Rules of behavior at an exhibition, in a museum, in a theater, in a library.

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Rules of conduct in the museum

At the entrance Bags and jackets must be left in the cloakroom. Firstly, so that they do not disturb you, and secondly, so that the museum staff do not get nervous that you will turn around and hit some figurine with your heavy backpack.

In the halls of a museum You should move silently through the halls of a museum or exhibition. It is unacceptable to talk or shout loudly when calling an acquaintance or friend. Loud discussion or critical remarks made about works or their authors are also considered a sign of bad taste. Visitors can only exchange a few comments with each other. But this must be done in a low voice, so as not to disturb the people standing nearby.

Exhibits You cannot touch the exhibits with your hands, no matter how curious it may be! Don't touch the glass of the display cases either! There is no need to reassure yourself: “Nothing will happen to the picture just once!” How do you know how many other people have come to the same “irrefutable conclusion”?

Excursion A lecture in a museum accompanied by a guide requires you to be quiet and attentive. It is impolite at this time not to share opinions about what you saw with your neighbor. Conversations distract the guide and disturb others. At the end, do not forget about the words of gratitude addressed to the guide. It is indecent to leave the tour during a lecture and look at the exhibits in another room.

And now we're going to the museum!!!

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— teach rules of behavior in libraries and museums.


Consider correct and incorrect behavior in the library and at the city exhibition.

After the lesson, take a group hike to city ​​library or a museum.

Progress of the event

Teacher. Today we will devote our lesson to studying the rules of behavior in museums and libraries. These premises are considered a public place. Let's first define with you what a public place is?

The guys answer.

Teacher. Any room in which we encounter other people is called a public place. This could be a hospital, a store, a library, a museum, a theater and other premises. In each such place there are certain rules of behavior: very often they are the same, but there are also certain exceptions to how one must behave in one place or another. For example, in a store, in a theater, in a wardrobe, you need to maintain a queue, and in a library and theater hall silence must be maintained. These rules determine what can be done in a particular public place, and what not. Of course, they were not invented without reason. The fact is that, knowing them, you will not find yourself in an awkward situation, but will always know what to do. Schoolchildren especially need to comply with the rules of conduct, since they represent not only themselves, but also their educational institution.


Teacher. Today you can find required material on the Internet, but sometimes there is not what you need there. Schoolchildren often have to look for material in books. Often students do not have the books they need and they go to the library. So, let's look at the rules of conduct in the library.

You are only familiar with school and city libraries, so we will discuss the rules of behavior in them. In addition to these libraries, there are many other special libraries in the world: rare books, the smallest books, the most big books. Of course, the rules of behavior there are not much different from the usual ones, maybe only a little stricter.

Rule 1. Keep quiet

Teacher. So, you have received the task: write small message. To do this, you go to the library and take a book from reading room. You write out the information you need from a book, and two girlfriends are sitting at the next table and discussing some kind of book. And at another table someone is talking on the phone. Laughter on the one hand and phone conversation on the other hand, they really interfere with you, you can’t even concentrate. You start to get nervous because in complete silence you would have finished your message long ago. And the only thing you need now is silence. Therefore, maintaining silence is the first rule.

Information received from a book is perceived by our brain more slowly than information received through the organ of hearing. And silence helps you concentrate on one thing. By the way, silence is not only the absence of conversations, it is also the absence of any other extraneous sounds, such as rustling, slurping, vibration mobile phone. All these sounds are no less distracting than conversations. Therefore, when coming to the library, be sure to turn off your phone so as not to disturb other visitors.

Rule 2. Care for the book

Teacher. A book is a most valuable source of information. Some books are kept age-old wisdom. Of course, such books are stored in special libraries, but this does not mean that you can tear out the pages and paint the books you just received.

