The rule for constructing images in mirrors. A

A virtual image of an object (we cannot place a photographic plate behind a mirror and register it). It is you, and in the mirror it is not you, but your image. What is the difference?

Demonstration with candles and flat mirror. A piece of glass is placed vertically against the background of a black screen. Electric lamps (candles) are placed on stands in front of and behind the glass at equal distances. If one is on fire, then it seems that the other is also on fire.

Distances from an object to a flat mirror ( d) and from the mirror to the image of the object ( f) are equal: d = f. Equal size of object and image. Object vision area(show on drawing).

“No, no one, Mirrors, has comprehended you, no one has yet penetrated your soul.”

“Two people look down, one sees a puddle, the other sees the stars reflected in it.”


Convex and concave mirrors (demonstration with FOS-67 and a steel ruler). Constructing an image of an object in a convex mirror. Applications of spherical mirrors: car headlights (like the Ostyaks catch fish), car side mirrors, solar stations, satellite dishes.

IV. Tasks:

1. A flat mirror and some object AB are located as shown in the figure. Where should the observer's eye be located so that the entire image of the object in the mirror is visible?

2. The sun's rays make an angle of 62 0 with the horizon. How should a flat mirror be positioned in relation to the ground in order to direct the rays horizontally? (Consider all 4 cases).

3. The bulb of a table lamp is located at a distance of 0.6 m from the surface of the table and at a distance of 1.8 m from the ceiling. On the table lies a fragment of a flat mirror in the shape of a triangle with sides of 5 cm, 6 cm and 7 cm. At what distance from the ceiling is the image of the light bulb filament given by the mirror (point source)? Find the shape and size of the “bunny” obtained from a fragment of a mirror on the ceiling.


1. Why does a beam of light become visible in smoke or fog?

2. A man standing on the shore of a lake sees an image of the Sun on the smooth surface of the water. How will this image move as the person moves away from the lake?

3. How far is it from you to the image of the Sun in a flat mirror?

4. Is twilight observed on the Moon?

5. If the surface of the water fluctuates, then the images of objects (the Moon and the Sun) in the water also fluctuate. Why?

6. How will the distance between an object and its image in a flat mirror change if the mirror is moved to the place where the image was?

7. Which is blacker: velvet or black silk? Three types of troops have black velvet shoulder straps: artillerymen (November 19, 1942), tankers (Stalingrad and Kursk), drivers (Ladoga).

8. Is it possible to measure the height of clouds using a powerful spotlight?

9. Why are snow and fog opaque, although the water is clear?


At what angle will the beam reflected from the plane mirror turn when the latter is rotated by 30 0?

11. How many images of the source S 0 can be seen in the system of flat mirrors M 1 and M 2? From what area will they be visible at the same time?

12. At what position of a flat mirror will a ball rolling straight along the surface of a table appear to be rising vertically upward in the mirror?

13. Malvina looks at her image in a small mirror, but she sees only part of her face. Will she see the whole face if she asks Pinocchio to move away with the mirror?

14. Does the mirror always “tell” the truth?

15. One day, flying over the mirror-like surface of a pond, Carlson noticed that his speed relative to the pond was exactly equal to his speed of removal from his image in the water. At what angle to the surface of the pond was Carlson flying?

16. Suggest a way to measure the height of an object if its base is accessible (inaccessible).

17. At what size of the mirror will the sunbeam have the shape of a mirror, and at what size will it have the shape of the disk of the Sun?

§§ 64-66. Ex. 33.34. Revision problems No. 64 and No. 65.

1. Make a model of a periscope.

2. A luminous point is located between two flat mirrors. How many images of a point can be obtained by placing the mirrors at an angle to each other.

3. Using a table lamp 1.5 - 2 m from the edge of the table and a wide-toothed comb, create a beam of parallel rays on the table surface. Place a mirror in their path and check the laws of light reflection.

4. If two rectangular flat mirrors forming a right angle are placed on a third mirror, then we obtain an optical system consisting of three mutually perpendicular mirrors - a “reflector”. What interesting property does it have?

5. Sometimes a sunbeam almost exactly repeats the shape of the mirror that is used to let it in, sometimes only approximately, and sometimes it is not at all similar in shape to the mirror. What does this depend on? At what size of the mirror will the sunbeam have the shape of a mirror, and at what size will it have the shape of the disk of the Sun?

“Since the renaissance of the sciences, since their very inception, no more wonderful discovery has been made than the discovery of the laws governing light ... when transparent bodies force it to change its path when they intersect.”



