Flights of fancy, or unconventional drawing techniques in the preparatory group of a kindergarten. Drawing with children “21 ways of drawing with non-traditional techniques Methods of non-traditional drawing in kindergarten

Hi all! We continue to give interesting ideas for educators, parents and teachers. And today we will talk about unconventional drawing techniques. These ideas are suitable for kindergarten and school. Unconventional drawing– this does not mean something complicated. On the contrary, it is the unconventional technique that turns art classes into simple and fun fun. There is no need to draw complex elements, no need to masterly use a brush. Non-traditional techniques were CREATED because they SIMPLIFY the child’s work and EASIER the teacher’s task in methodological terms and give the child an amazing creative experience with an excellent final result. You will see what beautiful pictures and drawings can be made in simple techniques unconventional drawing. The child will love your activities - he himself will be drawn to art when he feels that he can create beauty with his own hands.

I have divided all the techniques of non-traditional drawing into SEPARATE GROUPS - and I will explain and show everything in order.

Unconventional drawing


IN kindergarten In fine art classes, it is important to choose work that will be feasible for younger children. In the second younger group, children have poor brush control, it is difficult for them to force the brush to draw a line, an oval, a circle... Therefore, at this age, quick and beautiful drawings using the palm painting technique are interesting.

With your children's hands you can draw such a cute family of a hen and chicks.

Green paint will give you a print that can be made into a frog. The eyes can be drawn separately on white circles of paper (by the teacher themselves) and the children will simply glue the eyes onto the drawing with PVA glue.

Here is another example of an appliqué drawing using this non-traditional do-it-yourself painting technique. If we add the side wings and sharp tips of the ears to the palm print, we get the silhouette of an owl. The background for such a craft can be chosen from black cardboard, and a large circle of yellow paper (moon) can be glued onto it. And already against the background of the lunar disk, make an owl-palm print. And then when the print dries, we add a long branch on which this owl is sitting.

The palm acts as a template - first sketch, trace the palm on a piece of paper, and then try to draw an eye here or there. And look closely and see which character is looking at you.

Same for crafts using the non-traditional technique “Palm + paint” you need to prepare the background in advance. Or use colored paper to create a green lawn and a pond for ducks. Or draw in advance - tint the sheet with blue and green paint, dry and prepare for class (hold under heavy pressure from books).

As you can see in the photo below, you can add overlay parts to the palm element of the design - appliqués made of paper and other materials. Below is an example of how ordinary gray paper from a box can become a prototype for a craft. To make it easier for a small child to draw circle-face of a lion- give him a jar lid template. Let the children trace the round lid along the center of the “cardboard mane” with a pencil and then carefully fill in the circle with paint – first tracing with a slow brush along the edge of the line, and then painting in the middle. We complete the black details of the mustache, nose and ears with a marker (the teacher himself once the craft is dry).

In non-traditional palm painting, images of birds are often used. There you are simple idea drawing of a sparrow in kindergarten. Simple and quick to draw with your own hands for children in the middle group.

But here are ideas for non-traditional hand drawing for children of average and senior group. Craft MONKEY. Here you need to position your palm correctly - so that your fingers are turned towards the vine on which the monkey will hang. Then use a brush to draw a beautiful tail curl. And then lay out the head from the paper appliqué.

And here is a class on non-traditional drawing for the older group - here you need to first draw a tree (trunk, branches, leaves). The leaves are just marks from a brush (press the brush sideways. Raise it sharply up so that the mark does not smear). While the children are busy drawing the leaves, the trunk will dry out well and the imprint of the koala bear will be perfectly placed on it, as if against a dry background. A beautiful craft for both kindergarten and school (grades 1-4).

And here is a beautiful bright craft-drawing of a GIRAFFE. Here we also see a base made from a palm print. But a long neck element with a head is added to the picture. Before applying spots and strokes of the mane, you need to wait until the red base has completely dried. The mane is placed with the imprint of a brush - we place the brush on the side and sharply lift it up, the impression is obtained as a tuft of mane hairs - we create a lot of imprints along the entire cervical ridge of the giraffe. .Round spots are easier to draw with a cotton swab (with a brush the circles will not be even - not all children know how to draw a circle with a brush - this complex technology, which they will master after they learn to write letters).

For the older group of kindergarten, a hand drawing in the form of a rainbow magical unicorn is suitable. Great craft for girls. The teacher will draw the horn.

And boys will love the drawing in the form of a dragon - also in this technique.

Also, young children really love group crafts. Where the entire kindergarten group participates in one common artistic work. For example on large sheet paper to draw the outlines of the peacock's future body - and around it to line up the imprints of the feathers of its magnificent tail. And then, when the tail is dry, you can glue the body itself along the center.


non-traditional technology in kindergarten.

Disposable plastic forks are a tool that can create an interesting non-traditional drawing technique for you. All drawings where needed characteristic shaggy stroke, even a small child will be able to draw quickly and easily.

Here is a sample of such work for children in kindergarten. The teacher draws a tree stump on a piece of paper. It comes from the hemp the upward line is the AXIS of the future tree. Using a fork, scoop up the thick paint and apply prints from the side of the axle downwards. First we process the right side of the axis, then the left side of the central rod of the tree.

And already the third stage - we put another layer of CENTRAL STROKES on top of these strokes - this time more vertically down from the center, slightly diverging to the sides.

For comfort Pour the paint into bowls - jar lids work great.

AND to reduce paint consumption , gouache can be diluted with PVA glue - one to one, or in another proportion. Valuable advice - do not buy SCHOOL PVA in small tubes - go to a hardware store and buy a liter (or half-liter) bucket of PVA glue. It will be called universal PVA, or construction PVA - don’t let this confuse you. The chemical composition is exactly the same as school PVA glue. But the price is 5 or 10 times cheaper. And in a bucket the glue does not lose its freshness, as in a tube. And a liter bucket is enough for a kindergarten group for 3-4 months of active classes.

In such an unconventional technique, you can draw any PINKY elements of the picture - for example, a HEDGEHOG or a CACTUS.

A fork will also help you draw shaggy characters. For example, a yellow fluffy CHICKEN, or a kitten, or a bear cub.

Since the paint already contains PVA glue, you can glue any paper parts (beak, eyes, ears, tails, etc.) onto the wet paint that has not yet dried.

Also, the fork stroke is similar to the plumage of birds. Therefore, you can make a drawing of any bird using this technique. This is how it happens, you can see in the photo of the craft below - COCK..

On two drawing samples.

What is the best way to TEACH DRAWING in kindergarten. Here is a technique that has been working great in kindergarten for several years. This technique allows you to get the CORRECT one the first time children's drawing. Let's look at it using the example of the same COCK from the picture above.


We seat the children on a chair (in 2 rows) in front of one table. The teacher will do a demonstration on it. The piece of paper already has the outline of a rooster drawn in pencil. Three bowls contain different colors – yellow, red, blue. Each color has its own fork.

In front of the children, we begin our work - we draw feathers with a fork, freely mixing paints. We show you what is wrong and what is right. Let the children see from your example that it is better to draw lines ALONG the neck, and ALONG the lines of the tail, and not across.


We painted plumage for one rooster in front of the children. Now we make him a friend - we take another sheet with a pencil rooster, and ask the children, “What should we do?” Children give you hints, you “mess up”, children correct you, tell you how to do it - you correct yourself and continue to make mistakes, then correct yourself. Now children are already acting as a “knowledgeable teacher”. After this game of drawing the second rooster. The children themselves sit down at the tables, where the same pencil rooster is waiting for them and, with knowledge of the matter, each perform their own craft.

As you can see, the demonstration method always works better on 2-X training drawings with the teacher’s hand.

  • The first drawing, where the teacher does everything himself (teaching and explaining to the children)
  • The teacher performs the second drawing according to the children’s prompts (“making mistakes” and correcting them).
  • Each child already makes the third drawing himself, at his desk, with a smart, scholarly look.

Unconventional DRAWING


The print of a child's foot, like a palm, can be turned into an interesting drawing. A variety of characters can be hidden in a child's footprint.

These are the kinds of paintings that can be created using an unconventional drawing technique from an ordinary print of a child’s foot.

