An action that I am proud of (Essay on a free topic). An action that I am proud of (Essay on a free topic) I stand up for the weak

To be honest, the topic of the essay puzzled me. It turned out that I had nothing special to be proud of. Yes, I sometimes win competitions, but I don’t attach much importance to these victories. I won, and that's okay. I help my mother around the house and my classmates with their homework. But for me this is commonplace. I try to learn new things. But this happens all the time. I don’t feel proud of myself, but I am completely proud of others.

I am proud of the teachers who gave me a lot of new knowledge, and will give me a lot more. I am proud of our school sports teams for their victories, for the fact that they are always ahead. I am proud not only of our athletes, but also of our intellectuals, who also often take gold, silver and bronze in various competitions and Olympiads. I am proud of my classmates and sincerely happy when they succeed in something that has not been possible for a long time.

I am proud of my friends who are always ready to help. I'm proud of my mom, who can do so many things! I am proud of all my relatives, simply because they are wonderful people. I am proud of everyone around me because they deserve it.

As it turns out, I have a lot of reasons to be proud. Everyone has something to be proud of, even if they haven't done anything special in their life. You just have to look around. There will probably be many wonderful people around you who are worth being proud of.

Updated: 2017-04-03

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Free topic - "P". Essays on a free topic - An action that I am proud of (essay-reasoning)

An action that I am proud of (essay-reasoning)

postupok-kotorym-ya-gorzhusan act of which I am proud (essay-reasoning)

Our yard is formed by pre-war houses. The yard is large, there are many old trees that rise above the roofs of four- and five-story buildings. The recently dried poplar, which old-timers say was planted immediately after the war, was cut down. One of the trees in the middle of the yard collapsed on its own. The residents decided to improve their yard: plant young trees, plant flower beds at the entrances. On weekends, young and old alike were involved in landscaping the yard. My grandfather and father dug in benches; Equipment for the playground was brought from the housing office, and together with its employees we installed swings, fungi, and a wall bars. They also supplied the simplest gymnastics equipment. But I really wanted to do something myself. At home we decided that it would be nice to plant our own family tree. Mom said: “Let it be a birch tree.” But where to get a seedling?

We were told that the seedling could be bought directly from the housing office, but they explained that they could give it for free if our family agreed to plant not just one tree, but several. After all, the responsibilities of the Housing Office include monitoring not only the safety of houses, but also the landscaping of courtyards.

We agreed to plant several trees. I dug holes and carried water. Several months passed, the birch trees took root, and we looked after them, making sure that they were not broken. There was even a sign buried near one tree saying that the birch trees are under the protection of the Petrenko family.

I am proud that we did a good deed for ourselves and for people.

I am proud of one thing, but I am not allowed to be proud of it!

We moved to a new house. The builders, of course, cleaned up after themselves, but this construction dust... nasty, white. And the fact is that they still couldn’t find cleaners for our entrance. In general, the holiday is about to begin (Easter), and everything in our entrance is covered in this white dust. Well, we still wore our shoes from the street... So my mother said, let’s clean up the entrance.

She seemed to praise me for the idea at first and was going to clean it up, but before the holiday, when she had already cleaned the house and prepared everything, she was tired. And she says that she no longer has the strength, let the neighbors clean up. I decided to organize a cleanup day. I printed out a notice and hung it on the entrance door saying that we were all going tomorrow. I woke up myself, got dressed, went out... and no one was there! I started ringing the doorbell, but no one answered. Or they open it, but say they don’t have time - they have other plans. Then I got angry and removed everything myself. Wearing a medical mask, I swept and washed the floors. It was good in the entrance!

And my mother scolded me that I could have overstrained myself. And also that I relied too much on people. I mean, I came up with all this too late, they, however, have their own fees, so there’s no point in being angry with your neighbors.

Well, at least mom found a cleaning lady. Now we are collecting money for her salary. But somehow the neighbors are not very cheerful in bringing money. Okay, the main thing is that everything in the entrance is clean and beautiful.

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And nothing can be fixed...

Every person has experienced situations in life for which he later felt ashamed. Unfortunately, I am no exception. I also had a story, remembering which I feel very ashamed. And nothing can be fixed, but I would really like to.

I studied in the 4th grade. Graduation in elementary school was approaching. I was very happy and seriously prepared for it. And although she was not so mature, she was still preoccupied with many things. I didn't notice anyone around me.

One day, when I was returning home after school, I heard a scream. I was getting closer and closer to the sound and suddenly I saw the following picture: dogs were circling around a girl about my age. They attacked her, biting her, but she fought them off as best she could. I was overcome with fear, as I was terribly afraid of dogs. I ran home screaming and told my parents everything, and since this was happening not far from our house, I brought them there. But there was no one there anymore.

The next day I found out that this girl was from a neighboring yard and that she was seriously injured. She ended up in the hospital with multiple bites. I felt very ashamed. There was too much preoccupation with the upcoming holiday, confusion, fear, and I was unable to provide the help that girl needed.

Violetta BELENKOVA, student of Rasskazovskaya school No. 3

The clearing has become clean

Last summer, my friends and I rode our bikes to the river. It was a long drive, but we were excited about the upcoming fun.

While we were driving, we got a little tired. Arriving at the appointed place, we were amazed by what we saw. People who vacationed here before us left large piles of garbage. At first we were a little confused, but then a friend suggested we remove it all. Everyone agreed. After our efforts, the clearing became clean again. And we were proud and pleased with ourselves.

Anna GUSEVA, 9th grade student at the Ilovai-Dmitrievsk school in the Pervomaisky district

I'm still ashamed

I would like to talk about an act that happened to me in childhood and which I am still ashamed of.