Imagine that you came to the library and asked for the book you needed. While you wait for it to be brought to you, you observe the following picture: a boy sits at one of the tables, looking at new book about cars. The book is large with colorful pictures. You yourself would love to read it, but, unfortunately, another person, this boy, has already taken it. Then he takes gel pen and draws some strange faces on the book page with it. After that, he hands over the book and leaves as if nothing had happened. You understand that this book is already ruined forever. While a pencil can still be erased, a pen cannot. This book is no longer so pleasant to hold. Some guys cannot even perceive information from a book that has pictures in the margins - they distract them. An illustrated book is no longer so valuable. It is no longer as pleasant to leaf through as it was when it was new.

Accuracy in relation to the book speaks of high cultural development person. If he is respectful of the book he is working with, then he is respectful of other people who will work with it. Never fold the pages of a book you left off on. There is a bookmark for these purposes. It is better that you always have it with you, so that if necessary you can use it.

If you are working with a book at home and want to make some marks in the text so that you can rewrite some part later, then make notes with a simple pencil. Do not press hard on it so that your marks can be easily erased later. And under no circumstances use a pen, even if you are working with your own book.

Rule 3. No food in the library

Teacher. The library is not a canteen where people come to eat. Therefore, entry with food and drinks into the library is strictly prohibited. Try to say why?

The guys answer.

Teacher. Already from the two rules listed above, we can tell why you should not bring food with you. Firstly, if you eat something (candy or chips), you will definitely rustle with the bag or candy wrappers, and this is a violation of the most important rule of the library - maintaining silence. Secondly, if you are eating something and drop the food on the book, it will leave a stain on it. And, if you also spill something, then turn off the light altogether! You will never be allowed into this library again! Therefore, to avoid unnecessary conflicts with the librarian, do not bring food with you. Do you think it is possible to take a bottle of mineral water with you?

The guys answer.

Teacher. You can take water if the bottle has a lid. But you can’t take drinks in boxes either. Usually these boxes come with a straw that you would use to drink. You may accidentally knock over the box and all the juice will spill on the table. Of course, we consider situations in which someone is bound to spill something. But these are the most common cases. Unfortunately, it is better to exclude them altogether.

Total 3 simple rules, which are very easy to follow. If all library visitors followed its conditions, then we could always count on being brought a clean, beautiful book. But in order not to simply slander others, you must first take care of yourself. Do you remember the boy who painted the book with a pen? He made an unpleasant impression on you because you saw him from the outside. If he saw someone doing such an activity, he, too, would probably be horrified. Therefore, everyone must demand compliance with these rules from themselves.


Teacher. Unfortunately, schoolchildren very rarely go to museums; most often they organize mass trips with the whole class. You should know that in the museums of our city there are a lot of exhibitions that are constantly running, and you could go to them with your parents. There are also special exhibitions dedicated to a specific topic, which come only for one day and then move to another city. We miss most of these exhibitions, although the opportunity to visit these particular exhibitions is extremely rare.

Exhibitions are different. For larger ones, a guide is provided. This is the person who will tell you about the goals of this exhibition and its exhibits, and also answer all your questions. In some museums you can view the exhibition collection without a guide, while in others this is prohibited. The rules of conduct in a museum are stricter than in a library. Let's study them.

Rule 1. Don’t touch anything with your hands!

Teacher. This is the most important rule. Anyone who has been to a museum at least once is familiar with this rule. If you do not comply with it and are caught violating it, they will make a reprimand and may even ask you to leave the hall, despite the fact that you paid for the ticket. Why do you think it is forbidden to touch the exhibits with your hands?

The guys answer.

Teacher. If the exhibition is historical, then the exhibits are objects from another era. Most often, they are placed in a separate glass box so that they cannot be touched. But sometimes they don't. Imagine that you come to a museum for an exhibition of cutlery from the 18th century. This exhibition is being held in your city for the first time, so it attracted a huge number of people. Large tables for 8-10 people are set around you. The dishes are very beautiful and you want to take a closer look at them. You approach the table, take the plate in your hands, and then someone pushes you, and the plate falls from your hands and breaks. You understand what a huge fine your parents will have to pay just because you wanted to take a closer look at the exhibit. That's why better with your hands don't touch anything.