I’ll say right away that in the realities of a kindergarten (where there are 30 children in a group) This kind of drawing with feet is difficult to organize. In the case of drawings with palms, everything is simple: children wipe their palms with a wet cloth (remove the main layer of paint), and then go to the sink and wash their hands with soap. When drawing with feet, the child cannot go and wash his feet in the washbasin. A gentle man with soap and several basins to wash his feet. You can’t do this kind of work with a whole kindergarten group. But…

This kind of drawing can be done as a specially organized individual lesson. Children are divided into groups of 4 people. One child gives his feet for a print, the second draws eyes, ears, tails, the third child draws grass, the sun, the fourth a tree, a bird and so on... (depending on the theme and plot of the picture).

You can try this option for organizing the entire process. Before bedtime, when children are barefoot. Let the child step on a piece of foam rubber soaked in paint. And then straight onto a sheet of paper. And then immediately a thin, wet, soapy terry towel, then into a basin with some water... and go to bed.

That is, you need to buy a sheet of foam rubber(it is cheap in the construction department, sold cut into meters). Wet the foam rubber, dilute the paint slightly with water so that it is well absorbed into the foam rubber (like ink in printing), place a sheet of foam rubber on a plastic tray. Nearby, on a second plastic tray, there is a wet, soapy towel (for wiping off paint), then there is a basin of water, and a dry towel. There is a chair next to each tray and basin. Three chairs + three elements (coloring, soap, rinsing, wiping).

It turns out to be a conveyor– the child sits on the first chair (steps on the foam rubber with paint, hop – raises his leg), move the tray with the foam rubber, put a sheet of paper in its place (hop – stamped). The child moves his butt to the second chair, next to which there is a tray with a soapy towel (hop-up, soaped his leg, wiped off the paint). The child moves his butt to the third chair, next to which there is a basin of water with a rag floating in it (hop, wash off the soapy leg where you need it with a rag). And wipe with a dry towel.

Everyone is happy. Except for the sanitation station. It does not allow collective rinsing in one basin. The sanitation station requires for 20 children - 20 basins, and 20 soap towels... 20 dry towels)))

Unconventional drawing


And here’s another beautiful piece of equipment for kindergarten. Where the elements of the drawing are created using the shading method. This results in an interesting image texture. This method is convenient for drawing everything fluffy and shaggy.

The technique is well illustrated in the example of this HARE craft.

The hare drawing is divided into ROW-SECTORS, each of which is shaded. We get even rows of shading.

Here is a life-size template for this craft.

You can modify this craft and present it as an applique. Where each element is cut out separately (ears, forehead, cheeks, nose, neck). Then each element is shaded. And then everything is assembled into a single whole application.

The ZONE HATCHING method can be used to create any other furry characters. For example, a fluffy ostrich.

That is, the teacher gives the child a piece of paper on which the eyes and beak of an ostrich are drawn. The child’s task is to draw a fluffy cloud of strokes around the eyes with a pencil or wax crayons. And then, under the resulting fluffy ball, draw the neck in rows of strokes. The teacher can help the children by drawing the circle of the ball of the head and the lines of the future neck, and dividing the neck into sectors for striped multi-colored shading.

You can come up with any character and design it in the form of SECTORS with shading - a cat, a parrot, a dog, and so on.

DRAWING in kindergarten


(non-traditional technique).

In kindergarten, we all drew the FLUFFY DANDELION craft using cotton swabs. Here it is (photo below). Let's think about what other pictures can be drawn using a cotton swab.

Although even from a simple DANDELION theme you can create an unconventional design - BRIGHT JUICY, as in the photo below.

It is best for young children to draw only SOME ELEMENTS of the characters using the technique of POKING WITH COTTON SWIPS - only the tail of a fox, the tip of a needle for a hedgehog.
That is, a kindergarten teacher combines the work of drawing watnyo with a stick with appliqué. First, on a piece of paper, the child makes an applique of the hedgehog’s face (from brown paper) and the skin of the hedgehog’s back (from white paper). And then this back skin needs to be completely covered with multi-colored cotton swab prints. Merry children's activity for drawing and pasting.

You can use drawing with a cotton swab using the ZONE FILLING technique. On a sheet of paper, draw the outline (silhouette) of a character in pencil - for example, a seahorse. The child must fill this entire area without leaving empty spaces or going beyond the pencil border. This is difficult, the child does not always see where he is thick and where he is empty. The teacher needs to repeat all the time: look for empty holes, fill the holes with different colored dots, and not dots of the same color.

The brain, attentiveness, fine motor skills, and a sense of color work here. After all, you need to feel how you distribute the color across the zone - evenly or everything is yellow at the top, and everything is blue at the bottom.

Such a task can be started in the younger group and then in the older group - and even an adult can learn something in such training on the sense of color and composition.

You can also use a cotton swab to make CHAIN ​​PATTERNS. Like the rows of rings on the cacti below.

You can also draw entire pictures with dots. This non-traditional drawing technique can be called DOT GRAPHY.

The most interesting thing is to select points different shades and place them differently on image objects.

You can start working on this type of drawing with small tasks. Pieces of landscape, elements of architecture.

There is an artist Angelo Franco who paints paintings using the POINT TO POINT technique. Here are large points, contain smaller ones inside.

You can draw with a cotton swab and paints beautiful MANDALA(photo below). Mandalas are circular patterns, symmetrical and multi-colored. The homeland of mandalas is the East. They still lay out patterns of colored pebbles, colored sand, or flower petals.

For children, we must provide ready-made graphic templates-mandalas, with a given pattern. And the child’s task is to REPEAT EXACTLY every POCK with a stick in each of the symmetrical zones of the mandala. That is... if in one zone you made 2 yellow pokes on a petal, then in the other zones you need to make 2 yellow pokes, on the same petal, in the same place on the petal.

You can find many round mandalas for painting on the Internet. Choose those that are simple and easy to do for children of a given age.

You can draw dotted mandalas on plastic plates. As in the photo below.

You need to start drawing mandalas when the child has already mastered basic counting to 5. And can count the number of PUMPKINS in each ray or in each row of the mandala (if it is a row-ray mandala, as in the photo below).

Agree, this beautiful and unconventional drawing technique perfectly develops a child’s mind, his mathematical abilities, constructive thinking, the ability to plan the result, and calculate the drawing.


(non-traditional methods).

Here is another unconventional watercolor painting technique. Here we put watercolor diluted with water on a sheet of paper and blow on it from a tube. We get watery spots and colorful streams. For such drawing it is not necessary to use watercolor; the same can be done with gouache diluted with water.

Below we see how this technique can be used in art classes in kindergarten and school. We give the child a drawing of a face (boy or girl) and the child’s task is to blow out the HAIR for these characters.

You can use a board on which you attach a sheet of paper with a clothespin. We place a large drop of paint on the edge of the sheet and lift this edge of the board up so that the drop flows down like a slide.

If we temporarily seal part of the sheet with a piece of masking tape, then we will have an empty, unpainted space on the sheet. And then in this place you can place an applique of someone under an umbrella. Here's how it's done in the photo below.

In the younger group of kindergarten, children will really enjoy drawing Klaks monsters. Krakozyabra can be inflated from a tube in any direction. And then, after drying, glue applique elements onto them.

Now I want to introduce you to another technique - SOAP + PAINT. Pour regular liquid soap or liquid for soap bubbles into glasses - add a little gouache to each glass. We get multi-colored soap paint. Dip a cocktail tube or a round “blower” into it and blow bubbles directly onto the paper. We get gentle bubble CLOUDS. They can be decorated into an interesting picture.

The bubbly clouds can be LUXURIOUS PEONIES (like the photo below). Blistered areas can be scallops on sea waves, like curly sheep skin, etc.

You can simply blow bubbles onto the surface of a sheet of paper with a straw, and then cut out a craft applique from this multi-colored sheet. An interesting idea for activities in kindergarten.

You can also paint with splashes - just SPLASH colorful paint onto the paper. A toothbrush is best for this.

Unconventional drawing

WAX-GRAPHY method.

Here is another technique that can be called CANDLE GRAPHY, or WAX GRAPHY.

Suitable for this technique white wax (or paraffin) candle. It can also be a children's wax crayon for drawing (but not just any kind). Choose chalk that has a greasy feel. Check in advance how the crayons work.

