Life scenario


Save love Love is a high, pure, beautiful feeling that people have sung since ancient times. Love, as they say, never gets old. If we erect a certain literary pedestal of love, then, undoubtedly, the love of Romeo and Juliet will be in first place. This is perhaps the most beautiful, the most romantic, the most

tragic story

, which Shakespeare told the reader. Two lovers defy fate, despite the enmity between their families, despite everything. Romeo is ready to give up even his name for the sake of love, and Juliet agrees to die in order to remain faithful to Romeo and their high feeling. They die in the name of love, they die together because they cannot live without each other:

There is no sadder story in the world,

What is the story of Romeo and Juliet... However, love can be different - passionate, tender, calculating, cruel, unrequited... Let us remember the heroes of Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” - Bazarov and Odintsova. Two collided equally strong personalities. But, oddly enough, Bazarov turned out to be capable of truly loving. Love for him became a strong shock, which he did not expect, and in general, before meeting Odintsova, love did not play any role in the life of this hero. All

human suffering

, emotional experiences were unacceptable for his world. It is difficult for Bazarov to admit his feelings primarily to himself. And what about Odintsova?.. As long as her interests were not affected, as long as there was a desire to learn something new, she was interested in Bazarov. But as soon as the topics for general conversation were exhausted, interest disappeared. Odintsova lives in her own world, in which everything goes according to plan, and nothing can disturb the peace in this world, not even love. For her, Bazarov is something like a draft that flew into the window and immediately flew back out. This kind of love is doomed. and ended up in a madhouse. There he hopes that Margarita will forget him. Of course, the hero was also influenced by the failure that befell his novel. The master runs from the world and, above all, from himself.

But Margarita saves their love, saves them from the Master’s madness. Her feeling for the hero overcomes all obstacles that stand in the way of happiness.

Many poets have written about love. I really like, for example, the so-called Panaevsky cycle of poems by Nekrasov, which he dedicated to Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva, the woman he passionately loved. Suffice it to recall such poems from this cycle as “ Heavy Cross fell to her lot...”, “I don’t like your irony...” to say how strong the poet’s feeling was for this beautiful woman.

And here are the lines from a wonderful poem about love by Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev:

Oh, how murderously we love,

As in the violent blindness of passions

We are most likely to destroy,

What is dear to our hearts!

You said: she is mine.

Oh, how murderously we love,

As in the violent blindness of passions

We are most likely to destroy,

What is dear to our hearts!

How long ago, proud of my victory,

You said: she is mine...

A year has not passed - ask and find out,

What was left of her?

And, of course, we cannot help but mention here love lyrics Pushkin.

I remember a wonderful moment:

You appeared before me,

Like a fleeting vision

Like a genius of pure beauty.

In the languor of hopeless sadness,

In the worries of noisy bustle,

And I dreamed of cute features...

Pushkin presented these poems to Anna Petrovna Kern on July 19, 1825, on the day of her departure from Trigorskoye, where she was visiting her aunt P. A. Osipova and constantly met with the poet.

I want to finish my essay again with lines from another poem by the great Pushkin:

I loved you: love is still, perhaps,

My soul has not completely died out;

But don't let it bother you anymore;

I don't want to make you sad in any way.

I loved you silently, hopelessly,

Now we are tormented by timidity, now by jealousy;

I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,

How God grant that your beloved be different.

“Many people in the world do not believe in love” (M. Yu. Lermontov).

... I love you - I will love you forever.

Curse my passion

Merciless souls

Cruel hearts!..

N. M. Karamzin.

What does he value in modern world Human? Money, power... These base goals are pursued by society. When pronouncing the word “love”, they mean only animal instincts, physical need. People have become robots, and the slightest manifestation of feelings and emotions seems ridiculous and naive. The spiritual values ​​of society are dying... But there are still people who have not lost the ability to have high feelings. And glory to those who love or have ever loved, because love is a feeling that lifts you to the heights of life, lifts you to the skies...