LESSON OBJECTIVE: Based on experiments, establish the law of light refraction and teach students to apply it when solving problems.


EQUIPMENT: Optical washer with accessories, LG-209 laser.


2. Survey 10 min

3. Explanation 20 min

4. Fixing 10 min.

5. Homework assignment 2-3 min

II. Fundamental survey:

1. The law of light reflection.

2. Constructing an image in a plane mirror.


1. It is required to illuminate the bottom of the well by directing the sun's rays at it. How should a flat mirror be positioned in relation to the Earth if the Sun's rays fall at an angle of 60° to the horizon?

2. The angle between the incident and reflected rays is 8 times greater than the angle between the incident ray and the mirror plane. Calculate the angle of incidence of the beam.


A long inclined mirror is in contact with the horizontal floor and inclined at an angle α to the vertical. A schoolboy approaches the mirror, whose eyes are located at a height h from the ground level. At what maximum distance from the bottom edge of the mirror will the student see: a) the image of his eyes; b) your full-length image?

4. Two plane mirrors form an angle α . Find the angle of deviation δ light beam. Angle of incidence of the beam on the mirror M 1 equals φ .


1. At what angle of incidence of a beam on a flat mirror do the incident beam and the reflected beam coincide?

2. To see your full-length image in a flat mirror, its height must be at least half the height of a person. Prove it.

3. Why does a puddle on the road at night appear to the driver as a dark spot on a light background?

4. Is it possible to use a flat mirror instead of a white canvas (screen) in cinemas?

5. Why are shadows, even with one light source, never completely dark?

6. Why does the snow shine?

7. Why are figures drawn on foggy window glass clearly visible?

8. Why does a polished boot shine?

9. Two pins A and B are stuck in front of mirror M. Where on the dashed line should the observer’s eye be for the images of the pins to overlap each other?

10. There is a flat mirror hanging on the wall in the room. Experimenter Gluck sees a dimly lit object in it. Can Gluck illuminate this object by shining a flashlight on its imaginary image in the mirror?

11. Why does the chalkboard sometimes glow? Under what conditions will this phenomenon be observed?

12. Why are vertical light poles sometimes visible above the street lamps at night in winter?

III. Refraction of light at the interface between two transparent media. Demonstration of the phenomenon of light refraction. Incident ray and refracted ray, angle of incidence and angle of refraction.

Filling out the table:

Absolute refractive index of the medium ( n) is the refractive index of a given medium relative to vacuum. Physical meaning of the absolute refractive index: n = c/v.

Absolute refractive indices of some media: n air= 1,0003, = 1,33; n st= 1.5 (crown) - 1.9 (flint). A medium with a higher refractive index is called optically denser.

The relationship between the absolute refractive indices of two media and their relative refractive index: n 21 = n 2 / n 1.

Refraction is responsible for a number of optical illusions: the apparent depth of a body of water (explanation with a picture), a broken pencil in a glass of water (demonstration), short legs of a bather in the water, mirages (on asphalt).

Path of rays through a plane-parallel glass plate (demonstration).

IV. Tasks:

1. The beam passes from water to flint glass. The angle of incidence is 35°. Find the angle of refraction.

2. At what angle will the beam be deflected, falling at an angle of 45° on the surface of the glass (crown), on the surface of the diamond?

3. A diver, while underwater, determined that the direction to the Sun makes an angle of 45° with the vertical. Find the true position of the Sun relative to the vertical?


1. Why does a lump of snow that falls into the water become invisible?

2. A man stands waist-deep in water on the horizontal bottom of a pool. Why does it seem to him that he is standing in a recess?

3. In the morning and early evening hours, the reflection of the Sun in calm water blinds the eyes, but at noon you can see it without squinting. Why?

4. In what material medium does light travel at the highest speed?

5. In what medium can light rays be curved?

6. If the surface of the water is not completely calm, then objects lying at the bottom seem to oscillate. Explain the phenomenon.

7. Why are the eyes of a person wearing dark glasses not visible, although the person himself sees quite well through such glasses?

§ 67. Ex. 36 Revision problems No. 56 and No. 57.

1. Using a table lamp 1.5 - 2 m away from the edge of the table and a wide-toothed comb, create a beam of parallel rays on the table surface. Having placed a glass of water and a triangular prism in their path, describe the phenomena and determine the refractive index of the glass.

