Congratulations on World Theater Day. Theater Day, congratulations on Theater Day, wishes, poems How World Theater Day is celebrated in Russia

March 27 is a special date for all theatergoers, because it is on this day that the World theater day. This holiday appeared in the middle of the last century, in 1961. It was then that the ninth congress of the International Theater Institute met, at which it was decided to devote one of the last days of March to honoring the servants of Melpomene. Of course, all the main events of the holiday take place on the theater stage, it is there that concerts are organized and new productions are presented, and from there they sound Congratulations on Theater Day, and the best employees are given awards and memorable gifts. In short, the audience will be treated to a rich and interesting program.

Needless to say that Theater Day is a holiday that applies not only to stage masters. Millions of theatergoers across the country also rejoice at this day and rush to congratulate their favorite actors. They give them flowers and express their wishes for Theater Day. Of course, the real gift for the audience is the new productions, which are shown in almost all theaters on March 27. And for actors there is nothing better than a full hall, enthusiastic applause and shouts of “Bravo”, especially since they deserve it... and not only on March 27.


Magical theater atmosphere
Captivates with incredible beauty,
And all arts have divine measure
It makes us think about pleasant things.
Today we congratulate you on Theater Day,
We would like to wish you inspiration,
We personify you with beauty,
We are to admire. Well, let you shine!


It is known that a good actor
I can handle any role, I can handle it.
But in life we ​​all measure our roles:
Either this one is wrong, or I don’t want this one...
And only the theater will help you figure it out,
How to be worthy in each role.
Thank you! Happy Theater Day!
Full houses of happiness and creative ideas to you!


Actors, theatergoers, everyone rejoices and makes noise,
The day of the theater is coming, become friendly
We will sing and have fun, break glasses, dance,
Play funny roles and kiss each other!
Who can’t live without a stage, not breathe and not sleep?
Who quotes all the plays chose this bright path?
You, actors, directors, lighting technicians, friends,
Congratulations on Theater Day, you can’t live without it!


From the hanger to the auditorium -
Beau monde, applause and flowers...
But what is the reason that connected everyone?
And built bridges to the world of art?
Today is a holiday, and the staff is on fire
Artistic, Small and Large!..
Please accept congratulations on Theater Day:
No wonder there is peace in it! Play with all your heart!


Masters of great art here,
Inspiration and purity,
It can be funny here, very sad,
This is theater - all scenes are important!

Happy Theater Day, I congratulate everyone!
Everyone who gave their lives to the stage!
This is theater - everyone believes and knows
What a room this room is filled with feelings!

I want to bow in gratitude!
Thank you all for your talent!
And I wish you to achieve this,
What we didn’t even dare to dream about!


Trembling scene
Mysterious plot
They beckon, without a doubt,
Performances and ballet!
World Theater Day
Celebrates the world
Always be pleasant
Theater is our idol!


On this merry March day
Celebrating Theater Day.
Congratulations to theatergoers
Theaters both Big and Small,
Congratulations to the directors,
Costume designers and actors
We present congratulations to those
Who cares
To a wonderful form of art,
Expressing our feelings
We are with a smile in every line
In this short congratulations!


Who in the world has not been amazed
Theater art?
After all, this is a theater, it’s wonderful,
Beautiful, unique.

Unanimously the hall stood up,
Filled with delight
And every viewer took a risk
Beat off your palms.

Each performance is like a lesson,
And that means a lot.
We dedicate congratulations
Both the theater and theatergoers!


May you be
Happy theater day
And sold out
We wish you!


It's World Theater Day today!
The viewer is excited to the point of fanaticism.
He hurries, knocking those he meets off their feet,
A quick congratulations to the theatre.

He wishes in a rush,
To increase sales
At ticket offices for performances,
At least like the singer Irakli.

So that everyday life is inspired,
To make the scenes successful,
So that the troupe does not get sick often,
I illuminated hearts with art!

Footlights, the breath of the hall
And a stormy burst of applause,
Happy World Theater Day to you
I want to congratulate everyone.

