Holy Mother of God indestructible wall meaning. Download the text of the prayer in front of the “Unbreakable Wall” icon

Image of the Mother of God “Unbreakable Wall”. Mosaic of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. 11th century, fragment

The miraculous icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary “The Unbreakable Wall” is made in the style of a mosaic on the wall above the high place of the main altar of the Kyiv St. Sophia Cathedral. The Mother of God is depicted on a golden background, standing at full height on a quadrangular golden stone with raised arms.

The icon received its name “The Unbreakable Wall” due to the fact that for nine centuries it remained intact, despite the fact that both the cathedral and the city were repeatedly destroyed.

An ancient description of this icon has been preserved: “The growth of the Mother of God is gigantic, like all Her deeds in Rus'. She stands on a golden stone, the unshakable foundation of all those who flow to Her protection. Her tunic and scarlet belt are of heavenly color, and on it hangs a lention, with which She wipes away so many tears. Azure arms on hands raised to the sky. The golden veil falls from Her head and hangs in the form of an omophorion on her left shoulder, as a sign of Her cover, a broad cloud, according to the voice of church songs. bright star burns on the forehead of the Mother of God and two stars on her shoulders: for She Herself, the Mother of the Unsetting Light, was for us the dawn of the Unsetting Sun.”

The Icon of the Mother of God “The Unbreakable Wall” is made of mosaic on the wall under the vault above the high place of the main altar in the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral. The icon was called the “Unbreakable Wall” because it remained undamaged for nine centuries. According to Kyiv legend, the capital city will not perish as long as the Mother of God “The Unbreakable Wall” stretches out the hands of the Mother of God over it.

The Virgin Mary is depicted on a golden mosaic background, in full height, without the Infant God, standing on a quadrangular golden stone with raised arms. On the large arc of the semi-vault, along its entire length and almost its entire width, a Greek inscription is laid out in black mosaic. This inscription is translated as follows: “God is in the midst of her and does not move: God will help her in the morning” (Ps. 45: 6).

This is how the famous traveler Muravyov described this icon:

“The growth of the Mother of God is gigantic, like all Her deeds in Rus'. She stands on a golden stone, the unshakable foundation of all those who flow to Her protection. Her tunic and scarlet belt are of heavenly color, and on it hangs a lention, with which She wipes away so many tears. Azure arms on hands raised to the sky. The golden veil falls from Her head and is hung in the form of an omophorion on her left shoulder, as a sign of Her cover, a broad cloud. A bright star burns on the forehead of the Mother of God and two stars on her shoulders (shoulders): for She Herself, the Mother of the unsetting Light, was for us the dawn of the unsetting Sun (that is, Christ).”

Venerated image of the Mother of God " Unbreakable Wall"is one of the most important Orthodox shrines. She is considered an image from which we, through our prayer to the Most Pure Virgin, receive protection from a variety of negative events– from natural Disasters(fires, floods), from home invasion by thieves and ill-wishers and other troubles.

The eternal intercession of the Mother of God protects us with an unbreakable wall. And in our time, cases of healing from incurable diseases and other miraculous events are widely known.

Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary “The Unbreakable Wall”

Troparion before the icon “The Unbreakable Wall”, tone 4

Let us now diligently approach the Mother of God, sinners and humility, and let us fall down in repentance calling from the depths of our souls: Lady, help us, having had mercy on us, struggling, we are perishing from many sins, do not turn away your slaves, for you are the only hope of the imams.

Another troparion, tone 4

Like the indestructible wall and omnipotent cover / of You, Thy servants, Lady Theotokos, / who drives away the darkness of sins and sorrows. / In the same way we pray to Thee: / grant Thy peace / and light and salvation to our souls.

The Greatness of the Blessed Virgin Mary

We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, God-chosen Youth, and honor Your holy image, through which you bring healing to all who come with faith.

Prayer to the Mother of God

My Most Blessed Queen, My Hope, Mother of God. A friend of the orphans and the strange Representatives. Those who mourn in joy, those who are offended by the Patroness, behold my misfortune, behold my sorrow. Help me, as I am weak, Feed me as I am strange... Weigh my offense, resolve it, as if it were a will. For the imam has no other help, except for You, no other Representative. Not the good Comforters, Only You, O Mother of God... May you preserve and cover me, forever and ever. Amen. Most Holy Theotokos, Enlighten us with the light of Your Son. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.