Which of the heroes of the story by A. I. Kuprin “ Garnet bracelet“believes in true love? Anna Nikolaevna? No, it's unlikely. She married a very rich man, gave birth to two children... But she can’t stand her husband, ridicules him contemptuously and is sincerely glad when someone distracts Gusilav Ivanovich from her. Anna does not love her husband, she is simply satisfied with her own position: beautiful, rich... And she can flirt without any special consequences.

Or, for example, Anna Nikolaevna’s brother, Nikolai. He almost married a rich and beautiful lady. But “the lady’s husband did not want to give her a divorce.” Most likely, Nikolai Nikolaevich did not believe in a real feeling, because otherwise he would not have broken up his family. Nikolai Nikolaevich is cold and his attitude towards Zheltkov, the way he treats him, proves that Bulash-Tugomovsky is not able to understand high feelings.

Unlike Nikolai, Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein, Vera Nikolaevna’s husband, understands and even accepts the telegraph operator’s love for his wife. If at first Vasily Lvovich tracks down the manifestation of any feelings, then after meeting with G.S.Zh., after Shein realized that Zheltkov really truly, unselfishly, selflessly loved Vera Nikolaevna, he begins to believe that sincere feeling exists: “ he to blame for love, and is it really possible to control such a feeling as love...”

General Yakov Mikhailovich Anosov was once married. But he himself admits that this marriage was not built on true love. “...People in our time have forgotten how to love,” he says to Vera Nikolaevna. “I don’t see true love. And I didn’t see it in my time!” Another story from the life of the general that he tells is about a Bulgarian girl. As soon as they met, passion instantly flared up, and, as the general himself says, he “fell in love immediately - passionately and irrevocably.” And when he had to leave those places, they swore to each other “eternal mutual love" Was there love? No, and Anosov does not deny this. He says: “Love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world. No life conveniences, calculations or compromises should concern her.” And, perhaps, if Anosov truly loved the Bulgarian girl, he would do everything just to stay next to her.

Anosov told a couple of stories about a feeling more like devotion than true love. And these are just two cases of “true love” that Anosov recognized throughout his life. long life.

He believes that every woman dreams of “single, all-forgiving, ready for anything, modest and selfless” love. And women are not at all to blame for the fact that “people’s love has taken such vulgar forms and has simply descended to some kind of everyday convenience, to a little entertainment.”

General Anosov believes that women (probably as stronger and more romantic creatures) are capable, unlike men, “of strong desires, heroic deeds, to tenderness and adoration before love.”

Apparently, Princess Vera Nikolaevna was mistaken about what real feeling is. She is sure that she loves Vasily as before, but her “former passionate love for her husband has long turned into a feeling of lasting, faithful, true friendship.” This is undoubtedly a good feeling, but it is not real love.

The only hero of the story who experiences a sincere feeling is Zheltkov. His beloved is tall, with a gentle, but cold and proud face, the beautiful Vera Nikolaevna. He loves the princess, disinterested, pure, perhaps slavish love. This love is real. She is eternal: “I know,” says Zheltkov, “that I can never stop loving her...” His love is hopeless. “I am not interested in anything in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people - for me, my whole life ends only in you,” writes Zheltkov to Vera Nikolaevna. For Zheltkov, there is no one more beautiful than Sheina.

May be, life path Faith was crossed by the love that women dream about. Having lost Zheltkov, the princess realized that “the love that every woman dreams of has passed her by.”

Quite often, others do not accept and even condemn those who believe in love. “Fools,” they say, “why love, suffer, worry, if you can live calmly and carefree.” They believe that the one who truly loves sacrifices himself. Perhaps these people are right. But they will never experience those happy moments of love, as they are cold and insensitive...

Epigraph: “It’s easier to live without love. But without it there is no point.” (L.N. Tolstoy)

What is love? This question undoubtedly worries every person. It is not for nothing that many works are devoted to the eternal problems of love. fiction. This topic especially worried the great Russian writers: A.P. Chekhov, I.S. Turgeneva, I.A. Bunina, A.I. Kuprina. Each of them had his own, personal attitude towards love experiences, which were either a serious test for their heroes, or became the cause of heavy drama, or led to serious thoughts and spiritual renewal.