2. If you place a coffee can on a white surface and quickly pour boiling water into it, you can see, looking from above, that the black outer wall has become shiny. Observe and explain the phenomenon

3. Try observing mirages using a hot iron.

4. Using a compass and ruler, construct the path of a refracted ray in a medium with a refractive index of 1.5 at a known angle of incidence.

5. Take a transparent saucer, fill it with water and place it on the page of an open book. Then use a pipette to add milk to the saucer, stirring until you can no longer see the words on the page through the bottom of the saucer. If you now add granulated sugar to the solution, then at a certain concentration the solution will again become transparent. Why?

“Having discovered the refraction of light, it was natural to pose the question:

what is the relationship between the angles of incidence and refraction?

L. Cooper


LESSON OBJECTIVE: To introduce students to the phenomenon of total internal reflection and its practical applications.


EQUIPMENT: Optical washer with accessories, LG-209 laser with accessories.


1. Introductory part 1-2 min

2. Survey 10 min

3. Explanation 20 min

4. Fixing 10 min.

5. Homework assignment 2-3 min

II.Fundamental survey:

1. The law of light refraction.


1. A ray reflected from a glass surface with a refractive index of 1.7 forms a right angle with the refracted ray. Determine the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction.

2. Determine the speed of light in a liquid if, when a beam falls on the surface of a liquid from air at an angle of 45 0, the angle of refraction is 30 0.

3. A beam of parallel rays strikes the surface of the water at an angle of 30°. The width of the beam in air is 5 cm. Find the width of the beam in water.

4. A point source of light S is located at the bottom of a reservoir 60 cm deep. At a certain point on the surface of the water, the refracted ray released into the air turns out to be perpendicular to the ray reflected from the surface of the water. At what distance from the source S will the beam reflected from the surface of the water fall to the bottom of the reservoir? The refractive index of water is 4/3.


1. Why do soil, paper, wood, sand appear darker if they are moistened with water?

2. Why, when sitting by the fire, do we see objects on the other side of the fire oscillating?

3. In what cases is the interface between two transparent media invisible?

4. Two observers simultaneously determine the height of the Sun above the horizon, but one is under water and the other is in the air. For which of them is the Sun higher above the horizon?

5. Why is the true length of the day somewhat longer than that given by astronomical calculations?

6. Construct the path of the ray through a plane-parallel plate if its refractive index is less than the refractive index of the surrounding medium.

III. The passage of a light beam from an optically less dense medium into an optically more dense medium: n 2 > n 1, sinα > sinγ.

The passage of a light beam from an optically denser medium to an optically less dense medium: n 1 > n 2, sinγ > sinα.

Conclusion: If a light beam passes from an optically more dense medium to an optically less dense medium, then it deviates from the perpendicular to the interface between the two media, reconstructed from the point of incidence of the beam. At a certain angle of incidence, called the limiting one, γ = 90° and light does not pass into the second medium: sinα prev = n 21.

Observation of total internal reflection. The limiting angle of total internal reflection when light passes from glass to air. Demonstration of total internal reflection at the glass-air interface and measurement of the limiting angle; comparison of theoretical and experimental results.

Change in the intensity of the reflected beam with a change in the angle of incidence. With total internal reflection, 100% of the light is reflected from the boundary (perfect mirror).

Examples of total internal reflection: a lantern at the bottom of a river, crystals, a reversible prism (demonstration), a light guide (demonstration), a luminous fountain, a rainbow.

Is it possible to tie a light beam in a knot? Demonstration with a polypropylene tube filled with water and a laser pointer. Use of total reflection in fiber optics. Transmitting information using a laser (10 6 times more information is transmitted than using radio waves).

The path of rays in a triangular prism: ; .

IV. Tasks:

1. Determine the limiting angle of total internal reflection for the transition of light from diamond to air.

2. A ray of light falls at an angle of 30 0 to the interface between two media and exits at an angle of 15 0 to this boundary. Determine the limiting angle of total internal reflection.

3. Light falls on an equilateral triangular prism made of crowns at an angle of 45° to one of the faces. Calculate the angle at which the light exits the opposite face. Refractive index crown 1.5.

4. A ray of light falls on one of the faces of an equilateral glass prism with a refractive index of 1.5, perpendicular to this face. Calculate the angle between this ray and the ray that left the prism.


1. Why is it better to see fish swimming in the river from the bridge than from the low bank?

2. Why do the Sun and Moon appear oval at the horizon?

3. Why do gemstones sparkle?

4. Why, when you drive along a highway that is very hot from the sun, sometimes it seems like you see puddles on the road?

