Presentation of the project "music living room for parents." Scenario for a musical living room for older children and parents “Autumn mood”

The music room invites “Such different music...”

Meet some biographical information from the life of P.I. Tchaikovsky; Hearing individual works in music classes;

Goal: To familiarize children and parents with the work of the Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, the cycle musical works "Children's Album" .

Objectives: To introduce children to the music of the Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky and his cycle of works "Children's Album"

To create conditions for listeners to enjoy communication with classical music, presenting auditory images to visual ones.

To instill the skills of a culture of listening to classical music.


Multimedia installation, screen, presentation for notes;

Sounds "Waltz" from "Children's album." P.I. Tchaikovsky

Children enter the hall and sit down.

The music flows, sparkles, sparkles!

Joy and celebration! Sun and light!

It’s as if he’s telling all sorrows to be forgotten, generously giving musical greetings.

Dear guests, guys! Today you are invited to a meeting with the music of the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Do you know what it can? What can music do?

(Makes you happy, sad, Can make you laugh, make you angry, calm, lull, can tell...)

Indeed, music is a real magician

Today we were invited to our meeting by the music of the famous Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Who is the composer?

(person who writes music)

In the spring of 1878, Tchaikovsky returned to his homeland from abroad and decided to stay in Ukraine, with the family of his beloved sister Alexandra Ilyinichna Davydova.

He lived in a cozy room specially prepared for him, and most importantly, what was in his room? how do you come up with what? What musical instrument?

IN free time P.I. loved to play with his little nephews. Alexandra Ilyinichna had seven children, and Tchaikovsky tirelessly came up with holidays for them with bonfires, fireworks and, of course, dancing, where he himself accompanied on the piano.

His little nephew had difficulty mastering the intricacies of playing the piano during the hours allotted for practice. Sitting on the veranda over tea, Pyotr Ilyich heard the unlucky “pianist” tormenting scales and etudes in the next room. He felt sorry for the baby, and he decided to create "Children's Album"

Do you know what could be in this album?

"Children's Album" is 24 easy pieces for piano. On title page first edition: "Dedicated to Volodya Davydov. Children's album. Collection of easy plays for children."

Here you can find pictures of nature and Fairy tale characters and names of children's games. dance tunes

All works are varied in character, with interesting names. Mother. Baba Yaga, Russian song, nanny's fairy tale, winter morning.

want to see and hear what's on the first page "Children's Album"

Bom-bom, bom-bom,

The album opens.

Now cheerful, now sad,

Not simple, but musical

He sat on his golden-headed horse and raced around the house, around the room,

Past the table, whatnot and bedside table, past the cat lying on the sofa,

Past a grandmother sitting knitting, past a ball and a box of toys.

Music is playing "Horse Game"

Girls always played with dolls, 100 and 170 years ago, when P.I. Tchaikovsky lived, but toys for boys have changed, what do modern boys play with?

(Guns, cars, robots)

They clearly mark a firm step - no, they are not afraid of the fierce enemy

With a drum, in an even formation, they march like heroes.

And don’t look at how small they are - they are battle-hardened! (A.I. Burenina)

Brand new, beautiful soldiers just attract you. They are just like the real thing, you can line them up and send them to the parade. So they know how to march like real people, and it’s so cool that you just feel like marching with them

Sounds "March of the Wooden Soldiers"

Was the sound loud or soft?

Whether the melody was smooth, melodious or clear. jerky?

What pace will be fast, rapid, or calm, moderate?

What kind of character will there be: cheerful, perky, or sad, sad?

One day, a friend came to visit Sasha’s girl’s dad. He had some kind of box in his hands.

This is for you, Sasha! - he said.

“What is it?” Sashenka thought, burning with curiosity.

An acquaintance untied the ribbon, opened the lid and handed the box to the girl...

There lay a beautiful doll. She had big blue eyes. When the doll was rocked, the eyes opened and closed. The pretty little mouth smiled at the girl.

Light curly hair fell on the shoulders. And from under the velvet dress white stockings and black patent leather shoes were visible. A real beauty!

Sashenka looked at the doll and couldn’t get enough of it.

The girl reached over and took the doll out of the box. A feeling of joy and happiness overwhelmed her. The girl impulsively pressed the doll to her chest and spun around the room with it, as if in a waltz.

