Deed. Human actions: good deeds, heroic deeds

An act is a certain action motivated by the inner world of a person formed at that moment. Actions can be moral and immoral. They are committed under the influence of a sense of duty, convictions, education, love, hatred, sympathy. Every society has its heroes. There is also a certain scale by which a person’s actions are assessed. According to it, it is possible to determine whether this is the act of a hero, which will serve as an example for subsequent generations.

Even ancient philosophers thought about the concept of feat. Contemporary thinkers have not escaped reflection on this topic. All human life consists of a continuous chain of actions, i.e. deeds. It often happens that a person's behavior and thoughts differ. For example, a child wishes only the best for his parents. However, their actions often upset them. We can say with confidence that our tomorrow depends on today's actions. In particular, our whole life.

Socrates' Search for the Meaning of Life

Socrates was one of the active seekers of the meaning of this concept. He tried to figure out what the real one should be like heroic deed. and the evil, how a person makes a choice - all this worried ancient philosopher. He penetrated inner world this or that personality, its essence. I was looking for a higher purpose for my actions. In his opinion, they should be motivated cardinal virtue- mercy.

The basis of actions is the goal of learning to distinguish between good and evil. When a person can penetrate into the essence of these concepts, he will be able, according to Socrates, to always act courageously. Such a person will definitely perform a heroic act for the sake of the greater good. Socrates' philosophical reflections were aimed at finding such an incentive, a force that would not need recognition. In other words, the philosopher is talking about self-knowledge, when a person will have internal motivations that replace centuries-old traditions.

Sophists vs Socrates

The philosophy of Socrates tried to explain the essence of the concept of “action”: what is it? The motivating component of his action is the opposite of the position of the sophists, who teach to find out their hidden motives, giving them the status of conscious ones. According to Protagoras, who was a contemporary of Socrates, as an individual it is a clear and successful expression with the ultimate satisfaction of personal desires and needs.

The Sophists believed that every action of a selfish motive must be justified in the eyes of relatives and other people, since they are part of society. Therefore, the environment needs to be convinced, using sophistic technologies of speech construction, that it is necessary for them. That is, the young man who accepted sophistic views learned not only to know himself, but also, having set a certain goal, achieve it and prove that he was right under any circumstances.

"Socratic Dialogue"

Socrates departs from the earthly. He rises higher in considering such a concept as an act. What is it, what is its essence? This is what the thinker wants to understand. He seeks the meaning of all human existence, starting from the physical and selfish. Thus, it is produced a complex system techniques, which was called “Socratic dialogue”. These methods lead a person along the path of knowledge of the truth. The philosopher leads the interlocutor to understand the deep meaning of masculinity, goodness, valor, moderation, virtue. Without such qualities, an individual cannot consider himself a human being. Virtue is the developed habit of always striving for good, which will form the corresponding good deeds.

Vice and driving force

The opposite of virtue is vice. It shapes a person’s actions, directing them towards evil. In order to establish himself in virtue, a person must acquire knowledge and acquire prudence. Socrates did not deny the presence of pleasures in human life. But he denied their decisive power over him. The basis of bad actions is ignorance, and the basis of moral actions is knowledge. In his research, he analyzed a lot of human action: what is its motive, impulse. The thinker comes close to the Christian views formed later. We can say that he deeply penetrated into the human essence of man, into the concept of the essence of knowledge, prudence and the origin of vice.

Aristotle's view

Aristotle criticizes Socrates. He does not deny the importance of knowledge in order for a person to always perform good deeds. He says that actions are determined by the influence of passion. Explaining this by saying that often a person who has knowledge acts badly, since feeling prevails over wisdom. According to Aristotle, the individual has no power over himself. And, accordingly, knowledge does not determine his actions. In order to perform good deeds, a person needs a morally stable position, his volitional orientation, and a certain experience acquired when he experiences sorrow and receives pleasure. It is grief and joy that, according to Aristotle, are the measure of human actions. The guiding force is the will, which is formed by the freedom of choice of a person.

Measure of actions

He introduces the concept of the measure of actions: lack, excess and what is between them. It is by acting according to middle-level patterns, the philosopher believes, that a person makes right choice. An example of such a measure is masculinity, which falls between such qualities as reckless courage and cowardice. He also divides actions into voluntary, when the source lies within the person himself, and involuntary, forced by external circumstances. Considering the action, the essence of the concept, the corresponding role in the life of a person and society, we draw some conclusions. We can say that to a certain extent both philosophers are right. They were considering inner man quite deeply, avoiding superficial judgments and being in search of the truth.

