Portrait of Mila written in the year. Essay based on the painting by V.I. Khabarov “Portrait of Mila” (4th option)

The artist's story about the girl Mila Which image in the painting is central? How was the girl positioned in the chair? Why? What can Mila’s sportswear tell the viewer? Why is the girl sitting in a chair with her feet up without taking off her house shoes? What do the skates thrown by the girl under the chair say?

What can her face tell about Mila? What does Mila look like? Hair: light brown, reddish, sand-colored, straight, long, short-cropped, smooth, combed, curly, tousled, dyed, styled, luxurious, thick, braided, thin, tied in a knot….

Let's talk about color. Artists very carefully select colors for their paintings. Often the combination of colors in a painting helps us, the viewers, understand the attitude of the author of the painting to what he depicted. What colors did the artist choose? Which color is more? What natural image does this color correspond to?

A little about the shape Mila sits in a round-shaped chair on long ray-shaped legs. Why did the artist choose this particular shape of the chair? It can be argued that Mila, along with the book and her cloud-chair, flew far away from..... What meaning does the lamp near Mila’s head carry?

Let's read the received story about Mil. Using what was written down, we will voice the received story. Story plan Where was Mila before coming home? Why was she in a hurry? What did the girl do as soon as she returned? Is it possible to distract Mila from reading? How do you see her eyes? Why?

We are accustomed to the fact that artists usually depict famous and famous people: aristocrats, politicians, scientists. But the description of the painting “Portrait of Mila” by Khabarov differs from our usual ideas. On it we see a very ordinary girl, a schoolgirl, sitting in a chair with a book and reading enthusiastically. This ordinary everyday scene the artist depicts it very carefully and with love. He carefully describes his heroine.

Mila's head is slightly tilted to the side, her eyes are closed, and the whole expression on her face suggests that she is very keen on reading. We see that she is sitting in a chair, her legs crossed and slightly leaning towards a book. She has blond hair and beautiful, the right face. She is dressed in simple casual clothes. The chair is large, comfortable and Mila seems to be drowning in it. Deep Blue colour armchairs add coziness and peace to the picture. This color reminds us of calm winter evening when darkness is gathering outside the windows and it’s so wonderful to settle down at home with a book on your lap, read about adventures and secrets.

Skates are carelessly thrown on the floor next to the chair. Apparently, the girl had just come from a walk and eagerly took up the book, forgetting about everything else. The large round chair, Mila’s figure, her concentrated and attentive expression on her face - everything emphasizes the fact that she is completely immersed in the world book to read, and everything that happens outside of it does not exist for her. It is a pity that the title is not visible on the book, but it is noticeable how thick and shabby it is; it has been read with interest more than once.

The artist highlights the girl’s figure against the background of the surrounding environment using lighter tones. He places her in the center of the picture so that the audience focuses all their attention on Mila. The artist seems to want to show us Mila in the same way as in ancient times they depicted kings and aristocrats in portraits. The girl in the portrait looks very natural and lively, she is not posing. It is clear that the author simply depicted her doing her favorite pastime. At the same time, the environment around the girl is also quite simple - skates at the leg of the chair and a lamp on the side. Apparently, the artist deliberately depicted almost nothing around Mila, so as not to distract attention from her. There is nothing large-scale or serious in the picture, but nevertheless it is very expressive and touching.

I liked the picture because it depicts the most ordinary things with warmth and sincerity. One may wonder why the artist did not choose a more interesting and expressive theme for his work. But personally, while writing an essay on the painting “Portrait of Mila” by Khabarov, one thing became clear to me. In order to depict beauty, it is not necessary to look for it in something unusual. There is nothing unusual about Mila, who is passionate about reading and sitting in a blue chair. But anyone who saw this picture will not forget it for a long time.

The most popular materials in April for 7th grade.

  1. The plot of the painting by V. I. Khabarov “Portrait of Mila”.
  2. Composition of the picture.
  3. Attitude to the artist's work.

The power of the pen is incomparably stronger than people think who have not had the opportunity to verify this through experience.

D. Boccaccio

The painting by artist V. I. Khabarov “Portrait of Mila” is very interesting in its design.

The central figure of the picture is the girl Mila. The girl is obviously school age, settled comfortably in a deep armchair. She tucked her legs under her and became absorbed in the book. Mila even forgot that her feet were wearing slippers and climbed into the chair with her shoes on. It can be assumed that the heroine finally picked up the book that she had long dreamed of reading. The pose of the heroine of the picture indicates that the girl empathizes with the characters and is passionate about reading. Obviously, the story is already coming to an end, and therefore the heroine’s face expresses such concentration and immersion in the events of the plot.

Let's try to consider the heroine. Mila has delicate facial features. Her blonde hair falls in neat strands over her shoulders. For some reason, it seems that this girl’s face rarely expresses such concentration.

A small white lamp can be seen above the girl's head.

It's probably already evening, and the girl is resting with a book on her lap.

The composition of Khabarov’s painting is very interesting. A rectangular canvas, the central part of which is occupied by a round chair. It is the chair with the girl sitting in it that is the center of the painting’s composition. It is clearly highlighted by the artist - cozy, large, deep, in which you can settle down with your favorite book and spend a pleasant evening empathizing with the characters. The blue tone of the chair's upholstery also testifies to the artist's desire to depict the tranquility of the evening. The chair is framed by light beige wallpaper on the walls and a warm brown, slightly reddish floor, presumably wood or parquet. The floor sparkles in the rays of electric light, setting off the matte blue of the chair. The thin legs of the chair, almost amber in color, emphasize the “sunny”, cozy mood of the picture. Khabarov managed to portray the relaxed enthusiasm of a girl relaxing with a book in her hands.