Let passions boil on stage
And emotions are boiling,
Bouquets from fans
Let them fly to the stage.

I wish everyone success -
From actor to cashier,
I wish that with the theater
Our life has become more beautiful.

Happy World Theater Day
I congratulate you,
Light bird skyward
Let the curtain fly.

Joy, laughter and tears -
All feelings are subject to you,
The theater stands above time
He is eternal art.

Let the halls at the performances
They burst into applause,
Normal days with the theater
Let them turn into a holiday.

Congratulations to all those who have become forever servants of the theater, stage and interesting roles. I wish that each performance has an unprecedented sensation, triggers an avalanche of applause and is forever etched in the hearts of grateful spectators. May your excellent, talented and dedicated work always bring with it recognition, applause and the desire to visit the theater again and again. We wish you a never-sleeping muse, inexhaustible inspiration and talented play. Happy Theater Day!

My dear theatergoer,
Please accept congratulations
So that success awaits you in life,
The inspiration hasn't disappeared.

So that the theater lives in the soul,
Filled you with delight
And brought emotions
There are a lot of bright and pleasant ones!

Happy International Theater Day
I want to congratulate you, friends,
I want him to be loved
You are exactly the same as me.

Let the ramp shine with lights,
There are no empty seats in the hall,
Prime Minister, I wish you a full house,
Flowers, a flurry of applause.

I wish you fame and success,
Huge audience love,
And so that on the stage of life
You played the main role.

Happy World Theater Day
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Opened to the world of beauty
Door with love to the viewer.

Let your talent blossom
Inspiration visits
Everyone enjoys the performance
Gives bright moments.

Many new productions
On your holiday I wish you.
Happy holiday to you all, guys!
All the best to you all. Congratulations.

Theater stages,
Spotlight, semi-darkness,
Tight rehearsal schedule
And the actors are a mess...

Congratulations on Theater Day
Those who live by it are passionate.
We wish you inspiration
So that everything would be okay.

Let the game be great
Recognition and success awaits,
And you also have the leading role
A must for everyone!

Happy World Theater Day to you
I congratulate you now
And I wish that your enthusiasm
It didn’t go out in the right direction.

I wish you, as before,
Bring beauty from the stage,
To be servants of the glorious
And the great Melpomene.

Let talent be appreciated
And they always call for an encore,
Let him beckon without stopping,
Take you to the magical world of the scenes.

The brilliant sun from the stage sky,
Parting the gray curtain of clouds,
For you, faithful servant of Melpomene,
Sends its warm spring ray to the holiday,

So that inspiration flows like a river,
And joy brought out a bird's trill,
And revs with every performance
The carousel was gaining success!

Let love not be a show,
Burns in the soul with an unquenchable fire,
And they shine for you and your family
The spotlights of happiness are brighter every day!

Happy World Theater Day,
I congratulate you,
Let all the masks come off
Let life be like a fairy tale!

Go to the theater more often
Everyone needs culture!
And there will be happiness in life
And there will be no evil!

I wish you everything for real
Emotions, new sensations,
Your great spirit,
Let's have enough fun!

Let there be less falsehood
In your actions and words,
Always swim further
Don't ever step back!

World Theater Day is celebrated annually on March 27th. Congratulations, wishes in poetry and prose on Theater Day.

Today is a wonderful, majestic holiday - theater day. We congratulate all the servants of the muse with all our hearts on this wonderful event. We wish you, first of all, good health, great happiness, joy and all the best. May only pleasant moments happen in your life, may fate give you a chance for success. All the best to you, prosperity and good mood. Peaceful skies above your head, unquenchable energy and all the best. May the Lord protect you from all bad things.

Who hasn't been amazed at least once?
Theater art?
The theater is beautiful, it’s wonderful,
Gorgeous, simply unique.
Unanimously the hall stood up,
Filled with delight
And every viewer took a risk
Beat off your palms.
Every performance is like a lesson,
And that means a lot.
We give this congratulations
Both for the theater and for theatergoers!