As the main character of Chekhov’s story “About Love,” Pavel Konstantinovich Alekhine, argues, the Russian intelligentsia, who are very interested in questions of love, complicates everything and prefers to “decorate their feelings with fatal questions”: honest or dishonest, smart or stupid, and what all this can lead to ? In his opinion, love does not tolerate any laws, and for each lover or lover it manifests itself in its own way.

Other people's experience is completely useless. It was precisely doubts about the correctness of his attraction that prevented Alekhine himself from loving Anna openly and boldly, admitting this not only to her, but also to himself. The understanding that there should be no barriers or reservations for love came to him too late and brought only pain and sad memories. And yet he realized his fatal mistake: “I realized that when you love, then in your reasoning about this love you need to proceed from the highest, from something more important than happiness or misfortune, sin or virtue in their current sense, or you don’t need to reason at all." I understood, but I was already deeply unhappy.

Turgenev writes in his story “Asya” about how important it is not to overlook your happiness.

Main character N, like Alekhine in Chekhov’s story “About Love,” begins to understand how strong his feelings for Asya were only when he lost her love forever. He ruined everything with his indecisiveness and rationality. In general, he was afraid of the girl’s bright and strong feelings, offending her and pushing her away. Years later, he, “having lost all winged hopes and aspirations,” sacredly keeps objects that remind him of Asa, and yearns in complete loneliness.

About difficulties love relationship Bunin and Kuprin also wrote. But they approached this topic differently. For Bunin, love is a strong and at the same time disturbing emotion. Sometimes everything ends in tragedy, because the actions of heroes in love are not always noble and honest. Passionate and irresponsible feelings are destructive. Thus, in the story “Caucasus,” a deceived husband kills himself because of the betrayal of his wife, who loved another man and secretly went on vacation with him to the Caucasus, although she was afraid and suffered. Her stolen love was not happy, unlike Verochka’s love in Kuprin’s story “The Lilac Bush”. Vera not only loves her husband Almazov, but sacrifices a lot for him, supports him and helps him in everything. Love gives strength for this, which Vera needs also because Almazov is weak, nervous and not very clever man. But that doesn't matter to her. She is happy when her husband is calm and satisfied with himself.

Love is a very strong and multifaceted feeling. Its power can be directed towards both creation and destruction. No matter how much one thinks, no matter how much one writes, each person finds the answer to the question of what love should be for himself. The poet K. Janet said this simply and accurately:

Two guys argued so heatedly

That anyone would hear them.

They talked again and again

About what love is.

“Love is joy!” - one said.

“No, victim,” replied another.

“Love is a power that is higher than all pitchforks!”

“No is weakness,” said another.

"Love is happiness! Love is light!” -

One shouted with inspiration.

“Happy love does not exist and does not exist,” -

The other answered gloomily.

Realizing that their conversation had reached a dead end,

The friends approached the old man.

“Father, will you help resolve this dispute,

You have seen a lot throughout your life."

But he answered them: “It’s difficult for you, friends,

Understand where the truth is and where the lies are.

Unfortunately, love cannot be explained:

If you fall in love, then you will understand!”

