Orthodox prayer to the guardian angel for trade. What prayers should be read for a good sale of something?

It has long been accepted that every saint is especially strong in a particular area. For example, Panteleimon the Healer helps with illnesses, the unmercenary saints Cosmas and Damian help with teaching, Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky willingly responds to the prayers of those who are experiencing financial difficulties, and the holy Great Martyr John the New with business prosperity.

Most frequently asked question in the temple: to whom to light a candle in the hope of help in one way or another life problem? Now there is a specific answer to this question for entrepreneurs and businessmen. They had their own patron saint.
This happened the other day. With the blessing of Patriarch Kirill heavenly patron Orthodox entrepreneurship and management was declared by the Monk Joseph, abbot of Volotsk, wonderworker.
It is clear why the Patriarch’s choice fell on this saint. Joseph Volotsky was talented not only in church ministry and theology, but also in business.
He lived at the end of the 15th - beginning of the 16th century. He founded a monastery in Volokolamsk, which quickly became economically prosperous. This was the creed of St. Joseph. He believed that the Church should expand its economic and material capabilities in order to use them for good purposes.

At the same time, Joseph not only skillfully led the monks and organized the economy of the monastery, but he himself worked equally with everyone else. As his life says, “he was skilled in every human activity: he felled wood, carried logs, chopped and sawed.” And outwardly he was no different from the others - he wore simple rags and bast shoes made from bast trees. He came to church before everyone else, sang in the choir along with the rest of the choir members, preached, prayed, and was the last to leave the church.
The experience of Joseph Volotsky became a guide for many Russian monasteries. One could call him a leader in the monastic economy of Russia. And not only the monastic one.
Joseph's contemporary was another remarkable monk, Nil of Sorsky. His teaching was called non-covetousness. Many believed that the Nile called on the monks to renounce everything worldly, including housekeeping, and focus on prayer. And in this way the venerable Joseph and Nile were opposed to each other. And their followers were called “Josephites” and “non-possessors.”
But this opposition now seems artificial. Both of them - Joseph and Neil - are glorified by our Church as saints. Their teachings complement each other. Prayer successful business no problem. But “acquisitive” and “successful businessman” are not synonymous at all.
By the way, Joseph Volotsky himself highly valued the spiritual experience of Nil Sorsky, even sending his students to him to study the experience of inner prayer.
And yet, it is Joseph, with the patriarchal blessing, who will now look after our business.

Troparion of St. Joseph

Like the fertilization of fasters/ and the beauty of the fathers,/ the giver of mercy,/ the wisdom of the lamp,/ all the faithful, having come together, let us praise/ the meekness of the teacher/ and the shamer of heresies,/ the wise Joseph,/ Russian star,/ praying to the Lord // to have mercy on our souls.
Prayer to St. Joseph of Volotsk
O blessed and ever-glorious Father Joseph! Leading your great boldness to God and resorting to your firm intercession, in contrition of heart we pray to you: illumine us with the light of the grace given to you and with your prayers help us to pass through the stormy sea of ​​this life serenely and to reach the haven of salvation without blemish: enslave us to vain things, and love sin, and if weakness arises from the evils that have befallen us, to whom shall we resort if not to you, who showed the inexhaustible wealth of mercy in your earthly life? We believe that even after your departure you acquired the greatest gift of showing mercy to those in need. Therefore, as we now fall before your celibate icon, we tenderly ask you, holy saint of God: having been tempted yourself, help us who are tempted; by fasting and vigil, trample down the demonic power, and protect us from enemy attacks; nourished by the hunger of the perishing, and ask us from the Lord for an abundance of the fruits of the earth and everything necessary for salvation; Having put to shame heretical wisdom, protect the Holy Church from heresies and schisms and confusion with your prayers: let us all think in the same way, with one heart glorifying the Holy, Consubstantial, Life-giving and Indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, for all ages. Amen.

The everlasting psalter

The indefatigable Psalter is read not only about health, but also about peace. Since ancient times, ordering a commemoration on the Everlasting Psalter has been considered a great alms for a departed soul..