Kant's view

Kant made a significant contribution to the theory that considers the concept of action and its motivation. He talks about the need to act in such a way that you can say: “Do as I do...”. By this he emphasizes that an act can be considered truly moral when the motivation is free morality, sounding in a person’s soul like an alarm bell. Historians of philosophy believe: human actions and their motives are determined by Kant, from the point of view of rigorism.

For example, considering the situation with a drowning person, Kant argues: if a parent saves his child, this act will not be moral. After all, it is dictated by a feeling of natural love for his own heir. will be the case if a person saves a drowning man unknown to him, guided by the principle: “ Human life- the highest value." There is another option. If a truly moral heroic deed worthy of high recognition was saved. Later, Kant softened these concepts and combined in them such human motives as love and duty.

Relevance of the concept of action

The concept of good deeds continues to be discussed today. How often does society recognize as moral the actions of great people, the motive of which in fact was not at all good goals. What is heroism and courage these days? Of course, to save a person or animal from death, to feed the hungry, to clothe the needy. Even the simplest action can be called a real good deed: advice to a friend, help to a colleague, calling your parents. Translate old woman across the road, giving alms to a poor person, picking up a piece of paper on the street - acts that also fall into this category. As for heroism, it is based on sacrificing one’s life for the benefit of others. This is, first of all, the defense of the Motherland from enemies, the work of firefighters, police, and rescuers. You can even become a hero a common person, if he took a baby out of the fire, neutralized a robber, covered with his chest a passerby at whom the barrel of a machine gun was aimed.

According to many psychologists, philosophers and theologians, until the age of seven, a child is not able to fully distinguish between good and evil. Therefore, appealing to conscience is useless, due to the fact that the concept for it has very blurred boundaries. However, from the age of seven, he is a fully formed personality who can already consciously make a choice in one direction or another. The actions of children at this time must be skillfully directed by their parents in the right direction.

What is a good deed?

They, these actions, are different. IN different conditions A lot depends on them. For example, you gave up your seat on the bus to your grandmother. Or they let someone else in the queue instead of you. Good deed? Good.

What if, for example, a soldier, saving his comrades in war, threw himself on a grenade? Undoubtedly, this act cannot be called simply “good, kind.” He will be called heroic. But at the same time he is good. Even though it sounds stupid.

What if we imagine a world where no one does such things? For example, the same grandmother is traveling on the same bus - but you did not give up your seat to her. And she had a heart attack from fatigue. And the person whom you did not miss in turn was late for an important meeting, lost faith in life and committed suicide. Or he became an alcoholic and lived out his years on the street, homeless and useless to anyone...What happens? Good deeds - for a reason, I did them, I praised myself - who I am. they say it’s good - and I forgot. Sometimes someone's life depends on them. Even though these actions seem small and insignificant.

So what is this - a good deed? Probably, in scientific language it would sound like this: “A good deed is a certain sequence of actions of one individual, leading to the fastest and most profitable satisfaction of the needs of another individual.” But, as can be seen from the previous examples, everything is not so simple. Although we took exceptional cases that usually do not happen, this is the case.

There is such an interpretation: a good deed is an act that makes EVERYONE feel good. Not only to you or the person to whom it is directed, but to any person. That is, in essence, such an act is impossible. Why? Let's take the queue example again: a person was late for a meeting and got a position, but because of this, another person could not get it, became depressed and hanged himself.

So, good actions are by definition selfish? No. After all, a heroic deed is also good, no matter what you call it. And it will always be like this. And if you do good deeds often, the balance of happiness and joy in the world will change in better side. And the more good deeds you do, the more other people do them, looking at you. Do, people, do good deeds - and they will come back to you!