Second prayer

Oh, our gracious Lady Theotokos, Ever-Virgin, accept from us this song of gratitude and offer up to our Creator and Creator your warm prayers for us unworthy, may He, the Merciful, forgive us all our sins, evil and unclean thoughts, nasty deeds. Oh, Most Holy Lady, have mercy and send down a gift according to each need: heal the sick, comfort the sorrowing, bring the lost to reason, protect the infants, raise and teach the young, encourage and instruct men and wives, support and warm the old, be with us both here and in life eternal Wall, Indestructible, deliver from all troubles and misfortunes and from eternal torment, and always praise Your Mother's love, we praise with all our hearts Your Son, with His Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer three

And You, Lady, not in vain called the “Indestructible Wall”, be for all those who are hostile against me and plotting dirty tricks on me, truly a kind of barrier and an indestructible wall, protecting me from all evil and difficult circumstances. Amen.

One of the most famous faces of the Virgin Mary is located in the city of Kyiv, in the Hagia Sophia Cathedral. This is a huge mosaic image in which the figure is visible Mother of God V full height. Its height is about six meters. The Virgin Mary is depicted in a praying pose, with her hands raised up.

It received its name “The Unbreakable Wall” due to the fact that for a thousand years the part of the cathedral on which the famous mosaic is located remained intact and unharmed, which cannot be said about the rest of the buildings of Hagia Sophia, which had to be restored more than once.

In honor of this image, the Absheron Monastery was later founded.

The Orthodox faith came to Rus' from Byzantium, the world's first great Orthodox state. It is quite natural that everything concerning Christian religion came to us from these places.

The first icons that appeared in Rus' during the time of emerging Christianity were Byzantine. Craftsmen were invited from there to build temples.

They not only built Sophia of Kyiv, but also decorated it with mosaics and frescoes. The main mosaic image of this temple was the image of the Virgin Mary the Unbreakable Wall.

Byzantine masters laid it out following the example of another more ancient image of Our Lady of Oranta.

According to legend ancient image decorated the walls of the Blachernae Temple. During the earthquake, the church building was very badly damaged. When the tremors ceased their destructive effect, the ruins of the temple appeared to the eyes of the city residents, among which rose the only surviving wall, which retained the face of the Virgin Mary.

Since then, another name has been assigned to this image - the Unbreakable Wall. And it completely justified itself.

In Kyiv Sophia, Our Lady of Oranta stood for almost a millennium as an indestructible and impregnable wall as in the ancient Blachernae Temple. The cathedral was repeatedly looted, devastated and turned into a place of desolation.

It was restored, rebuilt, and by now the architecture of the building has acquired a slightly different appearance than it did at the dawn of Christianity. But the image of the Mother of God remained the same as in earlier days.


The Face of the Mother of God without the Child is used extremely rarely. Usually such an image is part of another, more complex composition, usually the Ascension or the Veil.

The general name of the faces of the Mother of God belonging to a similar iconographic type is Oranta. The meaning of this word is “praying”.

From others iconographic images The Mother of God Unbreakable Wall is distinguished by its monumentality and majesty.

Her pose is static, the composition itself is characterized by symmetry. The huge figure of Oranta dominates the rest of the temple’s paintings, standing out with its regal grandeur and bright colors. The Mother of God stands on a wide platform, dressed in:

  • blue chiton;
  • purple maforium with golden folds;
  • blue boots.

On her belt hangs a white towel, with which the Most Pure Mother wipes away the sea of ​​human tears. The Most Holy Lady froze in an outburst of prayer addressed to Heaven. In the minds of Christians, the image of the Mother of God is intertwined with the idea of ​​the earthly church, which prays to the Lord (Heavenly Church) for mercy towards sinners.

Kiev legend says that as long as the hands of the Most Holy Theotokos are raised to God over Kiev, this city will stand. Celebrations carried out by the church in honor of this face take place on the day of remembrance of All Saints, that is, the next week after the Holy Trinity.