Now let's act. Draw a picture on a sheet of white paper with white chalk. Then we take watercolor (not gouache!!!) and begin to apply watery (not thick!!!) paint over the chalk lines. That is, we simply paint over our sheet of paper with colored watery paints and the invisible white wax pattern begins to appear. The paint does not cling to the wax and these places on the paper remain white.

You can draw multi-colored round mandalas in this style (with streaks of different colors). Looks beautiful painted autumn leaves: leaf contours and veins are waxy, and the filling of the sheet is multi-colored (red-yellow-orange).

The night rain over the water looks beautiful. Slanting lines of rain, diverging circles on the water - it's all wax. And then we paint it with dark blue paint and get a beautiful picture of rain.

You can use wax to draw jellyfish and sea creatures. And then apply dark (blue-violet-black) tones and the sea depths will come to life.

Children are delighted when you offer them such an activity. The educator or teacher himself draws jellyfish, turtles, small tadpoles and amoebas on each sheet in advance. And then the child must find out who lives in the depths of the seas. He paints a sheet of paper and all these creatures appear under his brush.

Important rule. Before class, teach the children to ROSE a sheet of paper with a wet brush, and NOT TO RUBB THE SHEET WITH A BRUSH, LIKE A WASTE SPASH. Otherwise, the wax pattern may be damaged.

NIGHT pictures look beautiful using this technique. Using wax we draw one horizon line, then waves, a wax lunar path and the disk of the moon on the upper half of the sheet. Now we paint it in the colors of the night and get the sea, the moon and the white lunar path.

WINTER pictures also look good. White lines of wax drawing as elements white snow, outlines of snowdrifts, silhouette of a snowman, snow-covered huts - we draw all this with wax. Then the child applies blue or blue paint and a winter landscape appears on the leaf.

But it's important– before giving these pictures to children, check for yourself whether the wax is of suitable quality. Are the lines of the design showing? What layer of paint should I apply (what is the degree of paint dilution with water)?

Unconventional drawing

Using the PRINT technique.

All children love this drawing technique. Because it gives quick and beautiful results for every child. Even the most inept artist can produce beautiful paintings. Children perceive the whole process as magic, an exciting game with the magical effect of a picture appearing

In kindergarten, it is most convenient to organize the imprint technique. Let's see what materials are suitable for implementing this technique when drawing with children.

OPTION 1 – a lump of crumpled paper.

Crumpled paper gives a beautiful torn texture to the print. This is suitable for drawing the crowns of spring (yellow-green or pink) and autumn (orange-purple) trees. Paint is taken from jars or watercolors and dripped onto a bowl (lid from a jar). Dip a napkin into this drop, try the imprint on a rough sheet and, if you like, transfer it to paper.

OPTION 2 – corrugated cardboard.

Packaging gray cardboard is great for drawing a rose using the imprint technique. We cut the cardboard box into strips across the corrugation line. We twist the strips into a tube and secure with an elastic band or thread. We make a stamp for a green leaf from a toilet paper roll.

Also, this method of ROLL Drawing is suitable for depicting a SNAIL SPIRL. You can also make LAMB SKIN CURL.

OPTION 3 – fluffy pom-poms.

In craft stores (or on craft websites) you can buy a bag of these soft pompoms. If you attach a clothespin to each, you will get a convenient holder for work. Using the pomponography technique, you can create decor for painting flat parts of crafts. And also paint pictures of white airy dandelions in watercolors.

OPTION 4 – toilet paper roll.

There are a lot of options here, because the tube-sleeve can be given different shapes. You can cut the sleeve in half Lengthwise, and we will get a half-ring stamp - an ideal stencil for drawing fish scales or tiers of coniferous legs of a Christmas tree.

A round roll can be flattened on both sides and you will get a pointed oval - this is the shape of a flower petal, or bunny ears. A great idea for non-traditional drawing in kindergarten with younger children (bunny) or older children (flower).

The flower is more difficult than the bunny because you need to RADIALLY arrange the petals around the middle of the flower.

You can also cut the EDGE OF THE ROLL into curly petals - and you will get ready-made petals for paintings. Such stamps are simply a godsend for quickly drawing bouquets and flower beds for younger children. And even for the smallest babies in the nursery.

OPTION 5 – bubble wrap.

Packaging film with bubbles also gives an interesting print pattern, which can be used in non-traditional drawing in kindergarten. For example, make an imprint of a honeycomb (as in the picture below).

Or make a drawing of a spring or autumn tree.

OPTION 6 – potato stamps.

You can cut stamps of any shape from potato halves. Cut the potatoes in half. Wipe the wet cut of the potato with a paper napkin. On the cut using a marker we draw the outlines of the future stamp. Cut with a knife along the drawn contours.

It is better to choose oblong, elongated potatoes for stamps. So that a child's hand can comfortably grasp the potato. Below in the photo we present only two topics for such unconventional drawing - owls and tulips. But you can come up with your own options. If you add PVA glue to the paint, you can glue details (eyes, nose, handles) on top of the prints.

You can make an experimental double stamp. Cut the halves of the champagne out of two potatoes and fasten the two potatoes together by piercing them through with a toothpick and wrapping them with electrical tape or tape. Take a swing at cool idea and experiment with creating stamps for it.

Unconventional drawing

PLUFFY colors.

Here’s another cool material for unconventional drawing, which young children love so much. This is a VOLUME PAINT for creating puffy designs. Making this kind of paint at home is quick and easy - mix PVA glue with gouache in a bowl and add daddy’s shaving foam. We make several of these bowls (not necessarily large ones) based on the idea of ​​what we will draw with the children. For a watermelon you only need two colors - so start with that. Watermelon seeds are a simple black gouache that we drip here and there.

The most different ideas can be embodied in this drawing technique for children in kindergarten. The simplest one is a waffle cone with ice cream. The horn is cut out of rough packaging cardboard, and we draw a waffle grid on it with a marker. The child glues the horn onto a sheet of paper (below) and lays out round balls with a three-dimensional design on it. You can give your child round templates, which he will first trace with a pencil over the edge of the horn, and then foam paint will be placed in these round outlines.

You can also put a few spoons on the cone different colors and then use the opposite end of a brush (or a wooden stick) to mix the paint into multi-colored stains. You will get a beautiful mix ice cream. A great craft for children at school or kindergarten during art classes.

Methods of working with thick paint in children's classes.

You can mix the paint on a separate tray (or on a piece of oilcloth). It’s better when each child makes his own color mixture - so we give each child his own oilcloth.

We put individual oilcloths for children on each table. Place bowls with 4 colors of paint in the center of the table. The child mixes these colors into a common puddle on his oilcloth - to the point of beautiful stains. Then a paper outline of a character (for example, a seahorse) is applied to the puddle. And then he lays it out to dry (the outlines of the skates must be signed with the child’s name in advance, and do not forget to remind the children to apply the unsigned side to the paint). Then the next day, when the foam paint has dried on the silhouette of the skate, you can continue working and make an appliqué of the skate in the sea waters, add spikes and algae around it, stick on shells, and pour sand on the glue.

Like these ones interesting techniques You can try drawing with children, both at home and in the garden. At school, this unconventional drawing can be done in lessons on visual arts, leaving the entire process for the child to create independently.

On the pages of our site you will find many more different techniques for unusual painting with paints.

We already have detailed, detailed articles on the topic:

Good luck with your creativity.
Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site
Good websites are worth their weight in gold, you can support the enthusiasm of those who work for you.

In the formation of a child’s personality, it is very great importance has drawing. It brings invaluable benefits and develops both the intellectual abilities of children and their thinking. After all, when children draw, not only visual but also motor analyzers are involved in the work, which perfectly develops fine motor skills and memory.

In addition, when drawing, a child learns to imagine and compose, think and compare. At the same time, his stock of knowledge develops gradually, which is very good in childhood.

Drawing develops creativity

Drawing classes in kindergarten are loved by all children. Toddlers clumsily try to imitate what they see from a very early age. To develop this desire, you can give your child a soft sponge for up to a year, with which he will first play, and then, with the help of adults, lower it into a saucer of paint and move it over the paper, observing the result. After some time, the baby will begin to perform this operation independently.

