An invented short script based on the story of the bitter little sparrow. Dramatization “What you teach a child to do, you will get from him” based on the work by M

In the book "Sparrow" classic Russian literature Maxim Gorky included textbook fairy tales and stories “Sparrow”, “Grandfather Arkhip and Lenka”, “Song of the Falcon”, “Song of the Petrel”, which take place in primary and high school. The writer’s vivid works will captivate the children and tell them about the life of children in pre-revolutionary Russia.

For primary and secondary school age.

Maksim Gorky
Sparrow. Stories with questions and answers for why

Comments from a biologist - biology teacher Elena Andreevna Maslova and students of the 10th biology class of GBOU school No. 57 in Moscow Anna Makovskaya, Daria Faizullina, Galia Mursalimova, Maria Krupskaya


Sparrows are just like people: adult sparrows and female sparrows are boring little birds and talk about everything as it is written in books, but young people live by their own wits.

Once upon a time yellow-throated sparrow, his name was Pudik, and he lived above the window of the bathhouse, behind the upper casing, in a warm nest made of tow, flywheels and other soft materials. He had not yet tried to fly, but he was already flapping his wings and kept looking out of the nest: he wanted to quickly find out what God’s world is and is it suitable for him?

- I'm sorry, what? - the mother sparrow asked him.

He shook his wings and, looking at the ground, chirped:

- Too black, too much!

Dad flew in, brought bugs to Pudik and boasted:

-Am I still alive?

Mother Sparrow approved of him:

- Chiv, chiv!

And Pudik swallowed bugs and thought: “What are they boasting about - worm with legs they gave - a miracle!

And he kept leaning out of the nest, looking at everything.

“Child, child,” the mother worried, “look, you’ll get crazy!”

- With what, with what? - Pudik asked.

“Nothing, but you’ll fall to the ground, cat—chick!” and gobble it up! - the father explained, flying off to hunt.

So everything went on, but the wings were in no hurry to grow.

One day the wind blew and Pudik asked:

- I'm sorry, what?

- The wind will blow on you - chirp! and throw it to the ground - to the cat! - explained the mother.

Why do trees sway? Let them stop, then there will be no wind...

His mother tried to explain to him that this was not so, but he did not believe it - he liked to explain everything in his own way.

A man walks past the bathhouse, waving his arms.

“The cat tore off his wings,” said Pudik, “only the bones remained!”

- This is a man, they are all wingless! - said the sparrow.

- Why?

- They have such a rank that they can live without wings, they always jump on their feet, huh?

- If they had wings, they would catch us, like dad and I catch midges...

- Nonsense! - said Pudik. - Nonsense, nonsense! Everyone should have wings. It’s worse on the ground than in the air!.. When I grow up big, I’ll make everyone fly.

Pudik did not believe his mother; He didn’t yet know that if he didn’t trust his mother, it would end badly.

He sat on the very edge of the nest and sang poetry at the top of his lungs. own composition:

Eh, wingless man,
You have two legs
Even though you are very great,
The midges are eating you!
And I'm very small
But I eat midges myself.

He sang and sang and fell out of the nest, and the sparrow followed him, and the cat - red, green eyes - was right there.

Pudik got scared, spread his wings, swayed on his gray legs and chirped:

- I have the honor, I have the honor...

And the sparrow pushes him aside, her feathers stood on end - scary, brave, her beak opened - aiming at the cat's eye.

- Get away, get away! Fly, Pudik, fly to the window, fly...

Fear lifted the sparrow from the ground, he jumped, flapped his wings - once, once and - on the window!

- I'm sorry, what?

- Well! - said Pudik. – You can’t learn everything at once!

And the cat sits on the ground, cleaning sparrow feathers from her paw, looks at them - red, green eyes - and meows regretfully:

- Myaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, it, he has a little sparrow, it’s like we-yyshka is like we are... Mya-alas...

And everything ended well, if you forget that mom was left without a tail

Inquiry Office

Why is the yellow-throated sparrow?

In the text, the sparrow is a newly hatched chick, because the offspring of sparrows flies out of the nest within ten days. And the color of the chicks is different from the coloring of the adult, including the beak of the chicks yellow color and darkens with age. Chicks also differ from adult birds in size, color and body shape. For example, young sparrows have a more rounded body and brighter feathers.