Prayer tradition

How does the wonderful image of the Mother of God help Orthodox people? The name of the face is taken from the words of an ancient prayer canon dedicated to the Mother of God. In it She is called the Unbreakable Wall.

Due to the fact that the icon withstood all the shocks that befell the temple and the country over a thousand-year period, it is considered to be protection from:

  • fires, floods and other natural disasters;
  • military invasion;
  • epidemics and various serious diseases;
  • unclean spirits;
  • unkind people.

The Mother of God will provide protection and patronage to any person who turns to Her in prayer. She will protect a believing family and any home, a place where people live who are waiting for Her help.

Important! If there is an Indestructible Wall icon in the house, where to hang it must be decided based on the circumstances and interior of the house. It is advisable to arrange a home prayer corner away from household electrical appliances and not place it on one wall various paintings, photos and at the same time holy images.

Icon in the city of Apsheronsk

In honor of the great miraculous shrine, which has been the subject of worship and veneration for all Orthodox Christians for a long time, a convent was named in Apsheronsk, which is located in Krasnodar region in Kuban.

1992 The Marfo-Mariinsk convent was founded in the city of Apsheronsk. After some time it was abolished due to its insolvency.
2001 With the blessing of Bishop Isidore, who heads the Kuban Metropolis, the search for a site for the foundation of a new monastery began.
9.12. 2001 The consecration of the site allocated for the construction of the monastery took place.
03/12/2002 At the Holy Synod, they decided to establish a women’s monastery in honor of the image of the Unbreakable Wall.
06/09/2002 The first liturgy was celebrated at the site chosen for the construction of the monastery.
July 26, 2002 Laying the foundation stone of the 1st monastery church in honor of Elijah the Prophet.
November 26, 2005 Construction has begun orphanage. On this moment this is an educational center.
01/13/2006 Laying the foundation of a bell tower almost 40 meters high.
05/23/2006 The first stone was laid in the foundation of the future 3-altar cathedral in honor of the icon of the Unbreakable Wall.

Currently, in all these temples, divine services have been held for a long time and believers pray. The main altar of the cathedral is consecrated in honor of the Mother of God of the Unbreakable Wall.

In a buiding educational center there is a medical aid room and classes for educational activities for both children and adults.

Icon of the Mother of God “Unbreakable Wall”

Today I can’t even believe that out of nowhere, in just a few years, a monastery of the icon of the Mother of God could grow, where there is a cathedral, churches, chapels, a sister’s building, and two bell towers. In the monastery you can feel it in everything female hand. Flowers grow on every free piece of land. There is also a winter garden in the monastery.

On the patronal feast day, Bishop Isidore invariably visits the women’s monastery, which appeared in the city not so long ago, but has already become a favorite of pilgrims.

They not only come here local residents, but also pilgrim groups come from different regions of the region and dioceses of the Kuban Metropolis, which means the spiritual revival of people, for whose salvation churches and monasteries are built.

Icon in the village of Nikolskoye

In the middle of the 20th century from the destroyed revolutionary events The image of the Mother of God was transferred to the church of the neighboring village of Nikolskoye from the Resurrection-Mironositsky Monastery (village of Zlatozubovka, Arkhangelsk region).

It was in a rather deplorable state - the gilding had been removed, the painting was damaged. It was clear that the path of the icon revolutionary years was not easy, as evidenced by numerous injuries on it.

Icon Unbreakable Wall with Angels

For thirty years the face of the Mother of God hung among other images of the St. Nicholas Church, not particularly standing out. In 2001, the Mother of God appeared in a dream to one pious old woman, who was threatened with complete blindness.

The Most Pure Virgin ordered to pray to Her image of the Unbreakable Wall, which is located in the village of Nikolskoye. They searched for the icon for a long time, and finally found it in an inconspicuous corner of the temple. This happened on the day of the celebration of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The image of the Mother of God, hitherto unknown, seemed to experience its second birth. Prayers began to be served, and the first evidence of obvious miracles appeared:

  • repeated healing from cancer;
  • successful outcome of a complex surgical operation;
  • the return home of a missing son;
  • confession of the killer of an innocent victim;
  • reconciliation of spouses and avoidance of divorce in the family.