What a joy to receive such a gift! – thought Sasha

Listen to the play "New Doll"

What kind of music sounded, what did it say?

The music is light, danceable, joyful, bright.

The child's day is coming to an end. There were games, walks, activities, reading books about travel to different countries. And in the evening Nanny's fairy tale.

M.R.: Now guess the riddle: what is the fairy tale about?

Who's the scary one flying over the forest with a broom?

Lives in a hut with a chicken leg? (Baba Yaga)

Music is playing "Baba Yaga"

conversation (music is harsh, loud, angry)

as if Baba Yaga is circling over the forest on her broom.

The polka began to sound in the hall, there was joy everywhere, ringing laughter,

This is a light, bright dance in New Year will make friends with everyone!

I suggest taking musical instruments and performing a polka dance.

(Video illustration used)

Musically didactic game "Guess the melody" (carried out on the basis of the plays listened to. Children and parents, after listening to a musical fragment, select the desired card and show it)

Bom-bom-bom-bom! The album is closing!

Who gave it to us, composed it for children?

(Children call the name of P.I. Tchaikovsky

Tchaikovsky's music inspired screenwriters and animators to create a cartoon "Children's Album"

(View a fragment of the cartoon)

May music always live and joy conquer everywhere!

Let the Russian heart sing! Tchaikovsky is known everywhere!

M.R. thanks everyone for your attention.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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MBDOU - kindergarten No. 9 Project “Musical living room for parents” Author of the project: music director Drinko N.V. Gubakha

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OBJECTIVES: The child’s entry into the world of music; Development of musical erudition and culture of preschool children; Development of a value attitude towards music as an art form, musical traditions and holidays; Development of experience in the perception of musical works, empathy for musical images, moods, feelings; Development of sound sensory and intonation experience of preschoolers, where music acts as one of the possible languages ​​for introducing children to the world around them, the world of objects and natures, the world of man, his emotions, experiences and feelings Project type: Creative, educational Project duration: long-term. Implementation period: March 2016 – May 2016. Project participants: music director. Target group: parents of children senior group

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It is difficult to imagine human life without music. Without the sounds of music it would be incomplete, deaf, poor... (D. Shostakovich)

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OBJECTIVES: The child’s entry into the world of music; Development of musical erudition and culture of preschool children; Development of a value attitude towards music as an art form, musical traditions and holidays; Development of experience in the perception of musical works, empathy for musical images, moods, feelings; Development of sound sensory and intonation experience of preschoolers, where music acts as one of the possible languages ​​for introducing children to the world around them, the world of objects and natures, the world of man, his emotions, experiences and feelings Project goal: Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents in the field music education children. Project objectives: To promote the familiarization of parents with the origins of the world musical culture; Use various forms of work with parents: surveys, conversations, consultations, round tables and others; Encourage music to become a part of family life; sounded in the house; Involve parents in joint leisure activities; Promote unity within family relations.

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Action plan Stage Month Week Activities Goals Organizational and preparatory March 1 2 Justification of the relevance of the topic, motivation for its choice Definition of the goals and objectives of the project. Selection of literature, manuals, attributes. Discussion with the children’s parents on issues related to the implementation of the project. Preparation for project implementation

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Main March 3 Questioning of parents Purpose: to identify the degree of interest of parents in musical education children. 4 - Speech at a parent meeting on the topic: “Why does your child need music” - Consultation for parents: “The influence of music on the development of a child” - Reading assignment: “Music in a child’s soul” Galina Ionovna Poberezhnaya, chapter 1 - “Music is our assistant.” Material: in the parent's corner, website Purpose: to help parents think about the influence of music on the development of a child. Goal: to study materials from chapter 1 from the book by G.I. Poberezhnaya “Music in a Child’s Soul”, for joint discussion

