The Most Holy Theotokos in front of her “Vladimir” icon. Miracle-working prayer to the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God

One of the most revered in Russia is the Vladimir Icon, which is probably in any Orthodox church. Prayers are offered to her at many ends of the earth, but she is revered in Orthodoxy - completely special.

How it protects

The Mother of God tirelessly prays for everyone - not only the righteous, but also those who cannot get rid of the power of sin. Such people need to especially diligently read prayers in front of the Vladimir Icon. The Lady of Heaven will help you defeat the passions that torment and burden the soul. This may be a desire to sully the purity of marriage with fornication. Or sinful thoughts against other people, anger and hatred against one’s neighbor.

There is a long chronicle of miracles performed thanks to the protection of the Mother of God. The main thing is to understand that grace is given by the Lord, and it is not so important how ancient and expensive the image is in front of you. It is sanctified by the Holy Spirit, and miracles happen by faith.

How to ask correctly

Prayer to the Vladimir Icon can be offered at any time. It is better to first turn to the Lord, read the daily petitions that are printed in the prayer book. Then an akathist, or a short prayer, or a petition in one’s own words is said. You can read as often as you like, as long as your mind is focused specifically on the process of turning to the Queen of Heaven. Mechanical pronunciation, especially repeated repetition, is not necessary, because it looks more like witchcraft.

There are no restrictions on the types of help that the Holy Spirit can provide to believers. Prayer to the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God is capable of many things:

  • protect children and adults from illness;
  • give a person spiritual food;
  • overcome many grave sins, erase what happened in the past;
  • bring back to church those who have not been attending for a long time.

There are different situations in life, it is important not to lose faith, even if it seems that there is no way out, the answer does not come. A person is most often to blame for this himself, because his desires change very often. But God is not a magician, he looks straight into the soul and knows when it is solid and when it looks like grass carried by the wind. So sometimes waiting is necessary.

Prayer to the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God will give peace if done reverently, constantly, sincerely. The iconographic type of image is “Tenderness”, it shows all the warmth, sincerity, closeness of the relationship between man and God. The Lord of heaven himself diminished so much that his life depended on an earthly woman. Mutual trust and boundless love - that’s what this icon teaches. May prayer before her bring you spiritual renewal and salvation of your soul!

Text of the prayer to the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

O All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, Heavenly Queen, All-Powerful Intercessor, our shameless Hope! Thanking Thee for all the great blessings that the Russian people have received from Thee throughout the generations, before Thy most pure image we pray to Thee: save this city (or: this whole, or: this holy monastery) and Thy coming servants and the whole Russian land from famine, destruction , land of shaking, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare. Save and save, O Lady, our Great Lord and Father Kirill, His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', and our Lord (name of the rivers), His Eminence Bishop (or: Archbishop, or: Metropolitan) (title), and all Your Eminence metropolitans, archbishops and Orthodox bishops. May they govern the Russian Church well, and may the faithful sheep of Christ be preserved indestructibly. Remember, O Lady, the entire priestly and monastic order, warm their hearts with zeal for God and strengthen them to walk worthy of their calling. Save, O Lady, and have mercy on all Thy servants and grant us the path of the earthly journey without blemish. Confirm us in the faith of Christ and in zeal for the Orthodox Church, put into our hearts the spirit of the fear of God, the spirit of piety, the spirit of humility, give us patience in adversity, abstinence in prosperity, love for our neighbors, forgiveness for our enemies, success in good deeds. Deliver us from every temptation and from petrified insensibility, and on the terrible day of Judgment, grant us through Your intercession to stand at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God. To Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

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Everything about religion and faith - “prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos Icon of Vladimir” with a detailed description and photographs.

O All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, Heavenly Queen, All-Powerful Intercessor, our shameless Hope! Thanking Thee for all the great blessings, in the generations of the Russian people who were from Thee, before Thy most pure image we pray to Thee: save this city (or: this whole, or: this holy monastery) and Thy coming servants and the whole Russian land from famine, destruction , land of shaking, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare. Save and save, Lady, our Great Lord and Father Alexy, His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', and our Lord (name of the rivers), His Eminence Bishop (or: Archbishop, or: Metropolitan) (title), and all Your Eminence metropolitans, archbishops and Orthodox bishops. May they govern the Russian Church well, and may the faithful sheep of Christ be preserved indestructibly. Remember, O Lady, the entire priestly and monastic order, warm their hearts with zeal for God and strengthen them to walk worthy of their calling. Save, O Lady, and have mercy on all Thy servants and grant us the path of the earthly journey without blemish. Confirm us in the faith of Christ and in zeal for the Orthodox Church, put into our hearts the spirit of the fear of God, the spirit of piety, the spirit of humility, give us patience in adversity, abstinence in prosperity, love for our neighbors, forgiveness for our enemies, success in good deeds. Deliver us from every temptation and from petrified insensibility, on the terrible day of Judgment grant us, through Your intercession, to stand at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. . Amen.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before Her icon, called “Vladimir - Myrrh-streaming”

O Most Holy Lady Virgin Mary, our hope and refuge! You have given us this icon of Yours, glorified here by the myrrh, and before this we pray: do not turn Your face away from us, do not retreat from us for our iniquities, but, as the Good One, accept us under Your protection. Drown the fire of uncleanness and all filth in us with the sea of ​​Your grace, give us knowledge of our own sins and infirmities, and human praise - escape. With cruelty and unmercifulness, soften us who are aggravated, grant us to sympathize with our neighbors and free us from the memory of malice, put away the love of this life that is superfluous and carnal peace from us, but death, judgment, torment, prepared for the sinner, deepen in memory, and turn away our hearts from all malice, yes With peaceful lips let us glorify Thee, our Lady. Amen.

Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called Vladimir

Today the most glorious city of Moscow brightly flaunts, as if we had received the dawn of the sun, the Lady, Your miraculous icon, to which we now flow and pray, we cry out to You: O, most wonderful Lady Theotokos, pray from You to the incarnate Christ our God, that He may deliver this city and all Christian cities and countries are unharmed from all the slander of the enemy, and He will save our souls, like the Merciful.

To the chosen victorious Voivode, having been delivered from the evil ones by the coming of Your venerable image, to the Lady Theotokos we brightly celebrate the celebration of Your meeting and usually call You: Rejoice, Unmarried Bride.

We magnify, we magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, and we honor Your holy image, through which you bring healing to all who come with faith.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos, in front of Her icon, called “Vladimir” Akathist in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Vladimir - Myrrh-streaming” Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, called “Vladimir”

Popular prayers:

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Prayer to the Smolensk Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, called the Smolensk Hodegetria

Prayer to the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia

A mother's prayer for her children

Prayers to the miraculous icons of the Mother of God, the Most Holy Theotokos

Orthodox informers for websites and blogs All prayers.

Prayer of the Mother of God before her icon of Vladimir

The miraculous icon of the Vladimir Mother of God is one of the most revered Faces of the Virgin Mary, beloved by the people.

The iconography of the Holy image conveys the warmth and sincerity of the relationship between God and man. The Creator of the World Himself diminished so much that His life depended on a simple laywoman.

How to ask correctly

Prayer before the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God for help and intercession is offered by Christians all over the world. The Most Pure Virgin, being in the Kingdom of God, sees not only the Glory of Her Son, but also worldly suffering, and greatly grieves over the sins of people.

A request can be made before the Vladimir Icon at any time.