An interesting detail in the painting is the white figure skates lying next to the chair in the lower right corner of the painting. This detail is interesting both from the point of view of the plot of the picture and compositionally. The skates seem to reflect with their white color the wall lamp depicted in the upper left corner. Two white spots further emphasize the warm amber color scheme of the room and the dark rich blue of the chair. You can draw a diagonal line from the skates to the lamp.

As for the plot of the film, skates also play an important role in it. If you give free rein to your imagination, you can imagine how the girl Mila rushes to the skating rink after school with skates in her hands. And therefore, it’s winter outside, it’s frosty, the ice has frozen and turned into a sparkling crystal mirror. Mila and her friends are skating on the ice. She probably skates well, and skates are her frequent companions. Otherwise, they would lie in the closet and become covered with dust. But it’s not for nothing that the artist depicted figure skates next to the chair in which the girl sat. In addition, Mila is sitting in a chair in sweatpants. So, Mila went to the skating rink with friends after school, and then returned home. Perhaps a snowstorm has arisen, the wind is raging outside the windows, snow flakes are falling to the ground like a snow-white blanket. And the girl, taking off her outerwear and carelessly throwing away her skates, took a book and settled comfortably in a chair.

I liked Khabarov’s painting “Portrait of Mila”. The girl sitting in a chair with a book in her hands seems to be carried away by nature. She likes sports, but also books. No wonder there is such enthusiasm on her face. Mila was completely immersed in the lines of the book. It becomes interesting what she is reading. And it seems that the pages of the book describe adventures and journeys to distant lands.

Khabarov - Portrait of Mila, 7th grade

Essay 1 option

Drawing a portrait is not just a difficult, but also a responsible task. Therefore, for artists, drawing a portrait is a kind of challenge to their skill.

V. Khabarov in his painting “Portrait of Mila” tries to convey not only the appearance of a handsome teenager, but also her inner world. The picture is painted in dark colors, but Mila herself is painted in light colors.

This is how the artist shows that the girl is better than most of her peers: more educated and well-read. Large armchair stands in the corner. With this, V. Khabarov conveys Mila’s loneliness, which is most likely due to the fact that she prefers the world described in books to the real one.

7th grade.

Essay option 2

Valentin Khabarov is one of the best Russian portrait artists. He very skillfully conveys the facial features of his models, thanks to which the viewer can guess their thoughts, understand their feelings and emotions.

When drawing his paintings, V. Khabarov pays a lot of attention to his surroundings. Looking at the environment in which the artist places people, you can feel the spirit of the era during which the portrait was painted.

In the painting “Portrait of Mila” Khrabrov depicted a girl reading a book. It’s hard for us to understand, but if we let our parents or grandparents look at the reproduction, they will understand that the painting was painted in the 70-80s of the last century. They are familiar with the wallpaper that covers the walls and the parquet, although not of the highest quality, but attractive. From the furniture we see a chair that was fashionable at that time, which the owners of the apartment undoubtedly found difficult to obtain. Behind the girl's back is a sconce lamp. These can still be found at dachas, where things that are not needed in the city are often taken.

We no longer found such a situation, but it can be seen in Soviet films, which have already become cinema classics. These are “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” “The Irony of Fate,” and “Afonya,” so beloved by adults.

Mila, the main character of the film, is about 13-14 years old. She is dressed simply home clothes. She has soft slippers on her feet - probably the floor is cold, so she put them on so as not to freeze. This and the skates that lie under the chair indicate that it’s winter outside.

But this harsh time is not capable of bringing inconvenience to Mila. From the picture you can understand that she is comfortable. She is not distracted by either the snowstorm outside the window or the sounds that come from other rooms where households are busy with their own affairs. Mila is passionate and focused, it’s clear that she got a very good interesting book.

The blonde girl most likely loves to read. The chair is in the corner so that no one can accidentally touch it. On the wall behind there is a sconce, the light from which falls exactly on the book. All this creates the most Better conditions to sit on a winter evening with a book.

The girl's face and pose expresses extreme enthusiasm for the book. Her mouth is slightly open, she probably moves her lips and silently pronounces the words written in the book when she reads.

I really like this picture. Looking at the clear face main character, you involuntarily realize that in the evening you can spend time not only at the computer or TV. It’s a pity that nowadays no one reads with such incrimination as Mila.

7th grade.

  • Essay on Grabar's painting Winter Landscape, grade 6 (description)

    What a wonderful view I saw famous artist with his extremely unusual eyes and managed to display this using a unique combination of tones!

One Sunday I went to see my friend Vova to go to the cinema together. Vova began to get dressed, and I looked into the room.

I saw Vovina's sister Mila. She was reading a book with her feet up in a chair. Mila is an excellent student, she is a little younger than us. She has blond hair and a pale face. She is thin and short. Mila loves to read. I also saw skates under her chair and realized that she still loves to skate on them and often goes to the skating rink.

Hello Mila! - I said.

But the girl did not respond. I called her louder:

Hey Mila, did you fall asleep with a book or what?

It looked like Mila had just woken up. She looked right through me and didn’t seem to recognize me. But then she woke up and said hello.

What kind of book are you reading? - I asked.

This is "The Headless Horseman" - a very interesting book. I was so carried away that I didn’t notice you coming in. Have you read this work?

I said that not yet, and Mila advised me to definitely read it, she even promised to give me the book when she finished reading it.

Vova got dressed and we got ready to leave.

Bye, Mila! - I shouted, but she no longer heard, because she was again immersed in reading.

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