It is also good to order the Indestructible Psalter for yourself, you will clearly feel the support. And one more the most important moment, but far from the least important,
There is eternal remembrance on the Indestructible Psalter. It seems expensive, but the result is more than millions of times more than the money spent. If this is still not possible, then you can order for a shorter period. It's also good to read for yourself.

Kontakion of St. Joseph

voice 8
Life of unrest, and worldly rebellion,/ and passionate leaping at nothing, imputing it to nothing,/ you appeared as a deserted citizen,/ having been a mentor to many, O Reverend Joseph,/ a colleague of monks and a faithful prayer book, a guardian of purity,// pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Holy Great Martyr John of Sochava

They pray to the saint for prosperity in trade

The birthplace of the Holy Great Martyr John the New was the famous city of Trebizond, located near the border with Assyria and Armenia. Located on the Black Sea coast, it served at that time as a convenient port and trade center. The main occupation of its inhabitants was navigation, fishing and trade. John was also engaged in trade.

One day he had to sail on a foreign ship whose captain was a fryag, a man of non-Orthodox faith. Seeing John’s virtuous and immaculate life, his prayer, fasting, and mercy towards those in need on the ship or those who were sick, the captain of the ship was indignant. He entered into fierce disputes with John about faith.

John, as a very wise and skilled man in the book business, always defeated the friag in these disputes, and he was very angry with John and in the end planned the following against him. When the ship landed on the shore near the city of Belgrade, the shipowner went to the mayor and said: “Chief! A husband came with me on the ship, who wants to renounce his faith and join yours. If you quickly lead him to another faith, there will be great glory for you, since this man is very skilled in speech and noble in Trebizond.”

The ruler of the city rejoiced, ordered John to be brought to him and said: “I heard that you want to convert to our faith. Blaspheme publicly in front of the meeting Christian faith. Stand with us and make a sacrifice to our sun god.”

John replied: “You are lying, O chief! I did not say that I wanted to renounce my Christ. This is the intention of the enemy of truth, your father, Satan! I will not bow to the sun, I will not make a sacrifice to the heavenly body created by the Lord, I will not renounce Christ, my savior.”

Then the governor ordered the soldiers to tear off the martyr’s clothes and, placing many sticks in front of him, said: “Either renounce your faith, or I will give you over to the cruelest torment and death.”

John replied: “Beat with rods, burn with fire, drown in water or cut with a sword - I am ready to joyfully accept everything for the sake of love for Christ.

The torturer ordered to beat John, and the soldiers beat him with rods so much that everything around him was stained with blood, they tied him with chains and threw him into prison.

The next morning, the tormentor again urged John to renounce his faith and, without waiting for this, ordered him to be tortured again. When the soldiers who were with him were exhausted, the mayor ordered John to be tied to the tail of a fierce horse. One of the soldiers mounted a horse and drove him through the streets, dragging the martyr along the ground. Crowds of Jews threw stones at him, and one of them overtook the martyr and cut off his head with a sword.

Thus Saint John ended his suffering feat. His body lay unburied, and at night a miracle happened: lamps burned brightly over the body, and three luminous men sang sacred chants, and a pillar of fire was visible over the holy relics of the martyr. One Jew thought that it was the Christian priests who came to give Saint John burial.

He wanted to shoot an arrow at one of them, but it stuck to his fingers and the Jew could not shoot the arrow and stayed like that until dawn. In the morning he told the people who came here what he had seen. And then his arms straightened and he freed himself from the bow. Having learned about what happened at night, the mayor was frightened and ordered the Christians to bury the body of the martyr at their church.

After some time, the fryag who betrayed John to torture. repented of his action and decided to steal the body of the saint. He and his comrades came at night to the tomb of the martyr. But at this time Saint John appeared in a dream to the presbyter of the church where he was buried, and said: “Get up and quickly go to the church, for they want to steal me.”

The presbyter immediately got up and went to the burial place, where he found the coffin unearthed and open, and the body of the saint was about to be taken away.

Having called the pious people, he told them about what had happened, and everyone glorified God, who glorifies His Saints. Taking the relics of the holy martyr, they brought them into the church and placed them on the altar near the Holy Throne. They stayed there for more than 70 years.