  1. First you need to turn to the Creator, read the necessary prayers, and only then say a prayer or akathist to the Mother of God in front of Her Vladimir icon.
  2. It is not necessary to read a certain number of times; you can pray as often as you like, as long as your mind and attention are focused on the Queen of Heaven and the petition to Her.
  3. You cannot say a prayer mechanically and without feeling - it is similar to witchcraft.

What to pray to the Intercessor for

The Intercessor and Defender of the human race provides assistance to all believers, helps to resolve all problems with which parishioners sincerely turn to Her.

How does the Intercessor Mother of God help?

  • protects the home;
  • helps you find the right path in life;
  • strengthens in the Orthodox faith;
  • protects from enemies;
  • pacifies the warring;
  • delivers from sinful thoughts;
  • heals physical and mental illnesses;
  • heals heart and eye diseases;
  • protects the family hearth;
  • delivers from the invasion of foreigners;
  • returns to the Temples of God those who have fallen from the faith.

The Mother of God teaches her children mutual trust and boundless love for each other.

Important! The veneration of the Holy Face of the Vladimir Mother of God takes place on August 26, June 23 and May 21.

May fiery prayers before her bring to humanity spiritual renewal and salvation of the soul in the general Resurrection.

Prayer before the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God

O All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, Heavenly Queen, All-Powerful Intercessor, our shameless Hope! Thanking Thee for all the great blessings that the Russian people have received from Thee throughout the generations, before Thy most pure image we pray to Thee: save this city (or: this whole, or: this holy monastery) and Thy coming servants and the whole Russian Land from famine, destruction , land of shaking, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare. Save and save, O Lady, our Great Lord and Father (name of rivers), His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', and our Lord (name of rivers), Most Reverend Bishop (or: Archbishop, or Metropolitan) (title), and all the Most Reverend Metropolitans, Orthodox archbishops and bishops. May they govern the Russian Church well, and may the faithful sheep of Christ be preserved indestructibly. Remember, Lady, the entire priestly and monastic order and their salvation, warm their hearts with zeal for God and strengthen them to walk worthy of their calling. Save, O Lady, and have mercy on all Thy servants and grant us the path of the earthly journey without blemish. Confirm us in the faith of Christ and in zeal for the Orthodox Church, put into our hearts the spirit of the fear of God, the spirit of piety, the spirit of humility, give us patience in adversity, abstinence in prosperity, love for our neighbors, forgiveness for our enemies, success in good deeds. Deliver us from every temptation and from petrified insensibility, on the terrible day of Judgment grant us, through Your intercession, to stand at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. . Amen.

O All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, Heavenly Queen, All-Powerful Intercessor, our shameless Hope! We thank You for all the good deeds that have been revealed to the Russian people from You, from ancient times to the present day from Your miraculous icon. And now, Blessing the Lady, look upon us, Thy sinful and unworthy servants, show us Thy mercy and pray to Thy Son, Christ our God, that we may be delivered from all evil and that every city and village, and our whole country, may be saved from famine and destruction. , coward, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare. Ask Orthodox Christians for a prosperous and peaceful life, health, long life, good haste and salvation in everything. Preserve and make wise the shepherds of the Church, who are worthy to shepherd the flock of Christ and have the right to rule the word of truth; Strengthen the Christ-loving All-Russian army, give the spirit of advice and reason to the military commander, the mayor and everyone in power, bestow Your holy blessing on all Orthodox Christians who worship Ti and pray before Your celibate icon. Be our Intercessor and Intercessor before the throne of the Most High, where you stand. To whom shall we resort if not to You, Lady? To whom shall we bring tears and sighs, if not to You, Most Holy Theotokos? There are no imams of any other help, no imams of any other hope, except for You, Heavenly Queen. We flow under Your protection, through Your prayers grant us peace, health, fruitfulness of the earth, goodness of the air, deliver us from all troubles and sorrows, from all ailments and illnesses, from sudden death and from all the bitterness of enemies visible and invisible. Enlighten and teach us, O All-Merciful Intercessor, how to sinlessly pass the path of this earthly life; You weigh our weaknesses, you weigh our sins, but you also weigh our faith and see our hope; Grant us correction of our sinful lives and soften our evil hearts. Strengthen the right faith in us, put into our hearts the spirit of the fear of God, the spirit of piety, the spirit of humility, patience and love, success in good deeds; Deliver us from temptations, from destructive, soul-harming teachings, from unbelief, corruption and eternal destruction. We therefore ask You, Most Pure Lady, and falling before Your holy icon, we pray, have mercy on us and have mercy on us, and on the terrible day of judgment, through Your intercession and intercession, make us worthy to stand at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His Beginning Father, and His Most Holy and Good and Consubstantial Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

To whom shall we cry, Lady! To whom shall we resort in our sorrow, if not to You, Queen of Heaven? Who will accept our crying and sighing, if not You, Most Immaculate, the Hope of Christians and refuge for us sinners? Who is more in Your favor? Incline Your ear to us, Lady, Mother of our God, and do not despise those who require Your help: hear our groaning, strengthen us sinners, enlighten and teach us, O Queen of Heaven, and do not depart from us Your servant, Lady, for our grumbling, but wake up Mother and Intercessor to us, and entrust us to the merciful protection of Your Son, arrange for us whatever Your holy will pleases, and lead us sinners to a quiet and serene life, may we cry over our sins, may we rejoice with You always, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

O Most Holy Lady Lady Theotokos! Thou art the highest of all Angels and Archangels and all honest creatures, the helper of the offended, the hopeless hope, the poor intercessor, the sad consolation, the hungry nurse, the naked robe, the healing of the sick, the salvation of sinners, the help and intercession of all Christians. O All-Merciful Lady, Virgin Mary and Lady! By Your mercy, save and have mercy on our country, Your Eminence metropolitans, archbishops and bishops, and the entire priestly and monastic rank, military leaders, city governors and Christ-loving army, and well-wishers, and all Orthodox Christians, protect Your honorable robe, and pray, Lady, from You without seed may the incarnate Christ our God gird us with His power from above against our invisible and visible enemies. O All-Merciful Lady Lady Theotokos! Raise us from the depths of sin, and deliver us from famine, destruction, from cowardice and flood, from fire and sword, from the presence of foreigners and internecine warfare, and from sudden death, and from attacks of the enemy, and from corrupting winds, and from deadly plagues , and from all evil. Grant, O Lady, peace and health to Thy servant, all Orthodox Christians, and enlighten their minds and the eyes of their hearts to salvation, and make us, Thy sinful servants, worthy of the Kingdom of Thy Son, Christ our God, for His Power is blessed and glorified, with the Beginning His Father and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Accept, O All-merciful, Most Pure Lady Theotokos, these honorable gifts, the only ones applied to You, from us, Your unworthy servants, chosen from all generations, the highest appearing of all creatures of heaven and earth. Because for Your sake the Lord of hosts was with us, and through You we knew the Son of God, and became worthy of His Holy Body and His Most Pure Blood. Blessed are you, too, in the birth of births, God-blessed One, the brightest of the Cherubim and the most honest of the Seraphim. And now, All-Singing Most Holy Theotokos, do not cease praying for us, Thy unworthy servants, that we may be delivered from every evil advice and from every situation, and that we may be preserved unharmed from every poisonous pretext of the devil. But even to the end, through Your prayers, keep us uncondemned, as if through Your intercession and help we are saved, we send glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship for everything in the Trinity to the One God and the Creator of all, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Offering to my queen, my hope to the Mother of God, a refuge for the orphans and the strange, the sorrowful, the joyful, the offended patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow, help me as I am weak, guide me as I am strange. Weigh my offense, resolve it, as you will: for I have no other help except You, no other intercessor, no good comforter, except You, O Mother of God, for you will preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen.