When the child goes to kindergarten, his drawings will no longer be solid blots. By toddler age, children can hold a pencil and a brush. It’s too early to talk about the drawing process itself, but by manipulating these objects, the baby leaves random strokes, dots and lines on the paper. This attracts him very much.

At the same age, you can begin to use the simplest techniques of non-traditional drawing, for example, dip your hand clenched into a fist in a saucer of paint and leave a mark on the paper. You will get the caterpillar that the kids saw on their walk.

What do drawing classes provide in preschool institutions?

Non-traditional fine art techniques used in kindergarten help children who do not yet know how to fully master pencils and brushes, not only perceive the world, but also convey it through the drawing. Everything that the children saw during their walk is very simply depicted on paper using available materials. This develops imagination well.

Leaves that have fallen from trees in the fall will help depict a yard filled with leaves. You just need to put them in a saucer with paint and attach them to the paper. And a palm print can be compared to animal tracks left in the snow.

Drawing classes develop children's imagination well and provide an opportunity for creativity and inspiration, as well as a sense of beauty. At the same time, the child’s personality receives harmonious development.

Unconventional drawing. Why is it needed?

The use of non-traditional drawing techniques makes it possible to develop artistic rather than stereotyped thinking in children. Even, rather, artistic and figurative, which is directly related to creative abilities and observation, as well as spiritual qualities.

And it doesn’t matter how well a child knows drawing techniques, because the main thing here will be to teach kids to put their thoughts and feelings on paper, and to convey their mood with the help of various paints.

Artistic thinking develops well when children use paints and improvised means to depict a fairy tale on sheets of paper. This form of classes can be not only individual, but also group. To do this, each child should be asked to depict their understanding of the plot on a certain section of a common Whatman paper. After everything is ready, the children are happy to make additions to the drawing, thereby inventing a continuation of the fairy tale.

Unconventional techniques used for drawing with children

In such an interesting and complex process as drawing for children, the best thing to do is to use various techniques. They all instill a love for fine art. Unconventional drawing techniques in kindergarten deserve great attention, as they give children room for imagination.

They are introduced from a very early age, but at first, while the child learns to think figuratively and act correctly with his hands, an adult must take a direct part in this process. They are attractive for kids because they can achieve the desired result very quickly.

The good thing about this form of development is that it is very interesting for any child. Children are always attracted to drawing with their fingers and the whole palm, as well as turning ordinary blots into very funny figures.

Non-traditional materials and techniques that are used in visual arts contribute to the development of a child’s not only imaginative thinking, but also self-control, perseverance, attention, visual perception and spatial orientation, tactile and aesthetic perception, as well as fine motor skills of the hands.

By doing this kind of work, children also learn to fantasize through various color schemes put your feelings on paper.

Finger painting as one of the options for non-traditional depiction of objects

When non-traditional drawing techniques are used in kindergarten or at home, the best option It can be drawing with your fingers or your entire palm.

This technique can be used even while the baby is still small. Finger painting has proven itself very well. This method does not require a brush; all you need is gouache paints poured into small containers and a bowl of water for washing your hands.

When using this method, the child’s imagination develops very well. After all, with fingertips dipped in paint, you can depict flowers as a gift for mom, New Year’s confetti, and various patterns on a dress. And by drawing lines on paper with your fingers, you can get more complex objects.

Before you start imagining with your baby, you should try prints of different parts of the palm on a separate sheet of paper to see what they look like. When changing hands, all prints will bend in different directions. This type of painting gives children the opportunity to come up with and depict an entire plot on paper and makes them think figuratively.

Middle group of kindergarten. Drawing and its features

IN children's team Various activities are popular. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten are interesting not only for children, but also for children of both the middle and older groups. They already have acquired skills, so educators can begin to use outlining gestures. The child listens to the adult’s story, watches how he shows with gestures what was said, and strives to reproduce the image he has developed on the sheet of paper.

But still, at this age one cannot do without visual nature. Words and gestures alone may not be enough to create a certain image. Therefore, the best thing will be when a child has nature in front of his eyes, helping to create a correct perception of the object or plot being described, and to revive children’s ideas about it. This could be a toy, a picture or a drawing by an adult.

In addition, you need to put several types of improvised objects in front of the children. They may be required to create the image. This will provide an opportunity for choice, as well as the ability to compare and fantasize.

How to draw seasons using unconventional techniques

Any walk with children gives you the opportunity to reproduce what you saw unconventional method. Such a wonderful time of year as winter allows you to show a lot of imagination in order to depict what you want on paper.

When non-traditional painting techniques are used, winter can be painted using pieces of cotton wool or foam to represent snow, as well as small glitter to symbolize its shine.

Drawing with the help of improvised means is much more interesting, because you need to use associative perception and learn to compare. With this technique, the process of how snow falls can be shown by splashing paint, and you can also use all kinds of materials that evoke an association with a given plot. Non-traditional drawing techniques with children provide very great opportunities for developing their imagination.

What materials are used for unconventional drawing?

Classes on non-traditional drawing techniques are conducted using available materials. You also need to pay attention to the child’s preferences when choosing tools for making drawings. Colors, their shades, methods of application on paper are filled with the baby’s worldview and can tell a lot about him.

When unusual material is used in classes, children develop Creative skills and personal attitude. Every child gets the opportunity to feel unforgettable emotions and reflect their impressions and mood on paper.

Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten involve the use of improvised materials such as tree foliage, semolina and salt, plasticine, wax, sand, and thread. And tools that replace brushes and pencils can be fingers, toothbrushes and foam rubber. Waste items, such as corks, old buttons, and beads, can also be used as visual material.

Existing types of non-traditional fine arts

Drawing technique in kindergarten in unconventional ways involves the use of various techniques. The most common of them are linotherapy, performed using threads that are dyed in different colors, splashing paints with a toothbrush and blotography. Children also really enjoy drawing on wet or crumpled paper, balloons and fabric.

Drawings drawn by children are best framed and hung. Any child will be pleased that the subject of his creativity is admired. This raises the baby's self-esteem.

This material will introduce parents to a variety of ways and techniques for working with gouache and watercolors, charcoal, sanguine, pastel and other materials, as well as their combinations.

Experience working with children in kindergarten showed: draw in unusual ways and use the materials that surround us in Everyday life, evoke enormous positive emotions in children. Drawing captivates children, and especially non-traditional drawing; children with a great desire to draw, create and compose something new themselves. To instill in children a love of fine art and to arouse interest in drawing, it is necessary to start with a game. How conveniently unconventional methods of drawing are suitable for this, which, accompanying traditional methods of drawing, work wonders and turn ordinary activities into a game, into a fairy tale. By drawing in these ways, children are not afraid of making mistakes, since everything can be easily corrected, and something new can easily be invented from a mistake, and the child gains self-confidence, overcomes the “fear of a blank sheet of paper” and begins to feel like a little artist. He develops an INTEREST, and at the same time a DESIRE to draw. You can draw with anything, anywhere and however you want! The variety of materials poses new challenges and forces us to come up with something all the time. And from these naive and uncomplicated children’s drawings, a recognizable object ultimately emerges - I. The unclouded joy of satisfaction that “I did this - all this is mine!”


Material: pencil, felt-tip pen, paper

Progress :

Just try to draw an object without lifting the pencil or felt-tip pen from the paper. This is where imagination works!

Or you can close your eyes and draw chaotically different continuous lines to the music, then see what happened, what it resembles and color it.


Material: thread No. 10, rope, gouache of different colors.


1st method

Impregnate one, two, three threads with paints. Lay the threads on a sheet of paper and cover with another sheet so that the ends of the threads are visible. Pull one thread, then another, then a third, and hold the top sheet with your hand. It turned out to be science fiction, space, maybe our mood? Try it, you will get so much joy!

2nd method

Fold the album sheet in half. Dip the thread into the paint, and then randomly lay it out on one side of the sheet, cover the other side on top and press it with your hand. Open, remove the thread, examine the resulting image. As necessary, add to the final result.

3rd method

Dip the rope into the paint, and then arrange it in a ring or in any other way on a sheet of paper. Cover the top with another sheet and press down with your palm. Open it, remove the rope and look at the resulting image, complete the drawing.