Do worms have legs?

Yes, there are, for example, limbs (that is, “legs”) of marine annelids. They are relatives of ordinary earthworms, but much larger - up to half a meter. But here we mean a caterpillar, and it is not a worm at all. Caterpillars are the larvae of butterflies. Some other insects, such as beetles, also have worm-like larvae.

Why do trees sway?

It would be more accurate to ask why: trees sway in the wind because they have a margin of flexibility, which allows them not to break. And the wind, in turn, arises due to air movement. Warm air is lighter than cold air; it rises, cools there and sinks.

Can a sparrow really defeat a cat?

Physically alone, she cannot, but in this case the sparrow acts in accordance with a common behavioral stereotype - a set of behavioral reactions passed on from generation to generation. When an animal does not have the opportunity to escape, it tries to appear large to the enemy and thereby frighten him. And very often the predator, not expecting such a rebuff, gets scared and retreats. And here the sparrow protects her cub, and therefore frightens the cat especially fiercely.

Can a sparrow live without a tail?

Yes, it can, although it will not be able to fly or maintain balance. After all, a bird’s tail is a rudder and additional support in flight. Without a tail, it will be difficult for a sparrow to take off and fly. She will only be able to fly from branch to branch, flitting. It will also be difficult to maintain balance, for example, while sitting on thin branches. Thus, it will be incredibly difficult for the bird to survive.

Granny's Starling

Starling taken from the cat, the grandmother cut off the broken wing, and in the place of the bitten off leg she cleverly placed a piece of wood and, having cured the bird, taught it to speak. It used to stand for a whole hour in front of the cage on the window frame - such a big, kind animal - and in a thick voice repeats to the overbearing, coal-black bird:

- Well, ask: porridge for the skvorushka!

The starling, squinting at her with the round, lively eye of the humorist, knocks with a piece of wood on the thin bottom of the cage, stretches his neck and whistles like an oriole, imitates a jay, a cuckoo, tries to meow with a cat, imitates the howl of a dog, but human speech is not given to him.

- Don't spoil me! - Grandma tells him seriously. - You say: porridge for the skvorushka!

A black monkey in feathers screams deafeningly something similar to the words of a grandmother - the old woman laughs joyfully, gives the bird some millet porridge from her finger and says:

“I know you, I’m a scammer: you’re a pretender—you can do anything, you can do anything!”

And she taught the starling: after a while he quite clearly asked for porridge, and when he saw his grandmother, he pulled something similar to

- Dra-astuy...

Inquiry Office

What kind of bird is the starling?

A songbird about 20 cm long, black with a metallic tint. In winter, starlings have light speckles. The beak is long, black, and yellow in spring and during the breeding season. Starlings are known for their ability to onomatopoeize - that is, they are able to copy many sounds. For example, sounds of transport, other animals, human speech.

Quiz with answers based on M. Gorky's story "Sparrow" for primary schoolchildren of 3rd grade

Author Victoria Olegovna Lyapina, teacher of MBOU school No. 79, Samara city district
Description This material can be used by teachers primary classes for a lesson extracurricular reading in 3rd grade.
Target: Formation of general cultural competence through the perception of fiction.
- “discover” the works of M. Gorky for students;
- develop the ability to analyze information and formulate your own point of view;
- promote the formation of observation in the surrounding world;
- organize emotional and aesthetic perception;
-learn to form the idea of ​​a work;
-develop students’ speech; develop the skill of conscious and correct reading;
- develop the ability to answer questions about the content of the text;
- to cultivate love for all living things, the need for a moral and aesthetic attitude towards the world around us, interest and respect for the writer as the creator of a work of art.

