Do they celebrate 40 years? Why can't we celebrate forty years? The mysterious meaning of the number

Hello! I turn 40 this year. Relatives unanimously insist that it is impossible to celebrate the fortieth anniversary. Does this make sense? Some people associate the number 40 as being like forties. How to proceed? Birthday – July 1st. Thank you.

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) answers:

The opinion that one should not celebrate one’s fortieth birthday is a common superstition. It was generated by a completely arbitrary association. The general reason for the appearance of such prejudices is the lack of genuine church involvement. If we begin to study the Holy Scriptures, we will see that the number 40 is mentioned there many times. It is formed by multiplying two other symbolic numbers: 4 (a symbol of the spatial completeness of the visible world) and 10 (a symbol of relative completeness). Last number, in turn, can be obtained by adding two other numbers, which also symbolize completeness, both in the spiritual and visible worlds: 3 and 7. As a result, the number 40 expresses perfect completeness.

– The flood continued for forty days and forty nights (Gen. 7:17).

– Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah as his wife (Gen. 25:20).

– The wandering of the Jews in the desert lasted forty years (Ex. 16: 35; Num. 14: 33; Deut. 8: 2).

– The life of the prophet Moses, which lasted one hundred and twenty years, is divided into three forty years. He spent forty days and forty nights on Mount Sinai (Ex. 24:18; 34:28).

– After the birth of a boy, a woman undergoes purification for forty days (Lev. 12: 2, 4). If she gave birth to a female child, the purification lasted eighty days (40 + 40).

– Joshua says: I was forty years old when Moses, the servant of the Lord, sent me from Kadesh-Barnea to inspect the land (Joshua 14:7).

– After the victory of Judge Othniel over the Mesopotamian king Husarsafem, the earth rested for forty years (Judges 3: 1-11). For forty days the Philistine Goliath invited the Jews to fight with him (see: 1 Samuel 17:16).

– Kings David and Solomon reigned for forty years each (2 Kings 5:4; 15:7; 1 Kings 2:11; 3 Kings 11:42).

– The front part of the Jerusalem Temple, built by Solomon, was forty cubits wide (1 Kings 6:17).

– Elijah’s journey to the Mount of God Horeb lasted forty days (3 Kings 19:8).

– A period of days was given to the inhabitants of Nineveh for repentance: (Jonah 3:4).

In the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ, the number 40 is associated with two important events. Before the beginning of the preaching of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Savior of the world, having retired to the waterless Judean desert, fasted for 40 days, eating nothing (Matthew 4: 2; Luke 4: 2). Before the Ascension, the risen Lord remained on earth for 40 days (Acts 1:3).

Many people have heard that a man should not celebrate his 40th birthday, but not everyone knows whether it is possible to celebrate a woman’s 40th birthday. To understand this issue, let's turn to the signs; they will tell you whether it is possible to celebrate a woman's 40th birthday or whether it is better to refrain from holding the celebration.

Is it possible for women to celebrate their 40th birthday?

The basis of the belief about whether men and women can celebrate their 40th birthday are several mystical coincidences associated with the number 40 itself. This is exactly the period that lasted global flood, for so many days the Jewish people walked in the desert, for such a period a girl should not appear in church after undergoing childbirth. Many religions identify the number 40 with misfortunes, failures, trials, and other unpleasant and misfortune-bearing events, therefore superstitious people prefer not to celebrate their fortieth birthday, fearing that they will attract troubles into their lives.

The clergy adhere to a different point of view, they believe that it is possible to celebrate 40 years, because superstition is great sin. They say you shouldn't believe in something you don't know, Orthodox Church, Lutheranism and Catholicism do not prohibit celebrating your birthday, regardless of how old a man or woman turns. Priests warn that, guided by various superstitions, people do not protect themselves, but, on the contrary, attract dark forces, which have a detrimental effect on our well-being and soul.