Then I was about six years old, and in the summer I was visiting my grandmother in the village. We got a little kitten - tabby and very cute. I don't remember what I called him. Perhaps he was Murzik, or perhaps not. But it is not important. In the village I had a friend named Nastya. Playing with her on the street, we set up a game store. The sale included jars of liquid dirty sand, which we scooped from the bottom of a barrel of water. An unfortunate kitten was taken as a mud taster. I still can't figure out what we were thinking when we force-fed him that sand. However, at that time we little understood that this was under no circumstances possible. Fortunately, the kitten did not die - at least not in front of me. He died much later and, as I would like to believe, not because of our stupid experiments (and we fed him this way more than once).

Ten years have passed since then, many events and details have been erased from memory. But I still remember about that poor kitten, who fell into the hands of foolish children, with shame and guilt for what I did.

Ksenia DYAKOVA, 10th grade student at school No. 31 in Tambov

I stand up for the weak

I always stand up for those people who are offended by the powerful, laughed at, humiliated.

I just don't like it when strong people humiliate weak people. After all, the weak cannot always stand up for themselves, or they simply do not want to ask for help. And if I see that the strong offend the weak, order him, call him names, beat him, and the weak suffer in silence, then I will never leave it like that, even if the person is not familiar to me. I always try to stand up for him and help. And if I don’t do this or am afraid, then I will feel bad because I didn’t help this person. This is what I call a good deed.

Valeria DUBOVITSKAYA, 8th grade student at Staroyurievskaya School

No need to make fun of a person

We all do different things. In the life of each of us there will probably be someone for whom we are ashamed. Everyone has their own, I have one too...

I have a classmate. She is a little overweight, and every time she passes by, she becomes a topic of discussion. One day, as usual, we had a similar conversation. And it just so happened that this girl accidentally heard it. After that she ran away and cried for a long time. No one ever said another word on this topic. And I asked her for forgiveness for a long time. I hope she has forgiven me.

This situation was a big lesson for me. There is no need to make fun of a person if he is not like everyone else. You need to treat people with understanding.

Alexandra SHUBINA, Children's Art House in Rasskazovo

I was scolded, but I...

One hot summer day, at the request of a neighbor, I walked with her mother, Baba Varya.

The weather was sultry outside, the summer sun was shining very brightly and warmed everyone with its soft rays. It was almost impossible to find cool shade to hide from the heat. Baba Varya, being an old woman, quickly got tired and wanted to drink. I, having decided not to torment the old lady with climbing the stairs, left her sitting on a bench near the house, and I ran inside to get a bottle of water.

Trying to do everything quickly, because the old lady might become ill, I jumped out of the entrance with a bottle of refreshing moisture in my hands and saw that my fears had come true: Baba Varya really felt very ill. To get to her bench, I had to cross the road. And I was about to do this, when suddenly I saw a huge truck rushing along the road, rushing to deliver groceries to the store. Without thinking twice, I decided that the old woman might not be able to withstand that much time, and ran along the road, almost getting run over by the wheels...

After they found out about this, they began to scold and shame me, because I could have died. But from all these words I was not the least bit ashamed, but, on the contrary, I was proud of myself.

Tamara SARGSYAN, Morshansk Children's Children's Center

From "Coeval". Maybe when helping one person, you shouldn’t forget about other people? About parents who are worried: how they will cope with the news of an accident with their child; about the driver whom the girl could get under the wheels of: his life would also be greatly complicated by this incident; about yourself in the end: life could have ended at such a young age... Be sensitive and attentive to those who are nearby, who value and love you.

I hope I forgive you...

There was also an act in my life for which I am still ashamed.

We had a meeting in our class. Everyone was making noise and the teacher was unhappy with our behavior. When they began to find out the reasons for the extraneous conversations, they also asked me: “Do you talk about trifles in class?” And I answered: “Yes, but only because my desk neighbor is distracting me.”

The next day my friend didn’t talk to me. I asked her for forgiveness, and she forgave me. But I am still ashamed of my actions.

Veronika SHMELEVA, 7th grade student at Rzhaksinsky school No. 2

My four-legged friends

All people in life have actions for which they are ashamed or, on the contrary, they are proud of them. I also had such cases.

When I was nine years old, at that time I was in the 3rd grade, the teacher gave me a bad grade in the world around me. I was very offended by him for this. The next day I came to school, armed with buttons. The bell rang and I placed the button on the chair. The teacher came in, sat on the button and... screamed loudly. Of course, my mother was called to school. When I grew up, I was ashamed of this act in front of the teacher.

This is an action that I am proud of. At that time I was seven years old. One day I was walking down the street and saw a man beating a dog. I felt very sorry for her, and I asked permission to take her for myself. A year passed, I was walking home from school and again I saw a small stray dog. I took that too. Now I'm 14 years old and I have six dogs. I love them very much and take care of them.

Ksenia DRONOVA, 8th grade student at Staroyurievskaya school

A person always has a choice

I have the opinion that nowadays people are afraid to do good deeds. A person, before he commits any action, always has a choice. Sometimes that choice is: be a hero or remain a person who will be despised. But there may be people who will consider your action wrong. But this is their choice.

I will give an example of a good deed. True, this is not about me, but I want to talk about it. On social networks, one man wrote that once in his childhood, when he was little, he and his dad went to the circus. A large family stood in front of them at the box office for tickets. The children really wanted to go to the circus. The family was low-income, and when they bought tickets, they didn’t have enough money. Then the boy’s father, without thinking twice, took and put the money next to the man who was paying for the tickets of this large family, saying: “Man, you lost money.”

After this act, the boy was very proud of his father. And they went to the circus another time.

Tatyana CHURILOVA, 8th grade student of the Chashchinsky branch of the Muchkap school

Photo by Anna Berketova

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