Quiz. Questions

1. How do young people live among sparrows?
(Just like people, young people live by their own minds)

2. Where was the nest of the yellow-throated sparrow Pudik?

(Above the bathhouse window, behind the top casing)

3. Why was Pudik looking out of the nest?
(I wanted to quickly find out what God’s world is and is it suitable for it?)
4. What did Pudik say about the land?
(Too black, too much)
5. What was the mother sparrow worried about when Pudik was sticking out of the nest?
(That it will fall to the ground and the cat will eat it)

6. What didn’t Pudik like when the wind blew one day?
(Because the trees sway, that's why the wind blows)
7. What did Pudik like to do?
(Loved to explain everything in his own way)
8. Why, according to Pudik, does a person not have wings?
(He thought that the cat had torn them off and only bones remained)

9. What did Pudik dream about?
(When he gets big, he'll make everyone fly)
10. Why did Pudik fall out of the nest?
(He was sitting on the very edge of the nest, singing his poems and fell out)

11. Why did Pudik spread his wings and start chirping in front of the cat?
(He was very scared)

12. What helped Pudik get up from the ground?
(It was fear that helped)
13. Why was mom happy?
(That she saved Pudik from the cat)

14. What did the mother sacrifice to save her son?
(With your tail)
15. What conclusion can be drawn as a result of the story? Why was it written?
(You can’t learn everything at once. You need to listen to the advice of your elders, they have a lot of life experience)

Extracurricular event dedicated to Mother’s Day “MOM—what a word!”

Teacher: Ermolaeva I.N.

Target: education of civil-patriotic consciousness and development of the spiritual and moral potential of students.


    Cultivating a respectful attitude towards mothers and women.

    Development of cognitive interests, expansion of general horizons.

    Cultivating attentiveness, caring, respectful attitude towards the mother;

    Cultivating a sense of beauty.

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, costumes and scenery for the skit, flowers for mothers

Preliminary preparation: students create presentations about their mothers, memorize poems, stage a skit based on M. Gorky’s fairy tale “Sparrow”

Progress of the event:

Block 1. Introduction. A story about mothers by students.

Presenter 1

There is an eternal word in our world -

Short, but most heartfelt.

It's beautiful and kind

It is simple and convenient,

It is soulful, beloved.

Incomparable to anything in the world.

The word "Mom" is a special word.

Presenter 2.

The words “Mom, mother are one of the most ancient on earth.” All people respect and love their mothers. The word “Mother” is also used to describe one’s homeland in order to emphasize that it treats its children like a mother. This day is celebrated in many countries, people congratulate their mothers and come to visit them, give gifts, attention and care, and arrange a holiday for them. And we have gathered today to talk about mom.

Leading 1. Mom, mommy... How much warmth this conceals small word, which names the closest and dearest, the only person. Mother's love warms us until old age. Mom teaches us to be kind, wise, gives advice, protects us.

It's November. And suddenly we are talking about mom. This topic usually appears in the spring. Why are we talking about her today?

Leading 2 . During the war, in 1944, when the country knew that Victory was coming soon, and that it was necessary to heal the terrible wound of the loss of fallen soldiers and citizens killed by the Nazis, the Order of the Mother Heroine was established. In 1997, the State Duma adopted a decree establishing Mother's Day, which they decided to celebrate on the last Sunday of November.

Leading 1. Dear mothers! Today we have invited you to an evening dedicated to you. The first word a person utters is “mother.” It is addressed to the one who gave him life. Love for mother is inherent in us by nature itself. This feeling lives in a person until the end of his days. Maxim Gorky wrote: “Without the sun, flowers do not grow, without love there is no happiness, without a woman there is no love, without a mother there is neither a poet nor a hero.”

Presenter 2. Today everyone wants to congratulate their mother and congratulate them in a special way, because every mother is special. (Students talk about their mothers, accompanying the story with prepared presentations, read poems about mothers)

Block 2. Sketch based on M. Gorky’s fairy tale “Sparrow”.

Once upon a time there lived a yellow-throated sparrow, his name was Pudik, and he lived above the window of the bathhouse, behind the upper casing, in a warm nest made of tow, moths and other soft materials. He had not yet tried to fly, but he was already flapping his wings and kept looking out of the nest: he wanted to quickly find out what God’s world is and is it suitable for him? (Slide 2)

Mom is a sparrow. - I'm sorry, what? - the mother sparrow asked him.

Sparrow O - Too black, too much!

Sparrow - - Am I chiv? Mother Sparrow approved of him:

Mom is a sparrow. - Chiv, chiv!

And he kept leaning out of the nest, looking at everything.

Mom is a sparrow. “Child, child,” the mother worried, “look, you’ll get crazy!”

Sparrow - - With what, with what? - Pudik asked.