O Most Holy Lady Lady Theotokos! Accept our unworthy prayer, and save us from the slander of evil people and from sudden death, and grant us repentance before the end. Have mercy on our prayer, and grant joy instead of sorrow. And deliver us, Lady, from all misfortune and adversity, sorrow and illness and all evil. And we, Thy sinful servants, are made worthy to be at the right hand at the second coming of Thy Son, Christ our God, and heirs of the existence of the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life with all the saints throughout the endless ages of ages. Amen.

A little history

Church Tradition says that the Face belongs to the brush of the Evangelist Luke and was painted on the material from which the table was made, which served as the place for the meal of Jesus and the Virgin Mary. Previously, the icon was in Constantinople and Jerusalem, and later it was presented as a gift to Yuri Dolgoruky. Then his heir moved the Face to the Assumption Cathedral in the city of Vladimir, from here the icon acquired its name.

After some time, the image ended up in Moscow, so faithful Christians saved it from Tamerlane’s troops.

According to ancient chronicles, Tamerlane retired after a strange vision: the Mother of God herself appeared to him and ordered him to leave the Christian land. Thus, for the first time, the Most Pure Virgin saved Rus' from imminent war.

The second miracle from the icon was the salvation of the Russian people from the invasion of the Tatar Khan.

And for the third time the Lady did not abandon Holy Rus': She prevented bloodshed during the attacks of the Kazan Khan.

There is a widely known case in history when 12 people found themselves under the collapsed gates of Vladimir. At the prayer of Prince Andrey before the Holy Face of the Mother of God, all the victims remained alive and did not receive serious injuries.

Attention! Currently, the miraculous Face of the Queen of Heaven is in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow.

Prayers to the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Vladimir”

The prayer to the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is a universal and very powerful Orthodox prayer with which you can ask for various help in life.

Most often this icon is approached with the following requests:

About health and healing (your own, your children, your loved ones)

About maintaining peace in the family

About a successful marriage

About the gift of children and their well-being.

Prayer text

O All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, Heavenly Queen, All-Powerful Intercessor, our shameless Hope!

Thanking You for all the great blessings, in the generations of generations of Russian people who were from You, before Your most pure image we pray to You:

save this city (or: all this, or: this holy monastery) and your coming servants and the whole Russian land from famine, destruction, earth shaking, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare.

Save and save, Lady, our Great Lord and Father Alexy, His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, and our Lord (name), His Eminence Bishop (or: Archbishop, or: Metropolitan) (title), and all Your Eminence metropolitans, archbishops and bishops Orthodox.

May they govern the Russian Church well, and may the faithful sheep of Christ be preserved indestructibly.

Remember, O Lady, the entire priestly and monastic order, warm their hearts with zeal for God and strengthen them to walk worthy of their calling.

Save, O Lady, and have mercy on all Thy servants and grant us the path of the earthly journey without blemish.

Confirm us in the faith of Christ and in zeal for the Orthodox Church, put into our hearts the spirit of the fear of God, the spirit of piety, the spirit of humility,

Give us patience in adversity, abstinence in prosperity, love for our neighbors, forgiveness for our enemies, success in good deeds.

Deliver us from every temptation and from petrified insensibility, and on the terrible day of Judgment, grant us through Your intercession to stand at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God.

To Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.

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Prayer to the Vladimir Mother of God

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The Vladimir Mother of God resides in the Kingdom of God. She can see not only the glory of her Son, but the suffering of people on earth. She is a caring and loving mother for Christians. That is why she is very happy about our repentance, but she is upset about sinners and those who have strayed from the true path. The prayer of the Vladimir Mother of God has repeatedly worked real miracles. The power of sincere appeal to her at one time saved Rus' from enemy invaders, which brought victory to our army.

Prayer of the Mother of God of Vladimir and its power

The human heart is filled with happiness and love when looking at the tender image of Mary, who holds her long-awaited son in her arms. That is why it is recommended to have her image in any home, which allows you to get rid of feelings of hatred and anger, as well as significantly pacify impulses of passion.

In addition, prayer to the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God helps in such matters as:

  • instruction on obedience to God and faith in the Almighty;
  • reconciliation of parties at war for an indefinite period of time;
  • getting rid of illness and disease.

The prayer service is quite capacious, which allows the laity to concentrate their attention on the pressing problem, as well as put all their strength and energy into the prayer service. And, what is very important, prayer words must be sincere and come from the heart.

A prayer asking for healing to this Holy image helps to cure:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • nervous system disorders,
  • and vascular diseases.

They also turn to the image of the Virgin Mary about the health and well-being of elderly parents.

There is a legend according to which the Mother of God touched her icon-painted image and said - may grace come to me and my Son.

By seeking insight and standing in front of the Vladimir icon, you will definitely receive help. Sincere conversion allows you not only to see the light in a figurative sense, but also in reality.

Many people, while seeking help to cure eye diseases, were healed and forgot about all their ailments. Sincere conversion promotes spiritual insight, greatly enhances feelings of faith, protects against false prophets and delusions - this is where the power of the image helps.

Prayer before the Vladimir icon - how to read correctly?

Very often, women who have suffered from infertility for a long period of time turn to the Holy Image. Their pleas for the opportunity to feel the taste of motherhood never go unheard.

Men also turn to Her for help in serious undertakings. The Mother of God always supports people who ask to be accompanied and blessed before an unpleasant conversation, and also protects them from unpleasant acts and enemies.

  • The sacrament of request in prayer requires mandatory liberation from unnecessary thoughts and complete attentiveness and concentration while reading the text.
  • It is not enough to simply have an excellent, expensive look in your home. You need to bow to the icon and constantly pray, which will allow you to feel its effect.
  • In addition, you will be able to feel the invisible connection between the Almighty, which will constantly protect and ward off adversity and troubles from your home.

During the invasion of foreign troops, rituals of mass prayer were performed in front of the icon. The strength of the energy sent to the Almighty depended on the number of people praying for peace and goodness. And in this, the Holy Image helped them complete the battle with minimal losses, which simply could not have happened without the help of the Lord.

Pray sincerely, and the Lord God will definitely look back at your suffering and will not turn away from your misfortune.

Prayer before the Vladimir Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary

“O All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, Heavenly Queen, All-Powerful Intercessor, our shameless Hope! We thank You for all the good deeds to the Russian people from You, from ancient times and to this day, revealed from the miraculous icon, and now, Blessing the Lady, look upon us, Thy sinners and unworthy servants, show us Thy mercy, and pray to Thy Son, Christ our God, to be delivered from the hedgehog. us from all evil, and to preserve every city and village and our entire country from famine, destruction, cowardice, flood, fire, sword, foreign invasion and internecine warfare.

Ask our Christ-loving people for a prosperous and peaceful life, health, long life, good haste and salvation in everything. Preserve and make wise the shepherds of the Church, who are worthy to shepherd the flock of Christ and the right to rule the word of truth: strengthen the Christ-loving all-Russian army, give the spirit of advice and reason to the military commander, the mayor and everyone in power: send down Your holy blessing to all Orthodox Christians who worship Thee and those praying before your celibate icon.

Be our Intercessor and Intercessor before the Throne of the Most High, where you stand. To whom shall we resort if not to You, Lady; To whom shall we bring tears and sighs, if not to You, Most Pure Mother of God; There are no imams of any other help, no imams of any other hope, except for You, Heavenly Queen.