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April 1 Round table: “Music in a child’s soul” Poberezhnaya Galina Ionovna. Chapter 1 - “Music is our assistant.” Goal: to organize a discussion with parents of 1 chapter from the book by G.I. Poberezhnaya “Music in a child’s soul.” 2 Consultations for parents: - “Learning to listen to music” - “How and what kind of music to listen to with children at home?” - “Organizing a home music library” Purpose: to give parents an idea of ​​how to listen to music at home and to help in organizing a home music library. 4 Round table: “Music in a child’s soul” Poberezhnaya Galina Ionovna. Chapter 2 “Mental Harmony is the Basis of Health” Goal: organize a discussion with parents 2 chapters from the book by G.I. Poberezhnaya “Mental Harmony is the Basis of Health” May 1 Conversation-workshop: “Music therapy for children” Goal: Expand parents’ understanding of the influence of music on children's health. 2 Round table: “Music in a child’s soul” Galina Ionovna Poberezhnaya. Chapter 3 “The main thing you need to know” Purpose: to organize a discussion with parents 3 chapters from the book by G.I. Poberezhnaya “The main thing you need to know” to give recommendations on listening to music.

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Final May 3 -Musical tournament for children and parents "Musical Family" -Survey based on the results of the work Goal: to involve parents in joint leisure activities Goal: summarizing the results of the work. 4 Presentation of the project Activity analysis.

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Stage 1 - organizational and preparatory Justification of the relevance of the topic, motivation for its choice Determination of the goals and objectives of the project. Selection of literature, manuals, attributes.

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Stage 2 - main Questioning of parents Purpose: to identify the degree of interest of parents in the musical education of children

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OBJECTIVES: The child’s entry into the world of music; Development of musical erudition and culture of preschool children; Development of a value attitude towards music as an art form, musical traditions and holidays; Development of experience in the perception of musical works, empathy for musical images, moods, feelings; Development of sound sensory and intonation experience of preschoolers, where music acts as one of the possible languages ​​for introducing children to the world around them, the world of objects and natures, the world of man, his emotions, experiences and feelings Parent meeting on the topic: “Why does your child need music”

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Consultation for parents: “The influence of music on the development of a child” Goal: to help parents think about the influence of music on the development of a child

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OBJECTIVES: The child’s entry into the world of music; Development of musical erudition and culture of preschool children; Development of a value attitude towards music as an art form, musical traditions and holidays; Development of experience in the perception of musical works, empathy for musical images, moods, feelings; Development of sound sensory and intonation experience of preschoolers, where music acts as one of the possible languages ​​for introducing children to the world around them, the world of objects and natures, the world of man, his emotions, experiences and feelings. Didactic game “Match the music to the picture.”

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Round table: “Music in a child’s soul” Poberezhnaya Galina Ionovna. Chapter 1 - “Music is our assistant.” Goal: to organize a discussion with parents of 1 chapter from the book by G.I. Poberezhnaya “Music in a child’s soul.”

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Slide description:

OBJECTIVES: The child’s entry into the world of music; Development of musical erudition and culture of preschool children; Development of a value attitude towards music as an art form, musical traditions and holidays; Development of experience in the perception of musical works, empathy for musical images, moods, feelings; Development of sound sensory and intonation experience of preschoolers, where music acts as one of the possible languages ​​for introducing children to the world around them, the world of objects and natures, the world of man, his emotions, experiences and feelings. Memo “Music is our helper”

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Consultations for parents: Purpose: to give parents an idea of ​​how to listen to music at home and to help organize a home music library. “Learning to listen to music” “What kind of music to listen to with children at home” “Organizing a home music library

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Round table: “Music in a child’s soul” Poberezhnaya Galina Ionovna. Chapter 2 “Mental harmony is the basis of health” Purpose: to organize a discussion with parents 2 chapters from the book by G.I. Poberezhnaya “Mental harmony is the basis of health”

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Conversation-workshop: “Music therapy for children” Goal: To expand parents’ understanding of the influence of music on children’s health

Olga Pigareva

Target: to form the foundations of musical culture among preschoolers and their parents, cultivating interest and love for classical music.



1. Consolidate children’s knowledge about musical instruments.

2. Formation of children’s musical taste, evaluative attitude towards the works they listen to, and towards their own creative self-expression.

3. To form an interest in classical music based on emotional perception.


1. Develop creative imagination and emotional responsiveness.

2. Develop musical thinking and ability to analyze

3. Develop creativity.


1. Foster a sense of respect for the culture of your people.

2. Contribute to the formation of the need to communicate with music.

3. Instill love and respect for classical music.

Integration educational areas : artistically - aesthetic development, social and communicative development, speech development, cognitive development

Children's age: 3-4 years

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, educational, musical.