Papa is a sparrow - Yes, not with anything, but you will fall to the ground, cat - chick! and gobble it up! - explained the father, flying off to hunt.

One day the wind blew - Pudik asked:

Sparrow - - I'm sorry, what?

Mom is a sparrow. - The wind will blow on you - chirp! and throw it to the ground - to the cat! - explained the mother.

Sparrow - Why do trees sway? Let them stop, then there will be no wind...

Sparrow “The cat tore off his wings,” said Pudik, “only the bones remained!”

Mom is a sparrow. - This is a man, they are all wingless! - said the sparrow.

Sparrow - Why?

Mom is a sparrow. - They have such a rank that they can live without wings, they always jump on their feet, huh?

Sparrow - For what?

Mom is a sparrow. - If they had wings, they would catch us, like dad and I catch midges...

Sparrow - Nonsense! - said Pudik. - Nonsense, nonsense! Everyone should have wings. It’s worse on the ground than in the air!.. When I grow up big, I’ll make everyone fly.

He sat on the very edge of the nest and sang his own poems at the top of his lungs:


Eh, wingless man,

You have two legs

Even though you are very great,

The midges are eating you!

And I'm very small

Pudik got scared, spread his wings, swayed on his gray legs and chirped:

Sparrow - I have the honor, I have the honor...

Mom is a sparrow. - Get away, get away! Fly, Pudik, fly to the window, fly ...

Then mom flew up - without a tail, but in great joy, sat down next to him, pecked him on the back of the head and said:

Mom is a sparrow. - I'm sorry, what?

Sparrow - Well! - said Pudik. - You can’t learn everything at once!

Cat - Mya, such a little sparrow, like us... mea, alas...

Block 3. Performing the song “Mother for Baby Mammoth”

Presenter 1. Everyone needs a mother, not just needed - necessary. (Children sing a song accompanied by a video - accompanying the cartoon).

At the end of the song, children give flowers to their mothers.

Gulnara Valiullina
Dramatization “What you teach a child to do, you will get from him” based on the work of M. Gorky “Sparrow”

Characters :

Dad Sparrow

Mother Sparrow

Vorobishko Pudik

On the stage there is a screen of a house, and in front of it is a nest, it is located on a hill. Mom is standing near the nest - Sparrow and sits next to her Sparrow - Pudik. Sparrow looks around. In the distance, a red cat lies and sleeps. The cat occasionally glances at the nest.

Leading: In the village, a small nest, under the roof of an old hut,

Lived sparrow with his family.

Dad the sparrow was very important,

And a mother, like one who loves her child,

She was caring and patient.

She loved everyone dearly,

And their son Pudik was a little naughty boy.

Mother. What, what, my son, are you looking down?

Pudik. (shakes his wings) Oh, the earth is too black! Oh, too much!

Arrived Sparrow - dad, brought bugs to Pudik.

Dad. Am I chiv? After all, I work all day! Am I chiv?

Mother. Of course, chiv! Still like chiv! After all, our Pudik will not grow up without you.

Pudik. (Swallows bugs) What do they boast about? What are they boasting about? After all, they carry worms and midges. What a miracle!

(Mom and dad are petting Pudik. Pudik has eaten. He leans out of the nest again and looks at everything around).

Mother (threatens): Child, Pudik, don’t look at the ground! Look down - you'll freak out!

Pudik (with arms outstretched): What, what am I going to chew on, mom?

Dad (strictly): Not with anything, son, you’ll just fall to the ground and the cat - chick! - and will eat you up!

Pudik: I'm sorry, what? I don’t understand, chirp - chirp!

Mother (hugging him, talking and threatening): The wind will blow, Pudik, and it will chirp at you! - and reset! And you will fall into the clutches of a red cat!

Pudik: Then don't let the trees sway! There will be no wind, there will be silence!

Mother (shaking head): Oh! My stupid son.

Pudik. And this why else, tweet?

Mother: Only a person does not fall into the clutches of cats. And if people had wings, they would catch us like midges. Be careful, Pudik, chirp - chirp!

Mom and dad stroke their son and fly away. They fly in the background of the stage.

Pudik (important): That's nonsense! What nonsense! When I grow up, I will make it big so that everyone can fly.

Pudik (Singing): Eh, wingless man,

You have two legs.

Even though you are very great,

The midges are eating you!

