a knife - take someone else's sin

A found knife is almost always associated with negativity. It is believed that it may contain the black energy of its former owner. If crimes were committed with a knife, then the new owner seems to take on these sins. He may be tormented by remorse for uncommitted atrocities, and has nightmares at night. Nervousness and depression are noted. In ancient times, it was assumed that such conditions could lead to madness, when the person who found the knife suddenly decided to try on the fate of the previous owner of the knife.

If you find a knife, do not pick it up. It absorbed the energy of the previous owner, and since it is unknown who owned the weapon, it can absorb the negative program of the past.

Finding a knife means murder

Ancient people believed that knives had magical properties. It was believed that if an enemy was defeated with a knife (or a murder was committed), he would subsequently thirst for blood, informing the new owner about this. The latter will be overcome by evil impulses, a desire to continue his bloody activities.

Find a knife - take on someone else's curse

In magic, there are many rituals, the action of which is aimed at freeing a person from a curse by transferring it to another. To do this, the curse consists of some thing that is thrown away or thrown to someone. The person who discovers the cursed object takes on all the negativity. It is the knife, the edged weapon, that best “absorbs” and stores curses, passing them on to new owners.

The external manifestation of this process is a depressed state, depressive suicidal thoughts, inexplicable anxiety, and nightmares at night. Severe headache and muscle weakness are also characteristic. In the family, personal life, at work - everywhere there is a decline, quarrels and misunderstandings often arise.

Finding a knife means scandal

There is also a belief that finding a knife means scandal. Troubles, quarrels, scandals await the finder. A verbal altercation can end in a fight. Popular wisdom also notes that the finder may be subject to public censure and become an outcast.

Perhaps, such an interpretation of the sign is due to the fact that a person can be accused of not finding, but stealing a knife. Naturally, the real owner will be angry with the “thief”, which will result in a fight. It is clear that those around you will evaluate the act negatively - they will also be sure that the knife was stolen.

Finding a knife means death

A Russian proverb says: “I found a knife on the road, the tip of which is against the path; you must not lift it. You will find death." This proverb also has a more categorical version. You should not raise the knife, the sign promises to be killed by a dashing person - a robber, a bandit.

Other signs associated with a knife

There are many beliefs associated with the knife. Interestingly, for the most part, they are negative in nature.

It was forbidden to say the word “knife” at sea. It was believed that the ship was in danger of holes, a crash, and the crew was in danger of death. It is interesting that when going fishing in the open sea, the seas stuck a knife into the mast.

You cannot give a knife as a gift - it will cut off friendship or good relationships. To prevent this from happening, the knife is presented in exchange for something. It is also permissible, when accepting a knife as a gift, to give the giver a small coin.

It was believed that the knife saved from evil spirits. It was placed under the pillow of an unbaptized baby, as well as under the mattress of the newlyweds’ bed. The knife was previously wrapped in silk fabric. A knife was also placed in the head of the deceased - so that the deceased would not be influenced by evil spirits and would not go over to their side.

The knife helped women in labor deliver their babies. A sharpened knife was placed under the bed on which the birth took place. However, after the birth of the baby, the knife should have been removed from under the bed. If this is not done, folklore sources say, the woman will suffer from bleeding.

In the Middle Ages, knives were credited with magical powers: it was believed that by tumbling over 12 knives dug into the ground with the tip up, werewolves turned into a man, a wolf, etc.

You can't eat from a knife - you'll remain evil for the rest of your life. The sign has a completely logical explanation: when eating food with a knife, you can cut your tongue or mucous membrane. Bleeding wounds that take a long time to heal, naturally, will make few people happy and good-natured.

You can’t come into someone else’s house with a knife - it means there will be a quarrel. The explanation for the sign is also easy to discover: few hosts will like it if a guest comes with a knife in his bosom. It is not clear what to expect from such a visitor.

What to do if a knife is found?

The only correct way out of the situation, if a person accidentally finds a knife, can be considered the following - to pass by. Don't pick up the object and just pick it up.