Preliminary work:

Use of ICT: viewing illustrations of musical instruments, listening to audio-video recordings of classical music, sounds of musical instruments, cartoon films “In the Land of Musical Instruments”, “Mozart for Children”, “P. I. Tchaikovsky. The Seasons”.

Improvisation games on spoons, tambourines, bells in a children's orchestra.

Musical and didactic game “Guess what instrument is playing?”

Learning songs: “Rainbow”, “Lounger Bear”, “Raindrops”.

Learning poems about musical instruments.

Music game“Orchestra” (E. Zheleznova).

Drawing "What color is the music?" (P. I. Tchaikovsky "April")

Coloring pictures based on the theme of the project.

Leisure activities:

Music is playing. IN music hall parents and children gather.

Slide1. "Music Lounge"

“Music is the most miraculous, the most subtle means of attracting goodness, beauty, humanity” - V. A. Sukhomlinsky.”

Introductory speech by the teacher.

Good evening, Dear guests! Today we summarize our first music project"First steps into music." During the course, our children learned a lot about musical instruments, learned to recognize them by sound, drew music, watched a cartoon about the country of musical instruments, and learned new poems and songs. You will see and hear all this today.

Musical director.

None of the arts affects a person’s feelings so strongly and directly as music. Music is the most pleasant, beautiful and accessible form of communication between an adult and a child. Therefore, I propose to start our living room with a cheerful song by our Kaliningrad composer A. Feldman “Rainbow”.

Children perform the song "Rainbow"

Musical director: Well, dear guests, now I see that you are in good mood, smiles appeared on their faces, which means you can conduct a small quiz and test your knowledge about music.

Question and answer: 1. Who writes the music? (Composer).

2. What can you use to record music? (Using notes).

3. Who performs the music? (Musicians).

4. What is the name of the group of musicians who perform music (Orchestra).

5. What is the name of the person who leads the orchestra? (Conductor).

Musical director:

Well done! You answered questions very friendly. Dear parents! :

Different melodies have completely different effects on a child’s mood, and, turning into a constant background, have different effects on the formation of personality. Moreover, experts are unanimous: after children's songs and traditional lullabies, the most beneficial effect on the child's psyche is classical music. U classical melodies there are several clear advantages: harmony, nobility of intonation and amazing richness of shades - all that helps little man who gets used to listening to such music becomes truly cultured.

Watch video

Musical director. And now our children will sing for you another song by A. Feldman, “The Sloth Bear.”

Children come out and sing.


So that the ardor of fun does not fade away,

To make time go faster,

Friends, I invite you

Get to the riddles quickly!

Presentation “Sounds of musical instruments for children. Part 1."

Educator: Children prepared poems about musical instruments

(children take turns reading poetry)

1. Which instrument

Are there strings and a pedal?

What is this? Undoubtedly

This is our glorious... (piano).

2. Smooth bow movements

The strings make me tremble,

The motive sounds from afar,

Sings about the lunar wind.

How clear the sounds are overflowing,

There is joy and a smile in them.

Sounds like a dreamy tune

Its name is (violin).

3. Carefully take it in your hands -

And wonderful, wondrous sounds

She publishes it if she knows how

Help her sing her songs:

It’s as if someone’s crying is flying from a distance.

This is the singing (flute) crying.

4. The brother of the violin is huge!

You will remember his name very simply:

He sings with a bass voice and also loves jazz.

Well, do you remember? My brother's name is (double bass).

5. He loves to be hit

They don’t give him peace -

He dances in his hands and rings,

AND good people amusing. (Tambourine).

6. Sometimes graceful, sometimes rude,

Orchestral (trumpet).

Musical director. Our children not only read poems about musical instruments, but also learn to play in an orchestra. Musical game "Orchestra".

Children perform on children's musical instruments


Musical director: When the symphony orchestra came to us, the children, accompanied by him, sang the humorous song “Who is this?” The author soloed songs-composer A. Feldman. I suggest that we all sing this humorous song together now.