A line of Orthodox pilgrims flocked to the village of Nikolskoye, seeking God's help and consolation. It soon became clear that the miraculous image was at one time illuminated by St. John of Kronstadt.

Thanks to the concerns of believers, the face of the Mother of God was decorated with a skillful crown. A lamp always glows next to him, the oil from which is distributed to believers for healing and salvation of soul and body.

Attention! In Orthodox liturgical books or on the Internet you can find an akathist in honor of the icon of the Virgin Mary, the Unbreakable Wall.

Useful video: Icon of the Unbreakable Wall - Prayer of the Mother of God

Let's sum it up

If you want to pray to the image of the Most Holy Theotokos Unbreakable Wall, you can purchase this image for your home iconostasis.

The significance of the icon for the protection of those who venerate it is so great that your home will become an impregnable fortress for all sorts of troubles and misfortunes, and the Mother of God will be your main helper and intercessor.

In the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral there is an amazing icon, which is made in the form of a mosaic. It's called "The Unbreakable Wall". It depicts the Virgin Mary with her hands raised to the sky. The image is made on a gold background. Why is this icon called “The Unbreakable Wall”? Over the course of nine centuries of world history, events occurred in the city and the cathedral that could lead to the destruction of the icon. She survived all the most difficult times for Christianity, and St. Sophia Cathedral is included in the list World Heritage UNESCO.

To this day, the ancient description of the “Unbreakable Wall” icon: “The growth of the Mother of God is gigantic, like all Her deeds in Russia. She stands on a golden stone, the unshakable foundation of all those who flow to Her protection. Her tunic and scarlet belt are of heavenly color, and on it hangs a lention, with which She wipes away so many tears. Azure arms on hands raised to the sky. The golden veil falls from Her head and hangs in the form of an omophorion on her left shoulder, as a sign of Her cover, a broad cloud, according to the voice of church songs. A bright star burns on the forehead of the Mother of God and two stars on her shoulders: for She Herself, the Mother of the Unsetting Light, was for us the dawn of the Unsetting Sun.”

There is also a legend according to which the capital city will not perish as long as it is protected by the “Unbreakable Wall”. On the arch of the semi-vault there is a black mosaic with Greek letters. The inscription next to the icon reads “God is in the midst of her and does not move: God will help her in the morning”(Ps. 45:6).

It is believed that the icon “The Unbreakable Wall” owes its appearance to Elder Gabriel’s vision of the Spaso-Eleazar Hermitage. The old man saw a beautiful shining city standing on a hill, which could be reached along a wide road. People went to this city, not noticing that the giant was hunting them. Then the elder took a different path, a small path, but even there danger awaited him in the form of a giant’s net. And yet, on the small path, the nets could not capture a single person. Then the words from the Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos came to the elder’s mind: “Rejoice, Indestructible Wall of the Kingdom...” He immediately realized who was keeping people on the narrow path, and along it he reached the shining city, where the Throne of the Lord itself was located.

Where is the icon

The icon located in the St. Sophia Cathedral became famous for numerous miracles through prayer before it. There are other miraculous lists:

  • in the Moscow Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul;
  • in the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary;
  • in the chapel of the Kaliningrad Cathedral;
  • in the Monastery of the Icon of the Mother of God, Krasnodar Territory;
  • in the Essentuki Church of the Stavropol Territory.

How does the “Unbreakable Wall” icon help?

  • Before the icon “The Unbreakable Wall” they pray:
  • On the protection and intercession of the Mother of God;
  • About dedication to strength in the fight for a just cause;
  • About healing;
  • About help in any matter.