Various miracles began to be performed from the relics. Rumors of this reached the great governor of Moldova, Alexander. On the advice of Archbishop Joseph, he transferred the relics of the martyr to the capital of the Moldovan state of Sochav.

Without financial wealth it is quite difficult to imagine the picture happy life. Modern society meets people like never before and evaluates them, focusing on external attributes: expensive accessories, a premium car and branded clothing. Therefore, people are trying with all their might to achieve a certain level, which primarily includes financial stability.

Today, many people start their own business and invest almost everything they have into it. Naturally, the well-being of the whole family depends on the success of this enterprise. But, unfortunately, some manage to achieve success easily and quickly, while others spend several years climbing to the top to no avail. financial pyramid. No one knows why this happens. However, in case of constant failures, some people turn to trading magic, part of which they consider prayers to help in trading. These are the ones that will be discussed in today’s article, and you can decide for yourself how suitable this method is for managing your affairs.

Trading magic: fact or fiction

Even in ancient times, merchants and traders of all stripes performed a lot of rituals to attract money and for successful trade. It is not known how effective they were, but the secrets of the most strong conspiracies were kept and passed on from generation to generation. Sometimes merchants were ready to travel from afar just to turn to a famous magician and perform a ritual for good luck. There are many stories in history about how a person was able to suddenly become rich or save and increase a small capital received as an inheritance. Moreover, the secret of success has always been more than carefully guarded.

With the spread of Christianity, any magical rituals began to be reproached. Sorcerers succumbed to massive persecution, they were destroyed, and those who, despite the prohibitions, used their services, were even excommunicated from the church. However, people did not cease to need luck with the advent of a new faith, so over time, prayers appeared in everyday life to help in trade. They partially replaced witchcraft rituals and, as the merchants themselves claimed, in many ways they were even much more effective.

Today the situation in trade is very acute. Businessmen not only experience fierce competition, but also constantly feel themselves in the iron grip of the global economic crisis. Every day it becomes more and more difficult to maintain your business, and luck often slips literally between your fingers. Therefore, prayers for help in trade matters become the very lifeline that can take your own business to a new level.

If you often have to solve business problems, constantly suffer failures and count losses, then you should still turn to ancient magic. And an important part of it is prayer for help in trading; we will give several versions of this conspiracy in our article.

Who needs to pray for success in business?

If you decide to turn to higher powers for help in doing business, then at first you will probably be upset when you learn the fact that in Orthodoxy there is no special prayer for help in trading. The clergy say that any prayer addressed to God with faith and sincere hope can be the one that will change your affairs for the better.

In addition, there are two types of appeals to higher powers, and they help to establish trade and attract good luck. First of all, a strong prayer to help trade is considered to be a request to your guardian angel. If we focus on the Orthodox canons, we can say that one angel is given to the soul at birth, and the second - at the time of baptism. The first should protect a person from troubles and help him in business, so it is this guardian angel that you should turn to when your business is on the verge of collapse. If you do everything right, then your business will go uphill very soon.

No less effective are prayers to saints in helping with trading. However, not all holy elders contribute in matters of obtaining financial gain. More noticeable results come from:

  • Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in trade.
  • Appeal to John of Sochavsky.
  • Request to Seraphim of Sarov.
  • Prayer for help in trading

In the following sections of the article, we will tell you how best to make your requests to the listed saints and provide prayers that are very effective for getting things done in business.

Rules for appealing to higher powers

It is worth considering that any prayer for good luck in entrepreneurial activity implies making a profit. In fact we are praying for money, which is always frowned upon Orthodox Church. Therefore, try to ask the saints not for financial success as such, but for what you would like to acquire when receiving a particular amount. Visualize your final goal in your mind and try to visualize it in detail, and only then begin your prayer work.

Usually the clergy themselves call Seraphim of Sarov the main saint who patronizes trade. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact him, but remember that you must read the prayer clearly, distinctly and loudly, despite some complexity of the text. Also, successful traders advise hanging an icon with the image of a saint in the place where you enter into contracts or directly trade. To strengthen the prayer, you need to read it in front of the icon in the room where it hangs.