Updated: 2018-04-26

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The theme of love in the works of Russian writers has existed since time immemorial. And each author has his own point of view regarding the definition of the word love. In this essay I will try to consider the different points of view of the authors on the stories of Chekhov “About Love”, Bunin “Caucasus” and Kupin “The Lilac Bush”.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's story “About Love” is the final story in the “little trilogy”. These stories are united by one theme - “case existence”. But it is in the story “About Love” that Chekhov talks about the most terrible case. Alyohin talks about the history of his relationship with Anna Luganovich. Lovers hide their feelings from each other, fearing misunderstandings and non-reciprocity. By hiding these feelings, the heroes turn love into torment. Thus, Chekhov shows that no matter what your feelings are, you shouldn’t hide them.
Nikolai Alekseevich Bunin’s story “The Caucasus” marked the beginning of a series of short stories “ Dark alleys" Bunin believes that love should be bright, swift, fast, but not long, measured and lasting. In the story "Caucasus" Bunin shows the story of two lovers, but main problem in their regard is that the heroine of the story is married. And she begins to understand that her husband suspects something. And in order to be alone and take a break from the eternal lies and wearing a mask, the lovers decide to run away to the sea. With the help of antitheses, the author shows us the feelings of the heroes in the city and on the seashore. So, for example, in Moscow “there were cold rains”, and in the south “it seemed that there would never be an end to this peace, this beauty.” And the story ends with the fact that the husband nevertheless recognized the betrayal, and, unable to bear it, he “shot himself in the temples with two revolvers.” Leaving lovers a chance to live in happiness
But Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin’s opinion about the concept of love in the story “The Lilac Bush” is the opposite of Chekhov’s. Kuprin believes that love must be real and sacrificial. The heroine of the story is a devoted woman who tries in every possible way to empathize with her husband. She gives herself completely to her husband and love. When the heroine saw her husband upset and feeling desperate, she tried in every possible way to find out what had happened and console her husband. “She learned to meet every failure with a clear, almost cheerful face,” it was this quality that helped Nikolai lose heart and correct his mistake. Thus, the author shows that love is the main happiness.
I cannot agree one hundred percent with any of the authors’ opinions. I believe that love should not be too sacrificial, but also should not be short and too swift. I believe that love should be moderately sacrificial and moderately impetuous.

Love is considered the most great feeling that people experience. What is this bright word, and why do we see it so often in various literary works? Why is love so praised by poets and writers?

I think that a person cannot feel happy without love. Throughout our lives, we experience this feeling in relation to our parents, friends, then to our children - we love everyone in different ways, but we denote it in one word. Be that as it may, love cannot exist without understanding, respect, readiness to help in difficult times, to protect and do everything for the sake of a loved one.

Love is a feat, a sacrifice, a kind of pinnacle of human spiritual development. One of the facets of this feeling - love between a man and a woman - we see in the works of many writers and poets, artists and composers, in theatrical productions and in film novels. Love is an eternal, inexhaustible source of inspiration. A striking example such boundless love is known

Everyone is the story of Romeo and Juliet. The heroes of the work, through the power of feeling, overcame hatred, enmity, and even death.

In works of Russian literature there are also many works containing the author's hymn eternal love. As an example, we can consider the well-known pathos of A. S. Pushkin’s poem “I loved you...”, in which we see a bright sadness about eternal love and the heartfelt impossibility of happiness with a beloved. The hero of the poem is noble and selfless, he believes that love has not yet faded away, but at the same time he renounces happiness only for the well-being of the woman he loves.

IN famous novel In M.A. Bulgakov’s “The Master and Margarita,” the main character, for the sake of love, sells her soul to the devil, who, as a result, helps her take revenge on the offenders of her loved one. Previously, Margarita gave up everything for the sake of what she understood to be a happy life with the Master.

Love cannot be deciphered, it has no precise definition. Love is perhaps the most complex, mysterious and paradoxical reality that every person encounters at least once in their life. This feeling cannot be calculated or calculated; it defies any calculations. Love simply exists in our lives and without it life itself is impossible.

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Novels about love have been popular at all times. Intrigues, love triangles, forbidden feelings - it all can be found in this category works of art. Typically, regular readers of such literature are impressionable and women.

The best classic works about love

One of the most famous and popular works of love of all times is Shakespeare's novel "Romeo and Juliet." Love of two young hearts was banned. Secret meetings, captivating poems, fatal death at the end of the work makes you turn to it again and again. Shakespeare's light, beautiful style captivated readers from all over the world.

"Gone with the Wind" by Margaret Mitchell is a bestseller about love that can be found in the home library of many women. The story of love and experiences of Scarlett O'Hara is filled with beautiful motives, passion and experiences. To the delight of readers love triangle breaks, everything falls into place. Scarlett and Rhett find happiness in each other forever. All the trials that precede the reunion are described in detail on the pages of the novel.

"The Thorn Birds" is a novel by Australian writer Colleen McCullough. The present classic about an immortal feeling. The Catholic and the simple maid Maggie found each other in such big world. main character carried love throughout her long life. She experienced everything: the happiness of love, sorrow and loss.