People's opinions and reviews
  1. Against. If you study information from various forums where people share events from own life and the stories of their relatives and friends, then we can form an unambiguous opinion - most men and women still prefer not to celebrate their fortieth birthday. After reading some of the stories, only one thing can be highlighted: immediately after the celebration of this date, misfortunes began to fall on people. Even if the celebration took place in the family circle, troubles and sorrows still haunted the birthday boy, and the streak of failures, as a rule, ended no earlier than a year later. It is stories like these that most clearly explain why it is not customary to celebrate a woman or man’s 40th birthday, despite the official position of the church.
  2. Behind. Some people, however, have a different point of view. They claim that, having celebrated their fortieth birthday, they did not notice any changes in their lives, including negative ones. According to them, misfortunes overtake only those who believe in omens, because people are able to set themselves up for success, as well as for troubles and failures. Therefore, guided by superstitions, we ourselves attract both happiness and misfortune.
So should we celebrate or not?

It is difficult to judge which point of view is correct, and hardly anyone can say exactly what consequences await us after celebrating our fortieth anniversary. But one thing is clear, if you believe in different folk signs, are guided by beliefs and are afraid of negative omens, there is no need to organize a celebration. You will not get any pleasure from the holiday, but then you will constantly expect misfortune. If you really want to have a celebration, limit yourself to a modest family dinner, even if there are no guests at the table, but only your significant other, children and parents, you will agree that such evenings can bring no less joy. By the way, many people also do not advise giving gifts on this day; it is better in the next day to buy together that thing that has long attracted the birthday boy, this way you will definitely protect yourself and your loved ones from misfortunes, in any case, this is what is recommended to do according to popular beliefs .

Oddly enough, many people in our time are still subject to various kinds of superstitions and signs. There is an opinion that you should not celebrate your fortieth birthday and this most often applies to men. But why? Where did this sign come from and what are the consequences of not following it?

History and opinions

40 years is a special date, the middle and prime of life, but many do not think so. What is the reason for the fear of turning 40 and why is there an opinion that this anniversary is not worth celebrating?

If we talk about numerology, the number 4 has a special mystical character, it is integrity and completeness. At the same time, zero is emptiness and completeness. As a result, many associate this date with the end of life, with its completeness.

If we proceed from numerology, then it is not customary to celebrate 40 years, since celebration can bring death closer. In Asia, the number 4 is initially associated with death and misfortune. The situation is the same with Tarot cards - the death card corresponds to the Latin “M”, and in Hebrew it is pronounced “Mem”. The numerical value of the Death card is 40.

History prescribes many negative meanings for the number 40, but should it be associated with age? In many religions and paganism, 40 is the number of death.

In Orthodoxy, the number 40 also has an unfavorable meaning. Moreover, it is believed that the soul of a deceased person will roll on the earth for another 40 days, and only after this time will it find peace. Why can’t we celebrate 40 years according to the church? Some clergy are convinced that this figure brings misfortune and that many tragedies are associated with it. Modern Orthodox churches completely refute this opinion.

Practical understanding and superstitions

Why can't we celebrate 40 years in practical terms? It is possible that this is directly related to life expectancy. Our ancestors rarely lived to be forty; this age was already considered senile and advanced.

People tend to be interested in everything secret and mysterious, to believe in all sorts of superstitions and signs. Today we will tell you about one popular belief that has not lost its relevance even today, but first things first...

Numerology of the number 40

Exists big number magic numbers and signs, but probably one of the most common is the number “40”. In eastern magic, “4” (and 40 is 4+0) is considered the number of death. The main Arcana “Death” in tarot cards has the designation “M”, and the letter of the Hebrew alphabet “Mem” again corresponds to the number 40. In addition, many more events are associated with this number, judge for yourself:
The Flood lasted 40 days
40 days after his baptism, Jesus was subjected to temptations and enticements of the devil in the desert,
For 40 years Moses led the Jewish people through the desert,
IN Ancient Greece they believed that 40 years was the peak of prosperity, it was after this age that death began to set in on the heels and rarely did anyone at that time live to be 50 years old,
40 days after death the soul of the deceased remains on earth,
For 40 days after the birth of a child, a woman must not enter the church or approach the sleeping bed,
Until 40 days, the baby should not be shown to strangers.