John the Merciful: assistant in trade affairs

This saint helps to find money luck, so traders often turn to him with requests different levels. Some businessmen claim that prayer quickly restored the success of their business. Therefore, we could not help but quote its text in our article.

A prerequisite for attracting success to your business is reading a prayer in front of the image of the saint. However, keep in mind that there are quite a lot of icons depicting John the Merciful. You need to choose the one where the saint gives alms. It is this image that is most suitable for asking for good luck in trading.

While reading the prayer, try not to think about money as such. Let your thoughts hover around the goal you would like to achieve. After prayer, mentally talk to the saint. Tell him about your work-related problems. Be sincere and try to formulate a specific request to John the Merciful. If you do everything correctly, he will definitely provide you with the necessary help.


Usually people who open their own business rely only on themselves and their own strength. They work very hard and are hardcore materialists. However, over time, many come to the understanding that it is impossible to build a serious and profitable business without a bit of luck. And sometimes only she helps at the right time to keep her own business afloat. It is in such situations that people begin to turn to higher powers for help.

In addition to the saints we have already described, you can turn to Spyridon of Trimythous with a prayer for help in trade. This saint often promotes successful entrepreneurial activity. We hope that our article will give you necessary information, and with the help of prayers you will be able to improve your affairs and financial situation.

Many people involved in trading have found themselves in a situation where, despite all their efforts, nothing worked. Also quite common are cases of bankruptcy due to an absurd accident. You can protect yourself from troubles by turning to various Saints through prayers.

How to use prayer to turn trading into good and successful

In order to turn trading into a successful event with the help of prayer, you need to understand what you want to ask from the Higher Powers.

It should be understood that different prayers, which ask for successful trading, can help with the following:

  • Protect yourself from competitors, which means promote your products on the market;
  • Get good profits from previously concluded transactions;
  • Be able to conclude a profitable deal from which good profits will be received in the future;
  • Provide reliable protection from the evil eye and others negative influences unkind people;
  • Sell ​​stale goods;
  • Make sure every customer leaves with a purchase.

When praying and pronouncing the words of a prayer appeal, you need to accurately understand what you are asking for. Only with this approach can you use strong prayers that are sure to be effective. You can turn to different Saints for help and support, but you must always believe in what you are asking for. After prayer, it is very important to give alms to the person asking and or to help a person who really needs it. In your prayer, you must definitely mention that the product being sold will benefit people. And finally, when you realize that prayer has helped you, you must definitely thank God for his mercy to you, and the Saint for hearing your request.

How to correctly pray to the Saints for help in trading

Prayers for good trade people who are engaged in this type of business can be said every day. But it should be remembered that Heavenly Powers You cannot drive while intoxicated. It is also not recommended to pray to women for success in trading on critical days.

In order for a prayer for successful trading to be heard, the petitioner must be in a positive mood. And besides this, confidence in success must be present in the soul. Under no circumstances should you allow yourself to think that your trading day will be unsuccessful. Inner panic will weaken the power of the prayer text, and it will not be heard by the Saint to whom you are addressing.

Prayers for successful trading should be read alone in front of the icon of the Saint and with a lighted church candle. Periodically you need to visit the temple and pray there. You cannot be distracted by anything extraneous during prayer. You need to fully concentrate on the spoken words. After the prayer has been read and you are taken to workplace you need to cross all the goods.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

If you can't decide which Saint to turn to for help in successful trading, you should read a prayer directed to the Guardian Angel.

It sounds like this:

“I appeal to you, Angel of Christ, my faithful protector! I am a sinner, but a true believer in God, you protect me from the temptations of sin and keep my soul for eternal salvation in heaven. Now I am asking you to come down to me and help me. My hands have worked a lot and I spend a lot of time in righteous labors. So let me be rewarded for my labors. May my weary hands be filled with great profits, which will help me for a comfortable life on earth. Show me your generosity and care for me, a worker who glorifies God. Amen".