5. Why does a black plastic ball appear mirror-like in water?

6. The pearl fisher releases olive oil from his mouth at depth and the glare on the surface of the water disappears. Why?

7. Why is the hail formed in the lower part of the cloud dark, and the one formed in the upper part is light?

8. Why does a smoked glass plate in a glass of water appear mirror-like?


  1. Propose a project for a solar concentrator (solar oven), which can be box-shaped, combined, parabolic, or with an umbrella-type mirror.

“In this world I know there is no count of treasures.”

L. Martynov

Lesson 62/12. LENS

LESSON OBJECTIVE: Introduce the concept of “lens”. Introduce students to different types of lenses; teach them how to construct an image of objects in a lens.


EQUIPMENT: Optical washer with accessories, set of lenses, candle, lenses on a stand, screen, filmstrip “Constructing an image in lenses.”


1. Introductory part 1-2 min

2. Survey 15 min

3. Explanation 20 min

4. Fastening 5 min.

5. Homework assignment 2-3 min

II.Fundamental survey:

1. Refraction of light.

2. Path of rays in a plane-parallel glass plate and a triangular prism.


1. What is the apparent depth of the river for a person looking at an object lying at the bottom, if the angle made by the line of sight with the perpendicular to the surface of the water is 70 0? Depth 2 m.

2. A pile is driven into the bottom of a reservoir 2 m deep, protruding 0.5 m from the water. Find the length of the shadow from the pile at the bottom of the reservoir at an angle of incidence of the rays of 30 0.


The beam falls on a plane-parallel glass plate 3 cm thick at an angle of 70°. Determine the displacement of the beam inside the plate.

4. A ray of light falls on a system of two wedges with a refractive angle of 0.02 rad and a refractive index of 1.4 and 1.7, respectively. Determine the beam deflection angle of such a system.

5. A thin wedge with an angle of 0.02 rad at the apex was made of glass with a refractive index of 1.5 and lowered into a pool of water. Find the angle of deflection of a beam propagating in water and passing through the wedge.


1. Crushed glass is opaque, but if it is filled with water, it becomes transparent. Why?

2. Why does the virtual image of an object (for example, a pencil) under the same lighting in water appear less bright than in a mirror?

3. Why are the lambs on the crests of sea waves white?

4. Indicate the further path of the beam through a triangular glass prism.

5. What do you now know about light?

III. We will apply the basic laws of geometric optics to specific physical objects, obtain corollary formulas and, with their help, explain the principle of operation of various optical objects.

A lens is a transparent body bounded by two spherical surfaces(drawing on the board). Demonstrations of lenses from the set. Fundamental points and lines: centers and radii of spherical surfaces, optical center, optical axis, principal optical axis, principal focus of a collecting lens, focal plane, focal length, lens power (demonstrations). Focus - from the Latin word focus - hearth, fire.

Converging lens ( F >0). Schematic representation of a converging lens in the figure. Constructing an image in a collecting lens of a point that does not lie on the main optical axis. Wonderful rays.

How to construct an image of a point in a converging lens if this point lies on the main optical axis?

Constructing an image of an object in a converging lens (extreme points).

The object is located behind the double focal length of the converging lens. Where and what kind of image of the object we will get (constructing an image of the object on the board). Can an image be captured on film? Yes! An actual image of the item.

Where and what image of an object will we get if the object is located at double the focal distance from the lens, between the focus and double focus, in the focal plane, between the focus and the lens.

Conclusion: A converging lens can provide:

a) a real image reduced, enlarged or equal to the object; an imaginary enlarged image of an object.

Schematic representation of diverging lenses in the figures ( F<0 ). Constructing an image of an object in a diverging lens. What image of an object do we get in a diverging lens?

Question: If your interlocutor wears glasses, then how can you determine which lenses these glasses have - converging or diverging?

Historical reference: A. Lavoisier's lens had a diameter of 120 cm and a thickness in the middle part of 16 cm, and was filled with 130 liters of alcohol. With its help it was possible to melt gold.

IV. Tasks:

1. Construct an image of an object AB in a converging lens ( Fig.1).

2. The figure shows the position of the main optical axis of the lens, the luminous point A and her image ( Rice. 2). Find the position of the lens and construct an image of the object BC.

3. The figure shows a converging lens, its main optical axis, a luminous point S and its image S "( Rice. 3). Determine the focal points of the lens by constructing them.