In some museums, for example, art galleries, for this purpose they even specially fence off an area that cannot be crossed. The duty room monitors compliance with these rules.

Rule 2. Ask questions only during a pause

Teacher. We have already said that for some exhibitions a guide is provided. Often during the course of his story many questions arise, but why can they be asked only when the guide pauses?

The guys answer.

Rule 3. Share your impressions quietly

Teacher. When you come to a museum and see many beautiful things, it is very difficult to contain your exclamations of delight. Imagine that you and a friend came to an exhibition dedicated to dinosaurs: there are the remains of a dinosaur skeleton found by archaeologists, and stuffed animals. Eyes run in different directions. Suddenly you see a huge dinosaur egg and call your friend, who is at the other end of the hall. He doesn't hear you, and you scream even louder. Here, instead of a friend, the hall attendant comes up to you and asks you to be quieter. Why do you think you were reprimanded?

The guys answer.

Teacher. If you come on an excursion not alone, but with friends, then try not to go in different directions, otherwise you will not avoid such situations. You will be offended that you were reprimanded, but your friend never heard you. By the way, according to the rules of etiquette, impressions can only be shared with those people with whom you came to the exhibition. You shouldn’t pester others with the question: “Have you seen this exhibit?” This is simply impolite, since considering or not viewing some exhibits is a purely individual matter.

You have already noticed that the rules of conduct in the museum are very simple and observing them will not be difficult. But the benefits will be incredible: the exhibits will be safe and sound, and you will be happy.


Come to the museum and enjoy
There are so many important things in it!
Touch art with your soul,
Invite your family and friends to the museum!
Open your heart to beauty
Every exhibit is beautiful!
Only those who will understand art
Who is glad to see beauty!

A hundred and two hundred years will pass,
And three hundred years will pass,
But every photograph and portrait,
Any thing, any object,
The people will be saved here.

Sergey Mikhalkov

Address: 352192,

Krasnodar region,


Industrial zone No. 10

Contact number:

8 (861-60) 5-54-95

GKU SO KK "Gulkevichi Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities" disabilities»


for children

Compiled by: social educator

Zhilinskaya N.V.



Any museum is a cultural institution that has its own rules of etiquette. How to behave correctly during an excursion so as not to seem ill-mannered and ignorant? We bring to your attention universal rules of conduct in a museum, which are appropriate to observe in any temple of art. We're going to the museum! Any museum is a place where unique and rare exhibits are collected. This means that the excursion simply cannot be boring. Find out the opening hours of the selected institution and check whether you need to buy tickets in advance. Majority modern museums allows visiting exhibitions without prior registration using single tickets. If you wish, you can come alone or with your family and friends to the museum that interests you. And immediately, having paid for the ticket, begin viewing the exhibits.To go to the temple of art, choose comfortable and fairly modest clothes. Before going to the museum, you must turn off your phone. Do not use other gadgets, behave modestly and culturedly, and do not touch the exhibits with your hands. At the end of the excursion, thank the guide for an interesting story.

Rules of conduct in the museum

    Be quiet and modest in the museum.

    Do not touch the exhibits with your hands.

    While listening to the lecture, stand in a semicircle, do not disturb the guide, and do not touch the fence.

    Don't talk in the museum.

    Do not use the phone or other gadgets.

    After the lecture is over, be sure to thank the guide.

    Take photos only with permission.

    At the end of the excursion, visit the toilet and drink water.

During vacation, many of us enjoy traveling to different cities and countries, visiting many attractions and all kinds of museums, exhibitions, and expositions. What are the etiquette rules for visiting museums? How should you behave so that you yourself can enjoy viewing the treasures of history and culture, and not disturb others from doing so?

If you're going to a museum, plan your time so that you don't have to rush anywhere. It is better to set aside a whole day to visit the museum.