Appeal to Seraphim of Sarov

Saint Seraphim of Sarov is considered the intercessor and patron of all those whose activities are related to trade. Such a prayer always helps in cases where things are not going well in trading. It is also believed that if you turn to the Saint every day, you can not only stabilize the situation in business, but also achieve great success. Using a prayer to Seraphim of Sarov, it is recommended to consecrate a new store before its opening. In order for prayer to have greater power, you must visit the temple at least once a week, put candles in front of the icon of the Saint and pray.

The text of the prayer itself, which should be used every day, is as follows:

“O Most Wonderful Holy Father Seraphim, the great Sarov Wonderworker known to all believers! You are a helper and reliable protector of everyone who comes running to you. During the days of your life on earth, you became support and comfort to everyone. And today it is a joy for all believers to worship your holy face. Everyone is ready to listen to your divine words, as it was during your life. Your divine gift of vision is known to everyone. You have healed many and successfully healed weak souls. For all your earthly mercies and good deeds, you were called to heaven to serve the Almighty. From there you help all believers and it is impossible to list all your miracles that you perform, begging for blessings from the Lord for us sinners. Like a heavenly star, you show us the righteous path, appear before us as servants of God and grant us healing of soul and body. We turn to you in our troubles with a request for protection and help. O Great, quiet and meek Servant of God. Hear our bold request and respond to it, for we really need your support. Offer your strong prayer to God for us sinners who have committed known and unknown sins and repented of them. Pray to Him to grant us who believe in Him and glorify Him a beneficial life, useful for our spiritual salvation. Ask the Almighty to protect us from the falls of sin, ask him to teach us true repentance. May it support in our souls the unquestioning faith in the eternal Kingdom of Heaven. And you, the Holy Pleasant, will be glorified by us and shine like a heavenly star. Amen".

After the prayer has been said, other prayer words should be said:

“The works of the Lord. With his most pure lips he will pray for me. And I turn to Him Almighty with a sincere request from the depths of my soul. Help me in the affairs of the earth, do not leave me without your mercy. Increase my business and make trading successful. Open the way to good luck in buying and bartering. Support me in all merchant matters. I praise your name, a holy cause and I believe in your protection. Amen".

Reach financial stability You can pray to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker for successful trading. There are many options for prayer appeals to this Saint. It is very important to always pray in front of the icon. It is noteworthy that by offering prayer to Saint Nicholas and asking him for the bestowal of success and good luck in commercial matters, a sincere believer will not only receive the fulfillment of his own requests, but will cleanse his soul from sinful thoughts. And this will also contribute to successful trading. Bright thoughts while reciting the prayer text will contribute to the fact that after the end of earthly life you will find eternal life in heaven. It is Saint Nicholas the Pleasant who most often helps in making all the dreams and aspirations of a sincere believer come true in his earthly existence.

It is better to pray for successful trading in the morning after reading the well-known “Our Father” prayer, which is mandatory for every Christian.

One of the most strong prayers sounds like this:

“Our merciful heavenly mentor, Holy Wonderworker Nicholas! During your life on earth, you performed only heartfelt and generous deeds, which are well known to all believers. I pray for your help and praise your deeds. Help me improve my business in trade, which guarantees me the benefits of life, look at my efforts in glorifying Christ and note my sincere faith in serving the Most High God. For my humility and willingness to accept all the trials sent by the Lord, take away bad luck from me, give me luck, give me true wisdom. I ask you, protector of all living, Saint Nicholas, pray for me, Servant of God (s) ( given name) before the Lord Almighty and All-Merciful. Ask God for protection for me from all enemies, enemies and ill-wishers. May I be rewarded in full for my work, efforts and diligence. Saint Nicholas, I ask you with all my heart, cover, protect with your reliable wing. I, the Servant of God (my own name), believe in your strength and mercy. Amen".

Petition to John of Sochavsky

During his earthly life, John of Sochavsky was engaged in trade and was true Christian. Due to his activities, he had to travel a lot. But one day on the ship on which John of Sochavsky had a chance to go on his commercial affairs, the captain turned out to be an evil man of non-Christian faith. During the journey, strong hatred arose between the two people, despite the merchant's best efforts to find a common language.