Music the leader begins to sing, and everyone sings along with her.

Educator: So our meeting has come to an end. We hope that the information received today will be useful to you in raising your children. May the great art of music always help you through life. And we will continue to work in this direction and hope that we will meet with you in the music room more than once. Goodbye! See you again!

The participants leave the hall to the music.

Publications on the topic:

Leisure activities for children of the second youngest group together with their parents " Winter fun» Participants: children of the second younger group and their parents. Target:.

Scenario of joint entertainment with parents in the preparatory group for “Mother’s Day” Goal: - To harmonize child-parent relationships.

Entertainment scenario for February 23 for children of the second group of early age “Defender of the Fatherland Day” together with parents Good day, dear colleagues! I only suggest that a script of entertainment be drawn up for February 23rd for children 2-3 years old. Description.

Scenario of entertainment with parents and children of the second youngest group “Dad can do anything!” Goal: To promote the development and cohesion of parent-child relationships, to develop continuity of work between the kindergarten and the family. Tasks:.

Scenario for sharing fun with parents for Mother's Day Scenario fun together with parents for Mother's Day for preparation. gr. "Rowan" 2016 Goal: Mastering moral skills through.

Scenario of joint entertainment with parents for Mother’s Day in the first junior group “My beloved Mommy” Presenter (1): Good evening, dear mothers! Today we invited you to visit us to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day! IN.

Scenario of joint entertainment with parents for Mother’s Day in the second junior group “It’s good next to mom” Scenario of joint entertainment with parents for Mother's Day in the second younger group“It’s good to be close to mom” Objectives: formation in children.

Scenario of joint entertainment with parents for Mother’s Day in the second junior group “Mom is always there!” Goal: To develop children's interest in tradition and to promote the creation of warm relationships in the family. Objectives: To develop a respectful attitude.

Scenario of shared entertainment with parents in the first junior group “Together with Dads” Goal: to promote psychological rapprochement between children and parents and the development of harmony in relationships. Objectives: to develop emotional intelligence in children.

Scenario of joint entertainment with parents for February 23 in the second junior group “Our dads are the best!” Goals: harmonization of child-parent (family) relationships during joint play activities. Objectives: -to develop emotional skills in children.

Image library:

Musical living room in the senior preparatory group of the kindergarten. Scenario

Entertainment scenario for kindergarten "Musical living room"

Target: Promote development creative potential children in performing activities.
Tasks: Expand children's understanding of how to perform songs (in an ensemble, using children's musical instruments, to a soundtrack), dancing (in a group, using instruments, in pairs); Encourage children to share their hobbies and discuss the performance of their comrades. Arouse interest in the performance of guests of the music room.
Manuals and materials: metallophones, spoons, domra, multimedia presentation.

Progress of entertainment

To the music “Magical Country,” children enter the hall and take their pre-prepared seats.
1 Presenter.
Hello, dear music lovers!
Yes, yes, exactly amateurs, because today in this hall those children from our kindergarten who have a musical hobby have gathered.
Without music, without music,
There is no way to live.
Can't dance without music
Neither polka nor hopak.
2 presenter
And you won’t be able to spin around in the dance,
And you won’t be able to march
And a funny song
You won't sing on holiday.
1 presenter
So let today into this hall
Music will come to us,
And everyone along with the music
He will dance and sing!
And I even know guys who really love to sing. And I’ll tell you a secret, there are a lot of such children in our kindergarten! Here, for example, are children from the older group. The three of them came to us. Tell me, guys, will you all sing together? This means we will hear the song performed by the trio. What song will you sing for us?
There are many songs in the world
They sing about everything
My brother gave me a handkerchief
We will sing to you about this.
Song “Gave a handkerchief” by muses Aleksandrovsk Wow
2 Presenter
And I see guys who have metallophones on their desks. I wonder if they will sing
or play musical instruments? Guys, tell me with what
musical number did you come to us?
We thought together for a long time
How to sing a song more interesting?
And then Anton said:
We need to take a metallophone!
2 Presenter
So, are you going to sing and play metallophones now?
I understood you correctly?
So kids preparatory group performing a song...
Farewell to the rain
Song using metallophones “Farewell to the rain” music. And Evtotje howl