Congratulations on World Theater Day and with all my heart I wish you wonderful performances, bright emotions, life with real feelings and happy events, playing interesting roles and amazing ideas. May a trip to the theater always give you a lot of impressions from pleasant sights, may theatrical creativity inspire us and fill us with bright love.

In our age of high technology,
Computers and the Internet,
Theater is a strict champion of feelings,
Couldn't help but inspire reverence
For those in whom beauty lives,
The love in whose souls has not cooled down.
We wish you less worries
And there will be more happiness!

For a long time, the theater was considered a majestic temple of art. How many roles have been played on his stage! Today is a wonderful holiday for all theater workers. Allow me to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and thank you for the joy we experience when coming to performances. May your life be like crystal water, may all problems be solved quickly and easily. May the holiday give you a great mood. I wish you good health, success in all your endeavors, prosperity and unclouded happiness.

Magical theater atmosphere
Captivates with extraordinary beauty,
And of all the arts, perhaps, only this
It makes us think about pleasant things.
Congratulations on International Theater Day,
We want to wish you inspiration,
We personify you only with beauty...
We are to admire. Well, let’s shine!

My dear actors, theater staff and spectators! Congratulations on World Theater Day! And if life is a game, and we are all actors in it, then I wish everyone to choose in life the role that they like and play it impeccably and brilliantly. Be happy and healthy, love theater and art!

Ah, this is the mystery of the theater:
Today, in years, tomorrow
It stirs our souls
Gives beauty to the eyes.
He brings inspiration to everyone
And food for the quick mind,
Its omnipotent attraction
And its light flies through the darkness.
He helps you and me live,
Don’t make mistakes, don’t make troubles,
From the stages, he reveals the truth,
He teaches to live, to love, to suffer.

Theater is an eternal art; theater brightens up our everyday lives and gives us an unforgettable experience. Today is a theater holiday, allow me to congratulate you with all my heart on this wonderful day. May you be lucky in everything, always. May the goodness and joy that you give to people be sure to return to you in return. Let the house be a full cup. May luck and love settle in him forever. We wish you a long, long life, fruitful work, and always a good mood. Be happy.

“The whole world is a stage, and the people in it are actors,”
Shakespeare said, and he was undoubtedly right;
Your curtain will not close soon:
Having not yet played my best roles,
You are moving towards recognition step by step!
I sincerely wish you now
Benefit performances, success and full houses!
Happy World Theater Day to you!

On World Theater Day, I wish that life gives you only happy and kind roles, that there is no sadness and melancholy behind the scenes, that your soul always enjoys a wonderful performance and a wonderful production, that theatrical art is always in fashion and allows you to plunge into the atmosphere of a magical world and fantasies.

Directors and actors
Costume and make-up artists
Musicians and prompters,
It's impossible not to love you.
On Theater Day - a glorious holiday,
The most important thing in your destinies is -
Congratulations and wish
Ovation and love to you.

Today is World Theater Day. Theater is a temple of emotions. Together with the actors, we cry and laugh, evaluate our actions from the outside, and learn good things. We sincerely congratulate you on a wonderful holiday. May the muse always accompany you, may every role you play bring only pleasure. We wish you good health, cloudless happiness, a clear conscience and peaceful skies above your head. May your talent flourish for many, many years to come, may a good angel protect you from troubles and evil.

On Theater Day, a world holiday,
I want to wish you from the bottom of my heart,
To have different heroes
Equally good
So that every performance spectator
I was in a hurry to watch from the beginning.
Create, play, create,
To hear “Bravo” from the audience!

Congratulations on World Theater Day and I wish that theatrical art can always contribute to the development of human individuality. Let dramas and comedies from the stage help you sincerely feel and laugh, compare good and evil, separate the boundaries of joy and sadness, realize what happiness is and what love is.

World Theater Day is a celebration of actresses,
Who tirelessly change roles and masks.
We would like to congratulate you and call you for an encore,
Let the performance turn into a glorious fairy tale!
Let there be laughter both in life and on stage
In all the moments that passed happily.
And we wish you to experience double success,
And may your destinies be breathtakingly beautiful!