Magic experts unanimously agreed that the knife stores the energy of the past, which is capable of subjugating a person.

The advice to avoid unattended knives also has a purely practical meaning. It is unknown who dropped the weapon and under what circumstances. It is possible that this item will arouse the interest of law enforcement agencies. Proving your innocence with a knife and, possibly, criminal acts is not always easy.

Turning to beliefs and signs allows you to learn about the history of your own people, their worldview, and way of life. Whether or not to believe existing signs is a personal matter for everyone. However, one cannot blindly follow the instructions of beliefs.

It is worth remembering that a person’s subconscious is plastic and, having programmed it for certain emotions, one can expect corresponding events. It is clear that you always need to set yourself up for goodness and success.

A knife is one of the most necessary items that performs many different functions. They can injure and even kill, protect themselves, make many useful things, and cook food. In a word, in good hands it is a helper and protector, and in evil hands it is a dangerous weapon. Naturally, there are many beliefs and signs associated with the knife. What does it mean omen “find a knife”, and what to do with the find so as not to get yourself into trouble?

What does a discovery in the form of a knife warn about?

In the traditions of all nations, finding a knife means receiving a warning about danger. This could be an attack, bodily harm, a quarrel, separation, ruin.

Our Slavic ancestors believed that finding a knife that lies as if cutting the path of the finder with its edge would lead to death. If the knife blade is rusty, get ready to part with the person you love. If it is broken, it means that there will be a dark streak in life associated with unexpected obstacles that will disrupt all plans.

But losing a knife yourself is a good omen. Losing a knife symbolizes getting rid of a major trouble or problem that could not be solved. Sometimes fate takes danger away from you in this way.

If you are unlucky and accidentally stumble upon an ownerless knife, do not panic and, especially, do not study the find, do not pick it up, do not pick it up. Just avoid it.

Knives tend to absorb the energy of their owners and therefore have powerful power. By appropriating such a find for yourself, you take away the fate of its owner, first of all, his failures, sins and bad thoughts, and therefore responsibility for them. This can manifest itself not only in troubles, but also in poor health, neuroses, depression and changes in personal qualities.

Any superstition only works if you believe in it and experience emotions about it - fear, anxiety, even horror. Don't focus on bad feelings, rather pay attention to your safety. Signs often give reason to think about whether you are doing everything correctly, in good conscience? The misfortunes that happen to us are not without reason. They are always based on our grievances, fears or bad intentions. If you find a knife, maybe it makes sense to reconsider your behavior and be kinder, calmer or more careful?

There are a lot of signs associated with a knife. The most harmless of them - a knife falling on the floor warns of an unexpected male guest. Other signs, as a rule, do not bode well.

Findings are never accidental. Most often they warn of unexpected turns

Over many centuries, our ancestors have collected many signs and superstitions associated with such an ancient and mystical object as a knife. Some of them are kind and good, but there are also many very negative interpretations. After all, the very duality of the nature of the blade makes it both a protective amulet and a dangerous weapon of dark forces.

Mystical essence of the knife

Any metal blade is a powerful clot of energy. Its charge can be positive, guarding and protecting the owner. But sometimes it happens that a knife falls into your hands in a difficult way. For example, it can be stolen, taken by force, or found on the street or in the house.

In such a situation, it is impossible to know exactly what forces are hidden in the blade and how they affect the new owner. However, there is a high probability that an item obtained unjustly will take revenge on the illegal owner, turning its aggressive nature against him. In addition, such a tool may even turn out to be a magical lining, charmed to bring about the evil eye or damage. So what to expect if you find an unfamiliar knife in your home?

Harmless find

Before you panic, you should make sure that no one at home has anything to do with this item. Maybe his friend lent it to her husband, or her mother-in-law bought it, deciding that there were no decent knives in the house? In this case, an unexpected acquisition does not threaten family well-being. You can safely use the tool for household needs without thinking about the bad.