Prayers to the image “Unbreakable Wall”

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos before the “Unbreakable Wall” icon

Kontakion 1

Chosen from all generations to the Mother of God and the Queen, before Her most pure image, the Indestructible Wall called, we offer thanksgiving songs of praise to You, O Blessed One. You, who have incomprehensible power and unspeakable love, save us from all troubles and sorrows, and let us call to You: Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Ikos 1

Icon of the Mother of God “The Unbreakable Wall” in the Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul in Lefortovo Source: http://hram-troicy.prihod.ru

A representative angel was quickly sent from God to You, Most Pure One, to bring You worldwide joy, as You conceived God the Word, the Savior of the world, from the Holy Spirit in Your womb. We, leading the fulfillment of this annunciation, believe that the Lord, Most Blessed One, has shown You with an Indestructible Wall and protected us from all sin, troubles and misfortunes. For this sake, we please Thee, Mother of God, and joyfully cry out: Rejoice, for the Lord is with Thee and Thee with us; Rejoice, for in Cana of Galilee you appeared as a representative to Your Son for the people. Rejoice, for with Your omophorion you cover the faithful wider than the clouds; Rejoice, for with Your grace you wipe away the tears of the afflicted. Rejoice, for You lift up Your hands to protect us from all defilement; Rejoice, for according to Your word you are now and ever blessed. Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 2

The visionary prophets, with their clever minds, combed through Your grace-filled appearance, proclaimed the Nativity in the flesh from You of the Son of God, and having known all the fulfillment of the prophetic prophecies, they reverently cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having a blessed mind, Jacob, Moses, David and many others depicted Your wonderful Nativity and the mystery of Your Ever-Virginity in words, visions, and dreams. We, unable to comprehend the full power of prophetic broadcasts, from the depths of our believing hearts sing to You with love: Rejoice, high Ladder, joining earth with Heaven; Rejoice, O God, who appeared on earth, who bore in Your womb and, like the Burning Bush, remains incorruptible. Rejoice, luminous Cloud, from Him the Lord of all, like rain on the fleece, descending to the earth; rejoice, for Life-Giving Spring, warming the hunger and thirst for eternal truth in people. Rejoice, Christ, who has contained the manna of life in His womb and saturates our souls with the bread of immortality; Rejoice, wonderful Rod, adorning the flowers of the faithful virtues. Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High autumn of Thee, the Most Pure One, having made Thee the Mother of the Lord, and after Thy Nativity abides abundantly in Thee, Mother of God. Rejoicing at such God's good will towards You, all, praising the Savior of the world, cry out to Him joyfully: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having in Yourself abundantly the grace of God, You, Most Immaculate One, have given Your entire life to good cares for Your Son and the Lord, keeping all His words in Your heart. We, sinners, remembering Your sorrowful life on earth, say the following praises to You: Rejoice, Thou who gave birth to the Lord of the universe in a wretched den; Rejoice, you who fled to Egypt from the lawless Herod with Your Son. Rejoice, you who sought Your Son with great sorrow in Jerusalem during the days of Easter; Rejoice, having contemplated hatred and envy of Your Son from His enemies with a sorrowful heart. Rejoice, you who crucified Him with your Mother’s heart, when you contemplated His suffering and death on the Cross; Rejoice, having found your son in John the Theologian, according to the word Jesus. Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 4

Our Russian country has been repeatedly tested by the storm of invasion of foreigners, and in severe trials our fathers cried out for help Holy Virgin Mother of God. That, like the Indestructible Wall, by His intercession at the Throne of His Son and God, graciously sends down His power, and with the hope of the Mother of God’s help, the people of Russia drive out the hordes of the enemy from the Russian borders. For this reason, praising the Mother of God, we joyfully sing to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

The whole world hears and knows, as if Holy Mother of God kindles courage in the hearts of the Russian people, and strength for exploits and defense of the fatherland, fights against foreigners, gives, and sends His gracious help to the entire Russian army. Confessing our faith and the miraculous intercession of the Queen of Heaven in the days of the war invasions of our land, we thus sing to the Most Gracious One: Rejoice, help to the Russian people against their enemies; Rejoice, blessed reinforcement from our land for the expulsion of foreigners. Rejoice, secret admonition and wisdom for the leaders of the Russian army; Rejoice, shame on the haters of the human race. Rejoice, terrible Punisher who kindled the flame of enmity; Rejoice, invincible Helper of all who care for the peace of the whole world. Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 5