We sincerely congratulate all tetra workers on this wonderful holiday. Theater for each of us is something great, unattainable, divine. This is art that inspires us. Anyone who has visited the theater at least once receives a charge of emotions for life. Let your talent flourish every day more and more brightly, let that spark of energy flare up into a huge fire of success. We wish you good health, all the best, long and happy years of life. May God give you patience, inspiration and great luck.

Theater is a huge world of mysteries,
Culture is the royal crown.
And Happy World Theater Day
I hasten to congratulate you finally.
I wish you inspiration
Aspirations, joy, love,
And also eternal luck.
So that all the awards find you.
Let the legendary spirit of the theater
Protects you from adversity
Will warm your soul with excitement,
It will bring success and faith.

Congratulations on World Theater Day and I want to wish you never to lose your excellent taste for life and never stop loving the art of theater. May the wonderful performances of magnificent actors always allow you to feel and understand each of the characters, look at your life differently and certainly be satisfied with the performance.

The audience watches the play in silent silence,
All the actors fascinate fans.
World Theater Day, as in the song,
It is reflected in the soul and brightens up everyday life.
Dear actors, shine with your talent,
The audience sincerely wishes you success,
And they praise you all at intermission.
May your day be filled with joyful laughter!

The hall froze and listened to the actors,

The muse of a high start awaits.

Today I'm without a prompter

I’ll say - Happy World Theater Day!

Since ancient times, theater has occupied a special place in the history of human development, representing a reflection of the cultural level, values, traditions and morals of a particular time period. Therefore, we can say that Theater Day is not only a worldwide, but also a universal holiday. Librarian of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Literature Olga Sustretova will tell you more about the history of this holiday and the traditions of its celebration.

The theater existed at all times and in all corners of the earth, but only in 1961on the initiative of the delegates of the IX Congress of the International Theater Institute (MIT) at UNESCOInternational Theater Day was proclaimed, uniting representatives of the theater community around the globe, whichCelebrated annually across the planet on March 27. This holiday is traditionally held under the motto: “Theater as a means of mutual understanding and strengthening peace between peoples.”

The holiday was first celebrated on March 27, 1962 at UNESCO headquarters in Paris. Then the French writer Jean Cocteau addressed the theater community with an international message. Since then, the International Theater Institute annually invites one of the famous theater figures to write a speech on the topic “Theater and peace between nations.” The message is translated into two tens of thousands of languages ​​and announced before the start of evening performances from the stages of theaters in different countries in front of tens of thousands of spectators.

In 2016, on International Theater Day, the famous Russian director Anatoly Vasiliev addressed the public. In 2017, the author of the message was the French theater and film actress Isabelle Huppert.

At the moment, there is no information yet from the International Theater Institute (MIT) about who will address the audience with a speech in 2018, but a request has already been published for national centers and collaborating organizations to send their celebration plans, which will form part of the virtual map of International Theater Day.

The MIT website reports that this day is celebrated quite widely around the world, but in each country the theater community decides for itself how to celebrate Theater Day.

This day is most significant for residents of Germany. Perhaps not all state theaters celebrate the holiday, but many private ones certainly do. If we talk about the Russian community living in Germany, then in 2016, for example, in the Berlin RDNK (Russian House of Science and Culture) there were performances based on the fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky “Barmaley and Aibolit” and the parody play “A Choi- are you wearing a tailcoat? – opera and ballet for dramatic artists based on the work of A.P. Chekhov "The Proposal". Traditionally, on this day, theater groups invite their spectators backstage, where everyone can watch how the actors put on their makeup and go into the prop rooms and workshops. In addition, on this day, various celebrations are held throughout the country - festivals, exhibitions and round tables.

This day is widely celebrated in Israel. There are dozens of theaters in the Jewish state, and if you add constantly touring theaters (most of them from Russia), then we can talk about a record number of spectators and performances. So, this year in the city of Jaffa on March 27, the world premiere of the play “Macbeth - a version without words” based on Shakespeare’s play will take place, staged by Russian director Sergei Zemlyansky.