Let me tell you!
Singing together is good!
It's better with a metallophone!
Nothing in the choir either,
Well, it’s cooler with dad!
1 Presenter
So, Kira, you came with your dad today?
Hello, we have musical family. Therefore, music is often played in our house. And now Kira and I will prove this to you.
Dad and I will sing the song “Puppy”
The song “A puppy was walking down the street” is accompanied by a dance composition yeah

preparatory group teacher
This is all very interesting, but I want to tell you about my pupil
Arina Khodos. She was also very interested in singing.
She sang even when the guys were dancing
2 Presenter
And we can remember how it was.
Watch the video ika
And today Arina is our guest. Hello. Arina, tell me, do you continue to sing? Will you sing for us today?
Song “Eccentric Man” by A. Petrishchev Ouch

1 Presenter
And I see two girls with an instrument that we don’t have in kindergarten.
And these girls are also our pupils Arina and Polina.
Girls, what kind of tools are these? Are you studying at a music school?
Why do you play the domra?
Since childhood we listened to guitar, domra and accordion
Because our mother is a musical champion!
My sister and I would like to learn guitar
While your hands are growing
Let's master this tool
2 Presenter
Together with Arina and Polina, our guest is the accompanist from the nursery music school Galina Sergeevna. She will help our girls perform musical works on this folk instrument.
Playing the domra “The Cheerful Peasant” music. Noise ana

And I see guys in chef’s hats, I wonder if they will sing too?
What did you come with today?
Now get to know us!
My friends and I will cook porridge.
We will cook porridge while dancing.
What don't you believe?
Dance "Cook, Porridge" music. A. Petrishchev Ouch

1 Presenter
Indeed, it is immediately clear that these guys really love to dance.
2 Presenter
And I know guys who not only dance, but also play musical instruments, but which ones?
Let's hit the spoons together,
How to stamp your heel.
And we'll play and we'll dance,
And let's spin like a top!
Dance with spoons “Snow Snowball” rn. m.

1 Presenter
Yes, in our kindergarten a lot of children are interested in dancing. I also want to tell you about one boy who went to our kindergarten 5-6 years ago. Look how he was, well, just like you. He loved to perform, he loved to dance. Today this boy is also our guest, this is Danil Shankin. Not only is he very serious about ballroom dancing, but is also a winner of many dance competitions. Danil, tell us how many years you have been dancing.
Short story Dan silt
2 Presenter
And, of course, today we will see the performance of Danil and his partner
Dance "Sam" ba"

1 Presenter
The last notes, alas, sounded,
At least the hall is filled with good music
Today we are even a little tired,
But everyone, I think, learned a lot!
2 Presenter
Every day from the heart
Sing songs, play, dance,
Paint a picture with a musical palette!
1 Presenter
Let's hold hands
Let's merge with the music,
Hearts will beat in unison.
May our souls be illuminated
May it never be silent
Beautiful sounds, harmonious choir.
Children leave the hall to the song “Anthem of Music”

Hall decoration: portraits of P.I. Tchaikovsky, M.I. Glinka, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, A.S. Pushkin, illustration depicting a large Symphony Orchestra.

Musical instruments: triangles, bells, tambourines, metallophones, rumbas.

(The “Waltz” from P.I. Tchaikovsky’s “Children’s Album” sounds. The children of the preparatory group enter the hall and sit down.)

Musical director: Quietly, quietly, let's sit next to you. Music comes into our home. In an amazing outfit, multi-colored, painted. Children, do you like fairy tales?

(Children's answers.)

What fairy tales do you like? (Various, Russian folk, magical.) I’m glad you answered that way, because I also really love fairy tales Moreover, I will tell you a secret... I am a sorceress! I'll take you to fairy world with the help of music.

(A fragment from P.I. Tchaikovsky’s ballet “The Nutcracker” is heard, a duet between Mary and the prince.)

Children, who wrote this amazing music? Yes, this music by P.I. Tchaikovsky, the great Russian composer. He lived more than a hundred years ago, but his music still sounds today! This is what Pyotr Ilyich dreamed of. He really wanted his music to be listened to as widely as possible more people: both big and small. He wanted his music to be consolation, joy, help.