4th method

Wrap the rope around the cylinder. Make a criss-crossing pattern, first place the rope up and then down along the entire length of the cylinder. Absorb the paint onto the rope. Then press the cylinder against the bottom edge of the paper. Pressing tightly, you want it away from you. A rope pattern will appear on the sheet.


Material: paint, brush, paper


Fold a piece of paper in half. On one side, closer to the center, apply several bright colored spots with a brush. Now quickly fold the sheet along the same fold and iron it thoroughly with your palm. Open it and take a closer look: what happened? Fairytale flowers? Bug? No, this is a beautiful butterfly!


Material: old toothbrushes, gouache, paper, herbarium, silhouettes.


A little paint is collected on the tip of the brush. Tilt the brush over a sheet of paper and run the cardboard or comb over the pile. The splashes will scatter across the clean sheet. This is how you can depict the starry sky and fireworks. You can also cut out any silhouette and place it on a piece of paper and spray paint. Then remove the silhouette and you will be left with a trace; you can supplement it by painting on the missing lines with a brush.


Material: plexiglass, watercolor paints, foam sponge, soap, shampoo, cocktail straw, paper, pencil, brush.


1st method

We soap a foam sponge and squeeze the foam out of it into a plate. Draw an outline on a piece of paper with a pencil. We put clean plexiglass on the pencil drawing (you can use coloring). We will use soap foam to paint on the glass the drawing that lies under the glass. Take the foam with a brush and dip it into watercolor paint desired color. Stir until the foam turns to the color we want. We draw with colored foam on the glass and let it dry. We lightly moisten a clean sheet of paper with water and place the wet side on the glass, press it, then tear it off the glass. All is ready!

2nd method

Add shampoo to a jar of liquid paint and stir well. Place the straw in the jar and blow until bubbles rise to the top. Then lower the sheet of paper, then press lightly and lift it up. To work, you can use paper of different sizes and colors, you can put one soap pattern on another, paint on it, cut it out, make appliqués.


Material: Candle, paper, brush, paints.


1. Translation - place a drawn outline drawing under a thin landscape sheet. Trace the outline with a candle on top, then apply paint.

2. Friction - place some clearly defined relief pattern under thin paper, rub the top sheet of paper with a candle and apply paint.


Material: paint, plates, paper


Make a fist with your hand and press it into the paint. Move it from side to side so that the paint is well smeared on your hand. Place the side of your fist on a piece of paper and lift it up. Make several prints. The paint can also be applied with a brush. You can draw with the whole palm, thumb, tip of the little finger, bent finger, knuckle of the bent finger of the side of the little finger and palm, bent fingers into a fist, pads of the fingers.


Material: signets, paint paper, plates, sponge pad.


This technique allows you to repeatedly depict the same object, making different compositions from its prints, decorating invitation cards, postcards, napkins, scarves, etc. with them.

It’s easy to make the signets yourself: you need to take an eraser, draw the intended design on the end and cut off everything unnecessary. The “signet” is ready! You can use various paints, corks, sandboxes, etc. Now press the signet onto the pad of paint, and then onto a sheet of paper. The result is an even and clear print. Compose any composition!


Material: cocktail tube, paint brush, water.


1st method

Let's put a large blot (liquid paint) on a sheet of paper and carefully blow on the drop... It ran up, leaving a trail behind it. Let's turn the sheet and blow again. Or you can make another one, but in a different color. Let them meet. What happens, think for yourself.

2nd method

Use paint and a brush to create any design. Place drops on the lines you need and inflate them with a tube. The drawing is ready!


Material: wet wipe, container with water, paints, brushes, watercolor crayons.


1st method

Wet the paper and place it on a damp cloth (to prevent the paper from drying out). Take a watercolor chalk and draw whatever you want.

2nd method

If not watercolor pencils, you can paint with paints and a brush.


Material: paper, paints, brushes, plates.


1st method

Crumple a clean sheet of paper with your hands and smooth it out. Draw the intended drawing. This technique is interesting because in the places where the paper is folded, the paint becomes more intense and dark when painted - this is called the mosaic effect.

2nd method

Crumple up a piece of paper and dip it in wet paint, then apply the design with a dab. This method can be used for the background, or to complete the work - flowers, tree crown, snowdrifts, etc.


Material: Candle, black gouache, shampoo, pointed stick.


Let's apply a colored background with watercolors or take colored cardboard or plain white paper. The entire background will be completely rubbed with wax and paraffin. Pour black or colored gouache into the outlet, add a little shampoo and mix thoroughly. Then cover the paraffin sheet with this mixture. The "canvas" is ready.

Now let’s take a pointed stick and start scratching the design. Why not an engraving!


Material: thick paper, gouache, ink, container with water.


Dilute the gouache with water and use large, wide brush strokes to paint what you have in mind. The main thing is that the drawing turns out large. When the gouache has set, cover the entire sheet with black ink. And when it dries, place the sheet for “development” in a bath of water. The gouache will be washed off the paper, but the ink will remain. An interesting white outline of the design with different edges will appear on a black background. .


Material: A lead pencil with an eraser at the end, an old brush cut to 1 mm, a bristle brush, a felt-tip pen tube with inserted foam, white paper, coloring books, a plate, gouache.


Gouache is poured into plates. Then, using the manufactured “poke”, paint is applied to the image, first along the contour, then the internal image. The finished drawing imitates the “pointillism” drawing technique. Using a bristle dry brush, you can use a poke to paint animal fur, a clearing, or a tree crown. The variety of images depends on the chosen material for the poke.


Material: Dried leaves, silhouettes with pronounced relief, cotton wool, powder from planed leads of colored pencils.


Place a dried leaf, branch, flower, silhouette under thin paper, and rub pencil lead powder on top with a cotton or rag swab. Glue the image obtained on thin paper onto thick paper - you get a postcard. In this way you can create a plot composition or a decorative pattern.

Using the same method, you can rub the edges of the silhouette that are attached to a sheet of paper.


Material: Brushes of different sizes, gouache, watercolor, ink, paper


After dipping the brush into the paint, place its tail on a sheet of paper and lift up a droplet. If you apply such droplets in a circle, you get a flower. By dipping, you can draw leaves on trees, animals and other designs, you just have to use your imagination.


Material: Brush No. 10, 3, paper, paint, felt-tip pens, wax pencils, charcoal or other graphic materials


1st method

Using a wide brush, apply the stain randomly or in accordance with the intended image. When it dries, the missing details are additionally painted on either with paint or other visual materials. In this way you can draw animals, flowers, etc.

2nd method

Using a wax pencil, draw eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Then, using a wide brush, paint a yellow spot on top of the image - you get a cheerful bun. This is how you can depict trees, branches and a trunk wax pencils, and paint the crown. Imagine.


Material: box lid, balls, paint, paper, brushes, water.


Place a sheet of paper in the box and apply several multi-colored or plain drops of paint on it. Put it in a box

2-3 balls and shake the box so that the balls roll, mixing colors, creating a pattern.


Material: Dried leaves, branches, poppy boxes, moss, cones, spikelets, etc. Paper, low hollow forms with paint - gouache, tempera, brush.


The natural material is dipped into a mold with paint and applied to the paper, pressed lightly - an imprint remains. Depending on the image, the natural material for printing.

If you cover a dried leaf from a tree or bush with paint and print it on paper, you can get trees, flowers, the sun and other images. You can use poppy boxes to draw stars, dandelions, snowflakes, etc. Lichen and moss make beautiful clearings with grass, fluffy animals, tree crowns, etc.


Material: thick paper or cardboard, plasticine, pencil.


Draw an outline on a thick sheet of paper or cardboard with a pencil. Draw on it with warm plasticine. It turns out very expressive. The kids are absolutely delighted.

DRAWING WITH duct tape

Material: Colored tape, scissors, colored and white paper, coloring book, waterproof colored markers.


A linear drawing with a large image without small details is pre-selected. Then the image is filled in with small pieces of tape. At the end of the work everything small parts carried out with a marker.