We flow under Your protection: through Your prayers bestow upon us peace, health, fruitful soil, good air, deliver us from all troubles and sorrows, from all ailments and illnesses, from sudden death and from all the bitterness of enemies visible and invisible. Enlighten and teach us, O All-Merciful Intercessor, to pass the path of this earthly life without sin.

You weigh our weaknesses, weigh our sins, but you also weigh our faith and hope: in the same way, grant us correction of our sinful lives and soften our evil hearts. Strengthen the right faith in us, put into our hearts the spirit of the fear of God, the spirit of piety, the spirit of humility, patience and love, success in good deeds, and deliver us from temptations, from harmful teachings that are harmful to the soul, from unbelief, corruption and eternal destruction.

We therefore ask You, Most Pure Lady, and falling before Your holy icon, we pray: have mercy on us and have mercy on us, and on the Last Day of Judgment, through Your intercession and intercession, make us worthy to stand at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His Beginning Father, and His Most Holy and Good and Consubstantial Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.”

God bless you!

Watch also the video prayer to the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God.

The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God depicts the Mother of God. It is one of the most revered relics of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God: legend

According to pious tradition, the image of the Mother of God of Vladimir was written by the Evangelist Luke on a board from the table at which the Savior dined with the Most Pure Mother and the righteous Joseph the Betrothed. The Mother of God, seeing this image, said: “From now on, all my people will please Me. May the grace of Him who was born of Me and Mine be with this image.”

Until the middle of the 5th century, the icon remained in Jerusalem. Under Theodosius the Younger, it was transferred to Constantinople, from where in 1131 it was sent to Rus' as a gift to Yuri Dolgoruky from the Patriarch of Constantinople Luke Chrysoverkh. The icon was placed in a nunnery in the city of Vyshgorod, not far from Kyiv, where it immediately became famous for its many miracles. In 1155, the son of Yuri Dolgoruky, St. Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, wanting to have a famous shrine, transported the icon to the north, to Vladimir, and placed it in the famous Assumption Cathedral, which he erected. From that time on, the icon received the name Vladimir.

During the campaign of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky against the Volga Bulgarians, in 1164, the image of the “Holy Mother of God of Vladimir” helped the Russians defeat the enemy. The icon survived the terrible fire on April 13, 1185, when the Vladimir Cathedral burned down, and remained unharmed during the destruction of Vladimir by Batu on February 17, 1237.

The further history of the image is entirely connected with the capital city of Moscow, where it was first brought in 1395 during the invasion of Khan Tamerlane. The conqueror with an army invaded the borders of Ryazan, captured and ruined it and headed his way to Moscow, devastating and destroying everything around. While the Moscow Grand Duke Vasily Dmitrievich was gathering troops and sending them to Kolomna, in Moscow itself, Metropolitan Cyprian blessed the population for fasting and prayerful repentance. On mutual advice, Vasily Dmitrievich and Cyprian decided to resort to spiritual weapons and transfer the miraculous icon of the Most Pure Mother of God from Vladimir to Moscow.

The icon was brought into the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. The chronicle reports that Tamerlane, having stood in one place for two weeks, suddenly became afraid, turned south and left the Moscow borders. A great miracle happened: during a procession with a miraculous icon, heading from Vladimir to Moscow, when countless people were kneeling on both sides of the road and praying: “Mother of God, save the Russian land!”, Tamerlane had a vision. A high mountain appeared before his mental gaze, from the top of which saints with golden staffs were descending, and above them the Majestic Woman appeared in a radiant radiance. She ordered him to leave the borders of Russia. Waking up in awe, Tamerlane asked about the meaning of the vision. They answered him that the radiant Woman is the Mother of God, the great Defender of Christians. Then Tamerlane gave the order to the regiments to go back.

In memory of the miraculous deliverance of Rus' from the invasion of Tamerlane, on the day of the meeting in Moscow of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God on August 26 / September 8, the solemn church holiday of the Presentation of this icon was established, and at the meeting place itself a temple was erected, around which the Sretensky Monastery was later located.

For the second time, the Mother of God saved Rus' from ruin in 1480 (commemorated on June 23 / July 6), when the army of the Khan of the Golden Horde, Akhmat, approached Moscow.

The meeting of the Tatars with the Russian army took place near the Ugra River (the so-called “standing on the Ugra”): the troops stood on different banks and were waiting for a reason to attack. In the front ranks of the Russian army they held the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God, which miraculously put the Horde regiments to flight.

The third celebration of the Vladimir Mother of God (May 21 / June 3) remembers the deliverance of Moscow from the defeat of Makhmet-Girey, Khan of Kazan, who in 1521 reached the borders of Moscow and began to burn its suburbs, but suddenly retreated from the capital without causing harm to it.

Before the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, many of the most important events in Russian church history took place: the election and installation of St. Jonah - Primate of the Autocephalous Russian Church (1448), St. Job - the first Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' (1589), His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon (1917 .), and also in all centuries, oaths of allegiance to the Motherland were taken before her, prayers were performed before military campaigns.

Iconography of the Vladimir Mother of God

The icon of the Vladimir Mother of God belongs to the “Caressing” type, also known under the epithets “Eleusa” (ελεουσα - “Merciful”), “Tenderness”, “Glycophilus” (γλυκυφιλουσα - “Sweet kiss”). This is the most lyrical of all types of iconography of the Virgin Mary, revealing the intimate side of the Virgin Mary’s communication with Her Son. The image of the Mother of God caressing the Child, his deep humanity turned out to be especially close to Russian painting.

The iconographic scheme includes two figures - the Virgin Mary and the Infant Christ, their faces clinging to each other. Mary's head is bowed towards the Son, and He puts his hand around the Mother's neck. A distinctive feature of the Vladimir Icon from other icons of the “Tenderness” type: the left leg of the Infant Christ is bent in such a way that the sole of the foot, the “heel,” is visible.

This touching composition, in addition to its direct meaning, contains a deep theological idea: the Mother of God caressing the Son appears as a symbol of the soul in close communion with God. In addition, the embrace of Mary and the Son suggests the future sufferings of the Savior on the cross; in the Mother’s caressing of the Child, his future mourning is foreseen.

The work is permeated with completely obvious sacrificial symbolism. From a theological point of view, its content can be reduced to three main themes: “the incarnation, the predestination of the Child to the sacrifice and the unity in love of Mary the Church with Christ the High Priest.” This interpretation of Our Lady of Caress is confirmed by the image on the back of the icon of the throne with the symbols of the Passion. Here in the 15th century. they painted an image of the throne (etimasia - “prepared throne”), covered with an altar cloth, the Gospel with the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, nails, a crown of thorns, behind the throne there is a Calvary cross, a spear and a cane with a sponge, below is the floor of the altar flooring. The theological interpretation of etymasia is based on Holy Scripture and the writings of the Church Fathers. Etymasia symbolizes Christ's resurrection and His judgment over the living and the dead, and the instruments of His torment are the sacrifice made to atone for the sins of mankind. The juxtaposition of Mary caressing the Child and the turnover with the throne clearly expressed sacrificial symbolism.

Arguments have been put forward in favor of the fact that the icon was double-sided from the very beginning: this is evidenced by the identical shapes of the ark and the husks of both sides. In the Byzantine tradition, there were often images of a cross on the back of Mother of God icons. Starting from the 12th century, the time of the creation of the “Vladimir Mother of God,” in Byzantine murals, the etymasia was often placed in the altar as an altar image, visually revealing the sacrificial meaning of the Eucharist, which takes place here on the throne. This suggests the possible location of the icon in antiquity. For example, in the Vyshgorod monastery church it could be placed in the altar as a double-sided altar icon. The text of the Legend contains information about the use of the Vladimir icon as an altar icon and as an outside icon that was moved in the church.