And I'm very small

But I myself eat midges.

Pudik sang and fell out of the nest. Sparrow - behind him. The cat rushed to Sparrow. Pudik has spread his wings and sways on his feet.

Pudik: Tweet, chik-chik! Tweet, chik-chik! I have the honor, I have the honor.

Sparrow pushes Pudik aside. Throws himself at the Cat.

Mother: Get out! Away! Fly, son, quickly! Fly to the nest, fly.

Pudik jumped, flapped his wings and flew into the nest. The cat rushed at Sparrow, tore off her tail. Sparrow broke free and flew into the nest.

Mother: What, what, son?

Pudik (lowering his head): Well! Forgive me, I'll be careful! I will obey you!

The cat sits under the nest and cleans feathers from its paws, looks at Vorobiev.

Cat: I'm so cute sparrow, like we-yshka. Me-alas.

Leading: And that's the end of the story,

But remember, friends!

Such evil cats

You can always be expected

If you are disobedient and careless.

After all, you have to listen to mom and dad! Bye!

Publications on the topic:

Dramatization based on the fairy tale by H. H. Andersen “The Princess and the Pea” (video report) Video material on final work with older preschoolers. The event is dedicated to the year of literature in Russia and is presented at the Festival of Fairy Tales.

Dramatization based on the Russian folk tale “Alyonushka and the Fox” A dramatization of the fairy tale “Alyonushka and the Fox.” The tale can be shown on New Year's holiday How surprise moment. Characters: Alyonushka.

A dramatization for middle preschool children based on the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” Goal: staging a mini-play based on the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” Objectives: - development of emotional responsiveness, artistry, expressiveness.

Educator: Nadezhda Nikolaevna Barskova Goal: to introduce children to theater arts, theatrical activities. Objectives: to promote.

For Mother's Day in our kindergarten a dramatization based on the fairy tale “Marya the Mistress” was presented, in which all ages took part.

Presenter: Fairy tales roam the world, And we will tell you this story. It is familiar to everyone and very simple, But kindness always wins in it.

Topic: M. Gorky “Sparrow”

Goals: to expand children’s knowledge about the life and work of M. Gorka,

improve fluent conscious reading skills;

to cultivate in children such qualities as the ability to be merciful, empathize, and the desire to come to the aid of those in need;

develop students’ speech and thinking.

Planned results:

Subject: the ability to predict the content of a text, read aloud and silently.analyze artistic text; compile a description of the main characters; identify main ideas;



Accept, understand and solve the learning objectives of the lesson;

Exercise control over your actions;

Formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson.


Predict the content of a text based on its title;

Understand the content of the work read;

Write a description of the main characters;

Restore the sequence of events described in the story;

Determine the main idea of ​​the work;

Formulate a conclusion.


Retell the text according to a given plan.


Interest in the works of M. Gorky;

A sense of responsibility for one's actions.

- formation of moral qualities.

Dictionary of moods:

What mood did you come to class in?

Read the riddle:

Chick - tweet!

Jump to the grains!

Peck, don't be shy!

Who is this? (sparrow) findonomatopoeia


What do you know about sparrows?

Messages from pre-prepared children.

What did you remember?

And today it’s a different genre - you tell yourself which one...

Today we will get acquainted with the work of M. Gorky.Russian writer, known throughout the world.The writer had a very difficult childhood. From the age of 11 he had to work like an adult. He worked as a loader, washed dishes on a ship, and worked as a baker in a bakery. I didn't have to study.From all this frailty, the pseudonym appeared - Maxim Gorky.

Writer Maxim Gorky is considered one of the founders of modern children's literature - although he does not have many works written for children. These are fairy tales“Sparrow”, “Samovar”, “The Tale of Ivanushka the Fool”, “The Case of Evseyka”, “Grandfather Arkhip and Lyonka”, “Tales of Italy” and some others.

Gorky sincerely loved children. Was the organizer and editorthe first Soviet magazine for children "Northern lights » , the first children's publishing house "Detgiz" .

What do you remember about the writer?

Audio recording

Did you like it? Why? What feelings did you experience? (green leaf)

What is the genre of the work? Why is this work a fairy tale? What did you notice in the speech of the sparrows?