Unwitting souvenir from friends

If, as a result of your investigation, you discover that an unknown blade was absent-mindedly left in your house by one of the guests, you should take urgent measures to ensure its immediate return. Otherwise, the blade may “think” that the previous owner abandoned it. And then it will begin to take revenge on people, spreading charges of negative energy around, which have a detrimental effect on a person’s aura, leaving gaping holes in it. Weakened body defenses are no longer able to fully resist disease and damage. Therefore, various health problems and family conflicts are not far off.

The machinations of evil forces

The worst option is interpreting someone else’s knife in the house as a magical lining. Apparently, not so long ago you had a hostile person visiting you, who gave you this thing full of dark energy, in the hope that its influence would make the situation in the family unbearable. In addition, a charmed blade can negatively affect your health, deprive you of luck and generally paint your existence in gloomy, depressive tones.

How to neutralize the negative effect of a sign?

If you find a knife simply forgotten by an absent-minded guest, invite him to return for the item as quickly as possible. However, you should not pick up the blade yourself.

If you find a blade that is suspiciously similar to the enchanted item, then it should be cleansed of negativity using running spring water, in which the silver cross was kept for a day. It will do just as well as holy water. It is better to immediately remove a knife treated in this way from the house, burying it away from human habitation.

To understand the key folk signs, you need to understand what a knife is as such. This is a tool (in the kitchen), a weapon (while hunting), a witchcraft tool (during magical rituals).

It is obvious that the knife is popular. And the main role here is played by the shape of the product and the material of manufacture:

  1. The handle is in contact with the human body, absorbing his thoughts, emotions, intentions. The formed energy message passes into the blade, which, due to its sharpness, enhances the potential of any action. Chop vegetables, kill an animal, draw a protective circle - all this is achievable without a knife, but the effect will be noticeably worse.
  2. Natural material has its own biofield. If the handle of a knife is wooden or bone, and the blade is metal, then the product develops its own aura. Plastic in this sense is weak and “empty”.

These properties of the knife explain its active “participation” in folk superstitions. The product receives energy from a person, develops its own personality and acquires the ability to warn or harm depending on the situation.

Find a knife - what do folk signs say?

Knowledgeable people have always advised to avoid random finds. It's no secret that along with some things you can pick up negativity. And folk signs say unequivocally:

  • take a knife lying on the road with its tip facing someone walking - to death;
  • pick up an unknown knife from the ground - be stabbed to death by evil people;
  • finding a rusty knife means parting with your loved one.

The “foundlings” have an unenviable reputation. Nevertheless, it is deserved: the knife is often used in rituals during which damage, illnesses, and curses are transferred to it. The same object can contain a devil or a demon. Sometimes a knife is deliberately plotted to cause harm to a specific person - in this case, the weapon is planted in the house, under the threshold, in personal belongings. Finding someone else's knife in your home is a clear sign of negative magical influence. It is recommended to immediately throw away the product, and then carry out energy cleansing (of yourself and the room).

Sometimes you really like a knife you find on the street. But you should not succumb to its “charm”: some conspiracies act in such a way as to attract random victims and not allow them to pass by. At a minimum, instead of a raised knife, you need to leave an odd number of coins, a valuable item, a good treat - to buy your way out of trouble. Although it is better not to take risks if a knife is found lying at a crossroads, in a ravine, in a cave, or stuck into a stump, into a wall, into the ground - such a weapon was definitely left there for a reason.

Folk signs about a knife as a gift

Traditionally, a knife is not given as a gift. It is believed that such a gift:

  • will attract all sorts of troubles and conflicts to the new owner;
  • “cuts” the bonds of friendship between the recipient and the giver.

From the point of view of magic, such folk signs are more than justified. Why? There are two main reasons, and each can play a role in a certain situation:

  1. It is not customary to refuse gifts, which means you can use a knife to cast a negative spell and literally hand it into the hands of the recipient. “In addition” to the gift, the person will receive something bad - troubles in love, financial difficulties, illness.
  2. The owner of the knife is the one who bought it. And the product may not like the sudden change of owner. In the best case, the gifted item will be lost (“it will go looking for the real owner”), in the worst case, it will begin to do harm (it will constantly become dull, cut its hands, attract negativity).