The luxurious attire of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, which she had according to the news of the chronicles, also does not testify in favor of the possibility of its location in the altar barrier in the 12th century: “And there were more than thirty hryvnias of gold on it, in addition to silver and in addition to expensive stones and pearls, and Having decorated it, put it in your church in Volodymeri.” But many of the external icons were later strengthened precisely in iconostases, like the Vladimir Icon in the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow, originally placed to the right of the royal doors: “And having brought in<икону>to the successor temple of her glorious Dormition, which is the great Catholic and Apostolic Church of the Russian Metropolis, and put it in an icon case on the right side, where to this day it stands visible and worshiped by all" (See: Book Degree. M., 1775. Part 1 . P. 552).

There is an opinion that the “Vladimir Mother of God” was one of the copies of the icon of the Mother of God “Caressing” from the Blachernae Basilica, that is, a copy of the famous ancient miraculous icon. In the Legend of the Miracles of the Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God, she is likened to the Ark of the Covenant, like the Virgin Mary herself, as well as her Robe, which was kept in the rotunda of Agia Soros in Blachernae. The Legend also speaks of healings that are accomplished mainly thanks to the water from the ablutions of the Vladimir Icon: they drink this water, wash the sick with it, and send it to other cities in sealed vessels to heal the sick. This miracle-working of waters from the washing of the Vladimir icon, emphasized in the Legend, could also be rooted in the rituals of the Blachernae sanctuary, the most important part of which was the chapel of the spring dedicated to the Mother of God. Constantine Porphyrogenitus described the custom of washing in a font in front of a marble relief of the Mother of God, from whose hands water flowed.

In addition, this opinion is supported by the fact that under Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky in his Vladimir principality, the cult of the Mother of God, associated with Blachernae shrines, received special development. For example, on the Golden Gate of the city of Vladimir, the prince erected the Church of the Deposition of the Robe of the Mother of God, directly dedicating it to the relics of the Blachernae Temple.

Style of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

The time of painting of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, the 12th century, refers to the so-called Komninian revival (1057-1185). This period in Byzantine art is characterized by the extreme dematerialization of painting, carried out by drawing faces and clothes with numerous lines, whitening slides, sometimes whimsically, ornamentally placed on the image.

In the icon we are considering, the most ancient painting of the 12th century includes the faces of the Mother and the Child, part of the blue cap and maforium border with a gold assist, as well as part of the ocher chiton of the Child with a gold assist with sleeves to the elbow and the transparent edge of the shirt visible from under it, a brush the left and part of the right hand of the Child, as well as the remains of the golden background. These few surviving fragments represent a high example of the Constantinople school of painting of the Komnenian period. There is no deliberate graphic quality characteristic of the time; on the contrary, the line in this image is nowhere opposed to volume. The main means of artistic expression is built on “the combination of insensible flows, giving the surface the impression of not being made by hands, with a geometrically pure, visibly built line.” “The personal letter is one of the most perfect examples of “Comnenian floating”, combining multi-layered sequential modeling with the absolute indistinguishability of the stroke. The layers of painting are loose, very transparent; the main thing is in their relationship with each other, in the transmission of the lower ones through the upper ones.<…>A complex and transparent system of tones – greenish sankira, ocher, shadows and highlights – leads to a specific effect of diffused, flickering light.”

Among the Byzantine icons of the Komnenian period, the Vladimir Mother of God also distinguishes the deep penetration into the area of ​​the human soul, its hidden secret sufferings, characteristic of the best works of this time. The heads of Mother and Son pressed against each other. The Mother of God knows that Her Son is doomed to suffer for the sake of people, and sorrow lurks in Her dark, thoughtful eyes.

The skill with which the painter was able to convey a subtle spiritual state most likely served as the origin of the legend about the painting of the image by the Evangelist Luke. It should be recalled that the painting of the early Christian period, the time when the famous evangelist icon painter lived, was flesh and blood of the art of late antiquity, with its sensual, “life-like” nature. But, in comparison with the icons of the early period, the image of the Vladimir Mother of God bears the stamp of the highest “spiritual culture”, which could only be the fruit of centuries-old Christian thoughts about the coming of the Lord to earth, the humility of His Most Pure Mother and the path they traversed of self-denial and sacrificial love.

Revered miraculous lists with icons of the Vladimir Mother of God

Over the centuries, many copies have been written from the Vladimir Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Some of them became famous for their miracles and received special names depending on their place of origin. This:

  • Vladimir - Volokolamsk icon (memory of Mr. 3/16), which was the contribution of Malyuta Skuratov to the Joseph-Volokolamsk monastery. Nowadays it is in the collection of the Central Museum of Ancient Russian Culture and Art named after Andrei Rublev.
  • Vladimirskaya - Seligerskaya (memory D. 7/20), brought to Seliger by Nil Stolbensky in the 16th century.
  • Vladimir - Zaonikievskaya (memory M. 21. / John 3; John 23 / Ill. 6, from the Zaonikievsky monastery), 1588.
  • Vladimirskaya - Oranskaya (memory M. 21 / John 3), 1634.
  • Vladimirskaya - Krasnogorskaya (Montenegorskaya) (memory M. 21 / John 3). 1603
  • Vladimir - Rostov (memory Av. 15/28), XII century.

Troparion to the Icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir, tone 4

Today the most glorious city of Moscow is shining brightly, / as the dawn of the sun has received, O Lady, Your miraculous icon, / to which now we flow and pray to You we cry out to You: / O, most wonderful Lady Theotokos, / pray to You, our incarnate God, / may He deliver the city this and all Christian cities and countries are unharmed from all the slander of the enemy, // and our souls will be saved by the Merciful.

Kontakion to the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, tone 8

To the chosen victorious Voivode, / as those who were delivered from the evil ones by the coming of Your honorable image, / Lady Theotokos, / we brightly celebrate the celebration of Your meeting and usually call You: // Rejoice, Unmarried Bride.

Prayer to the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

O All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, Heavenly Queen, All-Powerful Intercessor, our shameless Hope! Thanking Thee for all the great blessings that the Russian people have received from Thee throughout the generations, before Thy most pure image we pray to Thee: save this city (or: this whole, or: this holy monastery) and Thy coming servants and the whole Russian land from famine, destruction , land of shaking, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare. Save and save, O Lady, our Great Lord and Father Kirill, His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', and our Lord (name of the rivers), His Eminence Bishop (or: Archbishop, or: Metropolitan) (title), and all Your Eminence metropolitans, archbishops and Orthodox bishops. May they govern the Russian Church well, and may the faithful sheep of Christ be preserved indestructibly. Remember, O Lady, the entire priestly and monastic order, warm their hearts with zeal for God and strengthen them to walk worthy of their calling. Save, O Lady, and have mercy on all Thy servants and grant us the path of the earthly journey without blemish. Confirm us in the faith of Christ and in zeal for the Orthodox Church, put into our hearts the spirit of the fear of God, the spirit of piety, the spirit of humility, give us patience in adversity, abstinence in prosperity, love for our neighbors, forgiveness for our enemies, success in good deeds. Deliver us from every temptation and from petrified insensibility, and on the terrible day of Judgment, grant us through Your intercession to stand at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God. To Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.