Before visiting big art galleries or museums, it is useful to first familiarize yourself with the catalog or exhibition guide and make a viewing plan. Choose either certain works, either the work of one artist, or some department.

At the entrance to each museum there is a cloakroom. There you need to hand over all your things, with the exception of handbags. If you go as a couple, the man first helps his companion take off her outerwear, then undresses himself. It is best to put the number in your purse or pocket.

In many museums you must wear special slippers over your shoes.

At an exhibition or in a museum, it is considered indecent to come too close to other visitors. If you want to get closer to any exhibit or painting, but see that someone is standing near it, wait until the person moves away.

You should not come close to the paintings, blocking them with your back for other viewers. Some works (for example, impressionist works, large paintings) are best viewed from afar.

Loud remarks are only permissible if they express approval. It is always important for any author to evaluate his work. True, in such cases special delicacy is necessary, not allowing comparisons of his works with the works of others. contemporary artists. It may happen that the author of the exhibition does not consider the work of this artist as a model for himself.

You should not visit museums in noisy groups or after drinking alcohol - you are unlikely to be in the right mood to properly perceive museum exhibits.

Many museums have their own rules for photography and video shooting. If you want to take pictures, be sure to ask if this is possible.

Any museum is a cultural institution that has its own rules of etiquette. How to behave correctly during an excursion so as not to seem ill-mannered and ignorant? We bring to your attention universal rules of conduct in a museum, which are appropriate to observe in any temple of art.

We're going to the museum!

Any museum is a place where unique and rare exhibits are collected. This means that the excursion simply cannot be boring. Find out the opening hours of the selected institution and check whether you need to buy tickets in advance. Most modern museums allow visiting exhibitions without prior registration using single tickets. If you wish, you can come alone or with family/friends to the museum you are interested in. And immediately, having paid for the ticket, begin viewing the exhibits.

For a hike, choose comfortable and fairly modest clothing. There is no strict dress code in most cultural organizations; it is only forbidden to come dirty. However, this is not a reason to choose evening dresses or sportswear for the excursion.

Rules of conduct for children

It is most difficult for children to follow the rules of behavior in a museum. If you decide to introduce your child to art, take the time to discuss the upcoming excursion in advance. The main requirement of the museum administration for each visitor is not to damage the museum property and not interfere with other guests in viewing the exhibits. Explain to your child that during the excursion you should not make noise and should move at a calm pace.

At what age should children be taken to the museum? Everything is individual, the benefits of cultural institutions are enormous, but most children under the age of 6 are not able to understand historical or artistic exhibitions.

It makes sense to discuss the rules of conduct in the museum for schoolchildren going on a group excursion during class hour. Students should be reminded that while in a cultural institution it is prohibited to use any modern gadgets other than cameras (if photography is permitted by the administration). Ask your children to turn off their phones in advance. Excursions for children are usually short and prepared specifically for a specific age category. Immediately before viewing the exhibition, young museum visitors should be reminded that touching exhibits, display cases and fences with their hands is prohibited.

Museum etiquette cheat sheet for adults

Upon entering the museum, you must hand over your outerwear to the cloakroom. If you have large bags, hats and other items with you that will interfere with viewing the exhibition, leave them too. When purchasing a single ticket, you can join another group to listen to the guide. Remember: you cannot interrupt the guide, even if you are sure that you understand a particular issue better than him.

Museum rules of conduct include: careful attitude to the presented exhibits and property of the cultural organization. Be sure to check before viewing the exhibition whether photography and video are allowed. The whole point is that some exhibits can be damaged even by the flash of your camera.

During your visit big museum It’s better to carefully study part of the exhibition than to try to quickly run around all the halls. If this is your first time visiting a large temple of art, do not be lazy to purchase a paper guide with a map. Be sure to read the signs near the exhibits.

Remember that the rules of behavior in the museum are always set by the administration. If any questions arise, it is best to contact the organization’s employees to resolve them.

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