(A fragment from the overture to M.I. Glinka’s opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila” is played.)

So we found ourselves in the kingdom of music. Are you surprised? It sounds so festive and bright. The musicians are getting too excited, and only... can calm them down...

Children: Conductor.

Musical director: This wonderful music is performed by an orchestra. Let's come closer.

(They go to the place where the illustration depicts a large symphony orchestra hangs, look at it, name familiar instruments. The music director complements the children’s answers (violins, cellos, harps, woodwinds and brass, percussion).)

It’s like a holiday on stage:

Silver and copper.

How many different trumpets and violins -

Difficult to see.

Someone suddenly from the twilight

Came out slowly into the light.

The conductor, he's in a black tailcoat,

He is dressed like a swallow.

Everything shines in the radiance of light,

Can't find any empty seats.

We guys know this...

Children: Symphony orchestra!

Musical director: In my kingdom you can not only listen to music, but also perform it.

(Invites children to play musical instruments, asks what they would like to perform. Children list familiar works, stop at “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P.I. Tchaikovsky. An audio recording of “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​plays. Children play musical instruments.)

Musical director: What is the character of this waltz? How will you perform it? (Smoothly, easily, tenderly.) Waltz music is full of joy and beauty, the harp sounds tender, the horns sound inviting, the violins sound affectionately, smoothly.

(Children go to the tables where the instruments are laid out, choose triangles, bells, tambourines, metallophones, rumbas as desired. They play music using familiar playing techniques (tremolo, glissando).)

Well done! You performed the waltz very expressively. Now get to know magical cat who lives in my kingdom.

(Turns on the slide projector. In the frame there is a close-up of the cat from the film strip “Lukomorye.”)

Teacher (reads):“Near the Lukomorye there is a green oak; gold chain on that oak tree: Both day and night, the learned cat keeps walking around the chain...”

Musical director: That's right, my cat is really a scientist. In everything related to fairy tales, singing and music, he has no equal.

Educator(comes closer to the screen, addresses the cat): What is your name? Doesn't he talk? He's magical!

Musical director: Why? Of course, he talks, but not everyone can hear him.

Educator: Will you help us hear your magic cat?

(They sound in audio recordings of fragments of musical works (“March of Chernomor” by M.I. Glinka, “Baba Yaga” from “Children’s Album” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, “Thirty-three Heroes” from N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera “The Tale of Tsar Saltan." The children call them and continue to watch the filmstrip.)

Musical director: You were attentive and heard what the cat was talking about. What else can I surprise you with? Fairies live in my kingdom, do you hear them flying?

(A fragment of the “Waltz of Snow Flakes” from P.I. Tchaikovsky’s ballet “The Nutcracker” plays. Two girls run out.)

1st girl: I'm a dance fairy.

2nd girl: And I am the fairy of melody, and we are glad to meet you. What melodies do you know?

(The teacher and children list melodious, thoughtful, excited, drawn-out, smooth.)

Musical director: There are many beautiful melodies in the kingdom of music, and to hear them we will fly after the fairies.

(The recording of “Waltz of Snow Flakes” sounds. Children move easily around the hall. The “Swans” theme plays. Children answer the music director’s questions.)

The melody is very beautiful and expressive.. Why does it sound so reverent, sad, and anxious?

(Children's answers.)

Here the swans are spinning in a dance. What does the music sound like? (Joyfully, easily.) What kind of dance is this? (Waltz.)

(Children listen to the recording of “Dance of the Little Swans.”)

What does the dance sound like? (Easy, abrupt, graceful.)

(Children listen to “Waltz” by P.I. Tchaikovsky performed by the music director.)

Hear how festive and solemn this waltz sounds. We arrived at the ball and we can dance too!

(Children improvise waltz movements.)

Educator: Which interesting tales music can tell! (Addresses music director.) You are the most important sorceress, your music brought us to this kingdom.

Musical director: No, I'm not the main sorceress. Here they are, wizards: writers, storytellers and composers. (Points to portraits of P.I. Tchaikovsky, M.I. Glinka, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, A.S. Pushkin). Remember them, because they created wonderful music and fairy tales!

I am glad that you really enjoyed our kingdom of music. Please visit us here more often Magic world sounds and fairy tales.

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