These long and numerous movements of the icon in space are poetically interpreted in the text of the Legend of the Miracles of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, which was first found by V.O. Klyuchevsky in Milyutin’s Chetya-Minea, and published according to the list of the collection of the Synodal Library No. 556 (Klyuchevsky V.O. Tales of the Miracles of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. - St. Petersburg, 1878). In this ancient description, they are likened to the path that the sun's luminary takes: “When God created the sun, he did not make it shine in one place, but, going around the entire Universe, illuminates with its rays, so this image of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary is not on one place... but, going around all countries and the whole world, it enlightens..."

Etingof O.E. On the early history of the icon “Our Lady of Vladimir” and the tradition of the Blachernae cult of the Mother of God in Rus' in the 11th-13th centuries. // Image of the Mother of God. Essays on Byzantine iconography of the 11th-13th centuries. – M.: “Progress-Tradition”, 2000, p. 139.

Ibid., p. 137. In addition, N.V. Kvilidze unveiled the painting of the deacon of the Trinity Church in Vyazemy at the end of the 16th century, where on the southern wall there is a liturgy in a church with an altar, behind which is an icon of Our Lady of Vladimir (N.V. Kvilidze. Newly discovered frescoes of the altar of the Trinity Church in Vyazemy. Report in the Department of Ancient Russian Art at the State Institute of Art Studies. April 1997).

Etingof O.E. To the early history of the icon “Our Lady of Vladimir”...

Throughout its history it was recorded at least four times: in the first half of the 13th century, at the beginning of the 15th century, in 1521, during alterations in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin and before the coronation of Nicholas II in 1895-1896 by restorers O. S. Chirikov and M. D. Dikarev. In addition, minor repairs were carried out in 1567 (at the Chudov Monastery by Metropolitan Athanasius), in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Kolpakova G.S. Art of Byzantium. Early and middle periods. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house “Azbuka-Classics”, 2004, p. 407.

Ibid., p. 407-408.

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The Icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir is one of the most revered icons of the Mother of God in Russia.

The celebration of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God was established in memory of the salvation of Moscow in 1521 from the invasion of the Tatars led by Khan Makhmet-Girey. Veneration - June 3 (May 21, old style), July 6 (June 23), September 8 (August 26).

According to legend, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God was written by the holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke during the life of the Mother of God on the board of the table at which the Holy Family had a meal.

The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God remained in Jerusalem until 450. Under Theodosius the Younger it was transferred to Constantinople. At the beginning of the 12th century, Patriarch Luke Chrysoverg sent a special list (copy) of it as a gift to the Grand Duke of Kyiv Yuri Dolgoruky.

The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God has been revered as miraculous for several centuries.

Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Vladimir they pray for deliverance from the invasion of enemies, from disasters, for instruction in the Orthodox faith, for healing from bodily ailments (diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system). People turn to her for help during disasters, when they need protection from enemies.

The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God reconciles those at war, softens people’s hearts, and helps strengthen faith.

Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos before Her Vladimir Icon.

Prayer before the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God.

Thanking Thee for all the great blessings that the Russian people have received from Thee throughout the generations, before Thy most pure image we pray to Thee: save this city (or: this whole, or: this holy monastery) and Thy coming servants and the whole Russian Land from famine, destruction , land of shaking, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare.

Save and save, O Lady, our Great Lord and Father (name of rivers), His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', and our Lord (name of rivers), Most Reverend Bishop (or: Archbishop, or Metropolitan) (title), and all the Most Reverend Metropolitans, Orthodox archbishops and bishops.

May they govern the Russian Church well, and may the faithful sheep of Christ be preserved indestructibly. Remember, Lady, the entire priestly and monastic order and their salvation, warm their hearts with zeal for God and strengthen them to walk worthy of their calling.

Save, O Lady, and have mercy on all Thy servants and grant us the path of the earthly journey without blemish.

Confirm us in the faith of Christ and in zeal for the Orthodox Church, put into our hearts the spirit of the fear of God, the spirit of piety, the spirit of humility, give us patience in adversity, abstinence in prosperity, love for our neighbors, forgiveness for our enemies, success in good deeds.

Deliver us from every temptation and from petrified insensibility; on the terrible day of Judgment, grant us, through Your intercession, to stand at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

“O All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, Heavenly Queen, All-Powerful Intercessor, our shameless Hope!

We thank You for all the good deeds that have been revealed to the Russian people from You, from ancient times to the present day from Your miraculous icon. And now, Blessing the Lady, look upon us, Thy sinful and unworthy servants, show us Thy mercy and pray to Thy Son, Christ our God, that we may be delivered from all evil and that every city and village, and our whole country, may be saved from famine and destruction. , coward, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare.

Ask Orthodox Christians for a prosperous and peaceful life, health, long life, good haste and salvation in everything.

Preserve and make wise the shepherds of the Church, who are worthy to shepherd the flock of Christ and have the right to rule the word of truth; Strengthen the Christ-loving All-Russian army, give the spirit of advice and reason to the military commander, the mayor and everyone in power, bestow Your holy blessing on all Orthodox Christians who worship Ti and pray before Your celibate icon.

Be our Intercessor and Intercessor before the throne of the Most High, where you stand.

To whom shall we resort if not to You, Lady?

To whom shall we bring tears and sighs, if not to You, Most Holy Theotokos?

There are no imams of any other help, no imams of any other hope, except for You, Heavenly Queen.

We flow under Your protection, through Your prayers grant us peace, health, fruitfulness of the earth, goodness of the air, deliver us from all troubles and sorrows, from all ailments and illnesses, from sudden death and from all the bitterness of enemies visible and invisible.

Enlighten and teach us, O All-Merciful Intercessor, how to sinlessly pass the path of this earthly life; You weigh our weaknesses, you weigh our sins, but you also weigh our faith and see our hope; Grant us correction of our sinful lives and soften our evil hearts.

Strengthen the right faith in us, put into our hearts the spirit of the fear of God, the spirit of piety, the spirit of humility, patience and love, success in good deeds; Deliver us from temptations, from destructive, soul-harming teachings, from unbelief, corruption and eternal destruction.

We therefore ask You, Most Pure Lady, and falling before Your holy icon, we pray, have mercy on us and have mercy on us, on the terrible day of judgment, through Your intercession and intercession, make us worthy to stand at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God, and to Him belongs all glory and honor and worship, with His Originless Father, and His Most Holy and Good and Consubstantial Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Prayer before the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary

“Offering to my queen, my hope to the Mother of God, a refuge for the orphans and strange intercessors, those who grieve with joy, those who are offended by the patroness!

See my misfortune, see my sorrow, help me as I am weak, guide me as I am strange. Weigh my offense, resolve it, as you will: for I have no other help except You, no other intercessor, no good comforter, except You, O Mother of God, for you will preserve me and cover me forever and ever.

Prayer before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Vladimir”.

“O Most Holy Lady Lady Theotokos!

Accept our unworthy prayer, and save us from the slander of evil people and from sudden death, and grant us repentance before the end.

Have mercy on our prayer, and grant joy instead of sorrow.

And deliver us, Lady, from all misfortune and adversity, sorrow and illness and all evil.

And we, Thy sinful servants, are made worthy to be at the right hand at the second coming of Thy Son, Christ our God, and heirs of the existence of the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life with all the saints throughout the endless ages of ages.

Troparion, tone 4

“Today the most glorious city of Moscow is brightly adorned, as if it has received the dawn of the sun, O Lady, your miraculous icon, to which we now flow and pray to you, we cry out to you: O most wonderful Lady Theotokos!