Modern works about love

Don't think that love has already been written about. Modern ones prove the opposite, saying that everything is still ahead. Evidence can be found in Cecelia Ahern's story "PS I Love You". In the center of the events is a young couple who enjoy happiness, but not everything is so rosy in their lives; the husband gets cancer and soon dies. The main character takes the loss of her loved one very hard and does not see the strength to continue to live fully. And suddenly she starts from her husband, who has been in the next world for a long time. No mysticism in this work No. It's simple, the man, realizing that soon, is preparing messages for his beloved. They contain all the steps that she must follow. All this helps a woman start new life.

Books about love are necessary, they can melt even the hardest heart and fill the soul with a wonderful feeling.

In many works of world literature, feelings are the main or only theme is love. Although the romance novel is most often regarded as a low genre, there are a number of time-tested romance novels. In the wide mass of romance novels published annually, there are many works of dubious literary merit, but there are also truly high-quality romance novels


"Dangerous Liaisons" by Choderlos de Laclos - a masterpiece literature XVIII century, novel in letters. Sated, the Marquise de Merteuil and Viscount Valmont amuse themselves by weaving intrigues and seducing more or less innocent people. There is a strange connection between them: they consider only each other as equals and share the details of their love victories. Everything changes when the Marquise and the Viscount make a bet to seduce their next victim, married woman. The virtue of the seduced turns out to be stronger than the depravity of the seducer, and the Viscount gradually falls in love with her. But leaving your dissolute life and the Marquise de Merteuil in the past is not so easy.

Jane Austen's novels were a phenomenon in English literature and remain popular to this day. In the era of romanticism, her novels are about ordinary girls, who do not have unearthly beauty and outstanding talents, stood out from the general background. The love story of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy from the novel Pride and Prejudice remains one of the most popular in the world. The novel psychologically accurately describes the development of a young girl’s feelings for a man, from hostility to deep love.

Georgette Heyer is considered one of the founders of modern love story. The writer gained popularity after she began writing novels about the Regency era. Georgette Heyer took a serious approach to describing the historical era, studied its life, cultural and social characteristics. The action of the novel "The Magnificent Sophie" also takes place during the Regency era. The main character of the novel returns from continental Europe to her native England. She lives with her aunt's family and soon realizes that all members of this family are unhappy. With her characteristic energy, Sophie undertakes to arrange the lives of her relatives, despite the fact that they did not ask her to do so.

The title of the novel “Love Story” by Eric Segal speaks for itself. The novel tells the story of two young people from different social strata who fell in love with each other. They will have to make sacrifices for the sake of their love, abandon the past. They are ready to overcome all obstacles, but there are circumstances that even the most great love.

Diana Gabaldon's novel Outlander and its sequels tell the story of a young woman in the 1940s who, as a result of mysterious events, finds herself in 18th-century Scotland. This technique is often used in romance novels, but Gabaldon's novels have features that make them stand out from other similar novels. Gabaldon's style is characterized by irony, historical background It is described in sufficient detail and accurately, and the characters stand out from the series of similar heroes in romance novels. The book even made it into the “200” best books according to the BBC", which is a great achievement for a romance novel.

Tip 3: Which ones are good? literary works worth reading about the war

IN good works about the war, not only military battles and great battles are described talentedly and truthfully. For real deep stories about the war, which are shown through the perception of them by a person, be it Andrei Bolkonsky, Grigory Melekhov or Andrei Sokolov. How these people feel about the war, what they think and do.

A. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”

The book describes Patriotic War 1812, as well as the events preceding it: Savor Russian high society and military actions of 1805-1807.

One of the main characters of the book, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky. He is rich, superbly educated, is eligible bachelor. But social life is boring for him. He dreams of glory no less than that of Napoleon or Kutuzov. And that’s why he wants to go to war to become famous.

But in the battle of Austerlitz he realizes that war is a dirty and inhumane business. At the moment when he is lying on the ground, looking at high sky, understands how insignificant the glory of Kutuzov or Napoleon is.