In return for a knife received as a gift, folk wisdom recommends giving at least a small coin. This will facilitate the conclusion of a kind of purchase and sale agreement, which will remove potential negativity to the maximum. But if the role of the giver is an enemy or an unpleasant person, it is better to ignore the norms of decency and by any means refuse the knife. An obvious magical “underlying” is more difficult to neutralize, i.e. a coin can weaken the influence of damage, but it is not able to completely eliminate its effect.

In any case, it is recommended to clean the gifted knife before you start using it. It is necessary to hold the product in salt, warm it over a fire, bury it in the ground or rinse under running water. All this will remove at least part of the unnecessary energy programs.

Folk signs about a knife that has become unusable

Since a knife is an extraordinary object, its breakage is also considered not the most common incident. Popular superstitions say:

  • a knife breaks when its owner is exposed to too much negativity;
  • the knife quickly rusts if the person using it has health problems;
  • the knife constantly becomes dull in cases where a person’s capabilities are blocked at the witchcraft level (someone performs rituals to close paths);
  • the knife accidentally breaks before a major quarrel or separation from loved ones.

Since the “death” of a knife indicates a certain amount of negativity that has manifested itself, it is recommended to carry out cleanings. It is also unacceptable to simply throw away the product: it must be buried under a tree (preferably oak), after saying a few farewell words. Such a “funeral” will not cause offense to the knife and will not provoke additional troubles for the person.

Signs about a knife in everyday life - in the kitchen and on the table

Since people mostly “communicate” with knives while cooking or eating food, the most relevant folk signs remain superstitions relating to this area. Among them the most common:

  1. Eating from a knife means becoming angry (sharp tongue).
  2. Playing with a knife means conflicts in the house.
  3. The knife fell from the table - a man will soon come to the house. If the sound of the fall was loud and clearly distinguishable, then the guest is someone familiar.
  4. The knife not only fell, but also stuck its tip into the floor - leading to a serious quarrel. If this happened during the process of slicing bread, then he would be dead.
  5. The knife fell with its blade in the direction of the person who dropped it - to an unpleasant conversation.
  6. Pointing a knife at someone means provoking illness in a person.
  7. Cutting bread with not one, but two different knives means misunderstanding in the family.
  8. Leaving a knife stuck in bread on the table means financial problems and hunger.
  9. Not removing the knife from the table at night means inviting trouble for yourself. Basically they say that the brownie will cut himself, get offended and begin to harm his careless owners. But there is also a version that evil spirits will play with a forgotten knife, and the devil will be able to stab the owner of the house with it.
  10. Putting knives crossed on the table means trouble. Crossing a knife with a fork or spoon means death.
  11. Sharpening a knife for a pregnant woman means harming the unborn child.
  12. Holding a knife in your hand and cursing it means offending the product and incurring its wrath. Don't be surprised by sudden cuts - this is a kind of revenge.

The knife should be taken seriously, as it easily catches and conveys negativity. But if they are “friendly” with the product, then, on the contrary, it will help the owner and protect him from troubles.

Signs about knives as amulets

Some simple rituals based on folk superstitions about the knife as a protector have survived to this day:

  1. Sticking a knife into the frame of the front door or into the wall means protecting yourself from evil spirits and evil people. Additionally, it is recommended to read the plot: “The knife is sharp, my tongue is cunning, it weaves and weaves, it diverts and drives away the enemy, it confuses their paths, it twists paths for them, so that they don’t come to me, so that they don’t harm me.”
  2. Put a knife under your pillow to protect yourself from any troubles. Such an amulet is placed in the cradle of an unbaptized baby, in the bed of a pregnant woman or newlyweds. Be sure to make a reservation: “From troubles and misfortunes, from blasphemy and sums, from black sorcerers and unclean witches.” It was especially advised to keep a knife under the pillow during funeral rites so that the deceased would not cling to the person.
  3. Godparents should step over the knife when leaving the house for the christening - to protect the child from evil spirits.
  4. Draw a circle around yourself with a knife - protect yourself from werewolves, ghosts, witches and other evil forces.
  5. Cross all the windows and doors of the house with a knife, and then stick it into the threshold - protect your home from the machinations of evil spirits and black magicians.
  6. Stick a knife into the ground - protect yourself from thunderstorms and storms. And if you throw a weapon into a tornado at an intersection, you can injure the devil.
  7. Stick a knife into the wall of an empty barn - make a talisman for livestock against wild animals. At the same time they said: “The bear shouldn’t eat fresh meat from this knife, don’t tear our cow, don’t harm our cattle.” Only then were the animals brought into the barn.
  8. Straining milk through a knife means protecting the cow from the witch who is spoiling it. The witch, in order to harm the animal, thrusts a knife into a post, tree or plow.
  9. Sticking a knife into the bottom of the table during a feast will “protect” food from overly hungry guests (they will eat less food than usual).

The most powerful ritual was considered to be stabbing a knife into the ground. This technique was used in any unclear situations. For example, if a person suddenly met mermaids in the forest, he drew a circle around himself, inserted a knife into the ground - and the evil spirits did not notice him. In a similar way they escaped from wolves, goblin, hail, storms, witches, etc.

Ideally, each person should have their own knife. Then any folk signs will be more accurate for him, and the protection will be as complete as possible. It’s not for nothing that the Russian proverb says: “A knife is a comrade on the road.” This weapon is suitable for work not only in the material, but also in the subtle world.

It's no secret that the knife is one of the most ancient tools invented by man. Nowadays, it plays the role of both an indispensable household tool and a dangerous piece of bladed weapon, which is why many have ambivalent attitudes towards this item. And when they see it on the street, they try to avoid it: people are afraid that the find does not bode well for them. In this article we will try to answer the question: “What to do if you find a knife?” The most basic signs associated with it will also be discussed.

Signs about the knife

Not all piercing and cutting objects are negative. It would seem, what danger could a small penknife pose, suitable only for sharpening pencils, removing chewing gum from the sole or digging out firmly stuck nails? What can we say about a tool designed for cutting bread, or one that a master uses when turning his masterpieces out of wood? How evil is this! Totally positive, nothing less. Our ancestors understood this, using a knife as a powerful amulet. For example, he was placed in a cradle with a baby before baptism: whoever looked at the little one in a bad way would immediately get hit. The instrument was stuck into the wall of the barn to protect livestock from disease, and pregnant women hid it under their pillow, believing that it could protect them at night from the influence of demonic forces.

At the same time, other emotions arose in a person if he managed to find a knife. The sign said that it was better not to pick it up, because it was unknown who owned this item before. For example, if its owner is a murderer who killed an innocent person, then the negative energy will be transmitted through the weapon to the person who discovered it. Our ancestors knew why to find a knife. They were sure that such a find, brought into the house, would bring troubles and misfortunes, illnesses and bad dreams to the home.

Where was the knife found?

When trying to interpret the signs associated with a knife, pay attention to the place where you found it. Most often, such locations are fields and river banks, where mushroom pickers can drop it. In this case, the find foreshadows various kinds of troubles: monetary losses, quarrels, separation, illness. In a word, a complete package of “all the delights of life.” One good thing: problems won't follow you if you don't touch the blade. At least that's what the sign says. Therefore, when you see such an object, run away from that place as quickly as possible.

It is much worse to find someone else’s large knife not in nature or on city streets, but in your own home: behind a closet, under a nightstand, in the basement, and so on. Most likely, they planted it on you after damaging a sharp object. In this situation, you need to do the right thing: psychics advise carefully wrapping the knife in a scarf, without touching it with your bare hands, and burying it away from the house. When you return, wash your hands with holy water, sprinkle it on every nook and cranny of your home, walls, and floor. In addition, light a church candle and walk around the rooms with it. Stop only in those places where the wick begins to “hiss” - let it burn out all the evil spirits from your home.