Thou art the God-bearing star, O Ever-Blessed One, who has appeared to all those wandering in the darkness of passions and vices, for through Thy admonition many grave sinners turn away from lawless deeds and resort to God with repentance, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the death of many souls into the power of sin and defilement by Satan, the Most Merciful Lady, out of indescribable love for the human race, advances them to help, turns them away from the disastrous path and instructs them on the path of salvation. Rejoicing at the wondrous mercy of the Queen of Heaven, all the faithful say this: Rejoice, you who show us all the path of salvation; Rejoice, forbidding pride and anger to rule our hearts. Rejoice, strict admonition to gluttons and drunkards; Rejoice, strong motivation for the lazy and weak-willed. Rejoice, you who lead those who live in fornication to repentance; Rejoice, sinners who come running to You with faith, speedy correction. Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 6

Preachers of miracles revealed by Your icons, our pious fathers, saved by You, Mother of God, and delivered from troubles and misfortunes. Moreover, thanking God, who has bestowed such a good Intercessor on the human race, all silent lips sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The light of Your ineffable goodness, O Blessed One, shines forth to all those who grieve, weep, to all of us in temptation, for through our tearful prayers You, the Mother of God, grant us miraculous deliverance from troubles. Otherwise, not having words worthy of praising Thee for Thy mercy towards all, with sinful lips we exclaim to Thee in tenderness: Rejoice, thou who transformest our sorrows and tears into joy; Rejoice, O Merciful Helper to those who suffer from temptation. Rejoice, saving our houses from fire and other destruction; Rejoice, protecting the faithful from thieves and evil people. Rejoice, destroyer of the slander and intrigues of our enemies; Rejoice, conquering the fear of death and sudden death in our souls. Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 7

Although the All-Merciful Lord will reveal His Divine love to us unworthy, giving us Your icon, the Mother of God, the Indestructible Wall called, so that seeing miracles from the holy icon, all people with faith and hope for Your miraculous help call with tenderness to the Source of miracles, the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new testimony that is always inherent in You, Most Pure One, of the grace and miraculous powers the Creator showed to us, always Your wondrous image, depicted on the altar wall of the ancient St. Sophia Cathedral in the city of Kyiv, was preserved intact for nine centuries, for the hordes of filthy enemies of the Orthodox faith did not dare to damage this gracious image, protected by Your power. Truly, for us, sinners and mourners, this holy icon is an unbreakable wall, inspiring all the faithful to proclaim to You: Rejoice, clothed in a tunic, shining with heavenly light; Rejoice, thou who by the lifting of Thy most pure hands manifests unceasing prayer for the whole world. Rejoice, for you have not damaged Your honorable image and the length of centuries; Rejoice, for this image remains in all its glory even after the invasion of the forces of the enemy. Rejoice, for in this way the hearts of those praying are reverently touched; Rejoice, for the grace-filled power inherent in this image of Yours frightens the demons. Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 8

It is strange for non-believers to hear that You, Mother of God, have special care for babies. We, remembering the words of our Lord, said: leave the children to come to Me, for such is the Kingdom of God, we confess with firm faith that You, Most Holy Virgin, protect infants and their mothers with Your love, and we cry to Your Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

With all your heart, Queen of the world, offer up prayers for all of God’s creatures to Your Son, as the Mother according to the flesh of the Son of God, You comfortably accommodate in Your soul the sorrows and labors of mothers. For this reason, as the Mother of the Infant Jesus, we sing to You: Rejoice, faithful Helper and refuge of childbearing mothers; Rejoice, protection and strength of infants. Rejoice, quenching maternal sorrows; Rejoice, preserving every age of infancy. Rejoice, good Teacher of pious mothers in raising children; Rejoice, O children helpless in illness to the Healer. Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

My husband and I lived at the dacha all summer. Even though we are pensioners, we are still strong, so we didn’t sit idle - we plastered the walls, put up wallpaper (not expensive, but elegant, so that we wouldn’t be ashamed to invite our grandchildren), we even installed water in the bathroom.

But autumn came, and it was time to return to the city apartment - heating the dacha throughout the winter would cost us a pretty penny. But it became scary - what if, while we are not there, drug addicts will sneak in here and plunder everything? I asked the neighbors to keep an eye on me, but that didn’t seem enough. Well, the matchmaker advised hanging a protective icon of the Mother of God inside the house, above the entrance. Thanks to her, our country house overwintered without incident...