In Spain, International Theater Day is celebrated with a procession and small rally of theater workers in the center of Madrid. On March 27, at exactly noon, a group of actors, directors, screenwriters, musicians and critics gathers on one of the central streets of the city to celebrate their professional holiday together. There are other interesting traditions in Spain dedicated to the celebration of this day. So, in the 2000s, on the eve of this day, a “marathon of reciters” was held at the Club of Fine Arts in Madrid - several actors, replacing each other, recited texts from 44 Spanish playwrights.

In some other countries, for example, in the USA, Theater Day is more of a family holiday and is celebrated only in certain cities due to the fact that few people know about the holiday and even for the employees of most theaters it is just an ordinary working day.

There are countries in which World Theater Day is not celebrated at all: for example, in the UK they stopped celebrating it in 2011, after the director of the British branch of MIT was not re-elected to his post, and after that a replacement was never found. And in Cyprus, this day is not a holiday for religious reasons - on the island located near Christian shrines, Lent is strictly observed.

Russia is one of the world's largest theater centers. It boasts an abundance of talented world-class theater directors and actors. It is no coincidence that the large-scale theatrical performance “Golden Mask” takes place every year in Moscow. This is a festival that lasts throughout March and brings together theater professionals from all over Russia and other 125 friendly theater countries. This is a wonderful opportunity to see both traditional, audience-favorite performances and experimental productions by young promising theater troupes, the best of which are awarded a special prize of the same name.

As part of the holiday, hundreds of different events dedicated to the theater and everything connected with it are held throughout the country. After all, Theater Day is not only an event for professional artists, but also a great opportunity for spectators to join the beautiful, intimate world hidden behind the theater curtain. Any organization can come up with and hold an event as part of the holiday by adding information about the event to the “Unified Information Space in the Sphere of Culture” system and putting the tag “Theater Day”. All events with this tag will be included in a special project of the Kultura.RF portal, which will broadcast live on social networks on the day of the holiday. Also throughout the country there is a project by Yandex.Afisha and the Radario company - “Theater.Go”: on March 27, ticket sales for Russian theater productions will open for a day at a discount. This action helps spectators become closer to the theater, and producers win new audiences.

Central Library named after. A. S. Pushkin also did not remain aloof from the festival of theatergoers. In the halls of the library there are book exhibitions “On the Stage”, “Under the Shadow of the Backstage”, which present the best printed publications about the history of Russian and foreign theater, about the best theater groups in Russia and the Southern Urals, memoirs, diaries, memoirs of famous and beloved ones actors, screenwriters, directors and theater workers.

When you come to the library, you will always be able to find a good book for yourself and touch the mysterious world of stage actors.

The following sources were used in preparing the material:

Borzenko, V. “For us this is an ordinary working day” / V. Borzenko, I. Kolesnikova, M. Mikhailova // Theater. – 2018. – No. 3. – P. 44-46

B leafing sun from the sky scene,
Parting the gray curtain of clouds,
For you, faithful servant of Melpomene,
Sends its warm spring ray to the holiday,

So that inspiration flows like a river,
And joy brought out a bird's trill,
And revs with every performance
The carousel was gaining success!

Let love not be a show,
Burns in the soul with an unquenchable fire,
And they shine for you and your family
The spotlights of happiness are brighter every day!

IN we all celebrate theater day
Those who rule the show in life.
Who put fate on the line?
Passion, intense emotions.

Bows and gratitude to them
For their spiritual impulse.
The main thing that is important in life:
“You’re on stage, that means you’re alive!”


A actors and actresses,
Favorite directors
And everyone who makes theater
To whom, he is very dear.

Today I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
I wish you prime minister
Date with a wonderful
I nominate on stage.


IN all artists, directors,
Costume designers and dancers
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Happy World Theater Day to us.

We feel your love
Blood runs through our veins.
When miracles are on stage
Hearts are ready to freeze.