Material: ink, paper, sponge, stroke


1st method

The work is performed on a horizontal surface. The sheet of paper is pre-wetted. Then either drops of mascara are applied, or, turning the tube of mascara over, draw lines, lightly pressing on it. The result is an interesting blurry image, which, after drying, is complemented by a clear linear pattern with details drawn with a gley pen, felt-tip pen or other visual material.

If you cover the entire sheet with blue ink and then apply dots with a white stroke, you will get a snowy evening sky.

2nd method

Strips of colored ink are applied across the width of a damp but well-wrung out sponge. The sponge is turned over with the paint down - “face” to the wet sheet of paper, and a continuous line is drawn - a rainbow, a field, waves, a bush, etc.

Various movements of the hand with a sponge leave various marks that can easily be turned into a butterfly, snail, or flower, complementing the drawing with characteristic strokes.


Material: Black paper, a set of gel pens, a simple pencil.


1st method

Monochrome technique. Apply a linear image on a black background with a white (silver) gel pen (note: it is necessary to show a sense of proportion). Castles, landscapes, and miniature paintings look expressive in this way. Preliminary sketches can be made in pencil. The mistake can be safely retouched with gouache or black ink, choosing the desired shade.

2nd method

Polychrome technique. Work in color on a black background gel pens, tint the image with white or silver gel. White tone will add freshness, brightness, silver imitates metallography. After drying, you need to make an underpainting (white, silver color) and apply required colors. In exceptional cases, for example when painting easter eggs, spinning wheels, let's say a colored background.

Work of this kind looks great when it is documented in a passport.


Material: White paper, starch paste, rag, trays, gouache, glue or oil paints, oil thinner (gasoline).


1st method

Dilute oil paint of 2-3 tones with oil thinner to the consistency of very thin sour cream. Each color is in a separate container, with a separate brush.

Pour into a bowl or tub cold water, spray diluted paint of the same color on it. Place a sheet of paper on the resulting stains (marble film) (hold the paper by the folded corner) and remove immediately.

On other sheets you can spray 2-3 paints of different colors at once. Dry the colored paper on newspaper and place it under a press. Paper painted in this way resembles marble stains.

2nd method

Take glue or gouache paints of 2-3 colors, cook a starch paste, pour it into a tray or plate, add paint to it and stir lightly. Obtained in the form of a paste or jelly, the colored mass is applied to the paper with a brush, then the excess is removed with a cloth, brush, comb or hard brush. The desired drawing can also be obtained by applying spruce branch or drawing all sorts of lines in different directions.


Material: Paints in tubes, transparent film or glass surface, sheet of paper, adhesive tape.


1st method

To get a drawing, you need to squeeze the paint from the tubes onto the film in thin strips, leaving wide margins apart from each other.

You can use more different colors.

Carefully apply the second layer of film to the image, pressing the edges. Use your fingertips to smooth out the paint. Place the painting against the window, smooth it out and watch how the light plays on the colors. Cover the perimeter with adhesive tape.

2nd method

Paint is applied to the glass and mirror in the same way as in the first method. Then they put paper on it and press it on top with another glass, or some other heavy object. This will allow the paint to spread across the sheet of paper at the same time. Then the load is removed and the paint on the paper is waited for to dry. After that, small details are completed with a brush or other visual materials.


Material: Toilet paper, landscape paper, trays, paint, brushes.


Pour the paint into the trays, dilute with water.

Prepare toilet paper in 6-4-2 squares, about 18 strips.

To make flowers fold strips of 4-6 squares in half and in half again. Roll them into tubes. Wet the paper in paint. Then quickly dip it in a bowl of warm water and leave to dry for a few seconds. Roll the paper into a ring on a stack of newspapers, press on top of it so that the paint and water drip off.

To make leaves bend strips of paper from 2 squares in half and roll into a tube. Also dye and press like flowers.

Place the flowers and leaves on a plate, cover with tracing paper and dry in the oven for 10 minutes.

The finished flowers are placed and glued onto paper. You can add a vase, branch or other details as you wish.

Information prepared by: art teacher, L.V. Ovsyankina

The material on the page will be constantly updated!

We all know that babies learn about the world through sensations. Such a colored panel will captivate a child and cause delight at the transformations that occur from touching with one’s own hands!
- paints
- white cardboard or canvas on cardboard
- film

Drawing in unconventional ways is very exciting for children. This is unusual, interesting and opens up a whole field for experimentation. In addition, classes using non-traditional drawing techniques help relieve children's fears, develop fine motor skills, strengthen confidence in their own abilities, develop spatial and creative thinking, which encourages children to freely express their ideas, seek creative ways his decisions. Children learn to work with materials of various textures and volumes, have the opportunity to fantasize and show independence.
Below are simple techniques that are accessible and interesting to children of preschool and primary school age.

The game "Icon" or "drawing" is almost like Pablo Picasso.

Technique "Pointillism"
(French Pointillisme, literally “point”, French point - point) is the direction in fine arts, the ancestor of which is considered to be the French neo-impressionist artist Georges Seurat. Seurat painted paintings using tiny multi-colored dots instead of the usual brushstrokes and solid painted areas. He sought various shades, placing dots of pure colors close to each other. The most famous picture Seurat is called "Sunday Walk on the Island of La Grande Jatte."
Usually, when children are asked to draw a picture using the pointillism technique, instead of a brush they use cotton swab. We would like to invite you to try drawing with melted wax pencils.

"Scratch" technique

A colored background is applied to a sheet of paper. When the paint dries, the sheet should be rubbed with wax or a candle. Pour mascara into shampoo or liquid soap. Cover the entire sheet with this mixture. After the sheet has dried, you need to scratch the design with a pointed stick. It could be space, trees, a vase of flowers, in general, anything that your imagination suggests.

"Foam Oron" technique

Add shampoo or soap to the water, squeeze out a sponge in it to form a thick foam, collect the foam on the glass with a sponge, add paint, and put a sheet of paper on top. Smooth it out and lift it up. The background is ready. Approximate theme: “Visiting the Little Mermaid”, “The Magic of Nature”, “Where it’s cold or hot”.

Photocopy technique

(Drawing with wax pencils, grease pastels, candles.)
A drawing is applied to the paper with a candle and wax crayons. Then the entire sheet is filled with watercolors.

Technique "Draw with palm and fingers"

Instead of brushes - palms and fingers. Dip your hand into the paint, let it drip, and place your palm on a sheet of paper. Using your finger, draw dots and stripes on the resulting imprint - on each finger - a pattern of a different color. To create a miniature design, it is convenient to use a thin brush. The field for imagination is limitless!

Technique "Diatypia and monotypia"

Diatypia - using a cloth swab, apply a light layer of paint to the smooth surface of the cardboard. Place a sheet of paper on top and draw something with a pencil or just a stick. On the side that was pressed to the cardboard, an impression is obtained.

Monotype - drip paints of different colors onto one side of the sheet. Fold the sheet in half, smooth it out with your hand, and unfold it. Approximate theme: “Frog”, “Flower”, “Like birch trees look in a mirror”, “In the land of wonderful butterflies”.

Technique "Mosaic painting"

Apply to paper with a simple pencil an image of some object. Divide the drawing into parts. Fill in individual parts of the drawing with colored pencils, felt-tip pens or paints, select matching and beautifully harmonizing colors; think about the background color.

Technique "Plasticine painting"

Make a pencil sketch on thick cardboard future painting. Objects are “painted over” with plasticine - smeared in small pieces.

"Spray" technique

Place a little paint on the end of a toothbrush or brush, tilt the brush over the sheet and
run the stick through the pile. The splashes will scatter across the sheet. Spraying can be used as an additional effect of an already created image, or by applying a specific silhouette cut out of paper. Stepwise spraying, as shown below, gives an interesting volume effect.

Technique "Printing with autumn leaves"

Fallen Maple Leaf, for example, cover with gouache paints using soft brush movements and place on a prepared sheet of paper, painted side down. Place the paper on top and press with your hand.

Technique "Drawing with crumpled paper"

Crumple a thin sheet of paper and dip it in paint, and then place the lump on a thick paper sheet in a certain place - where you want to depict the lace of clouds, the lush crown of an autumn tree or fireworks, it all depends solely on your idea.