4. In Figure 4, the dashed line shows the main optical axis of the lens and the path of an arbitrary ray through it. By construction, find the main focal points of this lens.


1. Is it possible to make a spotlight using a light bulb and a collecting lens?

2. Using the Sun as a light source, how can you determine the focal length of a lens?

3. A “convex lens” was glued together from two watch glasses. How will this lens act on a beam of rays in water?

4. Is it possible to light a fire at the North Pole with an ax?

5. Why does a lens have two focuses, but a spherical mirror only has one?

6. Will we see an image if we look through a converging lens at an object placed in its focal plane?

7. At what distance should a converging lens be placed from the screen so that its illumination does not change?

§§ 68-70 Ex. 37 - 39. Revision problems No. 68 and No. 69.

1. Fill an empty bottle halfway with the test liquid and, placing it horizontally, measure the focal length of this plane-convex lens. Using the appropriate formula, find the refractive index of the liquid.

“And the fiery flight of your spirit is content with images and likenesses.”


Lesson 63/13. LENS FORMULA

LESSON OBJECTIVE: Derive the lens formula and teach students how to apply it when solving problems.


EQUIPMENT: A set of lenses and mirrors, a candle or light bulb, a white screen, a lens model.


1. Introductory part 1-2 min

2. Survey 10 min

3. Explanation 20 min

4. Fixing 10 min.

5. Homework assignment 2-3 min

II.Fundamental survey:

2. Constructing an image of an object in a lens.


1. The path of the beam through the diverging lens is given (Fig. 1). Find the focus by constructing.

2. Construct an image of an object AB in a converging lens (Fig. 2).

3. Figure 3 shows the position of the main optical axis of the lens, source S and his image. Find the position of the lens and construct an image of the object AB.

4. Find the focal length of a biconvex lens with a radius of curvature of 30 cm, made of glass with a refractive index of 1.5. What is the optical power of the lens?

5. A ray of light falls on a diverging lens at an angle of 0.05 rad to the main optical axis and, having been refracted in it at a distance of 2 cm from the optical center of the lens, exits at the same angle relative to the main optical axis. Find the focal length of the lens.


1. Can a plano-convex lens scatter parallel rays?

2. How will the focal length of the lens change if its temperature increases?

3. The thicker a lenticular lens is at the center compared to the edges, the shorter its focal length for a given diameter. Explain.

4. The edges of the lens were trimmed. Has its focal length changed (prove by construction)?

5. Construct the beam path behind the diverging lens ( Rice. 1)?

6. The point source is located on the main optical axis of the collecting lens. In what direction will the image of this source shift if the lens is rotated at a certain angle relative to an axis lying in the plane of the lens and passing through its optical center?

What can be determined using the lens formula? Experimental measurement of the focal length of a lens in centimeters (measurement d And f, calculation F).

Lens model and lens formula. Explore all cases with demonstrations using the lens formula and lens model. Result in the table:

d d = 2F F< d < 2F d = F d< F
f 2F f > 2F f< 0

Г = 1/(d/F - 1). 1) d = F, Г→∞. 2) d = 2F, Г = 1. 3) d→∞, Г→0. 4) d = F, Г = - 2.

If the lens is diverging, then where should the crossbar be placed? What will be the image of the object in this lens?

Methods for measuring the focal length of a converging lens:

1. Obtaining an image of a distant object: , .

2. If the subject is in double focus d = 2F, That d = f, A F = d/2.

3. Using lens formula.

4. Using formula .

5. Using a flat mirror.

Practical applications of lenses: you can obtain an enlarged real image of an object (slide projector), a reduced real one and photograph it (camera), obtain an enlarged and reduced image (telescope and microscope), focus the sun's rays (solar station).

IV. Tasks:

1. Using a lens whose focal length is 20 cm, an image of an object is obtained on a screen located 1 m from the lens. At what distance from the lens is the object? What will the image be like?

2. The distance between the object and the screen is 120 cm. Where should a converging lens with a focal length of 25 cm be placed in order to obtain a clear image of the object on the screen?

§ 71 Task 16

1. Propose a project for measuring the focal length of spectacle lenses. Measure the focal length of the diverging lens.

2. Measure the diameter of the wire from which the spiral in the incandescent lamp is made (the lamp must remain intact).

3. A drop of water on the glass or a film of water tightening the wire loop acts as a lens. Make sure of this by looking at dots, small objects, and letters through them.

4. Using a converging lens and a ruler, measure the angular diameter of the Sun.

5. How should two lenses be positioned, one of which is converging and the other scattering, so that a beam of parallel rays, passing through both lenses, remains parallel?