Pray from You to the incarnate Christ our God, that he may deliver this city and all Christian cities and countries unharmed from all the slander of the enemy and save our souls, for he is the Merciful.”

Kontakion, tone 8

“To the chosen victorious Voivode, having been delivered from the evil ones by the coming of Your venerable image, Lady Theotokos, we brightly celebrate the celebration of Your meeting and usually call You: Rejoice, Unmarried Bride.”

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of her icon called “Vladimir”.

Kontakion 1

To the chosen Voivode, our Intercessor, looking at Your first-written image, we sing songs of praise to You, Thy servants, Mother of God.

You, as you have an invincible power, preserve and save those who cry out with gratitude to You:

Ikos 1

The Angelic Powers in Heaven silently sing of Thee, Most Pure One, seeing the Divine Glory, with which Thy Son glorifies Thee; but You did not forsake us, the earthly, like some kind of ray, having sent down to us Your icon, first painted by Saint Luke.

About her you once said: “In this way may My grace and strength abide.” Moreover, Thy servants are faithful, all the days and in every place the fulfillment of Thy words is visible, we flow to Thy whole-bearing image and, like You, who exists with us, we cry out: Rejoice, Queen of Angels; Rejoice, Lady of the whole world. Rejoice, ever glorified in Heaven; Rejoice, you who are magnified on earth. Rejoice, Thy grace who bestowed Thy grace upon this icon; Rejoice, you who placed this tree for the salvation of people. Rejoice, speedy goodness of God to the Giver; Rejoice, zealous novice of our prayers.

Rejoice, Most Pure One, flowing mercy to us from Your icon.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the many miracles that happened when Thy holy icon was brought to Vyshgrad, the blessed Prince Andrei became inflamed in spirit and begged Thee to tell Thy holy will and bless him to go away to the Rostov region. Moreover, having received what we wanted and took up Your icon, we went on our way, rejoicing and singing to God:


Ikos 2

All people understood Your wondrous procession, O Queen of Heaven, from Kyiv to the land of Rostov, for the sick were healed and other signs and wonders were shown to all who flowed with faith to Your image.

For this reason, I hurried to You: Rejoice, who showed miracles in the procession of Your icon; Rejoice, you who healed many sick people. Rejoice, you who do not reject our sighs; Rejoice, you who accept our unworthy prayers. Rejoice, Mother of Thy generosity pouring out upon us; Rejoice, Thy icon who has done us good. Rejoice, thou who bestowest aid in the present situation; Rejoice, you who restore hope to the desperate.

Rejoice, Most Pure One, flowing mercy to us from Your icon.

Kontakion 3

By Thy power we protect, blessed Prince Andrey, the border of Vladimir has reached and here Thy good will, O Lady, is known. Having appeared to him in a vision at night, You commanded not to leave this place and to place Your miraculous icon here, in the city of Vladimir, so that it would be a blessing to our northern country and a protection for Your people who cry out to God:


Ikos 3

Having within us the blessed treasure - Your icon of Vladimir, our Fatherland has prospered from strength to strength.

In the days of circumstances and misfortunes, You did not abandon our family, O Lady, and in good times You were near, Your faithful people interceding through Your omnipotent intercession, singing Ti: Rejoice, the wrath of God, righteously driven upon us, quenching; Rejoice, you who bow down to the Lord for mercy towards us sinners.

Rejoice, for you have heeded the humble prayers of Your servants; Rejoice, for You hasten to bestow Your consolation upon us. Rejoice, for with Your icon you protect us from all troubles; Rejoice, for through this you destroy the machinations of the enemy.

Rejoice, you who strengthen Your people in the hour of sorrow; Rejoice, you who grant a quiet and serene life.

Rejoice, Most Pure One, flowing mercy to us from Your icon.

Kontakion 4

The blessed Prince Andrei passed through a storm of doubtful thoughts, from many enemies there was no time to survive: But You, the All-Singing One, with a wondrous sign from Your icon, You foreshadowed the glorious victory. Having also been renewed by faith and bold in Your name, you sang to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the rebel murder of the blessed Prince Andrei, the city of Vladimir rushed to plunder the city, but suddenly saw your miraculous icon, which had been carried to hundreds of cities of the city, was touched by his heart and fell to his knees in repentance of his sin. O pious people, rejoicing at this grace-filled appearance from Thy icon, hastening to sing a song of thanks to Thee: Rejoice, quenching internecine strife; Rejoice, softening of hardened hearts. Rejoice, for you return those who have gone astray to the right path; Rejoice, for you protect us from vain temptations. Rejoice, you who overthrow all spiritual destruction; Rejoice, soul-harming one who denounces teachings. Rejoice, you who show us the unforbidden path to the Kingdom of Heaven; Rejoice, eternal peace and joy giving us. Rejoice, Most Pure One, flowing mercy to us from Your icon.

Kontakion 5

The God-bearing star of our father was Your icon, O Lady, who led with light, I conquered the kingdom many times, gained strength from weakness, put to flight the hosts of strangers and found the path to dark prosperity and heavenly salvation. For this reason, the Russian land duly glorifies Thee, singing to God:


Ikos 5

Having once seen the people of Vladimir in a wonderful vision, their city was lifted up in the air and Your icon on top of it, like the sun, shining, with tenderness of mind, Lady, Your constant protection of their city and, Your merciful providence for them is glorifying, hastening to Ti: Rejoice, Mother of mercy ; Rejoice, Source of miracles.

Rejoice, our cheerful Guardian; Rejoice, O protection of our city. Rejoice, mountain that raises our minds to Heavenly treasures; Rejoice, you who plant love for God in the hearts of the faithful. Rejoice, admonisher of little faith; Rejoice, enlightener of incorrect meanings. Rejoice, Most Pure One, flowing mercy to us from Your icon.

Kontakion 6

Preacher of Your ineffable miracles, O Lady, Your cathedral temple appeared in the city of Vladimir, adorned with Your holy icon. By God's permission, all its splendor once perished in the fires, but Your holy icon, like an unburnt bush, remains, and having seen and felt Your presence, the faithful will sing:


Ikos 6

Resurrect the light of Your icon, O Mother of God, in the days of the fierce invasion of Batu. Even though the Hagarians were wicked and burned with fire the cathedral church of Thy and St. Vladimir and the people praying in the church, they killed and gave up everything to final destruction, yet Thy icon was found again unharmed, striving to sing to You: Rejoice, Unburnt Bush: Rejoice, Inexhaustible Treasure. Rejoice, indestructible wall; Rejoice, Refuge for all who trust in Thee. Rejoice, you who preserved your icon intact in the flames; Rejoice, you who left it for us as a consolation and salvation.

Rejoice, for You are our Protection; Rejoice, for You are the constant joy of all the pious.

Rejoice, Most Pure One, flowing mercy to us from Your icon.

Kontakion 7

Although Grand Duke Vasily acquired protection for his capital city, he commanded to bring Your Vladimir icon to Moscow.

And at the meeting of her, the prince and saint of Moscow Cyprian zealously went with the consecrated Council and the whole multitude of people, bowing to the ground before her, as if You, the Most Pure One, was coming to them, calling to You: “O Mother of God, save the Russian land,” together and better than God:


Ikos 7

You created a new sign, O Most Immaculate One, on the day of the celebration of the meeting of Your Icon of Vladimir in Moscow: in a terrible vision, like an omnipotent Queen, surrounded by many armies of Heaven, you appeared with the saints of Moscow to the wicked Hagaryan Khan and commanded you to depart from the borders of the Russian land.