"Crystal texture" technique

Threads 25 cm long are dyed in different colors. Arrange in any way on a sheet of paper. Bring the ends of the threads out. Place another sheet of paper on top and smooth it with your palm. Pull out all the threads one by one and remove the top sheet.

Technique "Drawing through wet gauze"

Moistened gauze is placed on a sheet of paper and a drawing is applied to it in gouache. When the paint dries a little, remove the gauze. Details are completed with a thin brush (images of furry animals, picturesque landscapes, etc.)

Seminar in kindergarten (preschool educational institution)

Workshop for teachers
"Introduction to non-traditional drawing techniques
and their role in the development of preschool children"

Completed by: circle leader
« Magic world colors" Chulkova T.I.
MDOU "Kindergarten "Ivushka" Uvarovo

Form: workshop.

Target: To reveal the importance of non-traditional art activities in working with preschoolers for the development of imagination, creative thinking and creative activity. Show relevance group work in kindergarten. To familiarize teachers with the variety of non-standard coloring techniques.

The motto of my work: “For the child, together with the child, based on the child’s capabilities.”

Preparatory stage:

  1. Organize an exhibition of children's drawings in various techniques drawing.
  2. Lay out materials that are used in non-traditional drawing.
  3. Quotes. “The more skill in a child’s hand, the smarter the child.”

“Childhood is an important period human life, not preparing for future life, but a real, bright, original, unique life. And how his childhood passed, who led the child by the hand during his childhood years, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - this decisively determines what kind of person today’s child will become.” (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)


Formation creative personality- one of the important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice in modern stage. Its development begins more effectively with preschool age. As V. A. Sukhomlinsky said: “The origins of children’s abilities and talents are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest threads-rivulets, which are fed by the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child’s hand, the smarter the child.” As many teachers say, all children are talented. Therefore, it is necessary to notice and feel these talents in time and try to give children the opportunity to demonstrate them in practice, in real life, as early as possible. Developing artistic and creative abilities with the help of adults, the child creates new works (drawing, application). Every time he comes up with something unique, he experiments with ways to create an object. Preschooler in his aesthetic development goes from an elementary visual and sensory impression to the creation of an original image (compositions) adequate pictorially - expressive means. Thus, it is necessary to create a basis for his creativity. The more a child sees, hears, experiences, the more significant and productive the activity of his imagination will become.

Working with preschool children for several years, I paid attention to the results of diagnostic tests for visual arts. Children show good results according to the following criteria:

  • Ability to hatch and draw various lines with colored pencils;
  • Ability to apply paint strokes with a narrow and wide brush;
  • The ability to recognize, name primary colors, shades of paint and mix them;
  • Ability to correctly use brushes, glue and plasticine in work;
  • Ability to use stencils and prints when working;
  • Ability to clean up after oneself.
  • At the same time, the children’s low abilities also appeared:
  • Uncertainty and constraint in actions and responses in class;
  • Passivity in the independent selection of visual materials and the location of the image on the sheet;
  • Confusion when using non-standard coloring methods;
  • Ability to experiment with visual materials;
  • Waiting for a clear explanation by the teacher of a familiar way of drawing;
  • Manifestation of imagination, artistic creativity;
  • The ability to convey a personal attitude towards the object of the image;

Summing up, I understood that children lack self-confidence, imagination, and independence. To solve this problem, I began to study in depth methodological literature. For myself, I clearly identified the criteria for guidance on visual activities, such as: knowledge of the characteristics of children’s creative development, their specificity, the ability to subtly, tactfully, support the child’s initiative and independence, and facilitate the acquisition of necessary skills.

I became especially interested in unconventional methods of drawing, with the help of which it is possible to develop children’s intelligence, teach them to think outside the box and intensify creative activity. According to psychologist Olga Novikova, “Drawing for a child is not art, but speech. Drawing makes it possible to express what, due to age restrictions, he cannot express in words. In the process of drawing, the rational goes into the background, prohibitions and restrictions recede. At this moment The child is absolutely free."

Unconventional painting techniques demonstrate unusual combinations of materials and tools. Undoubtedly, the advantage of such techniques is the versatility of their use. The technology for their implementation is interesting and accessible to both adults and children.

That is why non-traditional methods are very attractive for children, as they open up great opportunities for expressing their own fantasies, desires and self-expression in general.

In practice, these tasks are realized by me through the classes of the “Magic World of Colors” club. As part of circle activities, children have unlimited opportunities to express their thoughts, feelings, experiences, and moods in drawings. The use of various techniques contributes to the development of the ability to see images in combinations of color spots and lines and shape them into recognizable images. The club’s activities are not in the form of “study and teaching.” Children master artistic techniques And interesting means knowledge of the surrounding world through unobtrusive involvement in the drawing process. The activity turns into a creative one creative process teacher and children with the help of a variety of visual material, which goes through the same stages as the artist’s creative process. These activities play the role of a source of fantasy, creativity, and independence.

Theoretical stage.

Unconventional drawing techniques.

Finger painting

Means of expression: spot, dot, short line, color.

Materials: bowls with gouache, thick paper of any color, small sheets, napkins.

Method of obtaining an image: the child dips his finger in the gouache and puts dots and specks on the paper. Each finger is painted with a different color. After work, wipe your fingers with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off.

Palm drawing

(whole brush) (from 5 years old)

Rolling paper

Means of expression: texture, volume.

Materials: napkins or colored double-sided paper, PVA glue poured into a saucer, thick paper or colored cardboard for the base.

Method of obtaining an image: the child crumples the paper in his hands until it becomes soft. Then he rolls it into a ball. Its sizes can vary: from small (berry) to big (cloud, com for snowman). After this, the paper ball is dipped in glue and glued to the base.

Foam rubber impression

Imprint with crumpled paper

Means of expression: stain, texture, color.

Wax crayons + watercolor

Candle + watercolor

Means of expression: color, line, spot, texture.

Subject monotype


(5x5 cm).

Leaf prints

(preferably fallen ones), brushes.

Conducting a series of classes using a variety of techniques to identify children’s abilities over the course of time, it is clear that children have the ability to work with paints using non-traditional techniques. In children with poorly developed artistic and creative abilities, the indicators are slightly higher than at the beginning school year, but through the use of non-traditional materials, the level of passion for the topic and technique and the ability to perceive color have improved.

Practical stage.

“Instead of a brush, a hand”

All children love to draw. Creativity for them is a reflection of mental work. Feelings, mind, eyes and hands are the instruments of the soul. Faced with the beauty and harmony of the world, having experienced a feeling of delight and admiration, they feel the desire to “stop a beautiful moment”, displaying their attitude to reality on a piece of paper.

Creativity cannot exist under pressure and violence. It should be free, bright and unique. Without parting with pencils, felt-tip pens, and paints, the child quietly learns to observe, compare, think, and fantasize.

For a child, the marks left by pencils, felt-tip pens, ballpoint pens and brushes are familiar and familiar, but the use of fingers and palms to draw stamps and stencils remains surprising.

Non-standard approaches to organizing visual activities surprise and delight children, thereby arousing the desire to engage in such an interesting activity. Original drawing Reveals the child’s creative potential, allows you to feel the colors, their character and mood. And it’s not scary at all if your little artist gets dirty, the main thing is that he enjoys interacting with paints and rejoices at the results of his work.

(for wiping hands).

Operating procedure:

“We print leaves on paper”

Required materials and tools:

Gouache, watercolor, brush, pencil, paper, colored ink or ink; a piece of foam rubber; and also: leaves different trees, colors;

Operating procedure:

Let's collect various fallen leaves and smear each leaf with gouache from the vein side. The paper on which we will print may be colored. Press the painted side of the sheet onto the paper. Carefully remove it, taking it by the petiole. By smearing the sheet again and applying it to the paper, we get another imprint, etc. If we apply the lower tip of the sheet to the previous imprint, a flower will come out; you just need to finish painting the stem with a brush. Symmetrical application of the leaf on one side and the other, finishing the body - and the butterfly is ready. Having looked closely at the print of the sheet, you can see the most unexpected image in it and translate it on paper, completing the details. And the combination of this technique and the “raw” technique gives room for imagination when tinting the sheet. For example, when drawing a meadow, the background will be grass. We take a leaf, wet it with a sponge, then pour in the paint of the desired shades and immediately print the leaves.