We are ready to live with you, to suffer,
Laugh, cry, praise,
We are ready to forgive you everything, everything,
Ready “Bravo!” you should shout.


D theater day is coming,
It's a very bright day
We respect the theater
We are not too lazy to go there!

We love actors very much
And we'll fill the hall to capacity,
We will sell out all tickets
And the price is not important to us.

We wish all actors
A lot of bright days
So that there is no interruption,
From performances and roles!


IN all theater workers
Congratulations on your day.
After all, I’m always ready to meet you,
It's like we're walking into a fairy tale.

I wish the actors
Rise and recognition.
Never regret
About your calling.

So that you give everything as well
Intrigue for the viewer.
So that we hurry to the theater,
Like an interesting book.


WITH Congratulations on World Theater Day!
I wish you well and inspiration!
So that they can please us with their talent,
Let every hour be filled with creativity.

The whole world is a stage, as Shakespeare said.
And this holiday is like a whole world!
May life give you bright moments
And the applause never stops!


WITH Congratulations on theater day
All the directors in the world.
Of course I wish them
Only excellent actors!

And to all the actors in the world
Only good directors
Inspiration to everyone in their work
And excellent performances!




T eaters, gather together,
Theater day is the best day
And congratulate each other,
We can celebrate now.

Everyone will get it today
Words, babbling streams.
Take your bed,
And watch the show.

Let the joy not fade in your soul,
In my feelings -
You are grateful to the theater
Forgetting about reality.


TO then in the world I was not amazed
Theater art?
After all, this is a theater, it’s wonderful,
Beautiful, unique.

Unanimously the hall stood up,
Filled with delight
And every viewer took a risk
Beat off your palms.

Each performance is like a lesson,
And that means a lot.
We dedicate congratulations
Both the theater and theatergoers!


P May your hall never be empty,
The audience is noisy in the foyer, as always.
Let Melpomene always vote for you.
Yes, the creative theme often comes up.
Let the native theater be a fortress,
And the viewer will not forget your success for many years.
Always let inspiration come.
Let all the media broadcast about you with delight.
Beautiful, newest roles for you!

Different, but only pleasant, things!
Success and creative cool ideas!


IN Congratulations on theater day,
Friend, actor, you're welcome,
Of course I understand
That art will last forever.

You give your talent
I, as a viewer, skillfully
You live, you don't play,
That's how you love your job.

I admire you
And with your skill,
Good friend, congratulations,
Happy holiday to you!


R ampa shines with lights,
Applause all around
I congratulate you on Theater Day
Everyone who is in love with him.

Here on stage they live and love,
Sow seeds of love and goodness,
There are tragedies, dramas, comedies,
Everything our life is so full of.

Let the theater lights never go out
And the curtain flies upward again,
Let the performances never end
In a theater called "Life".


IN this is a merry day in March
Celebrating Theater Day.
Congratulations to theatergoers
Theaters both Big and Small,
Congratulations to the directors,
Costume designers and actors
We present congratulations to those
Who cares
To a wonderful form of art,
Expressing our feelings
We are with a smile in every line
In this short congratulations!


IN your roles are all wonderful,
You are terribly talented.
Now we cry, now we suffer,
Then we freeze with happiness.

Let the performance not last long,
Our souls are like birds
Breaking free
To live someone else's share.

Please accept congratulations,
Much inspiration to you!


TO streets, footlights, and you are on stage.
And now the silent hall is watching
Behind your every word and movement.
Then - flowers, a flurry of applause.

And again the curtains are lowered for a while,
But we will look forward to seeing you again.
Vivat to all of you, actors and actresses,
Thanks for playing and keep it up!

Congratulations, directors,
Let all productions go off with a bang,
Make-up artists, costume designers and prompters,
Everyone for whom theater has become life.


« IN“All life is a stage,” Shakespeare once said,
And this means every theatergoer!
It doesn't matter if you play on stage,
Will you fill the hall with applause!