As you can see, "40" has quite negative meaning. That is why our grandmothers used to say that celebrating a fortieth anniversary is not very good sign, they say, in this way you can bring trouble on yourself and your family. This may seem a little absurd to some, however, at present there are quite a large number of people who, as this date approaches, are increasingly thinking that, perhaps, it really is better to abandon the celebration, because the well-being of the family is much more more important than noisy feasts.

Nevertheless The Orthodox Church considers the custom of not celebrating 40 years to be a real nonsense. The clergy agree that one can understand those who do not want to celebrate the 33rd birthday (the age of Jesus Christ), and even despite this, they are confident that the birthday person who decides to organize a holiday is unlikely to be able to bring trouble upon himself in this way, since all superstitions and signs come from the unclean.

Of course, whether to believe in this superstition or not is up to you, dear visitors of the portal site, but if in the depths of your soul there is doubt, then it is better to give up the feast and celebrate your fifth decade in family circle, so that your negative thoughts do not materialize and provoke troubles in real life.

40th anniversary: ​​men and women

Undoubtedly, the above may have a rational grain, but some believe that only men should not celebrate their fortieth birthday; this taboo does not apply to women. The origins of superstition go back to Ancient times, when life expectancy for men did not exceed 50 years. Birthday celebrations were a kind of attraction for the “lady with a braid,” which is why people tried not to advertise their age.

And finally, I would like to tell you a few tricks that will help superstitious people celebrate their 40th anniversary as expected without a twinge of conscience.

What to do

1. Celebrate not your fortieth birthday, but, for example, farewell to 39 years. Warn all invitees in advance so that their toasts do not even mention forty years. You will see that all the guests will support the initiative, because this is quite non-trivial. Continuing this theme, you can organize not a birthday celebration, but just a themed party to relax and have fun in the company of friends.

2. To your birthday party, invite only those people whose good intentions you are sure of.. If you believe esotericism, during this period your energy is weakened, you can be jinxed even without meaning to. Therefore, it would be best to see only parents, sisters and brothers, and closest friends, among those invited.

3. Reschedule your name day celebration for another date. So, for example, if the fortieth birthday falls on a weekday, then invite guests on the weekend, arguing that the celebration on Saturday evening will be more fun and carefree, since you don’t have to worry about getting up early the next day to go to work. In this case, all signs will lose their meaning, you can enjoy life, receive gifts and listen to toasts from guests, without worrying about troubles awaiting you after the name day.

Dear visitors to the website portal, we always try to introduce you to the most common superstitions and signs. On our pages you can find out why you should not sleep in front of a mirror, where the belief originates that it is undesirable to look in the mirror at night, and many others. However, we need your help. Tell us whether you believe in omens, which superstitions seem unfounded to you, and which, in your opinion, are absurd. We are waiting for your comments and interesting stories from life.

There are some dates whose celebration is not encouraged, and the most famous of them is 40 years. Should you listen to the opinions of those around you or is it better to throw away prejudices and throw a grand celebration?

Men are not so dependent on the opinions of other people, but with the onset of a certain age their worldview changes. They become receptive to following traditions in which celebrating a 40th birthday is undesirable. Such superstition used to have a practical basis. Several centuries ago, people's lives were much shorter, and after forty years any person was considered old. This more often concerned men, since they were considered the main breadwinners and protectors of the family. Turning 40 brought them closer to the period of old age, to weakening health. Therefore, men had no desire to celebrate such a date.

Also, some dates in church history with the number 40 were not the best. Even if a man is not a believer, he is afraid of celebrating the 40th anniversary of his life.

Another reason can be called the conventional milestone, which is the 40th anniversary. By this age, many men begin to comprehend their lives, their actions and mistakes. Often reflections are not consoling, and therefore there is no mood to celebrate such dates.

Why can't women celebrate their birthdays at 40?

Previously, the unspoken ban applied only to men, but with the advent of equality, women also adopted this tradition. Women's psychology much subtler and more vulnerable than men's. Fear of misfortunes and troubles makes women miss this date and not celebrate it solemnly. Otherwise, a woman will always, after the celebration, look for the consequences of the feast, and she will attribute the small failures that happened to her earlier precisely to her 40th birthday.