Vocabulary work:

Platband – trim around a window or door

Tow- coarse threads obtained from plants

Chin - order, position

Safely - successfully, successfully

Spread my wings- clumsily pushed it apart.

Feathers on end- upright, raised up.

Reading text by children.

Questions for the first part:

Who main character?

What did you find out about him?

How did Pudik seem to you?

Can you compare yourself and his life with him?

Are there any similarities?

So you said Little Pudik. Find words in the fairy tale that indicate this.

(He hadn’t tried to fly yet, but he was already flapping his wings and kept looking out of the nest.)

Questions about the second part:

How did you imagine him? Why? Prove it? Find words in the text.

(He shook his wings and, looking at the ground, chirped...

Dad flew in and brought bugs to Pudik...

Pudik thought: “What are they bragging about - they gave a worm with legs - a miracle.”

Why do trees sway? Let them stop then there will be no wind...

The cat tore off his wings, only the bones remained.

Nonsense, nonsense! Everyone should have wings. When I grow up big, I'll make everyone fly.)

Think about what allowed him to reason like that, to criticize everything that surrounded him?

(He thought he was the best. Mom and Dad love him, they take care of him. Everyone should love him.)

Interesting questions asked the pudik? So what is he like? Prove it?

(Curious. He kept leaning out of the nest, was interested in everyone. Cheerful. Everything was fine, there was nothing to be afraid of.)

Find the words of Pudik's parents who warned about the danger.

(The wind will blow on you - teal! And throw you to the ground - to the cat!

Child, child, look, you’ll get crazy.)

Did Pudik believe his parents? How did he listen to her advice?

(He didn’t believe his parents. He thought they were scaring him.)

Work in groups: choose from all the characteristics those that suit our hero.

active unintelligent caring

naughty obedient timid

boastful greedywise

stupidbrave cowardly

inquisitive calm capricious

Curious: (kept sticking out of the nest, looking at everything)

naughty (Pudik did not believe his mother, he liked to explain everything in his own way)

Boastful: (when I grow up I will make everyone fly).

Questions about the third part:

What feelings did you experience?

How did it happen that he fell out of the nest?

How could this end?

(He sat on the very edge of the nest and sang poems of his own composition at the top of his lungs. He sang and sang, and then fell out of the nest.)

Why was Pudik punished? How did it happen?/I didn’t believe my mother/

What did Pudik's disobedience lead to? Was Pudik the only one who suffered? Because of whom did mom suffer?

Was there a moment when you felt especially sorry for Pudik? (Read how mom defended Pudik.)

Why do you thinkMaksim Gorky writes in two places“without a tail”? Find these places and read.

(He probably felt sorry for Pudik’s mother.

Then mom flew up - without a tail...

Everything ended well, if you forget that mom was left without a tail...)

What's the tail for?

(In order to fly. For beauty.)

Will mom's tail grow back?

(No, guys, mom’s tail won’t grow back.)

Who does Pudik look like? And the sparrow?

What do a sparrow and your mother have in common?

Will Pudik recover? Why? (Yes, he will improve. He will become obedient. He was very scared of the cat. He will look at the world differently, his attitude towards his parents will change, he will love his parents.)

- “You can’t learn everything at once” - whose words are these? - why did you say them? justified

Determine the theme of the fairy tale?

Find in the text words that express the main idea author. (...he didn’t yet know that if you don’t trust your mother, it will end badly...)

To whom does the sparrow owe his life? (to mom)

Why wasn't mom scared?

- What made her strong? (love for son)

You see what parental love can do! For this we must respect them, but not only mother, but all those whom we love and who love us.

Think about how you communicate with your loved ones.

Indeed, we are not always restrained with our loved ones, sometimes we allow ourselves to raise our voices at them, we are too harsh. Has anyone ever had this happen in their life? How can I fix it? How can we please?

The purpose of our lesson was to think about why the author wrote this fairy tale for us. What did he want to teach us?

- H This is what the author meant when he wrote the lines: Sparrows are just like humans.
- What should we always remember?
(If you don’t trust your mother, it will end badly.)

Let's write a description of his mother.

brave loving lazy devoted

smart wise brave courageous

brave caring cowardly faithful


slide I -- main idea of ​​the text

Self-esteem self-assessment sheet

dictionary of moods

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