This performance technique is good for its variety of techniques. If the sheet is smeared with paint in a tone higher than the background, the print will be more expressive. Applying a clean leaf gives smooth, soft outlines.

Drawing technique blotography

Drawing method: On a dry background, you can apply a drop of tinted background below dark paint (black, brown or green). Blow from the tube onto the drop, as if pushing it forward. To get small branches, you need to swing the tube from side to side while blowing. You can add some elements with a brush or decorate them with appliqué made from natural materials.

Complexity of the technique: Carry out the drawing procedure in stages, as well as individually or in subgroups. Uncertain children will need help. Monitor child safety measures when working. Since work is difficult for many children, dynamic breaks are necessary.

Approximate topics for using technology: “Grass in a clearing”, “ Autumn landscape"", "Sunset", "Bottom of the Ocean", "Aquarium", "Kitten with Threads", etc.

Drawing technique using a stencil

Drawing method: Make a stencil: bend a sheet of paper in half, trim 1 cm along the edges, and on the fold draw half of a vase and a bouquet of elements of flowers and various greenery. Carefully cut everything out. On Blank sheet paper, apply a stencil. Dip the sponge into the paint, then press it onto the paper, making a “pricking” motion. Dip the sponge into a different color of paint and continue printing. Using the required colors, apply paint to all areas of the design. If desired, you can draw the details of the picture with a brush or felt-tip pen.

Showing children's works using the drawing method in question.

Approximate themes for using technology: “Autumn”, “Aquarium”, “Favorite animals”, “Postcard to mom”, “My toys”, “Fantasies”, “Road”, “Bouquet of flowers”, etc.

Techniques for drawing with wax crayons and a candle.

The invisible figure can be depicted with white wax crayon or a candle.

Difficulty of technique: It is imperative to interest and motivate small child reveal an invisible pattern. At the first stage, it is necessary to involve an adult child in the work so that he does not lose interest in completing the task with invisible materials. Uncertain children will need help.

Showing children's works using the drawing method in question.

Approximate topics for using technology: “Who’s there?”, “Wizards”.

We can confidently say that a variety of techniques contributes to the expressiveness of images in children's works. My work experience has shown that mastering image techniques brings true joy to children if it is built taking into account the specifics of the activity and age of the children. They happily cover one sheet of paper after another with spots, strokes, and strokes, depicting either autumn leaves swirling in the air or snowflakes smoothly falling to the ground. Children boldly take on art materials, they are not afraid of diversity and the prospect of independent choice. They take great pleasure in the process of doing it. Children are ready to repeat this or that action many times. And the better the movement turns out, the more pleasure they repeat it, as if demonstrating their success, and rejoice, attracting the attention of an adult.

The final stage.

  1. Initiation of educators into artists who paint in non-traditional techniques. (presentation of a comic certificate)
  2. Memos to all seminar participants.

Options for non-traditional drawing techniques with three-year-old children.

“Instead of a brush, a hand”

Required materials and tools:

Tinted or white paper, gouache paints, brushes, rags (for wiping hands).

Operating procedure:

If you smear your palm with paint, it will leave an interesting imprint on the paper, in which you can see various amazing images. Our palms can turn into the sun. Open your palm and spread your straightened fingers to the sides. Now put your fingers together. This is how the fence turned out! And if you move your thumb slightly to the side and spread the rest, your hand will turn into a cute hedgehog. All that remains is to finish drawing the fungus, which caring dad drags him into the hole, and don’t forget about the animal’s paws, eyes and nose. And the butterfly will fly, and the flower will delight with its petals, and the elephant, and the fish, and much more can be imagined together by the child.

“Typing with fingers”

Required materials and tools:

Drawing paper, palette, watercolor paints, hand rag, brush, black pencil, newspaper.

Operating procedure:

"Rainbow Fish" Dip the pad of your thumb into paint of different colors prepared on the palette. Let's make a print. Use the tip of your finger to draw a ponytail. We print the eye with the blunt end of a pencil, dipping it into black paint.

"Flower". We print the petals with our index finger and the middle with our little finger.

The technique of drawing with the palm and fingers is very similar to the technique of working with a stamp.

It can also be used when working with children, but only the simplest exercises are simple - printing a specific figure for imprinting on the surface of a sheet.

Non-traditional drawing techniques for middle school children

Foam rubber impression

Means of expression: stain, texture, color.

Materials: a bowl or plastic box containing a stamp pad made of thin foam rubber impregnated with gouache, thick paper of any color and size, pieces of foam rubber.

Method of obtaining an image: the child presses the foam rubber onto a stamp pad with paint and makes an impression on the paper. To change the color, use another bowl and foam rubber.

Imprint with crumpled paper

Means of expression: stain, texture, color.

Materials: saucer or plastic box containing a stamp pad made of thin foam rubber impregnated with gouache, thick paper of any color and size, crumpled paper.

Method of obtaining an image: a child presses crumpled paper onto a stamp pad with paint and makes an impression on the paper. To get a different color, both the saucer and the crumpled paper are changed.

Palm drawing

Means of expression: spot, color, fantastic silhouette.

Materials: wide saucers with gouache, brush, thick paper of any color, large format sheets, napkins.

Method of obtaining an image: the child dips his palm into the gouache (whole brush) or paint it with a brush (from 5 years old) and makes an imprint on paper. They draw with both the right and left hands, painted in different colors. After work, wipe your hands with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off.

Non-traditional drawing techniques with older children

Foam rubber impression

Means of expression: stain, texture, color.

Materials: a bowl or plastic box containing a stamp pad made of thin foam rubber impregnated with gouache, thick paper of any color and size, pieces of foam rubber.

Method of obtaining an image: the child presses the foam rubber onto a stamp pad with paint and makes an impression on the paper. To change the color, use another bowl and foam rubber.

Imprint with crumpled paper

Means of expression: stain, texture, color.

Materials: saucer or plastic box containing a stamp pad made of thin foam rubber impregnated with gouache, thick paper of any color and size, crumpled paper.

Method of obtaining an image: a child presses crumpled paper onto a stamp pad with paint and makes an impression on the paper. To get a different color, both the saucer and the crumpled paper are changed.

Wax crayons + watercolor

Means of expression: color, line, spot, texture.

Materials: wax crayons, thick white paper, watercolor, brushes.

Method of obtaining an image: the child draws with wax crayons on white paper. Then he paints the sheet with watercolors in one or more colors. The chalk drawing remains unpainted.

Leaf prints

Means of expression: texture, color.

Materials: paper, gouache, leaves of various trees (preferably fallen ones), brushes.

Method of obtaining an image: the child covers a piece of wood with paints of different colors, then applies it with the painted side to the paper to make a print. Each time a new leaf is taken. The petioles of the leaves can be painted on with a brush.

Non-traditional drawing techniques for children in the preparatory group

Candle + watercolor

Means of expression: color, line, spot, texture.

Materials: candle, thick paper, watercolor, brushes.

Method of obtaining an image: a child draws on paper with a candle. Then he paints the sheet with watercolors in one or more colors. The candle pattern remains white.

Subject monotype

Means of expression: spot, color, symmetry.

Materials: thick paper of any color, brushes, gouache or watercolor.

Method of obtaining an image: the child folds a sheet of paper in half and on one half of it draws half of the depicted object (items are chosen symmetrical). After painting each part of the object while the paint is still wet, the sheet is folded in half again to make a print. The image can then be decorated by also folding the sheet after drawing several decorations.


Means of expression: point, texture.

Materials: paper, gouache, hard brush, piece of thick cardboard or plastic (5x5 cm).

Method of obtaining an image: the child picks up paint on a brush and hits the brush on the cardboard, which he holds above the paper. Then he paints the sheet with watercolors in one or more colors. Paint splashes onto the paper.

Poking with a hard semi-dry brush

Means of expression: texture of color, color.

Materials: hard brush, gouache, paper of any color and format, or a cut out silhouette of a furry or prickly animal.

Method of obtaining an image: the child dips a brush into the gouache and hits the paper with it, holding it vertically. When working, the brush does not fall into the water. In this way, the entire sheet, outline or template is filled. The result is an imitation of the texture of a fluffy or prickly surface.

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