So, it's done! You have met the one and only with whom you are ready to live your whole life and grow old together, surrounded by numerous children and grandchildren. All that remains is to win her heart.
It’s good if your chosen one understood at first sight that you were the very prince she had dreamed of since kindergarten. If you failed to impress a girl on the first day of meeting, do not despair. Take the advice of psychologists - they know exactly what male actions admire women. By the way, our TOP 10 actions of men will be no less useful married men, because often after a wedding, misunderstandings and disappointments arise in the relationship between spouses.
1. Solving her problems
Taking on her problems is an act that will definitely be appreciated. Offer your help in some matter, and SHE will be grateful to you. It is very important for a woman to feel confident that difficult situation we can count on your help and support.
2. Attention and care
Every woman dreams of being taken care of. By the way, remember Golden Rule- Regularly give gifts to your loved one. No, we're talking about not about diamonds, fur coats and cars. We are talking about signs of attention. It is important for a woman to know that she is always remembered and thought of. A sprig of lilac for no reason will delight her ten times more than a traditional bouquet of roses on March 8th.
And, of course, don’t forget the basic rules of etiquette - offer your hand, open the door, throw a jacket over your shoulders if it’s cold.
3. Little things and details
Few men know how to listen, and not just listen, but pay attention even to small parts and draw conclusions.
Remember the little things so that on the next date you can give her her favorite flowers, go to a movie where her favorite actor is playing, buy tickets to a concert of her favorite band...
4. Romance
Yes, princes on a white horse have not been canceled. A woman must be conquered by her actions. Of course, with a horse and serenades under the balcony, not everything is so simple, but dinner with candles, poetry, pleasant surprises, touching SMS will help you win the heart of the girl you like. Note that romantic actions are no less important in the future - they will not allow you to turn your life together into a routine.
5. Confidence in yourself and your actions
Do not confuse confidence and rudeness. Often, trying to show off in front of their friends, young people try to behave boldly and defiantly. This behavior has nothing to do with self-confidence.
A self-confident person is calm and collected, has a great idea of ​​his goals, feels responsible for his loved ones, he can stand up for himself and for his companion.
A woman intuitively dreams of meeting a man who will be like her. stone wall. A man's confidence and reliability attracts women to him.
6. Ability to joke
Having a sense of humor tells a woman that she is not a bore next to her. A man who can make you laugh always enjoys a special favor with the female sex. It will be easier to overcome with a positive person life difficulties, so a woman will choose the man who will create a good mood for her.
7. Attention to her relatives and friends
Are you not delighted with her best friends, and does communicating with her relatives seem like a heavy duty? There is no need to try to avoid meeting those around her, find mutual language with people close to your chosen one. She will be pleased to hear compliments addressed to you from friends or relatives.
8. Watching melodramas together
If not all, then certainly most women adore tear-jerking melodramas. Men, in turn, avoid such films. If you watch romantic movies with her from time to time, she will appreciate it. In general, regular evenings together watching TV bring you closer and bring comfort to your relationship.
9. Rush at the first call
At any time of the day or night, your readiness to rush to her call, no matter what happens, leaving all your affairs, will show her your true attitude. Of course, if a girl “raises alarm” too often, you should think about it.
10. Sometimes take on feminine responsibilities
A woman, as the keeper of the hearth, is entrusted with many household responsibilities - cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing, raising children... Your help around the house without requests or reminders from her is a real masculine act. If you invite your beloved to go to the hairdresser, shopping or meeting with girlfriends, expressing your readiness to stay for a few hours with the children, in her eyes (and in the eyes of others) you will appear as a real hero worthy of admiration.

Every person in his life every day performs a number of different actions. But do you know what actions are? This question seems quite simple, but if you think about it, few people know the definition of the concept “action”. It is everyday, in one day you may well mention it several times and hear it even more times, but you will never think about what exactly was meant. That is why you should carefully study this article. From it you will learn not only what actions are, but also what types and characteristics they have, which include a number of components. Naturally, in real life this information will not be too useful for you. After all, everyone knows that actions are actions that a person performs. However, to expand your horizons, you should still get into this topic.

What is an action?

So, first of all, you need to understand what actions are. It would seem that the question is very simple and banal; many people will laugh when they hear it. But if they think for a minute, they will realize that they cannot give an exact answer. Yes, actions are the actions of a person, but in this case, how do actions differ from actions? The answer, by the way, is quite simple. After all, an act is a conscious and only conscious action that a person performs of his own free will. Thus, the act is the embodiment of the realization of an act of free will. Actions are very closely related to a person’s character. After all, they are a reflection of a person’s character traits in real world. Very often, psychologists define them as a person’s assertion of himself as a specific individual. As you can see, actions are a very important thing to know. more details. For example, what types of actions are there, what characteristics they have, and so on.

Types of actions

A person's actions cannot be attributed to one level, because they are very different. There are several types of behavior that you should pay attention to in order to understand this issue.

The very first type is a reflex. Many people may think that a reflex does not apply to an action because it is not conscious, but they would be wrong. Indeed, the reflex is not a conscious action, it is an unconscious reaction to external stimulus, however, the message to action comes from within. That is, if the sun is shining in your face, you reflexively raise your hand to close your eyes, and if any object flies at you, you reflexively step aside. This a basic level of actions that describe only basic instincts. But reflexes are still actions, since at the most banal level they describe certain aspects of a person’s character. If we take the example of the same flying object, different people there may be different reflexes: someone will try to catch the object, someone will try to dodge, someone will kick it, and so on.

The next type of action is instinct. This is an emotional and purposeful action, which is distinguished by the fact that a person performs it consciously, but is not aware of the results that he will receive as a result. A person eats because instinct tells him to do so - he does not need to remind himself every time that he needs to have lunch so as not to die of hunger.