After the ship landed on the shore, the captain slandered the merchant, saying that he dreamed of joining the Jewish faith. The ruler of the city, in which the Christian faith was persecuted at that time, ordered the traveler to be brought to him. But John said that he would never renounce the Christian faith, and in addition called on the mayor to convert to Christianity himself. This greatly angered the ruler and the traveler was imprisoned, where he was severely tortured and tortured to death.

Lifeless body young man abandoned near the road. And that same night, lights descended from the heavens and turned into a sparkling staircase. Angels descended along it and, having walked over the Great Martyr, who gave his life for the Christian faith, took his soul to heaven.

After his death, Saint John of Sochava continued to work true miracles and help people. Prayer appeals in which believers ask for successful trading are especially effective.

It is important to remember that prayer must be said with sincere faith in the soul. You must completely concentrate on your desire. You can pray not only in church, but also at home. But be sure to do this in front of the icon of the Saint and with a lit church candle.

It is very good if you have the opportunity to ask for a blessing from a clergyman before starting any trading event. And at the place of trade you should always have a small icon of St. John of Sochava.

A strong prayer for trading goes like this:

“Oh, Holy Great Martyr John! See me from heaven asking for your help, and do not reject my request. Intercede for me before God, pray to Christ and for his mercy towards me, so that he will preserve me from all the failures of life: from losses, from floods, from swords, from fire, from fierce enemies and internecine warfare. May the Lord not condemn me, a sinner, who committed sins not out of malice, but out of ignorance, but who repented of them. I sincerely believe and glorify the Christian Church, so I hope for God’s mercy. May the Lord grant me through your prayers, Saint John, pure thoughts and abstinence from harmful earthly passions will protect from unclean filth. I ask you, pray diligently for me, Holy Great Martyr John. I will glorify your deeds, pray sincerely and live in piety, God's commandments do not violate, do not harm anyone. I hope and believe in success in all my earthly affairs, and that for my diligent and pious work I will be granted immortal life in heaven. Amen".

While studying trading activities, you need to learn everything effective prayers. They can be used by you at any time when you feel any threat from the outside. This is very effective way keep your affairs stable and move forward.

Regardless of the planned task, a person will feel much more confident if he is supported. God can give you the greatest self-confidence and successful fulfillment of your plans.

So, prayer for quick sale is able to sell the product most effectively and attract the greatest profit. Almost all people, whether they are believers or not, very often say prayers before important events in order to enlist divine support.

Merchants and entrepreneurs are no exception, since with divine support it is much more profitable to sell things. Prayer books allow you to increase a person’s luck in realizing his plans. So, if we're talking about about trading, then turning to God and the Saints for help may well grant a person successful and profitable trading.

Heaven promotes the influx of buyers to the prayer point of sale, and also protect it from all kinds of negative influences.

In addition, communication with the Almighty has a beneficial effect on the person himself, because any divine touch calms a person, gives him self-confidence, and concentrates his strength to achieve his goal. To successfully sell an item, you need to enlist divine support.

Popular prayers for sale

How to establish contact with Heaven?

In order to successfully sell things and real estate, you need to read the prayers correctly. So, in order for trading at the point to be successful, you should place an icon with the image of the Saint near the counters, to whom it is customary to turn for help. Before prayer, you should cross yourself and bow three times, then say the text and repeat the crossing procedure.

To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to pray daily, no matter where you do it. Before the image, it is recommended to light a church candle and say an appeal to the Saint, looking at the candle flame. If you are supposed to pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, then it is best to do this in a church near the corresponding image.

Many options for attracting good luck

People know many prayers aimed at the profitable and successful sale of an item or real estate. Thus, the most popular prayers among Orthodox Christians are those addressed to Saints Nicholas the Wonderworker, Seraphim of Sarov, John of Sochava and Spyridon of Trimythous.