Church about celebrating its 40th anniversary. Orthodoxy's opinion

The Church denies the harm of abstaining from celebrating its fortieth anniversary. According to the priests, even a major celebration cannot offend heavenly powers, and therefore when making a decision you should not be guided by church history.

By the way, in this story you can find happy events with the number 40. King David, revered by the church, reigned for 40 years, which already indicates the positive impact of this number on people’s lives.

King Solomon built a temple whose width was 40 cubits, and using the number 40 did not make his life any worse.

Finally, the most famous part of the story, when Jesus spent another 40 days on earth after his resurrection, can be interpreted in completely different ways. These are not 40 days of sorrow, but 40 days of hope that he gave to everyone living on earth.

Is it possible to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Muslims? Islam's opinion

Islam gives greater independence to a person. The clergy note that celebrating 40 years as a Muslim is not a bad act if all Sharia rules regarding festive events, which, by the way, includes the complete absence of alcoholic beverages.

There is also an opinion that the expiration of a year of life should not in any way affect a person’s mood and is not a reason for either joy or sadness. Of the known dates in Islam regarding the number 40, one can note the age of Muhammad, who became a prophet at the age of 40.

What happens when you celebrate your fortieth birthday?

Celebrating a fortieth birthday cannot lead to anything bad, but there are people who tend to correlate the events of their lives with their actions. Psychologists note that for such people, celebrating their 40th birthday can really be a disaster. A person initially programs himself for failures, which will certainly follow the fun. Every small failure will be perceived as a tragedy and punishment.

Even if the anniversary celebration is not followed by any negative events, the susceptible person will still receive an imaginary punishment. Symptoms of illness may appear, such as headaches or increased blood pressure, although this may only be due to age, lifestyle, or even be a consequence of stress. Such sensitive people are better off not celebrating their 40th birthday.

The fun will not be complete if you are constantly expecting some kind of punishment for it.

People do not turn to the services of psychologists so often and try to cope with all the problems themselves. However, it is the advice of psychologists that can greatly contribute to the creation festive mood on the 40th anniversary.

Experts advise find events in your life or the lives of other people with a positive connotation that relate to the number 40. If you remember carefully, such events will certainly come to mind. You can also try to divide the number 40 into its components - 4 and 0. These numbers are for most residents European countries are not threatening.

You can also remember yourself at the age of 4 and be touched by some of your childhood actions. You can then imagine your 40th birthday as a celebration of your 4th birthday, which has already been successfully completed 10 times. Finally, for many athletes and simply sports fans, the number 4 is the frequency Olympic Games who do not stop their march around the planet at the tenth circle.

Esotericists can give practical advice on how to get rid of the negative consequences of celebrating your 40th birthday. The celebration should not take place in someone else's place; you should invite guests to your home and refuse to go to a cafe or restaurant.

The energy of your home will become protection on this day. The recommendations of esotericists boil down to the fact that there is no need to celebrate the onset of the 40-year mark, however, their opinion can be decisive only for a limited circle of people.

How to celebrate 40 years if you can’t?

If people are prohibited from doing something, they want to find ways to get around this ban. This also applies to the celebration of the 40th anniversary. You can find a lot of ways to help get rid of the negative aura of this date.

You can celebrate the event on any other day. Often birthdays fall in the middle of the week, and in this case it is quite difficult to invite guests. Invite friends at the end of the week when the 40th anniversary has passed and all that remains is to throw a celebration.

You can celebrate the date of the 40th anniversary without one day, then the official occasion could be seeing off the fourth decade. Getting ready at over 39 years old is so unusual.

Invite your friends to a party and have a celebration, but don’t talk about your 40th anniversary at the party itself, although everyone will understand and know the reason why they are gathered here. Such deception works perfectly, and then the 40-year mark will not seem gloomy and dangerous to the hero of the day and his guests.

If you decide to celebrate your 40th birthday- switch. . .

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