6. Calculate the focal length of the laboratory lens, and then measure it experimentally.

"If a person examines letters or other small objects with a glass or other transparent body placed above the letters, and if this body is a spherical segment, ... the letters will appear larger."

Roger Bacon


LESSON OBJECTIVE: To teach students to measure the focal length and optical power of a converging lens.

TYPE OF LESSON: Laboratory work.

EQUIPMENT: Converging lens, screen, light bulb on a stand with a cap (candle), measuring tape (ruler), power supply, two wires.


1. Introductory part 1-2 min

2. Brief instructions 5 min

3. Completion of work 30 minutes

4. Summing up 5 min

5. Homework assignment 2-3 min

II. The focal length of a converging lens can be measured in different ways:

1. Measure the distance from the object to the lens and from the lens to the image; using the lens formula, you can calculate the focal length: .

2. Having received an image of a remote light source () on the screen,
directly measure the focal length of the lens ().

3. If an object is placed at double the focal length from the lens, then the image is also at double the focal length (having achieved equality d And f, directly measure the focal length of the lens).

4. Knowing the average focal length of the lens and the distance from the object to the lens ( d), it is necessary to calculate the distance from the lens to the image of the object ( f t) and compare it with that obtained experimentally ( f e).

III. Progress:

No. d, m f, m F, m F avg, m D, Wed Character of the image
4. f e f t

Additional task e: Measure the focal length of the diverging lens: D = D 1 + D 2.

Additional task: Measure the focal length of the lens using other methods.

IV. Summarizing.

V. Propose a project for a solar water heating installation with natural and forced circulation.

"Every consistently developing science grows only because

that human society needs it."

S.I. Vavilov


LESSON OBJECTIVE: To introduce students to some of the practical uses of lenses.


EQUIPMENT: Projector, camera.


1. Introductory part 1-2 min

2. Survey 10 min

3. Explanation 20 min

4. Fixing 10 min.

5. Homework assignment 2-3 min

II.Fundamental survey:

1. Lens formula.

2. Measuring the focal length of the lens.


1. At what distance from a lens with a focal length of 12 cm must an object be placed so that its actual image is three times larger than the object itself?

2. An object is located at a distance of 12 cm from a biconcave lens with a focal length of 10 cm. Determine at what distance from the lens the image of the object is? What will it be like?


1. There are two identical spherical flasks and a table lamp. It is known that one flask contains water, the other contains alcohol. How to determine the contents of vessels without resorting to weighing?

The diameter of the Sun is 400 times larger than the diameter of the Moon. Why are their apparent sizes almost the same?

3. The distance between the object and its image created by a thin lens is equal to 0.5F Where F- focal length of the lens. What image is this - real or imaginary?

4. Using a lens, an inverted image of a candle flame is obtained on the screen. Will the linear dimensions of this image change if part of the lens is obscured by a sheet of cardboard (prove by construction).

5. Determine by construction the position of the luminous point if two rays, after refraction in the lens, go as shown in Figure 1.

6. Subject given AB and his image. Determine the type of lens, find its main optical axis and the position of the foci ( Rice. 2).

7. A virtual image of the Sun was obtained in a flat mirror. Is it possible to burn through paper with this “imaginary Sun” using a collecting lens?

III. A projection device is a device designed to obtain a real and enlarged image of an object. Optical diagram of the projection apparatus on the board. At what distance from the objective lens should a translucent object be placed so that its actual image is many times larger than the object itself? How is it necessary to change the distance from the object to the objective lens if the distance from the projection apparatus to the screen increases or decreases?

Reflection of light- this is a phenomenon in which the incidence of light on the interface between two media MN part of the incident light flux, having changed the direction of its propagation, remains in the same medium. Incident beamA.O.– a ray showing the direction of light propagation. Reflected beamO.B.- a ray showing the direction of propagation of the reflected part of the light flux.

Angle of incidence– the angle between the incident beam and the perpendicular to the reflecting surface.

Reflection angle - the angle between the reflected beam and the perpendicular to the interface at the point of incidence of the beam.

The law of light reflection: 1) the incident and reflected rays lie in the same plane with the perpendicular established at the point of incidence of the ray to the interface between the two media; 2) the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence.

A mirror whose surface is a plane is called a plane mirror. Mirror reflection- This is a directional reflection of light.