The original icon has been decorating the Kiev Monastery of St. Sophia for about a thousand years.

True, our distant ancestors created it as a copy of the image from the Blachernae Church of the Virgin Mary in Constantinople. It is called "Blachernissa" and is still placed there near the altar.

Where is the strongest “Unbreakable Wall” located?

The main icon is not painted on canvas or even on a board. This is a mosaic laid out on the wall of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. In the history of this cathedral there were many enemy raids and plunders, but evil people It was never possible to damage the wall image. He survived both communist times and the bombings of World War II. This image is considered the most powerful.

The icon is decorated with an inscription in Greek. This is a quote from the Psalter. If you translate it into Russian, it will turn out: “The Lord is at her center, she will remain unshakable, the Lord will help her from early morning.”

Kyiv Orthodox believers are confident: their city will not perish, but Slavic peoples will not disappear from the face of the earth as long as this mosaic exists.

Russian Orthodox Church The saint venerates another icon, “The Unbreakable Wall.” This is a copy of the Kyiv mosaic, which you can see in the village of Nikolskoye, in the Resurrection-Mironositsky convent. This is also a list of Kyiv icons. The ancient image appeared to the world only towards the end of the 20th century, and before that it was securely hidden. Despite the short church history, the image has already become known as healing. In addition, it was consecrated by Kronstadt himself.

Other miraculous icon lists are:

  • in the Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul (Lefortovo, Moscow - this image also came here from Kyiv, where it was painted);
  • in the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary (Moscow);
  • in the Cathedral (Kaliningrad - the icon that interests us is in the chapel and is also made of mosaic);
  • in the Monastery of the Icon of the Mother of God (in the Krasnodar Territory);
  • in the Essentuki Church (in the Stavropol Territory).

Church dates for the veneration of the image

The special date of all the icons listed above is the first Sunday after Trinity (the Sunday of All Saints).

Meaning of the image

By type of iconography (writing) this image- “Oranta”, that is, “Defender” or “Intercessor”.

The icon received its name due to the fact that it survived many misfortunes that befell the country - disasters, fires, wars. Even the Red Revolution could not wipe it off the face of the earth.

Thanks to its monumental indestructibility, the icon became a prototype of reliability and protection.

What does it help with?

Placed in a house, the image will protect the home from an unkind person, as well as from illnesses, all kinds of troubles and misfortunes (thieves, fires, flooding by neighbors), even from evil spells and evil eye.

There is an opinion that the image helps strengthen the family. People living under his protection are happier and friendlier, they even get sick less often.

Sometimes they pray to the icon, asking protect not only your home, but also your own soul. Some people need protection from evil thoughts or emotions, while others need protection from serious illness. Our Lady helps everyone.

Finally, you can bow before the icon:

  • during a family quarrel;
  • going on a long and hard way and asking for blessings on the road;
  • if there is grief in the family (say, someone close to you got sick, went to prison or was in bad company).

You can purchase an image not only for yourself. An “unbreakable wall” is often bought for those whom they love - a child who has grown up and separated from the family, a young married couple, old parents, godson, relatives.

Special prayers created to address this icon

This is a short prayer for protection. You can learn it and recite it to yourself while standing in front of the door to your boss’s office, an examination room, a doctor’s office, and so on:

This prayer is read, asking for healing from all needs (both physical and spiritual):

This one, a little complex text(it’s in Church Slavonic), they remember during periods of mental anguish. Although it is short, it is strong:

And this prayer is read in honor praise Mother of God Protector, thanking her for the protection she has shown you. In the church it is considered the main one for prayers to the Mother of God “The Unbreakable Wall”:

By the way, some people believe that such words are not only gratitude, but also the best protection from the evil eye and everything evil in this world. And this prayer will give the maximum protective effect if read it 40 times without interruption. To help with such a long (almost an hour) reading, this video will help, in which the prayer is repeated exactly forty times, and its lines are constantly displayed on the screen. Just read them or repeat them after the singer, and you won’t get lost!

Where in the house should this icon be hung?