The Battle of Borodino became the culmination in the life of Andrei Bolkonsky. In this battle, he was already mortally wounded in the head, and he suddenly realized that he did not hate the enemy, that compassion and love for all people were the main commandments by which it was worth living.

Mikhail Sholokhov's novel "Quiet Don"

The book describes life against the backdrop of the Civil War and the First World War.

Since childhood, these people have become accustomed to working hard, growing bread, and taking care of their farms. They revered the elders in the family and respected traditions.
The first one has begun World War and the Cossacks were called upon to fight for Tsarist Russia. The atamans sent the best warriors. Grigory Melekhov, the main character in the book, also went to fight against the Germans.

A little later, a revolution occurred in Russia, the tsarist regime was overthrown, and it became unclear who needed to be fought for. Gregory, along with other Cossacks, returned home. And the village is restless: people are coming to it more and more often different people, and are called to fight against the power of the “Bolsheviks”.

But in the same village there appear Cossacks who like this government, because the “Bolsheviks” promise freedom, independence, lands.
A split occurs among the Cossack clans. Some go to fight for the new “red” power, while others go for the tsarist power, for the “whites”. And Grigory Melekhov, due to circumstances, finds himself first on one side of the warring forces, then on the other.

It gets to the point where brother fights against brother, son against father. And Gregory is sincerely trying to figure out who is right. How to be, and. And after a while, having become an outcast for everyone, he tries to escape in order to save his own life, as well as the life of the woman he loves.

The story “Sotnikov” by Vasil Bykov

During World War II, two fighters Soviet army were captured. Both hated the Germans, but one of them, Sotnikov, tried at the cost own life save the innocent villagers who were sentenced to death by the Germans for harboring partisans. And another fighter with the last name Rybak decided to get out to the last.

He passionately wanted to live, and therefore agreed to cooperate with the Germans. When the convicts were brought to execution, Rybak, in front of the village residents, put a noose around Sotnikov’s neck and knocked out the support from under his feet.

And then Rybak was ordered to get into formation with the police together. He hates them as much as he hates other fascists. But he understands that there is no turning back. And the unfortunate man is at a crossroads: either die now, or continue to kill the people for whom he fought yesterday.

Mikhail Sholokhov's story “The Fate of Man”

Russian soldier Andrei Sokolov was captured during World War II. He went through various trials and torments and tried to escape from captivity several times.

As a result, he finally managed to return to his homeland, but in the place of his home he saw only burnt ashes. His wife died as a result of a direct bomb hit in their house. And the “ashes” after this are in the soul of a tormented person.

After the war, Andrei meets a street boy and becomes so attached to him that he adopts him. And again in the life of Andrei Sokolov appears close person, love and tenderness, hope for a better future.

Tip 4: What historical romance novels are a must-read?

The romance novel is extremely popular among women and at the same time - contempt among men. This genre has to endure an endless amount of ridicule. However, there are novels recognized as classics that even the harshest critics do not dare laugh at. Such novels have stood the test of time and describe a certain historical era(most often the one in which the author lived). They have not lost their relevance even now.

Jane Austen, "Pride and Prejudice"

This novel by Jane Austen took second place in the list of the best books in the world. And the writer herself, who worked on the novel for almost seventeen years, is considered one of the founders of the romance novel genre. A classic love story set in 19th century settings happy ending, witty dialogues, a rich aristocrat in the role of the main character - these advantages of a classic love story will not leave anyone indifferent.

Henryk Sienkiewicz, “Kamo Gryadeshi”

The novel by Polish writer Henryk Sienkiewicz about ancient Rome is extremely popular. In the 20th century, it was translated into more than 50 languages, and the writer himself received Nobel Prize. The novel tells about the life of the first Christians. The main character is the unbridled and cruel patrician Vinicius. Having fallen in love with a Christian girl from the Lygian tribe, Vinicius wants to take her as a concubine. But gradually, under the influence of love, he changes and becomes a Christian. True image ancient Rome, a description of the everyday life of the emperor and the patricians, and the love affairs of the heroes make this novel one of the most interesting in its genre.

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