If the interface between media is a surface whose uneven dimensions are greater than the wavelength of light incident on it, then mutually parallel light rays incident on such a surface do not retain their parallelism after reflection, but are scattered in all possible directions. This reflection of light is called absent-minded or diffuse.

Real Image- this is the image that is obtained when the rays intersect.

Virtual image- this is the image that is obtained when the rays continue.

Construction of images in spherical mirrors.

Spherical mirror MK called the surface of a spherical segment that specularly reflects light. If light is reflected from the inner surface of a segment, then the mirror is called concave, and if from the outer surface of the segment – convex. A concave mirror is collecting and convex - scattering.

Center of the sphere C, from which a spherical segment is cut to form a mirror is called optical center of the mirror, and the vertex of the spherical segment O- his pole; R – radius of curvature of a spherical mirror.

Any straight line passing through the optical center of a mirror is called optical axis(KC; M.C.). The optical axis passing through the pole of the mirror is called main optical axis (O.C.). Rays coming near the main optical axis are called paraxial.

Full stop F, in which paraxial rays intersect after reflection and incident on a spherical mirror parallel to the main optical axis are called main focus.

The distance from the pole to the main focus of a spherical mirror is called focalOF.

Any ray incident along one of its optical axes is reflected from the mirror along the same axis.

Formula for a concave spherical mirror:
, Where d– distance from the object to the mirror (m), f– distance from the mirror to the image (m).

Formula for the focal length of a spherical mirror:

The value D, the reciprocal of the focal length F of a spherical mirror, is called optical power.


The optical power of a concave mirror is positive, while that of a convex mirror is negative.

The linear magnification Г of a spherical mirror is the ratio of the size of the image it creates H to the size of the imaged object h, i.e.

Video tutorial 2: Flat mirror - Physics in experiments and experiments


Flat mirror

Flat mirror- This is a glossy surface. If parallel beams of light fall on such a surface, then they are reflected parallel to each other. By looking at this topic, we can learn why we see ourselves when we look in the mirror.

So, let's first remember the laws of reflection and how to prove them. Take a look at the picture.

Let's pretend that S- some point that glows or reflects light. Consider two arbitrary rays that fall on some glossy surface. Let us move this point symmetrically, relative to the separation of the media. After these two rays are reflected from the surface, they enter our eye. Our brain is designed in such a way that it perceives any reflection as an image that is beyond the boundary of media separation. The most important thing in this explanation is that it really seems to us because of our own perception.

The image we see in the mirror is called imaginary, that is, it does not really exist.

We can even see an image that is not directly above the mirror, or if their sizes are not comparable. The most important thing is that the rays from this object must enter our eyes. This is why we can see the driver’s face on the bus and he is ours, despite the fact that he is not in front of the mirror.

Constructing images in a plane mirror

We construct an image of an object in the mirror.

Let us find the connection between the optical characteristic and the distances that determine the position of the object and its image.

Let the object be a certain point A located on the optical axis. Using the laws of light reflection, we will construct an image of this point (Fig. 2.13).

Let us denote the distance from the object to the pole of the mirror (AO), and from pole to image (OA).

Consider the triangle APC, we find that

From the triangle APA, we obtain that
. Let us exclude the angle from these expressions
, since it is the only one that does not rely on OR.



Angles ,,are based on OR. Let the beams under consideration be paraxial, then these angles are small and, therefore, their values ​​in radian measure are equal to the tangent of these angles:

, where R=OC, is the radius of curvature of the mirror.

Let us substitute the resulting expressions into equation (2.3)

Since we previously found out that the focal length is related to the radius of curvature of the mirror, then


Expression (2.4) is called the mirror formula, which is used only with the sign rule:

Distances ,,
are considered positive if they are counted along the ray, and negative otherwise.

Convex mirror.

Let's look at several examples of constructing images in convex mirrors.

1) The object is located at a distance greater than the radius of curvature. We construct an image of the end points of the object A and B. We use rays: 1) parallel to the main optical axis; 2) a beam passing through the optical center of the mirror. We get an imaginary, reduced, direct image (Fig. 2.14)

2) The object is located at a distance equal to the radius of curvature. Imaginary image, reduced, direct (Fig. 2.15)

The focus of a convex mirror is imaginary. Convex mirror formula


The sign rule for d and f remains the same as for a concave mirror.

The linear magnification of an object is determined by the ratio of the height of the image to the height of the object itself

. (2.5)

Thus, regardless of the location of the object relative to the convex mirror, the image always turns out to be virtual, straight, reduced and located behind the mirror. While the images in a concave mirror are more varied, they depend on the location of the object relative to the mirror. Therefore, concave mirrors are used more often.