The most common type of action is conscious action. In this case, a person not only consciously commits a certain act - he also knows what the consequences of this action will be, and also strives to obtain any specific result. It is precisely such actions in to a greater extent reveal the character of the person committing them.

As you can see, a person’s actions can be divided into several different types, which in their own way will characterize this or that person. What else can you tell about actions? For example, you can look at what characteristics they have, that is, what components can be identified in their actions.


The first feature of actions is a motive, that is, something that motivates a person to perform a particular action. Every committed action has its own motive. Even reflexes have it, although it is subconscious. Unmotivated actions are a deviation from the norm, and if a person commits them, then he needs the help of a psychologist or even a psychiatrist. However, motive is far from the only component that every committed act has.


The purpose of an action is what a person wants to get by performing this or that action. At first glance, the concepts of motive and purpose may seem similar, but in reality they are very different from each other. A motive is what is the initial reason for performing an action, while a goal is the final result towards which the person performing the action moves. It is goals that can determine whether actions are good or bad. For example, this can be done by looking at whether the interests of the person performing the action coincide with the interests of the people around him. If interests coincide, then the action may be good, but if this does not happen, then the action will definitely be bad and selfish. Naturally, there is no categoricalness here, so interests often partially coincide. Accordingly, there are not only good and bad deeds, but in any case every person knows this.

Conversion Item

It is the subject of transformation that distinguishes an act from an action. An act, the essence of which is to transform one’s own personality or the personality of another person, differs from an action that can be directed in absolutely any direction under any circumstances.


An act is never done just like that - to accomplish it a person needs certain means. And if you don’t see these funds, it doesn’t mean they don’t exist. The means can be very varied, verbal or practical. Examples of actions that use practical means are numerous. This could be going to the store, playing football, or cleaning the apartment. An act that uses verbal means is a little more complicated thing. It does not include action as such and is based only on speech. However, this does not mean that any statement cannot be an action: a motivational speech or a call to save stray animals is already an action that characterizes a person from one side or another.


There is no point in talking a lot about the process, that is, directly performing the act itself, but it cannot be ignored. Moreover, the process of committing an act can vary greatly. For example, the actions of children usually have a fairly simple and uncomplicated process, but with age it gradually becomes more complex, including preliminary thinking, planning, options for the development of events, and so on. However, as in all cases, it all comes down to taking the action and getting the result.


Since we are talking about the result of an action, we need to dwell on this concept and analyze it in a little more detail. As with ordinary action, in most cases, after completing the process of action, a certain result will be visible. However, actions and deeds differ from each other in that the action includes consciousness. Accordingly, as already mentioned in the paragraph describing the subject of transformation, the result is not only what happened as a result of completing the process of the act, but also personal changes in the person performing it, in another person, as well as interpersonal changes. Simply put, taking an action only gives the actual result. While committing an act also carries with it moral consequences.


Well, the last point that is worth talking about is the assessment of the action. This is the highest level of human consciousness when performing an action. As mentioned earlier, an action can be reflexive, instinctive and, finally, conscious. The latter includes the understanding that there will be some result in the end, as well as movement towards a certain goal. But there is even more high level- evaluation of an action, that is, an analysis of what happened, what factors were involved, what consequences emerged, and how it affected people and the environment as a whole. However, to fully evaluate an action, you need to know all its components, starting with the motive and ending with the final result. Only then will you be able to evaluate the action objectively and draw appropriate conclusions regarding it.

Well, now you know what an act is, how it differs from ordinary action, what its types are, what its features and components are, how good actions differ from bad ones, and so on. This information is not vital, you can easily exist without it, but still it may turn out to be useful, informative and more than interesting for you.

A person commits many good and bad deeds throughout his life. Most often, his behavior lies in internal convictions, beliefs, and ideas. Almost all actions that a person performs have some purpose. In this article we will give an example of good and bad deeds of people.

Good deeds of a person

This can include many different behaviors. For example, when a person helps his neighbor (material, physical, verbal help). People don't have to do all this, but they do it so they can help others.

In addition to helping others, people often help animals or nature. On the street he can feed various animals or even take them home if they need it. People grow plants and plant trees.

Saving other people is a very good deed that cannot be forgotten.

Good deeds include observing etiquette, rules of being in society, and respect for other individuals.

Bad deeds of a person

As a rule, bad deeds are everything that brings personal benefit to a person, in some cases with harm to society.

Propaganda of alcohol, drugs, violence, etc. Abuse of animals, other people, harm to nature.

Very often a person commits bad deeds by littering anywhere or when he commits theft.

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Many people who have done bad things often find various excuses for themselves. It is important to always remember the rules and laws, because some actions can be not only bad, but also terrible. If a person does good deeds, it will have a very positive impact on society. But if people commit crimes, then they are punished.

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