Sometimes there are so many stories waiting on stage,
What you couldn’t win back in life!
Footlights, full hall, sea of ​​applause,
You became an actor - a lot has come true!

And let us all be just actors in life,
And director Destiny, it’s clear to everyone,
Only joyful, happy stories,
We need to completely banish drama from life!


TO stunts, curtain, actors,
Posters, public, flowers.
You can't hear stupid conversations
Everyone is captivated by the plot.

Theater is a huge world of mysteries,
Culture is the royal crown.
And Happy World Theater Day
I hasten to congratulate you as soon as possible.

I wish you inspiration
Aspirations, joy, love,
And also eternal luck.
So that you find your happiness.

May the legendary Spirit of the theater
Protects you from adversity
Will warm your soul with excitement,
It will bring success and faith.


P Let me congratulate you on an amazing holiday - World Theater Day! You and millions of your colleagues around the world represent one of the most ancient and amazing forms of art! I wish you and your colleagues the most grateful viewers!


P may you be
Happy theater day
And sold out
We wish you!


T the theater usually gives us
Delight and joyful feelings.
Everyone knows that the theater is like a temple
For art lovers.

He has been bringing into our everyday life for a long time
Diversity moments.
We congratulate you, actor,
And we give you applause.


TO streets... Scene... Strange footlights.
And you live in this every day.
And you eat. And it's no secret
Sing the melody of love soulfully.
But suddenly there was a blow... And the light went out again.
And suddenly you will become a silent virgin.
And turn to profile. Or from the front.
And everyone will see a new face.
Believe me, I thank you from the bottom of my heart
All those who brought me together with such a special person.
And I give special congratulations,
It’s not funny, but it’s special for me.


IN We are creators, we live in a fairy tale,
The hall is smoking from magic.
Curtain, actors in masks,
There's no point in acting.

Revealing all the depths
Throwing my soul on the altar,
Imagine the pictures
Open the veil.

Bring the meaning to the masses,
And teach goodness.
Let the money arrive at the cash registers,
Talent captures everything!


Z al froze and listened to the actors,
The muse of a high start awaits.
Today I'm without a prompter
I’ll say - Happy World Theater Day!


D The day of the theater is: joy,
Laughter, smiles, the sweetness of life,
Beauty, acting, feelings,
Roles of wondrous art!
In one word - this is “Value”
And our actors - “Loyalty”,
Their "Success" and "Prosperity"
And the worldwide "Calling"
This is something “unprecedented”
Very necessary and nice!


T you can say a lot in theater
Sometimes where all words are awkward;
He makes the soul tremble,
But it requires special skill.

Will make even the shadow talk -
Silence is sometimes rich in speech;
And that's why it's world theater day
Marked with the date on your calendar.

There are many works through the years,
And the productions are the best - wealth;
Let the matter never grow old,
And everyone who serves him strives upward.


T theater is not cinema,
This is a live show
From the real production
The viewer feeds the mood.

In the theater you forget everything,
And there are no problems, worries melt away,
When you get goosebumps
Sonorous speeches fly by.


IN I'm coming to the theater again.
I'm relaxing in the theater again...
I can’t live without theater -
I dream of seeing something new.

Thank you for your skill -
Irreplaceable actors!
Let glory fall at your feet,
Giving success to the new role.


WITH Today is theater day, do you like premieres?
Then we will say for sure that this day is for you.
Favorite artists, actors, theatergoers,
And even the screenwriters - you are the best for us.

Everyone plays great, it’s very interesting for us,
We are looking forward to your creations with great impatience.
How good it is in the theater, beautiful and calm,
And hearts burn with fire from glorious performances.


T Theater begins with a hanger, but real theater is unthinkable without people like you. Thank you for delighting our ears and eyes with wonderful performances and theatrical productions. Happy World Theater Day, our dear man!


T Those who say that the theater is dead do not understand anything. After all, theater is the essence of human society, and if people are alive, the theater is also alive. Happy World Theater Day, let us wish you interesting performances, high-quality interpretations of old productions and the creation of new, no less talented ones.

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