Having considered the principles of constructing images in various mirrors, we have come to understand the operation of such various instruments as astronomical telescopes and magnifying mirrors in cosmetic devices and medical practice, we are able to design some devices ourselves.

Specular reflection, diffuse reflection

Flat mirror.

The simplest optical system is a flat mirror. If a parallel beam of rays incident on a flat surface between two media remains parallel after reflection, then the reflection is called mirror, and the surface itself is called a plane mirror (Fig. 2.16).

Images in flat mirrors are constructed based on the law of light reflection. A point source S (Fig. 2.17) produces a diverging beam of light; let’s construct a reflected beam. We restore the perpendicular to each point of incidence and depict the reflected ray from the condition Ða = Ðb (Ða 1 = Ðb 1, Ða 2 =b 2, etc.) We obtain a diverging beam of reflected rays, continue these rays until they intersect, the point of their intersection S ¢ is image of point S, this image will be imaginary.

The image of a straight line AB can be constructed by connecting the straight line of the image of two end points A¢ and B¢. Measurements show that this image is at the same distance behind the mirror as the object is in front of the mirror, and that the dimensions of its image are the same as the dimensions of the object. The image formed in a flat mirror is inverted and virtual (see Fig. 2.18).

If the reflecting surface is rough, then the reflection wrong and the light scatters, or diffusely reflected (Fig. 2.19)

Diffuse reflection is much more pleasing to the eye than reflection from smooth surfaces, called correct reflection.


Lenses, like mirrors, are optical systems, i.e. capable of changing the path of a light beam. Lenses can be different in shape: spherical, cylindrical. We will focus only on spherical lenses.

A transparent body bounded by two spherical surfaces is called lens.

The straight line on which the centers of the spherical surfaces lie is called the main optical axis of the lens. The main optical axis of the lens intersects the spherical surfaces at points M and N - these are the vertices of the lens. If the distance MN can be neglected in comparison with R 1 and R 2, then the lens is called thin. In this case (×)M coincides with (×)N and then (×)M will be called the optical center of the lens. All straight lines passing through the optical center of the lens, except for the main optical axis, are called secondary optical axes (Fig. 2.20).

Converging lenses . Focus A converging lens is the point at which rays parallel to the optical axis intersect after refraction in the lens. The focus of the converging lens is real. The focus lying on the main optical axis is called the main focus. Any lens has two main focuses: the front (from the side of the incident rays) and the back (from the side of the refracted rays). The plane in which the foci lie is called the focal plane. The focal plane is always perpendicular to the main optical axis and passes through the main focus. The distance from the center of the lens to the main focus is called the main focal length F (Fig. 2.21).

To construct images of any luminous point, one should trace the course of any two rays incident on the lens and refracted in it until they intersect (or intersect their continuation). The image of extended luminous objects is a collection of images of its individual points. The most convenient rays used in constructing images in lenses are the following characteristic rays:

1) a ray incident on a lens parallel to any optical axis will, after refraction, pass through a focus lying on this optical axis

2) the beam traveling along the optical axis does not change its direction

3) the ray passing through the front focus, after refraction in the lens, will go parallel to the main optical axis;

Figure 2.25 demonstrates the construction of an image of point A of object AB.

In addition to the listed rays, when constructing images in thin lenses, rays parallel to any secondary optical axis are used. It should be borne in mind that rays incident on a collecting lens in a beam parallel to the secondary optical axis intersect the rear focal surface at the same point as the secondary axis.

Thin lens formula:

, (2.6)

where F is the focal length of the lens; D is the optical power of the lens; d is the distance from the object to the center of the lens; f is the distance from the center of the lens to the image. The sign rule will be the same as for a mirror: all distances to real points are considered positive, all distances to imaginary points are considered negative.

The linear magnification given by the lens is

, (2.7)

where H is the image height; h is the height of the object.

Diffusing Lenses . Rays incident on a diverging lens in a parallel beam diverge so that their extensions intersect at a point called imaginary focus.

Rules for the path of rays in a diverging lens:

1) rays incident on the lens parallel to some optical axis, after refraction, will travel in such a way that their continuations will pass through the focus lying on the optical axis (Fig. 2.26):

2) the beam traveling along the optical axis does not change its direction.

Diverging lens formula:

(the rule of signs remains the same).

Figure 2.27 shows an example of imaging in diverging lenses.

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