The most the best place - against front door . Place the image so that the Mother of God looks into the eyes of everyone who enters. If in your the house will enter a person who has an evil thought in his soul will feel uncomfortable with you (perhaps even his conscience will awaken), and he will try to leave quickly, and next time not come at all.

Is there no free space? In that case, hang it up above the door. How?! Is there already a horseshoe talisman or other paraphernalia of an unbeliever there? Better remove all talismans, the church does not approve of them.


  • The original icon “The Unbreakable Wall” is located in St. Sophia Cathedral (Kyiv, Ukraine). But she has many healing copies, which can be worshiped in Russia. The most famous is rightfully considered to be the image from the Resurrection-Myrrh-Bearing Monastery (Russia, Nikolskoye village).
  • The main meaning of the image is indestructibility and protection from all sorts of troubles.
  • They pray to this icon to protect the house from thieves, fires and the evil eye. It is also believed that it can protect family members from illness and prevent people with bad intentions from entering the door.
  • We, ordinary Orthodox Christians, buy this icon not for a home iconostasis, but as protection for our home, hanging it in front of the entrance or giving it to people whom we want to protect from all adversity.

But the “Unbreakable Wall” is not the only significant icon in our country. I propose to learn about the twenty most revered Orthodox images. Are there a few more protective images among them? You will learn about this by watching this video:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

The Icon of the Unbreakable Wall helps Orthodox people who seek to protect themselves and their loved ones from illnesses and troubles. The Icon of the Mother of God of the Unbreakable Wall is one of the revered images in Orthodoxy.

Believers say that this image is not only a real work of art, but also truly healing and miraculous. The Mother of God in the icon is depicted on a golden background in full growth, raising her hands to the sky. The main monastery of the Unbreakable Wall icon is the Kyiv St. Sophia Cathedral. The image of the Mother of God is located at the main altar above a mountain place in a mosaic style. Another image, which was painted from the icon of St. Sophia Cathedral, is located in the village of Nikolskoye of the Resurrection-Myrrh-Bearing Monastery. This shrine appeared to the world only in the second half of the last century, and only in the twenty-first century did it begin to endow believers with miraculous power.

Miraculous copies of the Icon of the Mother of God The Unbreakable Wall are located in the Moscow Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God, the Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul, in Kaliningrad - in the chapel of the Cathedral, in the Krasnodar Territory in the Monastery of the Icon of the Mother of God, in Essentuki in the church of the Stavropol Territory. There are especially many people asking in the Kaliningrad Cathedral, where the shrine is very popular. It is believed that if you pray in front of an icon, your prayer will definitely be heard.

The day of celebration is the first Sunday after Trinity - All Saints' Week.

The icon received its name because of its indestructibility, because over many centuries the Kiev Monastery survived a huge number of wars and troubles, while the image of the Mother of God remained intact, i.e. the shrine has proven its indestructibility. Although the temple, like the city of Kyiv itself, was plundered and destroyed more than once, the shrine was not touched by either the elements or fires. And this is probably one of the miracles, which is why Christians ask her for protection from negative influences and various ailments.

The Unbreakable Wall icon helps and intercedes with those who ask against illnesses, disasters, floods, and takes away troubles from relatives, while your home will not be affected by fires, thieves, or ill-wishers. In addition, it strengthens family well-being, happiness.
In honor of miraculous image named Absheronsky Convent in Kuban.
If you are planning to go on vacation or a business trip, then to protect your home and family, you should pray to the Unbreakable Wall icon. When disagreements occur in your family, the icon will help reunite the family and establish good relationships.

In case your dear person or you yourself leave home, then you need to pray to the image before leaving. In case of illness or grief in the family, you need to pray in solitude, for which you kneel in front of the icon, read the prayer according to the canon, after which you can turn to the Mother of God in your own words. Please be sincere; any prayer must come from the heart.

If you want to turn to the icon of the Unbreakable Wall itself, then you should go to Kyiv to the St. Sophia Cathedral. Not everyone has this opportunity. Therefore, you can hang the icon at home. The best place for the icon is opposite the front door. If this cannot be done, then the icon should be hung above the door. The Mother of God will watch the people entering the house. If incoming person bad intentions, then he will feel discomfort and want to leave your house quickly and wonder whether it is worth visiting your house at all.

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