Then Your faithful people, having seen the enemy in shame and fleeing, will greet You with joy: Rejoice, invincible victory; Rejoice, Queen of Heavenly Powers.

Rejoice, terrible disgrace of the enemy; Rejoice, unexpected joy of Your servants. Rejoice, Hope of all who are deprived of hope; Rejoice, salvation to those who descended into the depths of hell. Rejoice, who made Moscow glad with the coming of Your icon; Rejoice, for Thy intercession did not leave the city of Vladimir. Rejoice, Most Pure One, flowing mercy to us from Your icon.

Kontakion 8

The strange victory through Your omnipotent help, O Lady, accomplished without battle, is still brightly glorified by the Orthodox Church to this day. We celebrate the meeting of Your icon in Vladimir, and all our faithful children are called together to gratefully confess Your mercies, and to sing to Your Son and God:


Ikos 8

God sanctify all of You, Most Immaculate, and as His Mother, a ready refuge and a warm cover is given to all of us. Moreover, from the least of the earth and the unknown, the city of Moscow, blessed by You, has been magnified, piously venerating Your icon; For all the Russian tribes have been gathered together and their region over the surrounding languages ​​from sea to sea and even to the ends of the earth, spreading the faith of Christ to everyone, crying out to you: Rejoice, our lands have been taken away; Rejoice, confirmation of the Church. Rejoice, our prayer books are praised. Rejoice, salvation of Your people; Rejoice, our terrifying enemies. Rejoice, thou who driveth away the armies of strangers far away. Rejoice, for through You Orthodox Rus' is supported; Rejoice, for in You the Christian race boasts. Rejoice, Most Pure One, flowing mercy to us from Your icon.

Kontakion 9

Every angelic nature praises Thee, the Mother of God, who stands before the throne of Thy Son and prays for our country and all Christians.

We, Your people, understanding the effect of Your prayers, flow to Your miraculous icon with love and diligently cry out to God:


Ikos 9

The development of earthly art is not sufficient to praise Thee, Most Holy All-Immaculate, and to count Thy miracles in the image, in which the Orthodox Church is magnified, our cities are established and all Christians are divinely rejoiced. Moreover, for Thy great love for us and all Thy mercy, accept from us this song of praise: Rejoice, Thou who have shone forth in the Council of Saints in our country, surrounded and glorified; Rejoice, you who accept the prayers of our representatives, the Russian miracle workers. Rejoice, you who propitiate God through Your intercession for us; Rejoice, ever overshadowing us with Your honest protection. Rejoice, O glorious Protectress of our country; Rejoice, you who call upon You as an ambulance Helper. Rejoice, grace-filled strengthening of those who labor; Rejoice, undoubted salvation for repentant sinners. Rejoice, Most Pure One, flowing mercy to us from Your icon.

The images of the Blessed Virgin created by icon painters are famous for their healing miraculous power. Prayer to the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God always brings help to the one from whose lips it sounds.

The painting of icons with the face of the Virgin Mary originated during the life of Jesus, when Mary herself was alive. The first icon painter who was lucky enough to depict more than one image of the Mother of Christ was St. Luke the Apostle. The Vladimir Icon is also attributed to his hand, on which a mother and child (Mary and little Jesus) are depicted in such a way as to evoke tenderness among all believers: the baby is pressed with his cheek to his mother, and his little heel peeks out from under the hem of his clothes.

It is known that until the 5th century the shrine was in Jerusalem, from where it was subsequently transported to Constantinople. Already in the 12th century, the icon came to Russian soil as a gift from the Patriarch of Constantinople to Prince Mstislav. The original name of the face was the Vyshgorod Icon. It began to be called Vladimir after the legendary events, when the young Prince Bogolyubsky (son of Yuri Dolgoruky) brought the found icon to Vladimir.

The gift of Patriarch Luke has become a truly happy amulet for the Slavs, and it is customary to offer prayer to the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God whenever there is a threat of military intervention hanging over Russia.

According to legend, Our Lady of Vladimir saved Rus' three times from the invasion of infidels. The Church even approved days of veneration of the icon, celebrating the miraculous deliverance from the invaders:

  • May 21 - from Makhmet-girey, which occurred in 1521.
  • June 23 - from Akhmat, Horde prince in 1480. (“Standing on the Ugra River”)
  • August 26 - from Tamerlane (celebrated as Meeting - meeting of the relic in Moscow in 1395)

Description of the prayer for the Vladimir Icon

Looking at the tender images of Mary and her son, the human heart is filled with love and tenderness, so every believer is advised to have such an image in their home to pacify passions and get rid of anger. In addition to its protective function, saying prayers to the Vladimir Mother of God helps in the following matters:

  • instruction in faith and obedience to God;
  • reconciliation of warring parties;
  • getting rid of illnesses and illnesses.

The prayer is very capacious and remarkably helps the laity to concentrate on pressing problems and put mental anguish and pain into the spoken text.

Prayer to the icon of the “Vladimir Mother of God”

“O All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, Heavenly Queen, all-powerful Intercessor, our shameless hope! We thank You for all the blessings that have been from You to the Russian people throughout the generations, from ancient times to this day, revealed by Your miraculous icon. And now, Blessing the Lady, look upon us sinners and Thy unworthy servants, show us Thy mercy and pray to Thy Son, Christ our God, to deliver us from all evil, and to save every city and village and our entire country from famine, destruction, cowardice, flood, fire and sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine strife. Preserve and make wise the shepherds of the Church, who are worthy to shepherd the flock of Christ and have the right to rule the word of truth; Strengthen the Christ-loving All-Russian army, give the spirit of advice and reason to the military commander, the mayor and everyone who is in power; send down Thy holy blessing upon all Orthodox Christians who worship Thy and pray before Thy celibate icon. Be our Intercessor and Intercessor before the throne of the Most High, where you stand. To whom shall we resort if not to You, Lady? To whom shall we bring tears and sighs, if not to You, Most Holy Theotokos? There are no imams of any other help, no imams of any other hope, except for You, Heavenly Queen. We flow under Your shelter; Through Your prayers grant us peace, health, fruitfulness of the earth, goodness of the air, deliver us from all troubles and sorrows, from all ailments and illnesses, from sudden death and from all the bitterness of enemies visible and invisible. Enlighten and teach us, O All-Merciful Intercessor, to walk the path of this earthly life without sin. You weigh our weaknesses, you weigh our sins, but you also weigh our faith and see our hope; Likewise, grant us correction of our sinful lives and soften our evil hearts. Strengthen the right faith in us, instill in our hearts the spirit of the fear of God, the spirit of piety, the spirit of humility, patience and love, success in good deeds; deliver us from temptations, from destructive teachings harmful to the soul, from unbelief, corruption and eternal destruction. We therefore ask You, Most Pure Lady, and falling before Your holy icon we pray: have mercy on us and have mercy on us, and on the Terrible Day of Judgment, through Your intercession and intercession, make us worthy to stand at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God, and to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship with His Beginning Father and His Most Holy and Good and Consubstantial Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen."

It begins with large-scale requests for the protection of the homeland, the land on which a person lives, then a smooth transition is made to one’s own person. The Mother of God is asked for purification, strengthening of faith and for solving other important tasks at this moment in life. Women suffering from infertility ask for the opportunity to become a mother, men rely on the help of an intercessor in serious endeavors. People who are facing an unpleasant conversation, litigation, or trial ask the Mother of God to protect themselves from enemies and wrong actions.

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