Most often, merchants turn to John of Sochavsky for help, as he is recognized as the patron saint of trade and entrepreneurs. In order to sell goods profitably, you need to pray to John daily. To sell an apartment, a prayer is said to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and one should pray in the church near the corresponding icon. In addition to this, much is known magical spells, facilitating the profitable and quick sale of goods, as well as the sale of cars and real estate.

How quickly will prayer work?

In order for prayers to be taken into account by Heaven, it is necessary to pray daily. You should not expect instant fulfillment of a request after saying a prayer book. Things won’t necessarily start selling well right away; it’s quite possible that the Lord will decide to help after some time.

To ensure that your product is always well received,
on the waxing moon, buy a poppy and read over it

3 times plot:
“Whoever steps on you will buy my goods from me.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen."
After this, carefully scatter it near your worker.
places, but so that no one sees.
Read the plot in the morning, before trading.

Before starting trading, say at your workplace:
“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Amen! Amen!
Lord, teach, Lord, help me, the servant of God (your name).
Hallowed be your name today, tomorrow and always! Amen! Amen!
Amen!" Cross yourself three times and bow
towards the east.

Before trading, cross your goods three times,
saying in a whisper:

“The buyer will look at you, will not leave you, money
will get it! And then it’s my business. Let it be so!
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

For good luck in trading.
For good luck in trading you should go to church 3 days in a row
15-20 minutes before noon and place a wax candle there
in front of the image Nikolai Ugodnik with words:
“God's servant! Grant me (your name) good luck in trade affairs,
righteous! Amen!"

After your first purchase, take the proceeds in your left hand.
Cross the product with your right hand, saying three times:
“What has come, let it continue to come, do not leave me.
Will be with me as I am with you (blow on the goods three times,
blow on the money three times). Amen! Amen! Amen!
My whisper is strong, amen.”

Remember the rules that must be followed
when performing any ritual or conspiracy

Conspiracies for good trading are carried out exclusively
on the waxing moon. This action is purely personal, never
and no one should be given details of the
Three days before the ritual you should not consume
alcoholic drinks.

Here are a few more conspiracies.
1) One of these conspiracies is recited in salt:
“Walkers and travelers, come here; here is your place, food and water.
It’s money for me, it’s goods for you.”

2) The ritual is performed on any day of the week except Saturday
and 13, 22 and 27 numbers. During this process you must
being alone in a room.
Take paper bill, best of all 100 rubles, for
measure the length of a red woolen thread 49 times.
Cut the thread with scissors and wrap it around your wrist with your left
hands, tucking the ends under the wound thread.
While wrapping it around your wrist, say seven times:

Money for me, trade for me.
All for me. And for you - the goods and change. Amen.

From the evil eye in trade
When you arrive at your workplace, take a nickel in your hand and cross
them yourself, the counter and say: “Saint Peter was carrying a wallet, on his
the snake lay across the road. Who can count the scales of this snake?
only he will interfere with my bargaining. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy
Spirit. Now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".
Hide the nickel and use it this way every day.

For successful trading.
For trading to go well, you need three days in a row immediately before
go to church in the afternoon and light a candle in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant,
while saying:

“God's saint! Grant me (name) good luck in trade and righteous matters! Amen!".

Strong prayer for successful trading
Deeds, Lord, Thou hast spoken with Thy most pure lips, that without me you cannot
creating is nothing. My Lord, Lord, with faith in our souls, help me
sinner, servant of God (name), this is our life through trade in buying, selling and
money changers and everything. You, O Lord, Lord, accomplish it yourself in the name of the Father
and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. Holy Archangel Michael, in your holy name
trade, save, preserve and bless the servant of God with your holy prayers
(name) start and carry out a happy and prosperous trade. In the name of the Father
and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages, amen.

I advise everyone and consider it one of the most powerful prayers
for desire - prayer to SAINT MARTHA

I often resort to it myself
It must be read every Tuesday, the time of day does not matter.
The desire is better written on paper so that every time it
sounded the same, you don’t even need to use candles.
Do 9 Tuesdays, if you missed one, start over.
Even if a wish has already been fulfilled, we must thank God
for execution and finish reading the rest of Tuesdays.
Usually it starts to be executed much earlier.

I wish you successful trading!

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