Find in the forest

If a person is very suspicious, then any sign can throw him off balance. Finding a knife in the forest, for example, portends the loss of something important to you, separation from a loved one. It's very bad if you pick up an item. In this case, you may lose your home - this sign is considered especially accurate if the blade of your find is rusty. In addition, a cutting object found in a thicket promises you problems of a different nature. These could be financial difficulties, disagreements with colleagues, activation of a chronic illness, and so on.

Old or new?

By the way, the condition of the discovered item is very important. Thus, a brand new and sharp knife is a symbol of difficult trials that will soon be encountered on a person’s path. The discovered arsenal seems to warn: be careful not to cut yourself! At the same time, a broken blade indicates that the plans on which you have high hopes will soon collapse. What was conceived is not destined to become reality. If there is rust on the knife, this is a warning about separation from a loved one. Moreover, it will not happen on your initiative, making you shed a lot of tears.

Is it worth choosing?

Someone is afraid of discovering a dangerous object on their way, and someone is specifically trying to find a knife - the omen does not scare him. Most likely, such a person is a collector of ancient tools. And the search for an ancient arsenal is a way of life for an individual. Of course, an ordinary person who sees a knife on the road would be better off passing by. This is easy to do if the find is simple, old or broken. What to do when you can see with the naked eye that you have found a valuable ancient object? To protect yourself from the negative energy of the previous owner, take into account these useful tips.

If you want to leave...

Finding a knife is a bad omen. Therefore, if you want to take the arsenal to your home, perform a few simple rituals: they will protect you from the negative impact of the find. First, after picking up the knife from the ground, throw a coin at the place where it was lying. Thus, you make a deal with dark forces, buying back the thing you need. After this, she begins a new life in your hands, having lost her previous aura. For some peoples, this ritual not only cleans the knife, but also magically turns it into a lucky thing - a talisman that will bring good luck. The dreams of the owner of such bladed weapons will certainly come true, and his hopes will come true.

The most suspicious and superstitious are offered another solution to the problem - read the “Our Father” prayer over the find, sprinkle it with holy water and mentally turn to the angels, asking them to protect you from dark forces. In addition, to cleanse an object of evil energy, it can be lowered into a fast-flowing river or a spring. They say that water perfectly removes all negativity.

Loss value

Losing a small or large knife is also the same. For a man, the disappearance of this object is a symbol of danger threatening his life. This belief is especially popular in the Scandinavian countries; it was from there that it came to Russian lands. The stern Vikings, and after them the Moscow princes, feared this sign like fire. In the old days, the presence of any weapon nearby guaranteed the life of its owner. When it disappeared, the warrior panicked: nothing could protect him anymore. Therefore, even today, the loss of a knife for a man is a warning of an impending threat. As for women, for them such a loss is a sign of family troubles and health problems.

We neutralize the effect of the lining

And in the end, I would like to tell you what to do if you find a sharp knife in the house, being sure of the lining. You can neutralize negativity with simple steps:

  • Rub your body with salt and rinse with warm water, imagining how the negative energy leaves along with the flow.
  • When you get out of the shower, put on clean clothes. Comb your hair.
  • Open all the windows wide and set fire to a St. John's wort branch in a saucer.
  • Start cleaning: first wipe all mirrors clockwise, then wash the floor with water in which sea salt is dissolved.
  • Light a candle by passing it across the front door: from right to left. First draw a line at the eye level, then in the area of ​​the lock and handle. Go around all corners of your home with a candle.
  • Wash your hands and don't think about bad things anymore. After all, as you know, bad thoughts materialize.

As you already understand, nothing but trouble awaits a person if he is “lucky” to find a knife: this is a bad omen. Therefore, if you see an object on the street, it is better to pass by. If you don’t believe in magic, you can safely take the weapon. Skepticism alone will protect you from the influence of dark forces.

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